• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Twilight Gets a Puppy. The Movie, Part Four

Author's Note:

I'm trying something with this chapter and the following ones. Pay attention to the dates after each break. I will be jumping back and forth a bit.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy.
The Movie,
Part Four

[Isle of the Storm King , far to the south. 3 days after the attack on Canterlot.]

“ Boss....Boss?” Grubber blinked, and reached out to lightly prod the twitching mare.

Tempest moved with a blur, one hoof belting his hand aside, the other darted catching the hedgehog in the belly , the impact brought him up to slam into the wall behind, her her broken horn pointed at his face sparking wildly.

“GAH !!” Grubber squealed.

Tempest blinked, the sparks faded from around her horn as she pulled her hoof back letting the hedgehog fall to the ground with a thud before she stepped away.

“Why did you wake me up?” Tempest grumbled.

“Cause no one else will.” Grubber winced picking himself up and dusted himself off.” They got a pretty good reason for it too.”

“Not. Why 'you' woke me up why.....never mind” Tempest sighed rolling her eyes as she looked around the store room she was in. The four alicorn statues stood in the room with her in various poses unchanged from when they were first loaded on the ship.

Tempest still felt like all of them were staring at her despite none of them looking in her direction.

“What is it Grubber?” Tempest sighed as she adjusted her armor. Her spare set had gone up with her ship but she had managed to put something together that was not scraps out of bits of other armor. Well Grubber had, he was fairly good with basic tasks like that.

“You okay, you looked like you were having a nightmare or something.” Grubber questioned sounding a bit worried.

The mare was about to snap at him, before she relaxed and let out a sign, yelling at the hedgehog was like kicking a puppy half the time, and there was no one else here that she needed to prove herself to, so ultimately it was pointless.”It's fine. Nothing I've not had nearly every night since I was a foal.”

She shook her head a little clearing the images of the monstrous bear from her mind. “Do you have anything to report?”

“Oh Yeah, a few things boss. You were right. Squall pulled all the guys loyal to him back and let the ones who follow you and the Storm King take the brunt of it. Most of the armada follow him more than you or his father now.” Grubber offered. “Heard a few grunts talking about it.”

“I expected as much, he's probably going to finally make his play to take over.” Tempest grumbled.

“You're prolly right boss. But I don't understand.”

“No surprise. What don't you understand?”

“Why hasn't he tossed us over board then?” Grubber asked.” Or at least you, as no one seems to notice me unless they need some one to kick around.”

“I haven't figured that out yet. He could have killed me and left me for dead in Canterlot.” Tempest sighed. “Only thing I can figure is he plans to blame me for the loss of most of the fleet. Not like that will do anything. The Storm King doesn't care about ships and yeti so long as the mission is done. No I expect it's that cheap honor code he pretends to have, he thinks if he overthrows his father he can convince me to join him.”

“Would you?”

“Heh, only if he can fix my horn if his father can't.” Tempest snorted. “ Anything else?”

“Yeah boss. We're gonna be docking in about twenty minutes at tha castle.”Grubber offered frowning muttering the last bit sarcasticly.”Finally home.”

“Good. My end of this deal will be done, and as soon as he has these four he can hold up his end.” Tempest growled.

“You really think he will?” Grubber asked curiously, looking up at Tempest's broken horn.

“He better.” Tempest snapped.

[ Storm Kings Castle, main chamber. 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

“Well, it seems you were not as full of shit as I thought.” The Storm King chuckled as he waved off the scantily clad female yeti who came in to tell him most of the armada had returned.

“I feel I should be insulted, but having doubts is never a bad thing particularly with what I claimed my equipment could do. Particularly when it comes to magic eaters.” the pink haired unicorn stallion seated at the long table offered.

The Storm King regarded his guests curiously, the self proclaimed weapons merchant had come to him a few months ago offering him a way to expand his holdings.

Skepticism had been met with the reveal of the first of the items he had been shown, something the merchant, who called himself Jedidiah, had called Basilisk rifles.

The design of them was fairly simple, a lever on the underside of the weapon was cranked, filling the butt of the rifle with air, compressing it tightly. Ten pumps was optimal, with anything more than twenty risking rupturing the air tank. A gray ball sealed in clear wax was rolled into the barrel and then the gun was aimed and fired.

The gun was not anything that impressed him, it was well crafted and mass produced, clearly there was a factory some where churning these things out.

It was the alchemical ammo that turned the target to stone that of greater interest. There were other types of ammo as well, less than lethal bean bag rounds and various other alchemical rounds that did everything from explode to release various gasses. Finding that the stone balls were supposed to work on gods was something he had not been expecting, and what had caused him to listen to the odd unicorn in the first place.

The unicorn's companions were of little more note than to recognize them as servants of Jedidiah, inconsequential for the most part.

The big haired unicorn mare was attractive enough in her own right he supposed, likely arm candy for the merchant as she was dressed rather expensively if he was any judge of pony fashion. She spent much of the time he saw her fiddling with one of those new crystal tablet things ponies had invented to put libraries on so you could carry them around.

They would never replace books.

The other companion confused him at first. The pink earth pony was young, perhaps in her teens. Maybe the merchant's daughter? Though it was a rather odd profession to have a 'bring your daughter to work day'.

That theory had been removed as valid when they started talking price for enough weapons to equip his forces. The pink mare had her own tablet and was using it to document what was needed. A intern secretary then, odd but not his concern.

The stallion was the only one talking and he was clearly in charge, so he was the only one the Storm King really felt was relevant.

The rifles were easy for the yeti to use and the stone balls were supplied in great bulk, likely made in mass like the rifles. Though it was the information the pink maned unicorn provided that sold the Storm King on the whole purchase.

A warning about creatures who eat magic and a way to counter them.

