• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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13. Cutie Mark Crusaders Honorary Member - Part 2

It's days like this where Star Twinkle wished that he was more open with other ponies. That way he wouldn't be in this strange situation. Going on a hunt to find his special talent with three fillies he barely knew. Doing things from who he knew, that he would never get his special talent from.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to visit every place on the map, that Scootaloo drew. One of the activities in one of those places should give them their Cutie Mark. That was the plan at least. But Star Twinkle had his doubts that he find his special talent in one of this places. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, on the other hoof, were excited and absolutely sure that their flank would be empty no more after this day. Star Twinkle didn't want to ruin their expectations so kept his thoughts to himself and played along. But he knew that this would be an exhausting day.

Pig feeding in Sweet Apple Acre

“Here's another one,” said Apple Bloom, who gave Star Twinkle a bucket filled with stuff from which he didn't even know what exactly it was.

It was food for the pigs obviously but Star Twinkle didn't even know half of the stuff that was inside the bucket. But one thing was for sure. It smelled really bad. While he didn't have a problem with this work itself, he was not sure if he wanted pig feeding as his special talent. Star Twinkle and the Cutie Mark Crusaders filled the food in one of the feeding troughs. While doing that Star Twinkle noticed that they don't seem to mind this work. He guessed that they were way too excited to get their Cutie Marks to mind anything else. Whatever it was he continued his work and was not really paying attention to the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore until he heard something that got his attention.

“Alright! Bring them in!” Scootaloo shouted.

Star Twinkle startled after hearing that since it was way too early.

"Bring them in?" Thought Star Twinkle while turning around and trying to stop them. But it was too late. Apple Bloom opened the gate and several pigs ran towards the feeding troughs. The three fillies waited excitingly in front of the gate and got run over by this pig stampede. Star Twinkle who was still standing near the feeding through, was knocked over by the pigs but not without making a total mess out of him.

Eventually, he broke free of this pile of pigs and rejoined the Crusaders who didn't look any better than him. The three fillies quickly looked at their flanks, probably to check if they got their Cutie Marks. Star Twinkle didn't even bother to check but the three fillies stared at him as if they want him to look at his flank so he did too with a fake smile on his face. And not to his surprise, still a blank flank.

After they overcame their disappointment, the Crusaders went on to the next location on the map. And of course, Star Twinkle followed them.

Taffy making in Sugar cube Corner

Now that was something more relaxing, thought Star Twinkle. This was no hard work. Star Twinkle knew some basics in cooking and baking but that didn't seem to be necessary. There was a giant mixer and all that they had to do was to put in the ingredients and activate it. The mixer was basically doing all the work. There were all kinds of colors inside the mixer. It almost looked like a rainbow.

That was easy, thought Star Twinkle. Apparently, the Cutie Mark Crusaders thought so too, hoof bumping each other in celebration and wondering if their Cutie Mark would have those rainbow colors too. But of course, something had to go wrong.

Scootaloo's tail was caught up in the mixer after she turned around hoof bumping Sweetie Belle. They all noticed quickly and tried to pull her out before she get's drawn in too. But that was already impossible. The rest was shortly drawn in the mixer too while trying to pull Scootaloo out.

The next thing Star Twinkle knew was that he was inside the mixer together with the Crusaders. It wasn't painful or anything but it wasn't really nice either. While being inside there, he still managed to think how taffy making could have gone so wrong.

After the “mixing” was done the four ponies walked out of the building. They were all stuck together now so walking was kind of difficult. While trying to get this stuff off off them they once again checked their flank. Again they expected Star Twinkle looked at his flank too, so he did. And again, no Cutie Mark as expected.

Can you even get a Cutie Mark if you fail at a task? He wondered.

But the Crusaders haven't given up yet. They didn't waste much time and went to the next location. After all, there were still many locations left. But that was precisely what made Star Twinkle worry.

Mane Dying in Carousel Boutique

He never understood why somepony would dye their mane at all. He was fine with his dark green mane. But then again he wasn't much into fashion so he was clearly the wrong pony to judge other ponies. He didn't know how to color a mane and he wasn't too eager to find out either. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were inside doing all that, while Star Twinkle and Apple Bloom were outside, getting the customers inside. And that's when he realized that he much rather would like to be inside. His job was pretty much trying to get attention from other ponies and that's something that he would like to avoid.

But on top of his usual concerns, this time, it was a little different. Because this time his concerns were legit. There actually were ponies walking past, that giggled at him. He was thinking why that was the case. Was it because he didn't look too excited to do this? Or because he was a stallion and mane dying was more like a mare thing? But he realized that it may be because there was a filly next to him, that constantly cheered for him and tried to convince him to put more emotion in his attracting strategy.

That was probably it, he thought.

