• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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43. Center of the Storm - Part 3

With his friends separated from him, Star Twinkle's chances for success to retrieve the Elements of Harmony and facing off against Cyclone Wing on his own were already slim enough.
But now before him stands the leader of the Storm Wings, Mystic.

Star Twinkle had enough problems with Cyclone Wing and now he was replaced for a unicorn who compared to Cyclone Wing wasn't even remotely looking like a pony who wanted to avoid a fight at all cost, judging from the sinister smile on Mystic's face.

"Are you the leader of the Storm Wings?" Star Twinkle asked, making sure who he is dealing with.

And the name is Mystic," Mystic introduced himself.
"Let me guess...
You are part of the group who kept stopping Tornado and Hurricane from getting the Elements, right?” Mystic figured.

"The elements that you forced them to steal!" Star Twinkle exclaimed pointing at Mystic angrily.

Forcing them?
You must be mistaken.
They help me on their own accord," Mystic corrected.

“I really have my doubts that this is true...” Star Twinkle mumbled but still making sure that Mystic heard him.

Despite, knowing that Star Twinkle's chance for a victory is slim, he had to go past Mystic if he wanted to catch up with Cyclone Wing.
If he comes back and gives Mystic the Elements, things will go even more downhill.

Star Twinkle managed to outsmart Cyclone Wing before so with a little luck he maybe can get past Mystic too.
But Star Twinkle didn't know what to do and prepared himself to charge at Mystic with full force.

“If getting the Elements back by defeating you, then I have no choice!” Star Twinkle exclaimed in a poorly attempt to sound brave, before charging at Mystic.

"You're kidding...
You're kidding, right?" Mystic replied, watching Star Twinkle running closer and closer to him.

But Mystic just smiled and used his magic to levitate Star Twinkle and separating him from ground.
Star Twinkle was waving his legs around in order to free himself but it was no use.
He was caught in Mystic's magic and there was no way to get out.

Mystic then threw Star Twinkle away and against a wall to his left, causing Star Twinkle to groan in pain and dropping him on the ground.

Star Twinkle wasn't hurt too bad and slowly got up on his hooves again while watching how the dark purple unicorn slowly walked up to him.

“I will get the Elements of Harmony in my hooves, this time.
Even if means that I have to stop every single one of you myself.
Starting with you...” Mystic said smiling with his horn glowing in a dark blue aura.

It was just like how Star Twinkle excepted it to go.
Sadly, he didn't know what to do against his opponent on his own.
It was only Star Twinkle and Mystic...
With Star Twinkle literately against the wall...

Meanwhile, outside with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie...

Surprisingly, even with Twilight gone, the group still managed to hold their ground against the Storm Wings.
However, concern was building up in the group.

“How could you let Twilight get captured by this Hurricane Wing fellow?” Applejack yelled at Rainbow Dash angrily.

“Hey, I had to deal with like ten of those guys while following him!
I lost sight of Twilight after that!” Rainbow Dash replied angrily.

“Um...girls...I don't think this is the best time to argue...if you ask me...” Fluttershy said, trying to avoid the girls from fighting against each other instead of the Storm Wings.

“She is right!” Rarity added.
“Twilight will be fine on her own just like Star Twinkle,”

“Yeah!” Pinkie Pie said.
“I mean, they both had to deal with only one pony each!
While we are fighting against, one, two, three, four...” Pinkie Pie kept counting.

But Rarity continued...

“The point is...we should focus on our problem first, before worrying about them,”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash both understood what Rarity was getting at and agreed to stop arguing and concentrated at their opponents again.

The Storm Wings were still surrounding the five ponies but they seem more passive than before.
Probably because they know that they can't just beat those ponies by outnumbering them.
So they decided to watch them calmly before attacking once more.

However, there was one pony who wasn't calm at all, right now.

That's enough!” Steel Wing exclaimed readying the cannon and aiming at the five ponies much to the shock of Breeze Flyer who quickly walked up to him.

“What are you doing?
Do you plan to destroy the whole Fortress?” Breeze Flyer exclaimed angrily.

“I'll just blast them off again,” Steel Wing assured, still aiming at the five ponies.

“Did you even listen to what I just said?” Breeze Flyer yelled, trying to get Steel Wing's attention.

“Yeah, yeah, we can repair some broken walls again.
We are losing way to much time, dealing with these ponies like this,” Steel Wing replied, somehow trying to convince Breeze Flyer that what he was about to do wasn't crazy at all.

But since Breeze Flyer secretly wanted to help her opponents, pretty much everything that Steel Wing did would cause her to get nervous.

The five ponies didn't seem to notice what was about to come at them right now and concentrated back on their fight.
Meanwhile, Steel Wing carefully aimed the cannon at them and was ready to fire.
But before he fired he made sure to come up with something cool to say.

“Now it's time to rock you...
Like a...”

“Hurricane!” Breeze Flyer screamed in the middle of Steel Wing's one-liner.

“No, I was actually about to say Tornado...” Steel Wing replied with a slight amount of disappointment in his voice, due Breeze Flyer interrupting him.

Over there!
Hurricane Wing is in your aim of fire!” Breeze Flyer warned.

Moments later, Steel Wing noticed Hurricane Wing too and widened his eyes while switching his head back and forth between the cannon and Hurricane Wing nervously.
Hurricane Wing didn't seem to have noticed how he was in the line of fire and calmly kept on flying towards Steel Wing and the others.

Steel Wing had already started the cannon a little while ago, meaning that it would only take a few more seconds until it fired.
He nervously fiddled around with some buttons in order t stop the cannon from firing but it didn't work.
After running out of options, Steel Wing slammed his hooves on the back of the cannon in frustration, causing it to point straight up.

A heavy tornado was fired up to the sky with Steel Wing right next to it, covering his head so that he wouldn't get blown away.
Everypony was confused what this was all about and focused their sight in direction of Steel Wing.

Despite all this mess, Hurricane Wing slowly approached Steel Wing with not a bother at all in his face.

“Why did you shoot up to the sky?” Hurricane Wing asked while Steel Wing was just getting up on his hooves again from the shock.

“I tried to not hit you!” Steel Wing replied angrily, giving Hurricane Wing a mean glare.

“Ooooh....Good job, Tornado!” Hurricane Wing replied relieved, giving Steel Wing a smile.

