• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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No Way Out

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

I don’t know what happened, but we’re in a bad spot right now.

Nine asks "Sonic! Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Dread spoke "He and his friends be anything but okay, me boyo."

Nine asks "Who was that?"

Maurice spoke "Sorry, little buddy, I’m gonna need you to call back in like five-"

Dread spoke "That treasure be mine."

Maurice spoke "Ten minutes. Dread, what are you doing? This wasn’t part of the plan!"

Dread spoke "The plan’s changed when you deserted us!"

Maurice dodged Dread’s attack.

Maurice spoke "Deserted you. Wait, is that why you’re all so mad? Dread, tell them! I was coming right back."

Black Rose spoke "Not how it looked to us."

Maurice spoke "You know what? That stings. Especially since I’m standing right here, proving that I did come back!"

Batten spoke "He makes a good point."

Maurice spoke "Look, I’m not a traitor, but right now, I need to take this shard and get-*Dodges Dread’s sword* Hey!"

Dread spoke "More lies!"

Maurice asks "*Dodging Dread’s crew’s attacks* Respect. My. Boundaries! I expected Dread to take this hard, but what’s with the rest of you?"

Sails spoke "You’re a lousy traitor who abandoned your crew in battle!"

Maurice spoke "I didn’t abandon you! Dread told me to get the Shard and he w-"

Dread spoke "He’s lying! *Jumps to Maurice* Now give me the treasure."

Maurice spoke "Well, when you put it that way."

Maurice was about to give Dread the Shard before he blew a raspberry before he started running on the water.

Maurice spoke "Guys! We need to move until they cool off!"

We decided to follow after Maurice, leaving the Kraken and crew to let them calm down. Later, Maurice had trouble carrying the Shard.

Maurice spoke "Ah! I’ll never hit top speed juggling this thing around! *Stops running before floating above water* All this water, it’s just not natural."

Rarity whines "All this salt water is messing up my mane and tail!"

Maurice spoke "I always feel like something’s gonna come up out of the darkness and-"

We heard a mechanical moan.

Maurice asks "What is that?"

We were then sent flying by a surfacing Kraken before we landed back on or in the water before Maurice ran once more as we followed him before stopping on a small island as we took cover.

Danyelle throws a Chaos Barrier up around the island, darkening the coloring of the barrier so the group wasn't spotted.

Danyelle spoke "That should buy us some time before they find us."

The one eyed siren soon surfaces since she had followed the group.

The one eyed siren spoke "I'm sorry mateys, Dread's not gonna stop until he gits what he wants."

Nine asks "Nine to Sonic! Are you there?"

Maurice asks "Nine?"

Nine spoke "Huh, finally? Tell me you have the Shard.""

Maurice spoke "You know it! Now all I gotta do is get this baby to the void."

Nine spoke "What are you waiting for? You have to hurry? The mothership has been stalled somehow but it's on it's way!"

Maurice spoke "Haha, I'm trying, but I've got a bit of a pirate problem at the moment."

Dread spoke "We find me treasure or ye all be walking the plank!"

Maurice spoke "Ugh, Dread's really losing it."

Nine spoke "Forget the pirates. Our reality is at stake. Stay on mission."

Maurice spoke "Copy that, stay on mission."

The one eyed siren spoke "I'll hold 'im off, you lot have to go! NOW!!"

The one eyed siren dove back into the water to stall the pirates long enough for Twilight to rip open a portal into the void.

Sonic spoke "Gah! No Twilight!"

The aftershock that Twilight had caused ended up knocking everyone but Maurice and Sonic out cold.

Maurice spoke "Other me, coming on! Let's get them into the Void, grab the Shard and run!"

Sonic's fur had turned black in anger.

Maurice spoke "Whoa! Other me, calm down! It's not anyone's fault that this happened!"

Surprisingly enough, Dark Sonic had a clear mind.

Dark Sonic spoke "Let's get out of here with the shard and the others."

