• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Blizzaga and Gloom, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Blizzaga and Gloom,
Part 1

[North bound Train, end of fall]

Spike flipped through one of his gaming books, his head laying back against Applebloom's side as she flipped through a magazine.

Scootaloo and Firefly were playing a game of stacking blocks on the table, the game was cranked up in challenge due to the occasional shaking of the train car as it rolled along the tracks.

Sweetiebelle was currently napping in her room.

This would be the second year Spike had been invited to the Crystal Empire's gaming con, developers were rushing to the new convention as the Crystal Ponies were fast becoming the highest purchasers of leisure items like games and so forth. His own popularity and enjoyment of games clearly spurring it on, and due to his popularity with the Crystal Ponies, he was pretty much a guaranteed invited guest to the con for the foreseeable future. He was also highly amused at how many publishers sent him copies of their game to test out in the hopes that he would give good reviews of it at the convention.

It was a good thing he was a demi god, because it would already take more than one mortal life time to play all these games.

This year however it seemed nearly everyone was going. Twilight, Rahs, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity were heading up there for a bit of relaxation after the last few months. Heck even Rainbow Dash and Prince were tagging along.

Sombra still had a restraining order, but he was okay with staying home.

Of course, most of 'Rahs' Angels' as Sunset had taken to calling those interested in Rahs, were coming along too. Trixie was already in the Crystal Empire on a job, Jynx was coming along to check up on the dogs she left to run the mines, Saturnia was showing up to visit her mother and father, and Sunset didn't bother to come up with an excuse to go, she just joined them.

“Hey Spike..?” Applebloom asked.


“Do yah think there's such a thing as a bad cutie mark?”

“Is this one of those hypothetical situations mares ask with no right answer, like 'would you still love me if I grew a dick?”

“that's a question?”

“So I've been told.”

“What even is the answer to that?”

“The popular response seems to be 'is it bigger than mine'?” Spike offered.

“But you have two.” Applebloom considered.

“So would the proper response be, 'Do you have three?” Spike considered.

“No, wait, we're off topic with adults weirdness, back to the cutie marks.”

“Well. What do you mean then?”

“Like Trouble Shoes. His cutie mark was causing him a disaster.”

“Trust me when I say it wasn't his mark causing the problem.” Spike sighed.

“Yeah, but what if I get a bad mark, something that I dun wanna do?”Applebloom huffed.

“You think that would be worse than not getting one?”

“Well no.... maybe...”Applebloom admitted. “ What if I get... , I dunno a bug busting cutie mark?”

“Don't worry about it. I doubt there's a bad mark. I mean if it's something you don't want to do just spin it so works for you.”


“Okay, look at Miss Cheerilee. She has some flowers and she says it's a teaching cutie mark. Rarity claims hers helps with her fashion stuff but it's a couple of gems and she doesn't use gemstones on everything she makes.”

“Well ah guess yer right...” Applebloom frowned.

“I might not be, but it's what makes sense and since as far as I know Discord didn't make cutie marks...”

“Nope that was all Law she though ponies needed more structure in their lives.” Discord huffed floating above the two.”Bleah.”

“Sup Discord, haven't seen you in a while.” Spike offered non pulsed at his appearance.

Firefly however was a bit freaked out by the chaos god appearing, but that was mostly due to the block tower game he and Scootaloo were playing having all the pieces suddenly turn into bananas.

He was even more upset that Scootaloo didn't seem to care and had managed to remove one of the bananas without the tower collapsing.

“Oh I've been around, it is a great big world after all and I can't hang around Ponyville all the time.” Discord offered.

“Ehh makes sense.” Spike shrugged. “ Oh, I've been meaning to ask, did you want to join in one of my O&O games?”

“Spike?” Applebloom asked as a pile of bananas tumbled over the table to Firefly's annoyance.

“What, I'm morbidly curious as to what he might do.” Spike offered.” Granted it doesn't have to be O&O I have tons of games now.”

Discord considered for a moment. “I may take you up on that, though I've got far too much on my plate right now.” Discord nodded.

“It's cool, we generally meet on Saturday nights during the school year.” Spike offered.

“Playing games on Saturday night? As young as you are, you should be out living the night life.” Discord pointed out.

“Okay first off both of us have over protective siblings who can sniff us out anywhere, literally. Second Twilight and Big Mac usually go out on Saturday and we have the whole place to ourselves. And third I can call the game early any time I want just to stay with Applebloom.” Spike smirked as Applebloom blushed.

“Ahh, you are a clever one.” Discord nodded. “ Be glad you're not a pony, or calling you clever would be much more disastrous.”

With that Discord snapped his fingers and vanished, the banana block tower turning into a pile of frozen fish sticks.

“Seriously!?” Firefly snapped. “What is it with him and food?”

[Crystal Empire]

In a dark corner of the rebuilt Crystal Castle something was happening, beyond dust bunnies breeding in the corners.

No, they were not related to White.

There was a faint sound in the room, like a large drop of water hitting a still pool in a large cave system. The sound died out rather quickly turning to a faint hum as something magic activated in the mithril room.

Most of the artifacts in there were dormant, subdued by the materials that constructed the room.

The tall horseshoe shaped mirror on the other hoof, glowed in defiance of this place. After all, magic nullification was something that happened to other ponies creations, not things made by the Great Starswirl the Bearded.

A figure emerged from the glowing mirror with a sound like a bit striking the pool at the bottom of a wishing well, the air was filled with the faint whiff of ozone and clear water.

The figure then fell on their face as their new hooves slipped out from under them.

There was a groan of pain before the mirror flared and dumped a whole bunch more figures on top of the first with a painful sounding crash and a good bit of whimpering and fussing.

The largest figure of the group stood up shakily on two legs and looked around curiously before noticing it was wearing a bluish black long coat over navy fur.

"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. We must be over the rainbow!" no longer a bird Rahs exclaimed.

Author's Note:

This episode was in season 4 but i swaped it for another episode from season 5.

and by popular request, the return of Birb Rahs

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