• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,442 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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32. Into the Storm

Outside of Ponyville, three Pegasus were overlooking the town.

A gray Pegasus with a green mane and a feather as a Cutie Mark. A gray Pegasus with a blue mane and a cloud as a Cutie Mark. And a yellow Pegasus with a wing, where two wind gusts came out of as Cutie Mark and wings made out of steel.

The Pegasus with the steel wings walked up and down impatiently, causing the other two to look at him worried.

“I AM SO SICK OF WAITING!” The pony with the steel wings shouted in frustration. “I mean, how long does it take, to get a messenger over here to tell us that we can start our mission!?” He further exclaimed.

The other two ponies continued to just watch.

“Um...Cloud Head, do you think we should say something?” The Pegasus with the green mane asked.

“Featherbrain, I think this is the last thing he wants right now...” Cloud Head replied.

Featherbrain looked back at the steel winged pony and couldn't help but to feel concerned. Cloud Head noticed that and decided to say something before Featherbrain would say something stupid.

“Maybe you should calm down a little, Tornado Wing, boss, sir?”

“What did you just call me!?” The steel winged Pegasus said in an instant after hearing Cloud Head's words.

Cloud Head quickly noticed that he was saying something wrong and prepared himself for the worst.

“It's Steel Wing! Steel Wing! How often do I have to remind you until it gets stuck in your little Featherbrains!?” Steel Wing said angrily towards Cloud Head.

“Yes?” Featherbrain replied, who felt like Steel Wing was addressing him.

This snapped Steel Wing out of his anger like it always does when he was speaking to his two comrades.

“What? No, what I meant...Ugh!” Steel Wing replied trying to explain but he stopped since he thought it was a lost cause.

“We are hiding outside of this town for months now!” Steel Wing exclaimed annoyed.

“Actually, it was only ten day, thus far...” Cloud Head corrected.

But Steel Wing didn't feel like arguing about that right now and continued.

“Cyclone sent us here so that we can get our hooves on this “Elements of Harmony” but only after we get a signal on what exactly we have to do! Also, aren't the elements suppose to be in Canterlot, protected by Princess Celestia herself? How are we suppose to get them anyway?”

Suddenly, Featherbrain noticed that he should tell Steel Wing something important.

“The elements are in Ponyville, right now...” he said with not a single care in his voice.

This got Steel Wing's attention. He slowly moved his head towards Featherbrain confused, with widened eyes.

“What?” he asked confused.

“Yeah, in the library,” Featherbrain added.

“How do you know that?” Steel Wing
asked slightly annoyed.

“Well, yesterday when I went to Ponyville, I decided to ask around in town since you always feel so depressed about this matter...”

“You went to Ponyville again!? And you asked about the Elements!? Are you crazy? Do you want us to blow our cover!?” Steel Wing shouted at Featherbrains face.

“But they were so friendly. There was this pink pony who told me about the Elements of Harmony. She was really friendly and Pinkie Promised me that she wouldn't tell anypony about us,” Featherbrain explained nervously, while Steel Wing was still up close to his face.

“Pinkie promised!?” Steel Wing said confused.

Eventually, Steel Wing calmed down in order to think straight again.

"So the elements are now in the library of Ponyville?" He said calmly while looking over to Ponyville.

“Yes. What are we gonna do now boss?” Cloud Head asked, waiting for a response from Steel Wing. But he kept staring at the town with narrowed eyes, thinking about his next step.

Meanwhile in the Golden Oak Library...

Star Twinkle decided to replace a book that he borrowed from Twilight. The one that he told her about a day before. He figured that he should at least replace it if can't give it back.

Star Twinkle knocked at Twilight's door and moments later he was greeted by her after she opened the door.

“Hey, Star Twinkle. What brings you here?” She asked.

He then pointed at the book and explained the situation. She also offered him to come in and at least have something to drink or eat. Star Twinkle accepted her offer and went inside the library. Spike was nowhere to be found. Made sense to him, since it was still a little early so he was probably still asleep.

“You know, I was a little mad after I heard what happened to the book but you shouldn't have to go to the trouble to replace it,” Twilight assured smiling.

