• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Cutie Re-Materia Part 1 Chapter 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

The Cutie Re-Materia
Part 1
Chapter 2

[Main time-line]

“Well that was a disaster.” Twilight Sparkle sighed as Starlight vanished with a cackling laugh.

“Which part? Where my shields still didn't catch her due to her teleporting faster than I could block, or the fact Rahs fell through the clouds the moment he stepped off the table?” Shining grumbled.

“Maybe it was the complete uselessness of me because you 'didn't have time' to cast a cloud walking spell on me.” Spike grumbled.” Or how you only fired off some paltry ass stun spells that a parasprite could shake off at her, while pretty much announcing our presence with a rousing speech that she interrupted twice and ignored the rest of the time?”

“BORK” Rahs snapped clawing at the edge of the table as he stepped out of a cloud bank and barely managed to grab the edge of the crystal table before he fell through the clouds again.

“Look this is the first time we encountered her, things can't go perfectly the first time.”Twilight grumbled.

“Yeah save no we lost the element of surprise.”Spike growled.”And that mare is scary competent at being a pain in the ass. So you even see what she did?”

“No, not really I was trying to stop her.” Twilight responded.

“She stopped the sonic rain boom from happening, by doing nothing more than startling Rainbow Dash before she left the starting gate with a firecracker spell.” Spike grumbled.”I've heard this story enough to know exactly where we are.”

“Okay.... and...” Twilight asked before blinking.” Oh.”

“Right no rain boom, no Elements of Harmony, it means you never hatched me or pulled Rahs from the Oneiroi, it means Applejack stayed in Manehatten, Pinkie never leaves the farm and Rarity never finds the gemstones, and you never get into Celestia's school.” Spike snapped.

“What about Fluttershy?” Shining asked.

“She still fell off a cloud so unless she splats on the ground I don't think much changes for her.”Spike shrugged. “ But with no Elements guess who never beats Nightmare Moon? She screwed the whole time line up with a freaking cantrip spell. That mare butterfly effected the crap out of us.”

“How would she even know all this about you?” Shining asked.

“Grrrrrrr.” Rahs added.

“Paparazzi right.” Shining sighed. “With all the interviews and stories that came out after the Element's of Harmony became known her knowing most of your history and how you six were connected should be fairly common knowledge.”

“Plus our book delved into cutie marks a little using Twilight's and the others as an example.” Spike sighed

“You think she has a copy of our book?” Twilight considered.

“If so we can autograph it for her in her blood.”Spike snapped.

“You're being kinda out of character vicious today Spike” Shining pointed out.

“Dude the mare made me no longer exist, yer damn right I want blood.”Spike ranted.

“Language.” Twilight chided.

“No, fuck that. Until we take this mare down I am using whatever language I find appropriate and I assure you I have an extensive vocabulary of the word FUCK to work through.”Spike growled.

“Fair enough.” Shining Armor shrugged.” I suppose all we need to do now is hit the button and see what the worlds gonna be like before we reset and try again.”

“Fine. But if I vanish into nonexistence next time you see that mare you better take her head to fix this because I am not willing to not be born just for some stupid friendship feeling for the no longer a god in this time line here.”Spike gestured to Twilight.

“Agreed.” Shining Armor stated. “I can set up a small anti teleport bubble in a second, just enough that it would leave a portion of her head behind if she tried to teleport while it was up, it won't offer any protection or capture ability,it just prevents a spot it surrounds from teleporting.”

“You can do that?”Spike blinked.

“I've learned a lot of things watching Chryssy and Celestia kill each other.”Shining Armor nodded sagely.

The other Sparkles sighed or shook their heads at that information before Spike hit the button White told him too sending the table back to the starting point.

[Time line 18-5-9-7-14 15-6 14-9-7-8-20]

The table appeared in what looked like a field of carrots . The Sparkles looked around curiously seeing the muted colors of the plant life and the pitch black night that surrounded them.

“Well.. looks like a Nightmare Moon win to me.” Spike offered.

“Wuff.” Rahs added sniffing the air.

“Ponies? Well seems it's not a frozen death planet scenario.” Twilight nodded her gaze sweeping over the pale vegetation, and vast amounts of moss. “Still bad.”

“Is that Pinkie Pie?” Shining asked gesturing to a pink mare with straight hair at the other end of the field lit up by a lantern she carried. The way the mare moved and the bulge of her belly seemed to show she was with a foal.

“I don't know....”Twilight stammered.

The crash of armor and the thunder of hooves caused the mare to douse her light and run off into the dark, The Sparkles turned the other way and Rahs growled again.

“Guards?” Shining asked.” They sound like they are armed for war too.”

