• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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69. Symphony of the Night

Both Star Twinkle and his boss, Steel Hammer, took a rather unusual trip this afternoon. They decided to to go to the Everfree Forest. Steel Hammer led the way through the forest with Star Twinkle following right behind them. This trip through the forest took a long while, mainly because Steel Hammer didn't really know where he was walking to. Of course, Star Twinkle was against going through the Everfree forest because it could be really dangerous but it seemed like whatever Steel Hammer wanted to do in there was really important. Also, since Steel Hammer would have annoyed him with this over and over again, Star Twinkle decided to just get it over with.

As they walked through the forest for a while now, Star Twinkle became a little impatient. "Why exactly are we walking through the Everfree Forest at this time? It can be dangerous here..." he pointed out.

But Steel Hammer wasn't afraid in the slightest. "So what? If it comes to the future of the Iron Hammer, nothing is too dangerous!"

Star Twinkle kinda figured that he was dragged along because of some kind of business thing and rolled his eyes. "And what does the future of the Iron Hammer have to do with us visiting the Everfree Forest?"

Steel Hammer turned around for a moment. "Didn't I tell you?" He asked confused.

"No!" Star Twinkle replied. "After work, you just said: I need you to go to the Everfree Forest with me!"

"Oh..." Steel Hammer replied. "Well, you are about to see anyway so just wait," he said before he continued his way through the forest again.

Star Twinkle let out a sigh in his frustration and just kept following his boss. After fighting their way through some more bushes, Steel Hammer finally stopped after finding what he was looking for. "Here we are!" He exclaimed happily.

"Where?" Star Twinkle asked after he fought his way through some bushes thanks to Steel Hammer leading the way. He looked at what Steel Hammer was standing in front of.

Steel Hammer turned towards Star Twinkle and presented him something very familiar. "This...is the Castle of the Two Sisters!" Steel Hammer said as he literally presented the castle in front of Star Twinkle.

The green coated stallion was completely unimpressed. "I know..." he just replied.

Steel Hammer didn't seem to notice and simply continued. "It was this place where Princess Celestia and Luna used to live in a thousand years ago," he further explained.

"I know..." Star Twinkle repeated.

Steel Hammer felt a little challenged to tell Star Twinkle something that he didn't know. "Did you also know that once the Elements of Harmony were-"

"Yes! I know!" Star Twinkle interrupted annoyed. "I have been here before! And because of all this Element of Harmony thing, I looked up some things about this place as well. I probably know more about this place then you!"

"Alright!" Steel Hammer replied, trying to calm Star Twinkle down again. "How about we get inside to start our work?" He said before he walked across the bridge that would lead to the castle.

Star Twinkle groaned in his annoyance, mainly because he still didn't know what this was all about, and followed right behind. Still, he expected an explanation from Steel Hammer as soon as they would enter the castle. It was a little weird to return to this place after such a long time, especially since he had those weird dreams recently, where this castle appeared in as well. The thought that Steel Hammer would bring him some answers to his questions actually made Star Twinkle chuckle a little. Of course, there must have been another reason.

They opened the doors of the castle and slowly entered it. Steel Hammer instantly looked all around the entrance hall as if he was looking for something. This only further confused Star Twinkle. "Do you mind telling now why we are here?" He asked.

Steel Hammer turned around and began to laugh almost maniacally, causing Star Twinkle to get a little scared so he backed away a little.

"I had a brilliant idea how to boost our business!" He said.

Suddenly, Star Twinkle was no longer surprised and rolled his eyes because he didn't saw through the obvious reasoning why Steel Hammer would come to this place. It was not the first time that Steel Hammer had a "brilliant idea" and every time it would end up with Star Twinkle doing some hard work or something weird. Just remembering how he had to attend some weird activities on Nightmare Night gave him a good clue how things would end for him. "And...what is this brilliant idea?" Star Twinkle asked in really obvious annoyed tone.

"I decided to came here in order to find some inspiration!" Steel Hammer replied.

"For what?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

Steel Hammer answered with a question. "Where do rich ponies live?" Steel Hammer asked, expecting Star Twinkle to answer but after he didn't, the brown coated stallion continued. "Castles! Ponies with lots of money don't live in small wooden houses! They live in really big and fancy castles! After I realized that, it struck me!" He explained before he dramatically paused and to reveal his idea. "Wooden castles!"

Star Twinkle had a hard time to understand. "Wooden...castles?" He replied confused, not really sure what to make out of this.

