• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Twilight Gets a Puppy, The Movie, Part Seven

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy,
The Movie,
Part Seven

[Isle of the Storm King, 3 days after the attack.]

Captain Thrawn allowed himself a small smile as he watched the reaction brought about by the mages trick, he hadn't expected that much from her in truth, but when it was suggested, she said she could do it, and she proved she could. How much of it was her own skill and how much was the power the dragon goddess gave her hardly mattered.

His gaze drifted to the view port on his left and he frowned.

They were not real view-ports, just a crystal image projection of a full three hundred and sixty degree arc around the out side of the Waning Moon. There were redundant back ups of course and even the option to 'blow a hole' and view the outside through armored glass.

Thrawn was however focused on another ship that had joined them.

While there were quite a few pirates and freebooters like Captain Celaeno, Red Beard, and The Dread Pirate Greg, that he would love to see placed under arrest, there was one that he was simply itching to take on.

The massive mage craft airship was keeping easy pace with the Waning Moon. The green craft had no airbag and was kept aloft by means known only to the captain and crew of the ship.

The ship was nearly as big as the Waning Moon and had been a thorn in his side since he first joined the Royal Navy.

The skull and crossbones that decorated the whole front of the ship seemed to mock him even now.

But as irksome as the pirate ship Arcadia was, the Captain of it pissed him off more.

[Canterlot 2 days after the attack.]

“Ah don't like this.” Applejack growled.

“Tough.” Jynx Growled. “I was not supposed to participate in the last battle as it was for gods. Now that I am a god I am not suppose to participate in this one as it is NOT for gods. This is vexing.”

“Yeah well, it was kinda a surprise tah hear yer new status, but tha rest jus seems like bad luck. Still though...” Applejack gestured to the gathered diamond dogs Jynx had brought with her, all of them armed for war and making most of the Guards running around nervous.

“I do not think I have taught you enough, though for now it will have to do. These dogs are under orders to follow what you say as if it came from me.” Jynx explained as she turned her head and glared back at the one who seemed to be in charge under her. “Or Else.”

The gathered Diamond Dogs were clearly uncomfortable with that 'or else.'

“Ah ain't happy yer forcing them tah help like this.” Applejack muttered.

“I am not forcing them to fight, I asked for those who wanted to fight to come. I AM forcing them to obey you. You are going in my stead Applejack. I am simply giving you what back up I can.” Jynx grinned.” You cannot even say I get to stay here with Rahs. He is a rock.”

The Diamond Dogs suddenly bristled all of them drawing weapons and pointing them at a large blue figure who stepped through the door near Applejack and Jynx.

“Hey Applefact, the portals set. Move your ass.” the blue figure ordered before whipping around and leaving the room, the scaled blue tail lashing behind her.

There was silence for a moment

“What the fuck was that!?” Jynx demanded.

“Oh, you ain't tha only one tah get an upgrade.” Applejack chuckled.

[ Canterlot 2 days after the attack]

Captain Thrawn gritted his teeth staring at the Pirate that stood before him. The Abyssinian pirate he was glaring at returned the stare with his one good eye.

The brown feline had long darker brown hair that partially covered his face, though the eye patch and the scar that trailed across his face was easily visible. He wore a long black and red cloak with a high collar, the clasp of it the same jolly Rodger as on his ship.

Thrawn narrowed his eyes at the cat.

The cat smirked a little.

“So you want WHAT now?!?” Princess Sweetiebelle demanded as she looked over the collection of pirate captains that had gathered.

“Well that depends on the Captain you see. Most of us would like to have out crimes cleared.” Captain Celaeno offered with a small shrug.

“Not happening.” Sweetiebelle stated as Raven whispered in her ear.” You've committed crimes against Equestria and even helping now is not going to give all of you a clean slate.”

“I think you misunderstand young lass how bent over a barrel you are.” A griffon pirate with a red beard chuckled.

“And I think you misunderstand how easy it would be to impersonate you, return to your ships, kill all your crew and have the fleet we need without you.” Saturnia stated, green flame washing over a naga pirate revealing the pink changeling standing there spinning a dagger on her hoof.

