• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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22. Surprise Party

Star Twinkle was just getting home and prepared himself for a quiet evening but after entering the door and closing it behind him, somepony knocked on it. He was wondering who it was since he didn't saw anypony on his way back.

When he opened it, Pinkie Pie greeted him with a song accompanied by her pet alligator Gummy.
Pinkie Pie seemed a little exhausted and Star Twinkle could barely figure out the words she was singing because she was breathing too heavily, causing her eventually to collapse to the ground from exhaustion.

A letter, that she was holding a moment ago fell down on the ground and Star Twinkle figured what this was all about.

"I guess this is an invitation for a party?" He asked while already knowing the answer.

Pinkie Pie didn't answer and just smiled in embarrassment at him in response.

"Alright I'll come," he replied.

He felt like refusing her invitation in her current state would make her only sad so he just accepted it.

She shouted out a little yay, which could barely be heard because of her exhaustion and crawled away from Star Twinkles house.

He took his time to read the letter in detail after Pinkie Pie left. Apparently, her pet alligator Gummy turned one year old and Star Twinkle was invited to his birthday party. He didn't know much about her pet but he already said that he would come so there was no turning back.

A little time later, Star Twinkle showed up at Sugarcube Corner at the appointed time. After knocking on the door, he was welcomed in typical Pinkie Pie fashion. Streamers, balloons, and confetti were coming out of Sugarcube Corner after Pinkie Pie opened the door.

"Star Twinkle! Welcome!" Pinkie Pie greeted him to which he entered the room.

Everypony was already there spending time with cakes, games, and dancing. The party was actually not bad, thought Star Twinkle. Even though it wasn't much different than any other party that Pinkie Pie was throwing. Nopony was complaining or bored but this is usually how Pinkie Pie's parties go.

Maybe Star Twinkle thought it was better than usual because it was only his friends who were present. No matter what it was, he wasn't bored most of the time and quite enjoyed himself.

Pinkie Pie took care of everypony equally while having fun herself. Star Twinkle spent most of his time eating cake and drinking punch. That's how he spent most of the parties he's invited too.

“Having fun?” Asked Pinkie Pie who made sure that Star Twinkle was enjoying himself.

“Yeah. The cake and the punch are really good,” he replied.

“Alright! Good to hear!” She replied bouncing back to the others.

Star Twinkle was leaving with everypony else at the same time. It was already dark outside and he thought he stayed way too long now.

“You sure you don't want to stay?” Asked Pinkie Pie, who was watching how everypony left Sugarcube Corner from a window upstairs.

“No. It's getting a little late. But it was fun Pinkie Pie,” said Stat Twinkle waving goodbye to Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie seemed a little upset but quickly smiled again and also waved goodbye.

After that, Star Twinkle joined everypony on his way home. They were talking about the party and how they liked it, although Star Twinkle mostly just listened.

"Pinkie Pie always throws the best parties!" Rainbow Dash said happily.

"Yes but next time she will be the one who is going to be surprised," Applejack said.

"Oh yeah, her birthday is coming up soon," Twilight said.

Star Twinkle remembered too. Pinkie Pies birthday was tomorrow. Everypony was talking about it in secret lately.

"We should all plan a surprise party for her," Rarity suggested.

"Yes, she would probably love it," said Fluttershy.

"We can set up everything in a barn in Sweet Apple Acre," Applejack offered.

“Yeah, it's settled then!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Star Twinkle was okay with this idea too since Pinkie Pie threw so many parties for them already so he figured throwing one for her is just fair.

The preparations for the party were held tomorrow in one of Applejack's barns but until then Star Twinkle rested for the rest of the night.

On the next day...

The party was held at three o' clock this afternoon so there was much time left for preparations. But early in the morning somepony was knocking on the door. Star Twinkle thought it was somepony who would tell him what he should do to help for the party but when he opened the door, he saw Pinkie Pie.