But Cloud Head and Featherbrain both interrupted the two in their conversation.

“Um, boss...
We got a problem...” Cloud Head said nervously while looking up with his head.

“Yeah, I know, I missed...” Steel Wing replied.
“At least I didn't break any of the walls, right?”

“No...not the walls...” Cloud Head replied.

“Boss, how much do you know about patching balloons?” Featherbrain added with his head also looking up to the sky.

When Steel Wing was wondering why everypony was looking up to the sky, he also took a look only to realize that there was a giant hole in the balloon that kept the Storm Fortress in the air.

“Well, that may not be good...” Steel Wing said after realizing what he has done.

Meanwhile, at Star Twinkle and Mystic's location...

Mystic was still toying around with Star Twinkle and threw him around the room with his magic.
There was not much that Star Twinkle could do to defend himself from Mystic's magic.
All he could do was dodging some of Mystic's shots but as soon as he got closer, Mystic's magic was trapping him and levitated him across the room.

Star Twinkle was not sure how much he could take any more and Mystic seemed like he was enjoying every minute of it.

“You know, for beating Tornado and Hurricane Wing, I expected more of a challenge from one of you...
It only proves that you can't count on any of those Storm Wings...” Mystic said while casually walking up to Star Twinkle who was on the ground due of his exhaustion and the damage he took from “fighting” Mystic.

Mystic levitated Star Twinkle in front of him.
Star Twinkle didn't even bother to resist since he knows that he can't win against his opponent and prepared himself for the worst.

Suddenly, everything was shaking, causing Mystic to loose his balance.
Star Twinkle wasn't affected by the shaking since he was being levitated by Mystic but he noticed it too.

“What was that just now?” Mystic wondered.

“Did something happen out there?
Are the others alright?” Star Twinkle thought in concern, looking around the room in hope to get some answers.

The shaking was intensifying and both ponies slowly levitated above the air until they were almost at the ceiling of the room.

“Are we falling?” Star Twinkle screamed across the room in the panic.

They were both in the air for several seconds, caused by the drop of the Storm Fortress.
The Fortress eventually stopped falling and both ponies were flying towards the ground at full speed.
Star Twinkle expected a really painful drop on the ground and closed his eyes in fear.
But after several seconds with no impact, Star Twinkle opened his eyes again and found out that he was flying several hoofs above the ground, engulfed by a light purple almost pinkish aura.

Star Twinkle instantly recognized that it was magic and judging from the color he also knew from who it came from.

His guess was right after he saw a light purple unicorn standing in front of him, with her horn glowing and a relieved look on her face.

“Twilight!” Star Twinkle exclaimed in relief.

She then released her spell and dropped Star Twinkle carefully on the ground again.
Twilight noticed the exhaustion on Star Twinkle's face and a few bruises that he got from his confrontation with Mystic.

"The Storm Fortress seemed to have crashed on the ground.
Are you alright?” Twilight asked in concern.

“Well, I felt better,” Star Twinkle replied, not even bothering to act tough right now.
“But if we are on the ground again, then I guess things are kinda better now,” he added joking about his fear of flying and being relieved to be on solid ground again.

After making sure that Star Twinkle was alright, Twilight asked what was bothering her after meeting up with him again.

“Where is Cyclone Wing?”

That's when Star Twinkle remembered again that they don't have time to relax yet.

“That's right!
Cyclone Wing is on his way to retrieve the Elements of Harmony for-”

“Me!” Mystic's voice said, completing Star Twinkle's sentence.

Mystic was slowly levitating to the ground with a dark blue aura of magic around him.
He must also have softened his fall by levitating himself at the right time.

Twilight's head quickly turned towards Mystic with an angry look on her face.
It's almost as if she knew that Mystic was up to no good already.

"Who is that?" She asked.

"His name is Mystic.
He is the leader of the Storm Wings.
Cyclone Wing went to retrieve the Elements of Harmony and he prevented me from going after him," Star Twinkle wrapped up in order to inform Twilight.

While not questioning anything that Star Twinkle said, Twilight believed him and focused on Mystic who was now on solid ground as well.

"Another nuisance, I see..." he said unusually calm.
But this quickly changed after he gave both of them an evil glare.

Mystic prepared another spell, this time aiming it on Twilight.
He already knew that Star Twinkle wasn't a threat to him and focused on his new opponent.
Twilight also prepared a spell and waited for Mystic's attack.

With Mystic shooting first they both ended up firing at each other while Star Twinkle jumped to the side to avoid getting hit.
The light purple and dark blue beams clashed and caused the little magic explosion, that caused a shock wave in the room.

Judging from Mystic's confused expression, he didn't expect Twilight to be able to block his magic.
Twilight, however, remained calm and collected and waited for any movement from Mystic.

"I'll take care of him, Star Twinkle.
You go and get the elements back," Twilight ordered.

Of course, Star Twinkle instantly agreed to this plan.
After all, he couldn't do much against Mystic without magic and Twilight seemed to be evenly matched with him.

Star Twinkle attempted to leave but Mystic was firing another blast at him.
Luckily, Twilight teleported herself between the two and shot another beam to stop Mystic's attack.
This once again caused a small explosion and stopped Mystic's beam.

The dark purple unicorn slowly got angrier after witnessing how easily Twilight managed to stop him and decided to focus on her instead of Star Twinkle.

Then I'll deal with you first!" He said preparing his magic.

"Just you try!" Twilight replied determent to win this fight.

Star Twinkle didn't like to leave Twilight with Mystic alone but he would only stay in the way right now.
Though knowing that didn't make him feel better either.
Now he had to focus on Cyclone Wing and getting back the Elements of Harmony.

Meanwhile, outside...

Everypony was laying on the ground, caused by the drop of the Storm Fortress.
The balloon of the fortress was hanging down on the side above everyponies head, covering almost half of the main place inside of the wall of the fortress.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were all unharmed by the fall.
Rainbow Dash managed to carry Applejack and Rarity in time, Fluttershy was flying, and Pinkie Pie used her tail as a helicopter to keep herself in the air.

But some of the Storm Wings members were not so lucky.
Some of them were knocked out or hurt too much to fight against the five ponies.
Not many members were left now and things started to look better again for the group.

“Looks like this fight is over,” Applejack said.

“Too bad...I was just getting started to kick everyponies behind!” Rainbow Dash said moving her front hooves in a boxing manner.

