• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Rest and Relaxation, Alolan Style!

*Serena's POV*

With the worldwide crisis now over, everyone who had fought hard in the battle needed some time off.

Opaline kept to herself since most folks didn't trust her yet.

“Heehee! I’m so excited to meet Ash’s friends from Alola!” I said in excitement.

Twilight spoke "Yeah but I have a bad feeling about that Opaline..."

Dusk asks "Mom?"

Twilight asks "Hmm?"

Dusk asks "When are you having another child?"

Twilight's wings shot up on end.

What sounded like a yip-yowl was heard before an immortal eleven-tailed foxcat-alicorn hybrid crashed into Opaline, causing the two to tumble head over tail down a hill.

While on his back, the male spoke "Oh gosh, I am SO sorry!"

Opaline was just silent.

The hybrid asks "Is that you Opaline?"

Opaline definitely looked surprised, but still said nothing.

The hybrid wraps his front paws around Opaline and hugged her.

The hybrid spoke "I never gave up on looking for you after you left Skyros all those years ago..."

Opaline still said and did nothing as Twilight definitely looked shocked.

Twilight gasps "SKYROS?! I thought that was only a legend!"

Danyelle spoke "SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight was face down on the ground.

Twilight spoke "I hate that..."

Danyelle spoke "Your nerd side was showing."

"But Skyros was only heard in legends." Twilight pointed out.

A loud POP was heard, scaring Danyelle to the point of getting the hiccups.

Danyelle's hiccups somehow sounded like soft meows as she blushed in embarrassment.

I could tell that all of us thought, {That's so cute!}

Danyelle spoke "It's not *hiccup-meow* funny you *hiccup-meow* guys!"

And to the surprise of the others, Orion also had the hiccups.

And for some reason, Orion's hiccups sounded like "Mew!"

Myth was laughing.

Asuna giggles "That is cute."

“Well, what’re we waiting for? Let’s have some fun!” I said as most of the others agreed.

Midnight howls loud in happiness.

But Midnight stopped when he saw Opaline being nervous.

Using two of his tails, Midnight tickles Opaline.

Opaline covered her muzzle, trying to hold her laughter in.

Midnight chuckles "Tickle tickle!"

Opaline definitely wasn’t breaking as Midnight smirked, deciding to add more tails into the mix.

Danyelle laughs "Go for the hooves!"

Opaline’s eyes dilated at that as Midnight whispered into her ears with a smirk, “Now don’t make me have you beg.”

Danyelle snickers "Seems like Opaline's in heat!"

Opaline spoke "*Blushing in embarrassment* N-No I'm not!"

Heehee! Opal's in denial!

Crosswind and Applejack both spoke "Liar."

Danyelle spoke "Heehee! Looks like you two might need some privacy, and I think I know where."

Lucy spoke "Danyelle, you're a sly cat."

Danyelle giggles "Better a sly cat than a dumb hyena."

Opaline was definitely trying to keep control of herself.

Danyelle teleported the two to the Chuddle Hotel before kicking Diamond's mother in the rear.

"...I have a feeling that Danyelle's gonna be a while." I noted.

Sonic spoke "I forgot to mention, Danyelle hates bullies.. Ever since she started school, folks had picked on her for being an orphan. And when she caught wind of Scootaloo being bullied, Danyelle ended up snapping."

Tails spoke "Yeah, we should keep moving and let Danyelle clear her head."

Danyelle was suddenly pinned down by her adopted children.

Tails spoke "Or not."

Danyelle soon has another vision and this time, it had concerned Scootaloo.

Danyelle asks "Hey Scoots, could you come here for a moment?"

Scootaloo spoke "Huh? Sure."

Danyelle spoke "I was thinking of looking after you until your parents are found since I have a feeling that they are currently missing alongside your aunts."

Scootaloo asks "R-Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, it just wouldn't sit right with me that a filly I know is by herself without a parent figure around. Plus I can tell you have it bad for Rusty."

Scootaloo stuttered, blushing madly.

Rusty was fluffed up in embarrassment.

Rusty whines "Auntie Danyelle!"

Danyelle giggled.

Tails chuckles "Cheeky cat."

We soon met up with Ash.

I spoke "Hey Ash."

Ash spoke "Hi, Serena! Hi everyone! Follow me!"

