• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Cutie Re-materia Part 2, chapter 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

Cutie Re-materia
Part 2, chapter 4

[Timeline 20-1-20-19-21-18-15-21]

“More tea pwincess?”

“Umm sure, thank you.” Twilight offered staring at the creature before her.

“These cookies are good.” Spike offered.

“Is ooold famiwy wecipie.” the creature offered. ”Has delicious phs-getti one too, every pony love it.”

Rahs did his best to ignore their host, she had been rather blatantly hitting on him at least twice, and it had to be blatant if he caught onto it.

“This is lovely... some what strange, but lovely.” Shining Armor added.

“Why thank yoo”

The host of this tea party in this worlds version of Canterlot, was not Princess Luna or Celestia , or Noctus, or Chrysalis, or Avianna, or any manner of a hundred other Princesses they had come across thus far.

Who they encountered was a tiny white creature with black hair that looked like a cross between a cat and a dog and had the ears of both of them, she was wearing a shirt, she also had a tiny horn and a tiny pair of wings and was sitting on her own throne between those of the sun and moon when they arrived.

It introduced itself as Princess Temmie, and invited them to a tea party.

Refusing such a thing would have been rude, and so the Sparkles agreed, and had a lovely tea party with Princess Temmie, one that filled them with DETERMINATION.

[Timeline 14-13-13]

“I'm going to freaking gnaw her horn off.” Spike growled.

“Not if I get to her first.” Shining growled.

“Bork” Rahs snapped.

“I don't care if you claimed first dibs, I need blood!” Spike snapped back.

“We are not killing her.” Twilight interjected getting all three of her brothers to turn and glare at her.

“Twilight we have been hopping timelines for a freaking MONTH in our time.” Spike snarled. “If we wouldn't have found a few nice timelines to resupply we... well at least me, would have starved to death by now.”

“Pretty sure I need to eat too.” Shining Armor added.

“Half the time she's already done something and altered the timeline before we even find her.” Spike grumbled.

At the moment they were back in what was supposed to be their own time, the moon was high in the air, and the land was a frozen hellscape as the sun had never risen again and all life in Equestria was gone. Never having survived the years of night that came from Nightmare Moon's return and madness.

“This particular timeline isn't even feasible. Nightmare Moon wanted to rule not shut off the sun. Even if filly Rainbow Dash was arrested for illegal gambling as a foal , this sort of scenario should not have been possible with such a change. Besides there are too many other gods who would have stopped her from freezing the world to death like this.” Twilight explained. ”I'm starting to think we aren't even hopping timelines, but realities.”

“How do you mean?” Shining asked.

“Look at how many realities we've been in where we are not even ponies.” Twilight pointed out. That sort of world over evolution is not going to happen in just 15 years.”

“Closer to sixteen, remember that event was my birthday.” Spike pointed out.” I'm fighting this for my ability to still have cake and ice cream.”

“Either way sixteen years is NOT enough to turn all ponies into humans like some of the timelines we've seen. Evolution doesn't work like that. Princess Temmi was several thousand years old, there is no one like her in our timeline.” Twilight explained.


“Right, this is pointless, because nothing Starlight is doing is changing our timeline, at the very least if she did Rahs and Spike wouldn't be here trying to stop her.“ Twilight pondered. ”If the timeline was that fragile you two wouldn't been here with me, you'd have poofed by now.”

“Maybe there's a paradox stopping thing with the table?” Shining asked.

“Maybe, but that wouldn't explain the human forms nor a lot of other things we've seen.” Twilight offered.” I mean most of the time, we change to suit the world as well. That reminds me of the mirror bullshit.”

“Hmm so what you're saying is, Starlight isn't what White wants us to fix?” Spike theorized.

“I'm not sure, but we've popped up on him a few times, I guess we just need to ask directly if we see him again. Twilight sighed.

[Time Line 16-15-11-5-13-15-14 ]

“Look it's a shiny winged Rapidash!!”

