• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 955 Views, 37 Comments

Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Plundervine Problems

Author's Note:

Start of Season 4

*Sonic's POV*

I woke from my cuddle pile before shaking the sleep off my body.

I spoke "Okay ladies, up and at it. We're needed up in Canterlot."

I looked at my wives before chuckling, seeing them in their 1,000 pound forms. No wonder I felt so warm and toasty, along with being surrounded by comfortable softness. I’m glad we strengthened the place to hold our weight without cracking at all.

Roll sleep-spoke "Whoever doesn't get her foot out of my face in the next five seconds will get bitten..."

I can only imagine how big the family could get.

Lance yawns "Morning dad."

“Hey Lance.” I smiled.

Lance spoke "Rekka bit me in her sleep..."

“She must be hungry.” I noted.

A small chunk of Lance's tail fur was missing.

“Real hungry.” I added as Michelle woke up with a yawn.

Michelle spoke "Don’t worry, I’ll feed my wrecking balls until they’re full."

A bite mark was on Michelle's foot.

Roll spoke "That's what you get for putting your foot near my mouth Michelle."

Michelle spoke "Eh, I’ve had worse."

Michelle went over and came back, carrying Rekka and Bolo while breastfeeding them both.

Blaze asks "Uh guys? Is it nighttime or daytime?"

“Say what now?” I asked.

Clarity pops up in a panic.

Clarity spoke "My mom and auntie have gone missing!"

“What?!” I gasped.

Clarity spoke "I hate to say this cousin but something isn't right. And for once, it's not Ein's fault."

Ein spoke "*From the distance* THANK YOU!"


I couldn't help but snicker at that.

Clarity spoke "Stupid gold-loving dragon."

“Well, we should get outside and find out what’s going on.” I noted.

Clarity spoke "Agreed before some alicorn blows a fuse and pins this mess on the idiot."

We then went outside as Rekka and Bolo became full in their 200 pound forms before Michelle patted their backs, causing them to burp really loud and even shake Ponyville a bit.

Spitfire yawns "What in Faust's name is going on here?"

Vines started coming out of the ground.

Danyelle was trying to wrangle the vines with her magic but she failed every time.

Roll carried Rekka and Bolo as Michelle jumped and went into her 10,000 pound form, pinning a group of vines down.

Michelle spoke "The ladies and I can hold them back, but I dunno for how long though."

Tails yelps "This has Discord's work written all over it!"

The electric type Ninetales was tangled in vines.

Discord asks "*Appearing* Whatever do you mean?"


Discord spoke "Even if I wanted to, I can't do anything about them now. It's like their power level suddenly surged out of control."

An air blast hits Discord.

Danyelle spoke "You caused this to happen a thousand years ago!"

Discord spoke "They should've surfaced ages ago though."

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that the Tree of Harmony still had some strength left to keep the vines at bay long enough to.... I got it!!! Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Sonic, Roll, Shirou, Michiru, Maria, Indigo, Ash, Haru, Akane, Orion, Asuna! Follow me! I know what we have to do!"

Twilight asks "Okay?"

Michelle spoke "Don't worry! We'll hold them off!"

Danyelle teleported with the other 16 and I straight to the Tree of Harmony.

Danyelle spoke "It shouldn't look this bad plus I sense it's getting weaker by the minute. I hate to say this guys and gals but we have to give up the Elements."

Rainbow gasps "What?!"

Twilight asks "She's right Rainbow, what would you rather have? A dying magical tree or all of Equestria covered in thorny vines?"

Applejack spoke "Ah'd rather have neither."

Rainbow Dash spoke "I'm not going for either of them, either. It's just..."

Danyelle groans "Just look at Sonic, he's halfway between his normal hedgehog form and his werehog form because Celestia and Luna are both missing!"

"Ya don't say?" I deadpanned.

Shirou chuckles "The two tailed Mew's got a point Sonic, you are rather fluffy right now."

"Grandpa!" I pouted.

Shirou chuckles "Don't look now but Zacia's staring at you."

Am I some kind of chick magnet?

