• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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Season 2 Intro - A Storm is coming

It was a stormy day...

The wind was blowing harder than usual at that day so Star Twinkle decided to stay home. He could see how some ponies outside had problems to even walk straight. Going out right now would be a pretty bad idea.

“Why is it so windy today?” He wondered.

Soon his face looked up at the sky, watching the clouds that were blown away by the wind. It was almost hypnotizing.

“It's almost...dangerous...” he mumbled.

Meanwhile in the south of Equestria...

The far south of Equestria was labeled as the mysterious south. It was called like that because it was an still unknown place. Living conditions were not as easy as in other places of Equestria.

The forbidden jungle for example. A deep jungle filled with dangerous creatures.

Then there was the Arimaspi territory. A place even more unknown to pony kind. Also labeled as dangerous.

Another place was the badlands. A rather unfruitful place but not impossible to live in. Buffalo's set up their camp in this place from time to time but ponies usually avoid this place.

Five Pegasi were flying through the clouds over the badlands. One of them was in front, most likely leading the other ponies. It was a Pegasus with a light green coat and a blue light blue and yellow mane, shaped like a wind turbine and light blue eyes. His Cutie Mark was two wings with a whirlwind inside of it.

The other four ponies followed him without saying a word. He was slowly flying down beneath a cliff. After getting closer, a fortress-like structure was visible in the middle of four walls. There was a gate on the front side of the wall but the Pegasi all landed inside of the four walls instead.

There were several other ponies inside, marching through the place, maintaining the wall and working on other constructions.

“Dismissed!” Said the green Pegasus in a serious voice.

The other ponies then walked off and separated, leaving him alone. He was approaching the fortress at the end of the other side of the wall slowly while looking around and inspecting everypony around him as if he was checking up on them.

After walking through the entrance of the fort he walked up a staircase. It was a long way to the top but he took his time. He was walking slowly almost as if he didn't want to reach the top. But that gave him time to think.

“We will always stick together!” Said a voice in his head

Times may change but we will overcome everything together!” Another voice said in his head.

These thoughts seem to cheer the Pegasus up a little but then he realized that he was at the end of the staircase. There was only one way on this floor, that leads to a great hall.

There was barely any light. The only light source came from the glass window on the other side, from which you could see the place inside of the walls. The Pegasus looked down and watched everypony from there with a sad expression.

Eventually, he turned around after hearing some steps from behind.

“You're back...” said a pony who was not clearly visible because of the darkness in the room.
The only thing that was clearly visible was his blue eyes. The shadow also indicated that he was a unicorn since a horn was visible. His voice sounded displeased and a little annoyed but the Pegasus kept his calm and collected nature and looked directly at him.

“Yes, I just arrived,” he replied.

The was a strange feeling that surrounded both ponies. It was awkward but also threatening at the same time. The Pegasus knew that an uncomfortable conversation was coming up.

"What did you found out?" The unicorn asked.

The Pegasus then took a deep breath before delivering his report.

"It's just like the rumors said. Nightmare Moon returned in a little town named Ponyville and attempted to create her everlasting night. She was then shortly defeated by seven ponies who were chosen by the Elements of Harmony and returned to her former self, Princess Luna," he explained in a stoic way of talking.

The other pony calmly listened to his words and became more interested after the words "Element of Harmony" fell.

“Seven?” The unicorn asked.

“Yes. Why?” The Pegasus asked confused.

But the unicorn assured that it was not important. Still, he was clearly confused by the number.
"So they did return..." he mumbled to himself. "Where are they now?" He asked.

"In a chamber inside of Princess Celestia's castle in Canterlot," the Pegasus explained. "It seems that only she can open it, though," he added.

Hearing that angered the Unicorn. He tried to calm down a little but he couldn't hide his anger very well.

"That is a problem," he said in frustration.

The Pegasus noticed his anger but his face remained calm and collected throughout the whole conversation.