The pirates quickly went for their weapons as did the guard as a good dozen more of the pirates turned into changelings.

“ENOUGH!” The one eyed Abyssinian stated, making every pirate in the room freeze as he spoke up. “None of you are here to demand anything, you are all here because a favor was called by one whom you owe it. Or have you already forgotten what Heart has done for us? Or what the Storm King himself has done to us?”

The feline made a sweeping gesture, and Fluttershy in the back hid behind Pinkie Pie as the collected pirates murmured as they glanced to her.

“All we need Princess, is supplies, and two days head start from your Guard fleet when this task is over.” the brown feline stated. ”Give us that and the pirates of Turtle Toga will follow your banner until the Alicorns are recovered.”

There was some nodding agreement from the others.

“That, I can agree to.” Princess Sweetiebelle stated.

Any further discussion was cut off as a portal opened against the far wall. All those present drew weapons again as the dark purple circle in nothing hummed softly.

Stepping out of the portal was an orange furred canine, in shorts and a vest and a brown stetson hat.

“Applejack?” Pinkie Pie questioned.

“Howdy. Sorry bout the entrance, but we were in a hurry. Ah found a guide who ken open tha portal for us and drop us off right on tha bastards front door.” Witch Jack smirked.

Stepping out behind her was a short navy blue male moon dog with nothing on in the way of clothing save a large leather belt draped over his shoulder holding a large crate of some sort. His muzzle was a bit longer than Rahs' and he was about half as tall, though he was bulky and wide at the shoulders. His chin also had a great deal of dark blue scruff fur as if it was a beard. Amber eyes regarded the crowd as the portal closed behind him.

“Woof.” Rahs' father Cosma declared.

[ Canterlot 2 Days after the attack. Canterlot Horsepitol]

Cosma stared up at the statue of his son with a frown. It was far more dangerous in the waking world than he had thought if even gods could be felled like this.

He was getting a few looks from a number of bleary eyed ponies and assorted other creatures. A younger one he recognized as an Apple was taking a lot of notes and generally being sent around as a go-for for the others in the lab, with only the zebra really accepting her observations and allowing her to try things.

Rahs had been chosen as a test case here due to him being the first one caught up in the attack, something the elder Sparkles had suggested. Granted they knew he was a god, and anything tested wouldn't hurt him if it failed. The zebra and the little pony knew as well, but it was doubtful any one else did.

His son had wanted to keep it quiet for some reason.

He had spoken with the Elder Sparkles before he came here and found they were working with the current Princesses parents in order to deal with some issues popping up.

Cosma didn't know what 'planned regicide' or a 'coup' were, but Nightlight had assured him that Sweetiebelle's parents were very good at dealing with that sort of thing, and making sure it was dealt with in a way that it didn't need to be dealt with twice.

It really wasn't his concern, once the ponies were ready, he had another mission.

Applejack had shown up and wanted help. She was surprised that there was as much panic in the the Oneiroi as there was. The stone balls were causing all sorts of chaos there as well. While it seemed only Rahs' link was enough to transfer the spell though, all of the trapped ones were still alive, and even in stasis they still slept and dreamed. And right now that was hundreds of creatures who when asleep had nightmares about being trapped.

Being an apex predator in a realm where little to nothing could hurt you, most of the moon dogs were rather lazy, the sudden rush to have to do something other than eat was causing all sorts of confusion and stress as there were far more nightmares coming from their bonded than usual.

That had sent every moon dog into a frenzy as the number of tantabus' appearing skyrocketed.

Of course that had helped him in this endeavor.

Cosma shifted the strap on his shoulder, ignoring the hisses, screams, and growls coming from the box, despite everyone else in the room staring at him in confusion and or terror, at the sounds.

The Goddess Luna had taught him the spell to go between worlds so he could visit his son. Unfortunately he would need to gorge himself on dreams to be able to cast it once just to head out of the Oneiroi.

When Applejack had asked for help and told what she had planned he had volunteered and set out to gather what he needed.

So here he was in the waking world, with a box full of tantabus snacks to keep his energy up looking to open a gate for an airship fleet. A fleet that would take eight hours to get through the Oneiroi with his guidance to a destination that would take three days in the waking world.

