• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 6,682 Views, 4,164 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Every little thing she does is magic.... Season 5 Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

Every little thing she does is magic....
Season 5 Epilogue

[Ponyville, Seshat, five minutes after the table vanished.]

Shining armor sighed rubbing his temples with his hooves. His siblings had already run off with the passengers. The two Apples having been really reluctant to come with them, though between Twilight being an alicorn and explaining everything, and the three of them kicking the shit out of a mass of diamond dogs that were trying to kill them, they finally agreed.

Shining thought it was going to screw over things. That idea lasted until the table had dropped them right back into Ponyville with nearly exactly the same time they left, with a faint musical bing from their cutie marks signaling 'mission completed'.

Seshat was not happy and claimed the entire process felt weird and she hated it.

She claimed she was going to go lie down, which confused Shining, but the others seemed to ignore it as they rushed out the door leaving Shining to watch over the pale, wide eyed, and twitching Starlight.

The mare hadn't said anything directly after the four of them trashed Grogar and the others back in that one time line.

Twilight had torn into Grogar and his zombies, Shining dealt with Tirek and the others tearing up everything else. He was glad to see his siblings had listened to him when he started working on training them a little more in combat during their trip.

They were not up to his standards yet, but he was happy they could hold their own.

The front doors slammed open, and there was an explosion that rocked the building. Shining Glanced to Starlight who twitched, before a series of other sounds went off along with Seshat bitching as various spell traps went off before Shining could hear the thunder of hooves as a collection of Guard and Princess Luna all rushed into the room. They quickly adopted a sun burst configuration to avoid being taken out by one large attack, yet still close enough to shield each other. Standard forced entry protocol really.

“Sup.” Shining Armor offered.

“Shining Armor, what has happened, when we received Spike's message we were prepped for the worse.” Luna offered the magic shield around her still throwing off wisps of smoke and a few faint crackles of energy from the traps.”For some reason this time of year seems to have some sort of horrid event happen.”

“Yeah well it did, but we dealt with it. This mare was fucking around with the time stream. We managed to convince her it was a bad idea.” Shining Armor shrugged.

Luna and the Guards looked at Starlight who whimpered a little. Finding Tempest unconscious and showing signs of spell damage had made them more worried though there was a medic team with her at the moment. That this one unicorn mare had taken down what many of the Guard considered a very dangerous combatant gained her a few cross looks.

“We only received the message a few moments ago..... to solve it this quickly must be a record for you four.” Luna smiled, prepping a scroll and sending it off to her sister. The pair had done a quick rock paper scissors for the choice of who would go. Luna won because her sister always threw rock first.

“Not really. We've been gone months for out time, and maybe days for this mare.” Shining Armor sighed. “If Seshat hadn't told us barely any time had passed since we left, I'd be freaking out quite a bit for missing my foals births.”

“Understandable.” Luna nodded, gesturing as the Guards fanned out checking the place over, the outpost on the other side of the tree had several magical traps set in it and with Rahs not here the team had to do things the hard way. Or let the Princess rush through them like a minotaur in a glass shop, which is a saying Luna never understood as the Minotaur were very skilled and careful when it came to making and selling glassware.

“Shining Armor sir.” one of the Guards offered, though Shining notice none of them were turning their back to him and the shields were still up.

“Yeah yeah. What is this Tuesday? Lets see, the Ponyville code was Midsummer Nights dream. Really they shouldn't let Rahs help with the passwords. And I believe Canterlot's today is, One cup white sugar. Half a cup butter, Two eggs, two teaspoons vanilla extract,a cup and a half of flour, one and three fourths teaspoon of baking powder, and half a cup of milk. Serves twelve, or just Celestia.”

“It checks out,.” The Guard offered with a nod as the others started to relax.

Luna opened her mouth to say something when the air over her horn lit up and a scroll appeared. Snatching it out of the air she looked it over.

“Ahh. It seems my sister has started to get the Guard forces to stand down, though there was a missive from the Empire.” Luna read.” Oh. Cadence has gone into labor.... as has Chrysalis. Well that was fairly interesting that they are EEEEKKKK!!”

