• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust, Part one

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust,
Part one

[Griffonstone, capitol of the nation of Aerie]

“Wow.” Pinkie Pie frowned.

“I knew the place was bad, but damn.” Rainbow Dash offered.

Rahs looked out over the landscape around them with a frown of his own. At first glance this place looked abandoned with crumbling buildings, a ruined castle in the highest point, with weeds and garbage everywhere.

Even watching the ruined landscape for a while one could only see a few griffons even moving around the place. For a place that was supposed to be the greatest city of the Griffon race, it looked more like a run down slum on some backwater pirate island some where.

“Things have not gone well for the griffons since the reign of King Guto. The first King of Griffons united the race and raised Aerie into an empire equal to, if not greater, than Equestria back in it's prime. They held lands that were part of the Crystal Empire when it was still a Equss spanning nation and the two often fought. Then the Empire fell and the Griffons expanded their borders. The main drive behind all this was the fabled Idol of Boreas, a symbol of national pride, though no one knows what it actually was or even did.” Prince explained. “There are only a few records here and there and some of their old Jess coins show images of the idol on one side with former kings on the other.”

Rahs blinked as he listened, Pinkie Pie glanced back at him and Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Yeah and all that came crashing down due to the last King Guto. Careful mentioning him around here as his names sort of a swear word to Griffons.” Rainbow Dash added.” The castle was invaded by an Arimaspi, or maybe that was the name of the guy, whatever, it came in took the idol and ran off with it.”

“This was only a few years before the war of the night and the creature was possibly one of Solomon's followers.” Prince offered. “The king stopped the creature, but the idol was lost into the Abysmal Abyss, and since that point the downfall of the nation started. They joined the war, but they lost a lot of territory to the Empire before it fell and they never bothered to reclaim it. During the war many of the nations heroes were lost and just after the war the god of Griffons retired and passed the power on to another, the current God of Griffons, Lockheed. Lockheed was a warrior not a politician so while there was conflict, his leadership kept the griffons going. When the war of Night and the Equestrian civil war ended the army he gathered started to splinter into differing factions following their own motives.”

“Dude made a last ditch effort to attack Equestria to keep his forces focused because he thought Equestria had been weakened by the war. Princess Celestia bitch slapped him back across the border and decimated the forces he brought.” Rainbow Dash added. “After that a deal was struck and over time most of the griffons who could afford it moved to Equestria.”

“Actually a lot of them used political leverage to not only move to Equestria but to live on Celestia's bit with calls of diplomatic issues and ambassadorial duties. Griffonstone despite supplying nothing to Equestria had the biggest ambassadorial corps and budget until recently. Even the God of Griffons maintained a residence in Equestria.” Prince continued. “Three years ago my aunt had enough of it and banished all the nobles and griffons that were living on her bit back to Aerie. Of course having lived off Equestria's bit and ignoring their own people for so long, they were not greeted warmly on their return. Some fled after they were attacked and robbed of everything they brought with them, some had enough bits to hire their own personal guards to protect them, but all of them are in dire straights and there's not a single griffon that will listen to any of them without being paid.“

“So you can get anything you want with enough bits, but you can't get anything with a Jess any more. I think the current rate is something like ten thousand Jess to one Equestrian bit. Melting the coins down for the metal pays more than an actual Jess, so they don't even make them any more. It's better to just sell the metal than try and stamp it.” Rainbow finished.

Rahs and Pinkie Pie both stared at her curiously. Rainbow jabbed a hoof out pointing at Prince who simply smiled smugly.

“Well that's a great history lesson, but what are we supposed to do here?” Pinkie Pie asked with a sigh.

“That's rather what I hope you would tell me.” A large griffon demanded as he landed on the deck nearby with a heavy thud.

The griffon standing on the deck was not a pretty bird. The bird was scarred, with a oddly shaped beak and clearly carried a bit of weight on him though he wasn't fat. He seemed a cross between a tiger and cassowary with his black feathers and faded blue head, the feline part of him was a deep gray almost hiding the black stripes. He had a slight list to one side as he settled down ignoring the guards that rushed to intercept him. He stared at the ponies and moon dog before him with the air of some one who, when they asked a question, it got answered.

In particular though his gaze was focused on Rahs.

Prince blinked a moment in confusion not recognizing him, though Pinkie Pie spoke up.

“Hi Mr. Thunderbolt.” Pinkie Pie waved, having thrown a party for all the former prisoners back when the Crystal Empire had been freed.

The griffon blinked. “Miss Pie was it?”

“Yuppers. I haven't seen you in years!” Pinkie Pie chimed up. ”How have you been?”

Thunderbolt blinked, completely thrown off his angry looming by the cheerful pony.

“Thunderbolt? Prince Thunderbolt? Of the Fairchild Republic?” Prince asked in surprise.

“Pfft. The republic no longer exists and hasn't for nearly eight hundred years.” Thunderbolt huffed. “ And I can hardly be a prince of nothing. Now then, why is an Equestrian ship coming towards Griffonstone? This city may not be much anymore but it's still my home and I will defend it.”

“To be fair we don't really know, we were sent here by a tree.” Pinkie Pie explained.

