• Published 24th Mar 2016
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My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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82. A Breeze in the Wind

Sometimes it really feels like there is always some kind of event happening in the little town of Ponyville. Ironically, Star Twinkle believed this town was pretty boring and quiet, a few years ago, but that was maybe because he wasn't involved with anything or anypony, so of course, nothing would happen to him or his surroundings. But this all changed after he befriended Twilight and the others. And this time, Fluttershy set up something in Ponyville and as one of her friends, Star Twinkle was involved in what she had planned as well.

Fluttershy rounded all of her friends up in order to prepare them for what was about to happen in Ponyville soon. "Okay, everypony. As you know, the adorable fairy creatures known as Breezies are about to come through Ponyville and we need to help them in any way possible. That includes providing the breeze for them so that they can safely travel through Ponyville and return home," she explained while she walked up and down with her friends standing in a straight line and listening to her.

Star Twinkle remembered that Fluttershy was just recently on a trip observing those creatures. But unlike her, he didn't know anything about them so he just went ahead and asked what bothered him. "Why exactly do we need to make a breeze for them? Can't they fly on their own?"

Fluttershy was quick to explain. "Well, you see, it's the breeze that activates the Breezies' magic, and that magic protects the pollen they're carrying from being destroyed. And they only have two days to get that pollen back before the portal to their home closes. That's why it's ever-so-important that we help them make their way through Ponyville safely," she explained, clearly knowing everything that needed to be known.

Star Twinkle was not really looking forward to all this, unlike some other ponies who visibly showed their excitement. "Yes! Ooh, it's so exciting!" Pinkie Pie said in a highly pitched voice. "I can't wait for Rainbow Dash to make the breeze for them so I can see how cute they are up close!"

"I've never done it before, not that I won't be totally awesome at it, because I totally will!" Rainbow Dash bragged, as usual.

Fluttershy agreed and was happy that the two were looking forward to it. "And that breeze is very important, but so is cheering on those teeny-tiny little things, so they have the confidence to ride that breeze to their native land. Did I mention how tiny they are? I was thinking we could do a special Breezie cheer!"

"I love cheers!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed highly excited.

However, Fluttershy had to stop Pinkie Pie's excitement for a second. "But these cheers should be quiet cheers. We don't want to startle them. They need to be able to concentrate. Why don't we try it?" She suggested before she went ahead and started. "You can do it, Breezies," she said, waiting for her friends to return a cheer.

But what she didn't exactly get what she expected. "You can do it, Breezies!" Her six friends shouted back at her, much to her surprise. Apparently, this was too loud and Fluttershy advised that everypony should tone it down a little. "You can do it, Breezies!" They once more said a little quieter but still too loud according to Fluttershy. So they gave it another try. "You can do it, Breezies!" They now said in an almost normal tone. Still...that didn't seem to be enough again. The group almost felt weird cheering even quieter but Fluttershy was the expert here so they just had to do as she said and gave it another try. "You can do it, Breezies!" They now practically whispered in her ear.

"Perfect!" She then exclaimed much to the shock of everypony. The mare noticed that she wasn't any better for a second and calmed herself down again. "Oh, um, I mean... yay," she cheered quietly, embarrassed after the loud cheer from before.

What Star Twinkle basically got from all of this, is that those Breezies were pretty weak and helpless which is why they needed all the help from everypony. The stallion was just glad that he didn't have to be one of the Pegasus who would provide the breeze for those creatures. If it is really that important then it would certainly be better if more experienced flyers would do this job. According to Fluttershy that was already taken care of. In fact, she was the one who overlooked all of the preparations for the visit of the Breezies so hopefully, everything would end up well.

Later that day...

Fluttershy made sure that as many ponies as possible would be gathered in the town square so that everypony had the chance to see the Breezies with their own eyes. Some Pegasus Ponies already practiced for the arrival of the Breezies with Rainbow Dash being the one who would take charge and directed the Pegasus who would provide the breeze. Unfortunately, there were not enough talented flyers who could fit the job with the breeze and in the end, there were only three ponies, including Rainbow Dash.

But Fluttershy said that she prepared for that and told Star Twinkle to wait for some more helpers that would shortly arrive. So that is exactly what he did.

"Who am I supposed to wait here for?" Star Twinkle wondered as he waited with a bored expression on his face.

But he would not need to wait any longer because one male and one female Pegasus were approaching the stallion. "Hey there!" The mare with the white coat and the light blue mane greeted with a grin on her face.

