• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Party Phantasm, Part One

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Party Phantasm,
Part One

[Ponyville, after Winter Wrap Up, Le-ho- Foxes]

A group of eight ponies sat around a table laden with noodle bowls, small boxes, and various other food stuffs as a kitsune with three tails wandered around behind the shops counter prepping a meal for another customer.

“So she just asked you to do it?” Sunset questioned, popping a piece of sweet and sour chicken into her mouth.

“Yup, in three days the Yak delegation will come to Ponyville for talks.” Twilight offered munching down on some fried rice. ”I'd like everyone's help with that if you don't mind?”

“Sure. Ah suppose ah ken help, little to early yet tah do much mor'n watch seeds grow so ah got a few free days.” Applejack shrugged, the farm pony practically inhaling a big bowl of beet chow mein.

“Sure it'll be a party and I love parties.” Pinkie Pie added, it was any ones guess what she was eating as she seemed to be stealing a little from everyone elses plate to try it.

“I'm not sure what I can do, but I'll try to help.” Fluttershy offered, the mare was the only one aside from Sunset and Pinkie Pie who had figured out the chopsticks, though she was currently using them to effortlessly fend off Pinkie who was trying to snag one of her spring rolls.

“Yeah I'm down, maybe put some of this crap Prince tricked me into learning to use.” Rainbow Dash offered making a mess of her self with her shrimp and cashew meal.

“Of course darling I would love to assist if it means that the trade for that wonderful fur of theirs will be back on the market.” Rarity offered with a flourish of her fork as worked on her broccoli and garlic.

“Fur?” Sombra questioned calmly munching on Tsu's tofu.

“Yes, like us yaks tend to shed seasonally though with how long and thick their hair is they often treat it and sell it, it was one of their main exports the last time there was a trade agreement.” Rarity sighed.” I've only ever seen one outfit made of yak fur and it was the softest warmest thing I have ever experienced, sooo many ideas of what to do with that. Do you think if we succeed I might be able to get a deal of my own going for the material?”

“I don't see why not, though didn't you just strike a deal with Jynx?” Twilight questioned.

“Yes I did, though it is going to be some what of a hard sell despite how lovely leather is as a material is.” Rarity sighed.

“I rather wish you wouldn't” Fluttershy muttered.

“Darling if a creature is going to die to be a meal for some one else would you rather as much of it be used as possible, or just the meat and leave the rest to rot?”

“I'd rather they didn't at all.” Fluttershy muttered to herself.

“Fluttershy dear, when you are able to convince carnivores to turn to a vegetarian diet without them dying horribly as they waste away from malnutrition I'm sure leather will go away too, but for now I will take advantage of any new material I find.” Rarity stated, seeming a little vindictive in her tone towards Fluttershy.

Twilight glanced to Pinkie, who shrugged and tried to steal a piece of Sweet and Sour chicken without getting flash fried by Sunset. Clearly something had come up with this before. Probably like the bat thing to be honest. Pinkie had said Fluttershy got a bit out of control sometimes.

“So what did you need me and my cousin here to do?” Sunset asked gesturing to Sombra.

“To be fair.. avoid the delegation at all costs.” Twilight muttered.

Sombra and Sunset both looked at Twilight then looked at each other.

“That's a fair cop.” Sunset shrugged as Sombra went back to eating.

“Seriously, no offense, but I was told the Yak's were temperamental, and Sunset your temper is shorter than mine. Sombra the Yaks are from near the Crystal Empire and well, you have a history there.

Sombra shrugged.

“It's fine Twilight, I can lay low if you need me to.” Sunset offered.” What about Rahs and Applejack though, don't the Yaks have some sort of legend about Witch Wolves too?”

“Oddly no. Which makes little sense as they were supposedly both at war with and sided with the Crystal Empire during the war of the night.” Twilight frowned.

“It is not that surprising.” Sombra added. “If I recall correctly the Yaks were never on any ones side during the war but their own, not mercenaries either. They were just as likely to attack the Empire's forces as they were to attack the other side. As soon as someone called them on it they closed their borders for the rest of the war. I think it was Bleu who had a talk with them, so that reaction was completely understandable.”

“I really need to pick your brain for all that history one of these days.” Twilight muttered.

“Good luck Sparkle, I know tidbits. For the majority of the war I was a foal, and then an emotionally compromised teenager. By the time I started to get a handle on everything Solomon's trap sprung and I woke up to fight you.” Sombra explained. “And I wasn't too interested in anything for that window but sulking and trying to hold together a failing empire.”