Danyelle snickers "Something tells me that Serena has something she wants to ask you Ash."

Ash asks "Huh?"

"But that can wait until we get to where Ash wanted to lead us too." I giggled.

Haru spoke "For the love of... What the Delphox-Mewtwo hybrid is trying to say is that she's got a child on the way."

Ash was frozen stiff at that before he fell onto his back, stiff as a board. Heehee! Oh that Ash, I hope he never changes.

Huey giggles "Ash fall down!"

Asuna giggles "Heehee! Yeah, he did, Huey."

Pigment was hanging off Zoey's left wing.

Huey spoke "He more funnier than Uncle Face!"

Jericho snickers at what Huey had called Orion.

Jericho chuckles "Uncle Face, ha. Hilarious."

All of the Mewtwo suddenly felt something calling out to them.

Rainbowtwo asks "Did you all feel that?"

Zoey spoke "I might not be a Mewtwo but I did feel like something is calling out to me."

Danyelle spoke "Same."

"What's going on here?" I asked.

Rainbowtwo spoke "It's hard to explain but something is calling out to Jericho... Which in turn affected the rest of us 'Twos."

The Nightlight Mewtwo trio were hanging off Danyelle's wings since they were playing.

Jericho spoke "Whatever it is, I have to find it alone."

Orion spoke "Not by yourself, you're not. We 'Twos are a clan. Barring Huey, we may not have been born like normal Poké-Mobians but we're still living beings. I once said that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”

Haru and the other 'Twos agree.

Rainbowtwo spoke "It doesn't matter how we came into the world. Clone, hybrid or original, we're all living beings."

Various folks nod in agreement.

Danyelle spoke "Hmm... Maybe two would be enough. Heehee!"

Jericho spoke "Don't make me throw you into the water Danyelle."

Danyelle used her magic to throw Haru at Jericho, causing the two to kiss.

Danyelle mischievously stuck her tongue out as the two 'Twos blushed at what happened.

Jericho spoke "Danyelle, you and your kids have five seconds to run before I..."

Haru grabs Jericho and tickles him relentlessly.

Jericho laughs "H-H-Haru! Stop! *Laughter!*"

Rainbowtwo got the same idea before pouncing on Orion and tickling him.

Orion asks "Wh-What do you think you're doing?! *Laughter!*"

Haru and Rainbowtwo giggle "Tickle fight!"

Jasmine appeared with a giggle before whispering to Danyelle, "Think those four should...? Or just Haru and Jericho?"

Danyelle giggles "Well, it's obvious by scent alone that Rainbowtwo has a kid on the way. So just Haru and Jericho."

Jasmine spoke "Heehee! And I bet those two ZoroarkTwo sisters are gonna meet up with Rei soon."

Danyelle giggles "Yeah. Heeheehee!"

Jennifer asks "Who are you talking about?"

Jasmine and Danyelle only giggled.

Thorax spoke "Hey guys!"

To the surprise of many, Thorax looked different.

Danyelle spoke "Wow, I didn't see that one coming even though I have the dimensional scream..."

Amy fainted with a heart-shaped nosebleed.

Chrysalis snickers "Didn't see that one either, eh furbrain?"

Danyelle spoke "Aw shut up Bug Butt."

Chrysalis asks "And who’s gonna make me, Feline Flank?"

Danyelle spoke in a sing-song voice "Oh Mandible~!"

Chrysalis taunts "Really? Do I have to call Ben here?"

Danyelle pounces on Chrysalis before tickling the Changeling mare relentlessly.

Jasmine giggles "Heehee! Cadence would’ve wanted to join in."

Pinkie gasps "Ooh! What’s that fruit you have?"

Sonic spoke "I wouldn't eat that if I were you Pinkie."

Jasmine asks "Hold on, you mean this?"

Jasmine brought out an oddly-shaped fruit.

Pinkie spoke "Uh-huh."

Danyelle sneezes, setting the fruit on fire.

Jasmine poured water on the fruit, extinguishing the fire, but the fruit was burnt, though in color.

Jasmine spoke "Guess it might be a baked Elephant Fruit now."

But the flames had been far too hot to be put out.

Jasmine asks "Okay, a little help here?"

Twilight spoke "Sorry Jas but Divine flames are harder to put out due to the intense heat."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as she held a bucket of sub-zero ice-cold water with ice floating in the water before dunking the fruit into the bucket.