“No. Don't worry,” Star Twinkle replied.

He had to. It would only bother himself, knowing that he broke something from a friend. Even if it was just a book.

Twilight then inspected the book to find out which one it was again.

“Star Ponies, huh? Oh, yeah, I remember now! I must say you have a really good taste in books, Star Twinkle. I put this one back into its place before making some tea for us, okay?” Twilight said.

“Yeah, no problem...” Star Twinkle replied.

Twilight then placed the book back to its original spot. Star Twinkle looked around the library. He felt like, the order of the books was changing, every time he visited the place. It was a mystery how Twilight can keep an overview of all of them.

Star Twinkle then noticed something new in the library. A table with a familiar blue case.

“Wait...are those...the Elements of Harmony?” He asked, walking up to them.

Twilight also approached the case after she put the book back.

"Yes. Discord managed to steal them, even though they were protected by a spell from the princess. So Princess Celestia suggested that I should take care of the Elements of Harmony for a while," Twilight explained proudly.

"If somepony stronger then Discord should appear again then I guess it doesn't matter where they are. Yeah, it's probably better if we have them right away," Star Twinkle said with little worry.

Star Twinkle took the opportunity to open the case took a look at his element. Hoping to find out something by just looking at the white star on his necklace. He also looked at Twilight's element and thought about what Discord said.

Out of nowhere appeared an element that not even Discord knew. And this element was the element of magic and not Star Twinkle's element. Wasn't that prophecy book talking about Twilight's element when it talked about the sixth element? He wanted to find an answer but he can't turn to anypony else if he wants to find out about that matter. The two princesses who wielded the elements didn't know anything. Discord was probably the only one who knew something but he was gone now. Star Twinkle didn't want to think about that anymore. Everything worked out fine in the end after all.

"Are you sure that it is safe to place them in the open like that?" Star Twinkle asked worriedly.

But Twilight smiled in response and assured that they will be safe which Star Twinkle found hard to believe.

"I actually was about to put a protection spell on them before you arrived,” Twilight assured calmly.

“Then you should probably go back to that as soon as possible,” Star Twinkle advised.

Twilight chuckled in a response of Star Twinkle's worry.

“Don't worry, Star Twinkle. It will be fine. I mean it's not like somepony will suddenly jump through the window and steal them," Twilight jokingly said.

But irony strikes and suddenly three ponies jumped through the windows, leaving Star Twinkle and Twilight in shock and surprise.

They were all Pegasus. Two gray ones and a yellow one. One of the ponies turned to Twilight. He had a yellow coat, a light blue mane, a wing with wind gusts coming out of it as a Cutie Mark and most noticeable two wings made out of steel. Something that Star Twinkle and Twilight never saw before.

"We are here for the Elements of Harmony!" He said with a mischievous smile. "The name is Steel Wing...and nothing else!" The steel winged Pegasus demanded.

Meanwhile, the other two Pegasus took the chance to steal the Elements while Star Twinkle and Twilight were distracted by Steel Wing.

"We got them Tornado Wing boss, sir," Featherbrain said holding the blue box of the elements in his hooves.

Suddenly Steel Wing's mood changed and he got angry at that pony.

"Seriously! How often do I have to tell you that my name is Steel Wing?!" He screamed at the pony who got startled by Steel Wing's loud voice.

"Sorry boss..." Featherbrain apologized.

"That's what you get by calling him Tornado Wing," Cloud Head said. "I think he doesn't like to be called like this," he then whispered in Featherbrain's ear.

Steel Wing, of course, overheard all of this and got only more frustrated.

Meanwhile, Star Twinkle and Twilight just watched the three of them and got confused by the weird behavior of the three ponies. But since they had the elements right now, they should keep their focus on that.

"I'll try to get them. Make sure that they don't leave," Twilight said before charging into the two ponies, who then attempted to leave through the front door. But Star Twinkle did as Twilight said and stood between them and the door, ready to attack.

The two Pegasus looked confused and didn't know what to do until Steel Wing spoke up.

"Give me the elements!" He said while waving with his hoof.

