• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Out of this World

*Rei’s POV*

The description of those symptoms… if they’re what I think they are, I have to get to Danyelle and the others so we could find the hippogriff! I soon made it to Danyelle.

Riding on a custom built Extreme Gear that was able to withstand taur bodies, Honeystar zooms after me.

Honeystar spoke "<Hey foxboy! Wait up!>"

“Honeystar?” I asked in confusion.

Honeystar spoke "<I've heard of this kind of illness. It's not one you should mess around with.>"

“Hold on! How did you get to Outworld?!” I asked in shock before closing my mouth with my hands.

Honeystar spoke "<Warp rings, try to keep up.>"

“Look, we need to find that hippogriff so I can figure out if that disease is really what I think it is.” I urged.

Honeystar spoke "<Fair enough plus given my appearance, I hate the taste of sand on my hooves.>"

“Cool. Danyelle!” I called out.

Danyelle spoke "Stay back Rei!"

"But we need to find that hippogriff to find out if that disease is really what I think it is." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "He's already gone but I don't know where he went."

I then sniffed Braeburn before picking up the hippogriff's scent. "I know where he went."

Orchid spoke "He could've covered his tracks with a warp ring."

“I doubt that. If he’s from where I think he’s from, I don’t think he’s even heard of a Warp Ring.” I pointed out.

Honeystar spoke "<He could be a hostile alien in disguise.>"

“Once we find him, I’ll know what he is for sure.” I said. “Come, we don’t have time to waste. We gotta find him.”

Honeystar spoke "<Fair enough but if it IS a hostile alien, I'll rip it to shreds... Like I did with those other aliens...>"

“If anything, that hippogriff’s a victim. Now come on.” I said as Honeystar scoffed but shi followed me anyway.

Danyelle spoke "Be careful Rei!"

“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” I assured and Honeystar and I went off.

Twilight soon pops up via magic.

Twilight spoke "You might need my help."

Honeystar asks "<Wait, why?>"

Twilight spoke "No offense Rei but you don't have magic."

"Not the first time I've been told that, and if you think of challenging me to combat, it's not the first time I've beaten magic-users." I shrugged off.

Twilight spoke "I'd rather not get a sit command from Danyelle or frozen in ice by Miyuki."

Oh boy... "Well, okay. But don't blame me if your brain overloads from the info." I said.

Twilight shifts to her Deep Lilac form.

Deep Lilac spoke "Two souls, one body... Remember? I have Deep Blue's memories as well."

Deep Lilac's ears twitch when she heard a mewl.

Honeystar asks "<What is it?>"

Deep Lilac spoke "Sounds like a chakat, roughly around Silverstorm's age...."

"Well, what do we do? Bring hir along or call in backup to pick hir up?" I asked.

Deep Lilac spoke "Dummkopf, all chakats and their subspecies are hermaphrodites."

Honeystar asks "<Can we just please focus right now?>"

A fiery orange chakat with green eyes about Silverstorm's age limps out of a bush, hir back left paw had thorns lodged in it.

Honeystar spoke "<Looks like shi needs help.>"

The fiery chakat fainted since shi was malnourished.

Honeystar asks "<Anyone have any food?>"

Deep Lilac spoke "Don't look at me!"

All of a sudden, the flame colored chakat was out for hir pound of flesh and was glaring at Deep Lilac.

I then brought out some fresh tuna, catching the chakat's attention.

But suddenly, two of the chakat's teeth grew into saber-like teeth.

Deep Lilac spoke "Shit! Shi's been infected!"

"Guess shi had a run-in with our visitor and fought him while accidentally touching him too much." I noted as I put some latex gloves on before I swiftly jabbed some nerves on the chakat, making hir go unconscious. "Never hurts to be prepared."

Honeystar spoke "<True there but it if had been me, you two would have been killed by my tail-blade.>"

"Not the first time." I shrugged off before asking Twilight, "Got a quarantine bubble spell?"

Deep Lilac spoke "I don't know that kind of spell!"

A Chaos Barrier surrounds the fiery orange chakat, keeping it from lashing out.

Danyelle spoke "That was a close call."

"Had a feeling you'd come along." I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, we're stronger when we work together."

"What about the others?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Applejack and the others are in Appleloosa right now with the medicine."

Oh geez… “Last I checked months ago, that disease is incurable. So the most they could do is treat the symptoms, but they can’t cure the disease.”

