• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 6,682 Views, 4,164 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Twilight Gets a Puppy , The Movie, Prologue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy.
The Movie,

“And if you have to ask what 'the movie' has to do with the magic pun theme of the season , you've obviously never heard of 'the magic of of theater.. Rahs would be so disappointed.” Discord smirked as he waved a taloned hand.

“But enough about that, now for what every one shows up to the theater for.....




The Previews!!”

Discord dropped back into an armchair, slaps a pair of 3-d glasses on his face, the old red and blue ones, and starts eating the popcorn bucket leaving the popcorn in it alone as the room goes dark and the screen flickered to life.

Clouds rolled across the screen, thunder boomed and blue lightning flashed across the clouds, lighting up the theater

“In a dark world of darkness, where everything was dark, one black and red alicorn stallion gets all the chicks. You know... that way.....”

“It's the angsty cringe worthy Self Insertion fanfic you've all been waiting for....

Dark Angst 6, now with twice as much angst... and darkness.."

Discord tilted his had and shrugged.

“The third one was the best one. The musical number was perfect.”

A sweeping shot of the top side of a massive forest. Birds scatter into the air at the sound of something large moving under the canopy, shaking the tree tops.

“The Everfree Forest. “ voice over guy stated.

A slow shot of the ruins of the castle of Whinnysor and the deep chasm surrounding it.

“Legends tell of the horrific flora and fauna that live in this cursed place.
This is the tale of such creatures.”

The shot pans over a field of strange yet pretty blue flowers shrouded in mist.

“From the best selling book, The totally Awesome Guide to the Deadly forest of Death, comes....

A massive roar is heard and several hydra heads poke up over the tree line in the distance.

“The totally awesome Guide to the Deadly Forest of Death, the movie.”

A swarm of parasprites fly past.

“The Nature documentary you didn't know you needed to see.”

A half tilted home video like shot partially out of focus of what seems to be Spike.

“Narrated by By that guy who does True Facts as soon as we can get him.”

Rahs striking a dramatic pose.

“Coming soonish, to a theater near you.”

“The book was better. Even if that's only a prologue so far.”

A rumble of thunder sounds and a drumbeat starts, a guitar begins as a chorus swells.


A blue haired human in a varsity jacket looks around curiously at the cry.

“What?” Flash asked.


“Hold on what?” Flash questioned.


“Who's doing that?” Flash demanded.


“Seriously, Lily Blossom is that you?” Flash queried.


“Hello?” Flash questioned.” Any one there?”


“Okay this is creepy.” Flash muttered.

“ Seriously? Why do they keep making remakes of good movies, just HD the original and re-release it if you're that hard up, costs a fraction of the bits too.” Discord rolled his eyes. “ This'll be in the two bit bin a week after release.”

The Royal Gardens of Canterlot.

( Panning shot of the gardens that runs along the main castle and back to all the statues.)

This sprawling collection of rare plants, beautiful fountains, and priceless statuary covers a sizable portion of the Canterlot mountain and a good portion of the city itself.

The garden has been part of Canterlot since the city was first founded and was present in the old monastery that was here before the great city. Many of the statues were here when the city was built, left overs from the former structures.

But not all of the statues in the gardens, are made of stone.

( Scene zooms in on a statue of a pony seeming to be screaming in fear.)

From the creator of Twilight Gets a Puppy....

( Panning shot of conflict, griffons and ponies tearing each other apart in a bloody battle.)

And the creative mind that brought you Not All Who Wander....

( A flight of black dragons soars over head, obliterating the pony ranks with fire and acidic breath, forcing them to flee with the griffons and now dragons in pursuit, cutting them down like a scythe through wheat.)

Comes a fic that's been out for a while now....

(A gray pegasus with purple hair screamed out as she plummets from the sky towards the attacking dragons, an explosion of color bursts from around her as she slammed into one of the flying dragons smashing it out of the air, the rain boom exploding and sending the others dragons flying wildly trying to keep air born. The burst of rainbow colored light rallying the pony troops who turn to fight back against the attackers.)

TDR presents....

( An armored Princess Luna charges forth at the head of a heard of armored ponies, colliding with the the griffon and dragon lines and sweeping over them like a tsunami of steel and flesh.)

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard.

( The scene is just a wall of black until two rows of five red eyes and one green one open and an ungodly roar shakes the theater.)

Already here at a Fim Fic near you.

(The outro music is barely heard, a mare singing.)

