• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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58. Outcasts - Part 1

Somewhere between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire...

Two Pegasus members of the Royal Guards patrolled the area north of Canterlot, flying over the sky to keep an eye open for everything suspicious. Though one of them had a hard time focusing on his task due to being a little bored and letting out a tired yawn.

“Would you please focus a little more?” The other Pegasus said a little more serious, indicating that he either was a rank above the other one or just a little more sincere about his job.

“Sorry, I just can't help it...paroling in this area is just so boring...” the other more carefree one of them replied while having a hard time keeping his eyes open. “I mean, we are between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire so that means that guards from the empire are most likely patrolling in this area as well, making it kinda pointless to...”

“Speaking of which...” the other Pegasus interrupted after he spotted two other ponies on the ground, wearing the Crystal Empire armor version of the Royal Guards. The two ponies noticed the two Pegasus in the air and prompted them to land nearby.

The two Pegasus guards did so and decided to trade information about their patrol.
“Nothing unusual,” the more serious Pegasus guard said while saluting.

“Nothing unusual here as well,” one of the Crystal Guards replied with the same gesture.

“Of course, nothing unusual,” the other more laid back of the Royal Guards almost burst out. “Nothing ever happens here since the Empire returned,”

“Will you stop complaining?” The other Pegasus Guard scolded.

“Well, what he says is true,” one of the Crystal Guards admitted. “With two Princesses in charge, not to mention Shining Armor working on both sides, this area has become much more secure...”

“See?” The laid back one of the Pegasus said to his partner smugly, causing him to only look at him angrier.

One of the Crystal Guards couldn't help but laugh at how the two Pegasus talked to each other. He turned to his partner, who seemed to be looking at something in the distance, causing him to find out what he was looking at. He then saw a pony in a blue armor walking in the distance who didn't seem to notice the four ponies.
“Another patrol?” He wondered, which instantly got the attention of the two Pegasus.

“What? As far as I know, we two are the only ones assigned to this area,” the more serious one of the two informed.

The Crystal Guards turned their heads towards the two Pegasus. “So are we. So who is that? Must be one of your guys because I don't recall anypony of us having a dark blue armor...”

“A dark blue armor, huh...” the serious one of the two Pegasus mumbled to himself while in deep thoughts. Then it suddenly struck him and his expression turned to a rather shocked one. “It must be...” he then said, worrying the other three ponies who noticed his sudden change.

“You know who that is?” One of the Crystal Guards asked.

“I'm afraid so,” the Pegasus returned. “You two need to tell Shining Armor immediately about this while we inform Princess Celestia!” He ordered even though it was most likely that the two Crystal Guard had the same rank as him, giving him no reason to order them around.
But the two Crystal Ponies realized how serious it must have been and didn't ask any question about it anymore. They both returned to the Empire while the two Pegasus made their way back to Canterlot.

The more laid back Pegasus was heavily confused by his partner's sudden worried behavior and felt the need to ask what it was all about. "What's the matter? Who was that? And why is it necessary to inform Princess Celestia about it?” He asked a little worried.

“Didn't you recognize him too?” The other Pegasus replied shocked after this realization.
“It's him! The infamous traitor of the Royal Guards!”

“Him?” The other Pegasus replied surprised after he knew who his partner was talking about.
“Are you sure!?”

“Yes, only he was wearing this dark blue armor, back then. It is him!” The Pegasus replied with a worried look on his face while he flew straight in the direction of Canterlot with his partner next to him.

But little did they know that the pony in the blue armor was looking at them from the distance, forming a smile as if he wanted to be seen by those two.


Another normal day in Ponyville. Star Twinkle spent some time with his friends outside of a restaurant, talking about stuff that happened recently.

“You three were camping?” Star Twinkle asked Applejack who was sitting next to him on a table outside of a restaurant.

“Yes, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, me and my sister and her friends,” Applejack informed. “Should we have invited you as well?” She asked as if she was worried that Star Twinkle felt left out.

