• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Sisterhooves Social

*Scootaloo's POV*

I was bouncing about in excitement since today was the social.

I spoke "Hey Blue!"

Bluestar asks "Hmm?"

I had a flyer for the Sisterhooves Social in my mouth as my tail wagged happily.

Meanwhile at Rarity's place, Blizzardstar got hir tail stepped on.

Blizzardstar spoke "Rarity, that hurt."

Rarity spoke "Sorry Blizzy. I didn't mean to step on your tail.... Plus I should really talk to my parents..."

Danyelle was up in Canterlot since she had something to discuss with Celestia.

Danyelle spoke "I've been having a strange feeling about Mount Aris."

Celestia spoke "But given your inability to swim... it would be wiser to send Bridget, Rarity and Maria to Mount Aris."

Luna spoke "But sister, the Sisterhooves Social is coming up soon and I would like to take part in that with you!"

Celestia was a bit silent at that, unsure of what to do.

Danyelle spoke "This could be a good opportunity for you two to be better sisters. Plus I heard that a pony was killed..."

Celestia asks "Who?"

Danyelle spoke "According to witnesses, it was a mare named Spoiled Rich, ex-wife of Filthy Rich. Ponies and Mobians have been saying that a guard had killed her."

Luna sighed at that. "Somehow, that does not surprise me."

Danyelle spoke "Spoiled was also infected too so she had to be killed."

Celestia asks "But who did that?"

Danyelle spoke "According to Tails, it was a foxpony. But given that I only know of two foxponies, it could have been one of them."

But then Danyelle's ears twitched. "Actually, I think the guard responsible is on her way here."

Winter was limping since the shoulder that had been bitten was bothering her, plus her bad leg was covered in blood.

Winter spoke "Princess Celestia, I bring news of the escaped prisoner."

Danyelle asks "What happened?"

Winter spoke "Spoiled tried to kill me so I acted out in defense since I have a young daughter that still needs me. And the blood on my bad leg isn't mine."

Despite the injured shoulder, Winter bows down in front of Celestia.

Winter spoke "It pains me to say this but I had to take Spoiled's life because she was infected by tarkat."

Celestia was definitely shocked, but stayed calm.

Danyelle spoke "I saw this one coming..."

Winter spoke "Please Princess, I don't want to lose my job."

Celestia spoke "Winter, I understand what needed to be done. But since this might have taken a toll on you, may I suggest a break for a day or two."

Danyelle spoke "About that princess, demons heal faster than normal folks do."

Winter spoke "Yeah, should be one to two hours."

Danyelle spoke "I've already told Goku about what happened."

Rei appeared. "Let me guess, he shrugged it off and said , 'Okay'?"

Danyelle spoke "Eyup... Spoiled had a zero percent chance of being reformed since she was infected."

Rei spoke "Saw that coming, and I thought you should know, Jennifer and Jessika are entering the Sisterhooves Social."

Danyelle asks "But don't they have kids to look after?"

Rei spoke "I'll be looking after them. Later."

Rei then dashed off.

Danyelle shook her head in disbelief.

Danyelle spoke "If only he knew how much damage a babytwo can cause..."

Rani pokes her head out of the backpack, causing Celestia and Luna to gush over the baby Mew.

Rei shouts "*From a distance* I heard that!"

The four females giggle.

*Meanwhile, at the Sisterhooves Social*

"Are you excited?!" I asked Bluestar.

Bluestar spoke "Totally! And I think mom had encouraged the Celestial Sisters to take part."

"Really?" I gasped.

Danyelle spoke "Sure did kiddo."

But then we saw Jennifer and Jessika entering.

Celestia giggles "We've got this, right Luna?"

Luna giggles "Even so, this looks to be a tough competition."

Much to the surprise of the Crusaders, Diamond Tiara shows up with her baby sister.

Diamond spoke "H-Hi."

Applebloom spoke "Sorry to hear what happened to your mom though Diamond..."

Diamond was a little quiet at that.

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and I hug Diamond.

Diamond broke down into a crying mess.

Rarity asks "Is she alright?"

Danyelle spoke "From what I know, Spoiled Rich was infected by tarkat so Winter Frost had to stop the mare..."

Applejack spoke "Dang..."

Danyelle spoke "Any of the Mobians or Poké-Mobians would have done the same thing... Plus I saw no chance of redemption for Spoiled anyway."

Lillian spoke "Agreed..."

But then a green mare with black mane and tail, having a basilisk as her cutie mark appeared with a blue mare that had black mane and tail, with her cutie mark being a skink.

The green mare asks "What's happening?"

A loud bang followed by Pierce's scream was heard since Dren had pranked the Mobian sheep with TNT.

Danyelle asks "Who are you two?"

The green mare spoke "Oh, my name is Basilisk, and this is my sister, Skink."

Bluestar spoke "Not very creative names..."

Basilisk spoke "*Quietly to her sister and herself* You can thank a friend of ours for that."

Danyelle spoke "I heard what you said."

Skink asks "How?"

Danyelle spoke "I've got keen ears."

But it looked like the competition was gonna start in a minute.

Danyelle spoke "I'm surprised with you Rarity, you normally don't enter these sorts of events."

Rarity spoke "Well…"

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps you should follow Celestia's example of how to be a good sister."

Rarity spoke "O-Okay..."

Danyelle spoke "Sonia and I bicker at times but we're still sisters."

Danyelle's left ear twitches since she heard Adagio and Aria bickering.

Lillian spoke "*sweatdrop* Case in point..."

Rarity spoke "Not going to argue with that."

Danyelle spoke "Siblings argue at times but they forgive each other. Not long ago, I kicked Manic through a wall since he scared me with a balloon..."

Soon, we got ready for the contest to start.

To my surprise, Sonata and both of her sisters had entered as well since the three of them were in Mobian hedgehog forms.

Then we got racing!

Danyelle kept her speed the same as the others since she was one of the fastest.

We soon got to the pie-eating part.

Adagio and Danyelle down a whole pie each before moving on.

Some of the other duos ate the whole pies real fast too, including me and Bluestar.

Danyelle balances a chicken egg on her head before setting it into the basket as she and Adagio headed for the finish line, tying for first place with Celestia and Luna.

"Whoa! She's good." I noticed.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjs8QmsTaXA was heard before a Mewtwo as black as night flew overhead.

Luna asks "What was that?"

Celestia spoke "I'm not sure."

Danyelle spoke "That sounded like a Night Fury but not a purebred one."


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