"Yes!" Steel Hammer replied. "We go in there, we look at the structure and the style and we learn how to apply it to woodwork so that we can be hired to build wooden castles!" He explained highly enthusiastic.

"That sounds like hard work..." Star Twinkle said with a rather bothered expression on his face. "Besides, I don't think anypony would be too excited about wooden castles. I mean, usually, a castle is made out of rocks..." he pointed out.

Steel Hammer was unimpressed by those facts and countered. "I heard the Crystal Empire had a castle made out of Crystals," Steel Hammer simply replied.

"I..." Star Twinkle replied before he tried to find more words. "I don't know how to reply to that..." he said as he practically gave up on talking Steel Hammer out of this idea.

"Listen..." Steel Hammer started before he put his front legs around Star Twinkle's shoulder. "Ponies with a lot of money tend to spend it for things that we could never imagine. I heard that just recently this Blueblood prince fella bought a diamond covered collar for his pet dog!"

"What's so weird about that?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"He doesn't have a dog!" Steel Hammer exclaimed. "My point is, they have so much money and they don't know what to spend it on so they just go and buy the craziest things just because they are fancy! If we promote the Iron Hammer as a workshop that started to build wooden castles, one crazy prince or princess would like to have one because it's a castle, you know, the houses of royalty! We can demand all kind of prices and our workshop would instantly become the most successful shop in all of Equestria! It's a perfect plan!" Steel Hammer explained further and further almost getting caught in his own words out of pure enthusiasm.

He almost chocked Star Twinkle without realizing it, causing the green coated stallion to free himself from this rather harsh hug. "Alright, alright!" He said before he freed himself from his boss. "So what now? What are we supposed to do in this castle?" He asked, simply tagging along with this idea to get it over with. He knew that this would not work but Steel Hammer was way too caught up in all of this that he probably wouldn't even listen to Star Twinkle.

"Well, since we have no idea how to build a castle, I figured that we look around to so that we could get an idea how it looks from the inside," Steel Hammer explained before he set out and walked towards one corner of the entrance hall. "I look over here and you over there," he said as he pointed towards another corner of the room.

Star Twinkle did as he was told and just walked to another corner to literally look at the wall. "This is just stupid..." he thought before he began to take a look around the castle.

While Steel Hammer was dragging him around because of this weird idea, Star Twinkle actually appreciated having another look at the castle after a long while. The first time he was here was because he followed his friends who set out to find the Elements of Harmony. He had no time to look at the castle back then so it was nice looking at this ancient structure for the first time. It was actually quite similar to Canterlot Castle. The entrance was a long hallway with stairs on the sides and the end of it up in the ceiling, there were banners hanging down with pictures of Princess Celestia and Luna on them. It was quite a sight for Star Twinkle.

Steel Hammer, however, didn't pay too much attention to the decoration and rather inspected some of the bricks on the wall. He soon noticed that one of them stood out a little more than the others. "Is this intended?" He wondered before he fiddled around with that one brick. Before he knew it, the wall in front of him began to shake. The wall then turned around and caused Steel Hammer to land on the other side of the wall.

Star Twinkle was unaware of all of this and continued to look at the bricks in front of him, pretending that he was inspecting them, which was pretty easy because he didn't know what exactly he was supposed to look out for. "Are we done checking out this castle?" He then asked with a clearly bothered tone in his voice. "We may don't want to spend too much time in this castle since it is about to get dark," he pointed out before he turned around to where Steel Hammer was, only to find out that he was nowhere to be found.

"Steel Hammer?" Star Twinkle asked in his confusion. "Where did you go?"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, Steel Hammer sat on the ground confused about what just happened. "A trap door?" Steel Hammer wondered before he rubbed his chin and proceeded to take a closer look at the wall in front of him. "Wonder if some costumer would be interested in some of those..." He then looked over to his right and realized that he must have been in some hidden hallway. He could have easily get back to the other side of the wall but he decided to follow the path further to find more.

Star Twinkle was walking around in the entrance hall to look for Steel Hammer but he couldn't find him. He figured that his boss decided to wander off to somewhere without telling him. Realizing that, Star Twinkle got a little annoyed. "I knew this was a stupid idea," he said with his eyes narrowed in annoyance as he continued to walk through a random hallway. "This castle is so big...we can't afford to separate in a place like this," he complained.

Star Twinkle walked past a bunch of portraits with some random ponies on them that Star Twinkle didn't even remotely know. The clothes they were wearing looked like something that ponies would be over thousands of years ago which of course made sense since this castle is that old. He only took a brief look at one of them and felt a little uncomfortable. "Ugh...never liked that kind of pictures. Always feels like as if their eyes follow you around..." he said as he slowly walked past them without paying much more attention to them.