“So am I!” Steel Wing's voice yelled before he landed in front of the five ponies, startling Rainbow Dash for a second.

Steel Wing's landing was followed by Hurricane Wing and Featherbrain landing next to him on his left side and Breeze Flyer and Cloud Head landing next to him on his right side.

“You think you can just sink our fortress and walk away like this?” Steel Wing said in a threatening tone in his voice.

“Do you really say sink when it comes to an airship?” Featherbrain pointed out.

“Also, wasn't it you who sunk it in the first place?” Cloud Head added.

Of course, Steel Wing wasn't too happy to hear these words at the moment.

“On which side are you on?” He exclaimed.
“This is the moment where we are supposed to stand our ground against our enemies!
Five of the highest ranking members of the Storm Wings against five intruders who oppose us!”

Though Steel Wing tried his best to pump everypony up, none of them were remotely enthusiastic as he was.

Now we only have five of them left!” Pinkie Pie said happily.

“Yes but...they are the strongest one of them,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“This would be a real good time for Star Twinkle and Twilight to return,” Rarity said.

“No big deal,” Rainbow Dash assured.
“We just have to show the rest of them, who is the boss!”

Unlike before, it was a fair fight now.
Five against five.
But considering that they had more than enough problems with Steel Wing before, this would not become easy at all.

Meanwhile, at Twilight's and Mystic's location...

The battle was raging on in the halls of the Storm Fortress.
Sounds of magic beams and teleportations could be heard throughout the whole fortress.

Twilight mostly used her teleportation spell to avoid Mystic's attacks.
Mystic on the other hoof ducked or jumped away.
All while firing magic beams at each other constantly.

"You are starting to get on my nerves!" He screamed followed by a magic beam coming out of his horn.

Twilight dodged out of the way and focused on Mystic's movements again.
Even if she wouldn't admit it in this moment, she was having problems keeping up with Mystic who was definitely on par with her, if not a little stronger.

"I wasted enough time with you!
Time to end this!" He exclaimed annoyed before he concentrated his magic once again.

This time he focused a little longer.
Twilight noticed that he was not firing another beam at her and carefully watched him in order to find out what he was about to do.
But while watching him she didn't right away notice something else.
Slowly, the hall was filling itself with a deep mist.
Mystic's figure was vanishing behind the mist and Twilight lost him.
She could barely see her hooves in a thick mist like that.

"How do you like my mist spell?
It's quite "mystic" don't you think?" Mystic said.

Twilight could only roll her eyes after this sentence but quickly concentrated again on finding Mystic.
But it was no use.
She could hear him a second ago but he was probably somewhere else again.

Suddenly, a beam of magic shot out from inside the mist directly hitting Twilight.
She was groaning in pain after getting hit and fell down to the ground.
While she tried to get up on her hooves again, Mystic's laughter could be heard.
She looked around, in order to find her opponent but still couldn't see him.

Twilight took a deep breath and concentrated for a moment.
Her horn began to glow shortly after and released a very bright light around her.
This light soon caused the mist to disappear around her, leaving Mystic in shock that his spell was stopped.
He only stood in shock in the middle of the room while Twilight spotted him, followed by a magic beam directed at him.
Mystic was blown against the wall and landed on the ground, groaning in pain.

How is your magic stronger than mine?" Mystic wondered as he tried to get up on his hooves again.

However, Twilight stood right in front of him to make sure that he wasn't doing anything stupid.
When he looked up to her and watched her determined expression, anger was growing inside of him.

Mystic was cornered by Twilight and it was unlikely that this battle was about to end shortly.
That's why Mystic had to find another solution.
After inspecting his surroundings for a moment, he quickly knew what to do and his clenched teeth turned into a sinister grin.

"You wanna know something about this fortress?" He asked with an evil smile on his face.

Twilight raised her eyebrows in mistrust and didn't answer.

"It has all kind of secret passages, only known to the Storm Wings!" He exclaimed before he used his mist spell once more, blinding Twilight for a while.

He performed his spell quicker than before which caused only a little space to be covered in mist unlike before but it was enough to hide from Twilight's eyes for a moment.

At first, she was confused what was going on but she then used her magic to blow away the mist again.
But it was too late...
Mystic was gone.
Wondering how that happened, Twilight looked around to find some secret passage that Mystic was hinting at before.
But she didn't found anything.
She then realized that he was most likely on his way to stop Star Twinkle.

Realizing that, Twilight ran trough the fortress and tried to find Star Twinkle so that she could deal with Mystic.

Meanwhile, in another hall of the Storm Fortress...

Cyclone Wing was surprised and shocked at the same time after he looked out of the window from which he could see the entire place inside of the walls of the Storm Fortress.
The balloon, most of the Storm Wings laying on the ground defeated, and the five ponies that still tried to get back their elements fighting against Steel Wing and the others.
He was looking at all of that while having a sad expression on his face.

He had the box with the Elements of Harmony in one of his hooves and should go back to Mystic but right now he was lost in thoughts, thinking about better times.
Times were he and the rest of the Storm Wing's we helping other ponies instead of attacking villages and robbing them.
Keeping Equestria in harmony instead of risking putting it in danger.

He knew that what he was doing was wrong but he also knew that he didn't have a choice at this moment.

“Cyclone Wing!” Star Twinkle shouted across the room, causing Cyclone Wing to get startled and bringing him back to the real world.

When Cyclone Wing turned around, he was surprised to see Star Twinkle in front of him.
He was sure that Mystic would have taken care of him.

“How did you manage to catch up?
What happened to Mystic?” He asked.

“A good friend is taking care of him as we speak so I don't have much time...” Star Twinkle replied, trying to handle the situation as fast as possible since Twilight was probably still fighting.
“I don't care if you don't listen to me but I have to get the Elements back, that's the least I can do now!”

Cyclone Wing looked out of the window once again, his eyes wandering to the five ponies who were fighting against the rest of the Storm Wings.

“You and your friends really won't give up...” Cyclone Wing figured.

“Of course not!
We can't let you have the Elements of Harmony.
Believe me, if I could back to my old days where I wasn't involved in those elements or saving Equestria, then I would probably go back.
But as things are right now, I just can't do nothing...
Everypony puts everything on the line to get these elements back...
I can't just sit in the corner and do nothing while they believe in me doing something!
I will get the elements back no matter how hard it may be.
That's the least I can do...” Star Twinkle explained out of desperation while slowly walking up to Cyclone Wing with a determined look on his face.