Luna yelped as the moment she lowered the letter Shining Armor was practically in her face on the other side of the scroll.

“Luna open a portal to the Empire like you did for Chrysalis” Shining demanded.

“Shining Armor while I understand you are a new father you cannot......” Luna trailed off noting the bloodshot eyes and the slightly smoking mane of the stallion. She also took note that the tiles under his hooves were cracked and that all the Guards that had been in the room with her suddenly were no longer in the room.

“Portal.” Shining armor hissed. “Please.”

Luna blinked once, her horn lighting up as she poured magic into the portal to the Crystal Empire again, which Shining was through before the thing was even fully formed.

Luna watched it for a moment and sighed before she closed the portal, noting that several of the Guards were suddenly back in the room as if they hadn't fled.

“Cowards.” Luna huffed narrowing her eyes at them as they blissfully continued to pretend nothing had happened while looking for other traps as if they had been doing that all along.

“Yeah well we don't regenerate Princess.” one of them stated getting an eye roll from Luna as she moved over to the still trembling mare.

“So then miscreant . What is thine part in this?” Luna demanded.

Starlight mumbled to herself.

Luna frowned.

“Knave pay attention when your Princess is speaking with you.” Luna prodded the mare on the shoulder.

Starlight wobbled and then fell over on her side still stiff as a board and mumbling.

Luna sighed. She wasn't sure why she bothered to get up some days.

[Sweet Apple Acres]

Twilight, Spike and Rahs stood at the edge of the fence row watching as the Apples encountered Bright Mac and Pear Butter again after over ten years.

Applejack and Big Mac had recognized them immediately and after a good bit of shock had practically tackled them. Granny had reacted much the same, though Applebloom and Sunset seemed hesitant, the former as she didn't remember them, the later as she didn't think she had ever met them.

Sunset trotted over to the Sparkles as the rest of the family had their reunion.

“What the hell is this?” Sunset asked.

“Time fuckery.”

Twilight sighed as her brothers smirked.

“Isn't this going to be an issue with White?” Sunset asked.

“I doubt it. I expect this was what he said we already did when we did it though we hadn't yet. Besides he hasn't shown up to do anything.” Spike shrugged.

“Hmmm. So what now?” Sunset offered as there was something of a gleeful scream as Pear Butter was crushing Applebloom in a hug.

“Now I'm going home and taking a nap after I check on Tempest and figure out what to do with Starlight.” Twilight sighed. “It's been a long few months.”

“Months?” Sunset questioned.

“Time fuckery.”

Twilight sighed glaring at Rahs.

“Any way we have things to do, and I figure we should let the Apples reconnect after all that happened.” Twilight offered. “I expect we'll get drawn into it in a few days or so when it comes up that they are dating us.”

“I'm rather curious as to what they're gonna say when they find out their youngest is dating a dragon and their oldest is dating an alicorn.” Spike smirked.

“What is Rahs chopped liver?” Sunset huffed.

“Yes,” Spike and Twilight stated both of them getting cuffed in the back of the head by an annoyed Rahs.

“Any way Sunset can you give these to them once everything calms down?” Twilight offered as Rahs handed the orange mare a pair of small books as the trio headed back home.

Sunset glanced down at the papers with a small frown.

“So you've been displaced in time, By Twilight Sparkle. Third edition.” Sunset muttered.

[Canterlot. Royal palace]

Princess Celestia sighed reading the note her sister sent. With how everything had gone the last five years she had truly expected something terrible when Spike sent the message with a warning. There hadn't been much too Spikes message. There was the usual red item he sent before hoof that warned that he might be sending something dangerous to her to deal with, though when nothing came after that Celestia had assumed the worst and sent a number of Guard down there with her sister to see if they could deal with whatever was happening. Luna would lead an smaller advance force while Celestia prepared a larger force.

Given that the red item was a wrapper cut away from a ketchup bottle rather than the whole bottle made an accident unlikely.

It had only been a short time since they all left, but the message back from Luna informing Celestia that the situation was dealt with and more information would be forth coming.

Celestia had gone to the war room and informed the Guard Captains to stand down for now. All of them had seemed rather happy about that, to be fair so was she.