He could swear that he heard some ponies say stuff like “how cute” or similar things. What was cute? He thought. A full grown stallion spending time with a filly? Or that he was a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders? But that couldn't spread so fast, he thought. Or maybe it was because a filly was constantly scolding a full grown stallion because he was barely paying attention.

That was probably it, he thought.

But his concerns were over really fast after the first customers ran out of the building, mostly crying or shocked with ridiculous mane colors on their head. It looked like Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo didn't have much luck inside. Eventually, they came out and decided to end this crusading session. But not without looking at their flank before. Star Twinkle knew the drill by now and also looked at his flank even though he knew that there was no Cutie Mark.

Every time when they look at their flanks, they are full of expectations. And every time when they found out that it is still blank, they always get upset. Star Twinkle just played along to avoid further discussions.

After a while they quickly decided to go to the next location and as usual Star Twinkle followed.

Mountain Climbing on Mount Ponyville (Named by Scootaloo)

At first, this one sounded like a stupid, really bad and dangerous idea. But as soon as Star Twinkle saw the “mountain” that they were supposed to climb, he just thought that this was a stupid idea. The mountain was barely bigger than his house. Calling “this” a mountain would be more than a compliment.

There were all connected with a rope, which was actually pointless. Normally, that would prevent them from falling because it would catch the one pony that would fall down of this “mountain”. But given the size of that “mountain” that was really pointless.

Star Twinkle was leading the way. He had no problem to reach the top. But the Crusaders seemed to have more problems, probably because their legs were a little shorter. They eventually also reached the top, except Sweetie Belle who had to be pulled up to the top. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo attempted to pull her up in one go but they put too much strength into it causing them to fall down on the other side and since Star Twinkle was connected to them, he also fell down.

The fall didn't hurt them too much, except for maybe little bruises. They quickly stood up again, ready to look at their flanks.
But no Cutie Mark in sight.

He once again thought that you have to be successful at a task to actually get your Cutie Mark. After all, if you don't succeed in mountain climbing than it most likely won't be your special talent. So they should know the answer beforehand. That's his way of thinking at least. And that's why he isn't going to be sad every time they look at their flanks.

Once again, they marched to the next location on the map. And once again Star Twinkle followed.

Diving in Lake Ponyville

This was another more relaxing activity. Going swimming after a day like that didn't sound too bad for Star Twinkle. Of course, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were determent like always and had only the usual thing in mind. They were all underwater and Star Twinkle followed them wherever they were headed. He didn't know what they were searching or what else they should do underwater but he continued to follow them. What are you suppose to do underwater anyway? He thought. There was not much in the water to see but at least it was safe and not stressful at all. But Star Twinkle doubted that he would get a Cutie Mark from diving.

After some diving in the river, Sweetie Belles seemed to have found something around a rock so everypony followed her. Star Twinkle was not sure what it could be. What else is there in the water except, rocks, plants or fishes, he thought. But to his surprise, it was something entirely different. An Octopus almost twice the size than him revealed himself behind the rock.

Of course, the four ponies swam away from it in shock. Why is everything that involves those ponies bound to go wrong in some way? He thought in confusion while swimming away from the octopus.

After getting back on dry ground they once again checked their flanks. And Star Twinkle did the same as usual, knowing that there would be no Cutie Mark. It was the same every single time. This can't go on like that, he thought. At least not for him. He didn't want to try out new things. He was glad that he already had some things where he was good at, even if there weren't much.

After realizing that nothing worked until now, they headed back in the direction of Ponyville. But this time, they were walking slowly and with sadness written on their faces. Star Twinkle was surprised to see them like this. First, he wanted to say something to make them feel better. It kinda felt like the right thing to do now, he thought.

But what should he say? Tomorrow is another day? There are still more things that they could try?

He didn't believe in those words so why should he say them in the first place? So he decided to follow them as usual without saying anything.

Back in Ponyville

They were back in Ponyville, still with sad faces, except for Star Twinkle, who was not surprised by the outcome at all.

Well, that was a total waste of time, Star Twinkle almost said out loud. But looking at the three sad fillies made him keep his thoughts to himself.

“I can't believe pig feeding wasn't our special talent,” said Apple Bloom.

“Or mane dying,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Or mountain climbing,” said Scootaloo.

Star Twinkle felt like he had a Deja vu. It was just like yesterday only with different activities.

“You think we will ever get our Cutie Marks?” Asked Scootaloo to the group.

“Of course!” Said Apple Bloom. “We just have to try even more things!” she said trying to cheer the group back up again.

“I bet there are still more places that we can visit today,” said Sweetie Belle excited.

The mood quickly changed and they were full of energy once more.
It was almost astounding how fast they recovered from all these failures, making Star Twinkle wonder just how important a Cutie Mark is for them.