“What.....?” Thunderbolt raised an eyebrow.

“It's a bit of a story, but we can catch you up on it if you like.” Prince sighed trying to be diplomatic as he waved the guards back. ”Though first introductions, you seem to know Pinkie Pie, she is the Element bearer of laughter.”

“She is not some one easily forgotten.” Thunderbolt sighed.

“This is Rainbow Dash, bearer of the Element of Loyalty.” Prince continued.

“I question that, given the stories I've heard.” Thunderbolt snorted.

“What was that? Who do you think you are?” Rainbow huffed tensing up before him.

“The one who bore that Element before you.” Thunderbolt stated making Rainbow blink and step back with his glare.

“Yes, well. I'm Prince Blueblood...” Prince offered moving between Rainbow Dash and the griffon.

“A Prince?” Thunderbolt raised an eyebrow.

“No, that's my name, Prince.” Prince offered with the long suffering air of someone having had to explain this all his life.

“And the Witch Wolf?”

“Woof.” Rahs responded.

“He says he's a moon dog.” Pinkie Pie adds in.

“I fought and killed your kind for years.” Thunderbolt frowned. “There isn't a difference as far as I care.”

“Perhaps a thousand years ago this was true Thunderbolt. “ Prince placated. “ But this is Rahs Sparkle, one of the four who was primarily responsible for freeing the Crystal Empire when it returned.”

Thunderbolt blinked raising an eyebrow at Rahs who returned the look impassively.

“Hmmph.” Thunderbolt offered. “ Tell your pilot to set down in the courtyard of the castle ruins. No one but me lives there now and if you land any where else some griff is going to charge you a stupid amount of bits to park.”

Thunderbolt pointed to the ruins of the castle before taking off again. The large bird seemed rather ponderous as he took off but once in the air seemed much more comfortable.

“Well. This could be useful for information.” Prince smiled.” Perhaps we can figure out why we were sent up here sooner than I thought.”

Aria sighed dropping down into the deck of the boat and rubbing her temples with her hooves as she stared at the sky.

The Song Fishies had been parked in a cove a few miles from the main city of Griffonstone and was hidden well enough that even had they the inclination, the griffons wouldn't find it. She didn't want to get any closer to the city as the river turned harsh and fell into a massive gorge that she hadn't been able to see the bottom of from the top. So she had parked much further up river having come in from the north.

While they had made it to where their father had put a mark on the map, there was nothing here.

As far as Aria could tell this entire country was one big run down slum. Hell, she had gone through slums in the human world that were less slummy than this place.

Adagio had of course set herself up almost instantly even without the stone she easily could control the griffons around here and get them to do her bidding, rather impressive for how greedy they tended to be with their bits.

Sonata had gone out and made a friend.... sorta. Aria found she had been hanging around with a griffon hen who was selling scones, and she had some how convinced the griffon to let her help make them, which had some how improved the former rocks into something that was at least edible.

Sonata had claimed her goal was to teach the griffon to make proper cakes and such as well so she would have a source of sweets while there.

Aria figured her sister was just bored and didn't want to get in the way of her and Adagio's fighting.

Adagio was still pissed at her, and while the eldest siren was the best at magic, Aria had been the bruiser of sorts for all the plans Adagio had ever made, and was a decent enough fighter she probably could have joined the Neighlantis guard if her mother had allowed it. Which she hadn't. Still it was enough to make Adagio pause before trying to confront her on something. This wasn't the first and it would doubtfully be the last time the pair fought. Aria went along with things easily enough usual, though if something got her worked up she wasn't going to be moved.

At the moment the pair were not on speaking terms and while that was fine with Aria, it was also boring as fuck.

There was nothing for her to do in this place, the griffons didn't have any tech worth a damn and there was no use for her engineering skills, so for the most part she stayed on the ship to guard it. Adagio occasionally popped in to see if anything had changed before going back to her minions. Sonata at least came back every night to sleep before running off to harass that Gilda griffon or whoever it was.

Aria wasn't dumb enough to tempt fate by saying anything out loud, but damn was she bored.

[ Ponyville Sweet Apple Acres]

“He's gone?” Twilight gasped.

“Yup sorry bout that Twi.” Applejack offered as she checked on a tree that was blooming despite being the middle of winter. The crystal tower barn was still somehow keeping off the worst of the winter weather despite it having been years since the spire landed on the farm.

“He, Sunset, and Granny headed up to Canterlot today to talk to a few folks about the zap apple production. After all that went on with the Richs we got a bunch of other folks who want ta buy inta tha stock. We're still the only farm in Equss that produces zap apples so it's a pretty big deal.” Applejack concluded.

“ Oh.. well do you know when he's supposed to be back?” Twilight asked.

“He didn't tell yah?” Applejack frowned at that oddity. “ They're gonna be up there a couple of days with how many folks want a cut of the crop. Prolly gonna be negotiating fer tha whole time. Princess Celestia's letting them stay in tha castle so we dun have tah worry bout hotel costs. Granny could use a little pampering ah suppose.”

“Yeah okay...” Twilight sighed and vanished in a flash of teleportation leaving Applejack to wonder what was wrong.

Author's Note:

So much world building and back story here.

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