• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Galactic Troubles

*Sonic's POV*

A spaceship crashes down near the castle.

A honey colored chakat-Andalite hybrid groans in pain as shi limps out of the wreckage.

The hybrid asks "<Where am I?>"

“On what planet or in what town?” I asked.

The hybrid spoke "<Both.>"

“Planet Equis, and town of Ponyville.” I answered.

Bowing down in a typical Andalite manner, the hybrid spoke "<My name is Honeystar-Ferria-Clement but you may call me Honeystar.>"

“Yeah, sure thing.” I responded.

Blizzardstar ices Ein before the hyena could sneak up on the hybrid from behind.

Blizzardstar spoke "Don't even think about it dumbass, that tail-blade is dangerous!"

Pierce asks "Huh? How?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Just don't ask."

Rei spoke "Better to be in the front than the back."

Miyuki spoke "Agreed."

Rei chuckles "Hehe, let’s try not to get our hair tangled with each other, Mimi."

Miyuki giggled at that.

Yugi asks "What is going on here?"

Renee asks "Seto?"

Seto asks "Hmm?"

Renee spoke "I feel funny..."

Miyuki spoke "Oh dear…"

Asuna spoke "Talk about timing..."

Danyelle spoke "You’re telling me…"

Zoey spoke "You're one to talk... I can barely keep my meals down."

Danyelle spoke "We don’t know how that’s the situation with you though, Zoey."

Twilight spoke "Morning sickness is a common sign for expecting females."

Zoey gasps "What? But I haven’t…"

Asuna spoke "Pigment might say otherwise..."

Zoey asks "Who?"

A kick was felt.

Zoey spoke "If you'll excuse me..."

Zoey darted off to her house for a while.

Honeystar asks "<What's with her?>"

Danyelle spoke "Just don't ask."

*some time later,*

Zoey was asleep on her bed with a small Mewtwo beside her.

Miyuki spoke "Huh. Well whaddya know."

Anzu spoke "Keep your voice down."

Asuna spoke "Huh, a black Mewtwo."

Zoey yawns "Oh hey guys..."

Miyuki spoke "Morning, Zoey."

Zoey yawns "Hey Miyu."

Anzu asks "Sleep well, mom?"

Pigment mewls.

Zoey spoke "Bringing a little one into the world can be hard..."

A loud growl was heard from Alto.

Zoey pulls the baby close to her.

Asuna spoke "Something's not right...."

Honeystar was growling.

Honeystar spoke "<I fear something is coming.>"

Shadow suddenly showed up in a cold sweat.

A loud explosion was heard before Jazz lead a large army of monsters out from deep underground, beside the hedgefox was a recently revived 12 year old male goat monster as other monsters followed her.

Ruby asks "You okay dad?"

Shadow asks "How is he coming back? How?!"

Maria scritches Shadow's left ear, calming him back down.

Jazz spoke "I brought in back up!"

“Who now?” I asked in confusion.

A female goat monster spoke "That would be my friends and I along with my estranged husband."

“Whoa!” I yelped in surprise.

The female goat monster spoke "*ruffling Jazz's fur* This little one freed all of us monsters. She also warned us of an oncoming threat."

Danyelle spoke "We'll need a place to hide the non-fighters though!"

Zoey spoke "That’s… gonna be hard."

Danyelle suddenly burped up a letter but it wasn't from Master Hand.

Danyelle spoke "Uh guys, seems like we have a place to evac the non-fighters to after all."

Luna suddenly showed up. “Oh?”

Shirou spoke "Hey Lulu."

Luna spoke "Does that mean she’s back? *Giggle* Because she was quite the prankster, especially with food. Not to mention she’s quite a master when it came to meals."

Twilight spoke "Oh cuss, I inadvertedly reopened the Chuddle Hotel when I had teleported Riley and Gadget to a hotel room..."

Card spoke "It was just before I crossed paths with Trixie."

But then Trixie’s hat started wiggling, much to her confusion.

Card asks "Trixie, what are you hiding?"

Trixie spoke "Not sure. *Takes off hat and looks inside* Nothing. Maybe I should reach into it."

Danyelle spoke "No point of hiding Jasmine, I know you're invisible and currently sneaking up behind Korra."

Trixie reached into her hat and pulled out… a rabbit? But then the rabbit was engulfed in a puff of colorful dust before it faded, revealing to be some kind of mixed creature.

Jasmine spoke "Ooh, you were close, Dany."

Danyelle's neck fur bristles up due to a recent vision.

Danyelle mutters "Tabuu... Black Doom..."

I ask "You okay Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Spike, I need a letter written!"

Spike spoke "Okay."

Danyelle spoke "*ahem* To all Smashers both new and veteran, I just received a nasty vision concerning a terrible foe that I thought was destroyed for good. I request aid as soon as you get the chance! From MH's point of contact, Danyelle Hikari."

Once the letter was written up, Danyelle sends it out to Master Hand via her flame breath since it worked in the same manner as Spike's magic flame breath.

Danyelle spoke "Cereza, Sonic, Shadow. We have to evacuate the non-fighters to the Chuddle Hotel!"

Jasmine spoke "One portal to Chuddle Hotel, coming up!"

Roll and the non-fighters head off to the Hotel as the rest of the Smashers arrive through portals from their home worlds.

Zoey went with the non fighters since she had to keep Pigment safe.

Kazooie spoke "So that jerk dares show his ugly face once more."

“Um, Kazooie? You didn’t fight Tabuu or Black Doom.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Don't mind the loud-beak Breegull though Sonic."

The trio of sirens growl.

Adagio's tail was loosely wrapped around Sonia.

Rei spoke "Well this is gonna be big."

Asuna spoke "Agreed though I do wonder how the other Smashers will react to another Mewtwo."