Cosma would let them out then wait until they needed to come back. He was an old dog, and was never a fighter, but he was certainly going to offer any aid he could to those looking to take down the one who had hurt his son.

[Storm Kings Island 3 days after the attack]

“Red three report.”

The pony glided up landing lightly on the cloud with a salute.

“All ships in formation commencing attack on the island, they should be in range of anti air fire from the stronghold in two minutes.” The pegasus stated .

“Right. Operation Shock is complete, it's time for Awe. Red five, you're up. Lets see if you're as good as you say.”

“I am.” Rainbow Dash grinned.

“Spearhead formation, follow the cone, just like in training.” Spitfire snapped following Rainbow Dash as she lept off the cloud, with Soarin to her left just behind Rainbow Dash.

Behind them three score of Wonderbolts and reservists dropped off the cloud in a wedge formation spiraling from the sky at top speed towards the island, all of them carrying large satchels slung under their fore limbs, and some of those in the back towing sulky carts.

The goal was to drop behind enemy lines and take out as much of the anti air defenses as they could for the fleet to approach.

Of course Spitfire had been keeping an eye on Rainbow Dash during her training, particularly with how much her little filly gushed about the mare. She had found Scootaloo wasn't exaggerating too much in her descriptions, and the Rain boom thing the mare could do had a lot of possible uses. As such when she had the chance she drilled the team in it, finding only Dash was able to break the last barrier, but every one else could follow in her slipstream and even be buffered from impact by the wave pushed ahead of the rainbow maned hopeful.

Dash had earned her place on the roster several times over, but she was kept as a reserve simply due to the fact she was an Element of Harmony, and that job was far more important than a Wonderbolt.

Truth be told she outranked Spitfire in that regard, but it seemed no one told her.

Far below on the island, the yeti were still getting over the shock of scores of ships appearing.

The Awe was lost on them as the Wonderbolts exploded out of the sky with a ring of rainbow light and started dropping bombs on the anti air weapons and landing with the sulky carts. The miniaturization spells on the troops inside dispelling as they touched the ground releasing squads of demo teams and Guard shock troops in the middle of the enemy stronghold.

[ Storm Kings Island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

The guttural cry of a yeti sent several armored troops rushing down the hall inside the castle. The leader a yeti in better armor with the rank of a sergeant, rushed up to a wounded yeti coughing and clutching his side where a good bit of blood stained his white fur, outside of one of the armories.

The lead yeti barked an demand.

The injured yeti explained about the pegasus attack and gestured to the armory behind him indicating several were inside with several guttural grunts.

The leader growled and rushed his squad of yeti inside to deal with the threat.

The injured yeti straightened up and stopped coughing as they rushed past, reaching into his belt satchel and drawing out a large angry looking red crystal.

He smacked it against the wall and the colors inside started swirling and growing brighter before he tossed it into the room the other yeti had run into. He quickly ducked around the corner of the hall just as the room exploded with a burst of fire and the screams of the yeti that had been inside.

The injured yeti smirked, a wash of green flame rushing over his form revealing a female changeling in black armor with a red hourglass on the flank. The flame continued and now the leader of the burning group of yeti stood there.

A quick check was done before the 'new' sergeant rushed down the hall to find some one he could order to do something stupid.

Similar things were happening all over the fortress.

The Queen had given the order.

The Widows answered.

[ Storm Kings Island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

“What the fuck!?!” the Storm King bellowed, as the entire castle shook from multiple explosions. The ring of rainbow light radiated away from the island, washing over the attacking fleet and his own making them bob in the air like leaves on a pond after a stone was dropped in.

The Storm King looked back as dust and bits of rock fell from the ceiling of the great hall, along with a few large spiders that scuttled off into the corners of the room.

Tempest glanced at the creatures that came towards her, her glare seeming to make all of them decide to skitter elsewhere.


“I believe we had a deal. I get you the alicorns, you fix my horn.” Tempest stated flatly.” You have the alicorns, now fix my horn.”

The yeti god growled pointing the staff at the mare, who simply continued to stare at him.