However, Cyclone Wing was not fazed by Star Twinkle's speech and only returned another determined expression.

“Then I will do everything to prevent that,” Cyclone Wing replied.

“Twilight seemed to have a good chance, defeating Mystic!
If we team up with her, we could get rid of him right now!”

“If that's the case, then I would team up with Mystic...” Cyclone Wing replied.

I know that you want to get rid of him!
Breeze Flyer told me that you are the only one on Mystic's side.
Why is that?
If the Storm Wings are really that important to you then you should listen to them!”

Star Twinkle was becoming desperate because of his lack of understanding of Cyclone Wing's reasoning.
He didn't even answer and kept staring at Star Twinkle like he wasn't worth explaining anything.

“Try to make me understand...
It's the least that you can do for me after I saved your brother...”

Star Twinkle hated to play that card but he was running out of time and options and just had to force it out of Cyclone Wing somehow.
It even seemed to work.
There was a reaction from Cyclone Wing after those words.
His determined expression turned into a sad one with his head looking down on the ground.

“That's right...
You probably already saw it...” Cyclone Wing said quietly.
“Hurricane's condition...”

Star Twinkle had a guess what Cyclone Wing meant with “condition” and kept on listening to finally understand Cyclone Wing's reason.

“I will tell you...
Then you can decide if what I am doing is wrong or not...”

Meanwhile, outside again...

Though there were only ten ponies left to fight, the battle seemed to be more intense than ever.
Even though half of them didn't do any fighting at all.
Hurricane Wing was staying in the background most of the time since he was ordered by Steel Wing to stay back from any danger.
And Breeze Flyer tried to not fight any pony either because she was secretly supporting the group.
That only left Steel Wing, Featherbrain and Cloud Head to do the fighting.
And without Twilight and Star Twinkle, the fight seemed even harder than it was back then in Ponyville.

Pinkie Pie managed to hold of Cloud Head by just pretending that this was all a game and goofing around and Featherbrain made the mistake to go after Fluttershy and was just standing a few steps away, looking at her with mesmerized eyes.
Much to Steel Wing's dislike.

“Featherbrain why are you just standing there!?” Steel Wing exclaimed angrily.
“I swear if I see you standing there for another five minutes then...then...I will...”

Out of nowhere, Steel Wing had problems completing his sentence and began to breathe heavily.
He then fell down on one of his knees while there was pain painted on his face.
Rainbow Dash saw an opportunity to attack Steel Wing at this very moment and prompted everypony to charge at him now.

“That's our chance!” She exclaimed, flying directly towards Steel Wing who had problems standing on his hooves.

But Rainbow Dash was stopped by Hurricane Wing, who jumped in incredible speed right in front of Steel Wing in order to protect him.
When Rainbow Dash wanted him to move aside, Hurricane Wing just stared back at her with an almost terrifying expression on his face which actually made Rainbow Dash back off in shock after seeing Hurricane Wing like that for the first time.

After making sure that Rainbow Dash was stopping her attack, Hurricane Wing turned around worriedly and looked after his brother, kneeling on the ground.

What's wrong?
Is it your wing?”

“I'm fine!” he replied almost annoyed by Hurricane's concern.

“Boss!” Featherbrain and Cloud Head said in unison, also rushing to his side.

Of course, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were confused why Steel Wing was hurt so bad even though he wasn't receiving much damage from anypony.

“You think he is alright?” Fluttershy asked in concern.

“Fluttershy, they are our enemies!” Rainbow Dash replied.

“I know but...” Fluttershy replied almost apologizing, turning her head away in shame.

“It's his wing...” Breeze Flyer informed, walking up to the group slowly.

The group looked at each other confused but Breeze Flyer was about to explain the situation.

Meanwhile, at Star Twinkle's and Cyclone Wing's location...

“I guess we both are not too different...
We are both stuck in a very uncomfortable situation...” Cyclone Wing said.

Star Twinkle calmly listened to Cyclone Wing's explanation in hope to understand the situation.

“I can't turn against Mystic because I am depending on him,” he said with his expression changing from sad to a more desperate one.
“That medicine that you gave Hurricane Wing, back then...
Mystic is the only one who knows where to get it from,”

Star Twinkle then quickly figured where this was going to but Breeze Flyer didn't mention anything about that which kept him confused.

“Hurricane Wing always had a weak body, to begin with, but in the recent years, his condition weakened.
And Tornado lost his right wing in an accident several years ago.
Back then he was unable to fly anymore and felt useless as a member of the Storm Wings...
Then one day, Mystic appeared and offered to help my brothers...
He knew a way to replace Tornado's wing...
However, flying with a metallic wing was much more painful than expected...
So Mystic offered something else...
A medicine that could temporary remove the pain that both of them
The medicine that Mystic brought to us can remove the pain that both of them have to endure...
But only for a few days...
After that, they will need to take another bottle...”

After that explanation Cyclone Wing slowly looked over to Star Twinkle still with a desperate look on his face.

“Do you see what I am getting at?
I can't dispose of Mystic because I need him to save my brothers...
And if that means to turn the Storm Wing's into a group of criminals, then so be it...” he added his expression becoming more determined again.

“Does anypony else know about that?
Breeze Flyer was thinking that Mystic had something to force you protecting him but she didn't know what.
Why didn't you tell anypony?
I'm sure they could help you out somehow,

“No!” Cyclone Wing quickly replied.
“It was me who accepted Mystic's help.
It was my fault that he became the leader in the first place.
So it's my responsibility!
I can't let anypony get involved with that!” Cyclone Wing protested.

“It's my responsibility
I don't want you to get involved with that! ”

Those words echoed in Star Twinkle's head for a while, causing him to hold his head in confusion with one of his hooves.

“What's wrong all of the sudden?
I feel weird...
Why does that feel so familiar?” Star Twinkle thought in confusion.

Cyclone Wing didn't know what to think about that and only stared at Star Twinkle in confusion.
Until his expression changed to a more surprised one.
Star Twinkle wondered where this expression was coming from but couldn't concentrate enough to even look straight.

Suddenly, a magic beam was shot at Star Twinkle, knocking him against a wall and right past Cyclone Wing's right who followed Star Twinkle's flight against the wall.
When he turned his head around again, Mystic was walking up to him with his horn still glowing.