“Sounds like they are headed this way.”Spike offered.”I think it's time to go before we get caught up in whatever happened to this place.”

“But think of the research possibilities.”Twilight stated.

“You're right we should stop and see what is wrong with this time line and completely ignore trying to fix our own for the sake of science... oops I already pushed the button too bad maybe next time.” Spike rambled as he mashed the button causing the table and the Sparkles to vanish.

The collection of Guards rush up to the spot their gaze shifting around, the sound of armor all that was heard as no mutters or words come from any of the guards.

Another pony trots up the Guards in midnight blue and black part for the approach of the pony in thick armor that looks like bone and smells faintly of oranges. A large double bladed sword with slightly curved edge resting on his hip wrapped in leather straps.

The only thing visible on the bone armored pony is the gray fur of his jaw and one red eye and one green eye showing through the helm's visor.

“Whatever was here is gone now.” Jer'rahd Kaisur, head of House Loyalty muttered mostly to himself.

[Time line 7. 9. 10-15-5]

“So what your saying is your two forces have been fighting for years and neither side has secured a solid victory, nor any real deaths just a lot of property damage, destroyed aircraft, and gun fire.”Twilight blinked.” Though you usually manage to push them back for about a week before they attack again the following Saturday?”

“That is correct.” The tall blonde man in a military uniform nodded.

“Well now we know.” Spike shrugged.

“And knowing is half the battle.” Duke offered.

Rahs rolled his eyes and hit the button.

[Time line 2-1-20-13-1-14]

Twilight blinked looking down at herself. She was human again, though her skin was more a peach color. Looking over to the others she was surprised to see Shining also a human with black hair and in an outfit that looked like a police uniform.

Glancing to a very annoyed looking Spike he was a plain brown dog of some kind, only really identifiable by where he sat on the crystal table.

Rahs was the oddity, and he seemed even more pissed than Spike as he was a large black raven with more hints of blue in his feathers than a normal bird.

“Okay this is odd.” Shining pointed out as he looked around, they seemed to be on the beach of a bustling city, just along the side of a large pier that ran out onto a large body of water, perhaps a river or even a gulf of some sort.

The thud of footfalls on the pier above them brought all of their attentions upward as a man in a gray and blue costume that looked vaguely like a bat ran up to the railing and looked down at them, a large black ball held high over his head with a wick that was slowly burning down.

The Sparkles looked at the man, he looked and them and he sighed.

“Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb.” The man sighed and ran off away from the railing.

After a few more moments there was an explosion and the sound of water crashing back down after being blown into the air.

“Well that was a thing.” Twilight stated as Spike mashed the green button.

[ Time line 4-5-1-20-8 2-1-20-20-12-5]

The scream of engines causes all the Sparkles to wince and the sonic boom that hits a moment later knocks Spike and Twilight off the table, leaving Twilight frantically flapping her wings trying to regain her balance, while Spike just face plants in the grass.

Shining quickly puts up a shield bubble stopping anyone from tumbling too far from the table and protecting them from whatever just buzzed them.

Looking around they spot a gray red and blue machine flying through the air cutting above the tree tops chasing after a small blue figure that Rahs makes out as Rainbow Dash.

“What the Tartarus is that thing chasing her?” Shining demanded.

“It looks like something Sunset described from the human world called a jet plane.” Twilight offered.” We have similar things but most of our air craft are pony powered, though I have heard of a few fixed wing craft using magic in development.”

“Okay what ever it is just launched some rockets at her... “ Spike frowned.

Rainbow Dash yelped and shot up into the air, the rockets chasing after her.

The plane stops in mid air floating there a second before there was an odd noise and the plane changed to a giant robot that continued to hover in the air, looking up at the missiles chasing the blue pony into the clouds.

“Okay... that was kinda cool.” Spike pointed out at the transformation.

“Wuff?” Rahs considered.

“Yeah that would be a neat toy, I bet we could make a comic or a crystal show series .” Spike pondered. “Granted the whole point of those would be to sell the toys.”

Rahs blinked, before looking at the fourth wall and raising an eyebrow.

“Shouldn't we do something? That thing is attacking your friend.” Shining Armor stated with a frown.

“Nah, just wait for it.” Twilight offered.

“Wait for what?” Shining asked.

A sudden boom and a ring of rainbow light blew apart the clouds as a streak of light shot down out of the sky, the missiles exploding where the ring hit them. The beam shooting down was lead by a blue pegasus pony who then plowed into the robot with a massive explosion and a rainbow colored mushroom cloud.

“Yep.... Fights over.” Twilight offered as chunks of the robot were scattered across the landscape.

