• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Battle in the Boscage

*Akane's POV*

I sneeze, causing Applejack's tail to catch fire.

Applejack spoke "AKANE!"

I spoke "Sorry."

Orion asks "Where are we?"

Maurice spoke "We’re at Boscage Maze."

But then the giant ship left through a portal, exiting Boscage Maze while we went lower, sliding down branches as we went deeper into the forest.

Danyelle spoke "That was close..."

Asuna spoke "Uh guys, I don't think we should let our guards down just yet..."

We moved forward before was saw New Yoke bots tearing down the forest as we took cover in the leaves.

Maurice spoke "And I thought gardening was supposed to be relaxing."

Danyelle spoke "This won't sit well with Thorn..."

We then found the group of Egg bots, beating them easily.

Maurice spoke "Hey!"

Another Egg bot aimed and fired at a running Maurice before he took it out.

Maurice spoke "So if the Chaos Council’s still looking for the shard, that means they haven’t found it yet!"

Twilight was in her Deep Lilac form as she slashes a robot with her sword.

Deep Lilac spoke "Make that two shards!"

Maurice spoke "Good thing for me, I have a pretty good idea where it is. C’mon!"

Maurice ran off.

We followed Maurice only to find something shocking.

Maurice asks "The trees. What have they done?"

The Egg bots really were tearing down the whole forest.

Maurice asks "Looking for the Shards is one thing, but why all this needless destruction?"

Since she was in Mew form, Danyelle floats towards the ground before using Heal Pulse on the tree stumps to regrow the trees back to normal.

Danyelle growls "It's bad enough we have one shard already but tearing the forest down for another is just plain stupid! The smaller animals like squirrels and birds need the trees to survive. Right Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy roared in rage as we fought and beat them.

Maurice asks "I need to find the Boscage Gang. Can you guys hold ‘em off?"

I spoke "Do you even have to ask that? We'll hold them off long enough so Danyelle can repair the damages!"

Danyelle spoke "GO!!!"

Maurice ran off as we fought the bots.

Ash spoke "At least one or two of us should go after Maurice in case he needs backup!"

Moeru zooms off after Maurice.

Blaze threw an Eggbot away.

Blaze spoke "We can't afford to lose Danyelle either."

Danyelle's ears perk up when she heard the screech of a hawk-like Flicky.

Danyelle zooms off towards the sound as the others and I fended off the bots.

*Danyelle's POV*

Keeping Heal Pulse going as trees regrew, I soon come across a pink hedgehog Mobian that sort of reminded me of Amy minus the baby bump.

I ask "You okay miss?"

Then Maurice and Moeru showed up.

Maurice spoke "Thorn, wait!"

Thorn groans "Spare me."

I noticed Thorn riding the giant flicky.

Thorn spoke "I told you, I won’t give up the Shard."

I spoke "I'm working myself to the bone here just to regrow the trees that got ripped up."

Thorn asks "What?"

But then we heard an explosion up ahead as we heard manic laughter before a giant mech came down with a slam, causing a shockwave that tripped us and sent Thorn off Boscage Birdy. When the dust cleared, we heard babbling as the giant mech revealed itself.

Maurice groans "Eurgh... How can one baby be so hateable?"

I had Thorn held with Psychic as I set her back onto the Flicky's back.

I spoke "I would never hit a child though!"

The mech pressed the center of its face as a light started spinning clockwise between six colors.

Maurice spoke "Thorn, Dany, get out of there! That thing is not a toy!"

The light landed on purple as the blaster opened up, showing three holes like a revolver before it shot a red blast at us as we dodged that. Thorn tried to attack, but the mech fired at the hammer, sending it flying out of her hands before we heard chuckling, followed by egg bots dropping in.

A voice taunts "Ready to dance?"

An insignia appeared over one of the bots as we started fighting them.

I spoke "I have only one thing to say! TILL EQUIS AND MOBIUS END!!!"

The rest of the Element Bearers appear.

The Mane Six, the Mobian Bearers and the six Mewtwo spoke "HARMONY GUARD DEFEND!!!"

Thorn spoke "*Dodging* You monsters. You’re destroying my jungle! I’m gonna make you pay!"

Maurice spoke "*Dodging mech’s shots* Let’s play a game of speed tag. *Hits mech* Tag. You’re it."

Maurice dodged the mech’s punch, causing it to fall onto its back because of the overthrust while the egg bot Thorn was fighting shut down with the insignia gone.

Thorn asks "Huh?"

Then the insignia appeared on another bot before Thorn threw the bot into the other, knocking them both down.

Ash zaps a robot, shutting it down.

Orion and Asuna tag-team against a robot, crushing it with Psychic.

Sonic and Tails whip up a tornado which rips several robots apart.

Akane attacks a robot with Fire Fang.

Maurice went onto the top of the mech's as it tried to get him, but he kept dodging while Thorn tripped, cornered by a egg bot with the insignia.

The person spoke "Time for you to split."

Maurice spoke "Thorn!"

Maurice jumped off the mech and spun right towards the bot, as his blow made the bot explode with its saw flying at Thorn before she dodged it.

Maurice: Er, my bad."