Deep Lilac spoke "I hate to break it to you Rei but this disease is a new one since Celestia and Luna know nothing about it... Wait... Maybe it started back when Dark Gaia was put into a restraint form? That might be why!"

“No one knows where the disease came from but I do know it’s not from Mobius or Equis.” I pointed out, confusing the others greatly. “Let’s just find the hippogriff so I could confirm the disease, then I’ll explain the whole situation.”

Danyelle sniffs the air.

Danyelle spoke "I got his scent!"

“Then let’s move.” I said as we went off.

Guided by Danyelle's nose, Deep Lilac and I along with Honeystar made our way to where the hippogriff was.

We were bringing along the Chaos Barrier that had the chakat we encountered earlier along as we found the hippogriff. The hippogriff sniffed the air and turned around, spotting us immediately.

The sickly hippogriff asks "*Raspy voice* Who are you?"

Danyelle spoke "My name is Danyelle and the others are Rei, Twilight Sparkle and Shir Honeystar-Ferris-Clement."

The sickly hippogriff spoke "My name is Teermakus."

That confused the others as I looked at Teermakus' condition. "Yep, that settles it."

Danyelle was growling.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes shimmer* There's a lump of foreign flesh on his back!"

“Calm down, Danyelle, those are spikes that are gonna grow out.” I informed. “Now Teermakus, if you would explain the disease.”

Teermakus asks "Don’t you know what that creature and I are?"

Danyelle spoke "*Skeptically* We do not know."

Teermakus spoke "We are victims of Tarkat. The disease is not easily gotten, but you can’t risk more close exposure. It disfigures, then debilitates. In time, it will turn all those infected into blood-thirsty monsters. Death is the only release."

Ugh… Just Mukking great. As I thought, he isn’t from Equis or Mobius, but from one of the realms I found before.

Danyelle spoke "But I refuse to condemn an innocent child to death."

Honeystar spoke "<Tarkat huh? I've heard of such a thing from my Andalite father, he told me to never get close to it.>"

"Tarkat isn't a monster, it's a disease, and Tarkatans are the result of that disease." I pointed out before facing Teermakus. "You're from Outworld, aren't you? Used to be Edenian?"

Teermakus asks "Yes, how do you know?"

"I've been to Outworld before. Especially the wastes, as in the wastelands." I answered.

Danyelle asks "Is there any way to remove the disease completely?"

I winced at that, knowing they weren't gonna like the answer. "No, there isn't."

Deep Lilac spoke "I heard a rumor that a different Danyelle knows a move called Chaos Blackhole."

"I don't think even that will cure Tarkat. The disease has been around for thousands of years in Outworld." I informed.

Teermakus spoke "And to think I share my brother's affliction now."

A heavenly howl rings clear, cleansing the disease from Teermakus completely.

Danyelle spoke "But against Amaterasu's howl, it doesn't stand a chance."

“*Sigh* I tried to tell you it existed for thousands of years, so that howl only treated the symptoms. It didn’t cure him.” I explained.

Teermakus spoke "Your friend is right, it is only a matter of time before my symptoms return to how they just were."

Danyelle spoke "True but if caught early, the disease can be contained. Just look at the fiery orange chakat, my Chaos Barrier is laced with healing magic to slow the progress."

"But is it long-lasting?" I asked, bringing out the million-dollar question.

Danyelle spoke "I... don't know..."

"Thought so." I said before bringing out a flute.

Danyelle asks "Is that a time flute?"

"That's right." I confirmed before playing it.

Celebi soon appears.

Celebi asks "Rei?"

"That's right. If you don't mind, take us to you know what, you know where." I requested as Celebi nodded at that.

Celebi spoke "You sure? 'Cause there might not be any going back after this."

"I'm certain, for I'll explain to those here everything." I nodded.

Rani pokes her head out of Danyelle's backpack, causing Celebi to fawn over the baby Mew.

Celebi giggles "Aww! Who’s this adorable little cutie?"

Danyelle spoke "Her name's Rani. And there's a few other babytwos as well. There's Huey, Pigment, Amber, Jessika's son, Jennifer's daughter, Rainbowtwo's daughter and I think Haru has one on the way."

Celebi spoke "Whoa! Really! I gotta see that! But first, if you guys are certain, I’ll take you guys to where Rei is talking about."

Deep Lilac spoke "Danyelle and I both have kids though, as does Rei. So if anything bad happens to us, their lives might be in danger."

"Don't worry, I've been there before, and nothing happens there. Besides, we'll be back in Appleloosa when this is over." I assured as Celebi nodded in agreement of that.