Rei asks "Shock?"

I spoke "Mario and the others only know of one Mewtwo though. So the thought of four more existing might cause one of them to faint."

Asuna spoke "Agreed..."

Rei asks "Let me guess, is Ash one of the Smashers?"

Danyelle spoke "Delia would have my hide if Ash was involved in something that reckless."

Rei asks "But weren’t two of the Smashers a Pikachu and a Pichu?"

Danyelle's ears drooped down.

Danyelle spoke "They were killed in the fight against Galeem and Dharkon...."

Sonata growls "Now isn't the time to worry! BLACK DOOM IS HERE!!!"

Asuna and Orion went into their mega forms.

SSB Mewtwo was speechless at seeing two more of its species.

Rei chuckles "Heh, looks like it’s time to get dark."

Rei had a ghastly aura, ready for battle.

Renee pulls a whip out.

Renee spoke "Good thing Zoey's in hiding."

Rei spoke "And good thing I swapped out some of my moves."

Danyelle snaps her fingers, removing the limit for the Poké-Mobians.

Danyelle spoke "LET'S GET WILD!!!!"

Danyelle's body crackles with static.

Danyelle spoke "ATTACK!!!!!"

Rei became engulfed in ghostly flames before he took off into the air.

Danyelle took flight as well.

Rei spoke "Time to take my new fusion form for a test drive!"

Danyelle charges up a plasma attack.

The flames faded, revealing Rei’s new temporary form.

Rei spoke "Hope you punks are ready, cause you’re about to get whupped!"

Danyelle takes a picture of Rei's new look and sends it to Miyuki.

Danyelle spoke "Wow Rei, you look badass in that form! I wonder how Miyuki will react!"

Rei spoke "Hey, same here. Not to mention fusion transformation lasts one to seven days, even with the restraints on."

Danyelle engulfs herself in fire as she transforms into a giant Plasmeon-taur.

Danyelle spoke "You know what they say! The bigger they are, the harder they fall!"

Rei spoke "Nice! Time to combine some moves! Hope the enemies don’t mind some frostbite!"

Miyuki spoke "EAT ICE BEAM FREAK!!!!!!!"

Danyelle fired a Plasma Cannon attack at Black Doom.

The Ice Beam hit Black Doom after that.

Rei spoke "Night Sphere!"

Black-Red energy surrounded Rei as he formed it into a sphere before firing it at Black Doom.

A Solarbeam followed by a triple dose of shadow ball hits Black Doom.

Myth growls at the hostile alien.

Honeystar gallops through throngs of Black Arms, slicing them to pieces with hir tail-blade.

Rei spoke "This is gonna be tough."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly! Black Arm skin is more thicker than Mobian or Equian skin so it's harder to cut through!"

Shadow showed up and removed his inhibitor rings.

Six inhibitor rings fall off Danyelle as her power increased tenfold.

Danyelle asks "You thinking what I'm thinking Shads?"

Shadow spoke "*Glowing blue and red* Without a doubt."

Danyelle spoke "*glowing a golden color* CHAOS....."

Shadow and Danyelle fire their most strongest attacks at Black Doom, killing the hostile alien.

But then the two noticed Black Doom’s eye trying to escape.

Shadow spoke "Chaos Control!"

Shadow teleported with Danyelle straight to Black Doom’s eye.

Danyelle roars "CHAOS BARRIER!!!"

Black Doom's eye was trapped within the barrier, unable to escape.

Rei spoke "Now for the other problem."

I spoke "But there's a lot of dark energy within Tabuu's dimension. If I go in there, I'll automatically shift to werehog form."

Rei asks "Wait, the last time you fought Tabuu, you weren’t in werehog form, right?"

I spoke "I got the werehog form nine months after my first Smash tournament."

Rei spoke "Oh."

A pair of howls ring clear before Tabuu had exploded.

I ask "Rei, did you call in a Zacian and a Zamazenta?"

Rei asks "*Shrug* The Sword/Shield Siblings?"

I spoke "Don't play dumb with me Zoroark."

Rei spoke "Okay okay, so I may have called for a little backup from Galar."

A loud explosion was seen in the sky since Asuna, Orion, Myth and SSB Mewtwo had blown up the Black Comet.

Renee spoke "At least the threat is over..."

Then two armored wolf-like Poké-Mobians showed up, one being blue, a female and wielding a sword, with the other being red, a male and wielding a shield.

Rei spoke "Ah, Zacia and Zenta. Perfect timing."

Poking her head out of a warp ring, Zoey asks "Is it safe for the non-fighters to come back?"

Rei spoke "Yep."

Zoey carries Huey and Pigment in her arms and a baby Mew on her head as the other non-fighters followed.

Rei asks "What a day, huh?"

Peach and some of the other female Smashers were fawning over how cute Huey was.

Danyelle asks "Cereza, you okay?"

Bayonetta asks "Hmm?"

Asuna spoke "Seems like you and the other female Smashers are fawning over my son."

Bayonetta asks "Pardon?"

Huey had a kitten-like sneeze.

Bayonetta spoke "Now that’s an adorable little kitten."

Zoey spoke "He's a natural born Mewtwo."

Bayonetta asks "Really now?"

Asuna spoke "Yeah, there was a strange flower involved. Next thing I knew, I was pregnant with Huey."

Pigment was being fussy.

After passing Huey back to Asuna, Zoey spoke "Excuse me for a moment."

Passing Koji back to Myth, Zoey wraps her wings around her body before adjusting her shirt so Pigment could get something to eat.

I spoke "Annnyways... We should clean up the mess that the Black Arms caused."

And so, everyone worked together to clean up the mess that was caused by the Black Arms.

Asuna was being mindful of SSB Mewtwo's space.

Zoey was looking after Huey and Koji.


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