• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Twilight Gets a Puppy, The Movie, Part Eight

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

Twilight Gets a Puppy,
The Movie,
Part Eight

[ Canterlot, 3 days after the attack on the city, while the attack on the island is happening]

A rumble of thunder sounded over the mountain as three figures sat on a rock ledge further up the mountain.

“You should have let me eat him for that comment.” Bleu snorted.

“He did not lie Bleu.“ Aqua stated. “I know dragons rear their young differently, but not many would have given their off spring to another species to raise.”

“I have some issues alright, drop it.” Bleu muttered.

“I noticed you did not threaten the new Diamond Dog goddess, despite her smacking you on the nose.” Iinii pointed out, looking up at the sky.

“One of her portfolios is gemstones, I'd rather not piss some one off who can fuck with my food.”Bleu admitted.

“At any rate what Lockheed said stopped you which was the point.”Aqua stated.”I am constantly impressed and disappointed at the things that come out of that griffons beak.”

“He never wanted to be a god, but at the time honor dictated he become one. Now that he is one he enjoys too many of the perks to pass it on, but he cannot stand dealing with others.”Iinii commented. ”When Celestia threw all the griffon nobles out of Equestria they all flocked to him with their petty grievances and whining. For some one who only wishes to be left alone, that is quite the punishment.”

The four gods were silent a moment looking up at the storm above them. The god of snows had layered thick clouds over half of the planet, and the goddess of the wind and lightning had made sure the thick roiling clouds didn't dissipate. It was a stop gap solution for the sun still being in the sky three days later, but it would keep the world from burning up for a while yet.

It was Aqua who noticed the extra god first.

“You are late.”Aqua snorted.

“I am never late, nor was I early.” White offered waving a sprig of clover he was munching on at the sea pony goddess.

“I question why you have not done the same with the pony goddesses as you did with us, White.” Iinii rumbled in his deep baritone.

“Why? You have dealt with it quite well, those storms will protect the land and those who will dwell on it.” White offered.” Also I didn't do it this time, so it wasn't done then either. Besides as always, the pony gods are doing things differently.”

“You mean the newest pony god is.” Aqua sighed.

“Who else should I mean? Celestia was set in her ways. Luna will be skittish. And the less you know about what Cadence has, will, and is getting up to the saner you will be.” White huffed.” To be fair she will be young yet, though she won't have been any better when she was older by much either.”

“You are not telling us something.” Bleu growled.

“Of course I'm not telling you something. Where would be the fun if I did that?” White smirked.

“You are adding more credence to the theory that you are a spawn of Discord.” Aqua huffed.” And I have enough issue with my own children from him to worry about a step child too.”

“HA. No worries my dear. I will not be a spawn of Discord. I was a spawn of myself.” White smirked.

“What?” Iinii question.

“He's his own grandpa.” Bleu smirked. ”Rhino owes me my weight in rubies now.”

[Storm Kings Island, Deck of the Waning Moon, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

The gathered diamond dogs watched as the beam of magic faded out, grounded in the sands below them. The group had watched the orange pony they were reluctantly ordered to follow leap off the prow and slam into the bolt.

They all blinked in surprise looking over the side wondering if Jynx was going to be mad about the pony blowing herself up, when they all witnessed the massive orange witch wolf step out of the crater.

The collective intelligence of the dogs on the deck could easily be counted by a foal just learning about numbers from a picture book. Jynx had sent this particular group due to their combat skills not their intelligence.

However even a broken clock is right twice a day.

“That pony. She the orange bitch?” One uttered

“Alpha not beat her in fights.” another added.

“But it fun to watch.” a third said, and the group hummed their approval of that mental image.

“Wait. Alpha and orange one fight over moon dog.”

“Shhh. Enjoy mental image.”

“No Fleabag. Alpha send us with her. Alpha know who pony is. That mean Alpha think her pack mate for moon dog.”

The others considered, a few brain cells rattling in their head.

“Lucky dog.” Another one drooled.

“Yes. But what you think alpha do if something happen to pony?”

There was another pause then a collective shudder.

“So we fight then. For pony?”

“For pony.” The slightly smarter one agreed.

“ FOR PONY!!!!” The collective pack howled out and rushed to the front of the ship to fling themselves off of it over the beach, howling all the way down.

The yeti on the ground were already wary of the large orange diamond dog that had crashed in their midst, particularly since the had kicked the first one to attack her a half mile out to sea. One didn't expect a diamond dog to have that well developed hind legs.

The sudden howling made the yeti and their approaching reinforcements look up at the literal rain of dogs.

Witch -Jack winced as the first one hit the ground, the sand bursting into the air from the impact, the others hit soon after with great impacts and showers of sand as they cratered.

Did Jynx send her with a bunch of suicidal idiots?

It only took her a moment to realize that their were no bodies in the craters, just holes.

She barely managed to spot him when the first armored diamond dogs burst from the ground at the feet of the yeti and dragged the screaming creature back into the sand with him. Others did the same and pulled the yeti into holes or just popped up and laid into them, the Diamond Dogs tunneling at ridiculous speeds through the sand.

