• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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8. Star Twinkle Alone

Author's Note:

Little short chapter this time because of custom!

Of course, it takes place at “Look before you sleep”

But Star Twinkle in a sleepover with Twilight Applejack and Rarity?
I think not!

Fun Fact.

While Writing this story in like a week, the whole week was stormy over here which was fitting considering this chapter ^^.

Don't forget to leave some kind of review of this chapter/Story.
No matter if it's something you like or dislike

And of course, have fun with this chapter ^^.

It was a really sunny day and Star Twinkle was walking around in Ponyville, thinking about what he should do or with whom he should spend the day with. Since he met his new friends, Star Twinkle's daily life has changed a lot. Not only does he leave his house more often, to spend time with his friends, he also gets dragged into situations that he himself would have never stumbled across before. One day he has to help a friend on an orchard, then he has to deal with a boasting magician, and then he has to help to get rid of a dragon. And all of that in just this short time. There was not nearly as much variety in his life before.

Of course, Star Twinkle was well aware of that and he was okay with it. He was never looking for a more exciting life. His life was quiet and boring. That's what he was used to. But with his new friends, all of that changed.

While still thinking about all those things a raindrop was dropped on Star Twinkle's head. As he looked up in surprise, he noticed how some Pegasus arranged the clouds above him. They were rain clouds so it was probably about rain. Before he realized what was about to happen, rain started to come out already. It was a lot more rain than he expected and he also could swear that heard some thunder in the distance. Definitely, no weather to stay outside, he figured. He ran as fast as he could until he reached his house to escape this storm. He was soaked when he entered his house but at least he was safe now. It may not be the safest place for him to stay since his house is made out of wood but nothing happened before so he didn't worry too much. Also, it's not like he has multiple houses to choose from...

“This storm came out of nowhere. Wasn't it suppose to be sunny this day?” He wondered as he was drying himself with a towel that he got from his bathroom.

He walked up the stairs and sat down on his bed, watching out of his window to see the rain pour down from the sky.

“I hope this rain stops soon...” he said while watching outside for good amount of time.

It was dark, wet and almost dangerous looking in Ponyville. Not a good time to go outside. Star Twinkle didn't plan anything for today but he wanted to spend some time with his friends, no matter who it was, somepony always had some time to spare. It didn't matter what they would have done because he didn't care much.

He spent almost an hour looking outside waiting for the rain to stop. There were some ponies outside from time to time, who ran to search for shelter from the rain. So Star Twinkle watched them if they were running past his sight.

“It's not stopping...” he said almost in a sad voice while wondering why it bothered him that much.

“Come on! It's just some rain! How bad can that be?” He said in an optimistic voice, as he walked downstairs to the door, ready to open it and go out.

“I just go over to somepony and see if they have some time to spare,” he said while opening the door and stepping outside.

But only after one step outside, he was soaked and almost afraid to go any further after hearing the sound of a thunder that was nearby. It didn't look that bad from the inside, he thought as he closed the door again, drying himself again with the same towel than before. After that failed attempt he returned to his bed and looked outside again. Thinking about how to spend the day, he came up with another idea.

“Oh! I know! Maybe Comet wants to play!

Star Twinkle almost excitingly jumped out of his bed and walked to the other side of the room. He approached a cupboard with a fishbowl on top of it. Star Twinkle moved his head near the fishbowl to look inside. Inside of it was a little goldfish, who barely moved from his spot.

“Hey, wanna play something?” He asked Comet who showed little reaction.

But Star Twinkle smiled as if it was the most exciting thing ever. What it probably was, considering how his previous day looked till now. His excitement eventually disappeared slowly as he watched his goldfish who was probably not interested in playing right now.

“Oh!” He suddenly said, rushing away for one moment to get some goldfish food.

“You hungry?” He said showing him some pack with goldfish food.