It began to get dark outside, causing the castle to get much darker on the inside. It made it look a lot creepier than it already was. Star Twinkle was not too happy about that. "Where are you, Steel Hammer?" He said as he continued to walk through the hallway while keeping his ears open in caution. "Why did he even brought me to this place if she just decided to take off on his own?" He complained, his tone getting a little more annoyed. "I swear, as soon as I find him, I will-"

Then suddenly, there was a clicking noise under Star Twinkle. The next thing he knew was that he was falling through the ground and landing on some kind of slide. He shrieked out of his surprise and how fast he was sliding on this thing, not to mention that he had no idea where he was going because it was so dark. Eventually, the slide ended and he found himself in another hallway with his face on the ground. He got up on his hooves again with his head still shaking from this ride. For him, that was enough action for a day. Once the world stopped spinning, Star Twinkle looked around to find out where he was. It was a hallway with a bunch of armors lined up on the walls.

He started to get a little nervous looking at those things. "As if this place wasn't creepy and ominous enough..." he said in his discomfort. He walked through the room and couldn't help to stare at some of those things. They were just like the portraits from the last room, he had the feeling as if they were watching them. He did pull himself together though and took a closer look at them, even going so far as moving his head right in front of one of them. "Seeing all those armors kinda reminds me of that one pony that attacked me back then," he mumbled to himself, referring to the pony in the black armor from after Twilight's coronation.

After remembering this incident, Star Twinkle got a little carried away and tried to play the brave one. "You gonna attack me too?" He asked towards the lifeless armor in front of him. This castle must have taken it's toll on Star Twinkle sanity if he was starting to talk to a set of armor now. "No? Don't think that I am afraid of some kind armor or anypony who wears one!" He said as he poked the chest plate of the armor in front of him. He actually waited a little while for a response, his eyes focused on the not moving armor in front of him. But of course, there came no answer. "Thought so," he then said as he turned around again to leave this room.

But just as he about leave the room, he heard something from far away, causing him to jump in fear for a moment. "What was that!?" He asked in shock, his eyes widened and his teeth clenched in fear. If he wouldn't know any better then he could swear that it was music but he didn't have time to figure that out because there were more noises from behind him. Behind him were the all those pony armors, which alone made him nervous enough to turn around. He then screamed on top of his lungs after he saw how all the armors were starting to move upwards with the help of some pedestal beneath them. Star Twinkle's brain didn't even have the time to process what was happening right now and decided to quickly tell him that he should get out of there...fast.

After he ran out of this hallway, and up some stairs, he found himself back in the entrance room where he was at the very beginning. He was a little out of breath after climbing all those stairs like a professional marathon runner in only a few seconds. "What just happened? Why were they moving all of the sudden?" He asked himself in shock. "This all wouldn't happen if Steel Hammer didn't drag me into this place!" He complained again in an angry tone in his voice.

"You called?" A voice then suddenly asked from behind Star Twinkle which caused him to jump several hoofs into the air in his surprise.

After Star Twinkle landed back on the ground, he turned around and saw how Steel Hammer was standing there with a grin on his face. "Where have you been!?" He asked annoyed grabbing both of Steel Hammer's shoulders in the process.

"Sorry," Steel Hammer apologized with a grin on his face. "I guess I got a little sidetracked by this secret passage that I stumbled across,"

"Secret passage?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"Yeah!" Steel Hammer replied. "They seem to be all over the place. Installing those things might be a little difficult..." he explained.

Star Twinkle was not really sure what Steel Hammer was talking about but he knew that there were strange things happening in this castle judging from this slide and the moving armors so he decided to talk Steel Hammer out of this idea to walk around in this castle. "Yeah! Difficult! Maybe we should scrap this idea! Or at least do it another day since it proved to be much more time consuming than we actually thought," Star Twinkle said.

Steel Hammer rubbed his chin and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about this for a moment. "I guess, you are right...I think we need a whole day to take a good look at the whole castle," he figured.

"Exactly!" Star Twinkle replied with a fake excited expression. Hearing that made him actually pretty happy. He led the way to the entrance of the castle with Steel Hammer following right behind him. Star Twinkle took the opportunity to already come up with a plan to talk his way out the next time Steel Hammer wanted to take him to this castle again.