Creatures that eat magic were not something unknown to the Storm King, he had encounter Artemis before when he was much younger. Pity he could never remember where it was to raize it to the ground when he had established himself.

But it was known that Canterlot had two of them, though one was more dangerous than the other.

The golden bomb Jedidiah had provided was a prototype, there was only the one, but he had explained well how it worked and the Storm King had given it to Tempest to use. The mare would do anything to get her horn back, which was something he had been holding over her head for a while. Sooner or later she would fail one of his outlandish orders and he wouldn't need to worry about being badgered by her any more, or his son would kill her, and in that fight which ever of them died would be to his advantage.

“ So you have all four of them?” Jedidiah questioned his face impassive.

“So I am told, all sealed up nicely by those balls you gave me.”The Storm King smirked.

“Good, I suppose you'll be wanting the last thing I promised then?” Jedidiah questioned.

“Of course. If this does even half of what you say, it will make you a wealthy stallion.” The Storm King chuckled.

“You already have, though I am quite surprised you have not asked why I am selling you something so potent.” Jedidiah questioned.

“I care not why, just that there are results.” The Storm King snorted.

“Fair enough, I have given you quite a few of those already.” The unicorns horn lit up showing a magic that flickered between black and pink. A small square wooden box was placed before the Storm King by the merchant's magic.

Opening the top revealed four crystalline rings each just big enough to be slid over a large unicorn horn, or in this case, an alicorn's horn. The yeti god picked up one of the rings noting it seemed to be filled with some sort of red liquid that oozed slightly as he moved the ring, but remained a solid dark red ring inside the crystal one.

“ They are to be placed over the horns of your captured alicorns. They will draw the gods power into this.” Jedidiah stated, his magic setting a much longer wooden box on the table.” All prototypes mind you, so please try not to break them, I used up far too many materials in making these.”

The Storm King opened the larger box and frowned. He lifted up a deep red staff with crimson crystal set in the upper crook of it. The crystal was far from perfect and looked to contain fur , bits of bone, and what seemed to be a small chunk of flesh inside of it that was still oozing blood.

“A bloody stick?” the Storm King growled.” You are presenting me with a stick you shoved a rock on the end of before beating some creature to death with and you didn't even clean it.”

“An apt observation, but that is a very very specific type of treated wood, and very rare viscera in a custom grown crystal.” Jedidiah placated.”The general design of it is based on the fabled Staff of Sacanas. While the original staff was destroyed a long time ago, this will do much the same so long as those rings are placed on whom you wish to draw the power from. It doesn't matter if they are a statue or not.”

“Is that so?” The Storm King frowned looking at the staff again.

“Of course. Has anything I've sold you failed yet?”

“There is always a first time.”

“Should I take my business elsewhere?”

“Do not get snippy with me pony.”

“I wouldn't dream of it.”

“We shall see if this works, then I will decide if I should pay you the rest or simply destroy you so you don't sell anything to anyone else.”

“I would hope you choose the former, if for no other reason than to see what I might bring next time I show up.”Jedidiah smiled.

The Storm King let out a sharp bark of laughter, though any response he might have had to that was cut off as another yeti rushed into the room shouting something in their guttural language.

The Storm King snorted and glowered at the ranting yeti. He suddenly stood up and grabbed the smaller yeti by his head, his fingers digging into the smaller creatures skull and soft tissue enough to make the messenger yeti scram and flail. The Storm King jerked his arm, flinging the yeti across the room where it impacted the wall with a sickening crack before falling to the ground with a thump.

The Storm King took note that none of his guests seemed bothered by the act. The pink mare frowned and stared at the corpse a moment before she realized she was doing so and turned her attention to something else. Jedidiah seemed.... disappointed? And the big haired one never even looked up from her tablet.

“I take there is a problem?”the pink maned unicorn asked.

The Storm King snorted gathering up the box with the rings and the staff before marching to the other side of the room and out onto a grand balcony overlooking the rough seas far below the towering castle.

Jedidiah and the other two rose as well and followed after curiously.

Looking out over the choppy sea and the expanse of dark clouds that constantly surrounded his island , the Storm king narrowed his eyes as he spotted an airship in the distance approaching the island.

The airship was massive, a dark oak constructed warship with a dark blue envelope. The ship was armed and armored to the teeth, and dwarfed even his armada's flagship. The Equestrian flag flew proudly and very visibly on the ship even from this distance.

The Storm King immediately recognized it, he had sacrificed five of his ships in basic piracy raids near the griffon border in order to keep this ship away from Canterlot for the invasion. The pink pony with the weapon merchant clearly knew what it was too.

“The Waning Moon.” The young mare stated with the slight tone of one impressed by such things.

“The 'scuttled scrap' is more likely. One ship against my armada, even partially depleted this is a suicide mission for the fools.” The Storm King scoffed.

There was a click behind him and the yeti god glanced back, noting the big haired mare had put away her tablet and was staring out at the ship, her ears perked up high out of her ridiculous hair. She glanced to the pink maned unicorn, then turned and trotted off the balcony humming something to herself.

“Well I shall leave you to it, it seems my companion is not interested in the coming slaughter. I'm afraid I agree with her, more for preferring not to be under hoof as it were.” the merchant shrugged.”Feel free to use this as a test of your new toy. Personally I would rather not run the risk of being spotted by any possible survivors at this point. No sense risking it, do enjoy yourself, we will be taking our leave for the day.”

The Storm King frowned as the pink mare and the unicorn trotted away after the big haired one, before he turned his attention back to the ship.

That wasn't a bad idea actually, it was not as if a single ship could get past his armada, and the islands defenses, and even if it could, well, by the time it got close the alicorns would be in place and he could use their own gods power to destroy them.

Wouldn't that be fun?

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