• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Canterlot Bewitched

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Canterlot Bewitched

[Ponyville, Winter, one month after Spike's Birthday]

“I cannot believe you.” Spike growled.

“It wasn't supposed to affect him like this!” Twilight protested.

“That means it was one hundred percent going to affect him and all of us too!” Spike snapped. ”You keep using him as a spell dump and act surprised when shit like this happens!”

“Language.” Twilight chides.

“It's appropriate!!” Spike growled.

“It would have been nice if you told me there was a poison joke mixture in there!” Rahs growled. “I'm not immune to that!”

“I told you to break the spell!” Twilight snapped.” Not the gem!”

“There was only one damn spell in the room and that was on the gem!” Rahs snapped back.” The Gem broke as soon as I ate the spell!”

“Screw this, I am not going to school until you fix this Twilight, and you better fix it before his girl friends find out, cause I'm pretty sure none of them are into mares!!” Spike shouted. " And you know as well as I do Shining is on his way."

In Ponyville it was quite a common thing for the Sparkles to argue, there was a safety zone set up around where they lived in fact. The two non pony brothers and their alicorn sister were normal in that regard, many siblings argued and fought, maybe not as much as these three, and certainly not as powerful. Though other siblings also didn't get up to what these three got up to almost daily.

Of course at the moment, thanks to a late night experiment boiling over and Twilight asking Rahs to eat it in a bit of a panic, the Sparkles were currently a non pony sister, a alicorn sister, and an alicorn brother.

“How in Tartarus did you manage to make me a pony and a mare without turning yourself into a dragon and Spike a dog?” Rahs snapped sounding very much like Luna as he shouted. The former moon dog was now a navy blue alicorn mare, who honestly looked more like Rainbow Dash in terms of build than anything else. His mane and tail while the same color as his coat whipped in an unseen breeze, flickers of images barely perceptible appeared or formed from the whipping mane and tail like fading dreams.

Spike was a little freaked out by that.

“Drama?” Twilight offered. The purple alicorn was a rather robust stallion, while not quite as well built as Shining Armor, he was a bit bigger than Rahs. Something which amused Twilight greatly. Twilight's voice had deepened considerably, and while it wasn't quite like Rahs' it was close.

“She's using your own powers against you dude.” Spike offered. To the untrained eye Spike only looked slimmer than the had been before. To those who knew him his barbs were rounder and his muzzle a bit more angular, his slimmer form also had more pronounced hips and chest like the teenage dragonesses he had met years ago. His voice sounded rather like Sweetiebelle's as well, complete with the occasional crack.

“Blasphemy!!” Rahs shouted.

[ Crystal Empire]

“I'll see you two later, I'm off to Ponyville to kill my sister.” Shining Armor called back, half storming, half galloping out of their chambers.

“You sure you don't want to try for a third foal Shiny!?” Cadence called after the white unicorn mare.

“Eenope” Shining shouted back and vanished with a pop of teleportation.

“Hmmm.” Chrysalis considered.” Did he look shinier than usual to you? Like he was made of crystal?”

“I wonder what Twilight did this time?” Cadence hummed.

[ Ponyville]

Rahs growled as she stormed out of Seshat on her way towards the Spa. An angry female raccoon sitting on her back chittering curses back at Twilight.

Blakeney was not thrilled to be a female.

Owlowiscious had been the calmest of the pets, clearly annoyed at being female now, but going back to sleep given it was the middle of the day.

Peewee had tried to set Twilight on fire.

Then Spike had succeeded on setting Twilight on fire.

Seshat had not been happy about all the flame inside him, but he wasn't against Twilight being set on fire.

They hadn't even been sure trees could have a gender though the female voice of the tree was decidedly male right now.

Rahs was just annoyed with it and wanted to get cured as fast as he could. Granted he wasn't even sure if the usual spa treatments could fix it, but it was better to try than to just sit around and argue with his sister.

“Hey, hold up!”

Rahs blinked, and stopped to glance back seeing about a score of of Ponyville males approach her.

Rahs frowned recognizing Thorax, Caramel, a few sea pony workers, some other changelings, a few other stallions, a couple of Diamond Dogs, and a griffon tom that moved into town.

“So help me, if any of you even think about trying to ask me out, I will go back and kill my sister at least twice.” Rahs snarled." And that's after I'm done mangling whoever asked."

“Relax Rahs, we know it's you.” Thorax waved a hoof, the changeling glanced to the side where another larger changeling stood apart from the rest of the group, but he was clearly listening in. Rahs though that one might be Thorax' brother, though his name eluded her. ”None of us are going to try and date you or anything like that.”

“Though he does look very good as a mare....”

“Shut up Caramel.” Another stallion snorted.

