• Published 24th Mar 2016
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My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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3. Ticket Terror

The day after Nightmare Moon's return...

Despite Equestria almost being covered in an Eternal Night by Nightmare Moon, everything seemed to have settled down again in Ponyville and everypony returned to live their life. Princess Luna, who turned out to be Nightmare Moon, was stopped by the Elements of Harmony and returned to her sister Princess Celestia.

And...Star Twinkle was one of the ponies who was chosen by the Elements of Harmony and became friends with six ponies who were chosen as well...

This was roughly everything important that happened...

Having these things summed up in Star Twinkle'S head was really weird for him...

Star Twinkle was working together with his boss, Steel Hammer, at this very moment. They both carried a cart across the road of Ponyville filled with some wooden planks and tools, ready to deliver them to somewhere else. While doing that, they couldn't help but talk about the events that took place a day before.

"So let me get this straight, I mean in case I got something wrong," Steel Hammer said.

"Okay," Star Twinkle replied casually.

Steel Hammer took a moment to collect his thoughts before he asked away. "So after Nightmare Moon's return, you thought it would be a good idea to go to the Everfree Forest..." he started.

"I didn't think it was a good idea..." Star Twinkle thought while he kept listening

Steel Hammer continued. "...To help some ponies to find something called The Elements of Harmony...which were the reason why Nightmare Moon was imprisoned in the moon in the first place...and you were chosen by one of those Elements of Harmony...which means that you pretty much helped to save all of Equestria," Steel Hammer continued.

Star Twinkle didn't interrupt Steel Hammer and just nodded in response while they both continued their walk.

"But not only that!" Steel Hammer continued. "You also had the chance to meet Princess Celestia in person!" Steel Hammer finished.

"Yes," Star Twinkle replied, confirming everything that Steel Hammer said so far. "Sooo...what do you think?" Star Twinkle replied while he waited for Steel Hammers final opinion on the matter.

"Pretty awesome...I guess?" Steel Hammer said in uncertainty. From another ponies point of view, it might be but Star Twinkle still couldn't believe all of that himself. It all happened so fast and there was no time to think everything through.
"It's just hard picturing you in all this!" Steel Hammer added further.

"That was a given..." thought Star Twinkle. He looked up at the sky, thinking about what happened and what it meant for him. "Yes...it is really hard to believe..."


After their work was done, Star Twinkle was sitting outside of a restaurant on a table with an empty plate sitting on the table in front of him, indicating that he was eating something there. After Steel Hammer brought the matter up again, Star Twinkle was now focused on the Nightmare Moon event as well. He desperately tried to figure out some answers about what exactly happened because he couldn't believe it, even though he was there. One moment he was living his normal, boring and lonely life and in another moment he helped to save Equestria from an evil pony that was about to cover the whole world in an eternal night because he and six others ponies were chosen by the Elements of Harmony, the most powerful magic in Equestria. Just thinking about those things and putting himself into this picture was unbelievable.

Another thing was, that he now has befriended six other ponies. He had no idea what to think about that as well. He never had any friends before so it was hard for him to figure out how to feel about it. But even if he came to the conclusion that it was a good thing, his mind was focused on only one thing most of the time...

"Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Magic and…." he mumbled to himself with his head on his table.
"And what!?" He exclaimed frustrated. "Urgh! Not even Princess Celestia knew anything about a seventh element! How am I supposed to figure something out!?"

He laid his head down on the table out of frustration.
Twilight and Magic,
Applejack and Honesty,
Rainbow Dash and Loyalty,
Rarity and Generosity,
Fluttershy and Kindness
and Pinkie Pie and Laughter.
Why was only his element unknown? Why is only he supposed to be left in the dark? It didn't feel fair.

Of course, he had only a little chance to talk with both Princess Celestia and her little sister, Princess Luna to talk about all this since they were both happy to see each other again after one thousand years. Star Twinkle and his Element of Harmony were probably trivial compared to that. Also, it was not like as if he could just talk with two royal princesses like that.