Deep Lilac spoke "I've got fire powers, a sword and the Roar just in case."

Danyelle spoke "Keen senses and fire powers."

"Okay, but where we're heading might be a bit mind-blowing." I warned as Celebi teleported the six of us to a place I knew well before seeing a giant hourglass.

Danyelle asks "Are those... dragons off in the distance?"

“Hmm?” I asked before noticing. “Ah, dragon spirits. I don’t know why or how, but the spirits of all dragons come here when they pass on. Good spirits that is.”

Danyelle spoke "So basically a dragon version of StarClan then."

“You can say that, but this place is more.” I said before Dialga appeared. “And before you ask, Dialga does like to hang out here, especially when he’s in his element.”

Danyelle spoke "This is his domain after all. Oh? There he is now! Dialga! Over here!"

Dialga smiled as he jumped over to us when as dust devil suddenly blew in. But Dialga and I didn’t act, much to the others confusion.

Danyelle flapped her wings to blow away the dust devil.

But the dust devil was unaffected as it came together, forming a man.

The male spoke "Rei, Dialga, it is good to see you both again."

“Heh, same here, Geras.” I smiled.

Dialga spoke "Glad to see a fellow guardian of time again."

Danyelle spoke "Stars above... Korra's gonna freak once she learns that I can control water, air and earth as well as fire..."

Geras spoke "It would seem your exposure here may have brought out your full potential, since it may be possible that potential may have been sealed within you since you were born."

Danyelle spoke "It was my adopted dad's decision, he chose to seal my other three elements when I was 5. He didn't want others to know a second Avatar existed."

Geras spoke Indeed."

But then Danyelle’s eyes glowed white as her Dimensional Scream showed her something.

*Danyelle’s POV*

I saw grains of sand falling in an hourglass, but when the last grain of sand fell, it transformed into a big bang explosion as I saw the whole universe, then the Milky Way before I heard a voice. “Having liberated the Hourglass, I’d become Keeper of Time. My next task was to restart history.” The voice narrated as I flew into the Milky Way before finding myself at the Solar System, with Earth being red and black. “Not beholden to past events, I was free to craft a new era. But as I wondered how to create it, I encountered Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon. We soon became friends as we decided to work together. It was with humility and restraint, that we approached this blank canvas.” the voice continued before stars appeared alongside colorful supernovas in the darkness of space. “After careful preparation, Arceus introduced me to her creations, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, as we began work, painting over the darkness. After eons past, we sketched out the realms, after eons more, we brushed them in with life.” The voice said as the sun rose over a colorful and life-filled Earth before I sensed Equis and Mobius far far away. “In this new era, all beings will have the opportunity to find peace. Whether or not they do, will be their responsibility. For the power of me and my friends only permit me to begin this endeavor, it is the duty of those beings to finish it.

Then I suddenly found myself back with the others.

Rei asks "So, what’d ya see?"

I spoke "A lot of things.... I never knew my Dimensional Scream could see THAT far into the past..."

Geras spoke "It does not. Perhaps the Hourglass allowed your Dimensional Scream to show you the beginning of time."

I spoke "I am rather curious about my Mew ancestor..."

But then we heard a thud as Deep Lilac was out cold.

Dialga spoke "Yeesh, guess your friend couldn't comprehend what she saw."

I spoke "Her and Deep Blue both..."

Rei sighs "This is why I asked beforehand, because I had a feeling this would happen."

I spoke "Honeystar stayed behind though."

Rei asks "Nervous about unfamiliar lands?"

I spoke "Very much so, it took hir a few months to adapt to being in Equestria since shi took up residence in the old castle."

Rei spoke "Oh."

I spoke "Shi's not like other chakats though and I think shi might be in danger..."

I soon notice a Mew that looked a lot different than Myth.

"Huh?" I noticed.

Deep Lilac groans "Ugh..."

Rei asks "Brain loaded all that info you saw?"

Deep Lilac groans "Twice over... Two souls, one body remember?"

Rei spoke "I'll take that as a yes."

Deep Lilac groans "Ugh, I've got such a pounding headache...."

Rei spoke "Whaddya-Oh."

But when we looked at Teermakus, he looked human as well.

Deep Lilac soon threw up on the ground.

Deep Lilac asks "What's going on?!"

I spoke "Long story short... Momo's pregnancy affected your body... So yeah, you're a surrogate mother."

To Be Continued

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