“Oh come on.” Twilight growled, her mane and tail on fire as yet another red and white ball bounced off her head. Twilight turned and blasted the offending party , who fainted and left some cash as they were carted off some where by a big pink egg like creature in a nurses hat with an actually egg in it's belly pouch. “Why the buck are we still here SPIKE?”

“Because this is funny.” Spike offered, the bright green haired human boy sat on the edge of the table looking at his sister, the purple and blue outfit he wore glaringly bright. “The gods of transformation have finally smiled upon me and I want to savor it.”

Shining Armor stood on the other side of the table, his blue hair falling over his human face as he chuckled watching his sister get pelted with poke balls.

Rahs, much like Twilight was unchanged from his normal blue furred form. Though the first thing he had done when some kid tried to capture him was eat the yellow rat the kid had with him.

The moon dog was draped over the side of the crystal table looking a bit green, the electric rodent clearly not agreeing with him.

[Timeline 19-16-1-1-19-19-13-1-8-18-5-5-14]


“FUCK TO THE NOPE!!” Spike shouted slamming his claw on the button sending the table away as bolter fire and grenades exploded around where they had been.

[ Timeline 7-18-1-22-5-25-1-18-4 19-8-9-6-20]

Twilight regarded herself curiously.

The other her returned the gaze with caution, with the one eye she had left.

A wheel chair bound Applejack stared up at navy blue creature, then over to the two Spikes, one clearly older than the other given his size. The pair of them were arguing comic books, and talking about unionization.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie were looking over the white blue maned unicorn, with Pinkie Pie asking a million questions at once, and Rarity obsessed with him being a Prince. Fluttershy was hiding some where.

Applejack considered, then looked back up at the one known as Rahs who was regarding her with a clear look of worry on his face as his eyes darted over her half healed injuries.

“Yah know....” Applejack offered. “Mai aunt Ginger would absolutely love you.”

[Timeline 7-12-21-2 7-12-21-2]

The scream of burning reality sounded constantly, like a fog horn mixed with a kazoo being piped through a sound system built by Disaster Area.

The form of the creature itself took up the entire blighted horizon from as far as one could see east to west. Tendrils of unknown size and mass swayed and distorted the air, floating on their own or wrapping around the few landmarks like mountains and castle ruins that could be identified. Millions more curled into the sky seeming to grip the very stars themselves as well as a Sun that was in two pieces and glowing red and orange.

The Moon was intact though it was surrounded by a blue shield and was green and blue rather than silvery gray and had no tendrils near it.

Twilight was currently thrown over Rahs' shoulder as Spike frantically mashed the button on the table trying to get it to go with Shining Armor pranced on the other end of the Crystal table. Rahs lept up onto the table, the magic activating and starting to swirl.

“G̴͚̥̫͙̼̞̟L̶͉U̗̗̲͚͝B͚͎̦̜ ̭͈̯͈͙G̤L̵̘̼̪͉U̳̪̹̖̼͇̥B̳͇̤̮̮̰ ̠̦̥̀DE̲͙̮̰̣̪͟M̸͉̠̥̟͔͚̜A̛̗̟̥̪͇̫̞N͇̞̞̖͖DS̩̘ ̠̱̼̗F̼̜̞̫I͓̤͈S̢̲̱̰H̜̜̻̹̘̀ ̯̪͓̱͎͢F͈L͔̟͉̤̘̮A̞̭̥͙̜̣K͔̪̪͟E̗̤͍̬S͞!̛̹!̢̱͇!͉̘͎͘ ” The eldritch entity screamed in a million voices.

“I TOLD YOU YOU WOULD GET FAT.” Twilight screamed back at it as they vanished from the time line.

[Main Timeline]

She coughed doing her best to keep her head down as she had been taught when there was a fire, though she never knew a fire could be like this.

