• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Generational Chaos/ Cutie Mark Chronicles/ Owl's Well that ends Well

*Rei’s POV*

Whoa, I have a feeling today’s gonna be eventful.

Danyelle spoke "Given that I can see past and future, I can easily tell that one event was what caused us Mobians and Poké-Mobians to end up in Equestria by accident."

“Huh? How?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Think about it Rei, I was 18 when I first arrived in Equestria. Now, I'm 30 with three adopted children, one foster daughter and one blood related daughter."

“Huh.” I noted.

Bluestar, Ravenpaw and Flintfur were hanging out with the Crusaders.

Danyelle spoke "I was rather surprised when Bluestar got her cutie mark even though she's 100% Mobian."

Applebloom asks "Say Blue, how did you get your cutie mark?"

“Honestly, I’m curious too.” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "She got it back during the sleepover I had with Twilight."

“Really now?” I asked.

A squeak was heard from Twilight since she was trying to utilize her Fire Alicorn Roar again.

Danyelle spoke "Ever since that Battle Royale, Twilight's been trying to use the Roar."

"Pretty strange." I agreed.

Sonata was in hedgehog form since she was pregnant.

Sonata spoke "Rei, I think Miyuki was looking for you."

“Yeah? About what?” I asked.

Sonata spoke "You should go ask her."

“Okay.” I responded as I met up with Miyuki.

Miyuki had a scared look on her face.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Miyuki spoke "R-Ruri's gone missing..."

“What?!” I gasped.

Miyuki spoke "I think something took her..."

A loud crash was heard over at Sweet Apple Acres since a pony that looked a lot like Applejack appeared but she didn't have a hat on.

*At Sweet Apple Acres*

*Crosswind's POV*

I was wary of the stranger since she looked a lot like my mate minus the hat and slightly different cutie mark.

I spoke "Jay-Jay!"

The Applejack lookalike asks "Uh… Huh? Who are you?"

I spoke "Ah'm Crosswind, some of mah friends call me Crossy."

The Applejack lookalike spoke "Sorry, but that name don’t ring a bell."

I spoke "Ah think yer from a different timeline, one where folks like me don't exist."

The Applejack lookalike asks "…Say what now?"

I spoke "Maybe we should ask Twilight... Provided she hasn't started freaking out."

But then I saw Rei searching around, looking real worried.

I spoke "That can't be good...."

An earth pony version of Rainbow Dash was out cold near the boutique.

Blizzardstar spoke "Uh Rarity, I don't think that's the Rainbow Dash we know..."

Rarity asks "Pardon?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Look outside."

Danyelle's fur was fully fluffed up when she saw an earth pony version of Fluttershy.

The other Mobians and Poké-Mobians were in hiding.


Discord appeared with a yawn, definitely just getting outta bed.

Danyelle growls "Did you cause this mess?"

Discord asks "*Yawn* What are you talking about? What happened?"

Danyelle pointed over at the unconscious earth pony.

Danyelle spoke "I heard a crash over at Sweet Apple Acres, a crash near Rarity's place, a crash near the library, a crash near Sugarcube Corner and a crash near Mr Rich's place!"

Discord definitely seemed shocked. "Okay, I did NOT see this coming."

Danyelle spoke "Neither did I yet I'm the one with the freaking Dimensional Scream!"

A scream was heard from Twilight.

Danyelle spoke "And Twilight's screaming..."

Discord spoke "That can't be good."

Danyelle spoke "No, it's not!"

Rei spoke "On top of that, Ruri’s missing!"

A ponylike howl rang clear as a blizzard kicked in thus blinding Rei, Discord and Danyelle.

Danyelle gasps "What in StarClan's name?"

Though faint, the trio could see the outline of a kitsunepony with three tails in the blizzard.

Rei asks "Did NOT see that coming-Wait... Is she from a different universe?"

Danyelle spoke "I heard rumors stating that she lost her foal a long time ago and even now, she calls out to the foal but it never responds back..."

Rei asks "Wait a minute... You don't think that...?"

Danyelle spoke "Best not tell Zoey this but the kitsunepony is a yokai."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Danyelle spoke "When I said yokai, I mean full demon."

Rei spoke "Yeah. From down south."

Danyelle whacks Rei on the head.

Danyelle spoke "The kitsunepony's an ice user so she's from up north!"

Rei spoke "That was just an expression, geez."

The blizzard soon disappears as the three tailed kitsunepony headed off towards Mr Rich's mansion.

Danyelle asks "Should we follow her Discord?"

Discord asks "*Shrug* What do you think?"

Danyelle spoke "We don't know if she's friend or foe yet."

Rei spoke "But she might turn the inside of the building into a winter wonderland by accident."