“No, don't worry about. I rather sleep in my own bed than outside,” he assured.

“Well, I would have gladly joined!” Spike joined in a little offended. “Spending some time with Rarity inside of the moonlight and...” but he stopped as soon as he gazed at Rarity who was sitting a few seats away from him, not hearing what he was talking about.

She sipped on her tea and then noticed how the little dragon was staring at her with stunned eyes, as usual. “Is something the matter, Spike?” She asked.

“No! Nothing!” He replied, once again, hiding his feelings to which the rest of the group began laughing much to Rarity's confusion.

Spike quickly joined in the laughter but he stopped a little abruptly, once he burped out a letter that came from the Princess. As usual, Twilight read it silently while still laughing a little. However, her smile vanished and a worried expression formed on her face, making her friends worry a little.

“What does it say?” Star Twinkle asked while Twilight quietly read the letter.

She folded the letter and turned her head towards her friends with a serious expression on her face. “We need to go to Canterlot!”

To that, the group looked at each other worried. “All of us?” Spike asked.

“No, you Spike stay here,” Twilight replied.

“Phew...I mean...that's too bad...” he said a little embarrassed. He probably knew that it was a more serious visit and was relieved that he wouldn't have to be involved with it. Something that Star Twinkle could understand all too well.

“Also...” Twilight continued with some hesitation. “We need to take the Elements of Harmony with us...”

Just hearing that, grew Star Twinkle worried. The fact that they had to bring the Elements with them meant that something really bad was happening or about to happen. Like King Sombra or Queen Chrysalis bad. But he couldn't just say that he can't come or that he was busy when that was the case. So he had no choice but to go with Canterlot with his friends.

Canterlot Castle...

The seven ponies arrived at Canterlot castle and walked inside of the Throne room, where the Princess was already waiting for them. Whatever the reason, she was looking rather worried herself.

“Princess Celestia, we came as soon as we could and we brought the Elements of Harmony with us just like you told me. What is going on?” Twilight asked as soon as she walked up to the Princess.

“I'm glad that you could all make it so quick,” Princess Celestia said relieved. “I'm afraid I need you to take care of something...” she started.

However, before the Princess could continue, a pony opened the door of the throne room and ran towards the group. Everypony soon realized who it was.

“Shining Armor?” Twilight said in surprise as she saw her brother approaching the group.

“Your majesty!” Shining Armor said without even looking at the group due being a little stressed out, “Is it true that the Captain has been found?” He asked while he stopped in front of the Princess to which she nodded in reply.

“What are you doing here, Shining Armor?” Twilight asked, trying to get her brothers attention once more. This time, he seemed to listen to her and got a little confused why his little sister was there. “Aren't you suppose to be in the Crystal Empire with Cadance?”

“Don't worry. With the protection spell and the Crystal Guards, there is no way that she is danger" He assured. "What are you doing here?” He asked confused once he was aware that his sister and her friends were all in the room as well.

“We actually don't know yet,” she replied while she figured that she should let the Princess talk again.

“Shining Armor, I will listen to what you have to say but let me please explain the situation to the others,” Princess Celestia suggested.

Shining Armor silently nodded and let the Princess continue. He was most likely already aware of why she summoned Twilight and the others to her.

“I have to ask all of you to take care of somepony,” she explained with a serious yet worried expression on her face.
For some reason, Shining Armor seemed like having a hard time to listen to the story that Princess Celestia was about to tell but he didn't interrupt her and was silent.
“His name is Fade Sol,” Princess Celestia continued.

“Fade Sol?” Twilight asked confused. “I think I heard that name before...” she added while she rubbed her chin in order to remember.

“You probably heard that name from me years ago,” Shining Armor joined in.

“Yes! Now I remember!” Twilight replied as she remembered. “Back when you were a recruit of the Royal Guards! Wasn't he a member too?” She asked almost proud of herself to remember.