"Yo!" The stallion with the light blue coat and the yellow mane said almost disinterested while raising his hoof in the process.

It was two familiar faces, Hurricane Wing and Breeze Flyer, members of the Storm Wings. Of course, Star Twinkle asked the most obvious question first. "What are you two doing here?" He asked, completely forgetting that they could be the ones that Fluttershy asked to help out.

Hurricane Wing pointed towards Fluttershy and answered Star Twinkle's question. "She asked us..." He simply said.

Fluttershy while taking care of some more preparations, overheard those words and explained. "Well, you see...I contacted the Storm Wings in hope that they could provide some help for this important task," she said, seeming really grateful for their help.

"We were sent here and ready to help in any way possible," Breeze Flyer said ready to get to work as soon as possible.

"Sent here?" Hurricane Wing said confused. "Cyclone Wing said that you practically begged to come to Ponyville in order to see those Breezies..." the stallion casually pointed out.

Breeze Flyer got a little embarrassed because Hurricane Wing exposed her like that but she quickly went over it and then showed her true intentions. "Can you really blame me!? We are talking about the Breezies! The most adorable little creatures ever!" She then said with a huge smile on her face, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Right?" Fluttershy replied after seeing another pony as excited about the Breezies as herself. "I don't want to brag or anything but if you want to know more about them, then feel free to ask me," she said while she raised her chest proudly.

"Would you!?" Breeze Flyer replied excitedly. "I would love to!" She said while she rushed to Fluttershy's side and almost walked her away from the scene so that they could talk in private about the Breezies.

The two stallions reacted a little surprised by this, especially Hurricane Wing. "Um...aren't we here to help?" He said, trying to remind his partner as to why they were here again but Breeze Flyer was already too caught up with talking about the Breezies with Fluttershy. Despite, her leaving the scene, however, Hurricane Wing just shrugs his shoulders and didn't seem to mind it. "I guess, it's okay if she returns for the breeze..." he figured.

"We still have some time," Star Twinkle said while he walked up to the Pegasus. "Here, I bring you to Rainbow Dash," he offered so that Hurricane Wing could join the Pegasus that was taking care of the breeze already.

Hurricane Wing followed Star Twinkle through the road of Ponyville. The Pegasus stallion seemed to inspect the ponies around them, as well as their behavior. Seeing them all excited and happy to see the Breezies made him kinda happy as well. "Are the ponies in Ponyville always that happy?" He then asked with a confused yet happy smile on his face.

"I guess..." Star Twinkle replied, even though he didn't seem to have noticed it that much. This may be because Star Twinkle lives in this place and didn't think that it was unusual or something. "It's the first time that you visited Ponyville, right? I meanwhile not trying to steal the Elements of Harmony or something..." he jokingly added without considering how Hurricane Wing would react to those words.

Luckily, the Pegasus didn't seem too bothered. "No...I was here before, long before Mystic took over the Storm Wings actually. Me, my brothers, Breeze Flyer, Cloud Head, and Featherbrain were here on a mission to catch an apple thief who stole apples from the orchard. It was one of our first missions back then..." he explained.

"Really?" Star Twinkle replied, fascinated to hear this fact. But the stallion couldn't remember that the Storm Wings were ever in Ponyville. It could be possible that he was visiting his parents in Canterlot at that time.

Hurricane Wing didn't notice how Star Twinkle was thinking about that and continued. "Now that I think back, everypony was really nice to us after we took care of the thief and offered us a bunch of new tasks to do. I think Ponyville was the first place where the name of the Storm Wings was beginning to spread," he then figured with a little smile on his face.

"Glad to hear that," Star Twinkle responded with a smile on his face as well.

Hurricane Wing then looked over to Star Twinkle with a bold expression on his face. "But then Mystic showed up and we became criminals..." he casually said as if it was something trivial.

Star Twinkle didn't really know how to react to this and formed a confused expression on his face. "You know...after telling me all this stuff how everything went well for you...you didn't really have to ruin it by adding that last bit..." he said.

But Hurricane Wing only shook his head and grinned. "Don't worry, it's in the past, that means it's over," he then said with a hint of happiness in his voice. "If we always think about the past, then you realize how much worse things happened in your life. So just tell yourself that the past is over. That way you have much less to get frustrated about," he explained while still keeping his grin up.