Danyelle spoke "But that's only if she got pissed off at somepony..."

*Meanwhile at Mr Rich's mansion*

*???'s POV*

I knock on the front door.

Randolph asks "Yes?"

I spoke "My name is Winter Frost and I'm here for a maid position."

Randolph asks "Are you certain?"

I spoke "Yes sir, I was strongly recommended by Princess Celestia herself. Though I may not look it but I'm also a royal guard, plainclothes division."

I fling a sharp needle at a wall, nearly missing Spoiled Rich's head.

I spoke "Sorry about that ma'am, it's a strange habit of mine."

I then suddenly found myself outside the mansion.

I immediately snapped, causing a nasty blizzard around the whole mansion.

I was shooting off profanities that a child should never hear.

*meanwhile inside the mansion*

Mr Rich spoke "SPOILED RICH!!!!"

A loud slap was heard from Mr Rich's office.

Mr Rich spoke "It's over Spoiled, I had expected you to be a proper role model for Diamond but after I heard that you had harassed one of the Crusaders, I made my own decision. Pack your stuff and leave."

Spoiled just scoffed and left.

I soon freeze Spoiled in ice from the neck down.

I growl "You had it coming for a while now."

But right when Spoiled was about to say something to me, I froze her head, except her nose so she could breath.

I whistle loud, calling in four guards to carry the frozen mare away.

I soon re-enter the mansion before heading to Mr Rich's main office.

I ask "You okay sir?"

Filthy Rich spoke "Honestly? I'm very conflicted right now."

I spoke "I heard everything that happened during that fight you had with your soon to be ex-wife."

Filthy Rich asks "Really?"

I spoke "I may not be as keen as that nekomata female but my ears are keener than most pony ears are."

Mr. Rich spoke "Still... This is a lot to take in. I need to be alone for a while."

I spoke "Your ex pissed me off though..."

Filthy Rich spoke "Please, I need to reflect."

Oh, okay. I can tell that he needs to be alone to think about things right now.

I trotted off to get started on my job after getting the required outfit on.

I sigh "{He's a good stallion, it's obvious I might not have a chance with him... Given that I'm a demon and he isn't.}"

*Meanwhile, back outside…*

*Danyelle’s POV*

Well, now we’re looking for Ruri, one of Rei’s kids.

I ask "Where did she go?"

Rei spoke "I’m not sure. She’s always curious about stuff-Wait..."

Rei’s head slowly turned towards… the Everfree Forest.

A teal burst of magic appears as Sunset pops up while holding Ruri by the tail.

Sunset spoke "Found this little troublemaker at the entrance of the forest."

Rei spoke "Wow, thanks, Sunset."

Sunset spoke "No problem."

A flash of light was seen under Sunset's shorts as the Mobian unicorn got her cutie mark.

Sunset asks "What just happened?"

I spoke "You got your cutie mark! Hey Pinkie! We're gonna need a cute-ceañera! Sunset just got her cutie mark!"

Pinkie spoke "ON IT!!!"

But then Keahi, UmbreDevimon, the green female siren, Jennifer and Jessika were behind Rei again.

I spoke "Rei, don't turn around."

A dark-fire type Eeveelution Poké-Mobian male had gotten UmbreDevimon's attention, causing the female to faint with a blush.

Inferno chuckles "And she's out cold."

Rei chuckles "You’re telling me."

I giggle "Many of the female Poké-Mobians that are still single think he's a total hottie. No fire pun intended... And Keahi's out cold too."

Rei spoke "Huh. Still, I wonder when my bro will get here."

The Lycanark that was heard howling earlier had gotten blown up by one of Ein's pranks.

Kenta growls "*voice was muffled since his head was stuck in a tree trunk* I hate that hyena!"

Rei asks "I can understand that. Need help?"

Kenta pulls his head out of the tree trunk.

Kenta spoke "I'm fine bro."

Rei spoke "Cool."

But then Kenta noticed Rei's mates/wives.

Kenta chuckles "You sly tod! Bagged yourself a couple of good-looking vixens huh?"

Rei asks "Yeah, but how's life been for you?"

Kenta spoke "Good, I haven't found the right girl though."

Rei spoke "Who knows, maybe you’ll find more than one."

Tails spoke "Hey Danyelle! I challenge you to a race! No wings, only your tails!"

“You’re on!” I smirked.

I revved up my tails before taking flight with them as I zoom after Tails.

*Rei's POV*

Hehehe, I hope they never change. Although I wonder why the green female siren, Jennifer and Jessika are still behind me.

Maria spoke "Maybe they want something from you!"

Jasmine then showed up. "Or those three have a crush on Rei."

The green siren, Jennifer and Jessika froze at that.

Alto was flying through the sky before he crashed into the green siren, tumbling head over feet down a hill and getting pinned down by the siren.