They then threw the elements across the room and into Steel Wing's hoofs, who caught them. He put them in a saddlebag that he was wearing and smiled in confidence.

"All right! See ya!" Said Steel Wing before flying out of the window again.

"No! We have to follow him!" Twilight exclaimed.

The other two Pegasus also left through the window while Star Twinkle was focusing on Steel Wing.

Star Twinkle and Twilight followed Steel Wing, who didn't get far away.

The two Pegasus quickly rejoined with Steel Wing, who flew in a rather slow pace above Ponyville.

“We did it!” Featherbrain said in joy.

“But boss. Is it really a good idea to act against our orders?” Cloud Head asked worriedly.

“Hey, if we present the elements to Cyclone, then I'm sure everything will be alright!” Steel Wing assured.

Star Twinkle and Twilight followed the three Pegasus on their hooves. Luckily, they both came along Pinkie Pie. Twilight told her that the elements have been stolen by a Pegasus with steel wings and that she should tell the others to help them. Pinkie Pie was not asking questions and quickly got on her way.

While still flying away from Star Twinkle and Twilight, Steel Wing was flying past Rainbow Dash, who took a nap in a cloud but quickly woke up after noticing Steel Wing.

"Wow look at those awesome wings! They would probably look good on me too," she said admiring Steel Wing's wings.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie jumped out from under Rainbow Dash's cloud.

"Rainbow Dash! A Pegasus with steel wings stole the Elements of Harmony!" She said before vanishing again.

Rainbow Dash quickly knew what to do and followed Steel Wing.

Meanwhile, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie have joined up with Star Twinkle and Twilight while Rainbow Dash followed them from the sky.

The three Pegasus noticed their followers and got worried a little.

"They are getting closer!" Said Cloud Head worried.

"And there are more now!" Featherbrain added.

But Steel Wing was not worried at all and continued to fly in his normal speed.

"There is nothing to be worried about. My brother wouldn't send me here if he didn't believe that I can bring back those elements," Steel Wing said confidently.

Rainbow Dash got closer to the three Pegasus and prepared herself to get the elements back.

"Those wings may look cool but you're not really fast. Getting the elements back will be a piece of cake," said Rainbow Dash in confidence before charging into Steel Wing.

Steel Wing noticed Rainbow Dash's attack and turned around, facing her with a wide smile. Just before Rainbow Dash hit him, Steel Wing slapped Rainbow Dash with one of his wings causing her to get knocked down to the ground.

Everypony let out a huge gasp and quickly rushed to her side to make sure that Rainbow Dash was okay.

"Are you all right, Rainbow?" Asked Applejack worried.

"Did somepony remember the number of this wing?" Said Rainbow Dash, clearly being knocked out by Steel Wing.

The three Pegasus stopped in midair in order to warn the rest of the six ponies.

"There's plenty where that came from," Steel Wing said overly confident.

"Yeah, that's what you get when you mess with the boss," Featherbrain cheered.

"We'll see about that!" said Applejack before pulling out a lasso in an attempt to capture Steel Wing.

She threw the lasso at Steel Wing and actually managed to capture him, binding the rope around his body. All she had to do now is pull him down so that everypony could get to him and the elements. But Applejack seemed to have trouble pulling him down. Steel Wing was heavily resisting and Applejack could not move him one inch.

"This fellow sure is hard to pull," Applejack said trembling.

Steel Wing then flew a little higher, lifting Applejack over the ground. He then swung Applejack around who couldn't hold herself any longer and let go of the rope. Rainbow Dash tried to get back on her hoofs again but Applejack crashed right into her knocking her out once more.

"Ha ha ha! Nice try. Somepony else who wants to try their luck?" Asked Steel Wing provocatively.

Star Twinkle was shocked how easily Steel Wing took out Rainbow Dash and Applejack. At first, he thought that he could be of some help but after seeing that, he felt more and more helpless.

He then noticed how Twilight got angry, probably because of Steel Wing's provocations. Even Steel Wing got startled a little after Twilight's horn began to glow.