Shining Armor nodded but he still seemed a little uneasy to talk about all this. However, he kept explaining things. “He was...in fact,” he confirmed before he stopped out of hesitance.
“He was the former Captain of the Royal Guards...” he continued, this time with a more serious expression on his face.

“The former captain of the Royal Guards?” Star Twinkle asked.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia confirmed. “And I need you all to find him,” she added.

“Why is that? I mean, if he was a member of the Royal Guards, then he is a good guy right?” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Oh! I get it!” Pinkie Pie then said excitedly. “So you want us to bring him back to throw a super duper party for him, right?” Pinkie Pie guess, which Star Twinkle felt was pretty unlikely since both the Princess and Shining Armor didn't look too happy while they talked about this Fade guy.

“Actually, it's quite the opposite...” Princess Celestia replied. “I'm afraid, Fade could be a potential threat for Equestria if he isn't stopped soon,” she further explained.

Shining Armor took it upon himself to explain the situation a little further. “I don't know the exact details but...from what I've heard, on his last mission, he attacked some of his own members...” he explained with some struggle in his voice.

Princess Celestia took over since Shining Armor had some struggle to continue. “As if attacking them wasn't enough, what worries me the way he did it...” she paused as she turned to her faithful student with a concerned look in her eyes.
“Dark Magic...”

Those words made half of the group widen their eyes because the first thing that they connected with this term was King Sombra. Especially Star Twinkle knew how dangerous this pony was when he confronted him back in the Crystal Empire.

“He most likely got corrupted by this magic, just like King Sombra, making him a very dangerous threat to everypony in Equestria,” Princess Celestia explained further, even though Shining Armor was next to her staring down on the ground with a worried expression on his face.

But despite that worry, Shining Armor was willing to give more information about this Fade.
“He was put in the jail of Canterlot but he managed to break out. Some members of the Royal Guards tried to get him back peacefully but he attacked them as well and escaped. That was the last time anypony heard of him...”

“Until now...” Princess Celestia joined in. “Somepony spotted him not too far away,”

Since the explanation about Fade was done, Shining Armor returned to his previous request.
“Princess Celestia, please let me join Twilight and her friends on this mission,” Shining Armor requested. “I was a good friend to Fade so maybe he listens to me and we can avoid a fight. And if does come to a fight, then I'll promise to not let my past with him get in my way,” Shining Armor assured with a serious expression on his face.

It was probably the first time for Star Twinkle to see Shining Armor speaking like this. It felt almost strange to see him like this. But again, it was to be expected from the Captain of the Royal Guards.
He probably didn't get this title for nothing.

Princess Celestia saw how serious it was for him and agreed. “I will make sure that you keep your promise since I will accompany you as well,”

Hearing those words shocked the group. “You are coming with us too, Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked in shock and surprise.

“He served under me so it is my responsibility to confront him as well,” she explained.

“Aww Yeah! With us, the Captain of the Royal Guards, and the Princess, there is no need for us to even use the Elements of Harmony,” Rainbow Dash said in a boost of confidence.

It did seem a little too much to send this “force” against this Fade guy but at the same time, it also meant that this mission should be over quick. If things got too hard, there were still the Elements of Harmony, making this mission almost impossible to fail if it came to a fight. However, Shining Armor and Princess Celestia didn't look too happy about those facts and remained rather serious.

Inside of the Friendship express...

“This is quite exciting!” Princess Celestia said as she looked out of the window of the train. “I don't think I ever traveled with the Friendship express before, I should do this more often,” she said in her excitement.

Star Twinkle had to admit that it was quite silly to see Princess Celestia this excited by a simple train ride. She most likely was traveling by flying with her wings or per carriage most of the time. But since most ponies of the group were unable to fly, Princess Celestia had no choice but to travel the “usual” way, quite to her subjects amusement.

