• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,455 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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47. Great and Powerful Downfall

Author's Note:

Time for best pony XD.

Also, the Legend of Friendship is now one year old!
Thanks for everyone who showed interest in this story so far!
Give yourself a pat on the shoulder for sticking through this thing that I like to call a story.

If you are somehow interested in how the OC's in this story look like (At least at the best that I can present them...) then go over to my Deviantart site(DanieruLOF).
So far, every OC from Season 1 is up there(Yeah all four of them...) but I will add more as the story progresses.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
If you did, please leave some kind of review to show your support.
I would be happy to hear from you ^^.

Hope to see you all in the next chapter ^^.

In the little town of Appleloosa...

It was beginning to get dark in Equestria and most ponies already went home.
But some ponies were still outside, waiting for some kind of show to start soon.

"Did you hear the news?" One stallion said to his companion next to him in excitement.

There is some magician in town, who performs some magic tricks later this day," the other stallion replied.

"I heard it is some great and powerful Unicorn.
We have to see that!" The other pony replied before they both excitingly went to the town square.

Both of them increased their walking speed a little, worried that the show would start before they would arrive near the town center.

One pony was standing next to them as they talked about the show and couldn't help but to overhear their conversation, getting a little curious in the process.

"A powerful Unicorn?” The pony mumbled to himself.

It was a pony wearing a gray hood which was covering most of his body and his face.
He followed the two ponies with his eyes and began to play with the thought to walk after them.
His curiosity eventually got the better of him and he followed the two ponies, leading him to the town's square.

“I doubt that it is the Unicorn that I am looking for but it can't hurt to take a look,” he thought to himself as he approached a crowd of ponies standing in the middle of the road.

When he arrived, there was already a crowd of ponies waiting in front of a wagon, awaiting whatever was about to happen.
The hooded pony tried to not stand out too much, which was easy since there were so many ponies.

Eventually, the show started.
Colorful lights came out of the wagon and a female voice announced the beginning of the show.

"Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

A unicorn with a blue coat, a silver-blueish colored mane and a blue wizard cape and hat revealed herself in front of everypony with a confident smile on her face.
The crowd let out impressed "Uhh!'s" and "Ahh's" as they watched the colorful entrance of the Great and Powerful Trixie.

"Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!” She said, accompanied by flashy lights and fireworks that came out of her wagon, underlining her words even more.

The crowd seemed impressed by the great and powerful Trixie's entrance and gasped in excitement.

“Heh, somepony sure has some lively confidence,” the hooded pony said to himself amused.
“...but she is not the pony I was looking for...
Was to be expected...
But while I'm here, I still could watch some of her magic as well,” he added almost excited as he focused his eyes on Trixie.

However, before the show could truly begin, somepony in the crowd interrupted Trixie before she even could perform a single trick.

"Hey, I know you!" A pony shouted from the crowd.

It was a stallion with a yellow coat and an orange mane, wearing a leather vest and stetson on his head and an apple as a Cutie Mark.

Trixie wasn't bothered.
In fact, she was expecting to hear something like that.

Everypony knows about the awesome magic of the great and powerful Trixie," Trixie replied not showing any surprise.

My cousin from Ponyville told me about you!" The stallion added.

For some reason, that, however, made Trixie widen her eyes in shock.

"Ponyville?" The hooded pony mumbled to himself confused.

In an attempt to remain professional, Trixie tried to change the subject by claiming that her journeys might have brought her to a place like that.
However, the stallion continued his explanation.

"Showed up bragging to have vanquished an Ursa Mayor but ran away when an actual one showed up like a coward!" He further explained.

The anger in Trixie was rising really fast because of the interruptions.
The stallion further explained what supposedly happened in Ponyville and kept the eyes of the crowd away from Trixie.
Soon the whole crowd was now talking loud enough so that Trixie couldn't even get them to listen to her.
Words like: “maybe she isn't that powerful” or “she didn't look that great, to begin with...” started to appear more often in the crowd, causing the great and powerful Trixie to get a little angry.

“So what?
I told a little story that might happen a little different from what actually happened...
But only to let everypony know how much superior Trixie is in compassion to everypony else!”

Most of the ponies raised their eyebrows after that statement.
They quickly felt insulted by those words and even showed signs of anger.

“Better in what?” Some pony in the crowd asked.

“In everything of course!” The great Trixie replied in confidence.

