• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Twilight Gets a Puppy, The Movie, Epilogue 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

Twilight Gets a Puppy,
The Movie,
Epilogue 1

[ Canterlot 4 days after the attack on the Storm King's Island.]

The main dining room of the castle had been partially repaired from where a stray cannon shot put a hole in the wall, and several figures were gathered around the table. A few drinks and snacks and various heavier foods covered the table, though most of those who were there were only picking at it.

Aside from an occasional server, the room was filled with gods.

Twilight Sparkle sat at the far end of the table sipping tea, and taking small bites out of some sugar cookies that sat on a plate before her.

Scattered around the table where the other alicorns, Bleu, Iinii, and Aqua.

Ascpicious was going to be here, though she was reminded of what happened last time she was near Twilight, and remained away. Chrysalis was also there, though her presence was through a mirror propped up in a chair.

The three other alicorns had been freed the moment they were returned to Canterlot.

The nobles had flocked to Celestia begging for her to save them, as Sweetiebelle had gotten it into her head that there were going to be a LOT of changes in Canterlot.

Celestia had them all shooed away and decided she could do with a day or two to relax before taking over her duties, provided Princess Sweetiebelle was okay to continue until then.

She was.

Luna was silent and contemplative. Upon her being freed Sombra had confronted her and spent a good hour berating her for her actions, as she was more important to things than he was and sacrificing herself like that was stupid.

He had then returned Dr. Choppy and thanked her for the rescue.

He had also called her mother at least twice in his rant. And once when he thanked her before he stormed off back to Ponyville.

Cadence had been threatened to be chained to the bed until the foal was born by both Chryssy and Shining.

They had changed their minds once she seemed interested in it and considered a mithral cell instead.

With the sun back under control, the off season snow storm that covered much of the world had dissipated, though there were numerous complaints from other gods to the council. That was something to deal with later.

Twilight being the completionest she was, went back to the dais where it all started , finished the speech to mark the end of the event, checked it off her list then went to get something to eat with Big Mac as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

This was later revealed to be part of her ongoing therapy, something about doing what one could with what one could control in life.

The pirates were pretty much the only ones around to listen to said speech, though afterward they immediately took over nearly all the bars and clubs in the city for the next two days, paying their way with stuff they had nicked from the Storm King's Castle.

Before midnight hit on the second day however there was not a single pirate or pirate ship insight of the city, much to the annoyance of the Guard who were hoping to grab a few drunk pirates after the grace period ended.

Thrawn was probably the most pissed off.

Gilda, Dash , Prince, and Thunderbolt had a awkward double date where the lot of them got into a bar fight with said pirates and wound up in a drunk tank cell for the night until Prince's father bailed them out laughing like mad the whole time.

Prince's mother was less amused.

White did … well... something, maybe.

Comet Trail was nearly sent back to the ICU after his wife and daughter were freed due to his injuries being reopened.

He was put on a months leave, minimum, before he would only be cleared for paperwork for a while.

Aqua laid into her daughters when they showed back up, though neither of the sisters payed attention to it, and Aqua finally stopped in annoyance.

Discord thought it was funny.

Aqua then laid into him and he couldn't ignore it as easily as his daughters.

He still fled first chance he got.

Bleu took her favor back from Trixie, having only given it to the pony temporarily after all, then she went to check on Spike , who was spending his time with his filly friend, who had recovered from her exhaustion enough to get exhausted again after losing her mind about her cutie mark.

Rahs was, of course, mobbed by five females the moment he made an appearance after trying to get himself and Shining to the Storm King's island though the Oneiroi, and meeting the ships halfway back.

Cosma was happy to see him before he went home himself.

The yeti islands were left in chaos and leaderless, the castle itself was plundered by the pirates and the injured and dead were recovered before the airships all left and before any of the remaining yeti could form a coherent counter attack.

Ninety five percent of the Storm Kings fleet was destroyed, and the location was quickly occupied by hippogryph and sea pony forces to prevent any other nation from rushing in for revenge or to claim the island chain as their own. Most found that the yeti remaining didn't seem that troubled by the loss of the Storm King and most of the remaining soldiers simply surrendered or tried to run in the remaining airships. Not that they made it far.

Saturnia and the Widows had indeed found the weapon merchant, and after a bloody fight, had managed to kill him, though his two companions were already gone.

The black furred unicorn pony with pink hair, that was found to be dyed, had a cutie mark of six bits, though most of his other identifying marks were destroyed in the conflict. The body was not recognized by any of the Guard or Changeling intelligence units.

They did however find a good bit of necrotic degradation in the ponies organs, but it was unsure the cause.

While the pink mare with him was not identified, the big haired mare was identified as Adagio of the Sirens, proving she was alive, and still a problem.

The recovery of Canterlot and those who had been turned to stone was still ongoing, but thus far everyone who had been turned to stone was coming out of it still alive and healthy, if a bit traumatized.