"The past is over, huh?" Star Twinkle thought. It's like Hurricane Wing was directly talking to him and wanted him to take this advice. Ironically, Star Twinkle liked that way of thinking. Star Twinkle knew that his memories were a little messy and that there were things that he liked to change in the past. The best solution would really be to forget about it and to go on with your life. Star Twinkle wished that he could live that way.

The two stallions arrived at where Rainbow Dash was and Hurricane Wing quickly joined the ponies who would provide the breeze for the Breezies. It was no surprise, that he was easily able to fit in, he was as good of a flyer then Rainbow Dash, after all. His brothers even went so far and called him the best flyer in Equestria. Rainbow Dash would probably not like, hearing that right now but fortunately, Hurricane Wing didn't seem like somepony who would brag with his skills.

What mattered was that everything would go well in the end...


Everypony waited near the town's square now. Hurricane Wing and Breeze Flyer both joined the group of ponies who would take care of the breeze and Rainbow Dash kept her eyes open at the distance to look for the Breezies. Eventually, the Pegasus mare did spot something in the distance and quickly went to Twilight to whisper to her that their guests were about to arrive.

Twilight was in charge of telling everypony so she smiled after realizing that the moment finally arrived. "Everypony, it's time. Please welcome... the Breezies!" She whispered to the residents of Ponyville who then looked over to the distance.

There was a swarm of little creatures approaching the town. They were really tiny creatures that almost resembled ponies. Their bodies were a little bit more slender and had butterfly-like see-through wings and antennae on their heads. They also had different colored bodies and hair, like ponies.

Fluttershy previously said that everypony should be really quiet while watching them fly over Ponyville so that they wouldn't accidentally scare them. It was also forbidden to make sudden movements that could interrupt with the breeze. Despite all those things that had to be looked out for, it was actually worth watching those rare creatures travel through Ponyville since everypony highly enjoyed watching the Breezies.

"They're as cute as Apple Bloom on the day she was born," Applejack whispered.

"And would you look at those adorable little packs they carry their pollen in?" Rarity pointed out.

"So... cute! Can't... take... it!" Pinkie Pie said, trying to hold her breath before she would explode by the sight of those cute creatures.

"Just let them fly by...then you can scream as much as possible..." Star Twinkle advised so that Pinkie Pie would not ruin everything with one little outburst.

By far, the most excited pony would be Breeze Flyer who couldn't stop smiling by the sight of the Breezies. Hurricane Wing only looked at her and shook his head confused because he couldn't see why she was going crazy over those creatures like that.

For Star Twinkle it was a little boring to just watch those creatures flying past, even if they were pretty to look at. So pretty apparently, that Spike really wanted to see them up close so he decided to climb a nearby tree to get a better view. But things just needed to go wrong in some way.

"Oh, no!" Spike said after he realized how something went wrong.

Due to the shaking on the tree, one single leaf was falling from the branches and unfortunately crossed the path of the Breezies. Since this leaf was as big as one of those creatures, it was enough to cause a little group to be separated by the rest and let them fly uncontrollably, creating a panic between them and everypony who watched this.

Rainbow Dash quickly noticed that something was wrong and asked to slow down the breeze so that the separated group could catch up with the rest again but the Pegasi couldn't take care of both groups at once. Rainbow Dash's next idea was to speed up the breeze but that would mean that the first group would be too fast which would further separate the two groups.

With nopony having an idea to help in any way, they all stood there and had to watch how all this was happening in front of them. Finally, Fluttershy stepped in and decided to help the poor group that was separated. One of the Breezies was trying to calm the rest of the Breezies, or at least it sounded like that, nopony could really understand a word because it was speaking in a completely different language.

However, Fluttershy did. "He's right! You must all gather as close as you possibly can!" She said after hearing the words of this one Breezie. The remaining Breezies did as she said and all clung to the mare's body and she slowly sunk down to the ground with the little creatures on her body.

Having watched all of that, the crowd of ponies quickly cheered for the mare after her heroic action. So did her friends who were all walking up to Fluttershy to express their amazement.

"That was amazing!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

One of the Breezies then approached Fluttershy. It was one wearing a black jacket, a light cerulean body-color, pink hair, and moderate rose eyes. "Mugudi saikendus?" He asked in a language that nopony except Fluttershy seemed to understand.

"Oh, I understand the language of all kinds of creatures!" Fluttershy replied.

