• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 955 Views, 37 Comments

Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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*Danyelle's POV (still)*

A scream was heard since Lucy had been pranked by Pierce.

Though in Gray's body, Lucy screams "I'M GONNA RIP THAT DAMN SHEEP TO SHREDS!!!"

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf sighs "We’ll talk later."

I spoke "Something tells me that a strange spell was used, causing folks to switch bodies..."

Since she had Asuna's body, Erza was tripping over things.

Asuna (Erza) spoke "Not… again…"

Since he had Sonic's body, Natsu was pinned down by a pile of flab.

Sonic (Natsu) asks "*Muffled* What the?! What’s going on?!"

Natsu (Sonic) was constantly sneezing out fire.

Gray (Lucy) was shivering nonstop.

Natsu (Sonic) spoke "I need to run!"

The ears of Sonic’s wives perked up at that.

Zacia was in Roll's body while Blaze was in Spitfire's body.

Spitfire (Blaze) spoke "I feel NAKED!!!"

Blaze (Spitfire) asks "You’re in my body, Blaze?"

Spitfire (Blaze) spoke "I honestly don't know HOW you can handle being naked all the time!"

Moltry (Zap) spoke "I can't stand being on fire all the time!"

Zap (Moltry) asks "How can you stand being spiky all the time?"

Orion (Zoey) was hiding in a bush since she was naked.

Orion (Zoey) groans "Ugh... Who's got my body?"

Haru (Michelle) spoke "Wait a second, everyone back up."

Sonic’s wives got off of Sonic (Natsu) as Haru (Michelle) called in Jasmine (Serena).

Haru (Michelle) spoke "I’m gonna try something and if what I think is gonna happen does happen, you know what to do."

Jasmine (Serena) spoke "Uh..."

Tails (Mia) had covered up with the tails since she had no clothes on.

Jet (Discord) spoke "I can't feel my powers!"

But then Discord’s head rolled by.

Discord (Jet) spoke "At least you can’t lose your head!"

Jet (Discord) spoke "Shut it Feather Duster."

Tails (Mia) asks "Who the heck has my body?"

Mia (Asuna) spoke "Here…"

Jasmine (Serena) spoke "Oh boy… This is gonna be hard."

Orion (Zoey) spoke "Someone get me a freaking shirt!"

Jet (Discord) spoke "Last I checked, this kind of spell only lasts 30 minutes!"

Tails (Mia) asks "How much time do we have to fix this mess?"

“29.” I answered.

Natsu (Sonic) asks "How come you're not affected Danyelle?"

I spoke "I wasn't in range when it happened."

Haru (Michelle) spoke "No, there’s a completely different reason."

Thorax (Ben) spoke "Oh shut up Michelle."

A portal suddenly opened as an Inteleon popped out. “That spell again?”

“Chameleo?” I noticed.

The Inteleon spoke "Not the Chameleo you know."

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf spoke "Must be from a different universe."

Chameleo? spoke "Close enough. Anyway… Hey, Discord!"

Then another Discord popped out of the portal.

Discord? asks "Yes?"

Chameleo? asks "Since you’re here this time, think you could?"

Discord spoke "Of course!"

Finn (Tails) spoke "This has the idiot's claw-work all over it."

Amy (Korra) spoke "I'm gonna kill that dragon!"

Discord? spoke "Alright, here we go!"

Discord? snapped his fingers as a bright light covered all around us before it faded.

Natsu? spoke "*Gasp!* Yes! I'm back in my own body!"

Thorax (Ben) spoke "Uh guys... I'm still in the wrong body!"

Discord spoke "Hold on, let me try again."

That Discord snapped his fingers again.

"Huzzah! Back in my own body!" Our Discord cheered as Jet sighed in relief, who was in his own body too.

But suddenly, I was in Sasha's body.


Chameleo? spoke "Ooh boy..."

Applejack (Rainbow) spoke "I'm gonna turn that dragon into stew!"

I spoke "And before Applejack and Rainbow get any stupid ideas about a drinking contest, Rainbow oughta remember that Bold's still in diapers."

Applejack (Rainbow Dash) couldn't help but facehoof at that.

Chameleo?'s Discord snapped his fingers again as Applejack and Rainbow Dash were back in their own bodies. "Hmm... This could take some time."

I spoke "Without my actual body, I can't use Chaos Reversal."