The theater she and her mother had gone too to see about a funny stallion who attacked windmills had turned into an absolute disaster as some special effect had gone wrong and engulfed the whole room in a blaze that kept growing. She had lost her mother as the crowd rushed to get out of the theater pulling them apart and nearly trampling her. She hid under one of the seats avoiding the stampeding hooves, but now the fire had surrounded her , catching on the carpets and the seats and she couldn't see through the smoke to know where the exit was.

“Mommie...” She muttered coughing again when she heard the clicking of something on the floor over the crackling fire.

Lifting her head a little there was a figure striding through the flames as if they were nothing, his form was purple and seemed to glitter in the fire light. Green and blue spines ran down his back as his green eyes regarded her with some interest as he moved closer.

She drew in a sharp breath and started coughing again trying to back away, there was a dragon in here. Though he was kinda short to be a dragon like in her story books, where was her knight to save her?

“There you are, come on, I'll get you out of here, your mom's looking for you.” the dragon stated.

The filly blinked though she didn't try and back away as he moved over and picked her up easily. He put a small rock in her hooves and suddenly she could breath easier. The dragon turned and marched back out though the fire, lifting her high over his head to keep her out of the flames as he waddled through stopping suddenly when there was a great crash.

Looking over the filly saw that part of the roof had collapsed and fallen over the exit.

“Crap.” the dragon uttered. “RAHS, I NEED AN EXIT!!”

There was another crash and a wall next to where the dragon had been going exploded inward, a massive blue furred diamond dog stepped through the hole brushing the wood and plaster off his gray long coat. Behind him was a white unicorn with a blue mane.

“Spike this way.” The unicorn called.

The dragon nodded and ran over to them still holding her up as the flames lapped over his legs.

The diamond dog whined slightly looking over the burning theater, his ears flat to his head.

“This was supposed to happen. It did happen.” The white unicorn stated as he pulled back out of the hole followed by the dragon and the filly leaving the diamond dog to stare a moment more and sigh before following along.

The filly was passed off to her mother after a purple unicorn checked her over for any injuries and took back the rock the dragon gave her.

Her mother hugged her, the blue furred filly returned the hug though she looked over to where the dragon had been and saw none of those that had come to rescue her. She looked around and didn't see any of the four in the chaos of onlookers and the fire brigade.

Lily Lulumoon smiled softly as her mother fretted over her. Maybe her knight wasn't a stallion in shining armor that would slay the dragon.

Maybe her knight was the dragon.

[Timeline 23-15-18-13]

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♦ Topic: A New Thread
TRJ (Original Poster) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)
Posted On May 16th 2011:

(Showing page 1 of 2)

►BadSamurai (Moderator)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
This is not a proper start to a thread @TRJ , but given your location, I am willing to overlook it this once.

JUST this once.

►TRJ (Original Poster) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
Sorry Sorry, but i mean ..... the Smirugh is DEAD liek dead dead I can't even, and Levithin and Beheamoth are GONE.

Replied On May 16th 2011:
Wait seriously? You're not just smoking some new Merchant stuff are you?

►TRJ (Original Poster) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
Okay I'll try to explain this. Yesterday as everyone knows the Endbringer sirens went off, and we get the info here in Brockton Bay that Leviathan has decided he wants to come play with us. And most of us are scared to shit cause the damn thing sinks countries, what's our piddly little city gonna do, rust poison him from all the crap in the bay?

So mom and I were making our way to the nearest shelter, when the alarm goes off AGAIN, and we all think it's nothing, but turns out they detected seismic activity and Behemoth is coming our way too.
So everyone's like, game over man game over, when the alarms blare a third time cause the SMIRGH is dropping out of orbit on our town.

At this point no one bothers to head to the shelters any more cause, what's the point, the shelters only gave us a 60% chance to survive with just ONE Endbringer, and we're getting all three.