“Still. Any way I'll draw up some plans based on what I've learned from the books and I'll get those to you so you can set up a bit later today.” Twilight smirked.

“Great since you're getting us to help you, does that mean you're buying lunch?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Twilight stopped smirking.

[Three days later, morning, Seshat.]

“Prince Rutherford, your Majesty. On behalf of all of us, I welcome you to Equestria.” Twilight Sparkle smiled welcoming the Yak delegation into the main foyer of the castle. Rahs, Big Mac, and Spike stood nearby also going with a bow to the Prince. The three yaks with Prince Rutherford looked around curiously as they entered.

“Me honored. Yaks hope for great friendship between ponies and yaks. Friends for a thousand moons!” The Prince stated before looking around, then eyeing Twilight. “You are Princess Twilight Tuesday Sparkle?”

Rahs and Spike barely held back snickers and Twilight let out a calming sigh.” Yes your majesty I am, though it's a name more than a title.”

Prince Rutherford eyed Twilight a moment more before snorting. “Much smaller than me expect. Ah well. Not first time me disappointed with female.”

Twilight blinked a little confused though she shook her head, gesturing to the next room. Big Mac however glared at the Prince like he was contemplating beating him with his own horns.

“You must be hungry after a long journey.” Twilight continued. ”We've prepared a banquet of traditional yak foods. “

“If things not perfect, yaks get mad. Yaks always get mad when things not perfect!” Prince Rutherford offered as the group headed into the room with the food Spike and several chefs Twilight had found had prepared.

The trio watched the yaks enter the dining hall and begin to eat without much ceremony. The other three seemed to be enjoying themselves though the Prince only took a small taste before bellowing,.

“This no taste like yak food! Fake pony food make yaks mad!” Prince Rutherford screamed out.

The four of them watched as the group started rampaging and smashing things in the dining area ruining the food and the furniture.

“Okay … small set back.” Twilight muttered.

“Right.... “ Spike sighed. ”I can see how this day is going to go.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac added.

“I think I prefer Twilight's experiments.” Seshat grumbled, her voice sounding some what shaky as the whole castle seemed to vibrate with the rampage going on.

[ Sweet Apple Acres]

“So with what I've read about your homeland and living spaces I've asked my friend Applejack to set up more traditional yak living quarters at her home. With the weather like it is, it's still cool enough outside to feel closer to how it is in the mountains.” Twilight explained as the group approached the orange mare standing at the door to the barn the family recently built last month.

“Howdy y'all. So we know y'all are noble warriors who avoid the so-called finer things, so me and my family set this up fer yah. Applejack opened the barn door for the yaks.

“Hmm this not bad.” Prince Rutherford offered as he and the others wandered in looking over the beds and simple designs of the sleeping quarters they were granted.

“Thanks for this Applejack.” Twilight sighed as Rahs watched the yaks move around the barn checking out everything.

“No problem, so how's it been going?” Applejack asked.


“Kinda like that.”

“What tha hay is yak hay?” Applejack questioned glancing up to Rahs.

“YAK SMASH!!” Prince Rutherford bellowed as the group started trashing the barn.

Twilight rubbed her temples with her hoof as the barn crashed down to rubble, the yaks still smashing it.

“I am really sorry about this.” Twilight muttered.

“Ehh . It's okay, “ Applejack shrugged. “We hadn't lost a barn yet this month and ah was a little worried ah'd have tah burn it down maiself.”

“What?” Twilight blinked.

“Yaks gonna die now.” Pinkie Pie growled, her hair losing all it's poof as she advanced on the group as they rampaged while Fluttershy did her best to rescue all the animals they were stomping around..

“Pinkie Stop.” Twilight called moving between the delegation and the pink mare.

“Twilight my friend, you know I love you, but you also know how I get when Fluttershy is being threatened and she was nearly stomped, several times. So I am acting fully appropriately, and not going through you right now to get to them.” Pinkie growled. “That will last ten more seconds. Move!”

“Svengallop.” Twilight frowned starring down Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie paused, twitched, sat down and shoved her fore hooves into her straight mane pulling hard on it as she screamed out into the sky

“Ooh good war cry. Yaks approve” Prince Rutherford offered .

A moment later Pinkie's mane was poofy again and she turned back to face Twilight.

“All right, okay, all right, yup, okay, sure.... but we're even now.” Pinkie offered.

