• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust, Part Four

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust,
Part Four

[ Abysmal Abyss]

Hooves struck the surface of stone as Rainbow Dash pushed off the cliff wall, sliding further down along the ropes. Her head turned looking over every crack and ledge on the way down for any sign of the idol, her helmet head lamp shining light in the near complete dark of the deep chasm.

A glance up showed the ship as a dark dot across the line of light far above her and she sighed.

Thunderbolt had been correct, there were a lot of old stones here that looked like brick and parts of what could have been a bridge. The idol had to be close.

Dash smirked.

At this rate she was gonna find this thing and get back up to the ship before Prince even got his harness fixed.

[ On the deck of the Princess Bride]

Rahs swallowed hard looking at the growing crowd, many of them with proper weapons now that the Guard was enthralled.

Pinkie Pie winced noting that the ropes dangling over the edge moved every so often and she didn't see Rainbow Dash so the mare must have gone down the side, probably with no idea what was going on up here.

Gilda was looking around with a great deal of worry as the griffons had taken to the air to come at them from all sides, making her chance of getting out of here impossible.

Thunderbolt looked bored.

The large griffon cricked his neck and took a step forward standing up on his rear legs and pulling a pair of thick armored gloves on over his talons.

“The fish might want to bring some more to attack us. This is hardly a warm up.” Thunderbolt offered.

Then the griffon moved.

Rahs blinked and the griffon was gone and three Guards were sailing head over tail to crash to the wooden deck with hard thuds.

Prince's face met the main guide rail and two griffons were unconscious on the deck before the others caught up to what Thunderbolt was doing.

The big griffon seemed to float between attacks against him, shifting to his back legs hopping over attacks and wading into the midst of the gathered crowd the way a fish wades through a stream.

There were no wasted movements, every strike he made downed someone, his wings, talons, beak, paws, and even his tail all moved with a purpose, and every time they moved some one went down with a crash.

Rahs watched him catch a sword with his gloved talons, snap it in half with his tail, and then knock the guard out with the flat of the broken blade before the guard had even completed the swing of his weapon.

In ten seconds the black feathered bird had laid out the same number of targets, and he only seemed to be warming up.

“What the carp?!” Pinkie questioned.

“Woof” Gilda stated.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“No no, stick with scones. Meringue is too advanced for you just yet.” Pinkie Pie told Gilda.

“What?” Gilda demanded.

[ Crystal Empire]

“Oooh that's a interesting tingle... “ Cadence shuddered before cackling. “ I SHIP IT!”

“What?” Shining Armor asked.

“You figure by this point you would stop asking that sort of thing.” Chrysalis pointed out.

“Yeah but I'm trying to seem interested in her hobbies, particularly if I'm sharing one of her portfolios.” Shining Armor explained.

“Hmm, valid point” Chrysalis shrugged.

“ Any time you lot want to do something.” Thunderbolt offered knocking a griffon aside with his wing, sending him bouncing off the ships air bag then crashing to the deck. “ This would be a lot easier if I could just kill them, and if this persists I will start doing that.”

“What the fuck is that you're even doing!?”Gilda pointed at Thunderbolt.

“Griffonese Kempo.” Thunderbolt said simply snatching a spear from a guard and knocking a pegasus out of the air with it before then taking the first guard out.

“That is not Griffonese Kempo, I'm a black belt in Griffonese Kempo and that shit ain't it!” Gilda screeched.

“Hen, what I am doing is very much Griffonese Kempo, and I know because I invented it.” Thunderbolt stated, his tail lashing around a griffon's talon yanking him off balance and bowling over three others with him.

Rahs shook his head with a sigh, slapping Prince in the forehead with a spit covered hand as he tried to get up.

“You need to stop this. You're going to bring every nation down on our heads if you kill the element bearers.” Aria snapped up at the massive serpentine form of her sister.