She was bouncing up and down again and gave him an invitation just like the day before. It felt like a deja vu for him and of course, he was confused to be invited to another party since she was already throwing one yesterday.

“Another party?” Star Twinkle asked confused.

“Yes silly,” she giggled. “It's Gummy's 'after birthday party,” she added.

Star Twinkle never heard of such kind of a party before but he was more surprised by the date it was held.

“It's this afternoon at three o' clock,” she said excited, ready to give him an invitation.

Needless to say, he was surprised and confused to hear that. After all, that's exactly when her surprise party is gonna be.

"This afternoon? As in “this afternoon” this afternoon?" Star Twinkle asked.

"Uh-uh!" Pinkie Pie excitingly replied.

"But Pinkie Pie this afternoon is..." but Star Twinkle stopped after realizing that he obviously can't tell her about her own surprise party.

"What's this afternoon?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Star Twinkle tried to think about some excuse, normally he would say the truth but this time, it was different. He didn't like to lie to her but he couldn't tell her the truth either.

"I...um...can't. I have to do some more work in the Iron Hammer later," Star Twinkle said as an excuse.

Pinkie Pie was glaring at him causing him to sweat a little. She is definitely not buying this, he thought but he was already saying it so there was no going back anymore. It got a little awkward from his point of view, being stared at by Pinkie Pie's over analyzing eyes. But her stare turned to a smile again in the last moment before she answered.

"Okay! No problem! See you next time!" She said while bouncing away again.

Star Twinkle waved at her while she left and could not believe that she believed his excuse.

"Phew. That was close," Star Twinkle said in relief.

Later that day, Star Twinkle helped to decorate the barn where the party was held. From streamers and balloons to the cake, everything should be perfectly decorated until the party started.

Rainbow Dash was the only pony missing to help with the preparations but she eventually should join later.

“Excellent, the decoration is starting to take shape,” Twilight said satisfied.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was placing the cake in the middle of the room. Star Twinkle was taking a look at it too out of curiosity.

“You think she'll like the cake?” Fluttershy asked, who was the one who brought the cake to the barn.

The cake had Pinkie Pie's face on it and there was “Happy Birthday Pinkie Pie” written on it. As for the taste, it was probably super sweet just like Pinkie Pie would like it.

“I'm sure that she will like it,” Star Twinkle assured which made Fluttershy smile in relief.

It was only a few hours until the party was about to start and everypony was excited about it. Applejack was busy with apple bucking until now and was about to enter the barn until she noticed something in the distance.

“Quickly Pinkie Pie is coming this way!” Applejack's said in a panic.

“What? But we are not done here yet!” Rarity exclaimed.

Twilight then, out of panic, pushed Star Twinkle in direction of the barn door.

“What are you doing?” Asked Star Twinkle.

“You have to stall her somehow,” Twilight demanded.

Of course, Star Twinkle wondered why he had to be the one but again he was probably the best one when it comes to lying, making excuses and avoiding stuff. Thinking about that made him feel a little offended since the others were probably thinking about him that way. But that was probably only his imagination.

He went outside and saw how Rainbow Dash was flying towards the barn. Now it was no wonder why Pinkie Pie was approaching the barn. Rainbow Dash was entering the barn and Applejack closed the door behind her and now it was up to Star Twinkle to save the surprise party.

He just now noticed how fast Pinkie Pie was running towards the barn, scaring him a little since she doesn't look like she was stopping anytime soon. But eventually, she did stop right in front of him, startling him a little.

Pinkie Pie looked like she was about to say that he should move away, giving him the same glare like before. The glare was accompanied by a rather awkward silence making Star Twinkle rather uncomfortable.

“Uh...Pinkie Pie,” said Star Twinkle nervously.

“Star Twinkle,” Pinkie Pie quickly replied in a serious voice.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I saw Rainbow Dash entering the barn,” she quickly replied again

“Oh, really? Must have missed that,” he answered.