“Thank you.” Twilight sighed.

“I'm still gonna set up tonight's party, but neither Shy or myself are gonna be there, otherwise it would be a very dangerous time to be a yak.” Pinkie stated ”Particularly when Shy gets over her panic and shock and realizes these guys just tried to stomp some baby animals.”

“Right.” Twilight sighed looking at the yaks, and noticing there were only three now. “What?”

Twilight blinked as Rahs pointed down to an angry looking white rabbit.

“Oh for the love of.....” Twilight growled. ”Alright, alright, come on, we've got other events to get to.”

“Where Ronco?” the prince asked looking around for the missing yak.

“Ahhh.... bathroom break.” Twilight offered sheepishly.

“Ugh he gonna take all day. Come Ronco can catch up.” Prince Rutherford nodded.

Rahs glared at Angel Bunny, who glared back. The moon dog waited until the yaks weren't looking before giving the rabbit a big grin and double thumbs up, before dropping the expression and following his sister and the yaks.

Angel rolled his eyes with a huff and hopped over to Fluttershy.

“How are they mad about the snow?” Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion as the yaks rampaged.” I even got them to crank out some polycrystal snow cause that's what the book said was the most common type in the mountains? Do you know how hard that stuff is to make? I had to call in all my favors with Fireball and the team.”

Prince snorted in amusement behind her.

Twilight twitched.

“I expect the bigger question.” Prince Blueblood offered. ”Is why are you putting up with this nonsense Twilight?

“Because I'm the god of friendship and the yaks are so solitary and standoffish that the possibility of making friends with them is enticing in its own right.” Twilight grumbled.

“Bork.” Rahs added.

“And my idiot brother thinks I'm trying to prove something to Celestia still by doing something she couldn't” Twilight growled.

“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

Rarity drew in a deep breath, resting a hoof against her forehead as she composed herself.

“Twilight...... darling......”Rarity began. “At no point in the entire three hour lecture you gave me on yak fashion did you inform me that there would be A TASTE TEST!?!?”

Rarity snarled, her form turning dark as the shadows around her thrashed.

“Please Twilight darling, give me one reason, ONE reason, why I should not go in there and pluck them all bald a hair at a time and TAKE that fur of theirs to pay for the damage they caused to my shop?”

“ The budget Celestia gave me is big enough to cover everything, plus a great deal in repairs and can easily cover the damages to your shop.” Twilight offered.

“That's it?”

“You only asked for one reason.”

“Yes well... I suppose that is on me then, I set the bar too low.” Rarity sighed.

“Piano play itself?! Music a lie!” Prince Rutherford bellowed.

“Oh shit!” Spike yelped, as he rolled away as his piano was smashed. Prince Rutherford reared up again over the dragon though the expected stamp never came. A navy blue form slammed into the side of the yak sending the massive figure stumbling to the side before crashing to the ground.

The other two yaks gasped, though before they could react a magenta aura surrounded them both and lifted them in the air to flail uselessly.

“I have experienced an epiphany. I have endured quite a multitude of this very day. I have redistributed the majority of the allotted capitol presented to me to reimburse those distressed by your escapades. I have spent the favors I was granted for naught, and I am led to understand that all of my companions are particularly cross with me currently.” Twilight drew in a long breath as if she was trying to calm herself. “And you have just attempted to compress my youngest sibling.”

“Oh great she's pissed off enough to break out the 15 bit words.” Spike rolled his eyes. ”Tone it down book horse, let them know they are being insulted.”

“Insulted? Yaks great warriors! No forget this insult. Not friends with ponies!”

“Great warriors? All I've seen today are a bunch of weak little bitches....”

“Bork!” Rahs corrected.

“Sorry, weak little infants who can't do anything but throw a temper tantrum the moment something isn't perfect enough for the bias preconception of reality their peanut sized brains offer.” Twilight ranted.

“You dare insult yaks! THIS MEANS WAR!!” Prince Rutherford screamed.

Twilight twitched as she tossed the other two yaks aside, grabbing Prince Rutherford and yanking him through the air to float nose to nose with her, though the massive yak was held upside down.

“I'm sorry, did you just declare war?”

“YES YAKS SMASH PONIES FOR INSULT.” Prince Rutherford screamed back at Twilight.

“Right... War...you declared war.... You know what...” Twilight nodded, her left eye twitching before her whole form exploded into fire turning her to a flame haired white furred alicorn. “..Bring it!”

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