Danyelle spoke "I can't control my divine flames at the moment."

We then heard sizzling, telling us the flames have been extinguished.

Danyelle spoke "About that..."

Danyelle pulls the apple out of the water with her magic just as the flames came right back.

Danyelle spoke "Nothing can extinguish divine flames."

A splash was heard nearby, followed by a yelp since a pterolycus version of Michiru had crashed into the water.

Danyelle asks "What in StarClan's name was that just now?"

Michiru asks "Uh... Is it just me, or why do I feel a counterpart connection?"

Nazuna spoke "Nope, just you!"

Michiru asks "You sure?"

Nazuna spoke "Don't make me tickle you tanuki."

But then a sneeze heard when the pterolycus surfaced.

Filthy Rich was among the group since he needed time away from his wife.

Danyelle spoke "Hello Mr Rich, I'm rather surprised to see you here."

Filthy spoke "I just... needed a change of pace and some fresh air."

Diamond was wary of the Crusaders.

Alto spoke "I bet it's because of your wife correct? I heard from my mothers that she had gotten into a fight with one of the Mewtwo."

It was clear he didn't wanna talk about it.

Rainbowtwo spoke "She had it coming though..."

Orion cuffs his mate on the back of the head.

Rainbowtwo spoke "Ow!"

Rainbow spoke "Wow, she's definitely like me."

Soarin spoke "Minus the fact she walks on two legs instead of four."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Heh, maybe we could have a race sometime."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Let's save it for after...."

A pain cuts Rainbowtwo off before she floated off to a quiet space for a few hours.

Twilight spoke "We should leave her be for a while."

Myth had gone after the Pegasus-Mewtwo hybrid for company.

Danyelle spoke "And Ash, you better not freak out after Rainbowtwo has her child."

Ash spoke "Okay, I won't."

Jericho and Haru had gone back to a PCL lab.

Haru spoke "Something is drawing us both here..."

Jericho spoke "Yeah..."

The two mask their powers and freeze the humans inside with Psychic before going in.

The two soon find a test tube with an infant Mewtwo in it.

Haru asks "You thinking what I'm thinking Jeo?"

Jericho spoke "Yeah."

After breaking the babytwo out, the two adults teleport away after erasing the memories of the humans along with all of the files so that another Mewtwo isn't created.

Twilight asks "Where have you two been?"

Jericho spoke "Saving a life."

Various Mewtwo had gathered around, curious about the babytwo.

Asuna spoke "Oh, she is so small!"

Huey asks "New friend?"

Jericho spoke "You can say that, Huey."

Pigment was on Zoey's head.

Zoey spoke "Look at her eyes, they're a nice shade of amber."

Danyelle spoke "Hey, that could work as her name!"

Haru spoke "I agree."

The Nightlight Mewtwo trio chirp in agreement.

Myth floated back over to Orion before dragging him away by the secondary neck, causing him to go limp.

Huey giggles "Uncle Face is funny!"

Asuna spoke "Heehee! Yeah, he is."

Danyelle pinches the secondary neck on Asuna with a clothespin, causing her to go limp as well.

Danyelle snickers "Now that is funny."

Huey giggled.

Danyelle soon had her head stuck in a tree trunk.

Asuna spoke "Consider that payback for the clothespin prank."

Danyelle spoke "*muffled voice* Fair enough."

Ash spoke "I’m excited for the Battle Royale!"

Rainbowtwo soon returns with a babytwo in her arms.

Rainbowtwo asks "Battle Royale?"

Danyelle pulled her head out of the tree trunk.

Danyelle spoke "It’s a battle where multiple Pokémon or battlers fight all of each other at the same time."

Rainbowtwo spoke "I'm not like other Poké-Mobians though, I'm half Pegasus."

Ash spoke "I think anyone who can fight now can participate if they wanted to."

Danyelle spoke "I'm looking forward to whooping your ass in the royale Ash!!"

Ash laughs "Haha! Bring it!"

"I wonder who else is gonna be participating." I said to myself.

Twilight spoke "Count me in!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey Bug Butt, you can't possibly beat me!"

Chrysalis spoke "Oh, it's on!"

We were soon at the dome, in the audience seats as we saw the ring having eight corners, meaning that 4 other competitors were participating. Not to mention we saw Jessie, James and Cash being commentators of the match.