“Three days ago I saw the face of death in the sun. You don't frighten me.” Tempest stated flatly, though the storm king could see she had flicked open one of her saddlebags, and he could see several stone balls in it. He sneered at the mare turning his attention to the airships passing over the crashing waves at the edge of his island.

“Fine I will deal with this my self and then your insolence.” the Storm King snapped raising the staff and pointing it at the lead Equestrian airship, The Waning Moon.

There was a hum as four differing colors of magic formed around the crystal, the light of it growing brighter as the yeti lord cackled. With a thrum of power that shook his bones, he launched a beam of energy powered by four alicorns at the ship.

[ Storm Kings Island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

The sirens had just changed up as the first song ended. She turned tossing the mic to her sister a grin on her shark toothed maw. The blue siren moved back from the prow of the ship and the purple one moved up.

Applejack wasn't sure where the song came from, they didn't have any instruments or anything that played music, but something was playing a tune while they sang.

There was magic in it too, that she could smell every where like it was reaching out to all the attackers, not enough to change her, but if she stayed here for long it might, she was back a bit to make sure she wasn't draining them, but neither seemed bothered by her as she tried to force herself not to eat any magic. She had drained herself dry in the Oneiroi helping Cosma with the gate figuring she could pick up some magic in the area and so far she had, she was just shy of being forced to transform.

Some of the others seemed bolstered or ready to go and even a few of the Diamond Dogs Jynx had sent with her seemed to be motivated by the tune. The new one was less peppy, but had more anger in it.

“And it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger, but there's no one around.”

Applejack wasn't a fan of the tune, and of course it did nothing for her, but she couldn't disagree that the pair could sing.

The orange mares attention snapped suddenly to the front of the ship, the feeling of immense power and a scent stronger than anything else was coming from below them. Applejack leaned over the side spotting a glowing ball of energy down on a castle balcony with a yeti holding a staff aloft pointed at them.

The mare rushed forward at a gallop feeling the power grow even stronger, she shoved Aria aside and hit the front railing of the ship leaping off hard enough to crack the railing sending her soaring into the air before she started to fall, her hat flying off her head as her leap brought her between the ship and the yeti. The music dimmed as the massive bolt of magic slammed into the farm pony.

The Waning Moon rocked back, pushed up in the air from the pressure wave shaking from the near impact but undamaged.

The massive spell however arced like lightning finding a copper pole and angled down as it followed what it hit.

No, not followed

The immense magic bolt was being dragged.

The falling magic slammed into the beach, glassing several thousand feet of sand and rock before there was a echoing sound of something tearing, and the magic was ripped away from the staff held by the yeti and dragged down towards the beach.

The magic faded out leaving a blackened crater of glass in the beach, the tide just low enough that it hadn't started to fill the hole with sea water.

A number of yeti who were on the beach readying to fight blinked the spots from their eyes as they looked over to the crater.

All of them froze as something came out of the smoking hole.

An orange furred canine that looked like what a Diamond Dog wished it could be stood on the lip of the crater. The towering form stood taller than the yeti's god. A wild mane of blonde hair billowed floating around the creatures wolf like head like a halo of gold. Long pointed ears poked up out of the mass of hair each tipped with a nearly blinding orb of silvery light. The females fur crackled with energy, burning off into the air like saint equines fire as it danced over her form wreathing her in multicolored flame. The ample chested females tail lashed behind her, the crescent that glowed on the end of her tail as large as a scythe as it whipped through the air behind her

She stood on the edge of the crater panting heavily, but unmoving other wise. The armored yeti cautiously approached, freezing and raising their weapons as the canine looked up into the sky.

Following her gaze they saw a brown object flutter down from above, the creature reached out her hand catching the object as it fell in her claws, She smirked brushing it off with her other hand, then placed the battered stetson on her head and grinned wide her green eyes blazing as she regarded the yeti around her.

She spoke with a growl flickers of energy danced over her fangs and tongue, nearly letting her spit the sparks at them.

“Ya'll took a couple of friends of mine. I'd be much obliged if you gave them back … right now.” Witch-Jack growled ready to let the yeti know why so many other races were afraid of Witch-Wolves.

Author's Note:

This arc is taking far longer than i expected, but it's getting close to the end now that the battle is engaged.

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