Steel Hammer was following Star Twinkle a few hooves away while still taking a look at his surroundings and the structure of this castle. Star Twinkle was so concentrated in leaving this place and coming up with an excuse for the next time, that he completely missed how he was stepping on some kind of button on the ground. Soon, Steel Hammer heard a clicking noise beneath him and looked down but before he realized what happened, he fell through the ground and landed on a slide that would lead him away from Star Twinkle.

The green coated stallion was completely unaware of what just happened and continued to lead the way so that he could leave this castle as soon as possible. All while making sure to let Steel Hammer know that this was maybe not the best idea. "Now that we know how much work building a castle out of wood, I think we can safely say that this might not be the best idea, right?" He asked awaiting an answer from Steel Hammer behind him. However, once no answer came from the stallion, Star Twinkle had a slight assumption what just happened. "You...just vanished again...right?" He asked before he slowly turned his body around to confirm his thought.

Steel Hammer was gone...

"Argh! For Celestia's sake!" Star Twinkle exclaimed frustrated.

A little later...

Star Twinkle had no other choice but to look for Steel Hammer again. He was actually thinking about leaving the castle without him but then he would feel bad because he didn't know if he was okay or not which was yet another reason for Star Twinkle to be trapped in this castle. Of course, after realizing that, he was not too happy. "Wooden Castles..." Star Twinkle mumbled annoyed. "Couldn't he come up with something easier? Like wooden statues? Or something else...something smaller..." he complained.

But as soon as he was finished complaining, something caught his attention again. Star Twinkle, out of reflex, transformed into his Unicorn form ready to shot at anything that was moving. But there was nothing so he transformed back and calmed down again. "I'm sure that was just the wind..." he said to himself in order to calm down but after a few seconds, there were more noises coming from far away. It sounded like as if something broke or shattered. As a result, Star Twinkle got a little nervous. "I'm sure that was just the wind as well..." he said to calm himself down once more.

Then suddenly, music started to play very loudly followed by a scream relatively close to him, causing Star Twinkle to jump again in fear. Star Twinkle's legs began to shake and he turned his head towards the direction from where the scream was coming from. "...and I am pretty sure that this was just...the wind..." but before he could finish his sentence, something came charging at him. Star Twinkle only saw shadows and was not entirely sure what it was but it came charging right at him so he prepared himself to shot a before it would reach him. However, before he fired, something was flying above his head at high speed. He couldn't quite figure out what it was but it caused a distraction. Whatever it was, it crashed against the walls like crazy and caused a banner to land right on Star Twinkle's head. He tried to remove it but the thing that came charging at him seemed to ran directly at him and made him spin around, making him dizzy and unable to figure out where he was.

Soon after, something ran into a pillar nearby Star Twinkle, causing it to collapse which scared Star Twinkle. What followed after was a loud shriek that he would even scare him further. "What is going on!?" He screamed in a panic.

There were noises coming from everywhere. Screams, noises of things getting shattered or destroyed, it was a mess. And the worst of all, Star Twinkle couldn't see a thing or move properly because of the banner that was on top of him. "I just want to go home!" He then screamed in fear, frustration, panic, and a lot more emotions that pilled up inside of him.

"Alright, everypony, stop!" A voice then screamed through the hall, causing the whole room to be silent again.

Suddenly, Star Twinkle was frozen in place. In a way, it calmed him down but he also didn't like to not being able to move so he decided to transform to a Unicorn to use his magic to lift up the banner that was on top of him. He notices a light purple aura that surrounded him. It was magic and soon he realized who it belonged to as soon as he looked up and saw how Twilight and Spike were standing on top of the stairs.

"Twilight?" Star Twinkle asked with another voice mixing with his own the moment he said that. He looked over to his left and noticed that he was not alone. "Applejack?" He then asked in surprise after spotting the mare next to him.

"Must...save...Angel!" Another voice then said right in front of Star Twinkle. It was Fluttershy who seemed to try lifting up some debris for some reason. "I don't have time for this! I need to save Angel!" She then said before she looked up to where Twilight was standing at only to realize that Angel was standing right next to her. "Oh," she then said in her realization, blushing a little.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash then asked, who was levitating above everyponies heads.

"She's with me..." Rarity then answered, who was sitting a little further away from the group with a banner on her head that must have fallen on her.

After everything went quiet again, Star Twinkle suggested that Twilight should release her magic again since he didn't like being frozen like that. Twilight did as he suggested and the group was freed, giving them all some time to explain the situation to each other.

Twilight was the one who seemed the most confused so she started. "Have you all spent the whole night running around, scaring each other?" She asked.