“Then what do you want?” Rahs questioned as he glared at Caramel.

“Simple, we want to know how you did it.” the Griffon Tom asked.

“Did what?”

“How you managed to get some of the hottest females this side of a literal goddess chasing after you of course.” One of the diamond dogs demanded surprisingly eloquently. “

“You've got Jynx who I'm told is the end all beat all of Diamond Dog attractiveness,” Thorax began with all the Diamond Dogs in the group agreeing. ”Saturnia, who IS one of, if not the hottest changeling there is..”

“Sunset who has me scaroused every time I talk to her.” Another stallion offered.

“Don't forget Applejack.... not sure on that wolf form of hers but other wise …. daaym,...” one of the other stallions pointed out.

“The wolf form is that too.” One of the Diamond Dogs offered.

“And even the normal one, Trixie, is damn cute.” offered another stallion.

“Not to mention there are rumors one of the queens daughters has taken an interest in you.” A sea pony asked.

“What!?!” Rahs snapped before slapping her hooves to her face before swearing profusely as her hooves hurt a lot more than his paws did.

“Let's not forget he had nearly the entire female populations of the Crystal Empire and Cloudsdale chasing him.” Another stallion offered.

“ How are you having trouble? Don't the mares in Ponyville outnumber the stallions six to one?” Rahs demanded.

“Maybe a couple years ago, but since the influx of ponies recently, it's evened out.” Caramel offered. “ Maybe even gone the other way with how many mares seem to like other mares, or situations like the Flower Trio all claiming that one Nox -Cal fellow.”

“Not sure if I envy or pity that guy.” One of the stallions muttered.

“So before it gets any more unbalanced we'd like to up our chances of finding some one, and with how successful you are, we kinda wanted to know the secret.” Thorax concluded.

“Secret, what secret?” Rahs demanded having no clue how she did any of that.

“Come on now, please?” One of the sea ponies pleaded." Don't keep it to yourself you have enough girls."

Rahs opened her mouth to respond, then closed it having no clue what to say to this lot, she really had no idea at all how she had all these females after her... well maybe the ones from the Crystal Empire, but nearly dying was not a valid way to attract females. She had no idea why Saturnia, or Sunset wanted him, Applejack was a special case, as was Trixie, and Jynx had explained her interest was ingrained in her culture. There wasn't any one thing that could account for all these girls chasing after her like that.

She was about to tell that to this lot, when an idea struck her.

Rahs grinned. “Well.... if you must know....”

The group leaned closer, and even Thorax's brother, who had been trying to look disinterested by staring at the sky, leaned in a little closer to hear.

“The thing is....” Rahs smiled. “Women seem attracted to those in theater...”


“Mare. You need to stop this.” Sombra growled.

“It's only a few thousand more stitches. It will be fine darling.” Rarity winced.

“Per dress, and you have two hundred more to make.” Sombra shook his head. “You need to inform that one who is the boss, and who is the hired help.”

“It is not as easy as that.”

“It is EXACTLY, as easy as that.”

“It's fine, I've got this.” Rarity muttered still working.

“You made a dress for Sweetiebelle for her birthday and she wore it to Canterlot to sit in on a Night Court, some noble wench sees it and wants one of the 'Princess Dresses' and now you're making hundreds of them.” Sombra snapped.

“Yes well. It became popular.” Rarity flattened her ears to her head.

“Have you even managed to make anything else?” Sombra asked with a frown.

“Of course not, every one wants one of the Princess dresses.” Rarity sighed.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique. Sombra parroted in a horrid, yet perfectly insulting mockery of Rarity's catch phrase, well the catch phrase after 'Darling' . “While I have no idea what chic is, I am seeing this 'Princess Dress' as far from unique, particularly if you're making two hundred of them.”

“Three hundred and forty eight were ordered.” Rarity muttered.

“If you want an assembly line pumping out the same dress, you should set up an assembly line factory in Aerie and let the griffons do it for a pittance.” Sombra suggested.

“I don't...... I don't want anything like that.” Rarity sighed. ”You're right... this isn't what I wanted to do with my shops at all...”

“Good. You are seeing reason. Finally” Sombra added with a nod before he turned away from Rarity heading towards the door. ”I'll go tell that employee of yours.”

“Sombra, are you going to be polite and calm, or are you going to be abrasive and violent?” Rarity asked narrowing her eyes.

Sombra stopped at the door to consider the question. ”I was going to split the difference and be calm and violent.”

A tendril of shadow lashed out grabbing him and dragging Sombra back in the room before he could get fully out the door.

“Sombra no...”

“Sombra yes!”

“Oh stars, you've been hanging out with Sunset again.”

Author's Note:

Last filler for a while. Gonna start the seasons' biggest arc soon

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