“Well.... okay.” Witch Jack blinked.

[Storm Kings Island, Deck of the conscripted Princess Bride, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

“WE'RE HIT!!” screamed a guards pony as an explosion rocked the main deck scrapping one of the balista mounted there and blowing a hole into the lower deck, several Guards being flung from the impact site.

“MEDIC!!” Screamed another Guard dragging the injured gunner away from the wreckage of the balista he had been on.

One of the smaller ships of the Storm Kings fleet had managed to slip past the main guns of the battle ships ahead of them and was flitting among the airship fleet firing at random at every ship it passed, causing quite a bit of damage to anything not heavily armored. With the smaller ship in their midst the ships larger weapons couldn't be brought to bear without risking hitting their own ships, and smaller weapons were being used to negligent effect.

The small airship veered, the small crew of it manning their four deck cannons and firing at anything they could while the yeti captain kept the ship going at top speed, propelled by a massive fan spinning behind the ship.

“SHOOT THAT THING!” One of the Guard screamed out only for a loud whistle to fill the air and something to explode against the side of the yeti craft.

The impact was such that the gondola swung hard nearly spinning up over top the balloon, two of the yeti being knocked off it to drop screaming into the water far below.

“Nice Shot!” the Guard yelled looking around, though he didn't see any one on a gun that could have hit the ship.

“Little low.” stated a voice nearby.


Turning, the Guard saw Prince Sombra standing by the pile of balista rounds meant for the destroyed weapon, behind him was a massive red Nox-Cal with a green apple for a cutie mark. The massive stallion hefted another balista bolt like he was picking up a rock to skip across a lake and flung it at the still wobbling enemy ship.

The bolt spun in the air like a slung stick rather than a javelin and slammed into and cut through the airbag of the speedy little ship. The airbag rupture caused the yeti airship to fly exactly the way a rock doesn't, meaning more screaming yeti and another crash into the ocean far below as the ruined airship hit the water.

“You need to work on your throws, there was too much spin on that.” Sombra offered to the massive draconic pony, who simply shrugged and picked up another bolt.

[ Canterlot, 3days after the attack, just before the Princess Bride departs.]

The ships were loading the last bit of supplies and going over a few last minute checks before heading out to the large area where the gate would be opened. Most of those on the ships were wary of the idea of traveling through another realm to get to their goal, particularly with how the crate the little moon dog was carrying around cried and screamed sounding much like something out of ones nightmares.

The Princess Bride had been conscripted as had a few other civilian craft to carry troops, though the smaller ones were going to be little more than launch platforms for the Wonderbolts and other pegasi Guard. The Princess Bride however was armed and armored already, if lightly, but it was quite easy to upgrade it with more deck guns and protective enchantments.

The ship was mainly going to be used as a troop transport, being one of the few craft that had a opening in the prow of the ship. The orders were to touch down where they could release the troops on board and dust off as fast as possible.

The detailed intel provided about the Storm King's castle from the Changeling Princess Saturnia was a bit worrying to some of the Guard commanders, but they were reassured that the changelings were on their side, or at least the side of the Crystal Empire, which was on Equestria's side.

In any event the Captain of the Princess Bride, a earth pony named Washborne, had looked at the layout of the Storm Kings castle, and stated his chosen landing point was going to be in a courtyard in the middle of the structure.

He was laughed at of course by everyone who didn't know the captain and crew of the Princess Bride. Putting down in such a small space was a surprisingly common occurrence when Prince Blueblood wanted to do something exciting.

A Royal Guard stood on deck as the last of the troops and supplies came aboard, the unicorn going over the checklist, before he frowned at something and moved in front of a pony who had just stepped off the gangplank onto the ship..

“Hold it.”The unicorn Guard stated meeting the dark unicorns gaze.”Prince Sombra you are not supposed to be here, you're not on the list. Who authorized you to come aboard?”

Sombra raised an eyebrow at that and glanced at the pips on the ponies armor....” I go where I want lieutenant. Besides, the question is not who authorized us, but who is going to stop us?”

“Us?” The Guard questioned before letting out a yelp as a hoof pushed against his chest plate, lifting him up off the deck to eye level with a very large and very red Nox-Cal nocturne.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac stated flatly before setting the unicorn to the side, clearing the way for both he and Sombra onto the ship.

[ Storm Kings Island, Castle, Main hall, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

“WHAT IS THIS BULSHIT!?!!?” The Storm King roared, as he watched the immense blast of magic he had fired off at the ship get dragged away from his target and hit the ground.

He stared down off the balcony and growled at the sight of the massive orange furred beast that emerged from the crater.

He grumbled something about damn magic eaters before pointing the staff back at the ship and firing it again, only for the rod to sputter a little and produce only a few sparks.

Glaring at the rod the Storm King took note that the crystal in the staff was dull, though it was slowly starting to regain it's luster.

“IT'S GOT A FUCKING CHARGE COOL DOWN?!”The Storm King roared.” These are alicorns not a damnable video game!”