"Yes! We still have Twilight and her magic!" Star Twinkle thought. “He can be as strong as he wants but he is no Unicorn, and therefore can not block Twilight's magic,” Star Twinkle thought confidently, fully believing in Twilight's magic.

Twilight then shot a beam out of her horn, right at Steel Wing, who had a shocked expression on his face.

But that expression quickly vanished and Steel Wing slapped his wing just like before with Rainbow Dash before the magic beam could hit him. This caused the magic beam to fly right back at Twilight and the others.

"Look out!" Twilight screamed, causing everypony to run away from the beam of magic that was flying directly towards them.

The impact caused a little explosion but thankfully nopony got caught in it. Shocked after what happened right now, everypony slowly got up on their hooves again.

"Did you see that? He threw back Twilight's magic," Fluttershy said.

Steel Wing could only laugh again because of everyponies failed attempt to stop him.

"My wings are made from a special metal that proved to reflect magic! It's like a mirror made out of steel. You can forget your little magic!” He exclaimed while smiling provocatively.

"You'll show him, boss!" Cloud Head cheered.

"Nopony can stop the boss!" Featherbrain added.

It got annoying to hear those words but that didn't change the fact that they outmatched three of the seven ponies without any troubles.

"It seems like we underestimated them," said Star Twinkle.

"Who are these ruffians anyway?" asked Rarity confused.

"Yeah. And what do they want with the elements?" Applejack added.

"We don't know," Star Twinkle replied.

"Have you tried asking them?" Fluttershy innocently suggested.

Star Twinkle only shook his head because of Fluttershy's naivety.

"Hey! Who are you? And what do you want with the elements?" Pinkie Pie screamed at the three Pegasus.

She also put one of her hooves on her eyes while looking at Featherbrain. He did the same, which caused Cloud Head to look at him in confusion.

"I am Steel Wing. From the Storm Wings!" Steel Wing proudly replied.

"Storm Wings?" Twilight mumbled to herself.

“You heard about them?” Star Twinkle asked.

“I've heard that name before but I can't remember exactly,” she replied putting a hoof on her chin.

“Well, it's not really important right now,” Applejack cut off.

“Yes, what matters is that we have to get the Elements back!” Twilight said determent.

Steel Wing overheard that but was not impressed at all.

“Yeah, good luck with that!” He said unimpressed.

Still, Star Twinkle wanted to know why they want the Elements at all. Since they seem to be rather talkative about this matter, he figured he should ask.

“Why are you stealing the Elements of Harmony anyway?” He asked Steel Wing.

Steel Wing looked away for a moment in order to find an answer but he found out that he didn't have one.

“Beats me...” he replied boldly.

Of course, that only confused the seven ponies more. It was not a really good answer, given that Steel Wing would go to the extreme to just burst into the library to steal them. But Steel Wing explained a little further.

“You know, I am not that smart and I don't like scratching my head in order to come up with an answer. All I know is that my brother wants those things and that is why I will bring them to him,” he explained before he flew off again, followed by his two comrades.

Star Twinkle and his friends were just watching how the three Pegasus flew off into the distance.

“Get back here!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed waving her hoof angrily.

“Wait, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said, stopping Rainbow Dash, who attempted to fly after the Storm Wings. “We need to come up with a plan in order to stop them!”

“Twilight is right! You saw what happened if we go in unprepared,” Star Twinkle added.

Steel Wing, Cloud Head, and Featherbrain continued to fly over Ponyville in a really slow pace. They were sure that they got rid of their followers and that they could leave without any further interruptions.

But then suddenly, Rainbow Dash Flew right at Steel Wing. He noticed that and turned around so that he could hit her with his wing again. Instead of flying directly at him, Rainbow Dash flew over him and blocked the three Pegasus's path in front of them.

The three Pegasus got confused by this action. Maybe she was trying to get the Elements back and as soon as she noticed that Steel Wing was prepared, she gave up.

“You may be strong but I bet you're not as fast as I am,” Rainbow Dash said boastfully.

While Steel Wing was not even bothering about that insult, Cloud Head felt offended and tried to defend his boss.