But the little Breezie didn't seem too impressed. "You must be so proud," he said in a sarcastic tone.

Fluttershy was surprised to hear one of the Breezies speaking her language. "And you speak my language too?" She asked confused.

"I can," the Breezie replied. "This lot can only understand you. Clearly, they're not the brightest bunch around," he added boldly, much to the dislike of the rest of the Breezies who got angry by those words.

Fluttershy was quickly approached by her friends and told her how heroic it was from her to step in to save the Breezies. But then Spike showed up and addressed the elephant in the room. "Okay, okay, okay! I know what you're all thinking! Why don't you just say it?! I'm sorry! This is all my fault! I'm so, so sorry!" He apologized, with tears running down his cheeks and preparing himself to get shouted at from all sites.

But nopony was mad at all since it was obviously an accident. "Oh, Spike, it's okay! It could have happened to anyone of us," Fluttershy said to cheer him up again.

It made the little dragon feel a little better but as soon as the Breezies made sure to let him know how angry they still were, he took some steps back and figured that he might get away from them. "I'm... just... gonna stay over here," he said after he heard the shouting of the little creatures that were directed towards him.

Star Twinkle then decided to get everypony on track again. "Now after this has been taken care of, what do we do now?" He asked.

"Yeah, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said. "You want us to get the breeze going again so these little guys can get a move on?" She asked, preparing to give the Pegasi a signal at any moment.

However, the Breezies quickly clung against Fluttershy as if they wanted to protest against that idea. They might still be a little scared and didn't want to get right back to the breeze for some reason.

"Maybe we should wait just a moment or so. They've been through so much..." Fluttershy then said after she figured that the little creatures were still a little scared.

"Well, they do have two days left until they can get home right?" Star Twinkle pointed out.

"Right," Rainbow Dash replied. "Just gimme the word when you think they're ready, Fluttershy,"

Fluttershy, with the Breezies behind her, then walked away. Shortly behind her and the little group of creatures, that one Breezie from before however, didn't seem to be happy at all and quietly complained about this situation without anypony noticing it.

With Fluttershy taking care of the Breezies, the others had no choice but to wait until they were ready again...

One hour later...

Star Twinkle, along with Twilight, Applejack and Breeze Flyer were all walking in direction of Fluttershy's cottage so that they could check up on her and the Breezies to see if they were ready to go now. Breeze Flyer seemed to be highly excited to go to Fluttershy just by the thought of seeing the Breezies up close.

"Shouldn't you wait with the other Pegasi in case that the breeze will be continued?" Star Twinkle asked towards the mare.

"It's not every day that you see the Breezies! You can't expect me to just walk away before taking a look at those adorable creatures!" She said with a grin on her face, just by the thought about that.

For Star Twinkle, that was just too much excitement. If this pony would be visiting Ponyville to steal the Elements of Harmony again, then he would know that he couldn't take her seriously anymore.

The three shortly arrived and entered the cottage. "Hey there! Can we come in?" Applejack asked once she opened the door.

Inside, they quickly found Fluttershy in the middle of the room flying to one Breezie to another, who seemed to made this place their second home already, judging how they occupied the sleeping places of the other animals that would normally be in them.

"Oh, of course!" Fluttershy replied as soon as she noticed her visitors. As soon as Applejack was taking a few steps inside, however, Fluttershy stopped her. "But watch your step!" She advised, much to the mare's confusion until she noticed how she almost stepped on one of the little creatures.

"Oop, sorry about that, little one," Applejack apologized after scaring that little Breezie half to death.

"Almost forgot how tiny those creatures are..." Star Twinkle said.

"I know, right!?" Breeze Flyer said while trying to not explode in pure excitement.

"We just wanted to see if you thought the Breezies were ready to give it another try," Twilight asked, getting to the point pretty fast.

"Has it been an hour already? Oh, my goodness!" Fluttershy said disappointedly. "Time flies when you're making sure little creatures don't feel that you're abandoning them to the cruel world," she said while she looked over to the Breezies in concern.

However, Twilight didn't seem to understand Fluttershy's concern. "But they're not going to a cruel world, right? They're going home," Twilight then pointed out.

"Oh, yes, that's right!" Fluttershy replied after realizing that as well. But the Breezies quickly flew right over to her and protested again. Seeing the Breezies getting upset like that, Fluttershy reconsidered her decision. "On second thought, I don't think they're quite ready," she then said.

