• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Mane Abracadabra, Part III

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

The Mane Abracadabra,
Part III

[ Jade Wolf Warrens]

Jynx ran her claws through her mane as she looked at the two goddesses before her.

She had asked Empress Cadence here not only to discuss how things were going with the Dogs she left in the Crystal Empire, but to see if she knew what this folder thing was. She had not expected Princess Luna to accompany her. The moon goddess made her nervous every time they met.

With good reason.

Still the reaction she received was not what she expected when she showed the folder she could make.

Luna had looked very annoyed at the fact.

Cadence had developed a grin and looked quite smug.

“Well..... we suppose this means that Forthe is dead.” Princess Luna finally broke the silence. “We should have a word with the council about this. They should know there is a new goddess of Diamond Dogs, and Ore, with minors in Gemstones and Mines”

“Goddess?” Jynx questioned.” What?”

“Annnnnd.” Cadence hummed.

Luna grumbled. “ And Cadence's choice has decidedly gained some points from this.

“Hold on. What?” Jynx demanded.


“But not because you scare ponies into thinking I won't perform for their charities otherwise! I would never do that to my fans!” Coloratura snapped at her manager. ”Which is why you should have known that I would never cancel the school ponies' contest!”

“Hmph. All this charity and school pony contest nonsense is just remnants of that boring little Rara I met back in Manehattan!” Sevngallop growled.

“You clearly don't understand the real me!”

“Ha, that's a joke! I made you some pony!” Svengallop snarled “What can you even do without me? Good luck,Countess Coloratura! Good luck.”

Applejack moved up slowly as Svengallop stormed off towards his wagon behind the stage.

“Oh, Rara, I'm so sorry. Are you gonna be okay?” Applejack asked.

“Of course. I still have a concert to preform though, after all, the show must go on.” Rara smirked as the pair of them headed towards the stage.

None of the three noticing the figure in full bomb squad attire sneaking away from the wagon Svengallop was headed towards.

[ Bayston, Cheers]

Complete pandemonium would be an understatement to what was going on because of the spell.

Adagio's father was rather proud of that.

To the ponies and other species in the crowd, they had all suddenly undergone what was called a baleful polymorph. It was a dark magic spell that corrupted the normal polymorph spell to affect others against their will.

Despite her not being a god, Adagio was a demi god and the caster of the group. Even with no stone to boost her power, she was far from weak. She had been testing this spell for a while now to work out all the kinks. She had also inscribed a few runes to boost the power on the backs of the band fliers posted around the club that she had put up while she helped the bar owner for a pittance of bits.

As such the entire bar and a good bit of the block around it was affected by the spell.

All the targets in the area, including a number of the sewer rats who were just as confused as everyone else, had turned into large, mostly hairless bipeds.

And no not chickens like Plato found out.

The massive throng of Equestrians turned human were panicked and losing their damn minds. Adagio, Sonata and Aria all were used to being humans so the change was barely disorienting at all. For those used to walking on four hooves suddenly being transformed into something else was panic inducing at best. But in a crowd of others like them. Well, there was a lot of screaming and flailing around.

Aria grumbled, ripping a bit of the curtain off the stage and wrapped herself up in a bra and loin cloth set up as she fixed her hair back up into the twin ponytails.

Sonata was in a light blue frilly dress and no one bothered to ask how.

Adagio didn't bother covering herself up as she grinned, her amusement at the chaos only dampened a bit by the reminder of how much bigger her sisters busts were than hers.

“Well that worked out quite well didn't it?” Adagio chuckled.

“I never did figure out how to use spells like this sooo, I CAST CHAIR!!”

“What?” Adagio looked to the side as one of the humans with red and yellow almost bacon like hair, and a bust bigger than hers, smashed a chair into Adagio's face as she rushed her.

“Dagi!!” Sonata cried out running across the stage only to be stopped by a wall of pink.

Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes at Sonata, the mare turned human was dressed in a frilly pink almost ball gown with her cutie mark sewn on the side.

“Oh no you don't, you're mine.” Pinkie Pie growled as Sonata narrowed her eyes.

“Yeah, I should have expected this.” Aria sighed rubbing her forehead. “And I bet the third one is fine with the transformation too and I gotta fight him.”

“Well to be fair, I was already a biped. I am a bit chilly though with out my fur however. And lacking a tail feels weird.”

Aria turned, blinking at the navy blue skinned man before her. He had short cropped hair almost in a Mohawk that was only a bit darker blue than his skin. Bright amber eyes glared at her as he stood easily a foot taller than she was. He was dressed in a gray pair of cargo pants and a large maroon long coat.

“You know what. Fine. Let's go.” Aria growled stepping back and adopting a stance she had learned from some human world fighters.

Rahs grinned.


The moon dog turned human flung off his long coat showing his well muscled form, somehow now glinting in the stage lights as he looked like he was covered in oil. His face was also covered in a brightly colored purple and green luchador mask with a cat theme.