“You take that back! The boss may be slower than a flying turtle but he is probably one-hundred times stronger than you,” Cloud Head said.

Steel Wing didn't know if he should be more angry or thankful by those words from Cloud Head but he decided to not say anything and just sighed from the inside.

“Out of the way,” he said to Rainbow Dash in an annoyed tone.

“I bet I even can beat you on the ground by just walking slowly,” Rainbow Dash boasted.

Steel Wing didn't feel the need to bother with Rainbow Dash. He was wondering why she was so confident after Steel Wing knocked her out a few minutes ago.

“Want to make yourself useful for once?” Steel Wing said to Featherbrain and Cloud Head. “Go get her!” He commanded.

The two Pegasus did what Steel Wing commanded and rushed towards Rainbow Dash but she easily dived down and dodged, causing them both to crash into each other. This lead Steel Wing to sigh really hard in frustration, while Rainbow Dash just laughed.

Little did Steel Wing know, that Fluttershy was sneaking up on him from behind in an attempt to snatch the case with the elements away from him.

“See? That's how fast I am,” Rainbow Dash said proudly.

“Yes. Very nice, You're easily the second fastest flyer I know,” Steel Wing said without any care in his life.

“Second?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed confused with widened eyes.

After that, Steel Wing noticed Fluttershy behind her, who reached out her hooves to his saddlebag in fear and with closed eyes. When she opened her eyes, she only saw a threatening look on Steel Wing's face and gasped in shock. Steel Wing then readied his wing and tried to knock her away but thankfully Rainbow Dash grabbed Fluttershy and dragged her away from Steel Wing.

Meanwhile, Featherbrain and Cloud Head rejoined Steel Wing. Steel Wing ordered them to take care of the two Pegasus.
Cloud Head approached Rainbow Dash but Featherbrain was stopping in midair after getting closer to Fluttershy.

“What's wrong, Feather? Get her!” Steel Wing commanded.

“But...but...she's...so...beautiful,” Featherbrain said who was hypnotized by Fluttershy's sight.

“Oh, my. Thanks...I guess...” Fluttershy replied not sure what to make out of this.

This once again led Steel Wing to sigh heavily in frustration.

Then out of nowhere, Star Twinkle jumped from the roof of a house and right into Steel Wing. But Steel Wing was aware of that and dodged to the side, causing Star Twinkle to fall to the ground. Thankfully Twilight caught him with her magic before he would fall to the ground.

“Thank you...” Star Twinkle said still shocked by this action.

Meanwhile, Steel Wing continued to provoke the ponies.

“You really think that I will fall for such tricks? You can't sneak up or jump on me without me realizing,”

“That's right,” a voice behind him said.

At first, he didn't think much about it, since he believed that it was either Featherbrain or Cloud Head but the voice sounded a little too high and girlish. When he turned his head to make sure, he realized how Pinkie Pie was sitting on his back.

“How did you do that!?” He said almost shocked before he tried to shake her off.

Pinkie Pie seemed to have fun with that and only shouted in joy.

“Pinkie Pie. The elements!” Twilight shouted in order to remind Pinkie Pie to the seriousness of the situation.

“Oh yeah!” She replied, before trying to grab the case.

“Oh no, you won't,” Steel Wing said, finally managing to throw of Pinkie Pie from his back.

Pinkie Pie was also caught by Twilight in midair before she touched the ground still cheering in joy.

“That was close,” Cloud Head said.

“No, it wasn't,” Steel Wing quickly replied annoyed.

But the attacks didn't stop there. A lasso, thrown by Applejack who was standing on another roof, was flying towards Steel Wing but he dodged it this time.

“Hah! You missed,” Steel Wing said boastfully.

“Uh...boss?” Cloud Head said after Steel Wing's words.

Steel Wing turned to Cloud Head only to find out that he was caught in the lasso. Applejack then pulled the lasso and caused Cloud Head to fly right towards Steel Wing, who seemed too surprised to get any chance to dodge.

But then Featherbrain flew in front of Steel Wing and blocked Cloud Heads path.

