• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Strange Days Part 1

*Zephyr's POV*

*Stomach growling* Well... My stomach woke me up. I got out of bed and got some clothes on before looking back at Sonic and the girls, and then I noticed Michelle was missing. I went outside of the room before smelling something good as I went to the kitchen, before seeing Michelle making breakfast. "Morning, Michelle."

Michelle asks "Morning, Zephyr. Hungry stomach woke you up too?"

Aria yawns loudly, waking the others up.

But then the stomachs of Sonic and the rest of his wives growled as well.

Michelle spoke "Wow, good timing. I was just making breakfast for all of us."

Aria yawns "You think?"

“Hunger woke you up too, Aria?” I asked.

Aria yawns "Blaze burnt me in her sleep..."

Blaze yawns "It was an accident."

Aria spoke "Then explain the burn mark on my tail."

Sonic spoke "Okay ladies, calm down. Maybe we’re a bit cranky ‘cause we’re hungry."

Roll asks "Yeah, probably. Anyone else feeling starved for some reason?"

“Same here.” Myself, Sonic and the rest of his wives answered.

Danyelle was on top of Sonic's house since she had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno.

Blaze, Pixie and I were on edge for some odd reason, as if something bad was going to happen.

Michelle spoke "Well, here’s breakfast!"

Michelle brought out a feast, but none of us here had a problem with that as we dug right in and ate all of it. After eating, the nine of us were real bloated, but felt satisfied, at least for now.

Kai soon knocked on the door in a panic.

Sonic went to the door and opened it. “*Yawn* What’s up?”

Kai spoke "The weather's out of whack and none of the Pegasi can control it... Plus all of the Poké-Mobians are on edge."

The nine of us came out of the house.

Danyelle spoke "You sensed it as well too huh? It's just as I saw in my vision. Moltry, Zap and Arty have gone missing."

“What?!” Blaze, Pixie and I gasped.

Myth spoke "She's right, every Poké-Mobian is on edge because of that. And with the weather out of whack, none of the Pegasus ponies can wrangle it."

“Well, do you know what happened to them Dany?” I asked.

Danyelle growls "Moltry was just captured by someone, Zap's gone nuts and Arty's awol."

Rei spoke "*Shows up* Zapdos might be in a rage if he’s gone nuts, you can tell by the glowing red eyes."

Danyelle spoke "If that's the case, Kai or Kara would have to calm them down."

Rei spoke "We also better keep an eye out for thunderstorms, because for all we know, Zapdos could be here already."

Twilight was talking with Ash when the Electric-Psychic type felt a pull, one that was calling him to Shamouti Island.

Even Orion and the other Mewtwos felt the same pull.

Rei asks "Judging by your reactions, I’m guessing you found something?"

Twilight-two spoke "Whatever it is, it's calling all of the Mewtwos to a place called Shamouti Island..."

Rainbowtwo asks "Even the young ones?"

Danytwo spoke "Afraid so..."

Mamoru spoke "I have a bad feeling about this... It might be a trap."

Rei spoke "If so, have some backup, strength in numbers after all."

Danyelle spoke "We've got three sets of the Elements of Harmony, at least 30 Mewtwo, 4 Mews though one is also the Avatar, several combat ready Mobians in case things go south, 7 adult alicorns and a few demons... Even though Sesshomaru can be an ass at times..."

Sesshomaru spoke "Hey!"

Inuyasha snickers "You had that one coming since you tend to beat me up at times."

Danyelle giggles "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Sonic laughs "Ahahahaha! Burn!"

Asuna and the other female Mewtwos giggle.

I couldn’t help but giggle too.

Danyelle, Myth, Meau and the fluffy Mew all giggle.

Ash spoke "Hehe, well, joking aside, let’s get to that island."

Serena spoke "Someone should stay behind with the kids."

Rei spoke "I don’t know, from how they’re acting, I don’t think they’d want to stay here."

Meau spoke "Exactly since this mess concerns them too."

Twilight spoke "I can't risk putting Coal in danger!"

Coal was on Twilight’s head, eager to help out.

Twilight spoke "Coal, no. Your mother would strangle me if you got hurt or worse."

Jasmine spoke "*Showing up* I can help keep them safe."

Pigment spoke "Wada!"

Zoey was trying to keep Pigment under control.

Applejack had Winona on a leash to restrain the doglike Mewtwo.

Tank only yawned.

Fluttershy spoke "We can't put the children in danger..."

Jasmine spoke "Like I said, I can help keep them safe."

Danyelle spoke "Ugh, where are Gilda and Rainbow? I need to talk to them about that DNA test I had Redheart do."