“I would say it's the other way around. All of them are going to leave me the fuck alone if I kill their heroes and can control the rest.” Adagio snarled. “ I'm tired of running, tired of hiding, I'm never going to show that bitch up if that's all I do.”

“You're not going to prove anything to mom if you're dead either. The Equestrian gods might be reluctant to try and kill us, but I doubt any of the others are and you sure as hell know dad can't keep them all off us.” Aria snapped back.

“So you would have us keep running? Hide more? How is that any different then being in a cage, you still can't do what you want, and how is always watching over your shoulder free?” Adagio snapped back. “It's just a cage of your own making.”

Aria blinked taking a step back with a wince, though before she could respond Sonata stepped up.

“You need to stop this, Aria's right Dagi, we're just gonna make things worse if we try to take over here. There's the griffon god up north and I'm pretty sure he'd be mad if we hurt any one here.” Sonata offered. ”We can find something else. I mean we've lasted this long cause we've had each other right?”

“ Sonata...” Adagio sighed, before she changed her form, to shrinking down to a slightly bigger than pony sized serpent. “Where did you even come up with something that stupid, some fucking cartoon?”

“Well it worked, so it's not stupid.” Sonata smirked at her sister.

“No it didn't.” Adagio stated, her fin lashing out and grabbing Sonata's necklace yanking it free. Before the pegasus siren could react Adagio spun bringing her massive tail around to smash into Sonata sending her flying, the flight stopping short as the blue siren crashed into a boulder, slumping to the ground in a heap leaving Adagio clutching Sonata's red gemstone.

“SONATA! Adagio what the fuck.” Aria snarled, launching herself as her sister only for the yellow siren to lash out with her magic smashing Aria to the ground. The purple siren pushed to her hooves with a growl only for a second blast to slam directly into her fore leg with a sickening crack. Aria collapsed with a scream as her leg was shattered.

“Well now. Time to end this.” Adagio grinned looking to the ship starting to sing again as the gem glowed in her fin.

“Get away from that rope!” Pinkie shouted kicking a guard away from the side of the ship.

“Forget the damn rope and worry about your own ass mare!” Gilda snarled nearly getting skewered by a pitchfork.

“I can't leave it, Dashie's down there!” Pinkie Pie explained

“What the pluck is she doing in the damn hole?” Gilda demanded.

An explanation turned into a yelp as a magic bolt shot past her from a unicorn guard and blasted a good chunk of the ship as well as the main climbing anchor off into the chasm.

“AHHHHHH!!” Pinkie and Gilda both screamed as the rope, winch , and a large section of railing fell away from the ship into the Abysmal Abyss.

“There it is! HA, I called it.” Rainbow Dash laughed.

On an out cropping of stone just on the other side of the chasm was a large skeleton of some unknown creature, and half buried under one of the massive bones that might have been it's hand, was the glint of gold that reflected in the lamp light.

Dash smirked and pushed hard off the wall she was descending, swinging over to the other side fanning her wings to keep her pressed to the wall as she hammered in an anchor piton before she started descending the rest of the way to the outcropping. Hammering in a few more anchor points as she went to make sure Prince could follow the guide rope along to this side of the chasm whenever he got down here.

Her time with Prince had hammered quite a bit of safety regulations into her as in their climbs she had been watching out for him more than herself. She could fly if something went wrong after all, and it had become something of a second nature to have both of them double checking each other as a pair of crazy thrill seekers.

So anchored as she was, she wasn't immediately yanked off the outcropping as several hundred pounds of rope and ship parts fell past her into the abyss. The metallic pings of the added weight popping loose all the anchors above her, snapped her attention to the problem just as the first of the three anchors she put into this side of the chasm popped loose.

Dash blinked seeing what was going on and cursed loudly quickly working to take off her gear as the second anchor point yanked free.

She fumbled with the ties as the third was yanked free and the falling gear yanked her off the outcropping into the abyss with a scream.

There was a moment of silence before a blue form surged back over the edge, free of her harness though barely keeping in the air as she was buffeted by the abyss's winds.