“I'll save you, boss!” He shouted moments before he collided with Cloud Head and preventing Steel Wing to get hit.

They both fell to the ground with some bruises both seemed still fit enough to get back on their hooves.

“Good job!” Steel Wing complimented. “At least you did something today,” he added.

Twilight then prepared another spell to hit Steel Wing with. He noticed it again and covered himself with one of his wings,
Twilight then stopped her spell since she knew what the result would be. Featherbrain and Cloud Head both slowly got up again and followed Steel Wing who still tried to get away from his followers.

Meanwhile, Star Twinkle and his friends were out of options. All these attempts of getting the elements back didn't work at all. This caused the seven ponies to frown.

“What are we gonna do now?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don't know...” Twilight replied.

“This Steel Wing is really a tough cookie. He is so heavy that I can't even move him one inch!,” Applejack said frustrated.

“Yeah, and he is really strong too! Believe me, I know,” Rainbow Dash said, rubbing her cheeks.

“And on top of that, my magic won't work against him...” Twilight said, making a frown.

“He seems very experienced to this kind of situations. He doesn't let his guard down at all,” Star Twinkle thought.

“But we can't just let them leave with the elements, can we?” Rarity asked.

“Of course, not! The princess left me with the elements and I can't just tell her that three ponies stole them from me,” Twilight exclaimed frustrated.

The mood was down in this group. But it wasn't the first time, where they came close to losing. Somehow everything worked out in the end. Because they worked together.

That reminded Star Twinkle to something.

“Not you...us,” Star Twinkle corrected.

Twilight, as well as the others, didn't quite knew what Star Twinkle meant with that and looked at him confused.

“We are the bearers of the elements of Harmony. And if they manage to steal them, then it's not because of you but because of us,” Star Twinkle explained. "Maybe that's what we are doing wrong. Instead of getting the elements on our own, we should focus on getting them together,” Star Twinkle suggested.

This made the others feel a little better. Their frowns turned into determent smiles. They were not ready to lose.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get those elements back!” Rainbow Dash said determent to which everypony replied with loud cheers.

“Okay listen, I have a plan,” Star Twinkle said getting the attention of everypony.
“I think it will work but...I don't like it...” he said confusing everypony before he shared his plan.

Meanwhile, Steel Wing, Featherbrain, and Cloud Head were almost out of town, still flying at a really slow pace. Steel Wing looked back and wondered if their followers gave up but still kept his guard up.

“I think we are almost out of Ponyville,” Cloud Head said.

“Hey, boss why don't you give us the elements? We are faster than you. I think we could get the elements to the headquarter much faster than you,” Featherbrain explained.

“After your performance today, I don't think so, Flying faster with those wings is impossible for me. You should know that!
But they make me unstoppable so at least that's good,” Steel Wing said with a frown. “This way, I can at least help my brother to-”

But he stopped in the middle of his sentence after he noticed Fluttershy in front of him, making him stop in midair in caution.

“Um...h-h-hello...my name...i-i-is Featherbr-” Featherbrain tried to say after seeing Fluttershy but Steel Wing interrupted him.

“You still won't give up, huh?” He asked.

Fluttershy looked hesitant but also determent.

“Um...would you mind giving those elements back?” Fluttershy asked innocently.

Featherbrain looked at Steel Wing with hopeful eyes but of course, Steel Wing will not give her the elements back.
Steel Wing knew that something was going on and looked around him in caution.

“You look like you're alone so I guess there is nopony sneaking up on me from behind, right?” He said before he turned around to make sure.

But there was nothing behind him. Still, Steel Wing had a very bad feeling and kept his guard up. His eyes scanned through the roofs of the houses in Ponyville. That is when he noticed some figures behind some chimneys on Ponyvilles roofs.

“I knew it!” He yelled.

Applejack and Rarity revealed themselves with Applejack having a rope in her mouth.
She threw it in direction of Steel Wing but he dodged, as well as Featherbrain and Cloud Head.

“You missed! Again!” Steel Wing boasted.

But to his surprise, Fluttershy caught the rope and cycled around Steel Wing before she threw it to Pinkie Pie, who was waiting on another roof on a house from the other side of the roof along with Twilight.