"I suppose there is no way then for us to attack Canterlot and get them by force right?" The Unicorn asked.

The facial expression of the Pegasus slightly changed after hearing that. He looked a little concerned while still remaining a serious face.

"Even if we had a way to open that chamber, there is also the royal guard. Without due respect but I will not send my troops to a hopeless mission like that," the Pegasus calmly explained.

Once again the Unicorn became angry but this time, it was focused on the Pegasus.

"Your troops?" he asked the Pegasus.

The Pegasus quickly realized and his expression turned from calm to slightly annoyed but not to the point where the Unicorn would realize.

"I mean...your troops," he corrected. "What I'm trying to say is, that our group is way too small to deal with that kind of situations," the Pegasus explained. "Also, what is so important about those Elements?" he asked.

There was a lot of tension in the air already but it became thicker and thicker the longer the conversation went. Still, the Unicorn was replying calmly.

"A pawn doesn't have to concern himself with the duties of a king," the Unicorn replied.

While there was an intimidating tone in his voice, the Pegasus wasn't afraid and kept his calm nature.

"A king?" the Pegasus asked to which the Unicorn replied only with a sinister smile.

But the Pegasus was once again not afraid and decided to rub off his smile.

"Isn't a king suppose to take care of his subjects? Taking care of a little group like this doesn't qualify you as a king. How do you expect to control something bigger like..." but he then was interrupted by the Unicorn, whose horn began to glow in a dark blue light triggered by his anger.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" the Unicorn screamed in anger while his horn glowed more and more in a dark blue color, revealing his dark purple coat and his dark blue mane, which had yellow stripes in it.

The Unicorns anger only raised the tension in the room more and more. But the Pegasus continued to keep his calm and only gave the Unicorn a serious face. According to his reaction, the Pegasus expected this reaction from the unicorn.

Eventually, the unicorn calmed down and tried to let the conversation continue.

“I want you to get me those elements as soon as possible!” The unicorn asked.

“And how am I supposed to do that?” The Pegasus replied.

“I don't care how you do it!” The unicorn angrily replied.

The unicorn then walked past the Pegasus to take a look outside from the window to overlook the place in front of the fortress.

“If that is all, then I'm leaving,” the Pegasus said, not even bothering to look at the unicorn.

But the unicorn turned around and wanted to say one last thing before the Pegasus left.

“Cyclone!” The unicorn said getting back the Pegasus's attention, who stopped but didn't bother to look at the unicorn. “Don't forget your place here. Things have changed. You should get used to that if you don't want to get in trouble,” the unicorn said almost threatening. “Also, don't mess up,” he added.

Cyclone didn't say anything for a few seconds. He was thinking about not giving him an answer at first.
But he decided to give an answer, ignoring any consequences that might result from that.

“Don't worry. The Storm Wings always succeed with their tasks...We know how to deal with problems...”

He then turned around and gave the unicorn one last threatening look before saying his last words and exiting the hall.

“Every...problem,” he said looking deeply into the eyes of the unicorn on the other side of the hall, before leaving.

Surprisingly the unicorn didn't show any signs of anger and stayed in front of the window mumbling some last words to himself.

“I'd like to see you try...”

Meanwhile, the wind continued to blow through Equestria, reaching a pony with a gray hood.
The wind was strong enough to blow away his hood, revealing a unicorn with a dark orange coat and even darker orange-reddish mane and purple eyes.
Surprised by this strong gust, he looked up in the sky worried.

“Looks like a storm is coming up,” he said before he pulled his hood back on and went on his way again.

Author's Note:

First changes!
I didn't want to make this an official chapter.
It's supposed to be some kind of trailer or interlude to show what is coming up in the future.
So you better keep this story in mind if you want to find out more ^^.

Let me hear what you think about this story or this chapter by leaving a review or comment.
Every kind of feedback is welcome ^^.

The next chapter is the beginning of season two!
I hope to see you all in the next chapter ^^.

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