"Well, that depends," Applejack replied with some caution in her voice.

"On what?" Twilight replied.

"On whether or not you're the Pony of Shadows," Rainbow Dash asked almost as if she was accusing Twilight of something.

"What's... the Pony of Shadows?" Spike then asked, practically taking the words out of Star Twinkle's mouth.

"Oh, that's just an old ponies' tale," Twilight replied amused. "It said that after Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and was banished by Princess Celestia, that some of her magic was still left inside of this castle and took the form of some kind of "Pony of Shadows" that would haunt this place to this day," Twilight explained.

But right after she was done explaining that, music started to play very loudly, causing everypony to quickly get closer to each other out of shock. "Then who's playing...that?" Spike asked while shaking heavily in fear.

Then it finally struck Star Twinkle. He took a closer look at the group and realized that there was somepony missing. Somepony he knew was inside of this castle with them. "Steel Hammer!" He then said a little angry just at the thought that he could be the one scaring him all this time. "Let's go!" He then said. "I have a slight feeling of who is playing this music,"

The group then walked closer and closer to where the music was coming from until it led them to a room with a big organ. And of course, somepony was right in front of it, wearing a black hood and playing it.

"The Pony of Shadows!" Twilight then whispered.

"No, it's not..." Star Twinkle then said annoyed before he walked away from the group to confront the pony. "Very funny, Steel Hammer but you can stop now. Do you know how scared we all got because of you?" He scolded Steel Hammer before he stood there waiting for Steel Hammer to stop fooling around with everypony.

Little did he know, that Steel Hammer was just walking past the girls, much to their shock, and approaching Star Twinkle who kept waiting for the Pony of Shadows to reveal itself in front of everypony.

"Hey, Star Twinkle. What are you doing?" Steel Hammer asked oblivious to the whole situation.

"Trying to make you stop playing this organ and reveal yourself as the Pony of Shadows," Star Twinkle replied with his eyes focused in front of him.

"Oh...cool," Steel Hammer replied before he decided to watch Star Twinkle continue.

Suddenly, Star Twinkle widened his eyes and turned around. "Steel Hammer!?" He then said in pure shock, moving his head back and forth him and the Pony of Shadows repeatedly. Shortly after, he dashed behind Steel Hammer's back to hide, his body shaking in the process. "But...aren't you supposed to be over there, playing the organ?" He then asked in fear.

Steel Hammer had a confused look on his face. "I don't even know how to play the organ. Besides, I am standing right here so..."

Now with Steel Hammer out of the picture of being the Pony of Shadows, everypony began to get nervous again. The one who was the least scared, was Twilight so she took it upon herself to approach the pony. The Pony of Shadows didn't seem to notice Twilight and continued playing the organ. Once Twilight was close enough, she used her magic to take off the ponies hood to reveal it to the whole group.

Once the hood was removed, a female Earth Pony with a pink coat and a pink mane...
The mare turned her head around and greeted everyone. "Hey, you guys! Did you know I can totally play the organ? Because I didn't!"

"Pinkie?!" Then everypony replied in surprise, suspecting the pink party pony to be the last pony who was scaring them the whole time.

"You're the Pony of Shadows?" Rainbow Dash asked in sheer confusion.

"The pony of what?" Pinkie Pie replied as she continued to play some tunes on the organ with a single care in the world.

Star Twinkle let out a sigh in his frustration. Of course, there was some kind of logical explanation. He just didn't imagine it to be involved with Pinkie Pie. According to Applejack, Pinkie Pie was allowed to ring the school bell for a whole week but Pinkie Pie seemed to get a little carried away with that so she was asked to stop it and came here for a so-called "finish ringing the school bell" party! She then explained in her non-sense-making-words that she didn't have everything for that kind of party which would then led her to the Everfree Forest to get some missing ingredients where she saw Fluttershy and Rarity entering the castle.

"Luckily, I followed them inside so I could help you all with your party!" She then said.

"What party is that?" Rarity asked confused.

"Uh, the "everypony come to the scary old castle and hide from each other while I play the organ" party? Duh!" Pinkie Pie replied as she continued to play the organ.

This was simply too much for Star Twinkle to process with his brain. "Can we go home now?" He said heavily annoyed by all this randomness that would lead him to get stuck in this castle.

A little later...