This caused the one Breezie with the black jacket to get a little angry. Everypony was bombarded with words that nopony except Fluttershy understood who had a rather shocked expression on her face. So Applejack asked what the little guy was so angry about. "Uh... what did he say?" She asked.

"I'd... rather not say," Fluttershy replied with a blush on her face, indicating that whatever that Breezie said wasn't pretty.

"Okay..." Applejack replied. "Well, I'm sure you know what you're doin'. No one knows rare magical creatures like you do," Applejack said.

Twilight agreed. "We'll just wait for your word," she said before she and the others left again.

"Thank you. I'll be in touch very soon," Fluttershy replied.

The group then left again and walked outside. It was exactly as Applejack said, nopony knew magical creatures as good as Fluttershy so they all just had to believe in her decisions even if it meant taking up some more time.

"Breeze Flyer, would you go and tell Hurricane Wing that he and the others had to wait some more time?" He asked towards the mare. However, instead of getting a reply, there was only silence. In fact, Breeze Flyer was nowhere to be found, much to the stallion's confusion. He took a quick look inside of Fluttershy's cottage through a window and found the mare laughing and playing with some of the Breezies. For Star Twinkle it was a really weird picture to look at. "Or...I can just tell Hurricane Wing..." he said to himself, much to the amusement to Twilight and Applejack who giggled a little after seeing this.

Back in town again...

After seeing that the Breezies still needed some time to get ready, Star Twinkle returned to Hurricane Wing who waited inside of town. The Pegasus stallion patiently waited in the middle of the road with the rest of the Pegasus close to him. He slowly walked up to Star Twinkle in order to find out what is going to happen next.

"So?" Hurricane Wing asked ready to give the other ponies a signal to start any second.

"It looks like they still need some time, sorry..." Star Twinkle explained while he rubbed his neck.

"Alright," he replied before he gave a signal to the others so that they could be on standby again. "I guess Breeze Flyer decided to stay with them as well?" He then guessed.

"Yeah...she seems to be kinda crazy about those creatures..." Star Twinkle figured.

Hurricane Wing then sat down on the ground. "I guess, all we can do is wait then..." he said, seeming to not be bothered by waiting some more.

But Star Twinkle had to mention one crucial fact that should not be forgotten. "Still, if they take too long, the portal to their home will close and they can't return home. So we need to get them to move on soon," he explained. "I can't imagine how it must feel to not return home..." he then added just after thinking about it.

"Yeah...probably," Hurricane Wing simply replied. However, the way he said it sounded a little weird. He was always talking in a really emotionless and non-caring tone but this time it sounded a little different.

And Star Twinkle picked up on that. "Probably?" He asked. "What? Don't you think that's bad? Not being able to go home?"

Hurricane Wing shrugged his shoulders. "Well, to be honest, I can't really put myself into that perspective since I don't know what it feels like to have a home?" He explained.

"What do you mean? Everyone has a home, right?" Star Twinkle asked, pocking a little further into this matter now.

"Probably," Hurricane Wing replied. "But as far as I can tell, it was always me and my two brothers. No home, no family, nothing...the only thing we had was each other," he explained with a little frown on his face after remembering all this. "We lived on the streets since we were little and had to steal food every single day in order to survive..." he further explained.

Star Twinkle had to admit that he was shocked to hear this. "I'm sorry...I didn't know..." he said after Hurricane Wing was honest enough to share this information with him.

But the Pegasus stallion didn't seem to be too upset and smiled again. "Don't worry, don't you remember what I said before? The past is over. So it's alright," he replied happily, much to Star Twinkle's confusion who was a little shocked by how fast the stallion managed to put a smile on his face again.

Star Twinkle was actually a little impressed by that. "To be able to smile after talking about something like that...I don't think I could do that," he said in some little admiration towards Hurricane Wing.

"I think I got that from Cyclone," Hurricane Wing replied. "He was always the one who was looking straight at the future and had this dream to help everypony who might have been in a similar situation as us. As you can probably tell, that worked out perfectly. We came across Cloud Head, Featherbrain and Breeze Flyer and formed the Storm Wings," he explained with a smile on his face. "But of course, bad things happened...My sickness got worse, Tornado lost his wing, and Mystic appeared and took over everything that we had worked so hard for...but if sit here and just remember those things and think to myself "this was bad" or "those were some bad times" then I will never be happy. So...I try to look at the future, just like my brother," he explained further, this time, having a wide smile on his face that actually showed more emotion then Star Twinkle had ever seen on his face.