Maurice backed up into another egg bot as it gained the insignia.

The person spoke "Rematch, bro."

The bot threw a beaten bot onto Maurice, trapping him underneath as we started getting in trouble before Boscage Birdie screeched as she attacked the mech when a scanner's red light on her turned green.

Scanner bot spoke "Shard energy signature detected."

Thorn spoke "No!"

Thorn whistled as she got onto Boscage Birdie as they started to escape with the mech and controlled bot chasing after them.

The person spoke "Duh."

We beat the rest of the bots before we got the bot off Maurice.

Maurice asks "Huh? Where is everybody?"

Deep Lilac shouts "PYRO SLASH!!!!"

The attack hits the two robots, causing them to explode.

Maurice asks "There was two more here?"

Deep Lilac spoke "Just showed up, but I took care of 'em."

But then one of the bots started getting up.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no, you don't!"

The bot's eyes were yellow when Maurice pinned it down before a voice came out of it. "Sonic, it's me."

Maurice spoke "Nine? I've been looking everywhere for you."

Nine spoke "I dunno how much time I have."

Maurice asks "Are you inside the Eggforcer?"

Nine spoke "I'm up on the ship with the doctors."

Maurice asks "The what-the what? You're working with them?"

Nine spoke "No! Would you just listen for a second. They captured me but I'm working them from the inside."

Maurice asks "Are you okay? Wait, does that mean they also have their Shard back?"

Nine spoke "Yes, temporarily."

Maurice spoke "Well, don't worry, I'm coming to get ya."

Nine spoke "No, you're not."

Maurice spoke "I'm not? Pretty sure I am."

Nine spoke "Don't worry about me. Focus on finding the Boscage Shard."

Maurice spoke "I think I have a good idea of where it is."

Nine spoke "Yeah, so do the Chaos Council. Now, hold still."

Maurice spoke "*As the bot was upgrading the tech* Is this some kind of secret handshake I have to learn, 'cause-"

Nine spoke "I'm reprogramming the regulators so we can communicate through them!"

Maurice spoke "Oh, score."

Nine spoke "You'll also be able to make contact with the Shards in any way without risking teleportation. Something I picked up from being here. You see? Playing prisoner has its advantages."

Maurice spoke "If you say so. I mean, we should still come up with a secret handshake, but that can probably wait."

Nine spoke "...Gotta go."

The robot shut down before falling onto its back.

I spoke "I'm getting a lot of red flag warnings in my head about this..."

Indigo spoke "Same."

Maurice spoke "Alright, let's go find Thorn and get that Shard.

Maurice ran off as we followed him. We were making it through the forest as we soon saw Thorn and Boscage Birdie surrounded.

Maurice spoke "*Touches mech* Tag. You're it."

Maurice made the giant mech lose its balance and fall onto the controlled bot as the insignia disappeared before reappearing on another one. We fight the bots before we were thrown back.

The person spoke "I can do this all day. Now!"

We were suddenly pinned down by a pile of bots before we soon burst out of them. The bots were about to get Thorn and Boscage Birdie before spears hit some of them.

Gnarly spoke "This is our home!

Prim spoke "And you are destroying it!"

The Boscage Gang roared as they charged in.

Maurice spoke "You made it! Welcome to the party."

Akane spoke "I called them with my howl!"

Mangey and Vixe howl as the siblings charge into the fray.

Thorn got on Boscage Birdie as they took flight.

Thorn asks "Change of heart?"

Prim spoke "It's our home and I'm ready to fight for it."

Thorn spoke "For Boscage Maze."

Prim spoke "For Boscage Maze!"

Gnarly spoke "*Punches a bot* For Boscage Maze!"

Mangey and Vixe screamed like they shouted, "For Boscage Maze!" as Hangry took off a bot's arm.

Hangry spoke "For Boscage Maze!"

Now the fight was in our favor!

I whistle loud, calling in the ENTIRE Boscage Changeling hive.

Boscage Thorax spoke "CHARGE!!!!"

Sonic asks "How'd you find them?"

Looking at my adopted brother, I spoke "I used the same tone for the Changeling hive of our universe."

"Huh. Whodathunk." Sonic noted.

Maurice spoke "Got to hand it to you, Thorn, pretty creative hiding spot."

Thorn asks "You know? *Whacks away a bot* When?"

Maurice spoke "*As Thorn whacked away another bot* Back at the village."

Thorn asks "Why didn't you say anything?"

Maurice spoke "It's because I wanted you to trust me."

Then more bots showed up.

Boscage Thorax grabs a bot with his front legs before throwing it like a bowling ball, knocking several others over.

I laugh "Strike!"

Maurice growled, not liking the amount of enemies. "Thorn, it's the Shard they want. Give it to me and they'll follow me out of here."

Thorn spoke "But the jungle."

Maurice spoke "We'll come back. We'll help you rebuild it. But first, we gotta get these guys out of here."

Thorn spoke "...Take the Shard. Take it and run as far and as fast as you can."

Maurice asks "Alright, where'd you stash it? Under the wing or?"

Boscage Birdie nodded before she started gagging before spewed out the Shard.