Rainbow asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "Well Rainbow, you and Gilda aren't gonna like this according to the DNA test I asked Redheart to run on the chickub... The child is yours and hers from an alternate timeline..."

Rainbow asks "...WHAT THE-??"

Soarin dove and covered Rainbow Dash's mouth with his hoof. "Calm down, Dash."

Danyelle spoke "Last thing we need is a bunch of children swearing."

Fleetfoot spoke "Definitely."

Honeystar spoke "<Guess that's one thing that's the same on any planet, no parent wants their children to be swearing.>"

Danyelle soon burps up a letter from Sindel.

Danyelle spoke "Huh? There's strange weather happening in Outworld as well, and she might be sending one of her allies to help us."

Sonic spoke "You might want to warn her of form changes... We won't know what this ally will turn into."

But then a portal made of water appeared as a unicorn stallion, wearing purple garbs, hood and mask, holding a staff with an orb of water floating above it, came out of the portal.

But all of the Mewtwo were on edge.

Indigo spoke "You kinda caught the lot of us at a bad time..."

The male asks "That would seem to be the case, then I assume the storm here is as horrid as the one in Outworld?"

Danyelle spoke "Afraid so sir, all of the Poké-Mobians are freaking out because of it."

Twilight asks "Who are you anyway?"

The male spoke "I am Rain, the High Mage of Outworld. Rain may not be my given name, but I have earned it due to my mastery over hydromancy."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari, nekomata-gryphon hybrid with Mew blood."

Rain spoke "Hmm... I see."

Danyelle spoke "I'm also Master Hand's point of contact for when a Smasher goes missing or a new one is revealed since Sonic Ogami is my adopted brother."

Rain was confused, but decided to not question it.

Ash spoke "We should get back to Mobius."

Twilight spoke "We should keep one set of the Element bearers in Equestria in case Tirek decides to attack early."

Rain asks "Pardon, but who is this Tirek?"

Danyelle growls "A trouble making centaur that wants all magic for himself, he nearly succeeded a millennium ago but Celestia and Luna stopped him and locked him away. But thanks to my ability to see past and future, I was able to warn Twilight and her friends early on."

Rain spoke "Centaurs? Sounds very similar to the Centaurian race in Outworld."

Twilight spoke "We got chakats too, they're a hermaphrodite subspecies of cat-taurs. Honeystar on the other hoof, shi's a hybrid of chakat and another alien species."

Danyelle spoke "And speaking of aliens, we've got a few others as well. And before you get mad, I had to tell a pair of Zaterrans off when they thought a Kytinn female had hurt me. There's also a small group of Black Arm refugees though I had to tell Shadow off when he got mad."

Twilight spoke "I may look like a normal alicorn right now but in truth, I'm half alien as well. Half Cyniclon to be exact. Dren, Sardon and Tarb are also Cyniclons. Anzu's half Cyniclon."

Rain spoke "*Calming sigh* Empress Sindel already informed me of that situation, as infuriating as that may be."

Twilight spoke "Regardless, we have to stop this mess."

Ash spoke "So let's get going!"

Midnight spoke "I'm coming too, I may not look it but I am a good fighter. More so than the silver haired mutts."

Inuyasha spoke "HEY!"

Midnight chuckled.

Kagome spoke "Inuyasha... SIT BOY!!!"

Inuyasha was face down on the ground, much to Rain's amusement.

Rain spoke "Rained like a dagger from the sky."

Kagome spoke "Not really, it's because of the beads he's forced to wear."

Ash: Hey guys! Come on! Let’s get moving!

Midnight got stuck in the warp ring since he was at his true size.

Opaline spoke "Heehee, you silly giant, Nighty."

Kagome sighs "Demons..."

Despite his front half being unable to hear anything, Midnight used one of his eleven tails to bop Kagome on the head.

Kagome yowls "GAH!!! What gives?!"

Clarity spoke "Smartassed foxcat."

A child sized fox Mobian that was full demon spoke "To be fair Kagome, you had that one coming."

Clarity spoke "Shippo!"

But then a thought hit me, making me laugh.

Danyelle giggles "With a half demon and a half wolf beastman next in line for Celestia and Luna's duties, it'll probably piss Blueblood off."

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" I laughed.

Danyelle spoke "And later on, Sonic and Shippo would be rulers further down the road but the only problem is... Shippo can't use magic."

Sonic asks "Say what now?"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic, you're an idiot. You keep forgetting that I have the dimensional scream."

After getting Midnight through the warp ring, Sonic and the others arrive on Mobius.

Twilight automatically took on Cyniclon form.

But when Rain stepped through, he took on a rather fit elephant mobian form with his trunk and tusks poking out of his mask.

Deep Lilac spoke "I wasn't expecting that."

To be Continued...

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