• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Amending Flamestrike

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Amending Flamestrike

[Ponyville, one week later]

“I watched them do it, and even I'm not sure how they did it.” Spike huffed tilting his head as he looked over what was once the duck pond.

In just three days the pond had grown to a lake as the edges were pushed back to encompass most of the park and some of the Everfree. A large castle like structure made of coral that rivaled Seshat in size was built, or more accurately grown by a collection of sea pony workers.

Seshat took offense to that and made herself bigger.

The builders then made the coral castle bigger.

Seshat then made herself bigger.

The mayor started yelling at both of them as the town was half in shadow now and forced both of them to reduce their size after she slapped a height ordinance on them with fees that made Twilight whimper and even the sea ponies wince.

After a quick height reduction and some trimming, the workers began to grow the coral in various ways to make a structure that not only encompassed the far side of the lake both above and below water, but was still filled with water above the surface with only some dry corridors for visitors.

Twilight was fascinated by the construction and the magic involved and spent most of the first two days getting in the builders way before she was banned from the construction site.

Rahs was likewise banned, though they had a harder time doing so as he kept sneaking in to sample all the magic that was being used.

The builders had a restraining order on him by the third day with the local Guard enforcing it.

This left both Rahs and Twilight in a pouty mood, which meant Spike did his best to stay away from them both.

Spike had tried a piece of broken coral and decided he didn't like it as it was too salty. Given he wasn't bothering any one directly he was allowed to be the go between, between the mayor, and due to his messenger flames, Canterlot as need be.

But only him, the rest of the Crusaders had a much larger restraining order than even Rahs.

Even in Neighlantis they had heard of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Sonata and Aria had expected to be stuck in some secure room some place until the coral structure was finished, only to arrive and find their ship was sitting in the duck pond with a fresh coat of paint, and one room that had been Adagio's emptied out with a note saying everything was put in storage.

Despite their being allowed to return to their ship Aria was certain there were always a few eyes on them.

Aqua found that she had not been prepared to deal with Ponyville.

At all.

When she had arrived to purchase the pond and the surrounding land she had actually been forced to haggle with the Mayor on the price, the Mayor barely even seeming to regard the massive floating sea pony queen as anything other than some one wishing to buy land in Ponyville. Titles, obvious royalty, and the fact she barely fit in the mayor's office were barely noticed by the mare.

And the amount of paperwork she had to fill out was ludicrous even by Equestrian bureaucracy standards. The town required property owners to sign up with at least three different insurance companies to deal with overlapping issues. There was Crusader insurance, which only covered acts by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Monster insurance, the standard fire, flood, and wind insurance, Acts of Gods insurance, Sparkle Insurance, Element Bearer insurance, and even Tuesday insurance that only covered events on Tuesdays, though there was some arguments on blending that into the Sparkle insurance and jacking up the premiums.

Aqua was also forced to register all the sea ponies doing construction with the local Guild of Builders stationed in Ponyville before any ground breaking could be done at all.

That everything was set up and done in a few hours was a great surprise, though The Mayor had pointed out that all of this paper work had been done so often that she could do it in her sleep, and on several very odd occasions with the town she had.

Aqua also found it odd that despite Twilight Sparkle being an alicorn, she flat out refused to have anything to do with the local government if she could help it. This made trying to bypass all the paperwork by speaking with her that much more annoying, particularly when Twilight complained that they had cut the four hundred or so pages she had first suggested down to the paltry number of pages there was now.

Aqua had been around longer than most other gods that were alive now save the three primes, also perhaps Iinii and maybe White, one could never tell how old he was. In any event she had seen many odd things.

This town was by far the strangest, and that was before she found out that every single one of the sea pony workers who had started work had had a party thrown for them. She wasn't sure how, but she knew there was a pink pony at the center of that, and it worried her.

Finding the passage from the sea had been easy , making sure it was secure was currently underway, though this area needed to be suitable for her daughters before she would leave herself.

She had no idea why the pair of them preferred that boat.

Though perhaps she should try to understand that.

She had thought them dead. Had given up hope of finding them after they vanished. She had even thrown out Discord after their loss when he refused to stop searching.

The loss of their daughters had driven him mad.... well, more so than usual. And she herself had closed herself off to everything, focusing only on running her kingdom.

Discord had been right... she had given up too soon, because here they were. Aria and Sonata were here and she knew Adagio was alive at least.

She didn't know how to act, she didn't know what to do. What Aria had said was wrong had forced her to think and try to recall how she acted all that time ago and in truth she didn't recall things being that bad, but looking at it from her daughters point of view perhaps it was. She had no reason to doubt Aria, particularly after the claim that she would rather be in jail than go home.

Despite the rather tearful reunion once they were in private which Aria seemed annoyed about, she was still concerned. Granted Aria always seemed annoyed so it was hard to tell if she was fine or not despite what Sonata had told her.

As such she had decided to do something about it.

“You want what?” Chrysalis questioned.

The pair of them were sitting in the kitchen of her daughters proto hive under Ponyville.

She had met Saturnia briefly when the pink changeling had come in seen Aqua sitting at the tiny kitchen table with her mother and noped right the fuck out of there.

“I would like to know how you have maintained such good relations with your daughter.” Aqua asked. “Preferably in a non smart ass response.”

“Well I can tell you , but I don't think I can do it non snarky. In addition to being born with a horrid crippling aliment I've really got no filter.”

“An aliment?”

“Yeah I was born without a gag reflex....” Chryssy smirked.

Aqua blinked” A what?”

The smirk fell from the changeling Queens mouth as the joke itself fell flat.

