• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Orion's Fears/ Swarm of the Century

*Sunset's POV*

It was a dark and stormy night, I was asleep in bed when Orion was tossing and turning in his bed.

I jolt awake in a cold sweat due to the nightmares Orion was having.

Asuna groans "Jeeze.... Can't a new mom get some proper sleep?"

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Asuna groans "Something's been on his mind ever since he was attacked by a Gengar."

"A Gengar?" I repeated in confusion.

Asuna yawns "Yeah... Orion's been having nightmares since that one time..."

But then a scary thought crossed my mind as I shivered at that. "Do you know what would happen if you had triplets instead of one?"

Asuna spoke "I'd get very little sleep...."

"Thought so." I noted.

Asuna walked over to her brother and kicks him out of his bed.

Orion spoke "GAH!"

Asuna spoke "Keep your voice down mister or you'll wake the babies."

Orion asks "But why did you do that?"

Asuna spoke "Your nightmares work the unicorn up."

I spoke "We should talk to Luna, she might be able to help."


Asuna fed Huey while Myth tore into some Oran Berry pancakes.

"I just hope my letter gets to Princess Luna soon." I said.

Myth spoke "I agree."

Asuna spoke "I'm worried about that Drakeon."

“We’re doing everything we can right now.” I responded.

Asuna spoke "I heard that the black furred cat's gone back to her world to find that blue aqua stuff but it's a race against the clock."

*Meanwhile in Tokyo*

Zoey spoke "For Faust's sake Elliot! I need some of that blue aqua!"

There was no response from Elliot.

Zoey calls out Wesley's name.

Wesley showed up. “Sorry about that. Elliot’s a bit half-asleep today.”

To Wesley's surprise, Zoey was half alicorn half cat Mobini.

Wesley asks "Um… What happened?"

Zoey spoke "I have no idea how this happened but I plan to talk to my mom about my wings later. Right now, someone's life is in danger and I need some blue aqua."

Wesley spoke "OH! Blue Aqua! I’ll go check! *Heads off before soon coming back with a Blue Aqua* It’s the last one! So it’ll take some time for Elliot and I to find more!"

Zoey spoke "I hate to say this but Deep Blue is back but he's changed."

Zoey's magic flares up, drawing in a lot of blue aqua.

Zoey gasps "Holy Shinx... Did I just do that?"

Wesley spoke "Well this’ll definitely be more than enough for your friend! Go! Go!"

Zoey heads back through a warp ring with all of the blue aqua she accidently gathered with her magic.

Zoey spoke "Rei! I got the blue aqua! And a LOT of it!"

Rei spoke "Good! Now let’s hurry!"

Carrying all of the blue aqua with her magic, Zoey darts over to where Iris' body was stored.

Zoey pushes one of the blue aqua orbs into Iris' body.

Iris’ body began to glow before she jolted up, wide awake. “Why was I dreaming about being in a field of flowers?”

Haku spoke "I almost lost you...."

Iris asks "Haku?"

Zoey spoke "That was a close call. If I hadn't gone back to my hometown, you wouldn't have been brought back from the brink of death."

Haku hugs Iris while crying.

Iris asks "What’s going on?"

Zoey explains to Iris what happened.

Anzu was talking with a sleep deprived Orion.

Iris asks "You’re kidding, right?"

Anzu asks "Orion, are you okay?"

Zoey retorts "Does it look like I'm joking?"

Downing some tea, Orion spoke "Rough night..."

Iris asks "But how did that even happen?"

Anzu asks "Really?"

Zoey spoke "To be honest, I have no idea. I'd hate to see what would have happened if I hadn't gotten enough blue aqua."

Orion spoke "Yeah... I've been having recurring nightmares. It's as though something is calling me..."

Twilight soon got a rather nasty headache since something or someone was calling out to Orion.

Twilight groans "Orion’s right about that. Ugh…"

Danyelle asks "You felt that too?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Rei spoke "Same here."

Zoey spoke "I felt the presence of another Mewtwo when I was in Tokyo. But I should warn you Orion... If you go after it now, it might not survive long."

Orion asks "What?"

Zoey spoke "Being a preemie myself, I know what it's like for the first few weeks after. I had to fight to survive."

I spoke "If it helps, we could go take a look."

Zoey asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah. Plus you were gonna talk to your mom about something."

Anzu spoke "I'm coming too."

*Back in Tokyo*

*Zoey's POV*

Since I couldn't hide my wings normally, I had to wear a jacket over them. I pull the hood over my now visible cat ears to hide them as well.

I spoke "First, we'll talk to Wesley about that Mewtwo."

I bump into Mark.

I spoke "Sorry sir."

Mark asks "It’s okay-Wait. Don’t I know you from somewhere?"

Since my voice was also disguised, I spoke "No you don't."

Mark asks "Okay?"

I spoke "If you'll excuse me, my daughter and I along with a Mewtwo have someplace to be."

I scurry off with Anzu and Orion towards Café Mew Mew.

I kept my tail hidden with a bit of magic as I ran off with Anzu and Orion.

After arriving at Café Mew Mew, I sat down on a chair before sighing.

I spoke "That was too close..."