“Have at thee!” Rahs grinned.

Aria blinked.


“I have no idea what any of that technical jargon was.” Rahs responded.

[Crystal Empire]

“Huh....” Shining Armor considered looking at himself in the mirror.

“What?” Chrysalis tilted her head looking at him.

“I never got a real good look at myself when I was on the other side of the mirror.” Shining Armor offered. “ I gotta say I look pretty weird, and I'm fairly certain my dick shrunk some and changed it's shape. But maybe that's how they are there.”

“Huh.” Chrysalis considered a flare of green covering her form as she turned into a biped like shining though clearly female with rather large 'assets'. “Hmm so this is what a female looks like based of the spell affecting you.”

Shining glanced back at Chrysalis raising an eyebrow.

“Huh. I didn't remember any one there save the version of Celestia in that world having a chest that big. Are those supposed to be teats?” Shining asked.

“Well, lets find out hmm?” Chrysalis purred as she walked towards him.

[ Ponyville, Jade Wolf Warrens.]

Cadence twitched, her tail lashing behind her as she narrowed her eyes looking to the north.

“My Shiny sense is tingling.”

“What?!” Jynx demanded not having got a single answer to anything yet from the pair.


Pinkie and Sonata continued the stare down. The pair of them having started the fight moments after they met. The blue haired siren and the pink menace were deadlocked in their conflict.

The crowd was still screaming and freaking out in the club as the two faced each other on the stage.

Rahs and Aria were trading blows as Aria did everything she could to keep the larger Rahs from grappling her as she lashed out with a number of strikes that only seemed to slow him down a bit.

Adagio was was doing little better as she and Sunset had quickly devolved into hair pulling and name calling as they rolled around the floor trying to beat the hell out of each other. So far Sunset was winning.

Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes.

“Cloud three.” Pinkie stated.

“Miss.” Sonata responded as she tapped something on her side of the game board.

“Sky five.” Sonata stated.

“Miss.” Pinkie Pie stated intently.

[ Ponyville, Seshat]

Twilight sat back in the chair looking down at herself curiously.

“Huh.” the alicorn turned human girl once again frowned as she poked her boob with a finger. “ Why am I upset these are not bigger?”

“TWILIGHT!!!!” Spike screamed tumbling into the room as he tried to get purchase on the crystal floor with the odd feet he had.

Twilight looked up at the human Spike taking note of the short green hair that was spiked up on top of his head, and the purplish colored skin he had. He was a good bit shorter than he normally was and looked younger than she had been in the human world.

“What?” Twilight asked poking her boob again, there had to be a spell for this.

“What do you mean what!?! We're those monkey things from the other side of the mirror.” Spike demanded glaring at his sister.

“Yes, and?” Twilight asked calmly. Maybe an enlarge spell that was focused?

“And? What do you mean and? I mean I'm glad I'm not a dog, but something had to have happened to Rahs, and one of my dicks is missing!” Spike shouted.

“Well mom told you it would fall off if you played with it.” Twilight stated, prodding her other boob, maybe she could fake it with an illusion.

“ No she didn't, you both dumped the sex ed on Bleu and her answers were' yes' and 'often as you can'” Spike snapped “What the buck is wrong with you?”

“Language!” Twilight snapped.

“This is perfectly appropriate time to run through the entire collection of swear words I know instead of the simple pony ones Twilight, and you know it!” Spike retorted.

[Bayston, Cheers]

“Not bad.” Aria smirked as Rahs blocked a low kick before he lashed out with another grab attempt.

He had gotten a hold of her once and that had almost been the end of it until he realized he had grabbed her chest and he had let go apologetically, only to receive a blow to the gut in response as Aria backed off.

Still Aria had held off taking advantage of his recovery time from that, there was something to be said for those males who didn't cop a feel on a half naked girl they were fighting.

“You're not going to win though. You've not been able to touch me and I'm beating the hell out of you. “ Aria smiled.

“Do I even look injured to you? “ Rahs asked raising an eyebrow under his mask.” And yet you're starting to get tired, I can do this for days. Sooner or later you're gonna make a mistake and that's going to be it. You can surrender now and I should be able to stop my sister from trying to toss you into the sun or something.”

“Playing good cop now? So who's your sister the orange one tearing out handfuls of Dagi's hair?” Aria asked.

“Nah, that's Sunset. Honestly surprised every things not on fire at the moment with her, but no my sisters Twilight Sparkle. Heard of her?” Rahs grinned.

“Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!” Aria cursed.

“That's about the expected reaction nowadays.” Rahs nodded. ”It shouldn't be that bad if you give up now, thus far no one's really hurt, and we do need jobs for all the psychologists we keep hiring.”

Sunset screamed out as Adagio bit her.

“Well.... no ones seriously hurt.” Rahs shrugged.