Maurice groans "Why'd I have to ask?"

The controlled bot covered its mouth while the voice started retching.

I spoke "Eww."

Thorn asks "What are you waiting for?"

Maurice nodded as he picked up the Shard. "So glad I'm always wearing gloves. *Speeds up* Hey, Chaos Clowns, follow me!"

The voice spoke "We can't let that hedgehog get away with the Shard!"

The bot was knocked back by a spear as the mech pressed the circle again before the light stopped on yellow as the right arm brought out a rattle-like club.

Deep Lilac and I use a speed spell on our slower friends as we zoom off after Maurice.

But then Maurice stopped after a while and we heard a scream. "What? The Chaos Council didn't follow me?"

We saw flashes of light in the distance.

Maurice spoke "Those eggheads! Ah, that is the most stubborn baby of all time. We gotta head back!"

I spoke "But Thorn told us to go!"

Maurice spoke "I’m not leaving my friends behind!"

Maurice ran back.

Sonic spoke "Spoken like an Element of Loyalty! Come on guys! One hedgehog alone won't be enough!"


The others spoke "HARMONY GUARD DEFEND!!!"

The rest of us charge into battle.

Maurice spoke "Thorn!"

Thorn spoke "*Notices us coming back* Sonic? No!"

Maurice spoke "We’re getting you out of here."

Maurice leapt with the Shard before piercing it on the ground, causing roots to erupt, taking out the Egg bots, leaving us shocked at what happened.

Sonic transforms to his werehog form before walloping any eggbot that got past the roots.

Ash spoke "Rainbow Dash, Sonic, Maurice and I refuse to leave our friends behind! Even if they are alternate versions of the friends we know!"

Rainbow spoke "He's right Thorn! We never leave a friend behind!"

Asuna and Haru pull an injured Hangry to a safer spot before binding the cat's injured arm.

Maurice spoke "Not bad for a-"

Then we heard an angry scream as the giant mech came back out as Maurice dodged an attack before all of us were suddenly grabbed by Egg bots, causing Maurice to drop the Shard.

Maurice spoke "No!"

We managed to take out the bots holding us, but the mech the grabbed the shard as it and the rest of the Egg bots started flying off.

The person spoke "Dr. Don’t to mothership, we’ve got the Shard. Now get us out of this dump."

Maurice spoke "*Notices a giant root poking through an opening in the jungle* I know how we can catch up to them, follow me!"

Maurice ran towards the giant root before going up on it.

I flew into a flying spindash, ramming into the mech as I grab the shard with my mouth.

Holding the shard close, I shout "FRENZY PLANT!!!"

Several vines snare the mech, stopping it from getting away.

Then a controlled bot sliced the vine before tackling me, causing the Shard to fly out of my hands as the mech caught it while landing on its ship before I destroyed the bot that tackled me. Maurice was about to reach the mech and ship before the mothership appeared as the ship’s thrusters activated, forcing Maurice and I flying back.

Maurice spoke "No, no, no!"

I stopped myself while Prim caught Maurice.

Prim spoke "You were never gonna make that jump."

Maurice asks "Prim? What are you doing?"

Prim spoke "Saving your hide."

Maurice asks "So, does that mean after this we’re even?"

Prim asks "Depends on whether or not you survive. What is that?"

Maurice asks "Our last chance. Think you can get me through it?"

Prim spoke "Not a problem."

Prim threw Maurice into the air before Boscage Birdie flew in with Thorn as Maurice rode on the giant flicky. We were heading to the mothership as it was heading into a portal.

Thorn spoke "Promise you’ll return and help me restore the jungle.

Maurice spoke "*As the mothership went through the portal* You have my word, Thorn. I’m gonna set everything right."

Maurice jumped off Boscage Birdie as he went into the portal before I teleported to the others.

“Deep Lilac, if you would?” I requested as Deep Lilac sliced open a portal to the Void.

The others and I went through the portal.

I spoke "Shad, we lost the green shard."

We then caught up with Maurice, heading towards the mothership.

Maurice spoke "Hang on, Nine. I'm coming for ya."

Nine spoke "No. Don't worry about me. I'm working on a plan to get the Shards from the inside. The best thing you can do is to get the next Shard before they do."

Maurice asks "Are you sure?"

Nine spoke "Totally. These eggheads are playing into my head. They don't know that this whole time, I've been downloading their tech. You just need to get to the Shard first then get out. I better go."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "That's the first time one of them has made any sense."

Shadow spoke "Agreed."

A voice rang clear "SACRED SWORD!!!!"

A blade of energy hits several bots before a green blur grabs the shard along with Maurice, jumping off the airship.

Maurice spoke "Nine's on our side, Shadow. And if you're not gonna help, you can-"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Oh, I can help."

Shatterverse Shadow attacked Maurice, sending him flying into the blue Gateway.

The others and I follow after Maurice thanks to Deep Lilac's portal.

But we were somehow falling onto an island.

Maurice spoke "Not again!"

Some of us landed on the island while others, including the Sonics, fell into the water near the shore.

The Mobian Virizion dove into the water to rescue the two hedgehogs, getting them to shore.


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