After some more discussing they decided to continue their crusading. Just the thought about more random activities made Star Twinkle sigh in frustration. This was the moment where he reached his limit. He was not exhausted at all but he knew that he could never go on like this. A Cutie Mark was not that important to him. In fact, he didn't even care if he would ever get a Cutie Mark.

It was not because he was grown up and they were still fillies anymore. And even though it was a club that was found by fillies, he was putting way more meaning in this than he should. But that still didn't change the fact that it was a club that has the goal to get a Cutie Mark. So Star Twinkle was sure that his decision would be the right one.

“I'm out,” said Star Twinkle, bringing down the mood again a little.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then looked at each other confused. They probably didn't expect to hear this from Star Twinkle so they asked just to make sure.

“What do you mean with, you're out?” asked Apple Bloom confused.

He didn't want to repeat himself because he knew that they might be sad or that they might not understand his reasons.
After all, they had a whole different perspective than him when it comes to Cutie Marks. But eventually, he did repeat his words.

“I mean, I'm out, out of this looking for a Cutie Mark thing,” he explained.

Of course, they asked why he would say such a thing and didn't understand. He could explain why he didn't want to try more things out and why he didn't want to rush his Cutie Mark but he didn't know how he should say this to them without ruining their theme of their club.

He could say that he wasn't interested in a Cutie Mark at all. Or that these activities were all a waste of time. But saying that would maybe let them questioning why they do all this stuff in the first place and he didn't want to do that. If they want to do all this in hope to get their Cutie Mark, then he isn't going to stop them.

But before he could explain anything a voice could be heard from the distance, that draw the attention of the four ponies.

It was a filly. She had a pink coat and a purple mane with white stripes and a light blue tiara on her head which strongly resembled her Cutie Mark. She was also accompanied by another filly with a gray coat and a light gray mane. She was also wearing blue glasses and had a spoon as Cutie Mark.

“Well, well, if it isn't the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” said the pink filly in an arrogant tone.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders seemed to know them and greeted them.

Judging from their manner of speak, they weren't friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were calling them Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Even though the two did their best to insult the Crusaders, they didn't seem to be upset at all.
Or rather oblivious to their insults.

“Still trying to fill that blank spot of yours?” asked Diamond Tiara in an arrogant like tone.

“Yes, We four tried almost everything today to get our Cutie Mark," answered Sweetie Belle

The two fillies seemed surprised to hear that and looked at each other in confusion before asking.

“Four,” Silver Spoon asked.

Star Twinkle suddenly felt like he was pushed in the center. He was starred at by Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon. It looked like they were inspecting him for a few seconds which made him feel uncomfortable.

“Aren't you a little too old to hang out with this bunch of fillies,” asked Diamond Tiara.

“Don't tell me that a full grown stallion like you is a member of those Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Silver Spoon amusingly added.

"Well, they got me there," he thought.

But what was he suppose to say? He didn't really think that it would feel right to argue with fillies. But before giving an answer they were interrupted by Apple Bloom.

“No,” said Apple Bloom in a sad tone.

“Yeah! He is just a friend,” added Scootaloo.

“Nothing more,” Sweetie Belle added.

They all sounded kind of sad while saying that. Star Twinkle seemed to know the reason. "Are they sad because I said that I left the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" He wondered.

“Well of course not,” said Silver Spoon.

“Yes, I mean who would join a stupid club like yours anyway,” added Diamond Tiara.

“Besides, you're just wasting your time, doing all that stupid stuff to get your Cutie Mark,” explained Silver Spoon.

“Yes losers, will always be losers,” added Diamond Tiara.

Star Twinkle didn't like how they were talking about them, which confused him because the wasting time part was exactly what he thought too. They didn't have the right to ruin their fun in pursuing their Cutie Mark.

That's when Star Twinkle realized something. Something that he had never thought about before.

Their goal was to get a Cutie Mark but, that's not the only reason for their club.

Now he knew why they were so excited every time. Or why they didn't want to give up.

To have fun together.

They all three had no Cutie Marks, that is what connects them. That is why they have so much fun together even if they fail multiple times. They are the same. They wish for the same and have fun to reach their goal together.

After thinking about everything that they did so far, he realized that not everything was THAT bad Maybe getting your Cutie Mark with somepony at the same time is not so bad, he thought.

Is that why they were so sad? Because they thought Star Twinkle had something in common with them? It's like with his friends and the Elements of Harmony. If he wasn't chosen by one of the elements, then he would still be alone.

All these thoughts crossed his mind, making him realize things that he overlooked up to this point. Eventually, he stopped thinking and made up his mind turning to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to give an answer.

“Actually,” Star Twinkle said gaining the attention of everypony.
“I am,” he proudly said.

Those words confused everypony, especially the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who remembered his words from before all too well.

“Yes, I am too, a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” he proudly admitted even though he was not sure if what he said were his real thoughts.