She was on her way back to the throne room when Raven came up and informed her some one was waiting for her in the small dining hall she and her sister shared breakfast and dinner in.

“So who is it?” Celestia asked.

“One of your God friends.” Raven sighed. “The sort I tend not to ask any questions of.”

“Fair enough.” Celestia shrugged trotting towards the dining room, expecting Aqua or Inni or even Discord.

She nearly blew out a wall as she walked into the room and spotted a zebra mare with a red horn made of crystal spouting out of her forehead.

The zebra mare was sitting in a chair calmly sipping tea from one cup and looking at the contents of another as if reading the leaves, green eyes tilted up towards the smoldering Princess as she trotted in. Celestia did note there was a small bag of bits sitting on her end of the table as well.

“Velkorn.” Celestia snarled.

“Celestia.” the zebra goddess offered back.

“I knew this was going to happen you ALWAYS do this. We finish one of your damned prophecies and you show up to gloat about how right you were.”Celestia ranted.

“I do not always do that.” Velkorn sighed.

“Yes you do!”
“No I don't.”
“Yes you do!”
No I don't.”
“Yes you do!”
“No I don't.”
“Yes you do!”
No I don't.”
“Yes you do!”
“No I don't.”
“Yes you do!”
No I don't.”
“Yes you do!”
“Yes I do.”
“No you don't.”
Yes I do.”
“ No you..... wait a moment... Damn it mare.”

Velkorn smirked slightly.

“ We had Discord, Sombra, Tirek, Chrysalis, Sunset or Twilight's ascension, the Storm King, and now who ever this Starlight mare is. And the Sparkles were at the center of it all. Just as you predicted with that stupid thing. “ Celestia growled.”I hate this prophecy crap, I've told you that every time . And the Sparkles very very much want to have a word with you, likely with clubs for punctuation about speaking clearly.”


“ And your stupid prophecy is over, done finished finally.” Celestia grumbled.” Maybe I can actually get the damned vacation now.”

“Ahh.” Velkorn nodded to herself.”That is where you are wrong.”

“What? Starlight isn't Pride?”

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

Author's Note:

And thus concludes season 5 of Twilight Gets a Puppy. Season 6 should be up at some point, my writings going a little slow due to all the stuff i'm doing, and the fact i've never seen an episode of the series past this point and have to watch them to get a feel. Plus the other stuff i'm working on.

But i'm not looking to stop any time soon.

Comments ( 109 )

Lucky me, it's time for a update ♡

Oh, glue.

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

Ok. I got chills.
So, when can we expect Trogdor the Burninator to appear?

Nice ending! Though that last bit is VERY ominous. Also, I am with Celestia. Prophecies suck! :trollestia:

Fuck me sideways... IT DON'T EVEN STARTED?
What could possible come? The Black Marker with a Necromorph outbreak?
The Reapers from Mass Effect?
My mother in a bad mood...
The last might doom us all :rainbowderp:

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

ravs about to perfom some advanced interrigation soon

She also took note that the tiles under his hooves were cracked and that all the Guards that had been in the room with her suddenly were no longer in the room.

G(g)od(s), sure that's part of the job. Standing against a Sparkle? Buck THAT SIDEWAYS!!!
Smart boys:rainbowlaugh:

And yeah, the Sparkles will very likely LOVE to have words at her

Eh the markers make people insane so discord would yeet it out of exsistance before suing ea for stealing his gimmick before remembering hes not insane just lawfully chaotic needing hugs

Has a clubs for sale stall set up outside the dining room

They are definitely going to convince him to speak clearly the hard way. Hopefully he learns to make it slightly more clear when speaking. Even old prophecies were slightly clear Even if nobody totally made sense of them until they were over most of the time.

Sooo Reapers than :rainbowderp: Still very tough...

I love how you wrote season 5 and am excited to see the next seasons adventures.

Hang on, what happened to the first three chapters of part 2?

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

"Well, that just ain't fair at all..."

If you need an OC for a later story.

This story needs to be animated, voice acted, or both.

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

Welp, time for Tia to attempt rubber hose cryptography on a prophet again.