“I see you got the Elements in your hooves, Cyclone wing.
I'll gladly take care of them,” Mystic said approaching Cyclone Wing slowly.

“No, don't do it!” Star Twinkle exclaimed after getting back on his hooves again.
“You can't let him force you to take away the Storm Wing's AND the Elements of Harmony!”

This little outburst from Star Twinkle grabbed Mystic's attention who then focused on Star Twinkle and walked up on him, annoyed by his interference.
He quickly pushed Star Twinkle against the wall with his magic and moved his head closer to Star Twinkle's

“Now listen to me!
This doesn't concern you in the slightest!
So why don't you keep your mouth shut?” Mystic threatened.

“You do realize that Cyclone Wing Wing is only doing all this to protect his brothers, right?” Star Twinkle replied with his face pushed against the wall.

“This is a matter between the Storm Wings!
And you are no part of it!”

While this was going on, Cyclone Wing stood back and lowered his head while being in deep thoughts.
Mystic noticed and remembered him to something that he said earlier.

“Don't forget what I told you before.
Give me the elements and I will leave you and your Storm Wings alone,” he said, to make sure that Cyclone Wing would remember the deal that they made before Cyclone Wing set off to get the elements.

“Do you really think that he will do that after forcing you through all this?” Star Twinkle said, trying to convince Cyclone Wing from doing something horrible.

Mystic naturally, didn't approve and used more force to shut Star Twinkle up but the earth pony wouldn't let himself be shut up so easily and continued.

“How long do you want this to keep going?
He will not stop after that!
He will hurt you and your brothers even more!
He will force the Storm Wings to do more bad things!
Is that really what you and your brothers want?” Star Twinkle exclaimed, still trying to reach Cyclone Wing.

Cyclone Wing seemed troubled.
He knew that what he was doing was wrong but he had no choice to obey.
However, his thoughts changed a little after Star Twinkle's words.

“What my brothers and I want?” He mumbled to himself.

Mystic became angrier, the more Star Twinkle spoke and couldn't stand him interfering in all of this.

“I told you before that this is a matter between the members of the Storm Wings!
Stop keep interfering!” He said angrily while pushing Star Twinkle against the wall even harder.

“Cyclone Wing, please!” Star Twinkle shouted in desperation.

Cyclone Wing closed his eyes and took a deep breath while looking at the ground.
Shortly after he raised his head again, making up his mind and opening them again to share his decision.

“No, Star Twinkle.
He's right.
This matter only concerns the members of the Storm Wings,” Cyclone Wing said making Mystic release a smile at Star Twinkle as if he wanted to say “told you”.

Cyclone Wing walked over to a table at the other side of the room much to Star Twinkle's and Mystic's confusion.
At first, Mystic thought that Cyclone Wing would place them on the table in order to help Mystic finishing off Star Twinkle but he shortly after he widened his eyes in shock after seeing what was placed on the table.

A black box.
Star Twinkle recognized that box after taking a closer look at it.
It looked exactly like the box that Cyclone Wing used to steal the elements.
Except that this one was black and not white.

Mystic knew what was about to happen and released Star Twinkle in order to walk up to Cyclone Wing.
But Cyclone Wing only looked deep into Mystic's eyes and hold the Elements above the black box.

“...And you, Mystic are not part of them,” Cyclone Wing said before he dropped the box with the elements inside the black box and closing it.

“No!” Mystic yelled desperately.

But it was too late and just like before with the white box, the black box was releasing a bright light, that blended everypony in the room and shot out a beam that traveled away.

These events caused Star Twinkle to laugh in relief, knowing that the Elements of Harmony were no longer in reach of Mystic.

Meanwhile, outside...

Breeze Flyer was done informing everypony about Steel Wing's and Hurricane Wing's condition.
Feeling kinda bad about the two, they didn't want to fight anymore since that would put them in much more danger.
However, with the Elements still on the Storm Wing's side it was hard to stop now.

“Listen, we all feel mighty sorry about those two but we can't just let you steal the Element's of Harmony!” Applejack protested.

“Yes!” Rarity added.
“We would love to stop this unnecessary fighting as much as you would but not without the Elements on our side!” She said, supporting Applejack's words.

Breeze Flyer felt herself in a similar position like them.
She was trying to get desperate in order to find a solution for all this and tried to think.

But then everyponies focus was directed to the sky after a bright light emerged from the inside of the Storm Fortress.
Everypony instantly recognized what this light meant after seeing it for the second time now.

“Are those...” Fluttershy mumbled.

“The Elements of Harmony!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed cheerfully.

Steel Wing, Hurricane Wing, Cloud Head and Featherbrain also knew what this light meant for them.

“Does that mean...” Featherbrain said.

“Cyclone Wing lost?” Cloud Head added.

Steel Wing could only form a mix of confusion and shock on his face after seeing the light travel.
For some reason it was heading towards Pinkie Pie, causing everypony close to her to move away from Pinkie Pie who bounced up and down in excitement when the light touched her.

“Hihi, that tickles!” She said while the light was engulfing her.

Nopony knew why the light was coming down to Pinkie Pie until it stopped after a while and Pinkie Pie pulled something out of her mane.
It was the white box that Cyclone Wing used previously to steal the Elements of Harmony.
Needless to say, seeing that box sure surprised everypony.

“Were you carrying that box with you the whole time?” Rarity asked while she rubbed her chin in confusion.

“Uh huh!” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Why?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Why not?” Pinkie Pie replied, balancing the box on her nose.

Like usual Pinkie Pie's action wasn't making to much sense to everypony around her but since her randomness actually paid off to get the Elements back it didn't matter.

At the same time, the Storm Wing's were worried about this events.
If the elements were sent back to this box, then that meant that Cyclone Wing lost.
This raised concern in Steel Wing's mind as he realized that Cyclone Wing might be in danger.

“We have to get into the fortress!” Steel Wing exclaimed

“But boss, you are still in pain!” Cloud Head said worriedly, watching how Steel Wing was slowly getting back on his hooves.

“And what about the elements?
If we leave, then they will get away with them,” Featherbrain added.

“I don't care about my condition or the elements!
If Cyclone Wing is in danger right now, then nothing else matters right now!” Steel Wing exclaimed angrily, spreading his wings in an attempt to fly.