[ Time line 4-15-7-7-5-18]

Shining armor swallowed a little, keeping the smile on his face as the mares swarmed around him.

“I'm sorry ladies but I'm already taken.” Shining offered getting a good feeling that he was well aware of what these mares were after, and it wasn't his winning personality.

“Awww.” a few of them offered.

“You sure they wouldn't mind a few more to join your heard.... we can share...” a teal unicorn purred.

“While I am quite certain Cady would be okay with that, I doubt Chryssy would, she's a bit of the jealous type. And besides I have two foals on he way and I'd rather not upset them.”

“Ooooh, well we know he's virile now girls....” another mare cooed.

Shining drew in a slow breath and pressed back against the tables edge as the mares crowded in. This place seemed relatively safe, unless you were a male, but there was some weird stuff.

When they first arrived most of the town had looked at them for a moment then moved on with their business with only a few mares staring.

So typical Ponyville really.

Not long after that a massive snake had made it's way between the buildings, causing a bit of fright from the locals though most ignored it, or tried to. It seemed more curious about the table and those on it, and didn't appear threatening though Shining and Rahs were both tensed for it to do something.

Twilight of course saw the giant thing, screamed and shot off into the distance her scream dopplering as she zipped through the buildings.

Shining was certain the snake had rolled it's eyes then slithered off through the town going about whatever business giant snakes had.

The second thing that happened was a massive three headed dog showed up, looked at them, growled a little, licked Rahs with one head, stared at Shining with the other, and picked up Spike with the third head before lumbering off.

The Cerberus was stopped from having a very very bad day by a mare coming up to the table and explaining that Fluffy was the town's Truant officer and was just taking the teenaged dragon to the school house.

Rahs decided to go find Twilight and left Shining to guard the table, which was where the mare swarm came in.

Shining really hoped Rahs would hurry the buck up.

It was at this moment that a group of figures approached the gaggle of mares.

“Alright all of you piss off he's taken by a Princess so your interests are invalid.” a Twilight snaps, a notebook held in her magic that she was furiously writing in.

Another Twilight with wings followed behind her writing things down furiously in a note book of her own.

Next to the first Twilight is a tall human with dark hair and a some what scruffy appearance, floating next to him in the air is Rainbow Dash, both of them seem confused and slightly amused at things.

Just behind them is Rahs and what Shining assumes is a human Pinkie Pie judging by the hair, she wass talking animatedly at Rahs as the moon dog looks over what seems to be a stack of paperwork in his hands.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Yep all you gotta do is get them to sign it and it should be all good. Of course you need to go over it with your dimensions legal teams but it's fairly solid.” Pinkie Pie gestured.

“Bark?” Rahs questioned looking heavily embarrassed.

“Cause there's a whole bunch of people and ponies and other things out there who are all for this result.” Pinkie Pie smirked. “I'm just speeding along my bet by passing on the paperwork.”


“Okay not 'my' my bet, but my bet, you know?” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

“Alright I see you found yourself.” Shining Armor points out as the two Twilight stop in front of the table the gaggle of mares taking that moment to back off, though a number of them still stared at Shining, with a few others giving Rahs an appraising look as well.

“Quite a interesting divergence in this time line.” Twilight stated, her voice a little rough, likely from the screaming at the giant snake.

“Possibly not a time line but a dimensional divergence, there are after all a few examples of it already.” This time line's Twilight offered.

“Okay and who is this then?” Shining Armor asked, looking up at the human.

“Oh that's my husband.” This time line's Twilight pointed out.

“Are you Serious?” Shining asked.

“Yes. Yes I am.” The human grinned.

“Ugh. Don't get him started.” Rainbow Dash sighed not hiding her smirk very well.


The entire group turned looking up as Spike ran up to the table, hoping onto it and slamming his hand on the button like it was one of those stupid, 'you get this, but this happens' buttons with no real consequence.

The other Sparkles blink as the table doesn't do anything but shake a little as Spike pounds on it.

“Spike we need a few supplies and this seems like a safe enough time line to do just that.” Twilight offered.

Spike stopped mashing the button with his claw standing up and kicking the button with a foot as he faced his siblings, terror on his face.

“Twilight. This place has it's own Cutie Mark Crusaders, ELEVEN OF THEM!! They have raised the dead, tormented hydra, formed a herd with themselves, crossed dimensions, rewritten portions of reality with Sweetiebelle's cooking, hunted werewolves which got ONE of them their cutie marks for, taught earth ponies how to fly, the massive three headed dog is Applebloom's pet, rewritten the progress of an entire nother world, introduced an entirely new race of creatures to Equestria, tamed a wild unicorn from another dimension, and I'm pretty sure Sweetiebelle is carnivorous." Spike ranted. “We go now. Going is good, staying is bad.”