Still screaming Rainbow Dash jerked as hard as she could with her wings sending her tumbling onto the out cropping with a crash that sent bone and old rocks scattering around the outcropping and brought another scream from the mare as the giant skull rolled from the impact, crushing one of her wings under it.


Gilda was in shock. One of her oldest friends, maybe one of her only, had just been cut loose to fall into a supposedly bottomless chasm right in front of her.

The rest of the world faded out for a moment as Rahs and Thunderbolt managed to keep the area around them mostly clear.

The loud echoing scream made her flinch, though the expletive that was barely head over the howling wind not long after made her smirk, then narrow her eyes.

The griffoness rushed over to the second winch system grabbing the rope and harness quickly trying to put it on.

“What are you doing!?” Pinkie Pie demanded.

“Going down to get Rainbow Dash.” Gilda growled.

“You can't do that, there's a four day safety course you have to take before you can use this safely.” Pinkie Pie explained.

“Are you sharding joking?” Gilda growled.

“Yes, and this clasp goes here,.” Pinkie Pie offered quickly readjusting the strap before connecting Gilda to the rope.

Gilda blinked as she looked over the side of the ship then cursed to her self before rappelling off the side of the ship into the abyss.

“And now I win.” Adagio smiled as she began to sing again, the gem vibrating a little before the stored strife and anger in it was released, joining the power of the song.

On the ship the effect was immediate, the few Guards and other griffons Rahs had managed to free shuddered as their eyes turned red again.

Thunderbolt winced, his eyes glowing as well as he turned to face Rahs and Pinkie Pie as the two backed up against the railing guarding the winch Gilda had taken down The griffons and the Guard and ships crew that hadn't been knocked out cold advancing on them. Pinkie growled at the approaching horde, though Rahs perked his ears looking to the cliff face and the sirens on it.

“How the hell are you even using that, it's Sonata's gem.” Aria winced pushing herself up to three legs out of the crater, her left foreleg burned and bent at a odd angle.

“Pfft he explained it himself. He made them for all three of us, he never said that any of them belonged specifically to any of us. We've just thought that so long that we never tried to switch, but I could still feel Sonata's. “ Adagio smirked, attaching the gem to a wire and hanging it around her neck. ”And if I figured that out sooner I would have been able to use all three gems and could have left you annoyances in Neighlantis.”

“So what now then, going to destroy us too?” Aria shuddered.

“Of course not. You are my sisters after all, and the last thing I need is for father to try and stop me.” Adagio sneered.” Besides I've paid you back for that sucker punch you landed and shown I'm better.”

Aria frowned as her sister lorded over her. “You remember when I was six and you broke my favorite wooden shark toy that dad brought me from the surface, because it was something you didn't have?”

Adagio blinked. ”What does that have to do with this?”

“Nothing really, aside from to point out that I can break your toys too.” Aria snapped, lashing out with her good hoof suddenly.

The impact of one who was at least partial earth pony, well partial everything thanks to their father, hitting the armored scales of the siren form of another creature of the same mixed breed at best would have knocked the siren form back without any real damage.

However the red gem hanging from her neck was not so armored, and the impact put it between a very hard hoof and very hard scales shattered the gem like glass.

The gem however had a rather sizable storage or strife and rage from the fighting griffons and Guards, and when it shattered it released that energy in a massive burst.

“Hang on loser I'm coming.” Gilda shouted down fanning her wings to push herself to the other side of the abyss seeing the light from Rainbow Dash's helmet light not far below her.

“What...? Gilda?” Dash blinked looking up before letting out a short pained laugh. ”What took you so long doofus?”

Gilda grunted as she landed on the outcropping moving over to push against the massive skull roaring out as she lifted it enough for Dash to pull her wing free.

“You alright?” Gilda winced seeing Dash's crushed wing.

“Ehh I've had worse, prolly broke it again though. “ Dash shrugged.

“You seem way to nonchalant about that.” Gilda blinked.