Applejack and Rarity, as well as Pinkie Pie and Twilight then pulled the ropes and managed to capture Steel Wing inside of it.
After tightening the rope, Steel Wing had troubles to move. But his wings were still free causing him to still stay in the midair.

“A little help, please?” Steel Wing demanded.

They then attempted to help but Cloud head was shot down by a magic beam that Twilight shot at him before grabbing the rope with her magic again. Then Fluttershy approached Featherbrain.

“Um...would you please...not help him?” She asked innocently.

“Yes! Of course!” He replied nervously with a weird grin on his face.

Steel Wing, of course, was not happy to hear that and got angry.

“Featherbrain, I swear if I get out of here then I will-” But he stopped after he noticed a shadow above him.

He looked up and noticed a figure jumping at him from above. It was Star Twinkle falling down from the sky screaming.

“Since when can this one fly?” Steel Wing exclaimed shocked.

Star Twinkle managed to land on Steel Wing. Steel Wing heavily resisted but couldn't do much since his movements were limited due to the ropes.

“Get off from me!” Steel Wing demanded, trying to shake of Star Twinkle, which made him feel really sick cause of all the shaking and being in the air.

Star Twinkle managed to stay on Steel Wings back and slowly opened the saddlebag to get the elements out. Steel Wing resisted even further but it was already too late. Star Twinkle had the case with the elements already in his hooves and threw them to Fluttershy who was still next to Steel Wing.

The rest of his friends cheered after finally getting the elements back and jumped off the roofs. Steel Wing managed to shake Star Twinkle off, leading him to fall to the ground but luckily got caught from Twilight's magic.

“Good job, Star Twinkle!” Twilight complimented, walking up to Star Twinkle.

“Yes, darling. I can't believe that you let yourself dropped from this high from Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said.

“It is definitely not one of my most favorite plans...” Star Twinkle said while still being in a little shock from the drop.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy brought the case with the elements back to Twilight. She opened the case and checked if the elements were still inside. All seven of them were still inside, causing Twilight to sigh in relief.

But there was no time to relax since Steel Wing was free again. Luckily everypony was prepared for that.

Steel Wing wasted no time and tried to free himself from the ropes. Featherbrain, who was next to him had a shocked expression on his face.


“I told you to call me, Steel Wing!” Steel Wing replied angrily, while still fiddling with the rope.

Cloud Head managed to get up again and levitated next to the two Pegasus.

“No, I think what he meant is that!” He said pointing at a little tornado that approached the three. They all had a shocked expression on their faces.

“Rainbow Dash made it!” Twilight exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash circled around the tornado and controlled in a way so that it would capture all three Pegasus.

Before they knew what happened, they got caught in the tornado, which was heading in the direction outside of Ponyville, dragging them outside.

They all joined together and cheered happily. Star Twinkle and his friends could hear some angry screams from Steel Wing but they were too excited to mind that. Right now, they were just relieved that they got the Elements of Harmony back.

“I can't believe you let me carry you this high up in the air so that I can drop you, Star Twinkle!” Rainbow Dash said, complementing Star Twinkle.

Star Twinkle's plan was to limit Steel Wings movements so that Rainbow Dash could drop him on him, getting the elements back.
Steel Wing couldn't dodge if he was trapped by everyponies ropes and didn't expect anypony from above him.
In the meantime, Rainbow Dash would have prepared a tornado strong enough to carry the three Pegasus out of Ponyville.

This plan was a little crazy and could have easily gone wrong but Star Twinkle knew that he could depend on everypony and that if they work together, that they could succeed.

While cheering for their victory, Twilight couldn't help but worry a little about this “Storm Wings”. She wasted no time and brought the elements back to the library, putting the protection spell on them. That way, they could react faster if somepony tries to take them away again.

“This spell will not only protect the elements but also warn me as soon as somepony lays a hoof on them,” Twilight explained.

“Shouldn't we tell the princess what happened here?” Star Twinkle asked concerned.

