• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Chasing Sunset

*Nine's POV*

Did NOT see that coming.

Indigo spoke "My bracelet's gone!"

Dany-Tails spoke "So is my collar!"

"Sunset must've swiped them too." I wondered.

I got a wingslap to the back of the head.

Sunset spoke "I would never resort to stealing."

Dany-Tails spoke "I thought I had that mare but what I didn't account for was that alicorn Amulet."

Rainbow asks "What's the alicorn amulet?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "From what I was told by the Zecora of my world, the alicorn amulet can boost one's magic but it has a nasty side effect... It can corrupt the user... But it can only be taken off by the one who wears it. But getting the Elements of Magic back is a tricky challenge, the portal to the human world only opens once every thirty months for three days."

Celestia spoke "Exactly and since Princess Twilight is too close to having her second foal, she can't go after the other Sunset. But the ones I can send are Indigo Ketchum, Danyelle Hikari and Nine."

A voice spoke "*Sigh* This is gonna be a drag, but I’m coming along as squad captain if you don’t mind."

We turned around to see a male Gengar Poke-Mobian who seemed pretty lazy.

Zoey was up on the ceiling in fear since she got jumpscared.

Celestia spoke "I'm afraid I can't send too many of you into this other world because it could upset the balance."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I'll go too since I've been to the human world before."

Dany-Tails asks "You’re Gengamaru, right?"

Gengamaru asks "Tch. Yeah, what gave that away?"

Dany-Tails spoke "Chameleo."

Gengamaru spoke "*Sigh* Can’t say I’m surprised, what a drag."

Celestia spoke "Which is why I'm sending the other Danyelle with the trio I spoke of, she knows what to do."

Dany-Tails spoke "Then again, Gengamaru can come along since some backup won't hurt."

Sunset spoke "What about me? I want to go home!"

Dany-Tails spoke "Okay, 6 is the maximum, so you can come along, Sunset."

Celestia spoke "No Danyelle, five is the most I can send though."

Zoey spoke "Like me, Sunset will take on a Mobini form if she goes."

Dany-Tails spoke "*Sigh* Okay."

Celestia spoke "So the fifth one that is going will be... Spottedleaf."

Dany-Tails spoke "Hold on, I don't think sending a Mewtwo through the portal is a good idea."

Maylu asks "Where's Lan?!?"

Chaud groans "That incompetent boob! He's gone through the portal alone! Maylu, you have to go after him."

Maylu snaps "HELLO?! I'm pregnant!"

Dany-Tails groans "For StarClan's sake... I'll go after him and get the Elements of Magic back."

Spottedleaf spoke "Let's go!"

Dany-Tails spoke "Hold on Spots, we can't take too large a group. Indigo and I have to do this ourselves."

Indigo asks "Wait! What about Nine?"

Dany-Tails asks "What do you think Nine?"

I spoke "If you think I need to come along, that's okay."

Dany-Tails spoke "Let's go."

*One wacked out ride later*

Indigo was in human form yet Danyelle and I were normal foxes.

Danyelle spoke "Ugh... even with the fur, I feel naked..."

"You'll get used to it." I assured.

Danyelle growls "You're one to talk, you don't have your robo-tails!"

OC-verse Danyelle soon tumbles out but unlike Danyelle and I, the nekomata-gryphon was in her original form.

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Okay, should've seen that coming."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before jumping out of the way as a white furred vixen crashes into me.

"What the?!" I gasped before realizing it was Shira!

And much like Danyelle, Shira also felt a bit exposed without clothes.

“Calm down. We just have to get what Sunset stolen back and trick her into taking that Alicorn Amulet off.” I said.

Shira spoke "I feel weird..."

“What’re you-“ I was about to ask before a scent just pierced my nose. “Sorry, Danyelles, but Shira and I have to hide for a bit.”

OC-verse Danyelle snickers "{Mating frenzy...}"

Dany-Tails spoke "Hmm… Maybe try that bush over there. Seems like a real good hiding spot."

Shira drags me over into the bush before digging out a tunnel that had connected to an old rabbit warren.

Indigo groans "Ugh, what hit me?"

*Indigo's POV*

Danyelle's left ear twitches since she heard Sunset yelling at another female.

But then I noticed my tail was gone!

OC-verse Danyelle clamps my mouth shut.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke in a hushed tone "Don't you dare start screaming."