The crowd began to get more and more annoyed by Trixie's “performance”.

“What are you talking about?
There is nopony who is better than everypony else in everything!” Another angry pony in the crowd exclaimed.

“Well, if you are so sure about that then how about you try to challenge the great Trixie?” Trixie suggested with her eyes sparkling in confidence and a mischievous smile on her face.

However, instead of biting into Trixie's obvious provocation, slowly everypony walked away annoyed by her.
Trixie noticed how the crowd was getting smaller by the second and she was now showing some worries.
But the crowd left the place almost empty.
Being the proud pony she is, she quickly disguised her worries in some more fake confidence.

"Since you refuse to pay attention, the great and powerful Trixie will not bother to entertain you with her magnificent magic!" She angrily exclaimed before she lowered her head in frustration and a little sadness.

The place was empty...
Trixie's audience was gone and the show couldn't even start.
Trixie began to feel sad and stood there in sadness...
Until one pony coughed up to get her attention again.

It was then when Trixie realized that there was still one pony left in the audience, looking at her.
At least that's what she thought because his face was mostly covered by a gray hood.

“I would like to see your show...” the hooded pony said putting his hoof in front of his mouth and coughing a little more so that Trixie would her him.
“I'm really interested in magic,” he added further forming a wide grin, that could be seen even though most of his face was covered by his hood.

Trixie's reaction was mostly surprised but it slowly turned into anger.
The hooded pony was not sure why that was the case and could only return a confused expression.
Eventually, Trixie almost exploded in anger and shouted at him.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need any pity from anypony!”

She then turned around with her head raised in the air and proudly walked away as if everything was fine again, leaving the hooded pony all alone.

“But I wasn't...” he tried to say after her but he knew that she couldn't hear him.

Trixie was behind her wagon and put away most of her stuff that she was about to use for her performance.
She was most likely trying to leave town as soon as possible so that she wouldn't have t spent any more time with those ponies.

"Everywhere Trixie goes it's the same.
Thanks to Twilight Sparkle, nopony in Equestria takes Trixie serious anymore!” She said as she continued to put stuff away in a nearby chest.

It was then, when she almost lowered herself into the chest in sadness, not showing any happiness anymore and releasing a huge sigh.

“Twilight?” A familiar voice said behind her.

Trixie jumped after hearing that voice and almost fell inside of her chest out of surprise that somepony was behind her.
It was the hooded pony that was standing in the crowd before.
She hectically turned around to face the pony from which the voice came from and tried to act as her usual proud self without him noticing.

The hooded pony either didn't notice or simply didn't care and showed little reaction to Trixie's nervous reaction.

“What do you want!?” She exclaimed at him, making him stagger a little just by hearing her voice screaming at him.

“I'm sorry!
I didn't mean to scare you,” he quickly apologized nervously.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is never scared of anything!” She replied insulted.

The hooded pony was about to refer to that Ursa Mayor story where she supposedly ran away but he quickly figured that that would not make the situation any better.
Instead, he wondered about what she said before.

“What did you mean with it was all Twilight's fault?” He then asked.

Are you a friend of Twilight!?” Trixie asked annoyed.

I don't know...
Not exactly...” he replied slightly unsure himself.

Just hearing that made Trixie almost explode again.
She didn't know why she bothered but she felt like she needed to get some anger out by talking about Twilight and how angry it made her just thinking about her.

“If it wasn't for her and her friends in Ponyville, Trixie wouldn't be a laughing stock in all of Equestria!” She explained.

“What did she do?” The hooded pony asked.

To that Trixie had to think about for a moment.
She was too proud to tell him that she lied about that Ursa Mayor story, even though he most likely knew about it from before.
She was also well aware that she was doing that to get everyponies attention.
But there was no way that she could bring herself to tell him that.

"If you talk to the great Trixie, the least you could do is show her your face," Trixie demanded while also attempting to change the subject.

The hooded pony was surprised to hear that at first but he realized that most of his face was still hidden under his hood.

"Yeah. You're right.
Sorry, I haven't talked to anypony for a long time so I kinda forgot," he said before lifting his hood.

He revealed his dark orange coat, his dark red mane that stood right up, his purple eyes and a horn.

"My name is Summershine.
Nice to meet you," he introduced himself with a bright smile on his face.

Trixie was surprised to see such an expression from this pony that was mostly covered by a gray hood.
However, Summershine didn't mind her surprise and kept on smiling like that without saying anything for a while.