Honestly I'm half worried that Catrinia might show up since she could very well stand in for Bane in this story.

I GOT IT!!! The prophecy was not referring to them (Tirek, Starlight, etc), it was referring to the group aiding Solomon! Adagio could be either wrath or pride, Diamond Tiara could be... you know what, I still made my point. The big seven is all together in the endgame and it involves a lot of callbacks!

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

Oh. Sweet. Faust.........

. . . Not sure, blame White.

Yeah, that makes sense.

and you show up to gloat about how right you were

Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.

well then technically, she can't gloat yet...

Anyway, great story! When season 6?:pinkiecrazy:

Nah, just get the Sparkles on the job.

Points at blu and teacup and the penguin god rahas tempest white rest of the sparkle clan starlight moondancer and discord the reapers better run

“Shining Armor while I understand you are a new father you cannot......” Luna trailed off noting the bloodshot eyes and the slightly smoking mane of the stallion. She also took note that the tiles under his hooves were cracked and that all the Guards that had been in the room with her suddenly were no longer in the room.

Luna remember who you're talking to, this is Shining "Sparkle" Armor, the oldest of the Sparkle Siblings :moustache:

Luna sighed. She wasn't sure why she bothered to get up some days.

Because if you didn't you'd miss all the fun :trollestia:

“So you've been displaced in time, By Twilight Sparkle. Third edition.” Sunset muttered.

I wonder how many editions were gonna get by the end of all this :trollestia:


She updates every few years.

One day this masterpiece will be complet with all it's sequels. One day will i let my children watch all my little pony seasons. One day will i read this all as night time storys to my children :pinkiesad2:
Thanks TDR for making me and my future children a amazing entertainment and bonding experiences ♡

I think I speak for all of Equestria when I say... FUUUUUUUUUUUU-*is cut off by maximum strength censoring*

Despite the fact that we're still short 3 chapters (chapters 1, 2 and 3 of "The Cutie Re-Materia, Part 2"), I'm really looking forward to Season 6. I do wonder how "The Times They Are A Changeling" and "To Where And Back Again" are going to turn out, since the original plots are completely up the wazoo, what with Chrysalis not being a villain and all.


“ And your stupid prophecy is over, done finished finally.” Celestia grumbled.” Maybe I can actually get the damned vacation now.”

“Ahh.” Velkorn nodded to herself.”That is where you are wrong.”

“What? Starlight isn't Pride?”

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

WELP! Other than the Discord part, I believe I am FULLY Entitled to THIS!

My guess is, those chapters will happen in Season 6

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

u WOT m8

Are those subjective years or chronological years?

Ohhhh, THAT makes more sense! Talk about playing the long game.

Thats all for the prolog, now for the main 4 season arc to really start to get going?:trixieshiftright:

Thanks for yet another awesome story. I can't wait for the next instalment :D

Not gonna comment on the content, because everyone's probably said everything worth saying.
I'm just here to drop the obligatory The Police video ;)

A great ending to an... admittedly, at times confusing season.


Are those subjective years or chronological years?


Just thinking, Twilight should have included a couple of 'Welcome to Ponyville' booklets to, given that apart from maybe Tuesday events, a ton of stuff will be totally unknown to them.

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

Dangit not again

Though now I can reread this whole season in one go :pinkiecrazy:

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”


To be fair, while those are tedious at times, they often have a rewarding payout for those who are patient.

I think the rest of the apple family can keep them calm until she gets around to it when they find out that the entire generation of Ponyville Apples are dating a trio of sibling gods.
Wait, scratch that, The entire generation, AND their aunt? Aunt in law? Half aunt! That's it!
Since Granny and Sunset are half sisters. . . God, that's going to be one hell of a greeting. I hope we get to see it first chapter next season.

“No. You think the prophecy I gave is over.” Velkorn frowned. “Celestia, that prophecy hasn't even started yet.”

Place your bets now folks...

I'd say it's just aunt, half aunt sounds weird as hell.
Also thank you, I was going to ask just what was Sunset's relation to the apples again, had completely forgotten :twilightsmile:

That's...THAT'S SO BEAUTIFUL :raritycry:

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