“No. The princess entrusted me with the elements! I can't let her know that the first day the elements got to Ponyville, some ponies almost stole them away from us,” Twilight said in her usual nervous tone, whenever it comes to Princess Celestia.

Star Twinkle just hoped that those Storm Wings wouldn't come back so fast. If it was only those three, then they probably could handle them again but there was a chance that there would be more of them. And that thought worried him. It was up to Star Twinkle and his friends to protect the elements. They were the spirits of the elements. No matter what the Storm Wings wanted the elements for, they can't have the elements. And they will not get the elements.

Meanwhile, outside of Ponyville...

Steel Wing, Featherbrain and Cloud Head were still trying to free Steel Wing from the ropes, which were only more tied up after that tornado.

“Hurry up a little. As soon as I am free, we will go right back to get those elements!” Steel Wing said.

While fiddling with the ropes, Featherbrain couldn't help but chuckle a little.

“Why are you laughing in a situation like that?” Cloud head asked.

“Don't you think that it is funny that Tornado Wing got defeated by a tornado?” Featherbrain explained while still chuckling.

Of course, Steel Wing was not too happy to hear this and quickly got up to Featherbrains face.

“Do you still think that it is funny when I-”

But Cloud Head cut Steel Wing off after noticing that a Pegasus was approaching them. It was a dark yellow one with a dark red mane and a letter Cutie Mark.

Steel Wing quickly recognized this Pegasus as one of the Storm Wings messenger ponies. The messenger pony landed next to Steel Wing.

“Tornado Wing, sir. A message from the headquarter!” The messenger pony said saluting to Steel Wing.

“It's Steel Wing!” Steel Wing shouted at the messenger, making him startle in fear.

The messenger quickly apologized and Steel Wing told him to not waste any time since he knew what the message would be.

“We already made our moves ourselves since you took so long. You can go again,” Steel Wing told the messenger.

“Um...actually, I am here to inform you about a change of order,” the messenger pony added.

Steel Wing was surprised and then listened to the message.

“You are ordered to go back to the headquarter as soon as possible,” the messenger informed.

“What?” Steel Wing exclaimed. “Cyclone Wing sent us here to get the elements! There is no way that he would call us back again! Besides, we already had the elements in our hooves, so why should we go back now?” Steel Wing protested.

The messenger clearly knew that Steel Wing would react like that and looked at him in fear but sadly for him, he was about to give him even more bad messages.

“Um...to be exact...the order came from the leader....” the messenger said hesitantly.

This caused Steel Wings blood to boil in anger. Featherbrain and Cloud Head knew exactly that this was not going to end well and backed away in fear. Steel Wing clenched his teeth and tried his best to keep his anger inside of himself.

“The leader...huh!? He said angrily but calmly at the same time much to the surprise of everypony.

Though he didn't like this order, Steel Wing couldn't do much about it.

“What now boss?” Cloud Head asked.

Steel Wing looked back at him with a calm expression on his face.

“You heard the order...” he said hesitantly with a frown. “I hate to go back after we came this close but... If we disobey orders, Cyclone would only get in trouble...” Steel Wing explained.

Steel Wing took one last moment to look back at Ponyville before he ordered everypony to follow him.

“Let's go back to the headquarter!” Steel Wing ordered, spreading his wings and flying off to the sky.

Everypony saluted and followed Steel Wing. They flew away from Ponyville.

“You think that one pony got a special somepony?” Featherbrain asked Cloud Head.

“They were our enemies,” Cloud Head pointed out.

Featherbrain didn't seem to find a problem in that and just shrugged as a response. Normally Steel Wing would get annoyed by the two but his mind was somewhere else at the moment.

“Cyclone...Brother...I let you down...I swear that I will do my best...to return the Storm Wings to what they used to be...” Steel Wing thought to focus his mind in direction of the future, that may be ahead of the Storm Wings.

Author's Note:

Yay custom content XD.
That's good, right?
The Storm Wings put up a good fight but there is no way that they can defeat the Main characters.


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as i had fun writing it.
If you did, then please leave some kind of feedback.
I would appreciate it ^^.

Hope to see you all in the next chapter!

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