Though his face was still colored in pain, he bit his teeth together and flew off into the air slowly, followed by Hurricane Wing, Featherbrain and Cloud Head.
They couldn't leave him alone like this after all.

Breeze Flyer saw them fly away and decided to follow them too, leaving only Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie on the ground who all thought about what to do next.

Meanwhile, at Star Twinkle's, Cyclone Wing's and Mystic's location...

Mystic was just looking at Cyclone Wing in anger and walked up to him, leaving Star Twinkle on the ground behind him.
Cyclone Wing, who no longer felt like supporting Mystic at all, replied with a serious look on his face.
Mystic knew that he couldn't trust Cyclone Wing forever and suspected him to betray him at some point but because it was now, the point where Mystic had already won, the unicorn became angrier than ever before.

“Do you realize what you've just done?
If you think that you have won just now, then think again!” Mystic said with a bitter tone in his voice.
“Not only did you just betray me...no...
You just sealed the fate of your brothers!”

Cyclone Wing didn't answer to that because he was well aware of that.
He knew that he just made it harder for his brothers but letting Mystic control his, his brothers and the Storm Wing's life couldn't go on forever.
The Storm Wing's did make it trough worse in the past and they will find another cure for Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing.

With Mystic focusing on Cyclone Wing, Star Twinkle saw his chance to attack Mystic from behind.
But as soon as Star Twinkle charged at him, Mystic turned around and attempted to fire a magic beam at him.
Luckily, Cyclone Wing jumped at Mystic and tried to pin him down but Mystic released a magic field around him to push Cyclone Wing and Star Twinkle who was also at a good reach for Mystic away from him.

Star Twinkle was pushed back to the wall and Cyclone Wing fell down on the ground.
Mystic then stood above Cyclone Wing with his horn glowing and a face filled with disappointments.

“I knew, that I couldn't trust you and your stupid group.
Keep in mind that this right now is not my fault...
It is all yours!” Mystic said before he moved his head closer to Cyclone Wing's, preparing a spell to fire at him.

Star Twinkle saw, what was about to happen and tried to get up again but the pain and exhaustion from all up to this point were starting to take over his body, preventing him from doing anything.

“Come on, move!
I can't afford stagger right now!” Star Twinkle thought to push himself to the limits.

But it was no good.
He couldn't pull himself together in time and could watch what was about to happen.

Suddenly, Mystic stopped after seeing a shadow on the left to him on the ground.
It was a silhouette of a Pegasus.
When he realized that it was a shadow, created by the sunlight from his right, he slowly moved his head to the right, where the big window was, from which you could see the main place inside of the wall.

The sound of shattering glass could be heard seconds later in the room and before he even knew what happened, Mystic found himself pinned to the ground by Steel Wing who charged at Mystic with full force and pushed him off from Cyclone Wing.

"Don't you DARE hurt my brother!" Steel Wing shouted at Mystic's face, causing the unicorn to form an expression of fear on his face after being aggressively pinned to the ground by a really angry and strong Pegasus

However, after that outburst, Steel Wing's face showed signs of pain and weakened his grip on Mystic for a second.
The pinned down unicorn saw his chance and tried to shot Steel Wing but Steel Wing noticed and covered himself with one of his wings.
This caused the magic of Mystic to fly back at him instantly and pushed both of them away.

Cyclone Wing noticed the pain in Steel Wing's face and quickly rushed to his brother to take care of him.
When Star Twinkle looked at both of them he noticed that Mystic was taking his chance to run away, outside of the room.
Star Twinkle alerted the two Pegasus that Mystic was about to get away but before he could reach the end of the room, a light purple magic beam was fired at him from outside the room.
Mystic dodged that shot barely but got stunned for a second due to the shock.

When Star Twinkle, looked towards the entrance of the room he saw how Twilight entered the room with a serious look on her face.

“Found you!” She said almost proudly after entering the room.

Star Twinkle was releasing an unbelievable long sigh in relief after seeing Twilight in one piece.
She slowly walked up to a very desperate Mystic who was starting to run out of options.
He then attempted to run towards the broken window from where Steel Wing burst trough to escape.

We got the elements back!
But we still have to capture Mystic!” Star Twinkle exclaimed towards Twilight to keep her up to date.

“On it!” She replied running after Mystic.

But the chase didn't go on for a while because Mystic stopped as soon as he reached the window.
When he looked out, he saw Hurricane Wing, Breeze Flyer, Featherbrain and Cloud Head who all looked at him with serious expressions on their faces.

Soon Mystic found himself surrounded from everywhere.
Four ponies in front of him, four behind him, one of them being as strong as he is, in terms of magic.
There was no way where he could escape to.

"Give up, Mystic," Cyclone Wing said, offering Mystic to surrender peacefully.

If there was something that Mystic hated the most, then it was somepony looking down on him.
And right now, everypony was doing that.
They knew that they outnumbered him and that he didn't have any way to run now.

However, Mystic was not even close to give up now.

"You think that I will let myself getting captured by a bunch of ponies like you!?" He said angrily starting to let his horn glow intensely.

Mystic then released a thick mist around him that quickly filled the room and hid from everyponies eyes.
Cyclone Wing charged into the mist but stopped after realizing that Mystic was no longer at the same spot.
Everypony was on guard for an incoming attack.
Star Twinkle noticed how a shadowy figure was running past him.
It was most likely Mystic, who tried to escape.

Meanwhile Twilight used another spell to remove the mist around everypony.
But Mystic was gone.
The four ponies outside didn't know what was going on inside of the room but they also didn't saw Mystic and got confused.

“He's gone...” Star Twinkle said after realizing that Mystic was nowhere to be found.

“Hopefully for good!” Steel Wing exclaimed satisfied, before groaning in pain again.

Cyclone Wing was fully aware what was happening now.
He saw Steel Wing many times like this after all.

“Tornado...I'm sorry...I lied to you all...” Cyclone Wing said.

Steel Wing, however, didn't know what to say to that and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Now that Mystic is gone...I won't be able to get you any more medicine...”

Hurricane Wing overheard that and landed next to his two brothers.

“Don't worry about that.
We have prepared for that long ago...”

“Prepared?” Cyclone Wing asked confused.
“Does that mean you knew?
You knew that Mystic was providing those potions?”

They both nodded at the same time with smiles on their faces.