Star Twinkle felt a little bad about what he thought when it came to the Storm Wings before. He always thought that Hurricane Wing and his brothers tried to redeem themselves for everything that they did while being under Mystic's control. But things seemed to be much deeper. Star Twinkle never considered that they were living a life like that before and how strong they must have been to keep going after all those hardships. The only thing that Star Twinkle now felt towards them...was respect.

The conversation of the two ponies was shortly after interrupted by Breeze Flyer, who came running towards the two rather hastily. In fact, she seemed to be in a panic and had problems being calm. "Hurricane! We have a problem!" She exclaimed stressfully.

"What happened?" The stallion replied calmly.

Breeze Flyer explained. "One of the Breezies ran away!" She simply said in a panic.

There were no more words that needed to be said after this. Everypony by now figured that a Breezie out there on its own was in great danger. After all, a leaf was enough to put a whole group in danger and without the breeze supporting them who knows what could happen. They had to act quickly now.

The three ponies decided to split up so that they could spot the Breezie easier. Unfortunately, it was beginning to get a little windy so the runaway Breezie must have some really big problems at the very moment so Star Twinkle had to make haste. He was left checking a nearby forest and made sure to turn around every single rock he came across, all while trying to look at the ground so that he wouldn't accidentally step on the little creature.

But luck was on his side and he managed to find one Breezie who seemed to be in a bit of trouble. The little guy was clinging at the end of a tree branch while a swarm of bees came dangerously close to attacking him. Star Twinkle had to act quickly and transformed into his Pegasus Form, flying up the tree. "Hey over here!" He said, trying to get the attention of the bees. Unfortunately, they just looked over to him for a second before they focused on the Breezie again with their stingers pointing directly at him. After seeing how it didn't help to get the bees attention like that, Star Twinkle came up with something else. "Hey!" He said, grabbing the attention of the bees once more. This time, it worked because Star Twinkle was dangerously close to their beehive. "I just realized that I am about to do something really bad..." he said before he gave the hive a tiny push. This was enough to anger the bees and making them go after him now.

Needless to say, Star Twinkle quickly flew away from this angry swarm. It was now, that he realized that he didn't think this plan out to the end. Those bees were pretty fast and it was only a matter of time until they caught up to him. As Star Twinkle ran away, he luckily came across a little pond. He figured that this would be his big escape so he held his breath and quickly jumped into the pond. The bees didn't jump in of course, but they waited above the water until Star Twinkle would come out. This was bad, mainly because Star Twinkle couldn't hold his breath forever.

There was one more option, however...

Star Twinkle switched to his Unicorn Form and used a teleport spell to get out of this situation. He vanished with a flash and quickly appeared near the tree where the Breezie was at. The pony offered his help to the Breezie who gladly accepted after such a close call. "Menkyulen. Thank you! Thank you for rescuing me!" The Breezie replied in gratitude.

"No problem..." Star Twinkle replied while he wrung out his mane. "But shouldn't all of you be with Fluttershy? Why were you out here?" Star Twinkle asked.

The Breezie seemed to be a little angry after Star Twinkle brought up Fluttershy's name. "Because that pony refuses to let us go! We should have left a long time ago but every other Breezie is just too stupid to realize that! They don't listen to me!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Well, that doesn't surprise me if you refer to them as idiots..." Star Twinkle replied boldly.

Their conversation then quickly came to a hold as soon as both of them noticed how the same swarm of bees from before returned and were ready to attack again. They both prepared themselves to run away but then Fluttershy appeared right in front of them, causing the bees to stop in their tracks.

"Um...excuse me...can you please not attack my friends?" She asked of the bees, which was hitting them on deaf ears, just like with Star Twinkle before and made them fly past the mare. But Fluttershy wouldn't give up so easily. "I don't know what those two have done to make you angry but I'm sure they didn't do it on purpose," she said, but again the bees ignored the mare and flew around her, charging right at Star Twinkle and Seabreeze. After that, Fluttershy gave up playing nicely and then tried to talk with them differently. "Excuse me!" She said in an angry tone. "I know you are angry but you should really know better! Star Twinkle wouldn't hurt a fly on purpose and Seabreeze is just one little Breezie, and they are my friends so if you don't stop attacking them, then you have to deal with me!" She said angrily while she kept eye contact with the bees, intimidating them in the process.