“S-Sorry.” I muffled.

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention, I have to pretend to be a dumb fox..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Let me handle this."

Danyelle shoots a weak ball of air at the back of Sunset's head.

Danyelle giggles "Good to know my powers are intact, despite being weakened."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Shh."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle whispers "Oh no... look at her neck... That's the Alicorn amulet..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I know, but the other people think it’s just a normal necklace."

Danyelle whispers "You and I both know the dangers that this can bring..."

Danyelle uses Grass Knot to trip Sunset up.

Sunset growls "What the-?!"

A yellow vixen glares at Sunset.

Danyelle growls as if to say "Where is my collar?"

Sunset scoffs "Oh, I see, Klutztershy, you brought in another one of your animal friends in here."

I grab Danyelle by the neck fur, stopping her.

I spoke "You shouldn't talk about my friend's pet like that."

Danyelle glares at me for that insult.

I ask "Have you seen a brown cat with a blue headband anywhere?"

Sunset spoke "Tch! Why would I know anything about a lazy furball. *Forces me away from her* You’re gonna regret this!"

Sunset then walked away.

The pastel pink haired girl spoke "I can’t believe you just did that!"

I spoke "I don't like bullies though."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "What's her problem?"

The pastel pink haired girl spoke "It's just… no one stands up to Sunset Shimmer."

I spoke "My guess would be because they're too scared to stand up to a bully like her."

Fluttershy spoke "You don’t know what she does to those who cross her or compete against her. Oh, my name is Fluttershy."

I spoke "I'm Indigo Ketchum, the brown haired female is Paula and the yellow fox is Danyelle. There are two other foxes around but they're busy. My friends and I are looking for a brown tomcat with a blue headband."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "Have you seen him?"

Fluttershy asks "Brown tomcat?"

I spoke "yeah, he's uh... My pet."

Fluttershy took off her backpack and opened it before bringing out a brown tomcat.

I spoke "I don't think that's my cat. He's got brown eyes."

Fluttershy spoke "Huh? But I thought..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "That cat has green eyes, not brown."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh... I... I'm so sorry..."

OC-verse Danyelle picks up a cat-sized blue headband up off the ground.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I found a headband."

The cat started moving and meowing, trying to reach the headband.

Danyelle yips.

I spoke "That can't be the cat I'm looking for. Paula, try moving the headband around."

OC-verse Danyelle did that as the cat's eyes followed the headband.

I ask via telepathy "{Lan, is that really you buddy?}"

Lan spoke via telepathy "{Please help me! Sunset somehow changed the colors of my eyes with a spell!}"

Danyelle spoke via telepathy "{Maylu is worried about you but we will find a way to get that amulet off Sunset's neck.}"

OC-verse Danyelle asks "Has Sunset been acting more aggressive than normal?"

Fluttershy spoke "*Sadly* It's like she's a whole new person, and not in a good way..."

I spoke "That's because of the amulet she is wearing, it's corrupting her."

Fluttershy asks "Amulet? What do you mean?"

OC-verse Danyelle asks "What're you doing?"

I spoke "telling the truth about the amulet. But I think we should tell the principal about this."

Danyelle spoke via telepathy "{He's right other me, we can't let Sunset use the elements of Magic and the Alicorn amulet to wreak havoc on innocent people.}"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "But that would throw the entire school into panic."

Danyelle asks via telepathy "{Think about it other me, would you rather deal with a bunch of mind controlled students or a bunch of freaked out students?}"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "But students in a panic will make them much easier for her to control them."

I spoke "we could try talking to the hyper pink one."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Then let's head to the gym."

A voice spoke "I wouldn't go that way if I were you."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

The rainbow haired girl spoke "I saw you two stand up for Fluttershy earlier, which was awesome by the way! I'm Rainbow Dash."

“Maybe I can tell since you have rainbow hair and you’re fast.” I noted.

Rainbow spoke "So, I heard you two are trying to knock Sunset off her throne. I can help you with that. You won't find a more loyal friend than me."

Fluttershy spoke "I'll help in any way I can since it was kind of you to help me."

“What about AJ, Pinkie and Rarity?” I asked before the two didn’t seem any happy about them.

Rainbow spoke "Applejack bailed on me!"

Fluttershy spoke "Pinkie Pie scared off all the animals…"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I think Sunset's the reason why you two aren't friends with Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity anymore."