He poured some of it inside of the bowl to feed his fish. But again, Comet showed little reaction, letting the food fall down beside him. Star Twinkle realized that Comet didn't want to be bothered and left him again. He returned to his bed again and looked out of his window. While watching the weather, he thought about some options until one thought came to his mind.

“Maybe I find something to read?”

Once again he walked downstairs to his living area. There was a small bookshelf with roughly twenty or thirty books in it. He approached the shelf in hope to find one book that he could read.

“Alright what do we have here?” he said while scanning through the shelf with his eyes.

He randomly picked one book and looked at the cover to see what it was.

“Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone,” he read out loud in a monotone voice. “I already read that one. It was okay I guess. I think there are more entries but I only got this one,”

He put the book back to its original place and picked another one out.

“The many Tales of Star Swirl the bearded,” he read to himself again. “I think I read that one too. I don't even know where I got this one from,” he said while putting it away again.

“Come to think of it, there are many books from which I don't where I got them from or why I even have them,” he said while looking at some titles of his books.

“Pranksters 101, The Beautiful nature of Equestria, Monstrous Manual, The How to make quick Bits Business Guide?" He seemed a little surprised to have such a random collection of books judging from his reaction.

But the nearby sound of a thunder made him snap out of his confusion, making him look outside of a window.

“Well I don't think that can read in peace with this weather outside,” he figured.

He found himself once again lying on his bed looking out of the window next to him. He got more and more bored, the longer he looked out of his window. Once again he jumped out of his bed but this time, he looked more determined than ever.

“Alright!” he said in determination. “I will find something in this house! And this something will free me from this boredom,” he said while walking downstairs again.

He looked around in all corners of his house and found dozens of stuff that he randomly found somewhere. First, he found a yellow ball that was below his bed the whole time. Before thinking anything, he placed it in the middle of the room and kicked it across the room. But after kicking it he realized that this was a really bad idea since it did hit multiple things across the room just as he feared. Thank goodness that he didn't have anything valuable in his house. It also was a bad idea since there was a fishbowl in the room. That could have turned out really bad, he thought. He put the ball back to where he found it and searched for something else. It didn't take too long until he found something. He found a deck of cards inside of a shelf and tried to build a tower of cards. It collapsed very easily so he always had to start over again. But after a few attempts, he gave up and threw the deck back into the shelf.

After that, still full of determination, he searched for something else. He found a flashlight that he placed on his kitchen table. Then he attempted to do some shadow play and do some figures but then he realized that doing figures with hoofs is not so easy. So he searched for something else. He came across a hammer and then decided to get the rest of his tools do some unnecessary repairs. Tables, chairs, his bed, and literally everything made of wood in his house was ongoing some repair. But that was a bad idea since he did more damage than expected, almost destroying his whole furniture. Which made him worry because if there is something that he is good in, then it's repairing.

So after re repairing everything again which didn't take too long, he put away his tools. He took a quick look outside after that.

“The weather is still like this,” he mumbled.

It was unclear for him how much time has passed since the storm started but it felt like an eternity. An eternity of boredom, he thought. He spent a good amount of time thinking about something else he could do but he ran out of options, so he returned to his bed and gave up.

“Do I even have any hobbies? I mean what did I do before I met my new friends?” He asked himself.

He tried to think about the time before the Summer Sun Celebration before he met his friends so that he might remember what he did when he was alone.

“I was alone...,” he said. “I was always alone,” he repeated.

So being alone is something that he should be used too. So why did he have problems now? What did he do before? He never complained about his loneliness before. He just accepted it, like it was normal. But now he discovered friendship for the first time.

“I still don't know anything about friendship and I still like to be alone most of the time,” he said to himself. “So this is just a normal day like always...”

He continued to watch the rain outside. It made him kinda sleepy watching the raindrops dripping down on his window. So sleepy that he dozed off.

He once again had a strange dream. It was like his previous dream that he had a while back. No images. Only a voice.

