• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Luna Eclipsed

*Twilight's POV*

Some time after my spazz out, Winter and I soon had new children. Surprisingly enough, the child I had given birth to was a full fledged Mobian cat with the powers of a Cyniclon.

"Wow." I awed in surprise.

Nyx and Akari were rather curious about their adoptive brother.

Dusk asks "What are you gonna name him mom?"

A knock on the door was heard.

Danyelle calls out "Hey Sparkles, you ready yet?"

"Huh? For what?" I asked in confusion.

Danyelle giggles "It's Nightmare Night silly! Plus it's something new for Opaline too since she has never experienced such an event before! Plus Luna is supposed to come by too."

"Oh no!" I realized as I worried about where my Starswirl the Bearded costume was.

Danyelle spoke "About that... I don't think it's a good idea to wear that costume. Last thing we need is a trio of angry sirens..."

"What else am I supposed to wear?" I asked.

Danyelle uses her magic to disguise me as a pony version of Amaterasu.

Danyelle asks "What do you think of this idea?"

"Whoa. Did not see that coming." I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "I left your eyes alone though since the spell doesn't work that way."

Danyelle uses the same spell on her own fur to change it from sky blue to cream colored while the tail tips were turned black.

Danyelle spoke "Bummer, it doesn't work on my wings though."

"It's okay." I said before Pinkie popped up.

Pinkie exclaims "Hey guys! I heard there's a new ride this Nightmare Night!"

The dark blue Mobian kitten started crying.

Pinkie spoke "Oops."

"Shh... Shh... It's okay. It's okay." I soothed the kitten as it calmed down before it started getting sleepy.

Pinkie spoke "Sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "Newborns of any species are more jumpy than children or adults."

Pinkie spoke "Again, sorry about that."

Deep Blue suddenly manifests, scaring the cuss out of Pinkie.

But then Pinkie laughed. "Wow! Good fright, Deep Blue."

Deep Blue chuckles "Not bad for my first Nightmare Night though."

Renee soon knocks on the door despite carrying a tigerwolf boy in her arms.

Renee spoke "Happy Halloween Twilight! Oh sorry, that's a thing back on Mobius."

"Huh, sounds a lot like Nightmare Night here on Equis." I noted.

Seto chuckles "It is, minus the Nightmare Moon part."

"Oh." I said. "Anyway, Pinkie told me about the ride here. That true?"

Renee spoke "Yeah."

Elsa was being held back by a pale blue Pegasus stallion with blue eyes and a white mane since she was pranked by Rainbow.


That nickname definitely pushed Dash’ buttons.

A clawed hand pulls Rainbow back.

Sonic spoke "Cool it Dash, you shouldn't provoke an ice user."

the stallion spoke "Name’s Jack Frost."

Natsu sets Jack's tail on fire.

Elsa spoke "I smell roast Pegasus...."

Jack simply blew on his tail as the flames froze and shattered.

Elsa was giggling.

Asuna snickers "Talk about hot flank, right Rainbow?"

Rainbow spoke "Hehe, yeah. But even flames feel cool for him."

Asuna spoke "So says the hothead that has a crush on Soarin."

Rainbow spoke "Hey!"

Sonic chuckles "Dash, calm down. Besides, we were gonna check out that ride, right?"

Rainbow spoke "Sure thing.

Roll, Blaze and Spitfire gang up on Sonic before dragging the male away.

Tempest spoke "You're on your own Sonic."

Rainbow spoke "Yeesh."

Danyelle and I soon arrive with a gaggle of kids following.

Danyelle spoke "Happy Nightmare Night Rainbow."

Rainbow spoke "Happy Nightmare Night, Twi."

I spoke "Likewise Rainbow. Danyelle suggested a different costume for me since my original idea would have angered the sirens..."

Rei showed up in his Hisuian Form. “Hey everyone.”

All of a sudden, the screech of a Galarian Moltres Poké-Mobian was heard just as Princess Luna arrives.

Rei spoke "Talk about timing."

Jazz and her brothers dart over to Luna and hug her.

Luna laughed as she hugged them back.

Moonlight was on her mother's back.

I spoke "Hello Luna."

Minus Danyelle and I, the other Mobians and ponies were afraid of Luna.

Danyelle spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Rei sighs "You're telling me."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm... That gives me an idea... Rei, Twilight, I'll need your help with this. Josuke, I'll need Iggy's help too."

Josuke asks "Really?"

Danyelle snickers as she whispers her plan into Josuke's ear.

Josuke spoke "Whoa."

Luna sighs "I suppose we could try this new ride that Jasmine brought here."

The triplets snicker as they drag their great grandma and grand aunt over to the area.

Danyelle and I follow with Nyx and our group of kids.

Danyelle spoke "I just hope Jasmine knows to make the attraction safe for babies."

We soon got to the ride that suddenly had two paths.

Jasmine spoke "Hello! Welcome to the Tunnels of Mystery!"