Dealing with all those facts made Star Twinkle feel a little frustrated. "Why am I even thinking about that? I mean Nightmare Moon is defeated so there is no reason to use the Elements of Harmony again...which means that thinking about them is pointless, right?" He said to himself in an attempt to make him think about something else.

But it didn't work...

"Why is my mind so focused on the elements? It's sometimes the only thing I can think about. But why?" He asked himself in frustration. He then lifted his head up again and put on a fake smile to cheer himself up. "Enough of that! I am probably the only one who has to worry about unnecessary things like that," he said, again trying to think about something else.

"I CAN'T DECIDE!" A female voice then exclaimed from a few meters away.

Star Twinkle was startled by this loud voice coming from a table behind him and jumped for a moment. He turned around and saw how Twilight and Spike sat on another table. The waiter left the table so Twilight seemed to have made her order. They didn't seem to notice Star Twinkle so he first thought about leaving them alone. But Twilight was clearly bothered by something so if he talked with her then he would eventually be caught up with it as well.

And that is something he didn't want...

"Maybe I can leave without them noticing me?" He thought before he slipped out of his chair and tried to walk the other way. He already had his own problems to deal with so the last thing he needed was somepony else's problem. Unfortunately, Spike waved over to Star Twinkle, completely unaware of his attempt to sneak away so the stallion had no choice but to go up to the two with a fake smile on his face. "Great..." he thought annoyed.

Star Twinkle walked up to Twilight's and Spike's table. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

Twilight's head was dropped on the table, something that looked a little familiar to Star Twinkle. Twilight and Spike then explained the situation to Star Twinkle. Apparently, Princess Celestia has given Twilight two tickets for something called "The Grand Galloping Gala". But Twilight couldn't decide who should get one ticket and who doesn't since she didn't want to make anypony think that she likes one of them more than the others.

"Do you know what I should do?" Twilight asked Star Twinkle in her frustration.

But Star Twinkle was just shaking his head, much to the disappointment of Twilight. Star Twinkle was thinking about, what he would have done if he was in her position. But in the end, he was glad that he didn't have to decide but of course, he couldn't say that to her. "What is this "Grand Galloping Gala" anyway?" He asked out of curiosity.

"It's just some girly party, nothing more," Spike explained while rolling his eyes.

Twilight, who also rolled her eyes because of Spike's explanation, protested and said that it is one of the most important events in all of Equestria and that it is an honor to be invited by the princess herself. Despite all this information Star Twinkle didn't seem to be so impressed because it sounded like any other party so naturally, he was not interested.

"So it's a really big thing I guess?" He asked, in an uninterested tone.

Meanwhile, a waiter brought in the food that Twilight and Spike ordered. Spike already began to eat the hay that he ordered. Twilight, on the other hoof, could not stop worrying. "Of course! That's why everypony wants one of the tickets. But I can't decide who I should give one. I have the feeling that if I don't decide soon, they will drive me crazy by the end of the day," she said frustrated.

And here Star Twinkle thought he had problems. He couldn't help to think that her problem wasn't as major as she might think. "Aren't you overreacting a little? I mean they can't be that bad, right?" Star Twinkle said.

Twilight was beginning to think that as well and raised her head. "You're right. I'm sure everything will be much clearer once I eat," Twilight said relieved as she lifted the sandwich on her plate with her magic in relief.

Suddenly, Star Twinkle realized how water dropped on his head, making him look up in surprise. Dark clouds were building up above them and it was clear what happened next. "You better hurry with your eating cause it looks like it's going to -" But just in the middle of his sentence heavy rain was suddenly pouring down on his head, leaving him soaked. "Rain..."

Twilight was confused about what was happening until she heard a familiar voice up in the sky.

"Hi there, best friend forever I've ever ever had. Enjoying the sunny weather?" Rainbow Dash said, sitting on a cloud above the table where Twilight sat. For some reason, she left a space of clouds open so that the sun would shine through right where Twilight was sitting.

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?" Twilight asked bothered.