“Yeah well I'm dating a rich guy. I'm gonna get waited on hoof and tail until I'm healed.” Dash smirked as she moved a bit away from Gilda grabbing the idol and shoving it in her saddle bag.

“ Really? You settling down with someone?”

“Dating isn't settling down.”

“Oh. I've got to hear about this guy.”

“It's a bit of a story.” Dash admitted.

“Later let's get out of here before something else happens.” Gilda warned just as the entire chasm started to shake and rocks started to tumble down the wall.

“Fuck!!!” Dash and Gilda snapped as the griffon grabbed the pony and started back up.

The burst of energy canceled the spell leaving a large number of griffons and ponies looking around confused and disoriented. It also shattered the cliff that the three sirens were on, dumping them and tons of rock into the chasm as the side of the Abysmal Abyss started to crumble.

Adagio screamed out as she wasn't able to keep on her coils and fell along with Aria and the still unconscious Sonata.

Aria's eyes widen as what little ground was under her fell away leaving her looking over a chasm she couldn't see the bottom of.

A blur of movement was caught out of the corner of her eye before she felt her rear leg grabbed and her fall stopped, though she was now flying sideways pulled along by her back leg, a glance up showed a blue furred form holding her leg and snatching Sonata out of the air with his other arm before a fanged maw snapped closed on Adagios tail. The four of them dangled there as they came to a sudden stop and the canine holding her winced though he managed to keep his grip on the three of them as the cliff side fell off into the abyss.

Looking up Aria saw a rope attached to the side of the ship was wrapped around his midriff and one leg leaving him swinging by the limb. Far above she could see some of the crew starting to try and pull them up.

“YOU!” Adagio snarled lifting her head to look up at Rahs with his fangs sunk into her tail.” THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”

The yellow siren screamed out at him lashing out with her fin and sending a bolt of magic at the moon dog.

Rahs snapped it out of the air.

Adagio screamed at the sudden jolt of pain as her spell was eaten, only noticing a moment later that she had been released and was falling.

“Come on we're half way there.” Gilda growled. ”Did you gain weight?”

“Oh ha ha.” Dash grumbled.

“I'm serious. Dating that rich guy has clearly gotten you fat, from all that posh food you've been eating.” Gilda smirked.

Rainbow Dash's retort was cut off as an orange serpent like creature fell past them screaming.

“What the frak was that?” Gilda demanded.

[ An hour later. Inside the Castle of Griffonstone]

“What am I supposed to do with this damn thing?” Gilda questioned looking down at the idol shoved in her claws.

“Give it to him!” Dash rolled her eyes gesturing to Thunderbolt. “You're the hero who went down and retried it after all.”

“You're the one who recovered it!” Gilda frowned.

“Pfft I just carried it, you're the one who hauled it up.” Rainbow Dash smirked.” Besides with how everyone is pissed at ponies around here, it would be better if a Griffon restored the national pride by recovering the idol wouldn't it?”

“You set me up!” Gilda bristled.

“Welcome to my world. I just wanted to fly with the Wonderbolts and blam! National hero, funny how that happens so suddenly if all ponies just wanna be heroes huh?”

Gilda growled before smirking.” You're not getting out of telling me about this stallion of yours.”

“Yeah well. Maybe later.” Dash offered.

“Seems you two have a more complex history than I first heard .” Thunderbolt offered looking between the two.

“Ugh right this thing. Here.” Gilda said all but shoving the idol into Thunderbolt's claws.

“Thank you Miss Grizelda. “ Thunderbolt nodded taking the idol. “By the way I know you showed a interest before, but if you would like, I can train you in proper Griffonese Kempo.”

Gilda blinked looking at the tom with an eyebrow raised.” Um yeah sure whatever. Don't you have like, noble things to do or something?”

“Oh I'm sure they'll be time, this isn't going to fix everything at once after all.” Thunderbolt nodded.

“So how is she?” Aria asked.