Alto asks "Do you mind getting off me?"

The green siren spoke "Sorry."

Alto's eyes had shimmered pink for some odd reason.

The green siren's eyes suddenly shimmered pink too.

Maria giggles "Michiru and Nazuna are so gonna lose it once they find out about THIS!!!"

Maria flew off fast to find the Kagetashis.

But then Jennifer and Jessika each grabbed an arm of mine before hugging them.

A sudden roar-like scream was heard from Nazuna.

"What happened?" I asked.

Twilight pops up.

Twilight spoke "Nazuna."

A fireboom streaks across the sky.

Danyelle laughs "EAT MY FLAME TRAIL MILES!!!!"

Tails spoke "I'll get you back for that furbrain!"

Danyelle laughs "Heehee! I'd like to see you try!"

Tails spoke "You're one to talk Danyelle! You can't seem to get enough tacos!"


The two soon get into a fight-cloud, ending with Tails getting his head stuck in a tree trunk.

*Back with Winter Frost*

The three tailed kitsunepony was suddenly airborne since she somehow figured out how to use her tails for flight.

Winter spoke "Hehe, now I have the butt-copter trick. Oh, hello Mr Rich."

Filthy Rich spoke "*Smile* Ah, good to see you again, Ms. Frost."

To the stallion's surprise, Winter was hovering in the air despite the obvious lack of wings.

Filthy Rich asks "How are you…?"

Winter giggles "That would be because of my tails, I watched that nekomata earlier."

Filthy Rich spoke "Ah, I see."

Winter asks "I shouldn't be asking this but have you thought things over?"

Filthy Rich spoke "Yes, I have. Though I had some difficult decisions."

Winter spoke "You're a good stallion, you deserve to be happy with a mare that will stand by you through thick and thin. Plus my parents taught me that there are thing that money can't buy, love and friendship are two big examples."

Filthy Rich chuckles "Too true."

Winter spoke "There's plenty of good mares out there to pick from."

Winter was fidgeting a bit.

Filthy Rich asks "Hmm? Are you alright?"

Winter stammers "Y-yeah..."

A bit of a faint blush was on Winter's face.

Filthy Rich spoke "Your face says otherwise."

Winter stammers "Ugh... It's enough that my heat cycle kicked in..."

Filthy Rich spoke "Oh dear. That is quite sudden."

Winter spoke "Only downside of being half fox..."

Filthy Rich asks "Pardon?"

Winter spoke "I'm a kitsunepony, earth variant... Plus I'm a demon..."

Filthy Rich spoke "I see."

Winter spoke "Yeah but I'm just a maid-guard... I doubt you'd want a mare like me around."

Winter kept her middle tail tucked tightly against her rear.

Filthy Rich asks "Why would you say that?"

Winter spoke "I... don't know..."

Filthy Rich knew that Winter need to build up on her confidence and self-esteem. "Winter, please follow me."

Winter's other two tails shot up on end in embarrassment as she followed the stallion.

The two were soon in Filthy Rich’s room as he revealed a switch before flipping it, opening a secret staircase.

Winter spoke "Guess Spoiled wasn't ready for this though."

Filthy Rich spoke "I thought she was, but I’m not so sure anymore."

Winter asks "But the big question is.... Would your daughter even accept me as her new stepmom?"

Filthy Rich spoke "It may take some time, but I'm sure she will as you help her become a better pony."

Winter spoke "Even the resident clairvoyant knows that. I heard rumors she can see past or future."

Filthy Rich spoke "*Smile* And those rumors are true, as she knows about my family’s business with the Apple Family."

Winter spoke "Yeah and I have a feeling that it had been that Rainboom that brought Twilight and her friends together as well as bringing Mobians into Equestria."

Filthy Rich asks "Pardon?"

Winter spoke "I heard it straight from the nekomata herself."

Filthy Rich spoke "Ah, makes sense. *Smile* Oh good, we're here."

The two suddenly arrived at a private room with a king-sized waterbed, a minibar, a fridge and a little compact looking a bit like a combo of styles.

Winter spoke "Just as a heads up, I can't eat chocolate. Dogs, wolves and foxes can't digest it that well... Non-Mobian dogs too apparently..."

Filthy Rich spoke "Thank you for the heads-up."

Winter spoke "No problem sir."

*A few hours later...*

Winter spoke "*Drunkenly and lustfully* Oh... That was so much fun, Richie-Bear... *Hic!* I feel so full..."

Mr. Rich chuckled at the situation as both he and Winter were on the waterbed.

Since she was half fox, Winter accidentally popped the waterbed thus getting herself and Filthy Rich both soaked.

Winter spoke "Curse my inability to retract my claws..."