"Whaddya mean? I just saw the smartest, most generous pony about to get rained on, so I thought I'd kick a hole in the clouds to keep her dry so she could dine in peace, that's all," Rainbow Dash explained.

But Twilight quickly realized what was going on behind Rainbow Dash's action. "Rainbow, you're not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing me extra special favors, are you?" Twilight asked.

"Me? No no no, of course not," Rainbow Dash innocently replied. However, Twilight had problems believing that and looked at her in disbelieve. "Seriously, I'd do it for anypony," Rainbow Dash added.

Twilight looked at Star Twinkle to confirm Rainbow Dash's statement and was now soaked with his mane covering his eyes and an annoyed look on his face. Star Twinkle was just wondering what he is still doing there, standing in the rain, waiting for something to happen on its own. To which Rainbow Dash just responded with an embarrassed laugh.

"Rainbow, I am not comfortable accepting unwanted favors so I'd appreciate it if you close up that rain cloud right now," Twilight demanded.

Rainbow Dash didn't like to hear that but did as Twilight told her to and closed the gap in the clouds, leaving Twilight happy and Star Twinkle worried because he knew exactly what was about to happen. Now it started to rain on Twilight as well. Making it impossible to eat the sandwich she ordered, cause it is now soaked. Twilight let out a growl of frustration while Spike could just laugh.

"Alright, I'm soaked enough...so how about we get out of the rain?" Star Twinkle suggested.

Seconds later, Rarity who had an umbrella to keep herself dry approached the two soaked ponies and offered the two to come with her so that they no longer have to stay in the rain. They were all practically dragged to Carousel Boutique which was the place where Rarity lived. While Rarity took care of Twilight and Spike, Star Twinkle looked around the Boutique. It was the first time for Star Twinkle to see the "Carousel Boutique" from the inside. There were Mannequins, where Rarity probably put her dresses on, a podium surrounded by mirrors, colorful curtains, and dresses that were hanging all over the place. He came to the conclusion that it was a little too colorful and girly for his taste.

Shortly after Star Twinkle's body was dry again, he noticed how Spike approached him in a rather fancy light blue outfit, paired with a blonde wig and a black hat. While Star Twinkle thought that Spikes looked hilarious, he tried his best to not laugh but couldn't help to at least grin a little. "Why do you look like that?" Star Twinkle asked.

"Don't ask," the little dragon annoyingly replied.

Spike left the Boutique after getting out of his funny garment and Star Twinkle walked up to Twilight and Rarity. Twilight was also dressed very fancy while Rarity seemed to fantasize about something.

"And oh, my goodness, what a coincidence. I happen to have an ensemble of my own that matches yours to a T. We would be the belles of the ball, you and I. Everpony would be clamoring for our attention. All eyes would be on us, and then everyone would finally know, the most beautiful, most talented, most sophisticated pony in all of Equestria is Rarity the unicorn," Rarity fantasized in front of the two ponies unaware of the reaction of them. As soon as Rarity looked over at Twilight who gave her a mean look, she realized that she might have chosen the wrong words to speak out. "He he...And Twilight Sparkle, of course," Rarity corrected.

But Twilight knew exactly what was going on again. "I see what's going on. You're just buttering me up so I give you the extra ticket. Well, it's not gonna work. You're going to have to wait for my decision just like everypony else." She walked to the door removing her clothes at the same time while Star Twinkle followed her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've been trying all day just to get some lunch," Twilight said as she stood in the door of the boutique.

"Did somepony say lunch?" A female voice from outside said.

Out of nowhere, Applejack appeared and dragged Twilight out of the door to present her a carriage full of food.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Twilight said in an annoyed tone as soon as she saw all this in front of her.

"I got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplings, apple crisps, apple crumblers, and apple Brown Betty. Uh, the dessert, not my auntie. What do you say there, best friend?" Applejack asked with the dessert on her head, offering it to Twilight.