I ask "Have you tried talking to them?"

The two froze at that before looking a bit guilty.

I spoke "Real friendships come from generosity, honesty, laughter, loyalty and kindness."

A voice spoke "I couldn't agree more, I was only thinking about myself when I should be more generous to others."

Dany-Tails yipped with a jump.

Nine and Shira soon return.

Nine barks in confusion.

Fluttershy spoke "Oh my! One of them has two tails."

I spoke "Genetic mutation."

A voice asks "Ya sure about that?"

We then saw what looked like an human version of Applejack.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "He's telling the honest truth Applejack."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer since a student had fallen off the roof due to getting pushed by Sunset.

My hands glow as I catch the person with psychic.

The girl giggles as I set her down safely.

I spoke "That was a close one!"

Pinkie giggles "Wow! Sunset’s getting more loco by the minute!"

Danyelle yips "That would be because of that amulet she has."

Pinkie asks "The necklace?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Unfortunately yes but the more it gets used, the more corrupted Sunset gets. If we can't get it away from her after she takes it off, she'll be too far gone to be saved."

Fluttershy asks "B-But how?"

Danyelle spoke "If what I saw in my vision is right, Sunset will likely try to use the amulet along with my collar and Indigo's bracelet to mind control the other students in attempt to over another world."

I spoke "Exactly and with my world's Twilight's crown, Sunset will be impossible to beat."

Danyelle spoke "Don’t say that! *Covers muzzle with paws*"

Nine yips "*deadpan* Danyelle, you're an idiot."

Rainbow asks "You foxes can talk?!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm actually a two tailed cat, Lan's supposed to be a fox but something cause him to turn into a cat. You don't want to know what Indigo is though."

Fluttershy asks "This is so amazing! Tell me, what are you three thinking right now?!"

Shira hides behind Nine.

Danyelle tail slaps a master ball back at Sunset, causing the female to be pulled inside the ball.

Danyelle spoke "That was freaking close!"

I ask "What was that just now?"

Danyelle spoke "A master ball, and I know nothing can escape it, but that alicorn amulet worries me."

Nine spoke "Even with the amulet, she can't escape a ball with that high a catch rate."

But then I noticed storm clouds forming.

A ding was heard since Sunset was unable to escape.

I pick the ball up before letting Sunset back out and much to the surprise of the five humans, Sunset was back in her original form.

But then Sunset fired a red beam, hitting the Master Ball and sending it flying right out of my hand and into the sky.

Sunset spoke "You only made it that much easier for me to destroy you all and control everyone here!"

I chuckle "Nobody would even take you seriously while you're in your original form!"

Danyelle teleports before reappearing with the ball.

Danyelle spoke "Sunset! Return!"

A red light hits Sunset, forcing her back into the master ball.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not going let you back out until we go back."

I ask "Which reminds me! Do you girls know what happened to the Sunset that was supposed to be in this world?"

The girls froze at that.

Rainbow spoke "This world? She just up and vanished."

Applejack spoke "Her parents suspect a kidnapping but the police haven't been able to find her."

Danyelle spoke "Well, she's alive but unfortunately... She's unable to come back. If she did, she'd be either on the run for the rest of her life or locked up in a facility to be experimented on."

Though inside the ball, Sunset thought "{Oh jeeze... I hadn't realized that... If I'm out and about in my true form in this world, I'd be sent to a farm or locked up and experimented on... *crying* I don't want to be treated badly...}"

Pinkie spoke "Yeesh, government officials are CRAZY these days."

Danyelle spoke "And don't get me started on beastmen..."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh... I really wish there's something we can do to help protect them..."

Danyelle spoke "Well, my adopted dad is half beastman. Wolf beastman to be exact."

I ask "Maybe there could be a Beastman-safe city?"

A gentle voice spoke "I believe that can be arranged."

I ask "Celestia?!?"

But what I saw was a human Celestia.

Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie spoke "*Surprised* Principal Celestia!"

I notice a box that had three items inside it.

I spoke "I should take that back with me since the items inside are important to me and two others."

Nine spoke "Don’t forget the rest of us."

Danyelle lets out a wolflike howl before five other howls were heard, one of which was familiar to Principal Celestia.

Then a human version of Luna came out. “Was that…?”

A trio of wolf beastmen tackle hug Vice-Principal Luna.