So a bunch of us we head up to the hills around town where all the fancy houses are, and find some guys house who had already split on his private helicopter or what ever, maids let us in we raid the fridge, everyone's drinking and having a house party on this guys dime, cause we figure we've got maybe an hour to live tops.

The capes are all gathered ready to make a stand, the news is just staying there to film it cause like everyone else they figure we're fucked and you can see the capes know that too but everyone's still gonna do their damnedest to try and fight, even the damn Nazis.

So the first one we see is the Simurgh, she comes diving down like a bat out of hell and comes to a stop over a school on the east side, Winslow i think, a moment later Leviathan sweeps in and lumbers over across the place to the same spot. Then Behemoth pops up out of a parking deck and moves to the same spot.

And the heroes are blasting them shooting everything they got and they are being ignored.

Then this weird lightning starts flicking around the place, if you saw the old Terminator movie kinda like that when Arnold appeared.

And the second that starts all three of the Endbringers start cutting loose with everything they have on the school. Heroes in the way are simply vaporized, the whole area around these bastards is just being turned into a river of molten slag. Simurgh is ripping things out of the air firing weird tinker shit she put together in an instant, Behemoth's cranking out heat that starts melting the side paneling on the rich dudes house, and we're maybe two three miles away easy. Leviathan is just smashing all the water from everywhere into this spot, just obliterating the spot this school was on. The show was enough that i'm starting to think the damn things were sandbagging every time they fought before cause the school and everything for three blocks around it was vaporized down to bedrock

So after about easily fifteen minutes of just fucking up this school, the three stop.

And in the middle of all this, as the mist and poison and shit fade, there's this glowing pink bubble thing, every where around it is fucked , but this big globe is sitting there floating in the ruined landscape, just unfucking touched.

Then the bubble opens and this massive fucking dragon, I'm talking the size of a battleship or bigger easy, just unfolds out of this bubble like one of those little sponges you grow with water out of a capsule.

So this massive dark blue dragon just unfolds and the Endbringers are all have this WTF expression for a second and in that second, the dragon EATS THE SIMURGH.

One bite, horrific crunching, strained scream song or whatever it was from the bitch, and it's over in like thirty seconds of chewing.

Then Leviathan vanishes with a pop, and a pink shield appears around Behemoth. The pink bubble just starts getting smaller and smaller and smaller until we can't see it any more.

And the news chopper decides now is the time to get closer, as the dragons not doing anything but looking at something at his feet.

The chopper gets close enough and you see a purple haired girl and blue haired guy and a weird looking purple dog standing on a big table made of crystal at the dragons right foot. Then Scion shows up, and blows through the chopper like it was not even there, I doubt the people inside even knew what killed them.

No clue what the hell the gold fuckers problem was, but he shows up after it's over and then kills more people than three Endbringers did in this fight.

And he stops in front of the dragon and the two stare each other down, and then suddenly he's gone, like poof, gold boy vanished.

Then before anything happens, the dragon vanishes as well as the people the table, and their little dog too.

Replied On May 16th 2011:
Okay that sounds like a wild dream or you've been Simurghed.

►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
@lolitup Ummmm. No.... TRJ is legit. The Endbringers are gone. A giant dragon appeared, ate the Simurgh, The theory is the pink bubble crushed Behemoth into nothing, and Dragon(the tinker not the blue one) has gotten confirmed sightings of Leviathan in space on a trajectory towards the sun.
No info on what happened to Scion though.

Replied On May 16th 2011:
What i wanna know is, what happened to that purple haired chicks clothes?
Cause damn, she got some nice boobies.

►BadSamurai (Moderator)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
@XxVoid_CowboyxX The Endbringers are dead, this is the lowest death toll from an attack ever, a massive dragon, a real one, that makes Lung look like a anole shows up, and you're focused on boobs? While that is some dedication, I should ban you on principal.

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Banned)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
User was banned for this Post.

End of Page. 1

(Showing page 2 of 2)

►BadSamurai (Moderator)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
@XxVoid_CowboyxX I knew i should have gone with my first instinct. Enjoy your week ban, you earned it.