Star Twinkle could hear a grumbling stomach sound, which came undoubtedly from Twilight who became more and angrier and frustrated. "No. No," she exclaimed. "I don't know who I'm giving the ticket to, and all these favors aren't making it any easier to decide. In fact, I'm less sure now than I was this morning. Come on Star Twinkle we're leaving!" She said while running angrily away.

"We?...err I mean yes, right behind you," Star Twinkle said who felt more and more involved in Twilight's problem. Something that he didn't like at all. He always dealt with his problems on his own. Not that he had any friends that he could ask for help. The only thing he wanted was that nopony would involve him with their problems. But that was exactly what happened right now.

Of course, Star Twinkle followed her, even if he wasn't really sure why. He walked her home but they didn't talk much. Probably because they were both annoyed about this ticket situation. But at least gave Star Twinkle time to think. "Aren't they supposed to be friends? Don't they realize that they put too much pressure on Twilight? Why doesn't Twilight tell them that she can't decide because she doesn't want to let anypony down?" Star Twinkle wondered.

It's all those questions that he had no answers for that made him unsure if he really belongs in this group of "friends".

"You see what I mean?" She asked Star Twinkle who was still in deep thoughts.

"Huh? Oh! Yea!" He replied, pretending that he listened to Twilight.

They both arrived at Twilight's library where Twilight just wanted to forget about the ticket for today. "Thanks for walking home with me," she said giving him a little smile.

"No problem," he replied casually. He was actually glad that this was over as well.

Star Twinkle turned around and attempted to leave but he heard a humming from inside the treehouse as soon as Twilight opened the door. The humming came from Fluttershy, who seemed to clean Twilight's library, much to the despair of Twilight. "Fluttershy, not you too?" Twilight said in frustration.

Star Twinkle felt bad for Twilight but he had enough of this whole "ticket situation" and pretended he didn't notice Fluttershy and tried to leave. Thankfully, Twilight walked into her house to talk to Fluttershy, so it was safe to leave.
At least, that's what he thought. As soon as Star Twinkle turned around to walk away from the treehouse, a Squeaky voice greeted him.

"Hi, Star Twinkle!" It was Pinkie Pie. So things will become difficult, he thought. All he wanted to do is trying to escape from Twilight so that he never has to hear something about tickets for the rest of the day. But knowing Pinkie Pie, that was probably not an easy option right now.
So Star Twinkle talked to her in hope that it would be a short conversation.

"Hey! Um...What are you doing here?" He asked, clearly not knowing what he should talk about with her.

"Oh, just trying to convince Twilight to give me the ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala," she replied openly.

Star Twinkle was surprised to get such a direct answer, but he wasn't surprised to hear the word "ticket" again. He already had a bad feeling that this is not gonna be pretty. "Yeah, I don't think this is a really good idea now," he advised.

"Don't worry. I have a very good plan!" She said while turning around to a group of ponies, that Star Twinkle just noticed.
"Ready girls?" She said as she turned her head to the group behind her. The ponies replied with a motivated cheer and Star Twinkle didn't know what this all was about but he knew that Twilight would see through it again. Twilight was standing in front of the door now. She pointed with her hoof outside of the door, probably trying to make Fluttershy leave her house.

She then was surprised by a loud "Surprise!" that the group of ponies who dragged her outside, throwing her into the air multiple times while Pinkie Pie was singing. Twilight didn't seem to happy about this "Surprise" at all demanding Pinkie Pie to drop her. Star Twinkle could only imagine how annoyed Twilight was at the moment and watched. She knew what Pinkie was planning because it was quite obvious.

"Yeah, this will totally work..." Star Twinkle said with sarcasm.

After a loud scream from Twilight, Pinkie Pie finally lets her down or rather forcefully dropped her on the ground and almost expected that this little action would guarantee her to get the ticket for the Grand Galloping Galla. "Yes, Twilight?" She said while excitingly waiting for Twilight's answer.

But as expected, Twilight smelled her plan a mile away already. "At least, the other ponies tried to be subtle about the ticket," Twilight pointed out annoyed.