“It's still the power of four alicorns in your hand. Alicorns I delivered to you as promised.” Tempest offered, her tone cold. “And given you promised to restore my horn before you even had such power, I will ask again that you fulfill your promise and fix my horn.”

The Storm King whirled on the mare swinging the staff at her. Tempest simply ducked under the swing with little effort still glaring up at him.

“You are getting on my last nerve mare.”the Storm King stated.

“The feeling is mutual.”

The yeti god snorted.”We are in the middle of being attacked and you are demanding this now?”

“Why not, it will force your hand if you want my help with this. You know as well as I do that your troops couldn't organize their way out of a wet paper bag without some one yelling at them.” Tempest stated.

“Ever the strategist.” The Storm King snorted.


The Storm King regarded the mare for a moment then turned to look back out over the balcony as more and more ships approached, a rather large one was dropping down into the court yard somehow. There were no gods that he could sense, so killing them would only be a matter of his going out there and doing it. Of course he knew they were all coming to rescue the alicorns so he planed to stay put and simply pick them off. What mortal could deal with a god on his own turf?”

“No.” The Storm King stated.

“What?!” Tempest growled.

“I said no. You may have done what I told you, but I have little further use for some one who doesn't obey me.” The Storm King stated.

The growl and lunge was fully expected. He had been ready for that, what he had not been ready for was the savagery. He moved to belt her away with the back of his hand the moment she lunged at him and the mare had broken his arm in three places with her hoof before she shattered a few ribs, and knocked out a several teeth as she laid into him.

No movement was wasted as the mare raged , every strike hitting and doing damage on the yeti lord even if he blocked that arm would be shattered.

He was almost impressed.

He was less impressed when the mare managed a kick with her rear hooves that would have made a mortal and likely even a demi god sterile for the rest of his life.

He should look into getting that spot armored a bit better.

Of course the mare showed no signs of slowing down in turning him into a pulp.

Still this was annoying, with a wave of his broken arm the area around him exploded in lightning, flinging the mare back, though surprisingly despite the shock she landed on her hooves looking all the world like she was about to attack again.

“Stupid pony. Even if I knew how to fix that shattered stump of yours did you really think I would bother?” The Storm King uttered, the words garbled at first until his jaw repaired itself only a few seconds after she had broken it, the rest of his body fixing itself much the same, he was after all on an island. It took either a fool or the mad to challenge a god on their holy ground.

Tempest lunged at him again and this time his counter attack was too fast to block or dodge and the mare was grabbed by the throat and lifted in the air. She rained blows on his arm as he held her out, with his focus on her fully she was unable to do more than cause brief bruising as his claws dug into her throat. Her horn started to charge and he let loose another bolt of lightning from his hand electrocuting the mulberry colored unicorn. She screamed out, though she remained conscious and still attempted to fight.

The Storm King snorted, and shocked her again, eliciting a weaker scream this time.

He would have done so a third time had a massive explosion not rocked the entire island, and staggered him a moment. More spiders fell from the arched ceiling along with several light sources, the glow crystals shattering on the ground plunging much of the room into darkness lit only by the light from the balcony and a few crystals that had not broken when they fell.

He looked back at the balcony before he flung the charred mare aside, her limp form slammed into the wall with enough force to crater the stone. Tempest fell to the ground panting hard, her armor shattered and falling from her battered form. He idly noted several of the stone balls she had been carrying rolling away from her to scatter about the room like lost marbles.

“Pathetic, as expected though. You were quite the useful tool. But I suppose all tools wear and break, some faster than others. Rather refreshing that you were loyal for a time instead of simply afraid of me. But I have no use for loyalty, just obedience. You should have been simply content to serve a god, you mortals are weak and have no other purpose than to obey, to serve your betters, and none are better than me.”

The yeti god smirked as he glared at the mare while she struggled to rise, he raised the staff pointing at her with a grin, noting the crystal was glowing again. A waste of power to be sure, but he was rather curious what would happen to one targeted by such power at such close range

There was the sound like the shattering of glass and the crystal on the staff winked out.

“What!?” The Storm King demanded lifting the staff to stare at the dark crystal on the end.

“None are better than you huh....?” asked a voice.

The Storm King blinked and looked towards the throne room as the sound off hoof falls could be heard echoing around the room.

“...No use for loyalty....a mortals only use is to obey, huh...?”

The glow of magic lit up the shadowy area showing four crystal rings floating in it's grip rather than on the alicorn's horns where they should be. All four of them were cracked and being crumbled to dust in that magic grip, red fluid oozing out of the cracks to splatter on the floor.

A mare strode out of the throne room into the light of one of the fallen glows. She dropped the shattered rings to the floor with the tinkle of shattered glass. The alicorn fanned her wings a little as she glared at the yeti, before she cracked her neck, then started advancing on the yeti god

“... Interesting philosophy you have there.” Twilight Sparkle growled. “Lets see how that works for you.”

Author's Note:

And now what you've all been waiting for........

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