“Why are you keep smiling like that?
It's kinda creepy...” Trixie said as she raised an eyebrow.

“Really?” He replied confused.
“A friend once told me that the best way to cheer somepony up, is to smile at them so that they could smile back,” he added cheerfully.

“Trixie doesn't need to be cheered up!” She replied annoyed.

Summershine was completely oblivious that Trixie was not in the mood to talk.
But that was to be expected.
Summershine didn't talk to anypony for a while and had to get used to conversations again.
But that didn't stop him from saying more unfitting stuff.

“You sure?
You looked pretty upset back there...” he added.

Trixie started to get sick talking with Summershine and started to growl in anger, trying to make him understand that she wasn't interested in talking with him.

“Are you angry?” Summershine asked, still oblivious to Trixie's anger.

Trixie is angry!” She shouted back at him.

“Well, then you are not sad anymore, right?” Summershine replied, still smiling widely.

For a moment, Trixie was at a loss for words.
She might be even angrier than before but her sadness was gone.
If that was good or bad, however, was not sure.

After realizing that, Trixie decided to calm down.
Fortunately for her, Summershine wasn't saying anything till that and stood there.
If this was all intended for him was still debatable...

There was an awkward silence between the two of them.
Trixie continued to put away her stuff and behind her stood Summershine who looked at her with his wide smile which slowly started to creep out Trixie.

“Is there something you want?” Trixie asked in relatively normal tone, despite how the conversation went so far.

“You're a performer, right?” Summershine asked, kinda avoiding Trixie's question.

“How could you tell?” She replied sarcastically since it was pretty obvious.

“I'm guessing your show didn't go so well in Ponyville,” he figured, making Trixie narrow her eyes in anger once more.
But she calmed down again quickly and didn't bother anymore.

“I was just telling the residents of Ponyville a little story and they all took it a little too serious.
And now thanks to them everypony makes fun of me!" She said in an angry tone in her voice.

“I can't imagine that, to be honest.
The citizens of Ponyville were all really friendly when I used to live there.
Maybe your Ursa Mayor story confused them a little.
I mean if you told them that you vanquished an Ursa Minor, in order to impress them, then that might would have worked,” he said amused, laughing a little just by the thought that somepony was able to go up an Ursa Mayor.

“Thanks for the advice...” Trixie replied not amused by Summershine's words.

"Still, It's sad to hear...
Can't believe everypony there was so mean to you," Summershine replied while making a light frown.

But Trixie calmed down after thinking about this words and smiled a little as she thought back how Star Twinkle repaired her wagon after the Ursa Minor that rampaged in Ponyville destroyed it.
It made her feel happy again.

"Well, not every pony...” she replied a little happily.
There was one pony who treated Trixie good," she replied with a little smile.

"Oh, that's good to hear," Summershine replied relieved.

"Someday Trixie will repay Star Twinkle's kindness...” She whispered to herself happily.

"Star Twinkle?" Summershine said in surprise, overhearing Trixie's words, even though she thought that he didn't hear her.

But Summershine's attention was now fully pulled.
Trixie was surprised by his reaction and was wondering what caused it

“How is he?
I haven't seen him for a while,” he asked right away after his name felt.

Trixie stopped a moment from putting away her stuff and turned around out of curiosity.

"You know him?" Trixie asked.

"Know him?" Summershine replied confused.
"We are best friends!" he added while putting on a wide grin.

But he realized how Trixie was staring at him because of his joyful reaction.

"He he...sorry.
I just got carried away a little," Summershine apologized.

But Trixie didn't seem to bother.
In fact, she looked more interested than ever.

"I was actually hoping that you could tell me something about him.
I don't know much about him in the first place," Trixie explained.

Now that they had some common ground, Trixie felt a little more assertive to speak with Summershine.

"Well, where do I start?” Summershine replied, thinking a moment before he would go into more detail.
“First of all, he is really friendly and cheerful.
But you should have already figured that out," Summershine explained.

Trixie was looking at him confused.
Those were not the exact words with whom she would describe him.
But she continued to listen.

"Sometimes he can be a little troublesome, maybe even clingy.
But only because he likes company.
If there is one thing he hates the most, then it's being alone," he further explained.