One of the ponies stepped out of the group to ask what ticket Twilight was talking about. Pinkie Pie explained to them that Twilight had one ticket left for the Grand Galloping Gala. Star Twinkle saw where this was all going and tried to interrupt Pinkie but it was too late for that. Ponies all around Twilight now tried to somehow get the ticket, from compliments and gifts to personal services, Twilight was now harassed from every direction. The only thing left for her to do was running away from this crowd of ponies. Star Twinkle and Pinkie Pie just watched how things got out of control real fast.

"What's wrong with her?" Pinkie Pie asked in confusion to which Star Twinkle didn't even respond.

"What in the hay was that all about," Applejack asked as she witnessed how a crowd of ponies walked by her, as she approached Star Twinkle and Pinkie Pie.

"Well..." Star Twinkle was about to explain the situation but he noticed how Rarity showed up, who carried another rather fancy light blue dress.

Applejack asked what she was trying to do with that dress, cause it was obvious what her intent was. "Well, I just wanted to give Twilight one of my dresses as a gift. That is all," Rarity replied innocently.

"And you're sure it has nothing to do with that ticket she promised to me?" Applejack corrected.

Suddenly, a voice from above could be heard, which was familiar one everypony recognized. "Don't you mean my ticket!?" It was Rainbow Dash who landed in front of Applejack with a mean look on her face.

"And just what are you doing here?" Applejack asked annoyed at Rainbow Dash.

"Me? I just wanted to remind Twilight what good friends we are. But the question is what are YOU doing here?" She asked back to Applejack.

Fluttershy who was inside the Treehouse the whole time overheard the conversation and came outside. As the other ponies noticed her, Rainbow Dash approached her to ask her what SHE was doing in Twilight's house.

"I...um...just wanted to...ehm..." Fluttershy said hesitantly.

Rainbow Dash suddenly realized that Fluttershy also wanted the ticket for herself. Applejack tried to defend Fluttershy while also making sure that she is the one deserving the ticket. Soon Rarity and Pinkie Pie joined in and they all started to argue about the ticket.

"What is going on?" Star Twinkle wondered. "They are friends, right? So why are they arguing about something minor like this?"

Needless to say, Star Twinkle had the feeling that he had to say something before it got completely out of control.

"Girls!" He said in a poor attempt to make them stop.

But they weren't listening and argued more and more, making Star Twinkle feel uncomfortable. Were this supposed to be friends? Was he supposed to be part of this? Is this what friendship was supposed to be? He tried to make them stop but they weren't listening, making him feel kind of helpless as he could just watch how this so-called "friends" argued about one stupid ticket, for one stupid gala, forgetting how Twilight must feel in this situation. A mix of frustration and confusion was building up inside him, watching this until it turned into sadness and even anger, ultimately exploding in a loud shout.

"ENOUUUUUGH!" The stallion shouted in the middle of this mess.

Suddenly, all ponies were startled by Star Twinkles outburst and stared at him in surprise since they probably never saw him like that. Except for Pinkie Pie, who just said "Whoa Deja vu". Star Twinkle let out a relieved sigh after getting everyponies attention back but he soon realized that this is not exactly what he is used to, making him nervous at first. But he came this far, so he might as well finish it by saying what he wanted to say.

"Listen I don't know why that ticket is so important to you all but I don't think it's up to you who Twilight gives her ticket too.
Besides the problem is not that she can't decide who to take with her, but who she can't take with her. At least, that's what I think. You are all her best friends and she doesn't want to let anypony down, so don't put even more pressure on her!" He explained with some anger in his voice.

The five ponies who argued seconds before were completely silent and looked at each while listening to Star Twinkle.

"If you really think one day on this Gala is worth all this then do what you want," he added. "Some friends you are..." he added, giving them all a disappointing expression before he walked away.

Everypony looked at the ground in shame after hearing the last sentence, realizing their mistakes. Star Twinkle just walked away not even bother looking back. He was not used to such stressful days, aside from that Nightmare Moon incident so he was In a really bad mood, to begin with. He was still thinking about what he said to them and was surprised to hear those words coming out of him.