“ I've never worked on something like you before, though as far as I can tell she's just been knocked out and should be fine. “ The unicorn doctor offered. ”You're leg is a bit more concerning, it's broken in at least two places.”

“Well she better stay out of those places.” Sonata chimed in.

“What?! Oh you little... were you faking being asleep?” Aria snapped.

“Nah Dagi hit me pretty hard, I just work up in time to hear you cussing as the doc worked on your leg.” Sonata offered with a sigh.” Daddy's not gonna like this.”

“Yes well. Neither of you should be moving much, you might have a concussion or internal injuries and you need to stay off that leg.” The doctor huffed.

“Yeah well. I don't expect we're gonna be doing much of anything for a while sitting in a cell.” Aria frowned gesturing to the collection of Guards around them and the moon dog watching as well.

“There's not exactly a cell on the ship, so they're setting up a room. We'll be heading out in a few hours once everything is secure.” The doctor said. “We'll move you to the ship in when it's done. I suggest you don't fight.”

“I'm too tired to fight.” Aria muttered. “ This day sucks.”

“ It may get worse.” a guard offered as he came in the door. “ The god Lockheed is here and he's demanding we turn the sirens over to him.

“ You will give over the captured sirens to me now.” Lockheed demanded.

“For what, so you can turn them in and line your pockets with more bits?” Thunderbolt growled.

“They attacked a griffon settlement and as the God of Griffons I will deal with them.” Lockheed snapped back.

“Like you give a shit about this place any other time.” Thunderbolt retorted.

“I am doing what I can to restore the nation, just because you are not seeing the effects of it here yet doesn't mean it isn't happening!” Lockheed shouted back.

“All you have are a bunch of brown nosed ass lickers following you cause they think it will make them rich and important again.” Thunderbolt snarled.

“In case you forgot I am the god here and I say I am taking the sirens.” Lockheed returned the snarl.

“I have no idea why my grandmother would allow some bird like you to be the God of Griffons.” Thunderbolt glared at Lockheed.

Lockheed let out a long sigh shaking his head lightly as he seemed to calm himself.” Neither do I. But she did and if I need to call your oaths into this Prince Thunderbolt I will. I am taking these two with me.”

Thunderbolt winced.

The collected pony guards and Prince watched the argument with some interest, though the Guard's attention was on the small force of griffon soldiers Lockheed had brought with him.

Pinkie, Gilda, and Rainbow Dash watched on worried at the situation.

Sonata and Aria did not look thrilled with the idea either.

“Bork.” stated Rahs in the silence.

“What?” Lockheed asked turning around to look back at the blue diamond dog. He seemed rather familiar.

“He said no, you're not taking them.” Pinkie Pie translated.

“Really? And who do you think you are that can tell me what I can and cannot do mutt.” Lockheed snarled.

Rahs stepped forward looming over the griffon with a smile on his fang filled face.

“Hi, I'm Rahs Sparkle. You might remember me from such world altering events as, the defeat of Nightmare Moon, the Mauling of Discord, the liberation of the Crystal Empire, or more recently the ass kicking of the centaur god Tirek.” Rahs listed his grin getting wider showing more of his rather sharp teeth. “Nice to meet you.”

Everything went silent for a moment before a couple of the griffon soldiers Lockheed had brought with him turned and marched out of the old throne room.

“Fuck this shit, you are not paying us enough to deal with a Sparkle.” the lead soldier shouted and soon the rest of the small force took off out of the castle leaving Lockheed standing there in a stare down with the grinning moon dog.

The pair remained staring each other down just long enough to everyone else to become uncomfortable before Lockheed snorted.

“Fine. I shall let you extradite them, though I will be lodging a complaint with Celestia about a bounty hunt in Aerie.” Lock heed stated still glaring up at Rahs.

“I am quite certain Auntie will listen to your complaints with interest.” Prince offered.

Lockheed snorted before turning and storming out as well.

“Great, can we leave before anything else happens?” One of the Guards whined.

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