While the girls were mostly enjoying the trip, Shining Armor was staring out of the window while being in deep thoughts. He didn't talk with anypony since the train departed and was probably worried about the encounter with Fade.

Since Star Twinkle wasn't talking with anypony either, he thought it was a good idea to speak with Shining Armor.
“You look even more nervous than before your own wedding,” Star Twinkle said jokingly as he walked up to the worried stallion.

“Is it that obvious?” He replied with an uneasy smile on his face.

“This Fade guy...”Star Twinkle started. “What kind of pony is he? I mean, you seem to know a lot about him,” he asked out of curiousness while he sat down next to Shining Armor.

It was obvious that Shining Armor had a hard time speaking about Fade but he did talk away eventually.
“Back when I was a recruit, Fade served as some kind of mentor for me. He taught me a lot of what it meant to be a Royal Guard,” Shining Armor explained, causing him actually to form a smile after remembering his days from back then.

“Was there never an indication that he would...um...you know,” Star Twinkle poked, knowing that he should probably not go too far when it comes about bad-mouthing Fade, especially since he found out how close he and Shining Armor were.

“No...he always was really invested when it came to his work, he was a great leader and friend. He always put the safety and well being of everypony above his own. He was the definition of what a member of the Royal Guard should be. Sure he could be a little strict at times but...attacking his own soldiers? I can't believe that this is true...there must be a reason...” Shining Armor explained. He was clearly not fully ready to believe that one of his friends was now an enemy.

“If you really believe that he is good,” Twilight then joined in as she listened to the two stallions little conversation. “...then it's up to you, as his friend, to make him remember all those things,”

“And if he doesn't listen right away,” Rainbow Dash joined in as well. “Then we just smack some senses into him with the Elements of Harmony!”
To that, Applejack, poked her in the sides, indicating that it was a little out of place to say that.
“What? It did help with Princess Luna,” she pointed out.

Star Twinkle had to admit that the Elements of Harmony were a good back up plan, in case Fade wouldn't listen but it was still a little too extreme to assume that they had to use them against him.

Star Twinkle couldn't help but notice that the Princess was looking rather worried whenever the Elements of Harmony were brought up like this. But he couldn't quite figure out why and even thought that he was imagining things. Things were probably a little more complicated than he thought.

Somewhere between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire...

The group arrived at the spot where Fade was last seen by some patrolling ponies of the Royal Guards. It was a huge grass field with some hills here and there. The only place where you could hide is on top of the hills. So they all walked up to some of them to look for Fade. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were looking from above the sky to find him while Star Twinkle, the rest of the girls, Princess Celestia and Shining Armor were looking around in the field.

The longer they were looking, the more stressed did Shining Armor look like. Star Twinkle figured that he wasn't scared of Fade so the only thing he could think of was that he wasn't looking forward to confronting him at all. Of course, Star Twinkle was also nervous but the fact that there were so many ponies with him, let alone the Elements of Harmony, which they all were wearing at the moment, gave him some confidence. But Shining Armor wasn't worried about failing or winning. He was most likely concerned about what he should say to his old friends or what he should do if things could get out of hoof. And that was something that Star Twinkle didn't know how to reply to.
All he could hope was that Shining Armor would not make a mistake.

While the group continued to look around, Fluttershy flew down to them, trying to say something.
“Um...that pony that we are looking for...um...I think...actually, I'm not sure...but there was somepony who resembled...um...” It almost drove Star Twinkle crazy to hear Fluttershy trying to say something until Rainbow Dash landed down next to the mare.

“I found him!” She screamed as if she wanted to be the first one to find Fade, causing Fluttershy to jump a little due to her surprise.

Rainbow Dash, lead the way to the area where she found Fade and the group was keeping their eyes open to spot him as well.

“There he is!” Shining Armor exclaimed as he pointed towards a hill in front of him. A pony stood on it and looked towards the group. It was a Unicorn stallion with a light blue coat, wearing a dark blue armor which strongly resembled the Royal Guards Armor. It perfectly fit the description the Royal Guards Patrol gave them.