Rahs nodded tucking the paper work Pinkie gave him in his coat picked before he picked up his sister and brother and hopped up on the table .

With Spike still mashing the button the table fades out with the sound of a ticking clock.

Those remaining blink as their Twilight continues to write in her notebook

“Well. I do hope they are going to be alright.” Sirius Black offered.

“Oh I'm sure they'll be fine,” Pinkie Pie offered. “Though Twilight seemed a little horse.”

[Any when]


White blinked and turned his head to watch as a lavender unicorn stormed across the gray landscape towards him.

Numerous rabbit heads and bodies appeared in her wake, all of them glaring at the mare as if ready to go off on her like piranha, a few of them starting to spin up their teeth.

White shook his head slightly, turning to face the mare, the swarm of rabbits looked disappointed as they fade back into the gray.

“Something I can help you with Starlight Glimmer?” White asked as he turned back to the nothing and everything he was fiddling with in the expanse of gray.

“You!! You are ruining everything you damned rabbit.”Starlight growled. “The Sparkles should be GONE but you sent them after me!”

“My what an ego you have. I will send the Sparkles to deal with a issue they already dealt with when they will. “White offered. “At no point would I have ever said that YOU were the issue. You are barely worth note in the grand scheme of things. Certainly you may be important, but there are just as many times when you are not.”


Starlight screamed out in rage, her horn flaring as a blast of arcane might hits the white rabbit, exploding it in a shower of gore and flame.

Starlight growled panting heavily at the discharge watching as the gray absorbed the mess and char. She whirled around with a satisfied smirk and a white rabbit floated before her inches from her nose.

A paw reaches out and touched her nose.

“Boop.” White stated.

Starlight's nose suddenly shattered and scrunched up like she had just been hit a bat wielded by a dragon, her head whipped backward as her skull is forced backwards, her head flying and dragging her body with it, tearing ligaments, shattering bones and ripping flesh as she is sent tumbling end over end, crashing and bouncing across the surprisingly hard and jagged expanse of gray until she comes to a stop. Her limbs manged, her nose and jaw broken, her spine feeling dislocated and her horn cracked.

White flicks an ear.

Starlight floated up from where she landed tumbling back towards the rabbit, wounds and injuries healing as she bounced back across the landscape, her body recovering as she spins back up to where she had been standing at the start, not a mark on the mare, though she remembers it all.

“Boop.” White says, and Starlight's nose is again shattered as her body tumbled across the plain.

Starlight only lays in the pained heap for a few seconds before time rewinds and she's sent back towards the floating rabbit.


The mare barely has a chance to scream.

“See this is what I will be talking about. Boop. You come into MY house, talked shit. Boop. And then try to blast me. That's pure ego right there. Boop. Or perhaps it will be little more than anger coupled with stupidity. Boop. It has become rather clear that despite how smart you are, you will also be damned stupid. Boop.” White ranted his ear flicking occasionally as he simply holds his paw out to contact the mares nose every time she rewinded. “It is said that my existence might be the most fragile as time is only a construct of conscious thought. Boop. Those who say that tend to forget that time is ALWAYS there. Boop. Even if there are those not sapient enough to perceive time. Boop. The fact the seasons exist, the rotation of the planet, the pulsing of distant stars, the aging of reality. Boop. I might be weakened if no one was sapient enough to perceive time, but it would hardly be enough to destroy me. Boop. Time exists whether anyone is smart enough to perceive it or not. Boop. Plus I also have rabbits and carrot cake as portfolios so. Boop. “

A flick of an ear and the mare tumbles back to the rabbit, though White has lowered his paw, though he is nose to nose with Starlight now.

“You are hardly a speck of worry in my mind mare. You are not the main character, you are barely important enough to be more than a background character in this world. The title is not Starlight Fights a Puppy. Though I fear now that I will say that some one made it happen.” White sighed. ”Mare there is a reason even Discord will not go against me and what I just put you through is not the why of that. Now get back to your plot line and out of my sight, it's almost done any way.”

White lands lightly on the mass of gray as Starlight takes the moment to vanish with a pop of magic and the ticking of a clock.

“So were you going to tell her the reason I don't mess with you is I lost a bet?” Discord asked from nearby.

“Of course not. She didn't need to know about that.” White smirked.

“I still say you cheated.” Discord huffed.

“I will not cheat. I had no need to.” White wiped his claws on his chest holding them up to look them over a moment.”You just suck at cards.”

Author's Note:

Panicked Spike is brought to you by Dogger807 and Magic School Days verse

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