Still, those words left everypony in silence and shocked expressions on their faces. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then quickly had a happy smile on their faces. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, on the other hoof, started to laugh at him.

“That's the funniest thing I heard in a while,“ said Diamond Tiara while still laughing uncontrollably.

Star Twinkle didn't know what to say since he kinda expected this reaction. Still, he could feel how he got slowly annoyed and angry from the inside.

“Whaaaat?” Said a familiar voice in surprise from afar.

It was Rarity, who was accompanied by Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

“I didn't know that YOU would be a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” She said in an overly dramatic tone.

"What is she talking about? She already knew about this, so why is she pretending that she didn't know?" Star Twinkle wondered.

“Yes, it must be a great honor to have him in the Cutie Marks Crusaders,” said Twilight.

Star Twinkle doesn't seem to be the only one who was surprised. The fillies were all confused as well.

“What do you mean?” Asked Diamond Tiara confused.

“Wait you didn't know?” Said Rainbow Dash in an overly confused tone.

Star Twinkle was still not sure why they behaved like that. It kinda looked like, they were acting. But why would they do that? He wondered.

“First, he made the defeat of Nightmare Moon possible, then he was chosen by one of the Elements of Harmony and now he is a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Twilight added.

It was kinda like she was making sure that everypony around would hear that, much to Star Twinkles dislike. But before he could complain he noticed, how Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were stunned and looked at Star Twinkle with open mouths.

"Wait...Are they trying to impress these two? So that they would leave The Cutie Mark Crusaders alone?" He figured.

“Common Silver Spoon, let's not waste time here and do something else,” said Diamond Tiara to Silver Spoon as they walked away.

It did seem to work, though, he thought. They left with a rather intimidated expression on their face. As if they didn't know how to response to that.

“Did you act like that on purpose?” Asked Star Twinkle.

“Well after standing up for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we thought we should also stand up for you,”
Explained Twilight.

So they heard what he said back then, which made him feel a little embarrassed. But at least the two fillies weren't bothering him and the Crusaders anymore. And the three fillies seemed happy too. They approached him and asked him questions about Nightmare Moon and the elements of Harmony. But they asked so many questions at once, he couldn't concentrate at one of them.

They eventually stopped after Twilight interrupted them.

“You know, Star Twinkle might not look like this but he is, in fact, a very busy pony,” Twilight explained.

“Yes and we would like to spend some time with him too from time to time,” Rarity added.

“Besides, Star Twinkle has a one tracked mind, so doing different things at once is a little more difficult for him,” explained Rainbow Dash.

He didn't like that they were so direct, even thought it was true. It made The Cutie Mark Crusaders thinking. But Star Twinkle was not lying when he confronted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. He at least wanted to make everypony know that much.

“Still,” Star Twinkle interrupted. “I guess it wouldn't hurt THAT much if I come and visit you from time to time in your Clubhouse so that we can discover our Cutie Mark,” he said trying not to sound too bothered, even though he meant what he said. “I mean if I'm still allowed in the club,” he added.

The Crusaders seemed happy to hear that and formed a circle to discuss something.

“We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, hereby declare you as,” said Apple Bloom.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Honorary Member!” All three of them shouted.

“Honorary Member?” He asked confused.

“That means that you're always welcome in our clubhouse whenever you feel like it,” Scootaloo explained.

“Oh. Well, I guess I am okay with that,” he said in relief.

It somehow turned out well for everypony, which was not expected from Star Twinkle. The Crusaders then went off to find their special talent again without Star Twinkle. He then turned around to the three ponies to thank them.

“I guess I have to thank you,” he said to Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.

“You know, you could have just told them that you didn't want a Cutie Mark, right?” Said Rainbow Dash.

He didn't know what he should say to that, since it was true, making him look down in frustration as if he was scolded.

“You didn't want to let them down right?” Twilight asked.

“I guess,” he answered but he didn't know if that was the real reason.

For the first time, he felt like his friends knew him better than he did himself.

“If you don't want to help and like to be alone more often, then you should say it,” explained Twilight trying to comfort him.

“Yeah we promise that we won't be angry or anything,” added Rainbow Dash.

“That's just who you are after all,” said Rarity.

Is it okay for them to leave him alone?
Why did feel so sad to hear that?
He should be happy to hear that.
But on the other hand, he was also glad if he could spend time with his friends.

“At the moment I would like to spend some time with you,” he said in a happy tone.

The three ponies were glad to hear that and turned around inviting Star Twinkle to follow them.

“But only if you want to,” said Twilight.

“Yes, I do,” Star Twinkle answered.

Author's Note:

Well, looks like the Cutie Mark Crusaders have another member now.

Don't forget to leave a review of this chapter or the whole story.

Every opinion counts after all ^^.

See you in the next chapter.

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