►Uber (Verified Villian)
Replied On May 16th 2011:
Just a heads up, our little seeker got perfect shots of the whole thing and that will be on our channel just as soon as we put some nudity filters on them.

Please support us on Patreon.

End of Page. 1, 2

[Timeline 14-25-24]

“Hmmm, this looks like another Nightmare Moon won world.” Twilight sighed hopping down from the table her hooves thudding on the ground.

“Seems it. It's dark, it's slightly windy, there's a few clouds and a clear silvery moon. Not that cold though, a bit foggy however.” Spike offered.

“Well we weren't attacked the moment we appeared this time.” Shining sighed. ”So what did you even do to that gold guy?”

“Ehh he was just a projection though a rather interestingly designed quasi portal, I just locked the portal. Though he did kill the people in that machine, so I added a bit to it so every time he tries to open a new portal it only opens back to where it came from.” Twilight shrugged.” Pretty easy dimensional inversion, it pretty much powers itself too.”

“Bleah.” Rahs added.

“No one told you to eat it, so it's not my fault you have the taste of chicken feathers on your tongue” Spike snarked. “Where are we any way?”

The four of them suddenly go silent as they hear singing. It's indistinct at first though it sounds like a little filly.

"....I see trouble on the way.
I see earth quakes and lightning
I see bad times today"

The four of them look around and notice everything seems to be getting darker, the trees and fog and even the moon seeming to loom over them more

"Don't go around tonight
well it's bound to take your life.
There's a bad moon on the rise."

A shadowy shape in the fog is seen, looking like a small filly, though looking closer it seems to be an eyeless version of Twilight as a filly.

The figure grins wider than her mouth should be able to before laughing in a discordant nightmare of hearty chuckles, childish giggles, panicked cackling, and diabolic laughter.

The noise comes from everywhere before suddenly stopping dead with not a single sound nor sign of the figure.

“Okay, who's all for hopping the next train to 'Buck this I'm Outsville?" Twilight asked

“Aye” The Sparkle brothers agree.

“Neigh.” an echoy filly voice from the darkness replies, far closer than they liked.

“The ayes have it." Twilight stated as the group rushes the table climbing onto it as Spike repeatedly smashes the button.

As the table vanishes a dark furred filly walks out of the shadows with a small pout.

“Awww they left. Now it's gonna be boring again.” The dark filly sighs. ”Oh well only three hundred days until Nightmare Night. Let's see what mom and Jack are up to.”

With that the filly trots off towards a tree, and opens a door that looks like a pumpkin before stepping through.

[Timeline 4-18. 1-4-15-18-1-2-12-5]

“So let me get this straight.” Twilight sighed taking a sip of the tea she had been given. “You over threw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna...”

“Yes , they were very adamant that I do that.”

“And you did that after you defeated Applejack, who is the worlds greatest Hero, Captain Apple?” Twilight continued.

“Yes, that's correct so far.”

“But that defeat was accidental because she broke the weapon you were going to use on her, by trying to use it on you and it exploded and killed Rainbow Dash?” Twilight frowned.

“Yes.” Fluttershy sighed her ears drooping. ”That was not supposed to happen.”

“Tell us again who Twilight is here.” Spike asked as all three of her brothers smiled deviously as Twilight face hooved.

“Well, she goes by the name of Bad Horse here...” Dr. Adorable stated.

Three stallions dressed in western garb popped up out of no where.

“Bad Horse,
Bad Hoooorse
She's Bad...
She rides across the nation, the thoroughbred of sin....”

“This universe is great.” Shining Armor cackled as Twilight glared at him.


The Sparkles stared at White and his guest.

White raised an eyebrow, his guest rolled her eyes.

“Seriously?” Twilight demanded.

“What?” White questioned as Twilight gestured at his guest.

“Yeah, seriously, what Twilight..” his guest demanded.