Zoey was in the audience with the group of Mewtwo.

Twilight was in her Deep Lilac form as she stretched her muscles.

To Ash's surprise, Blizzardstar had entered the battle royale.

Blizzardstar spoke "You're going down bolt boy!"

Danyelle spoke "You're one to talk dumbass cyro!"

Chrysalis spoke "You're gonna pay for this Sparkle Flanks!"

Deep Lilac spoke "As if Bug Butt!"

Danyelle "I wonder who the other three competitors are."

We looked at the ring and to our surprise, saw Rei competing as well before we saw UmbreDevimon competing too when we suddenly saw a female siren competing as well.

Ears twitching, Rarity asks "Is it just me or do I hear a screaming guy?"

Aria spoke "I hear it too."

Sonata spoke "GO OPERETTA!!!"

Operetta smiled as she readied herself.

James spoke "My name's Fire Jameston and I will be your host. Your commentators are Freezer Jessip and Thunder Meowtaire on the call. This Battle Royale will be an Anything-Goes Free-For-All!"

One of the Nightlight babytwos had set Jessie's tail on fire.

Jessie yelps "GAH!!!""

Zoey snickers "Fire-type infants can't control their flames yet."

Jessie soon managed to put her tail out, much to her relief.

James spoke "Well, that was unexpected."

Zoey snickers "Well, that was rather meowsy..."

“Heehee! Good one.” I giggled.

Zoey giggles "Thanks."

Pig had phased through Dren, scaring the cuss out of him.

Zoey giggled at that.

Asuna spoke "I'm surprised though Zoey, you're not freaking out as much at the sight of ghosts now as you used to."

Zoey asks "What can I say? Pig's kind of an exception for me, I've gotten used to her. I mean, how can an adorable Mewtwo/Gengar hybrid be scary?"

Asuna spoke "Aside from phasing through things all the time..."

Zoey spoke "That just makes her an adorable little troublemaker."

Huey spoke "Oh look! Uncle Face is taking part!"

James spoke "What a surprise twist! Orion the Mewtwo is participating!"

Rainbowtwo spoke "You got this Rio!"

But then a spotlight shined in the middle.

Deep Lilac asks "What the?"

We saw Kukui in the audience next to us, and he smiled about something. But then we saw someone leap form the audience, as we saw that someone to be a female Incineroar, wearing sunglasses like Kukui's, a tank top and fireproof black stirrup pants like Burnet's.

James spoke "Another surprise twist! A new competitor is in the ring!"

Kukui spoke "Hehe, you always know how to make an entrance, Keahi."

Since she was sitting on the left of James, Rarity spoke "I just hope Twilight doesn't pull out any weapons."

“You know her, Professor Kukui?” I asked.

Kukui spoke "Yeah, she’s my little sister."

Haru asks "YOUR SISTER?!?!?"

Kukui spoke "Yeah, she likes to travel and have fun in battles."

Haru spoke "Least this'll be good for Twilight as well, she told me she wants to get stronger."

Soon, the bell rang as the battle started.

Deep Lilac kept her wings folded tightly as she hovered in the air while zooming towards Keahi, grabbing the Incineroar female and flying high into the sky before using Seismic Toss and throwing Keahi towards the ground.

James spoke "Super effective move!"

Keahi got up with a smile. “Not bad. How about some Flame Charge?”

Keahi was covered in flames before she tackled Deep Lilac as her legs suddenly looked stronger.

Jessie spoke "What a hit!"

Cash spoke "Keahi’s definitely faster now!"

Deep Lilac had teleported just before the attack connected, causing Keahi to crash into Chrysalis instead.

Deep Lilac laughs "You forget! Fire attacks have zero effect on me!"

Deep Lilac shot fire from her mouth at Ash, causing a burn.

Ash yelps "Gah! Hot! Hot!"

Danyelle had curled into a spindash as she coated herself in plasma, clonking Chrysalis hard thus causing paralysis.

Rarity spoke "That had got to hurt!"

Rei spoke "Snarl!"

Rei let out a yelling screech, which hit all of his opponents as they suddenly felt a bit weaker.

James spoke "Gadzooks! That Snarl attack hit all competitors with some super effective strikes!"

Jessie spoke "They better get up close and personal, ‘cause their special attacks got weaker!"