This little outburst of Fluttershy made the bees return to their beehive, although it was not clear if it was because they realized that they overreacted or because they were scared of Fluttershy...

The mare then turned towards the Breezie and expressed her worry. "Seabreeze! Thank goodness you are alright!" She said in relief before she turned towards Star Twinkle. "Did you find him, Star Twinkle?" She asked.

"Yeah, but it was pretty close as you might saw...thanks by the way," Star Twinkle replied in gratitude.

"That is why you should not leave on your own," Fluttershy advised. "You could have got seriously hurt. Ponyville is a very dangerous place for little creatures like you," she explained in concern.

"Yeah, I know!" Seabreeze replied. "That is one reason why I have been trying to get us to go from the beginning!" She explained, finally opening Fluttershy's eyes now.

"Oh, my goodness," Fluttershy said in her realization. "I was just trying not to hurt any creature's feelings, but my displays of kindness may have cost you everything..." she said in regret feeling bad for the Breezies now. "Time is running out, and you may never make it home!"

"That is exactly what I have been telling all of them! But they do not listen to me! Nobreezie ever listens to me!" Seabreeze replied frustrated before he turned around in sadness.

"Have you tried to be a little nicer to them?" Star Twinkle then said bluntly.

"Yes, Seabreeze," Fluttershy agreed. "I understand your feelings are hurt, but it's hard for them to hear you when you're shouting and being mean. The message doesn't get across," she explained, trying to make Seabreeze understand.

"But being too nice also doesn't seem to be the right thing to do now..." Star Twinkle pointed out, judging from how the events unfolded so far. Fluttershy seemed to have admitted that too and actually felt a little bad now. "It's just like with those bees. You tried being nice to them and it didn't work, but they had to go and didn't listen to you until you stopped being nice," Star Twinkle further pointed out.

Right now, Fluttershy realized the problem completely. She looked over to Seabreeze and had a face filled with regret.

As Star Twinkle watched the mare looking at Seabreeze, suddenly, a voice popped up in his head.

"Sometimes being too kind is probably a bad thing...if you end up hurting your friends..."

Then, Star Twinkle's eyes began to shine in a light blue colored light for a brief moment. Fluttershy then had a rainbow-colored light in her eyes. Star Twinkle did not see that for the first time, in fact, it happened a few times now and every time it did, he could hear a voice in his voice and his head started to hurt. He started to wonder what this all meant but he had no time for that because Fluttershy asked him and Seabreeze to follow her to her cottage so that she could gather the Breezies in order for them to return home now.

The mare stood in front of the Breezies and informed them about what almost happened to Seabreeze. "I know more than ever that you must leave before it's too late! You would never survive in Ponyville," she explained. But the Breezies were protesting and still didn't want to leave. Still, Fluttershy was not giving in this time and stayed strong. "I can't help you anymore. In fact, I wasn't helping you at all by being nice. Oh... But the truth of the matter is that I must be firm! You must go, now!" She said while she opened the door and pointed outside.

Although the Breezies still didn't want to leave, they kinda seemed to have realized the seriousness of the situation and slowly flew outside together. Seabreeze seemed to finally be happy about this outcome and looked at the mare in gratitude. Fluttershy still stood by her decision and thought that it was the right thing to do but as soon as she closed the door behind them, she broke out in tears.

Star Twinkle felt as if he should say something to cheer her up so that is exactly what he did. "It's better like this," he said.

"I know but..." she said while still sobbing uncontrollably, causing Star Twinkle to put a hoof on her shoulder to comfort her. Before he knew it though, the mare jumped into his chest and cried. Star Twinkle felt a little weird about that and didn't know how exactly he should respond to that but he decided to not say anything and patted the mare's head instead.

It must have been really hard for Fluttershy to make that decision but unfortunately, it was not yet over. The Breezies still had to go home so Star Twinkle and Fluttershy went outside as well and joined Rainbow Dash and the others who were still waiting for the Breezies to be on their way again. However, instead of greeting them with smiles, they all had a worried expression on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Star Twinkle asked once he saw the expressions on their faces.

"We still have a little problem," Hurricane Wing said with a serious expression on his face.

Breeze Flyer explained. "We can't seem to find the right balance for the breeze. It's either too strong so that it will tear that Breezies apart, or too weak so that they won't arrive home in time,"

That was indeed a problem since time was already short enough. They couldn't waste their time on another problem that just showed up. But luckily Fluttershy seemed to at least see the reason for the problem. "Maybe it's because there are too few of them. When they started their journey, there was more of them to face the breeze together," she figured.