“Why else would protect a guy like this if it wasn't for us?” Hurricane Wing said.

“Yeah, I may not be the smartest wing in the bunch but even I knew that you were doing all this for us!” Steel Wing added while grinning.

“Then why didn't you tell me?” Cyclone Wing replied confused.

“The real question is:
Why didn't you tell us?” Steel Wing replied.

“We are brothers after all.
We would have found a solution if we would have worked together,” Hurricane Wing added.

And not only us!” Steel Wing said, turning his head to Breeze Flyer, Featherbrain and Cloud Head.
“All of the Storm Wings!”

After those words, the three ponies joined the three brothers.

“I'm sorry...
I put you through all that for nothing...” Cyclone Wing apologized.

“Don't worry, we forgive you,” Featherbrain said accepting Cyclone Wing's apology.

“You don't even know what this is all about, right?” Cloud Head said.

But I'll forgive him anyway,” Featherbrain added.

This caused the six ponies to laugh for a moment, bringing finally back some happiness into the group that was lost long ago.

Meanwhile, Star Twinkle watched the six ponies laughing and couldn't help to smile as well.
That was until a hoof reached out to him from the side.

“You look like a mess...
Let me help you up,” Twilight said in a carrying voice, offering Star Twinkle a hoof to get up.

Star Twinkle accepted without a word and let himself getting lifted back on his hooves by Twilight.

“I knew that you could do it,” she said smiling at Star Twinkle.

“I didn't do much to get the elements back, really...”

“Not that...that,” she replied pointing at the six ponies.

Though it was probably a moment of happiness right now, there was still something left.
With Mystic gone, there would be no way that Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing could get their medicine.

“Twilight, how much do you know about potions?” Star Twinkle asked, causing Twilight to raise her eyebrows in confusion.

After the battle was over, the Storm Wing's stopped fighting against the seven ponies and focused on getting the Storm Fortress back in the air.
But Cyclone Wing, Steel Wing, and Hurricane Wing were invited to Ponyville.
To the Everfree Forest to be exact.
Twilight asked Zecora if she knew any potion that could replace Mystic's potion.
If there was anypony who would know anything about potions, then it would probably be Zecora.

Accompanied by the three Storm Wing's members Star Twinkle and Twilight visited Zecora's hut while Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie went to Canterlot to bring the Elements of Harmony to the princess and explaining everything that happened.

After explaining everything to Zecora as well, the zebra got confused to hear from a potion like that, which could remove several kinds of pain in an instant.

“I have many potions lying around.
Maybe you should look yourself if your potion can be found,” the zebra explained, offering them to look around if they could find a potion that could help them.

“Wait a moment!” Steel Wing said after he found a bottle with a similar colored potion like the one he used to drink.
“Do you mind if I...”

Zecora gave them a confused look and rubbed her chin but nodded to allow Steel Wing to take a sip.

The Pegasus didn't waste any time and tasted it.
Only after a few seconds, the pain on his face vanished and he stated that this was, in fact, the potion that Mystic was providing.

“That's great!
Zecora do you mind brewing more of these?” Twilight asked in joy to the zebra but Zecora was still confused by the outcome of this potion.

“What is wrong, Zecora?” Star Twinkle asked.

“This potion is not supposed to make your pain go away,
but simply refreshes you magic after a hard day,” Zecora replied.

“A potion that refreshes magic?” Star Twinkle asked.

“But we are Pegasus!” Steel Wing replied, pointing at the obvious that Pegasus do not possess magic to be refilled.

“The source that will be refilled may not be your own,
It might be something placed upon you, that you do not have known,”

Twilight then walked up to Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing and inspected them with her magic.
After some time, she realized that there was, in fact, a magic source coming from them.

“Could it be a seal?” Twilight guessed.

“A seal?” Star Twinkle asked.
Twilight further continued to “scan” the two Pegasus while answering Star Twinkle.

“Yes, I'm sure of it...
I can feel magic coming from their bodies...
It must be placed on them some time ago...”

“A seal?
Mystic put a seal on my brothers?” Cyclone Wing said.

Star Twinkle then slowly put the pieces together and figured what exactly happened.

“If that potion refreshes magic...
Does that mean that Mystic wanted you to drink that so that the seal could be intact?”

“But that doesn't explain, why we would feel so much pain...
If the seal would run out eventually, then the pain should have gotten away, right?” Hurricane Wing asked.

“No,” Twilight replied after she finished analyzing the two Pegasus.
“Mystic must have placed those seals in order to cause you pain...
The weaker the seal gets the more pain it causes and if you take one of those potions, then it would just refill and start the loop over again,” Twilight explained in great detail.

Cyclone Wing then stomped with his front hooves on the ground in anger, causing the bottles in Zecora's hut to shake for a moment.

“Does that mean that I was causing my brothers this pain all this time?” He exclaimed in anger and frustration.

“Hey, you didn't know...” Hurricane Wing said, trying to make Cyclone Wing feel better.

Despite all this frustration in the room, there was something positive that Star Twinkle could see.

“If it is a seal, then it means it is magic, right?” He said looking over to Twilight.
“You can find a way to remove it right?” He asked.

“I'm not sure...” she replied quietly and insecure while looking down at the ground.

“But I do!” Star Twinkle replied, causing Twilight to look back up again.
“I believe in you!” He said in full confidence.

Those words seem to have given Twilight the strength to believe in herself too.
She assured that it might take some while but she will study without a break and try to find a solution to remove the seals from Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing.

A few days later...

Twilight locked herself inside of her library until she would come out with a solution.
Star Twinkle tried to visit her, even though he knew he would probably bother her in a moment like that.
But he couldn't help but visit her in order to make sure that she is still okay.
Coincidentally the door of the library was slammed open by her before Star Twinkle could even knock on it.

He saw how a really stressed Twilight was standing in front of him with a serious look on her face.
She also noticed Star Twinkle who looked at her with a worried expression on his face.
Then there was a moment of silence for a few seconds.
But shortly after that Twilight smiled in confidence and Star Twinkle knew exactly what that meant.

They didn't loose any time, gathered the rest of the girls and went back to the Storm Fortress.
It was still in the same place than before and easy to find for the group.
After offering their help, they were welcomed by Storm Wings with open hooves.

Cyclone Wing was helping out to repair the balloon which was damaged in the fight and instantly spotted the group of ponies who walked around inside of the walls of the Fortress, causing him to walk up to them.