I ask "One question Jasmine, is this safe for babies?"

Jasmine spoke "One of the tunnels, yes. And I’ll make sure they go that tunnel, with supervision no less."

That made Danyelle and I give a huge sigh of relief as a clone of Jasmine appeared.

I spoke "I'd rather not get an earful from both Momo AND Deep Blue if their son got hurt."

Both Jasmines spoke "Don’t worry, only I know which tunnel is baby-safe, so that no one pulls any funny business."

Luna spoke "Stars above, hearing you and your clone talk at the same time reminds me of the time Celestia and Newlestia pulled that prank on me."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Oh hello!"

Orion and some of the other male 'Twos were helping Jasmine out.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow asked.

Rainbowtwo spoke "I was just about to ask that!"

I ask "But which is safer for kids though?"

Jasmine clone spoke "Sorry, can't tell."

Jasmine spoke "We don't want anyone to know if they wanna pull some switcheroo tricks with this ride."

A scream was heard from one of the tunnels.

Danyelle growls "I smell blood!"

Alex (Jasmine clone) spoke "Definitely not part of the ride. Looks like the kids will have to stay behind."

Danyelle spoke "S-someone should go take a look..."

Orion was dragging a decapitated body out.

Orion spoke "That Sonic clone killed an Axew... And it's impossible to revive them since the head was devoured..."

Alex investigated the Axew. "Hmm... This definitely isn't Iris, it's a bystander who was at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Iris showed up. "What's going on?!"

Orion spoke "I made a terrible mistake with Sonictwo, he's gone full on cannibal."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Hey, you didn’t know this would happen."

I spoke "But we should be careful. With a cannibal on the loose, no creature is safe until that thing is destroyed."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed, I see no chance of reforming Sonictwo. He's too far gone."

Danyelle sent a warning letter to Zonic as well as Scourge via fire breath, warning them about Sonictwo's behavior.

A bruised Twilight-two collapsed on the ground, her left front leg was completely gone.

Rei spoke "Guess as much as I know, that psycho’s just asking for combat."

Danyelle spoke "Bad idea Rei, he'll rip you apart!"

Rei spoke "Not the first time I’ve been told that, only to come out on top."

Danyelle soon burps up a letter from Zonic.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes narrow* Oh this is BAD!!! Sonictwo has infected a Zone Cop!"

Rei spoke "Just as I thought, we gotta take the fight to him."

Danyelle gives the letter to Rei.

Danyelle spoke "*ears pin back* It's worse than that Rei, Sonictwo's got the tarkat virus! That alone is what's causing him to go berserk!"

Rei asks "Thought that's the case. So what's the plan?"

Danyelle spoke "We only have one option, kill the hedgehog before he kills one of us."

I ask "f someone treated for tarkat got infected again... Would that person die?"

Teermakus spoke "That has never happened before, so I can't provide an answer for that."

Danyelle spoke "Odd... Ever since the virus broke out, I haven't gotten infected once."

A divine voice rings clear as it spoke "The two-tailed cat is correct! She's too important to lose."

A flash of light lit up the night sky as an alabaster alicorn with a scarlet red mane and bright teal eyes appears.

Rei spoke "Saw that coming. Her arrival, not what she said."

Danyelle whacks Rei on the head.

Danyelle spoke "I'm the one with the Dimensional Scream, not you Rei."

Rei spoke "That doesn't mean we can't predict in our heads."

Danyelle was about to retort, but thought about it and said, "Point taken."

I spoke "That still doesn't explain why High Goddess Faust is here."

Faust spoke "It's... A lot to explain."

Danyelle spoke "I was bit by a chakat with the tarkat virus a week ago but I show no signs of the virus at all."

Faust spoke "Well, you're immune to it."

Danyelle spoke "Given that Irene and Rani share my blood, they'd be immune as well."

Faust spoke "Indeed."

But then Rei glared at something in the distance, having sensed something.

Danyelle's eyes shimmer as she uses longsight magic.

Danyelle spoke "Whoever is hiding better come out now before I set them on fire!"

Rei spoke "Well, looks like the fight’s heading right for us."

Passing Rani to Ravenpaw, Danyelle spoke "Gallus and Jasmine, evacuate all of the children and non fighters to the Chuddle Hotel!"

Gallus spoke "Right! All children and non-fighters! Follow me!"

Thanks to Jasmine, the non-fighters were safely evacuated.

Danyelle spoke "Chrysalis! Deploy as many Changelings as you and Mandible can to make sure that none of the houses are destroyed!"

Chrysalis and Mandible nod as they deployed their hives to defend the houses.

Danyelle spoke "Rainbow, go let Soarin and the other 'Bolts know to defend Canterlot!"

Rainbow spoke "Got it!"

Rainbow flew off to Canterlot.

Danyelle spoke "Michiru and Nazuna, keep close to Luna. We can't afford to have her infected!"

The two females nod as they stayed by Luna's side.

Rei brought out a sickle as it looked like liquid shadow was leaking from within it.