Deep Lilac shot off a roar at Rei, causing him to retreat.

Rarity spoke "And Twilight forced Rei out with Roar!"

Rei suddenly snapped himself out of it as he got back in.

But due to Roar, Rei was switched out as Jericho was pulled in.

Rei spoke "Guess it’s a tag-team match."

Danyelle spoke "Are you THAT dense Rei? Roar switches Pokémon out!"

Rei spoke "*Deadpan* I know, and what I said was a Roar-related quip."

Danyelle was hit with a roar, causing her to be switched out for Crosswind.

Crosswind asks "Wot in tarnation?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh. I see what you mean, now."

Unknown to everyone, a ghostly tomcat with fiery orange fur and green eyes was hovering near Danyelle but only Pigment could see the spirit.

I saw Jennifer and Jessika not far from me, and I noticed them leaning against each other’s backs with dreamy sighs, and I think I know why. Heehee!

Bluestar spoke "You might want to watch your rear Rei! Two someones have their eye on you!"

Rei asks "Huh?"

Bluestar giggles "Twins, I may add."

Ravenpaw bops his adopted older sister on the head.

Crosswind used hir earthbending to trip Keahi up, causing the Incineroar Poké-Mobian to crash head first into a wall thus getting knocked out.

But then Keahi got up, still conscious somehow.

Keahi spoke "Thought someone might pull that stunt on me."

Cash gasps "Yeowza! Keahi used Endure right when she was about to hit the wall!"

Deep Lilac thinks "{Okay, psychic attacks don't work on her since she's a dark type... So maybe...}"

Deep Lilac grabs Keahi once more and used seismic toss on her, knocking her out.

Rarity spoke "And Keahi's down for the count! An Earthquake from Crossy followed by a Seismic Toss from Deep Lilac has knocked the Incineroar out!"

But then Deep Lilac was shocked by Thunderbolt, with a side of paralysis, courtesy of Ash.

The Cheri berry that Deep Lilac was holding had been eaten, canceling the paralysis.

Deep Lilac spoke "EAT FLAMETHROWER ASH!!!"

A full powered Flamethrower hits Ash, knocking him out.

But then the rest of the competitors had their focus on Deep Lilac as she had a few nervous beads of sweat.

James spoke "Looks like the rest of the competitors are now teaming up against Deep Lilac!"

The rest of the Mane Six started cheering for Twilight.

Deep Lilac pulls out a smash ball from somewhere, causing the others to become nervous.

Deep Lilac spoke "That's right fellas! I have an ace up my sleeve!"

Deep Lilac destroyed the smash ball, as rainbow-colors flames formed an aura on her with her eyes turning gold.

Deep Lilac laughs "EAT FIRE ALICORN ROAR!!!!"

The other participants all got knocked out.

James exclaims "UNBELIEVABLE!!! What a finish!"

Rarity spoke "I had no idea Twilight could pull that off."

Danyelle spoke "I think she could with a Smash Ball."

Sonic spoke "I think we might have found our Equian Smasher."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and I suppose Master Hand approves."

Mint scoffs "tch."

Operetta got back up, definitely surprised on how the match turned out before looking at Rei.

Operetta spoke "You’re a pretty good fighter. Maybe I should introduce you to a friend of mine soon."

Operetta and Sonata winked at each other, giggling at a prank they have in mind for Rei.

Manic chuckles "You're one to talk 'Nata, you've got a kid on the way."

Sonata giggles "*Smirk* That isn’t the only surprise I have in mind for you, Manny."

Manic asks "Oh?"

Sonata and Operetta giggled.

Sonic spoke "I swear Manic, you're as dense as Ash is."

Korra was absent since she had gone into labor.

Manic scoffs "Oh yeah, chili-head?"

Sonic counters "Tacohead."

Manic spoke "Blue boy!"

Sonic counters "Snot."

Manic spoke "Speed junkie!"

Rainbow spoke "Street rat!"

Manic asks "What the? Since when did you join in?"

Sonic spoke "You insulted Rainbow and Spitfire when you called me a speed junkie."

Manic asks "How was I supposed to know that?"

Both mares and the two sirens gang up on Manic, tickling him.

Manic laughs "Gah! Stop! No! *Laughter!*"

Danyelle spoke "You had that one coming Manic."

And so, everyone had a great time in Alola.


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