Star Twinkle didn't know if Pinkie Pie believed his excuses but he was going so far already and so he mind as well go all the way through.

“By the way, weren't you suppose to work?” She asked directly.

It took Star Twinkle some seconds to remember his previous excuse which probably made him even more suspicious right now.

“Oh! Yeah. I am working...uh...here! Yes! Steel Hammer sent me here to work at the barn! That's right!” He explained while putting on a fake smile.

Pinkie Pie was continuing to look at him with analyzing eyes.

“Mind if I take a look?” She asked.

“...Yes...” he replied boldly.

Pinkie Pie attempted to get across Star Twinkle but he tried his best to block her way every time. It looked like Pinkie Pie was getting more angry, making it harder for Star Twinkle to predict what she was about to do. Just when thinking that Pinkie Pie walked forward pushing her forehead against his pushing him slowly back against the barn.

She was now close to the barn door and tried to open it. Star Twinkle couldn't stop her since he noticed too late.

“No don't open...” he said.

But Pinkie Pie was opening the door, ready to take a look and ruin her own surprise party. Thankfully Applejack was in front of the door and blocked her sight so Pinkie Pie didn't saw anything inside.

“Howdy! What are you two doing out here?” Applejack asked, clearly trying to distract from the party.

This couldn't get any closer from blowing the party but at least now Star Twinkle had some support.

“Nothing. I was just telling Pinkie Pie how I was sent here to do some repairing inside of this barn, “ he said while giving Applejack some obvious hints behind Pinkie Pie's back.

“Oh. Yeah! Was mighty nice of him to work around the barn," she said while putting on a really uncomfortable fake smile.

"Let me see," Pinkie Pie asked trying to peek inside of the barn.

"No!" Star Twinkle quickly responded.

"Why not?" Pinkie Pie asked a little angered.

"Could be dangerous," Star Twinkle replied.

"Yeah! We're gonna renovate the whole thing. Don't want you to get hit by some falling stuff inside. There's a lot of construction work going on!" Applejack exclaimed.

After that, the rest, who was inside, tried to imitate some construction work noises in order to convince Pinkie Pie. But they sounded incredible fake and Star Twinkle thought that it was only a matter of time until Pinkie Pie figured out something.

Eventually, Pinkie Pie gave up, whether she was convinced or not. She quickly backed off while staring at Star Twinkle and Applejack. They both felt very uncomfortable but also relieved that this was over.

"You think she believed us?" Applejack asked nervously after Pinkie Pie was out of sight.

"...No..." Star Twinkle replied bothered.

"Well, it doesn't matter. If she sees what we got planned for her, everything will be alright," Applejack assured confidently.

Star Twinkle hoped what Applejack was saying was true but he never saw Pinkie Pie this angry before. Was this all about her Gummy after birthday party? Why would she be so angry? Star Twinkle just hoped that the surprise party would fix all of this again.

It was almost three o'clock and thankfully the party was all set. The barn was fully decorated with balloons and streamers.
In the middle of the barn was a big cake and some presents were placed on a table. Now the only pony who is left is the birthday pony.

"Oh, I can't wait until she sees all this," Rarity said excitedly.

"We are all ready now. Would you two go and get Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked while looking at Star Twinkle and Rainbow Dash.

"Leave it to us!" Rainbow Dash replied while saluting.

"Alright," Star Twinkle replied with a little less excitement.

"It's probably better than just waiting in the barn," thought Star Twinkle so he was fine too.

Star Twinkle and Rainbow Dash then left for Sugarcube Corner to get Pinkie Pie and to surprise her with the party.

"I can't wait till she sees it! This is gonna be so awesome!" Rainbow Dash said with confidence.

But Star Twinkle had some doubts after seeing Pinkie Pie before. She didn't seem too happy earlier and she also had doubts about Star Twinkles and Applejack's excuses. But he figured that Pinkie Pie is easily amused about little things so she probably will be happy to see her party and forget everything they lied about.