Instead of starting a fight or even talking to the group, Fade instantly jumped out of sight of everypony and vanished behind the hill. He probably saw how many ponies went after him and figured that he was outnumbered so he decided to escape. However, with Rainbow Dash on the group's side, it was very unlikely for him to escape. Rainbow Dash flew straight towards him and quickly caught up to him, blocking his path before he could even get too far away. It only took a few seconds for the rest of the group caught up as well, surrounding him before he could escape again.

“That was a lot easier than I thought,” Star Twinkle thought in surprise but also relieved.

“Captain Fade!” Shining Armor exclaimed before he walked up a little towards him. Twilight put a hoof on her brother's shoulder and advised him to be careful but Shining Armor was confident to do this wouldn't get careless now. Fade returned the look that Shining Armor gave him and silently waited for what Shining Armor had to say.
"It's me, Shining Armor. You remember me, right?" He asked to which Fade didn't reply.
“There is no point in fighting. It's nine against one and we have the Elements of Harmony on our side. But there is no need for us to use them if you come with us peacefully," he said, trying to avoid a conflict at all cost.
"I know what you did back then, is inexcusable but...Please don't fight against us,” Shining Armor plead.
“Deep down, I know that you don't want to do this, right?”

There was a silence. Fade didn't take his eyes away from Shining Armor one bit and didn't say anything. A little while later he looked around himself as if he wanted to escape, however, he was surrounded by everypony and couldn't do much in this situation. But despite that, he focused some magic in his horn as if he wanted to attack now, there was some green magic coming from his body which resembled King Sombra's magic a little, indicating that he was about to use Dark Magic.

Princess Celestia was the first one to get worried and advised the bearer of the Elements of Harmony to get ready. “Quick! We must stop him before he uses his Dark Magic!”

“No! Wait!” Shining Armor begged but the chance of getting attacked from Dark Magic was too great now. If Fade was really that dangerous, then there was probably no other chance. It was either now or never. There was probably another chance to talk with Fade after he was captured or even reformed by the Elements of Harmony.

“Ready?” Twilight announced.

“Ready!” The rest of the Elements replied.

Soon, a bright light started to engulf the seven ponies, ready to fire the Elements of Harmony. But before they were completely ready, Fade suddenly jumped in surprise and made a really nervous face.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You really do plan to use those on me!?” Fade said in an unexpected frustrated voice.

Confused by this sudden behavior, the group decided to stop the Elements of Harmony for a moment and calmed down, in order to listen to Fade.

“Hey! I didn't even do anything yet! You guys are really mean!” He said in an almost childish behavior, which the group didn't expect from this so called Captain of the Royal Guard.

Shining Armor and Princess Celestia, who both knew Fade were also caught off guard by Fade's reaction and narrowed their eyes in confusion.

“Well, I think this is as far as I go. No point in keeping this form up anymore...” Fade said in a rather annoyed tone in his voice before something quite unexpected happened.

Suddenly, a green flame began to build up from Fade's hooves and made its way towards his head. It was now that everypony realized that he wasn't using Dark Magic before since this process looked awfully familiar for everypony. His light blue coat turned black and his mane disappeared. He also grew two insect wings on his back and his eyes turned light blue.
The group gasped at the new form of Fade and widened their eyes after realizing what creature stood before them.

“A Changeling?” Star Twinkle said in surprise.

“What's up?” The Changeling said cheerfully and with a smile on his face, once his transformation was over, leaving them all stunned in the process.

“Fade was a changeling all along?” Fluttershy guessed in her surprise.

“What a twist!” Pinkie Pie added surprised.

“Oh, no no no no,” the Changeling replied before he pulled out a yellow headband that he strapped around his head. “I'm not Fade, my name is Tagma. Nice to meet you all!” He said as he waved towards everypony in front of him.