Danyelle bared her fangs as she growls.

A blue blur dashed in, revealed to be Sonictwo afflicted with Tarkat.

Danyelle spoke "Since my blood is immune to tarkat, it just might be the cure!"

Michiru spoke "Just like how my blood and Nazuna's blood was the cure for the Nirvasyl Syndrome that affected Beastmen!"

Rei spoke "I don't know about that."

Danyelle spoke "Only way to find out..."

Danyelle charges at Sonictwo, ramming her right arm into the hedgehog's mouth and pounding his head with her left fist thus causing him to bite down on it which caused her blood to flow into his mouth. Soon enough, the virus vanished fully from the hedgehog clone thus curing him 100%.

Sonictwo groans "Ugh... Huh?"

Danyelle used Chaos Heal on her injured arm, sealing the wound shut.

Danyelle spoke "I purged you of the virus in your body since my blood is immune to it."

Sonictwo asks "What's going on? Where am I?"

Danyelle spoke "You're in Ponyville."

Sonictwo asks "But how did I...?"

Teermakus spoke "The bloodlust must've taken control of you."

Danyelle spoke "But the only drawback is, my blood can't purge the virus from Equians... Unless... I got it! Maybe we can use some of Sonic's blood mixed with my own! That might work!"

Rei spoke "I'd advise against doing that. That might make things worse."

Danyelle spoke "Cuss... I forgot that Sonic's half immortal on top of being part alicorn and part wolf Beastman..."

Rei spoke "Like I said, more harm than good. Still, we should let Sonictwo rest at a hospital since he's been through enough tonight."

Danyelle spoke "True and since Sonictwo was cloned from Sonic, the clone is also part alicorn and part wolf beastman..."

Danyelle's ears twitch just before an infected Zone Cop shows up.

Danyelle spoke "Oh StarClan no... That's the Zone Cop chief! Zelestia! My blood won't be of any use to purge the virus from her!"

Rei spoke "Oh for the love of... *Equips Latex Gloves* Phantom Force."

Rei vanished before reappearing behind Zelestia as he struck her nerve points, knocking her unconscious.

Newlestia soon pops up after receiving a divine blessing from a different alicorn goddess.

Newlestia spoke "Since the nekomata's blood won't work on a pony, perhaps my blood might work."

Rei asks "Say what now?"

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that Newlestia has the same divine blessing as I do, immunity to all illness. But the only drawback is, her blood can only be used to purge the virus from another immortal."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Danyelle spoke "But for mortal ponies, we'll need one of each of the three kinds with the same divine blessing as I have so that other infected ponies can be cured. As well as a Changeling, an Abyssinian, a buffalo, a hippogriff, a zebra, a gryphon, a chakat, a dragon, a yak and I hate to say this in front of Rarity... a Diamond Dog..."

Rei spoke "That's a lot, but it'll be hard. Might take months or years."

Faust giggles a bit before bursting into laughter.

Faust spoke "Or it can be instantly since I can use my magic to spread the divine blessing that I gave to the sky blue nekomata to all of the Equians."

Rei asks "Well here's the big question; who?"

Faust spoke "You severely underestimate a goddess young Zoroark, I can purify all Equians around the world in a blink of an eye."

With a flick of her horn, High Goddess Faust grants every single Equian that exists the same divine blessing that Danyelle has thus preventing them from contracting the tarkat virus as well as purging it from those that have the virus. Even the Equestrian born Mobians also got the divine blessing too.

Rei spoke "Huh, Strongheart might be feeling a bit lonely."

Danyelle spoke "*left eye was green since she was using sight sharing with Braeburn* Good news! The buffalo and Appleloosian ponies that were infected are fully purged of the virus! *left eye soon changes color to a strong magenta color* And so are the hippogriffs and seaponies that got infected. *left eye was now a brilliant gold* Same with the gryphons."

Blizzardstar spoke "The infected chakats are back to normal!"

Teermakus however, was still afflicted.

Faust spoke "Guess I'll have to go straight to the source and purge it."

High Goddess Faust disappears in a flash of light as she heads straight to Edenia to purge the virus from the residents.

But then Faust suddenly reappeared, in anger. “Not a single trace!”

A white blur shot out from Danyelle's shadow before clonking Faust in the back of the head, calming the goddess down.

Amaterasu spoke "Bark Bark! {Calm down will you? Your anger is scaring the Equians and the Mobians!}"

Faust spoke "*Deep breath in, deep breath out* Sorry."

Danyelle asks "But what about Teermakus?"

I spoke "Danyelle has a point High Goddess, he could infect us again and since Roll and the other Mobians don't have the divine blessing... They're at a higher risk."

Danyelle spoke "If I can purge the virus form Sonictwo easy, I can do the same for my fellow Mobians."

I spoke "I agree and happy Nightmare Night High Goddess Faust."

A big party was soon underway and everyone was having fun.


Author's Note:

Start of Season 2

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