“It's you,” he greeted the group of ponies.
“Does that mean...” Cyclone Wing was eager to ask but stopped in the middle of the sentence.

They all replied with confident smiles and Cyclone Wing told them to follow him to the inside of the fortress.
Since the pain increased more and more, Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing were not allowed to help to repair the Storm Fortress and were resting since the last days.

The group walked up to the entrance of the fortress and walked up some stairs to reach a big room with some beds in it.
Probably the place where the three were sleeping.

Both Pegasus were inside their beds but quickly got out after seeing the group of ponies entering the room.
Despite having those seals on them, both of them looked fairly okay for now.
Even Steel Wing wasn't making any painful expressions unlike a few days ago.

“It's you guys again...” Steel Wing said.

“Hi there, Tornado Wing,” Pinkie Pie greeted back in name of the group.

“It's Steel Wing!” Steel Wing shouted back angrily before the pain in his wing was taking over again and kept him quiet.

The group reacted with concern, even Pinkie Pie who suddenly felt bad for calling him Tornado, whether it was on purpose or not.
Twilight wasted no time to lighten up the mood by telling them that she might found a way to remove the seals that Mystic put on Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing.

“I really hope you're not just trying to get our hopes up,” Steel Wing replied, showing some disbelieve in Twilight's words until Hurricane Wing walked up to him from behind and put a hoof on Steel Wing's shoulder.

“It doesn't hurt to try, right?
...except if it continues to hurt...” He said, not making it clear that he was joking at the end.

Twilight then stepped out of the group and walked up to the two Pegasus.
But not before looking back to her friends in concern, especially Star Twinkle.
But he only nodded as he wanted to say that everything will be okay and Twilight responded with a warm smile.

Being totally lost when it comes to magic, Star Twinkle didn't quite understand what exactly Twilight was doing.
She was standing between the two of them with closed eyes and her horn was glowing in a bright light that was circling around the two of them.

This was going on for a few minutes.
Twilight seemed highly concentrated during the whole process while Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing were just standing there patiently, avoiding anything that might ruin Twilight's spell.

Star Twinkle noticed how Cyclone Wing was watching the spell being unfold with his eyes focused on his brothers the whole time.
He was probably the most nervous one in the room right now.

Eventually, in the middle of the spell, both Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing both collapsed to the ground, which sent shivers down on everypony in the room.
Of course, Cyclone Wing quickly rushed to his two brothers out of concern and tried to make sure that they were okay.

Twilight seemed to be done with her spell too, opened her eyes again and took a deep breath.
The rest of the group also walked up to the Twilight and the three Pegasus.

Cyclone Wing knew that Steel Wing was strong enough so he first walked up to Hurricane Wing and put one hoof on his shoulder.

“Are you alright?” He asked out of concern and a little fear.

He then noticed that Steel Wing was getting up again next to him, with a little dizzy look on his face.
Moments later, Hurricane Wing also moved and tried to get up on his hooves again.
They both seemed confused from what happened and kept inspecting their own bodies in surprise.

“I can't believe it!” Steel Wing said in shock.
“I feel great!” Steel Wing exclaimed happily.

Cyclone Wing stood there with an open mouth and couldn't believe what Steel Wing was saying.
Moments later, Hurricane Wing stood on his hooves too without Cyclone Wing, who was standing right next to him noticing at first.

“What about you, Hurricane?” Cyclone Wing asked.

Hurricane Wing didn't answer and only nodded followed by a smile.
Cyclone Wing knew that Hurricane Wing was not good at showing emotions like Steel Wing but he also knew that he was okay as well.

Cyclone Wing then rushed to Twilight and hugged her out of happiness and with tears of joy in his eyes and thanking her, making her blush in embarrassment.

“It was nothing...” she said embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Steel Wing was jumping up and down in excitement, feeling no pain whatsoever, causing everypony to smile in relief.
Even Star Twinkle who already knew that Twilight would succeed.

The group spent the rest of the day, helping to repair the balloon of the Storm Fortress.
At the end of the day, the fortress was ready to lift off again.
Star Twinkle, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were about to return to Ponyville but not without the Storm Wings being there to say goodbye in front of their airship.

Cyclone Wing, Steel Wing, Hurricane Wing, Breeze Flyer, Featherbrain and Cloud Head wanted to say goodbye in person and once again thanked all of them for helping the Storm Wings.

“What will you do now?” Twilight asked.

“We are still considered criminals in Equestria because of what we did in the last years...
We need to go and try to make up for everything...
Which may take a while...” Cyclone Wing explained.

“We told the Princess about everything that happened and it looks like she is willing to talk with you all.
She may forgive you for what you did in Equestria,” Twilight assured.

“Listen!” Steel Wing said, joining the conversation.
“First we have to forgive ourselves if we want somepony else to forgive us!”

“Aren't we going to every village that we attacked in order to let them forgive us?
What you are saying doesn't even make sense...” Breeze Flyer said, questioning Steel Wing's logic.

“I was trying to sound wise for once, okay?” Steel Wing replied annoyed.

Cyclone Wing then gave a proper answer to Twilight's question.

“We will accept, Princess Celestia's offer when we're ready...
Until then...it's a goodbye,” he said with a smile on his face.

The Six Pegasi then spread their wings and flew to their Storm Fortress which was already beginning to fly again.
Star Twinkle and the others waved them all goodbye and watched how the Fortress was slowly flying away from them.

Star Twinkle couldn't help but smile while waving goodbye to the Pegasi and smiling.
In the process, he could only think about one last thing...

“Even though, they were our enemies...
Even back then...when we were fighting...
I always seem to know it...
These ponies...
I kinda like them...”

Author's Note:

This was certainly longer than I expected...
But I think it was worth it!
The Storm Wing's Arc, how I like to call it, is now over and I hope no one minded this little cringe worthy/bad/unnecessary/insert complain "Custom Story" of this season that replaced some of the official episodes.

I will have more time to write starting from like a week or so and can finally focus to get one chapter up in a week or so.

Whatever, if you liked the story then please leave some kind of feedback and let me know.
Or if you simply want to complain about something, also leave a feedback.
Everything would be much appreciated.

Hope to see you in the next chapter!
Oh, and happy Valentines Day to you all!
Sadly no Valentines day here in Germany...

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