“This is who you went on a date with?” Twilight snapped.

“Oh... that's right you did help me pick the bow tie.” White nodded considering.

“BUT She's a PONY and you're a rabbit!?” Twilight snapped.

“Wow... speciest much?” the guest asked.

“Yeah sis.....” all three of her brothers growled, “Something wrong with dating a pony?”

“Why are you glaring at me?” Twilight snapped at Shining.

“Chrysalis.” Shining Armor added

“Oh right....”Twilight realized before whirling back around. “ NO that's not right, you're a rabbit, the size difference alone....”

“Oh he's quite big enough when he wants to be.” the guest smirked as White beamed.

“Oh stars TMI.” Twilight snapped.

“Agreed.” Spike offered as Rahs whined.

“I dunno, I could stand a bit more information.” Shining offered.

Everyone looked at him.

“Who am I married to and bonded to with Twilight's companion spell?” Shining Armor smirked.

“Well, in a long list of weird things we've done or seen since this started, this is near the top.” Spike sighed.

“Yeah well it was rather unexpected for me at first too, but honestly it kinda works.” the guest offered with a shrug.

“Stop there, my brain is full and we still need to get Starlight.” Twilight snapped. “White is this mission you sent us on to actually stop Starlight or is it something else, because we cannot have been bouncing timelines.”

“You are, but divergent timelines, Starlight doesn't have to be the one to have changed them, but every time she screws up your time line it either makes a new path or shunts you into the nearest applicable timeline.“ White explained. ”Or even back and forth on your proper timeline as it recalibrates, don't think I won't see what you did with that treasure you found.”

“I've got two kids coming who need college money.” Shining shrugged as Twilight nodded having invested her share as well. “The interest alone in that bank I put it in will cover that plus some.”

“Woof.” Rahs offered.

“He says that since no one knew who the mysterious donor that saved that theater was, it might as well have been him.” Twilight offered. ”He also said watching it burn down felt like it physical hurt him.”

“I will not apologize for getting all those first editions.” Spike nodded. White glanced over to the steamer trunk sitting on the crystal table.

“At any rate when you catch Starlight or at least stop her the table should take you to where you need to be.” White explained. “Then you should know what to do.”

“Fine... “ Twilight sighed, before glaring at White's guest. ”But you better invite us to the wedding.”

“I already did.” White smiled.

“You haven't even proposed yet.” his guest sighed.

“Yes I will.” White frowned.

“Linear time dear.”

“Oh, well, alright....”White huffed.

The Sparkles hopped back on the table, vanishing with the sound of ticking, leaving white and his date Minuette alone again.

Author's Note:

Timey whimey.... stuff

And some spoilers on the timelines.

20-1-20-19-21-18-15-21 is Tatsurou's Princess Temmie from The Moon in the Dark

14-13-13 is just a Nightmare Moon timeline
16-15-11-5-13-15-14 Pokemon... natch
19-16-1-1-19-19-13-1-8-18-5-5-14 Warhammer 40k here
7-18-1-22-5-25-1-18-4 19-8-9-6-20 Graveyard Shift, a story i really should get back too
7-12-21-2 7-12-21-2 GLUB GLUB
The next was a main timeline that showed why Trixie's great grand mother decided to boink a dragon. it also tied into Rahs and Trixie's date as this was the theater that burned down and was then restored by a mysterious benefactor. Namely Rahs with the stolen treasure.
23-15-18-13 Wildbow's Worm web serial..... shit's dark yo.Though this particular one is another one of my fics called WALK, which is a Hellsing/ Worm cross on Spacebattles
14-25-24 is Nyx but i just Nightmare Before Christmased it.
4-18. 1-4-15-18-1-2-12-5 Dr. Horrible's sing along blog. Though this was my version of it from a random stupid idea from a pony RP group i used to belong to where i played Butterscotch[male Fluttershy] as Dr. Adorable.
And then there's White

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