Using his magic, Dark Sonic picks the rest of the Harmony Guard along with Blaze, Moeru, Tails, Shadow and the Virizion up before heading into the void with Maurice and the shard.

The one eyed siren spoke "Tough break Dread!"

But then a giant crystal knocked Dark Sonic and Maurice, with the Shard, back into the Blue Gateway, sending them back to where they were hiding.

*Sonic's POV*

A plasma blast hit the palm tree we were behind.

Maurice asks "You too, Catfish?"

The Kraken fired at us again as Maurice and I started running away again.

Dread spoke "You'll never escape with me treasure!"

Black Rose spoke "Open fire!"

We dodged the plasma blasts as Maurice started picking up speed while carrying the Shard.

Maurice spoke "This totally seemed like it was going to be easy. Get the Shard and run fast, which I'm awesome at-"

Shatterverse Shadow asks "*Through the veil* Who are are you talking to?!"

Maurice spoke "Gyah!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*Through the veil* I can see you have the Shard. Run faster and get out of there!"

Maurice spoke "Turns out it's hard to get up to full speed on water. Even with these kicks. Not to mention having pirates blasting at you!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*Through the veil* Then go where they can't blast you."

Maurice spoke "I need solid ground. And I know just where to get it! By the time that ship gets here, I'll be a blip on the horizon."

We noticed a laser beam pointing at Maurice.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "*Through the veil* What was that about a blip?"

Rust spoke "Target acquired. Missiles locked."

Dread spoke "You've been nicked, me hearties. And I'm coming for ye."

A torpedo missile was coming right at us.

Maurice spoke "Gulp."

We dodged the missile as we kept moving and dodging plasma blasts.

Maurice spoke "You guys are gonna feel really bad about this later when you think back and remember how awful you were treating me and my friends, when we're only trying to help!"

Dread spoke "Fire!"

Maurice spoke "Let's just we're glad we're not you guys. That guilt's going to be unbearable!"

We jumped and flew over an island, dodging the six missiles as they blew up a small deserted island before we landed.

Maurice gasps "Close one. *Looks back, seeing more missiles* Uwaaagh!"

We moved again, running and flying from the missiles.

Dread spoke "Ahhgh, hold still, you slippery eels!"

Rust spoke "The missiles are locked to Sonic's energy signature, captain. He and his friend won't be able to outrun them for long."

The missiles were closing in on us!

Maurice asks "Why does everything have to be so difficult!?"

We then turned around, trying to lure the missiles back to the Kraken.

Dread spoke "Fire again!"

Six more missiles were launched, headed right at us.

Maurice spoke "Uh-oh!"

We then jumped into the air as the missiles collided, blowing up while the Shard flew out of Maurice's hands before he caught it. We then landed once more, with the Shard still with us.

Maurice spoke "Oh, yeah!"

We then ran again.

Dread spoke "Arr! That blue treasure thief will pay for this!"

We soon reached to the Devil's Lighthouse with the Kraken still chasing after us, betting on the rocks to tip the ship over before it fired three missiles as we dodged them.

Maurice spoke "Not even close!"

The missiles hit a rock as the top started falling with us trying to dodge.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

We dodged the rock before we crashed against another one as the blue Shard flew out of Maurice's hands.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no."

Rust then grabbed the Shard and gave it back to Dread.

Dread spoke "At last."

Time we took the fight to them. We then got onto the Kraken.

Maurice spoke "I'll only ask this once. Give me back the Shard."

I growl as the invisibility spell on my wings dropped, startling the echidna and the other pirates.

But Dread only chuckled. "You'll have to do more than ask and threaten. *Jumps to our level* If ye want the Shard *Sword crackling with energy* you'll have to-"

He shot a lightning bolt at us as the two of us dodged.

Maurice asks "Fight for it?"

Dread spoke "Bring it on, Blue."

A fight was about to go down before an explosion went off, sending us back a bit as the force made Dread fall while dropping the Shard.

Dread spoke "No!"

Sails asks "What was that?"