A silver haired male chuckles while carrying a little alicorn beastgirl in his arms.

The male chuckles "Okay Lightning, Yuu, Kita. That's quite enough."

Rainbow asks "Uh… What’s going on?"

Celestia spoke "Guess the secret’s out."

Looking at the five students, Danyelle spoke "Long story short, your principal and vice-principal are alicorn Beastmen."

Luna asks "Wha-?! How did you know?!"

Danyelle giggles "I've got a keen nose but it's not as keen as a wolf's nose."

Lightning spoke "Oh! Right! Almost forgot!"

Danyelle asks "nya?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "As a warning, just don't put too many different species in the same area or it'll trigger Nirvasyl Syndrome."

Celestia, Luna and the male winced at that.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I heard about it from my universe's Michiru."

Lightning spoke "Anyway, I'm gonna get the rest of my family here."

Danyelle snickers "Let me guess, your wife and children are hedgehog Beastmen. Your eldest son's got a fox beastman girlfriend."

Lightning asks "How did you...?"

Danyelle spoke "My adopted dad's half wolf beastman half alicorn."

Lightning asks "And who’s that?"

Danyelle spoke "Well, his name is..."

Danyelle was immediately shut up by me.

I spoke "Sorry about this but I should get the foxes and cat back home."

I was carrying the box with one arm.

Danyelle was carrying the ball with her tails.

I spoke "Good luck with setting up a haven for beastmen."

I went back through the portal with Lan, Nine, Shira and both Danyelles along with the box and ball right before the portal closed.

*Back in Equestria*

Danyelle was back in her Mobian nekomata form.

Danyelle spoke "It's good to be back home."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Glad I could help."

Danyelle spoke "I just hope Principal Celestia can get that beastman safe city going."

Celestia asks "Danyelle, what is that?"

I spoke "A master ball, Sunset tried to use it on me but Danyelle sent it back at her with a tail slap."

Celestia asks "And what happened next?"

Danyelle spoke "It's best if you see for yourself..."

After OC-verse Danyelle went back to her universe, Danyelle lets the pony Sunset out of the ball.

Celestia sent a glare at Danyelle.

Tama spoke "Celly, calm down. Danyelle was only protecting her fellow element of harmony."

I spoke "Exactly! If Danyelle hadn't tail slapped that master ball away from me, I would've been captured for sure."

Celestia spoke "*Sigh* Very well, but please release her."

Danyelle spoke "I don't know how to since pokeballs are banned among all Poké-Mobians."

Nine spoke "It might take me time but I'll figure it out."

I spoke "On the bright side, we got the elements of magic back!"

Danyelle giggles "Hehe, good point."

Jaytwo whacks Pony Sunset on the head with a stick.

Pony Sunset asks "OW!!! What was that for?"

Jaytwo chuckles "It doesn't matter! It's in the past!"

Pony Sunset spoke "Yeah but it still hurts!"

Jaytwo chuckles "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I sense it, you can either run from it or, learn from it. Now, what are you gonna do?"

Pony Sunset spoke "First... I'm gonna take your stick!"

Pony Sunset grabs the stick and throws it away a bit.

Jaytwo gasps "No, no, no, no! Not the stick! Hey! Where are you going?"

Pony Sunset spoke "I'm going to talk with my former mentor!"

Jaytwo spoke "Go on, then! Get!! *Laughs and lets out a yowl*"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk3V3sr46jc was heard as Pony Sunset gallops through the castle hallways.

Pony Sunset thinks "*Mentally to herself* I can do this!"

Danyelle was talking with Celestia.

Then Sunset showed up, panting.

Danyelle was in her Mew form.

Danyelle asks "You okay?"

Celestia asks "Is something wrong?"

Sunset cries "Princess Celestia... I'm so sorry!"

Danyelle spoke "Seems like she got some sense smacked into her."

Jaytwo was also out of breath since he had gotten lost quite a few times.

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

I snicker "Oh, this is golden! It appears the blind one has a crush on the unicorn!"

Lan spoke "Indigo, you're an idiot."

Danyelle teleports before reappearing with Cadence.

Cadence asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle giggles "I think Jaytwo's found love."

Cadence giggles "Whoa, really?"

Lan snickers "Yeah and it's the Sunset that just came back from a different world."

A blush was on Jaytwo's face.

Jaytwo spoke "Don't make me hit you, you stupid Mew."


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