But then Chameleo?'s Discord snapped his fingers as I was back in my own body, along with Sasha in her own.


Everyone was back in their original body.

I spoke "That Ein is still dead meat."

Sonic asks "Why didn’t you do that earlier?"

I spoke "StarClan's sakes Sonic, I've got another mitten on the way! Blame that stupid flower."

Sasha asks "Wait… doesn’t that mean?!"

I spoke "This is my second flower-baby though my seventh by blood. As for you, you've got your first mitten on the way."

One of the female Mew Poké-Mobians from Zira's group zips past Sasha and I while carrying towels in her Psychic.

Dotty spoke "Twin Tail!! Hurry! It's a Code Blue!!!"

I follow after Dotty as the others followed me.

“Who’re the parents?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "Jeeze Danyelle, don't be an Ein."

“I’m only curious.” I pointed out.

Dotty spoke "Reddish pink Mew's gone into labor, I overheard it from rainbow mane clone."

"Maylu!" I gasped.

*At Lan and Malyu's house,*

Lan was pacing about since he was back in Mobian fox form as he worried about Maylu.

Lan spoke "About time you got here Danyelle!"

I spoke "Sorry Lan, I got distracted with something."

I got right to work on the delivery.

I then saw Maylu, who was definitely moaning in pain.

I spoke "I'm here Maylu."

Maylu groans "*Pant!* I don't know if I should *Moan!* keep getting children or not *Groan!* when I'm older!"

I spoke "First time is always the worst... I've been through the pain 6 times already."

Maylu spoke "*Panting, moaning and groaning* It's just... I've never felt so... hot while I was pregnant."

I get a cold cloth and drape it across Maylu's back, cooling her down.

Maylu spoke "I... I didn't mean it like that. I felt so... So mature while being pregnant."

I giggle "Any female or herm would say that while they're pregnant."

Maylu asks "*Moaning while smiling* Haven't you ever felt like you wanted to keep having children while being pregnant?"

I spoke "This is gonna be my last one since barring the school aged kids, my kids are either teething or still nursing."

Maylu giggles "That look in your eyes say otherwise."

*Blush!* Okay, she got me there. "*Shaking my head, making my blush go away* But wanna know what I heard?"

A high pitched mewl was soon heard.

I call Lan in.

Lan asks "Is Maylu okay?"

I spoke "Come have a look."

I scoot over, revealing a baby Mew by Maylu's belly.

Lan spoke "Wow. He looks so cute."

Maylu asks "How about Patch?"

Lan asks "Really?"

A light tan male Mew with a brown stripe down the back spoke "Hey Lan!"

A golden yellow female Mew with two tails spoke "Cool it Dex, you're scaring the baby."

Lan asks "Dex? Yai?"

Dex spoke "Yai and I saw a bunch of Mews heading to your place so we had to follow."

Lan spoke "Wow."

I spoke "And since tomorrow is Hearts and Hooves day... I sense that Cadence is absolutely giddy."

Maylu spoke "*Smile* I wouldn't be surprised if there was a special suite in the Chuddle Hotel for that holiday."

I spoke with Jasmine via telepathy.

I spoke "{Hey Jas! We might need to get that suite ready for tomorrow!}"

Jasmine spoke "{Don't worry, finishing it with my counterparts.}"

I giggle "{Knowing OC-verse Knuckles, he might freak the fuck out once he sees the Knuckles that we know!}"

Jasmine spoke "{*Giggle* Or laugh nonstop.}"

I suddenly had a nasty vision.

I ask "{D-did you see that monster though Jas?}"

Jasmine spoke "{*Shudder!* Yeah. And I have a feeling it won't be alone. Might need to get some help from the Sumo Amazon Village.}"

I spoke "{I'm gonna put the call out to all the other Smashers. This is one threat that has everyone on edge.}"

Jasmine spoke "{Good.}"

I snicker "{And I bet Chronile's got plans for you.}"

Jasmine spoke "{*Lustful growling and purring* You have no idea, Dany-dame.}"

I spoke "{I should talk to Blitz about that thing.}"

I opened a warp ring to Hell as I jumped through, only to find out I leapt before I looked, seeing myself at a hotel called “Hazbin Hotel”.

I noticed that my claws were a bit sharper since I was in demonic Mew form.

“Wonder what brought me here…” I noted, not knowing what’s going on down here.

To be continued...

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