They both entered the door of Sugarcube Corner and Rainbow Dash greeted Pinkie Pie who was sitting at a table in the middle of the room.

Pinkie Pie looked a little different. Her mane was down and she also still looked a little angry. She looked even more different than before and Star Twinkle felt very uncomfortable to enter the room.

"You think she is alright?" Star Twinkle whispered to Rainbow Dash nervously.

"I don't know but we have to get her to the barn," Rainbow Dash whispered back.

That would be the best solution right now but things looked a little more complicated.

“How about we go to Sweet Apple Acres, Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash asked.

But Pinkie Pie refused and claimed that she was spending time with her real friends right now. Star Twinkle hoped that she didn't mean the things that were sitting on the other chairs next to her. There was only a bucket with turnips, a pile of stones, a clump of lint, and a sack of flour.

“I'm already having lots of fun, isn't that right Madame le flour?” Pinkie Pie said hanging into the sack of flour. “Oui! Zat iz correct, madame,” said Pinkie Pie trying to make it sound like that the sack of flour was speaking.

Star Twinkle and Rainbow Dash got even more confused by this behavior and looked at each other while feeling very uncomfortable. Now it was obvious to Star Twinkle that Pinkie Pie was not behaving normally anymore. They quickly needed to get her out of Sugarcube Corner and bring her to the barn in Sweet Apple Acre.

“Aaallrighty. What do you say we get on out of Creepytown and head over to Applejack's barn,” Rainbow Dash said, trying to get her out as soon as possible.

“Yeah, it also would be better for your health if you...” said Star Twinkle but he was interrupted by Pinkie Pie who shoved a bucket of turnips in front of his face.

“She's not going anywhere,” She said pretending that the turnips were the one who talked.

“I most certainly am not. I'm having a wonderful time right here,” Pinkie Pie added in her own voice.

But Rainbow Dash demanded that Pinkie Pie should come with the two ponies instead of spending time with whatever she was doing right now.

“You should really come with us,” Rainbow Dash said with a slightly concerned tone in her voice.

“You heard the lady! She ain't goin' nowhere, chump!” Said Pinkie Pie in a different voice as she pushed the pile of rocks in front of Rainbow Dash's face.

“Who you calling a chump, chump?!” Replied Rainbow Dash to the pile of rocks.

“Rainbow Dash...” Star Twinkle said annoyed, pointing out that Rainbow Dash is talking back to a pile of rocks.

This is getting really frustrating, thought Star Twinkle shaking his head in annoyance.

“Listen. I know you might be upset because of earlier but..” and again Star Twinkle was interrupted by Pinkie Pie who shoved the sack of flour in front of his face.

“Mademoiselle Pinkie Pie doesn't need ze likes of you to tell her what she has to do!”

Star Twinkle just rolled his eyes as he was looking around the sack of flour to look into Pinkie Pie's eyes.

"Pinkie Pie, I am not talking to a sack of flour," said Star Twinkle in an annoyed voice.

"Her name is Madame Le Flour!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed to which Star Twinkle didn't know how to respond too.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash tried to use force to get Pinkie Pie outside but it didn't seem to work. Rainbow Dash was overpowered by Pinkie Pie's stubbornness and was pushed to the wall. Eventually, Rainbow Dash got tired of all this and didn't want to hold back anymore. She demanded that Star Twinkle should help her so that bringing Pinkie Pie to the barn wouldn't take any longer.

Star Twinkle and Rainbow Dash then dragged her out of Sugarcube Corner with Gummy clinging into Pinkie Pie. It took a good while until they finally reached the barn since Pinkie Pie was resisting a little but eventually she gave up and let herself get dragged to Sweet Apple Acre.

When finally reaching the barn both Star Twinkle and Rainbow Dash were exhausted from dragging Pinkie Pie behind them but they also were relieved that everything will be okay again.