Trixie was starting to have doubts if Summershine was telling the truth.
She didn't exactly know Star Twinkle but what she remembered so far, is that Star Twinkle acted a little more distant or almost disinterested towards her.
He can be kind and helpful if he wanted to, judging from him repairing her wagon but her memory of him was a little bit off from what Summershine explained so far.

"We are talking about the same pony right?" Trixie asked confused.

"Light green coat, dark green star- shaped mane, lives in a small wooden house?" Summershine replied.

This description on the other hoof, was on point, making Trixie realize that she might don't know anything about Star Twinkle at all.

“If you are his best friend then you should visit him yourself if you want to know how he is right now...” Trixie asked.

Summershine's facial expression then changed to a more serious face.
In fact, it was the first time that he looked serious.
He was hesitating at first but he then answered Trixie's question.

"I can't go back yet..." he said in a serious tone.

"Why not?" Asked Trixie curiously.

Again, Summershine took a moment to answer.

"I...have to take care of some things..." Summershine replied while looking at the ground sadly.
I'm also looking for somepony..." he explained.

"Who?" Trixie asked out of curiosity.

Summershine looked at her as if he wanted to find out if it's safe to tell her.
But he came to the conclusion that it would be a bad idea to tell her.

"A Unicorn...
Sorry...It's probably better if you don't know...
It's something personal..." he explained while looking away from her.

Trixie noticed Summershine's sudden mood change.
He was completely different now.
It was almost shocking how this cheerful pony was now looking so depressed.
So Trixie decided to change the subject.

“I think I am almost done packing...
Looks like I can leave this town already...” she said, reminding herself that the ponies in this town are not to found of her.

Summershine advised that she shouldn't leave at night since it could be dangerous for only one pony.
While Trixie didn't like to hear that, she sorta understood what he meant and agreed to stay until the next day.

“I still need some rocks...” she said as she looked at the wheels from her wagon.
Go and find some rocks for Trixie's wagon!” She ordered Summershine.

You mean so that your wagon would not roll away?” He quickly figured.

Trixie then spotted a rock nearby and pointed into its direction, ordering him to get it for her.
Summershine didn't mind and walked up to it, preparing his horn to levitate it to Trixie's wagon.

A blue light was coming from his horn which slowly engulfed the rock as well.
But Summershine seemed to have some trouble to lift it up from the ground.
Trixie watched how much Summershine struggled to move a tiny rock like that.
It was about half the size of Summershine's head, yet he still had problems lifting it up in the air.

This is difficult...” he thought as he closed his eyes in concentration.

Trixie was slowly walking up to him when she figured that it was hopeless for him.
However, Summershine didn't give up.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
Once again, his horn was glowing in a blue light which surrounded the rock as well.
His hood was beginning to shake due to the amount of magic he was using, causing the ground to shake a little, much to Trixie's surprise.

Suddenly, the rock was flying above the ground.
However, it was a little long and bigger than expected.
Some parts of the rock were buried in the ground.
In fact, that “rock” was only the tip of a boulder, that Summershine pulled out of the ground.
This boulder was easily twice as big as Trixie's wagon.
Summershine then easily lifted the boulder in front of Trixie's wagon, preventing it from rolling away in the middle of the night, causing the ground to shake when he landed it in front of it.

“That should prevent your wagon to move an inch,” Summershine said again with a happy smile on his face.

But Trixie just stood there with an open mouth after witnessing how Summershine ripped out a boulder this size out of the ground.
This presentation almost reminded her of what she saw from Twilight back then.
She then figured that this would mean that he was better in magic than her as well, making her feel a little weak.

“All set!
Now you can sleep safely,” Summershine said happily.

“Thanks...” Trixie replied still slightly shocked by Summershine's magic abilities.

“Well, I think I will be off now,” Summershine said with a happy smile on his face.

“You're leaving?” Trixie asked.
“Wait...didn't YOU tell me that it's dangerous to wander around at night?”

“I told you, I still have things to take care of.
The faster, the better...” he replied as he walked off to the outside of the town.
“Also, good luck with your show in the next town.
I hope it goes well, next time,” he added.

“Why would you care?” Trixie replied annoyed.

“Well...that's what friends do, right?” He replied while looking back at her smiling before he continued his way out of town.

Trixie didn't reply and only stared at Summershine as he walked outside of town in the middle of the night, mumbling one last word to herself in surprise with widened eyes.


Some time later outside of town...

Summershine was walking through an empty field and kept looking up to the sky, to watch the beautiful lights of the stars above him.
Wandering through the night sure was a beautiful sight.