Rainbow spoke "You are royalty after all though Sonic, many females would be envious of how popular you are and if Danyelle's dimensional scream has anything to say about it... She would say that you might have an Ornithian wife someday."

"I just hope I don't get a 100." I sighed.

Twilight spoke "Can we focus on saving the freaking tree? All of Equestria is counting on the 18 of us."

“Right.” I nodded.

Orion spoke "As much as I don't like this idea, Equestria's safety comes first."

Rainbow asks "It's just... are we still gonna be friends after this?"

Applejack spoke "Of course Rainbow, the elements may have brought the 18 of us together but we're also the Harmony Guard. We protect those that can't protect themselves."

Twilight spoke "AJ's right about that, Rainbow Dash."

Maria spoke "Our friendships with each other will withstand the tests of time... Despite the fact that the Mewtwos and I are immortal, Sonic's half immortal and the rest of the Guard is mortal."

Rainbow asks "*Deadpan* Seriously Maria?"

Maria spoke "Sorry, I can be a bit blunt at times."

Pinkie spoke "And ya might've jinxed something that might happen in the future."

Danyelle spoke "And given that February 6th is Orion and Asuna's birthday..."

Pinkie gasped in absolute shock at that.

"Come on, we got a kingdom to save." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "And a pair of alicorns to find!"

But then the vines lunged at us.

Danyelle used Razor Wind to slice the vines up.

Orion spoke "I thought Mew couldn't learn Razor Wind."

Danyelle spoke "Normal Mews can't but I'm not normal."

Orion spoke "Fair enough."

Asuna spoke "You are the weirdest cat I have ever known."

Danyelle giggles "I try."

After the elements were placed back on the tree, all of the vines disappear.

Danyelle spoke "Well, that crisis was averted... and look! Celestia and Luna are okay!"

Luna was carrying a small furball carefully with her mouth.

Celestia spoke "Danyelle, I think you'd be the best option aside from Myth to raise this little fluffball."

Danyelle asks "Who's this?"

Celestia spoke "He doesn't have a name yet but his parents are missing."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

Myth pops up with a pair of Mews.

Myth spoke "I found them!!!"

Rainbow spoke "Huh, they look prideful."

Myth spoke "There have been rumors of an aggressive female Mew Poké-Mobian floating around... And one of those rumors has her with a huge group of female Mew Poké-Mobians... All of which are aggressive."

Danyelle growls "I bet it's Zira..."

Twilight asks "Who?"

The orangish colored Mew spoke "She was a devout follower of my uncle but I exiled her after Scar died."

Applejack spoke "Yeesh."

Danyelle spoke "I sense a small chance of redemption for her."

Yeesh, I can tell by the orangish Mew’s expression that he highly doubted that.

The tan Mew spoke "What other choice do we have Simba? You know Zira might attack us again... Considering we lost Kopa because of her."

Simba growled at that.

Danyelle spoke "You need to chill out Simba, remember what your caretakers said? Hakuna Matata."

Simba spoke "*Sigh* I know. I know. But still…"

A light gray hand flicks Simba in the head.

Jaytwo spoke "You need to calm down."

Simba asks "Jaytwo?"

A unicorn mare was beside the blind Mewtwo.

"Who's that?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "That's the Sunset Shimmer I had brought back from a different world since she tried to use a master ball on Indigo."

Sunset spoke "Please tell me you're finding a way to help me break free."

Danyelle spoke "Nine's working on that as I speak."

Sunset spoke "*Phew* Thank you."

Danyelle giggles "I bet it felt extremely comfortable inside that ball."

Sunset spoke "*Deadpan* Try encountering a purple majin inside there while being completely black, gray and white."

Indigo growls "You tried to catch me though! You only brought it upon yourself."

Pinkie spoke "Time to make a party!"

Michiru spoke "Yeah!"

We couldn’t help but chuckle and giggle.

I chuckle "And Knuckles is still an idiot."

Knuckles spoke "*high pitched voice* Hey!"

Danyelle giggles "It's not my fault if you're an idiot!"

I chuckle "So says the knucklehead that ate helium."


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