“Cloud ten!” Sonata cried out.

“You grounded my albatross!” Pinkie Pie gasped.

“And I have no idea what's going on there.” Rahs admitted.

“Yeah this whole thing is pretty surreal. But I'm kinda used to that with dad. “ Aria let out a sigh. “ Any way thanks for the offer, but I'm not going back inside any cage again, gilded or not.”

“Hmm. While I don't know your issue, I do know what you've done since we found out about you is not something I can over look. The only reason I'm going easy on you is because thus far you've not being overly violent about it.”

“You've yet to prove you can do anything.” Aria frowned shifting in her stance.

“Ahh you say that now, but we're on a stage.”Rahs grinned even wider, Aria took note his teeth were much sharper than a humans should be.

“And what should that matter?” Aria frowned.

“Because I'm the god of theater.” Rahs stated, a massive rumble of thunder shook the building at the statement as the lights flickered going out and leaving Rahs and Aria in a spotlight. At least until Pinkie Pie and Sonata both clicked on flashlights for their game.

“DAMN IT DAGI!!!” Aria screamed. “ 'I don't see any gods wandering into some little dump of a nightclub in Bayston any time soon!' You fucking jinxed it!”

Her reaction was not what Rahs expected.

Actually, if these three were sisters, he should have expected that.

“Shut the fuck up Aria!!! I'm done with this shit!” Adagio shouted back flinging Sunset off of her with a flash of magic, her other hand lifting in the air and starting to glow.

“Fuck. “ Aria growled. “ Look Sparkle she's about to blow up the damn club with every one in it. You let us go now and you save the the locals, other wise she's pissed enough to bring the whole place down.”

Rahs frowned, and looked back at the mass of screaming 'humans' the crowd had become, then back at Aria.


“What?” Aria asked.

“My name is Rahs Sparkle. Next time we meet Aria, I'm going to put a stop to this little violence causing excursion of yours.” Rahs crossed his arms over his chest as he glared at her, another boom of thunder turning the lights back on in the club.

“We'll see.” Aria smirked. ”Sonata, grab Dagi, we're leaving!”

“But I've almost won!”

“NOW!” Aria snapped her eyes not leaving Rahs.

Sonata sighed snapping her wings and zipping over to grab her sister before a second flap brought the pissed of Siren back onstage. Adagio looked worse for wear with a number of bruises and cuts, one of her eyes looking like it was starting to swell.

Sunset climbed up on stage looking a little better though she had a bite mark on her arm that was bleeding lightly.

“I'm gonna need to get a rabies shot after this!” Sunset snarled advancing on the trio.

“Let them go Sunset.” Rahs ordered. For the moment Adagio was only holding the spell ready to cast and Rahs held his position. He wasn't exactly sure if he could eat the spell like this. Sure he managed it as a dragon in the human world, but he couldn't eat magic as a pony and wasn't sure if it would be the same here. He wasn't going to risk the crowd in the club on the chance he 'might' be able to stop it.

The Sirens backed off before vanishing back stage. A loud thud and the sound of a alarm marked their exit from the buildings fire door.

Rahs let out a small sigh looking down at Sunset as she bitched. The orange haired girl snatched up Rahs' coat and putting it on. Despite the clothing nothing important was covered up and Rahs did his best not to look.

“Do you think you can fix this?” Rahs asked with a mutter and a red flush on his face.

“Probably.” Sunset offered, doing her best to make Rahs look at her and the presented assets, he was a boob dog after all, and while she wasn't too much a fan of humans, she had to admit he looked rather good as one.

“SHE CHEATED!” Pinkie Pie snapped staring at Sonata's half of the board that was covered in white pegs on the lower half marking all the places Pinkie called out so she could move her ships around.

“So did I.” Rahs stated with a grin, holding up a necklace with a large red gemstone on the end.


Svengallop paused as the door of his lavish trailer clicked closed behind him. He had only a moment to register the bit of flint that struck a spark to a fuse as soon as the door closed fully. His attention after that moment was taken up by the massive piles of various fireworks stuffed in his trailer that the fuse was just now reaching as he took it all in.

Svengallop screamed.

Trixie sat at the back of the stage her bomb helmet removed as she watched the fireworks shoot into the sky lighting up the night as Countess Coloratura sang.

Trixie was a little miffed that the explosions would be slightly off center, but she let that drop as the professional in her seeing a problem that wasn't there.

“Trixie I said not to kill him.” Twilight snapped from off to Trixie's left as she stormed up.

Trixie raised an eyebrow as a moment later Svengallop tore across the field running towards the river along side the farm. His mane and tail on fire and his six thousand bit suit a chard mess.

Trixie turned to look at Twilight with a frown.

“First of all The Great and Powerful Trixie is highly upset that you dare doubt her skills.“ Trixie stated. “Secondly what in Equestria are you supposed to be right now? Some sort of long pig?”

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