“I almost forgot how fun it can be to talk with somepony...
I think I spent way too much time alone...
But at least I made a new friend,” he said happily.
"And Star Twinkle knows her too..."
he mumbled to himself as he looked up to the sky.

When he looked down again, somepony was walking towards him.
A pony with a dark purple coat, a dark blue mane with yellow stripes, dark blue eyes and a cloud of mist as a Cutie Mark.

It was Mystic.

Summershine got a bad feeling about Mystic after inspecting him closely.
He could see that he was angrily mumbling something to himself.

"I can't believe that...
This...Storm Wings!" Mystic mumbled quietly to himself.
“I could have archived so much after getting my hooves on the Elements of Harmony!
If those seven ponies didn't show up then-"

But Mystic stopped talking after he noticed how Summershine was staring at him and glared back.
Summershine avoided eye contact after that and covered his face with his hood again.

“Somepony looks angry...
Yet...the look on his face reminds me to...” Summershine figured.

They both walked past each other slowly, not looking at each other at all.
However, when they both were a few steps away from each other, Mystic stopped all of the sudden.

"Hey!" Mystic exclaimed.

Summershine stopped too but didn't turn around and instead waited for what Mystic had to say.

"Just now...
What was that look just now?" Mystic said turning his head to look at the hooded pony that walked past him.

But Summershine didn't turn around.
He was carefully thinking what he was about to say in order to not let the situation escalate.

"I'm sorry...
I didn't mean too,
Your face just reminded me to somepony I know.
That is all.
I didn't mean to stare or anything.
That was wrong," Summershine replied.

He felt like he said too much.
Mystic didn't show much reaction from those words and didn't reply.

"I apologize..." Summershine added before hew continued to walk off.

Mystic continued to look at Summershine.
He began to clench his teeth.
And his face slowly turned into an angry glare.

"I know what you thought..." Mystic thought angrily.
"You looked down to me!
You were pitying me!"

Summershine was still walking casually away and didn't seem to notice the anger that was directed towards him while in secret, Mystic focused some magic in his horn.

"What do you know about me!?
Yet you still gave me that look as if you were better than me...
You think I am miserable...
How dare you!"

His horn started to glow more intensively until the whole area around him began to glow in a dark blue light.


"-DARE YOU!" He screamed before he shot a magic beam at Summershine.

Even though he was turned around, Summershine noticed that he was shot at and used his magic to teleport himself out of the way.
Mystic, still angered, lost him for a second but noticed how Summershine was standing a few steps away from him on the right.

Summershine glared at Mystic who glared back, clenching his teeth in the process.

"Still looking down on me?" Mystic thought.

The orange unicorn didn't move a muscle and waited for Mystic's next move.
His face was even showing regrets as if he didn't want to fight Mystic.
Instead, he was hoping that this encounter could end peacefully.

But that was unlikely.
Mystic didn't care about anything else now.
He focused some more magic in his horn and prepared to shot at Summershine again.

“First that Unicorn back then in the storm fortress and now him?
My magic is stronger!
I won't let anypony humiliate me anymore!”

Another beam of magic was flying towards Summershine.
But this time Summershine was prepared.
His horn began to glow as well.
Summershine used his magic to create some kind of shield in front of him.

Mystic was shocked that his beam was blocked so easily.
In order to counter that shield Mystic put more magic in his attack.

However, Summershine calmly stood there and blocked it with his shield.
After seeing how Mystic was not stopping, Summershine made his horn glow more intensely.

Moments later, Summershine's shield began to glow for a while.
After the glowing was over, Mystic's beam came right back to him, knocking the purple Unicorn away a few meters.

Mystic laid on the ground because of the impact but got up relatively quick.
After standing on his hooves again, Mystic instantly focused some magic in his horn, ready to hit Summershine with it.
But to his surprise, he was gone.

He turned around and looked all over the place but didn't see anypony.
When he realized that Summershine was gone, Mystic let out an angry scream.

Summershine watched from above a cliff, relatively far away, how Mystic was raging and screaming in anger and looked at him with sadness in his eyes.

“He reminds me of him...
Let's just hope that doesn't end up like he does...” He thought out of worry, playing with the thought to somehow stop Mystic from whatever he doing right now.

“After all...
There are already enough dangers to take care of...” He said as he walked away from Mystic and continued to wander through Equestria to complete his goal...

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