Batten spoke "Captain! We're hit!"

The enemy ship arrived with Eggforcers and that man in the mech suit from earlier.

the male spoke "No need to fight, boys. The Shard is mine. Destroy them all, every one of them!"

Eggforcers jumped onto the ship as one of them grabbed the shard before Maurice knocked it away and grabbed the Shard.

Maurice spoke "Ha-ha!"

Dread spoke "*Punches Maurice, grabbing the Shard* Aye."

Dread shot a Eggforcer down before a piece knocked the Shard out of his hand as an Eggforcer caught before Sails slashed it. Man, the Shard was switching being between the Eggforcers and crew before it was between Dread and Maurice. They were now in a Shard tug of war before Maurice noticed Rust about to get hit and let go of the Shard before attacking the Eggforcer, saving Rust.

Maurice asks "You good?"

Rust spoke "Thank you."

Maurice asks "Uh... You're welcome?"

Maurice then tackled the man in the mech suit, saving Black Rose while knocking him onto a propeller.

The male spoke "Ouch!"

Maurice then noticed Sails, Batten, Catfish and Froggy surrounded before he took out all of the Eggforcers surrounding them.

Maurice spoke "We're overmatched."

Black Rose asks "We?"

Maurice asks "I left you all once, and I'm not making that mistake again. Where's the Shard?"

Black Rose spoke "There!"

Dread still had the Shard as he shot down Eggforcers. We kept fighting before Dread grabbed his blade with his teeth and glided off with the shard.

Black Rose asks "Dread is abandoning ship?"

The Old Man spoke "Gah! The pirate's got the Shard! Get him!"

The enemy ship took off after sending out more Eggforcers with the man in the mech suit following.

Rust spoke "The Shard must not fall into the Council's hands."

Maurice spoke "But you-"

Black Rose spoke "We'll be fine after the rock is gone. You and your friend get after him, Sonic."

A screech was heard as a battle scarred Gilda flew into the fray with a female echidna on her back.

No Place Shade spoke "Dread! Stop!!!"

Due to the roaring engines, Dread couldn't hear her.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure he hears you." I said before Maurice and I went after Dread, getting past the enemy ship and the man.

Maurice asks "Dread! Is this who you really are? A coward who abandons his crew?"

Dread spoke "A captain makes sacrifices!"

Dread shot lightning at us as we both dodged it.

"What would Eyeshade think?" I pointed out before Dread dodged some plasma blasts.

The man spoke "Time to show off my warrior pose."

The man did an action before doing some weird poses.

The old man asks "Gah! Would you just grow up and attack?"

The man spoke "I'm trying to be dramatic!"

Dread shot one of the mech suit's wings as he started flying out of control, making Maurice and I laugh before we and the ship followed a gliding Dread again.

Maurice asks "Dread! Where are you, what's your plan?"

Dread spoke "I don't need a "plan"! As long as I've got me beauty!"

Maurice and I sighed before spin attacking Dread, sending him rolling on the shore and crashed against a wall as Maurice jumped up, grabbing the shard with an awesome pose before landing.

Maurice spoke "Oh, yeah!"

Eyeshade soon has her gryphon companion land by Dread.

The scarred gryphon spoke "Ya gone and messed up big time Dread, I don' think yer crew will respect ya as captain now."

Dread gasps "W-What? How are ye-"

Maurice and I dodged some plasma blasts as we were against a wall.

Maurice spoke "Sorry, Dread, but I've got a shatter-verse to save."

The two of us started running up the mountain as we dodged more plasma blasts and beat some Eggforcers.

Maurice spoke "Land! Sweet, solid land! Finally, I can get some traction under these kicks! Time to get outta here."

Barriers formed around the two of us as we jumped into the air.

Maurice gasps "It's working! Yes! *As a portal opened* What the-?"

We then crashed against the bottom of the mothership as we started falling with the barriers gone and crashed onto the top of the mountain.

Maurice spoke "*sarcastically* Thanks for the head's up, Shadow!"