This somehow got Twilight's attention. "So what you are saying is, that we need more Breezies, right?" She asked, causing Fluttershy to nod in response. Apparently, that was enough information that Twilight needed. She looked over to the Breezies and shared an idea. "I've been studying an old spell book from the Castle of the Two Sisters. There's a spell that I think could help us! This is probably gonna feel a little funny at first, but you're gonna have to trust me," she said while she looked over to everypony.

There were not many options left so everypony pretty much had to trust Twilight on this one. She started her spell and fired magic beams towards everypony. Nopony felt different at first but as soon as Twilight fired at the Breezies as well, something seemed to happen to every one of them. They were transforming. They all had little antennas on their heads, butterfly-shaped wings on their backs and began to shrink.

They transformed into Breezies.

"Ah! I see!" Hurricane Wing said casually in a really high-pitched voice as if nothing was unusual about all of this.

Everyone else seemed to enjoy this transformation, especially Breeze Flyer who couldn't stop laughing in excitement after she transformed into a Breezie herself.

But there was not enough time to get excited so Fluttershy advised everyone to follow her. "Maifo flai batendud!" She said, much to the confusion of everyone cause they had no idea what she was saying. "Um, I mean, let's go!" She then said, asking everyone to follow her.

From there on out it was a really long trip through Equestria. Nothing went wrong luckily and they were even good in time so there was a good chance that they could make it to the home of the Breezies before the portal closed. Seabreeze used this time to apologize to the other Breezies for his behavior. No Breezie seemed to be too mad and quickly forgive him, probably because they realized that they were wrong too by trying to stay in Fluttershy's cottage.

When they finally arrived at the portal, it was almost completely closed but that didn't stop everyone to fly inside of it for a moment since they were all curious about how the world of the Breezies looked like.

"Holy mini-sized paradise!" Rainbow Dash said after she laid eyes on this place.

"It's so cute!" Breeze Flyer added excitedly.

The whole place looked almost like a little paradise. There were little buildings, a waterfall, mushrooms and all kinds of different looking plants, it was really pretty to look at.

"This is simply beautiful! So much inspiration. Where's my sketchpad when I need it?" Rarity said once she looked around the place.

Of course, as soon as the last Breezies arrived back home, they returned to their friends and families who were all happy to see them safe and sound. Fluttershy was really happy to see how every single one of them was happy to be home again. But...they couldn't stay forever and had to go outside before the portal closed and would trap them inside.

Still, Fluttershy went to the Breezies to say her goodbyes. Seabreeze gave Fluttershy one last gift, however, before she would leave. It was a flower. "To remember us by," he said before he stuck it into Fluttershy's mane.

"Thank you!" Fluttershy said before she hugged Seabreeze as thanks. "I'll miss you. I'll miss all of you!" She said before she went outside to join the rest of her friends who already waited for her.

Shortly after, Twilight turned everyone back to their original selves again, much to the dislike of some of them. "Oh...I was really getting used to it..." Breeze Flyer said with a little frown on her face.

"You want to stay in the world of Breezies? Maybe the portal is still open," he suggested to which Breeze Flyer responded with an embarrassed expression on her face because of course, she would not do that.

With all those things settled, everypony could finally go home again. Fluttershy shared her experience with the Breezies and what she had learned after all of this. "Kindness can take many forms, and sometimes being too kind can actually keep a friend from doing what they need to do. Pushing them away may seem cruel, but it's sometimes the kindest thing you can do," she said in front of everypony, who all happily listened to that newfound lesson.

With that coming to a close, Hurricane Wing and Breeze Flyer said their farewells, the latter one seeming to have really enjoyed this "mission" that they were sent to. Of course, Hurricane Wing noticed that and still didn't know why she was so fascinated by those creatures but he also didn't want to ruin her excitement so he just smiled while she was talking about the events that happened today...

Author's Note:

I didn't really know what to do with this chapter if I have to be honest. That is why I added more custom stuff into it. I hope you enjoyed it ^^.

If you did, then please consider leaving a review or follow me so that you can always be up to date with every story that I write.

See you all in the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

Equestria Girls - The Legend of Friendship

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Outcasts

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 4(Chapter 66 - 91)

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