"Some friends you are..." he repeated to himself.

This sentence made him feel the worst. How can he, who never experienced friendship in the first place, say that they are bad friends? He stopped walking for a moment and decided to go back to them to apologize. No matter if it was needed or not, he just wanted to do it, to make himself feel better.

The sun was already gone till he arrived at the Treehouse but it looked like he was too late anyway. Nopony was in front of the Treehouse, so he couldn't apologize, making him feel bad again. The lights of the Treehouse were on, so Twilight must be home. Suddenly the door opened and six happy ponies walked out of the tree house. Each with a ticket floating above their heads, probably from Twilight's magic.

"What's going on here?" The Confused pony asked

"Oh, Star Twinkle! Perfect! Here!" Twilight said as she walked up to Star Twinkle and levitated a ticket in front of his eyes.

Needless to say, Star Twinkle was confused. "Are those all tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala?" He asked.

"Yes! I gave my tickets back to Princess Celestia, so she gave me enough for all of my friends. Here this one is for you," she explained as she offered Star Twinkle one of the tickets.

"Gave them back? Why did you do that?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

The other ponies approached him as well, explaining the situation.

"We have you to thank for that," Rarity said in a grateful tone.

"Yes! If you hadn't told us what bad friends we were, then we would have never realized, how bad we would make Twilight feel," Pinkie Pie said in an unfitting happy tone.

"They came and apologized to me, saying that they didn't want to go to the gala anymore. That's when I realized that I didn't want to go either if it means leaving one of my friends behind. After all, it wouldn't be as much fun, if not all of my friends could come," Twilight explained.

"Come on Star Twinkle, we gonna get Twilight something to eat, because of all the trouble we caused, you should come too," Applejack suggested.

They all walked away happily, laughing and smiling. It was surprising how good this all turned out at the end, judging from the rest of the day. Was it really that easy? Is what Star Twinkle thought, but he was kinda glad, to see them all having fun again. Spike also walked by him now, having one ticket himself in his claw and giggling, which he stopped after he noticed that Star Twinkle was looking at him.

"I mean, gross, I have to go too?" He said before he continued giggling after he walked away.

Star Twinkle just gave him a light smile, while thinking about what Twilight said. "It wouldn't be as much fun if not all of my friends could come..." Star Twinkle mumbled to himself. "Yes, It must be bad if you have to leave even one friend," he figured. Thinking back, he would probably not have liked it if one of his friends would have been left behind and he surely didn't want to be the one who had to decide who it would be. Realizing that he felt kinda happy that

He followed the others slowly and noticed how Twilight looked back at him, giving him a smile, that almost said thank you, making Star Twinkle look away kind of embarrassed.

Later that night...

After the day was over, as usual, Star Twinkle lied in his bed, spending some time to think about stuff. He again thought about the seventh unknown Element of Harmony, what it was, why he was chosen by it and other stuff.

"I am the only one thinking about this, am I?" He said in his frustration while he stretched out his legs.

After an awkward silence, the stallion looked to his left, towards a wooden table stood, where the Ticket for the Grand Galloping Gala was laying on. He remembered how all of his friends had a set goal in mind on what to do at the Gala. But of course, he was the only one who didn't. Just another thing that bothered him.

But maybe he didn't need to know, just like with his element and things will work out when the time was right. The longer he looked at the ticket, the more he told himself that, whether it was true or not. In the end, he came to one conclusion...

"I don't know what I am supposed to do on the gala, but that doesn't matter, right? Cause I will be there with my friends, That's what I should think about," he said to himself in a calm voice.

He closed his eyes and decided to go to sleep now, trying to forget that whole Element of Harmony Stuff and thought about the Grand Galloping Gala and all the fun that he will have there with his new friends. That way he had something to look out for.

Author's Note:

The Slice of live portion begins now ^^.
Those Chapters just serve to show Star Twinkle's Character.

Like I said in the previous chapter, not every Episode will be rewritten and some custom stories will occur.

So stay tuned!

Or not!

Do whatever you want XP.

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