He couldn't make out if this voice was his own or from somepony else, because it was far away and sometimes really hard to understand. But this time, the words were easy to understand because they were the same one than before.

“I don't need help...

I can do this on my own...

I don't want...

Yes, that's exactly why...


But then a sound of a thunder awoke him, making him jump out in fear for a moment. As a reflex, he looked out of the window again just to see that the weather hasn't changed one bit.

“Come on! I can't even sleep with this weather outside?” He said in frustration.

Despite the shock, Star Twinkle thought about the dream he had. It was the dream he had before. But what does it mean? He never had this dream before. This dreams just started recently, around the time after Nightmare Moons defeat.

“What is that voice? Me? Somepony else?” He asked himself, trying to come up with an answer.

He slowly analyzed his dream. Making out some sense of the words he kept hearing, believing that those were his own words.

“I don't need help,” he repeated to himself.

That's what he thought like a while back.

Help from who? His friends? But he never had friends before. No friends meant no help for him. Where was he suppose to get help from?

“I can do this on my own...” he repeated to himself.

Of course. He had to do everything on his own. Because there was nopony that could have helped him. So there was no choice but to do anything on your own.

“I don't want...” he repeated to himself.

I don't want what? Help? Because nopony was there to help him.

“Yes, that's exactly why...” He repeated to himself.

What? That's exactly why he doesn't want help

“Because...” He repeated to himself.

Because...He was all alone.

That is what he came up with. Those words were pretty much his thought process when he was all alone.

Only caring about himself and nopony else. That's all that he had to worry about before.

But that changed.

Now he has not only one but six new friends who care for him. It didn't change his thought process right away but he managed to change a little. He became more extrovert to other ponies. Not to an extreme level but it was more than before.

But is that really what he wanted?

He didn't want to change at all because he didn't feel wrong or anything. But most of the time his friends look at him in disappointment whenever he makes some statements or decisions that seem normal for him but not for his friends. Almost as if they were expecting him to be somepony else.

Somepony who you could always depend on. Somepony who is always thinking about others first. Somepony who doesn't hesitate to help his friends.

But he wasn't like that.

He doesn't always know what to do He likes to mind his own business first. He always hesitates when his friends need help. Meddling in some ponies problems is something he didn't like to do. But recently this was more than once the case. Much to his disapproval. But what can he do about that? He can only be himself.

Then he remembered something that bothered him for a while now.

“The Elements of Harmony...” he said.

“The others have it easy,” he mumbled to himself.

“They all know what elements they are because it's obvious. Their Elements represent them perfectly
Fluttershy is kind
Applejack is honest
Rarity is generous
Rainbow Dash is loyal
Pinkie Pie likes to laugh
and Twilight is good in magic”

It was easy for him to list all elements and his friend because for him it was obvious. But then he thought about himself.

“So what am I?” he asked himself confused.

“I am: easily bored, I like to be alone, And I think obviously way too much,” he said in a monotone voice.

“So that would make me: The Element of boredom, The Element of Loneliness, or the Element of thinking?”

“OR. Maybe I am the element of Questions because I ask way too many of them,” he said while rolling around in his bed frustrated.

Once again he looked out of the window while still being bored.

“I really hope it isn't raining tomorrow,” he said before he tried to get some sleep again.

Meanwhile far away from Ponyville

A stallion in a dark gray hood watched the stars after the terrible storm ended. Almost as if he was hypnotized by the sky.

“What a beautiful night,” he said while watching the sky with a happy smile. “The stars are so bright tonight,” he added.

“That reminds me. I should pay him a visit some day. But I don't think I should visit him while I am like this,” he said in a more serious tone.

He then looked away from the sky and down to the ground.

“Not while I am not done,” he said.

After saying that a light laugh could be heard from him. He then turned around and walked slowly away.

“He will be fine. I know that. That's just how he is...How he always was,”

He said while walking off into the distance.

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