“A falling star.......”

Discord sighed

“You just can't let that fic go, can you rabbit?”


Twilight stands in the middle of a field on her back legs, hooves lifted over her head, horn glowing brightly. She wore a bright orange GI with Celestia's cutie mark on the back of it, and her hair spiked up to a rather ludicrous height.

Across from her on the other side of the field Trixie stands on her back legs, forelegs crossed in front of her, a dark grin on her face and her mane spiked up to ridiculous proportions.

Behind Twilight, lay three forms. Gilda, who for some reason was missing a claw and was painted green. She also wore some sort of strange purple outfit with a white turban on her head.

Spike, who had two rows of three dots on his forehead, seemingly made of small gem stones. He was dressed much the same as Twilight.

And Sweetiebelle who was dressed like Gilda, though she thankfully had all her limbs.

“She's too strong....” mutters Spike.

“SOLAR.....” screams Twilight.


Twilight stands in the middle of a field on her back legs, hooves lifted over her head, horn glowing brightly. She wore a bright orange GI with Celestia's cutie mark on the back of it, and her hair spiked up to a rather ludicrous height.

Across from her on the other side of the field Trixie stands on her back legs, forelegs crossed in front of her, a dark grin on her face and her mane spiked up to ridiculous proportions.

Behind Twilight, lay three forms. Gilda, who for some reason was missing a claw and was painted green. She also wore some sort of strange purple outfit with a white turban on her head.

Spike, who had two rows of three dots on his forehead, seemingly made of small gem stones. He was dressed much the same as Twilight.

“She's too strong....” mutters Spike.

And Sweetiebelle who was dressed like Gilda, though she thankfully had all her limbs.

“WAVE.....” screams Twilight.


Twilight stands in the middle of a field on her back legs, hooves lifted over her head, horn glowing brightly. She wore a bright orange GI with Celestia's cutie mark on the back of it, and her hair spiked up to a rather ludicrous height.

Across from her on the other side of the field Trixie stands on her back legs, forelegs crossed in front of her, a dark grin on her face and her mane spiked up to ridiculous proportions.

Behind Twilight, lay three forms. Gilda, who for some reason was missing a claw and was painted green. She also wore some sort of strange purple outfit with a white turban on her head.

Spike, who had two rows of three dots on his forehead, seemingly made of small gem stones. He was dressed much the same as Twilight.

And Sweetiebelle who was dressed like Gilda, though she thankfully had all her limbs.

“She's too strong....” mutters Spike.

“FLARE!!!” screams Twilight launching the built energy towards Trixie.

“ Well I didn't expect to see that old fic referenced here.”

Perchance people perusing popular products pounced physically on prepared polygon packed purple ponies presenting proper protruding point protection. Please placate probable panic, purchasing a pizza packed with peperoni and parmasian pleases?
Poor plan?
Please placate persons protesting planned perfectly polygoned ponies premiere. Perhaps ponder when previous pixalated ponies provoked protest and prodding.

Proper producing, plotting, and payout provide ponies, perhaps, properly planned. Plot precived presently as patheticly phony, possibly pretty pleasant.

Please pause problems, perceive pilot, ponder plot, perhaps pleased?

Perhaps pissed?
Pause premature panic. Picture the proper panorama, ponder the pioneer, pet a puppy, play PlayStation products, then properly pick apart presented ponies.
Provide patience primarily.


“Perfect.” Discord cackled. “Still. Too packed? Didn't partake? Watch the new show before bitching about it.”

The picture turns black and white as cartoon drinks popcorn and generic candy bars start dancing across the screen singing.

“Lets all go to the lob~by Let's all go to the lob~by. Let's all go to the lob~by and get ourselves a snack.”

There was a massive explosion as the projector exploded taking out much of the back wall as Discord snapped destroying the projector.

“Right, those soulless eyed things are creepy, even by my standards.” Discord huffed.” Though they are not entirely inaccurate.”

Discord looked at his popcorn shaped box and the solid soda with ice that had a straw in it in his other claw.

“I can never make these last past the previews. Ah well this was a wonderful set of previews of things that exist have existed or will. “ Discord grinned sounding like White a moment.

“So while I go stock up again, ...it's time to end this segway...” Discord held up some odd two wheeled scooter thing before tossing it over his shoulder ignoring the resulting explosion of ducks. “ ...and get on with the feature presentation.”

Author's Note:

And cue the theme music.

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