Luckily due to the events of the last few years, the number of psychologists and therapy providers had increased to where help was easy to get for those who needed it.

“So then, while this has not been wrapped up as neatly as I like, there are only a few loose ends now.” Celestia stated sipping her tea.

“And most of those involve Adagio and the mysterious pink pony.” Aqua sighed.

“ Though there is the matter of Tempest Shadow and the Storm King himself.” Cadence stated.

“I've already questioned Tempest of everything she knows.” Twilight stated simply. “ Unfortunately she didn't know anything more about the arms merchant beyond he called himself Jedidiah. The stallion was the only one she ever heard talk and the other two seemed like arm candy and a secretary to her. She figured they were more, but the Storm King never bothered asking any questions, and she never had a chance.”

“We would like very much to know where all the weapons and those stone balls came from.” Luna muttered.

“Unless we catch Adagio or the pink mare we won't likely know.” Iinii considered. ”But at least we have a cure and can start developing countermeasures.”

“One of them is to simply use a feather touch modifier to any spell you are using to block.” Twilight offered” If the wax seal isn't broken the ammo won't discharge, and even if it is broken with the spell modifier it still won't activate fully if you get rid of it quick enough and don't touch it. The gold ball, I'm less sure about, but according to Tempest that was the only one, and the merchant called it a prototype.”

“Still what to do with Tempest?” Celestia sighed. “ One of my own little ponies turning on her own kind like this is unacceptable.”

“She could be insane.” Cadence suggested.”A broken horn like that, I've never even heard of such a thing, and I've seen unicorns swinging by their horns after they've been impaled into a ceiling beam with no ill effect.”

“What? When?”Chrysalis demanded from the mirror.

“When Shiny and I really started dating after he got out of basic training. There were a few ponies on some of our dates that didn't seem to take the hint.” Cadence grinned.

“She's not insane, she's gullible and very driven , but not insane.” Twilight offered.

“She cannot be allowed to get off free, tricked or not.”Iinii stated.

“She isn't. She's working for me.” Twilight stated.

“What!?” the group of gods questioned.

“Twilight... seriously you can't....” Celestia began

“Can't what? Make another claim of an attack on a god like I did with the sirens?” Twilight smirked.” Because I can if I have to, but I don't think it will come to that.”

“Why would you want her any where around you at all?”Bleu questioned.

“Because she is a very interesting study in physical and mental trauma, and I was very much looking for something else to do now that the Companion spell is completed. Figuring out how to repair a massively damaged horn like this would be of a significant benefit. Cases like this are very rare where a unicorn's horn is broken and they survive, but they do happen, and the case number is so small there is no real research going into it.” Twilight explained. “Plus there is the fact that she out maneuvered all of us and stared you down when you were obliterating things left and right.”

Celestia blinked, then frowned.” And her little minion shot me in the ass.”

“Are you mad about that sister or his comments afterward?” Luna smiled.

“Yes.” Celestia stated.

“How can you trust her after all that?” Aqua questioned.

“I don't, but unlike the Storm King, I am actually interested in solving her issue, even if it's not soly for her benefit. Not to mention the fact if I dump her in the Ponyville branch of Guards they can only improve further with her skills and training.”

“The Ponyville Guards are already terrifying enough.” Chrysalis muttered.

“Still I cannot agree to allow a criminal of her skill to simply be placed in Ponyville, she belongs in Alpalcatraz at the very least.” Celestia stated.

“Why? She fits right in with all the other criminals in Ponyville. Sunset the dimensional thief, Sombra the evil king, the riot rousing Sirens, Discord occasionally, Chrysalis when she comes to visit her daughter.... what's one more. Particularly versus things like the Cutie mark Crusaders. One of whom STILL doesn't have her mark and I'm sure her friends are going to double their efforts to fix that. ” Twilight grinned.

There was a collective shudder from the gods.

Celestia sighed.”You are going to do the same if we ever catch Starlight Glimmer too aren't you?”

“Her issues have got to be fascinating.”Twilight grinned.” I may as well go for the whole set of the prophecy after all, minus Tirek though.”

“We feel that this might bite thee on thine ass Twilight.” Luna muttered.

“I dunno, I already have some very dangerous individuals watching my back, adding a few more to that list can't be a bad thing. Seriously I figure if I can fix Tempest's horn , I'll have to stop her from forming the church of the Sparkle god or something in gratitude. Seriously if the Storm King had played her fair we might have had more problems than we did.”

“Well I don't like it , but this is not my business.” Iinii sighed.”However I would very much like for you to turn over the Storm King's head so he can be restored to stand trial for this. His actions threatened more than just Equestria, and I do not see him escaping banishment in Tartarus.”

“Yeaaahhhh about that...” Twilight sunk down in her chair a little, all confidence she had when talking about Tempest gone in an eye blink as she now refused to meet any ones eyes.

“Hmmm? Bleu asked.

“I kinda...... misplaced his head on the way back....”

There was a moment of silence, and then a whole lot of yelling.

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