“What is going on here? Why was a Changeling taking the form of Fade?” Shining Armor asked as he demanded some answers.

“Actually, I am a friend of Fade,” Tagma said proudly with a smile on his face.

“What is the meaning of this? Fade is friends with a Changeling?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“But if this wasn't the real Fade, then where is the real one?” Applejack asked, bringing up the most important question right now.

“Well, I don't think you will like the answer to that,” Tagma said while he nervously rubbed the back of his head. ”You see...I am just here to distract you while the real Fade is...um...” he added further almost innocently.

“Where? Where is the real Fade?” Shining Armor demanded a little rougher as he walked up to Tagma.

Tagma didn't seem to be afraid of Shining Armor and calmly responded. “He is...”

Meanwhile in Canterlot...

Princess Luna looked out of the window in worry of her sister and the others. Normally, she was sleeping at this time in order to prepare herself for her nightly duties but because of her sister leaving Canterlot, she was now in charge of the town and had to watch over everypony.

Suddenly, noises from outside the throne room could be heard which startled the Alicorn Princess, who was still in deep thoughts. The noises sounded like as if somepony was fighting outside of the room, causing Princess Luna walk towards the giant door that leads outside of the room. However, the noises seized, causing her to stop and ready herself for whatever was coming through the door now.

The door slowly opened and revealed three ponies, entering the room. One of them was a Unicorn stallion, with a dark purple coat, a dark blue W-shaped mane, dark blue eyes and a cloud of mist as a Cutie Mark. Another one was an Earth Pony mare with a blonde coat, a light red mane which was tied to a ponytail, a similar looking tail, and light pink eyes. She had a brown sack as a Cutie Mark. The last one in the middle was a Unicorn stallion wearing a dark blue armor. He had a light blue coat and dark purple eyes.

“Princess Luna...” The pony in the dark blue armor said almost regretful as he walked up to the Princess of the Night, accompanied by his two companions.

“Who goes there!? And how did you manage to get into Canterlot unnoticed?” Princess Luna exclaimed in a warning that the three ponies should not get close to her.

“You already know who I am...Princess Celestia must have told you before she left...” The Unicorn said. “As for how we got in...that was because of her,” he added while he pointed at the mare next to him.

“Oh, you flatter me,” the mare returned embarrassed. “There is no place a thief can't get in unnoticed,” she added modestly.

Princess Luna then had a good guess who she was facing right now. “Fade, was it?” She then guessed. “But weren't you supposed to be north from here?” She asked confused.

Fade smiled. “Yes, that was only possible because of another good friend of mine,” he informed before he took another step closer to her.

“Now before you think of doing anything, I'll inform you that I won't let Canterlot fall in your hooves!” Princess Luna said angrily as she prepared her magic and fired at Fade.

However, her magic beam was stopped by another beam that hit it in its track. It came from the other Unicorn who stood there with a serious expression on his face. “Can we speed up things a little? Celestia isn't here after all so all this is a waste of time,” he said annoyed.

“Not entirely...” Fade said as he walked closer to Princess Luna. “Princess, I am afraid you have to come with us,” he offered, though it didn't sound like as if he was really asking.

“And what if we refuse?” Princess Luna replied unshaken by Fade's words.

Fade's body then suddenly, engulfed itself in a dark aura, leading the mare next to him to step away from a little while the other unicorn stood there unimpressed.
“You can't.” He said before his dark aura got closer to Princess Luna, making her courage vanish a little by the sight of this ponies magic. She could feel the strength coming from him and knew that she couldn't win this upcoming battle.


“Princess Luna!” Twilight exclaimed as she opened the door of the throne room, however, there was no sight of the Princess of the Night.

“So what this Changeling said was true...” Shining Armor said worriedly.

“Of course it was!” Tagma said as he was dragged behind by Applejack who tied him up with one of her ropes. “First, you tried to use the Elements of Harmony against me, then you accuse me of being a liar? You guys really are mean!” Tagma exclaimed annoyed while he heavily shook back and forth, much to Applejack's annoyance.