“Never mind, Cady would have laughed... any way I honestly don't know. I know Sun butt didn't even tell her daughter she was her daughter until like , two years ago. And I've heard Twilight and Sunset both ranting about it. Sombra... well in truth that wasn't really Luna's fault. Well, leaving him on his own in the empire was, but any way. “Chrysalis shook her head. “With Saturnia I mostly just let her do her own thing and tried to be there when she needed me. I do my best to keep in touch as well, though I give her enough space to do her own thing while still doing my best to annoy her. Not sure that would work with you, you're pretty straight laced as far as I can tell.”

“I married Discord you know.” Aqua frowned.

“And one day I might be comfortable enough around you to ask about that, cause that had to have been an amazing courtship. But that is not today, and tomorrow doesn't look good either.” Chrysalis pointed out. “Okay look, I'm not sure what the full deal is between you and your daughters. But from what I gathered it may be best just to mostly let them do their own thing, keep an eye on them but don't hover or go overkill on the super protection. They've been on their own for a long time now evidently. I get that you want to keep them close as you can right now, but I don't think they would like that. Sparkle gave you a chance, I say go with it.”

“I still wonder why she bothered with all that.”

“She's the goddess of Friendship along with all the rest of that stuff. I think she's using that some what instinctively like Cady does with some of her portfolios. Like she's making the best option for everyone without really thinking about it.”

“And her brother?”

“The little one, the big one or the big one in the right place?”


“Spike, Rahs, or Shining?

“All of them I suppose.”

“Right. Well Shining is off limits, but he's super protective of his siblings. Rahs is a thespian and has a tendency to go with the most dramatic thing he can at any given point in time. He's also got a good bit of power kickback from a connection with Twilight. And Spike is going to be at the center of a massive bidding war in a few years as a bunch of different groups try to hire him on as an adviser. I think Cadence has the best chance as he's already well liked in the Crystal Empire.”

“Interesting.” Aqua considered. “ What else can you tell me about Rahs?”

“ Why the interest?”

“He did save my daughters lives according to Sonata and Aria.” Aqua offered.” And Aria seems to have an interest in him if I am reading her correctly.”

“Shit.” Chrysalis sighed.

“So what's the game here?” Aria demanded looking over to Spike curiously as he watched the construction from the new beach.

“O&O. Though I'm trying to get the girls more into Battle Mallet and some other game. Sweetiebelle is already building a Chaos army which worries me more than I like.” Spike offered holding up the gaming magazine in his claws.

“No what's the game Rahs is trying to play.”

“He plays O&O too, but thankfully only rarely. He plays a bard, and not the common 'try to sleep with everything bard' a 'proper bard', the sort that makes rookie GMs weep with the sheer amount of bullshit he can pull off.” Spike shook his head.

“No I mean with all this?” Aria waved a hoof vaguely.

“This?” Spike questioned.

“Yes. He could have said nothing and I would be in a dungeon or back in Neighlantis and none of you would have had to bother with me or Sonata again.” Aria snapped. “Yet for some reason he got your sister to stand up against my mom , that doesn't happen.”

“You don't know Twilight. If it's something in a book she will most certainly point it out to any one and everyone. Her last words are probably going to be' But the book says'. Your mom made a mistake in letting her get a copy of the Council's rules. She's already poked holes in it and figured out ways to get away with nearly everything she could ever want. She's in the process of re writing it to close loop holes she doesn't like.”

“Wha.... that doesn't explain Rahs.” Aria snapped

“It kinda does. Dudes the god of theater. If it's something dramatic or comedic he's gotten like a sixth sense about it now.” Spike explained.” Plus in the grand scheme of things he's generally nice like this to everyone unless they piss him off. He'll help if some one needs it, especially if by helping he can do it in the most over the top way possible. Siccing my sister on your mom was very over the top.”

Aria blinked at that information.

“I mean it's not like you're even the only former bad guy here. We have Sombra, we have Sunset, though she was more a thief than a real bad guy despite her plans. Princess Luna and Queen Chrysalis come around here a lot, Applejack is sort of a monstrous boogy mare sort of creature. We have diamond dogs, Crusaders, Lawyers, Trixie, Heck even I was a giant dragon rampaging through town once.” Spike shrugged.” Ponyville's just sorta like that. And truth be told most of that is because of us. Ever since we showed up here, everything has kinda gone nuts.”


“Look You're gonna have some ponies who are leery or still angry with you for a while, but they'll get over it.” Spike shrugged. “As for Rahs he explained you turned on your sister and probably saved a lot of people breaking that gem. Says he felt the change of heart trope, whatever that means and that you might not be horrid. Personally I think he just wants to pick your brain for any Neighlantis stories and plays, as well as what you might have seen in the human world that Sunset missed. “

“That makes very little sense. “ Aria muttered.

“And yet, here we are.” Spike gestured with his magazine before he considered and pulled a town pamphlet from his bag offering it to her. The pamphlet looked more like a moderate sized book.

Aria looked at the light novel curiously flipping it open and seeing all the warnings mixed in with places of interest.

“Huh? Avoid white rabbits? Do not question the Pink One? Do not avoid parties. Do not taunt super happy fun ball? She is NOT an evil enchantress, but she does dance fairly well. Discount Tuesday Bunker supplies? Do not flirt with Big Mac. How to protect against Cutie Mark related disasters. Common prismatic pegasus pranks and how to avoid them. Do not eat anything made by Sweetiebelle. Who is eligible for what Ponyville betting pools?” Aria flipped though reading at random. “What the hell is this?”

“Welcome to Ponyville.” Spike smirked.

Author's Note:

Another filler chapter though another story arc should start before long.


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