With all of his friends around him, Star Twinkle eventually decided to stay a little longer inside the castle. It gave everypony some time to explain why they were all in this place at the same time.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack held a "Most Daring Pony" competition to see who could stay the longest in this castle without getting scared, especially after finding out about this old "Pony of Shadows" tale. Rarity came to this castle to gather some decorations of this place to use it as an inspiration for her boutique while Fluttershy happened to tag along to help her. And Twilight and Spike were here because Twilight didn't find any book that could tell her something about this strange chest that came out of the Tree of Harmony.

Knowing that there was not some kind of Pony of Shadows inside of this castle and that all of their friends were in here, made it much easier to stay in this place without getting afraid. Star Twinkle was also relieved to hear that Steel Hammer scrapped the idea of building wooden castles since it seemed a little too complicated to pull off, meaning that the whole trip to this castle was not completely for nothing.

"I can't believe that I got scared by an old and abandoned castle...my imagination must have run a little too wild," Star Twinkle said as he scratched his head.

"I think we all did," Applejack said with all of the other girls agreeing to that as well.

"I always let my imagination run away from me! Then it comes back... with cake!" Pinkie Pie said, of course making little sense.

"Whoa!" Steel Hammer expressed after those words. "You need to teach my imagination to do that!" He said, making as much sense as Pinkie Pie herself.

Twilight then shared what she learned out of this experience. "Well, it's good to know that whenever your imagination is getting away from you, a good friend can help you rein it in. And even though I didn't find anything out about the mysterious chest, I'm glad I was here to help all of you,"

"You certainly did that, Twilight," Rarity replied.

"Yeah! Why weren't you scared?" Rainbow Dash then pointed out.

Twilight explained. "Reading Celestia's diary made it hard to be afraid because I knew what it was like when she and Luna lived here. Knowing something about the past made it easier to deal with my problems in the present, even the scary ones." Hearing that certainly made it pretty understandable to not get afraid of this place for the others, so they agreed with Twilight's words.

Then suddenly, an idea struck Twilight. "Why don't we keep a journal, just like the royal pony sisters?"

"All of us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sure!" Twilight replied. "That way we can learn from each other! And maybe someday, other ponies will read it and learn something, too!"

It seemed like a pretty good idea. Star Twinkle had to admit that he wouldn't come up with something like that on his own because it sounded a little too bothersome but with all those things happening to him, he figured that he needed something where he could document some things to keep his mind a little more sorted.

"I know what my first entry will be!" Applejack said. "Dear Diary, I'm glad Granny Smith's legend wasn't true."

"Me too!" Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Me three!" Pinkie Pie joined in rather excited. "Because that means you two are still tied for Most Daring Pony!" She then said, causing the two mares to probably start another competition pretty soon.

"Heh, Shadow Ponies... How ridiculous is that?" Spike said, clearly trying to hide that he was scared as well, even though the others wouldn't think less of it knowing that since they were scared as well.


The group separated again after leaving the Everfree Forest, leaving only Star Twinkle and Steel Hammer, who was going home. Star Twinkle waved Steel Hammer goodbye as soon as he was walking up to the Iron Hammer, ready to call it a day.

"What a strange tale," Steel Hammer mumbled to himself. "Pony of Shadows, eh?" He said as he looked up at the night sky above him. Then suddenly, something crossed his mind. Something that he didn't think about while the others were talking about this legend. "This kinda reminds me of that one rumor that I once heard. What was it about again?" He wondered as he scratched his head on his way home. He tried to remember what one traveler pony told him a while ago. Of course, Steel Hammer didn't believe this pony and thought it was supposed to be some kind of story that a crazy pony could come up with but now after hearing this Pony of Shadow Legend, it was actually worth thinking about it a little further.

"Oh, yeah!" Steel Hammer then said raising his hoof in excitement. "Ponies covered in dark auras and with white soulless eyes!" He then stopped and tried to find more information in his head only to find out that there were none. "Come to think of it...that's it..." he figured. "But if an old and popular tale like the Shadow Pony is not true, then something ridiculous like that can't be either..." he then said before he continued to enter the Iron Hammer and to go to sleep after a day like that.

Author's Note:

Aren't you glad that the Pony of Shadows is just a legend? Good thing that isn't real...right?

We are entering the Slice of Life potions of this Season!
I hope you have patience because it will take a while till the "story" of this story continues again. But if you read past almost 400,000 thousand words up to this point then you probably have inhuman patience. Which I really appreciate by the way ^^.

Please consider leaving a like or a review to let me know what you thought about this chapter. I would also appreciate it if you follow me so that you can be up to date of every other story that I write (which are all connected to this one).

See you all in the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

Equestria Girls - The Legend of Friendship

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Outcasts

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 4(Chapter 66 - 91)

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