Anzu sat down as well.

Anzu asks "How come you didn't want him to find out who you really are mom?"

I spoke "Knowing Dren, he'd probably try to kill Mark... So I had to disguise myself."

I chose two slices of cheesecake from the menu along with two strawberry milkshakes.

“Come on… please be here…” I said to myself.

Anzu spoke "Calm down mom."

Wesley notices a female with a jacket on.

Setting the order down in front of me, Wesley asks "You okay miss?"

“Yeah.” I answered.

Wesley asks "You new in town?"

I spoke "Uh, yeah."

*Shortly after the cafe closes up for the day,*

I take the jacket off before shaking the cramps out from my wings.

I spoke "Sorry for hiding my Mobini appearance but I can't risk being found out. My ex-boyfriend nearly found out."

Wesley asks "So, what’s going on now?"

I spoke "Well, Orion's been having recurring nightmares but one of my fellow royals can't help."

Anzu asks "Have you or Blondie been working on a secret project?"

I scold Anzu.

I spoke "I do apologize for Anzu's behavior, she's only 10 years old after all."

Wesley spoke "Oh."

I giggle "She takes after my husband for playfulness."

Orion asks "Is there another Mewtwo here?"

I spoke "Oi Blondie, put that Pokéball away!"

Wesley asks "Um, what’re you talking about?"

I spoke "Orion doesn't like humans that much so he's kind of wary of you and Elliot."

A voice spoke "Eep!"

I ask "That you Berry?"

Elliot spoke "No! That was me!"

I restrain Orion before he could attack Elliot.

I spoke "Elliot, remove that lab coat right now."

Elliot spoke "Okay okay!"

After the lab coat was removed, Orion calms down a bit.

I spoke "Sorry about that Elliot, Orion doesn't like people with lab coats on."

Orion glares at Elliot.

I spoke "Before someone loses an arm, we should check the lab."

Orion spoke "Very well."

Elliot leads me, Anzu and Orion down to the lab.

I was speechless upon seeing another Mewtwo.

But something seemed a bit different.

I growl at Elliot.

I growl "Did you do this?"

Wesley spoke "I told you this was a bad idea Elliot."

Inside the test tube was a small Mewtwo.

“Oh boy…” I dreaded.

I held Orion back from breaking the tube.

I spoke "You break that now, the little one won't last long."

Orion scoffed as he backed off.

I spoke "Good freaking grief..."

The Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo's psychic energy draws Orion closer.

I ask "Orion?"

Orion asks "Hmm?"

Anzu spoke "You seem kind of out of it..."

Orion asks "What makes you say that?"

Anzu spoke "Your tail's twitching more than normal."

I spoke "Oh cuss! It's waking up!"

Orion asks "Oh?"

I spoke "Don't you know that preemies have a lower chance of survival? If we don't stop it from waking up too soon, it'll die!"

As the baby Mewtwo’s eyes started to open with a crack, Orion’s eyes suddenly turned green and flashed at the baby Mewtwo through the eye cracks as it went back to sleep.

Orion spoke "Hypnosis."

Anzu spoke "But the glass is damaged though... I fear it won't last longer..."

But all of a sudden, the infant Mewtwo had vanished from the glass tube.

“We should check on Asuna.” I suggested.

Little did I know, the premature Mewtwo was now inside my stomach so it could finish growing.

Anzu spoke "Good idea mom."

So Orion, Anzu and I headed back to Ponyville via warp ring after waving goodbye to Elliot and Wesley.

Back with Asuna, she was trying to get Huey to talk.

Asuna asks "Look at me, look at mommy. Can you say Wa?"

Huey spoke "Wa."

Asuna spoke "Ter."

Huey spoke "Ter."

Asuna spoke "Water."

Huey giggles "Wadala."

Twilight and the others laugh.

Twilight giggles "That is adorable."

“Heehee, yeah. But Asuna, are you feeling okay?” I asked.

Asuna spoke "I could say the same about you catgirl. I sense something within you that wasn't there when you left."

“Say what now?” I asked in confusion before I felt my fishes swimming back upstream.

Huey was indifferent to the reaction.

I spoke "Huh, a shiny Mewtwo."

Rei spoke "Okay, did not see that coming."

Nyx was playing with Huey.

Twilight spoke "It's never too early to make friends."

the twin Vulpix girls were tussling with each other.

Danyelle yowls as she flew past the group while trying to escape the parasprites.

Bluestar started singing a random song, getting the attention of all of the parasprites.

Rei asks "What the what?"

Bluestar sends the parasprites back to where they came from.

Twilight spoke "Oh thank Faust, a minute later and Celestia would have my hide."

Celestia spoke "Hello everyone."

Twilight yelps "*Jumps in surprise and fright* GYAH!!!"

I spoke "If I wasn't sick to my stomach, I would be laughing at you Sparkles."

Dren passed me an empty bucket.

I threw up my recent meal.

I groan "Ick."

Rei asks "How and why did that happen?"

I spoke "Long story."

Rei asks "Okay?"

Danyelle suddenly burped up a letter before reading it.

With a pale look on her face, Danyelle spoke "I fear we may be in for a galactic war soon..."


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