Eyeshade spoke "Those lily-livered punks are in the way! Gild, let a powerful Screech fly!"

Gild spoke "Ya got it partner!"

Gild took a deep breath before letting a loud screech out, shorting out hundreds of eggforcers as well as the airship.

I spoke "Holy shit! The Gilda I know can never screech that loud!"

But then the mothership soon lowered, revealing a shocking surprise as Dread climbed up the mountain with his fists.

Maurice asks "Nine?!"

Nine spoke "Sonic, get out of here! *Shocked by Eggforcers*"

Maurice spoke "No!"

Then we saw... Eggman?

Mr. Eggman growls "What?! You still have the Shard? Doctors, where are you? What have you been doing all this time?"

The Old man spoke "Oh, cool your jets, sonny! Deep's just cleaning up a few barnacles. We'll be there shortly!"

Mr. Eggman spoke "Do I have to do everything myself? Playtime is over. Give me the Shard."

"Make me." Maurice and I challenged before Dread showed up.

Dread spoke "No, she be mine!"

Maurice spoke "Dread!"

Mr. Eggman spoke "Shoot the pirate."

A plasma blast hit Dread in the back as he struggled to get up.

Eyeshade screams "DREAD!"

Mr. Eggman spoke "I said playtime is over."

Then the Kraken flew into the air, with Deep and a few Eggforcers having captured Dread's crew as the enemy ship rose back into the air.

Mr. Eggman spoke "Excellent work, Doctors. It's amazing what my cohorts and I can do when we work together."

That seemed to have snapped me out of my dark form.

Mr. Eggman spoke "I'll make this simple. Hand over the Shard, or say goodbye to your friends forever."

Rust spoke "Don't. I am expendable. *Shocked by a Eggforcer*"

Batten retorts "Well, I'm not! Give 'em the blasted rock!"

Mr. Eggman spoke "Well? Last chance."

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* Fine. When you put it that way."

Nine spoke "Sonic, no!"

Two Eggforcers approached us.

Maurice asks "You want the Shard?"

The two of us smirked. "You're gonna have to get it yourself!"

Maurice threw the blue Shard.

Mr. Eggman spoke "No! Get the Shard! And destroy those two!"

We then "chased" after the shard, distracting the Eggforcers long enough for Dread's crew to break themselves free before we went onto the Kraken as Black Rose and Rust fought Dr. Deep in his mecha suit. The two of us beat a few bots before going at Deep.

Dr. Deep gasps "Oh, no!"

We knocked Deep off, destroying a few bots while the one with the Shard flew up.

Maurice spoke "You two make quite the team."

Black Rose spoke "Aye, we do."

Maurice spoke "Now, if you'll excuse us, we've gotta fly."

We jumped off the Kraken as we beat an Eggforcer and held onto the one with Shard. But then the mothership opened a portal.

Maurice spoke "The mothership! It's leaving!"

But then Deep flew up and kicked the Eggforcer while swiping the Shard as he laughed before flying towards the mothership. I flew while Maurice fell before he landed on the Kraken.

Black Rose asks "Need a lift?"

Maurice spoke "You know it."

Rust spoke "You and your fellow hedgehog must stop them, Sonic. If the Council acquires all the shards, total annihilation is inevitable."

Maurice spoke "Well, doesn't that sound terrifying."

Sails spoke "Sonic, look!"

Maurice and I looked through spyglasses as we saw... Dread climbing up the mothership?!

Maurice asks "Dread?"

We were not far now as the enemy ship landed on the mothership, which was close to the portal.

Maurice spoke "Thanks for the lift!"

Maurice and I jumped, managing to get onto the ladders on the mothership before we went through the portal into the void.

"So how are the others gonna get to us?" Maurice asked.

"Twilight has her sword, she'll be able to home in on your prism energy. And I bet those eggheads are heading back to what you called New Yoke." I said that while unknown to us, Gild and Eyeshade managed to follow us through the portal.


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