Filthy Rich spoke "It's alright, Winter, I can get another one, and I can get you some gloves."

Winter spoke "They don't make gloves for ponies..."

But then Winter suddenly leapt on Mr. Rich with lust-filled eyes and a drunken smile.

Winter giggles as she curls a tail around Filthy's hindlegs.

Filthy Rich spoke "*Smile* Well, you clearly don't know what Rarity's capable of."

Winter giggles "I guess not."

The two tussle about for a while.

*Meanwhile, back with Rei*

Jennifer and Jessika were still hugging Rei’s arms.

Miyuki asks "Rei... What is the meaning of this?"

I stammer "L-Look, I don't know why, but these two kept following me and-"

But then Miyuki and Rena giggled.

Skidding to a stop, Sonic spoke "Hey Rei, I got good news and bad news for you."

I ask "What now?"

Sonic asks "You want the good news or bad news first?"

I spoke "Good news first."

Sonic spoke "Blaze, Roll and I went to talk to Sally about a few things concerning Poké-Mobian marriage laws but the bad news is, the limit is four wives..."

I ask "Huh, that's definitely new. How'd that happen?"

Sonic spoke "You don't wanna know."

Blaze spoke "I'm only half Poké-Mobian yet I have to abide by Mobian marriage laws."

Sonic spoke "Exactly and since I'm half Equian, I have to abide by Equestrian marriage laws as well as Mobian marriage laws."

I spoke "Oh."

Sonic spoke "Yeah and will you stop stalking me Spitfire? It's embarrassing."

Twilight trots over with an owl on her back.

Twilight spoke "Oh hey guys."

I spoke "Hey Twi."

Miyuki spoke "Wait, come to think of it, I am like Twilight."

Twilight asks "What's THAT supposed to mean icebrain?"

Miyuki asks "Hey, I wasn't saying that as a bad thing, star-flank, but are you trying to start something with me?"

Twilight growls "You're as stubborn as Gray, minus the stripping habit!"

Miyuki growls "What was that?"

Twilight growls "You heard me fox bitch."

Sonic and the others all back off, knowing full well not to get in Miyuki's way when she snaps.

Twilight and Miyuki were soon in a fire and ice fight cloud.

Danyelle shouts "SIT GIRL!!!"

Both mare and vixen were face down on the ground.

I ask "How did that happen?"

Danyelle spoke "I've traveled into the Feudal Era one time when a demon had grabbed me."

I ask "Ah, Inuyasha, correct?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

A demonic fox Mobian male was sneaking up on Danyelle from behind.

Danyelle spoke "*right ear twitches* Nice try Shippo, you can't sneak up behind a keen cat."

Shippo spoke "Darn."

Danyelle spoke "You little squirt."

Shippo spoke "Watch it Danyelle, I'm older than you are."

I spoke "Oh... That makes things a bit... awkward..."

Danyelle spoke "Shippo may look 7 but he's over 500 years of age since demons age slower than mortals do."

I spoke "Oh."

Danyelle shot fire at Ein, causing the TNT he had to explode.

Ein let out a scream, making all of us laugh.

Sonata giggles "Hyena go boom!"

I laugh "*Cute baby voice* He fall down and go *Loud thunderous voice* BOOM!"

Pixie had grabbed Ein by the tail before spinning around fast, making the hyena dizzy.

But then my four wives smirked as they started hugging me on all four sides.

Ein soon goes flying as he screamed with a goofy yell.

And I could tell that Miyuki, Rena, Jennifer and Jessika had a plan in mind they would discuss alone with the four of them.

Twilight spoke "If I were you Rei, I'd start running... Female Poké-Mobians are always in heat..."

But then the four smirked as they walked off together.

Sonic spoke "I don't have to have Danyelle's Dimensional scream to tell that there'll be more Mewtwo in the future."

Jennifer soon notices the same flower that Asuna had seen.

Jessika asks "Huh? Something wrong, sis?"

Jennifer spoke "There's something about that flower..."

Jessika asks "Really?"

Jennifer spoke "Yeah, I heard that it only affects Mews and Mewtwos that are in the mood for children."

Little did Jennifer know, a babytwo was growing inside her.

Danyelle asks "Hey girls, what are you looking at?"

Jessika spoke "*Not knowing about a babytwo growing inside her* Some strange flower."

Danyelle spoke "Myth told me about it though..."

Soon enough, a baby Mew was developing in Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "The flower can't be controlled by alicorn or draconequus magic. It's been around as long as the Mew species has been."

Jennifer spoke "Guess the Mew will be effected by the flower the way they're supposed to, no matter how much someone changes it in a potion."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and good thing there's a limit, you won't see a mew or a 'Two with 14 kids."

the three females giggle.


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