“We're... here...” Rainbow Dash exclaimed exhausted before opening the barn door where everypony else was waiting for them. In good old fashion, they all greeted Pinkie Pie with a bright “surprise” but Pinkie Pie seemed confused about all this and just stood there until Rainbow Dash pushed her closer to her friends. Star Twinkle also joined his friends and put on a forgiving smile for putting Pinkie Pie through all this. But instead of a happy cheerful smile, Pinkie Pie just looked at them angrier than ever.

“I really thought she'd be more excited,” Fluttershy said confused.

“Excited? Excited?!” Pinkie Pie shouted angrily. “Why would I be excited to attend my own farewell party?!” She said almost upset.

Of course, everypony was surprised to hear that and asked what she was talking about.

“Yes! You don't like me anymore, so you decided to kick me out of the group and throw a great, big party to celebrate! A "Farewell to Pinkie Pie" party!” Pinkie Pie said angrily before she turned around and sat down in sadness.

Star Twinkle figured that Pinkie Pie was having some problems to realize her surroundings judging from her tea party with her “Real Friends”. Maybe she was telling herself that out of paranoia, thought Star Twinkle. Everypony approached her, trying to comfort her and assuring that it was nothing like what she thought it was.

“Why in the world would you think we didn't like you anymore, sugarcube?” Applejack asked concerned.

“Why?” Pinkie Pie quickly replied in their faces. "Because you've been lying to me and avoiding me all day, that's why!” She explained angrily.

She was probably hinting at the excuses that everypony made in order to prepare for the party, thought Star Twinkle. Of course, they had to make excuses, they couldn't just tell her that they had to prepare her own birthday party. In fact, isn't she aware that today is her birthday? Is she so caught up in her paranoia that she forgot her own birthday?

Everypony gave her obvious answers and explanations why they couldn't tell her, leading Pinkie Pie to think about the situation and calming her down for a moment.

“We'd been planning this party for such a long time, we had to make excuses for why we couldn't attend Gummy's party so that we could get everything ready for yours,” Rarity explained.

“If this is a farewell party, why does the cake I picked up from Sugarcube Corner say "Happy Birthday, Pinkie Pie"?” Twilight said pointing at Pinkie Pie's birthday cake.

“You of all ponies should know what kind of party this is and why we were throwing it today, right?” Said Star Twinkle further hinting at the obvious.

Pinkie Pie analyzed the situation further and noticed the decoration and the cake. Not much longer her hair turned back like it's used to look like and her sad and angry face turned into a bright smile of joy.

“Because it's my birthday!” She said excitedly. “Ooh, how could I have forgotten my own birthday?” She added.

That was exactly the same what Star Twinkle was about to say but he wasn't saying anything because he just wanted to avoid any more complications.

So in the end, everything was fine and the party was a success. Pinkie Pie apologized because she was doubting her friends but nopony seemed offended by that and proceeded with the party.

“I'm just glad I haven't been replaced by a bucket of turnips,” Rainbow Dash said after Pinkie Pie's apology, which confused some ponies. “You don't wanna know,” she added.

Again another party came to an end. Star Twinkle will most likely never be a pony who goes full out on parties but he was getting used to it after befriending Pinkie Pie.

To some degree, he could understand why Pinkie Pie was doubting her friends since he is the one the group who does that on a daily basis. He is never sure what to expect from his friends or if he should believe in them as much as they believe in him. Thinking only about himself is enough for him.

He wondered how he would have behaved if he was in her situation but he quickly removed this thought out of his mind because he felt that he would have ruined everything.

But thankfully it didn't come this far...


Author's Note:

Yeah, I changed the order of some episodes which you probably figured out already...

Tell me what you think about this chapter or the story itself, even if you just want to say that it's bad.

I don't delete reviews or comment since I want an honest opinion so please, leave yours to help me out as a writer.

And as always, see you in the next chapter ^^.

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