Of course, the disappearance of Princess Luna was also heavily struck Princess Celestia, who was probably the most worried about her right now. “Sister...” she said with a frown on her face.

“Hey, look!” Twilight said who was looking around any kind of hint where Princess Luna could be right now. “I found some kind of letter,” she opened up the letter and began to read out of it loud.

“If you want to see your Princess again, then come to the forgotten castle. And don't forget Tagma and the Element's of Harmony,” she read to which Princess Celestia began to get even more worried.

“The forgotten castle? Is this where he was hiding all along?” She wondered.

“What is this forgotten castle?” Star Twinkle asked.

Princess Celestia began to explain. “A very old castle. The forgotten castle. Since I can remember, I don't think I've ever seen it being used by anypony...”

“But how is that possible? If you never remembered anypony to live there then that would mean...”

“Yes, this castle is older than me...and since neither I or my sister know how it was built or for whom it was built in the first place, we started to call it the forgotten castle,” Princess Celestia further explained.

“And this is where Fade and Princess Luna are at?” Shining Armor asked.

“Yup, it is,” Tagma confirmed while he nodded happily.

Star Twinkle was starting to get a little annoyed by this Changelings behavior but Rainbow Dash took over and said what he had in mind as well. “If you knew where they brought Princess Luna to then why didn't you tell us sooner?” She exclaimed angrily at him.

Unimpressed by those words, Tagma replied. “Because I was supposed to trick you, duh!” He replied childishly.

Trying to not get too distracted by this conversation, Star Twinkle began to wonder about a few things.
“Is he after the Elements of Harmony? Maybe he wants them in exchange for Princess Luna?” He wondered, making the others think about this as well.

“Whatever the reason is,” Princess Celestia interrupted unusual angry.”I will not let him get away for hurting my sister!”

Princess Celestia was obviously angered. Something that nopony has seen before. She was determined to get her sister back.
“Shining Armor!” She said turning to Shining Armor before she spoke out an important order.
“I want you to know that I won't forgive Fade if he hurts my sister so be prepared for an upcoming fight!” She said, making sure that Shining Armor would not hesitate in a crucial time.

“Yes, your majesty!” He replied although it was not clear if he was fully ready to keep his word.

“Then it's settled!” Twilight then joined in order to boost the morale a little for the whole group.
“Let's go to the forgotten castle!”

Meanwhile, at the Forgotten Castle...

Fade and his two companions arrived at the throne room of the forgotten Castle and placed an unconscious Princess Luna on the floor. Fade took a few steps back and closed his eyes before he focused some magic in his horn, ready to start something.
“Let's start with the first half of the ritual,” he said before his eyes released some dark mist, indicating that he was using Dark Magic.
Soon, Princess Luna was engulfed in some kind of dark sphere that levitated her above the ground.
“Now we just need some time and the Princess of the day,”

His two companions were looking at what Fade was doing and had a bad feeling. The mare was more shocked while the stallion was looking more disinterested. They both didn't know exactly what Fade was up to but they didn't care wouldn't even think about stopping him.

“...And then we can finally we can create a new world...” Fade continued with a sinister smile on his face as he looked over to Princess Luna
“For the true ruler of Equestria...”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Make way for another custom story Arc! (Have I mentioned that those will be a thing?)
I mean, those are always well received...right?
And before you ask, no I will not try to attempt writing Luna's way of speaking.
Cause tiz hard XP.

Anyway, if you liked this chapter then please leave a review to let me know.
If you didn't like this chapter then please leave a review and let me know what to improve.
And since it has been asked a few times now, no I don't need ideas because story-wise everything is already up to at least Season 6 in my head. I just need the time to write it down.
If I wanted to, I could give you spoilers of things that would happen in like the next fifty chapters.
But I don't.

With that said, I hope you are ready for the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

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