• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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The Nijimura Brothers Part 4

*Danyelle's POV (still)*

*Ten Years ago…*

Young Keicho saw Young Okuyasu crying.

Young Keicho asks "Okuyasu! Did that bastard hit you again? What’s wrong with him?"

Young Okuyasu spoke "*Still crying* No, he didn’t."

Young Keicho and Young Okuyasu looked in the kitchen, seeing their father on the ground on his knees and left hand with his right one holding his head as something was happening.

Mr. Nijimura spoke "DIO… DIO is dead. *Groaning* That must be the reason…"

Young Keicho asks "Dad?"

Mr. Nijimura showed his face, which was getting disfigured with his body as he screamed in pain.

Young Keicho spoke "Dad, I’ll call an ambulance."

Mr. Nijimura spoke "It’s no use. I’m not sick. The flesh bud is ravaging my body. *Runs out* This is the end!"

Young Keicho spoke "Dad!

Keicho spoke "After a year, he didn’t know who we were. The man had forgotten all about his own children, and become a muttering glob of flesh. *As Mr. Nijimura fell over with the chest* DIO used to implant his own cells into the minds of those he distrusted, so he can manipulate his victims in whatever way he saw fit. As you can guess, he implanted one of those things in dad. For ten years, I threw myself into research, I studied Stands, I researched Project: SHADOW and Project: PHOENIX, I learned about Midnight, in my studies I learned of Enyaba the hag and obtained possession of the Bow and Arrow. But in the process, I slowly resigned myself to the fact that dad would never recover from the curse that plagued him. My father had already become one with the immortal cells of DIO. *As Mr. Nijimura searched through the chest* Now he spends his days doing nothing but this. It’s infuriating to watch, every moment of every day for the past ten years, he scratched around that stupid box of rubbish. If I confiscate it, he wails and groans for days on end. I’m sick of dealing with it. Look at his putrid face, makes me disgusted with the very idea of life itself. *Yanks the chain, pulling his father up to his face* I’ve told you over and over! Stop making a mess! *Punches Mr. Nijimura* Though I’ve noticed when I discipline the bastard, he seems to hear me! *Stomps on Mr. Nijimura’s face* And he keeps rummaging in his own filth! The useless swine can’t help it!"

Josuke asks "Enough! You’re the one who needs to stop. He’s still your father, isn’t he?

Keicho spoke "*Finishes kicking and stomping* Yeah, you’re right. This man is my father, but in blood only. The detestable thing I see before isn’t the father I used to know. *As Mr. Nijimura regenerated* This Mobian sold his soul to DIO, and is living the life he created. But I’m not totally without a heart, seeing my one and only father like this is unbearable. You don’t know how it feels. All I want to do is end his life and finally free him from the suffering. *As Mr. Nijimura crawled towards the box* And by I put him out of his misery, I’ll be able to live my life again.

Josuke and I noticed Mr. Nijimura piecing something together like a puzzle.

Keicho spoke "What did I say? I’ve had just about enough of you! Get out of the box right now! *Kicks Mr. Nijimura*"

Josuke spoke "Hey! You’ve more than made your point. *Runs forward*"

Keicho spoke "Sorry, but I just can’t let you have this Bow and Arrow! Not now or ever!"

Josuke spoke "That works for me, I’ll just take that Bow and Arrow later. But right now, my sights are set on that box."

Shining Diamond attacked the chest, shattering it.

Koichi asks "Wait, the box?"

The chest repaired itself as the pieces reunited, forming a picture of the Nijimura family of Keicho and Okuyasu when they were kids and were with both their parents.

Josuke spoke "It was clear from the way he was clutching those scraps of paper that there was something important about them. *As Mr. Nijimura held the photo in his hands* Now it makes sense."

Mr. Nijimura whimpered before he started crying with tears.

Koichi spoke "A family photo. Then he knew what he was doing. He hasn’t been mindlessly rummaging through that box for ten years, he had a purpose. He was looking for the photo of his sons when they were young. It’s true he’s not completely aware of his surroundings, but deep down, his memories are still intact. Memories of better days."

Keicho couldn’t believe what happened, as he was so shocked, he let the chain drop.

Twilight spoke "Deep down, he's hurting because of the flesh bud."

I pull Keicho over with psychic before hugging him, causing him to break down into tears.

Josuke spoke "Give up on looking for a Stand that kills. Because if you focus on using one that heals instead, then I’m willing to help you.

That caught Keicho and an eavesdropping Okuyasu by surprise as Koichi smiled.

Josuke spoke "But first, you’ll have to hand over that Bow and Arrow, ‘cause they’re history."

But then Keicho took a step away from us.

Josuke asks "You’re not planning to run, are you?"

Keicho growled at that.

Okuyasu spoke "Bro, please. Enough is enough."

Keicho spoke "*Looks right* Okuyasu."

Okuyasu asks "Come on, let’s end this already. There’s no point in fighting them, right?"

Josuke spoke "So you stuck around."

Okuyasu asks "*Steps forward* Whaddya say? There’s a chance Dad could get better, couldn’t he? So what if he doesn’t look like the way he used to? That stuff doesn’t really matter, the important thing is he has his memories and soul. *Grabs bow* Right?"

Keicho asks "*Freezes before showing anger* Okuyasu, the hell do you think you’re doing?"

Okuyasu spoke "Bro."

Keicho spoke "Move it, Okuyasu. Don’t you see, it’s far too late for me to just turn my back on the mission. I’ve already slaughtered countless people in this town with the very Bow and Arrow you’re gripping. Besides, as far as I’m concerned, you’re no longer my brother. As such, I have no qualms about killing you where you stand."

This could get ugly-*Ear twitches* Huh? Josuke and I looked up, seeing an unknown figure looking through a rooftop window.

Josuke asks "Question. Is there anyone else living here besides you two and your dad?"

Okuyasu spoke "Others? No, it’s just the three of us."

The figure was suddenly gone before an outlet behind Okuyasu started sparking, followed by something emerging from the electricity inside.

A voice spoke "HA! *Leaps at Okuyasu*"

Keicho spoke "Okuyasu, pull your head out of your ass, you idiot!

Keicho punched Okuyasu away before the being punched with his right fist piercing through the elder brother’s chest.

Okuyasu spoke "No! Big bro!

???: I’ll be relieving you of this Bow and Arrow, Keicho Nijimura. You do still remember me, don’t you, since you awakened my Stand when you shot me with this Arrow!"

Keicho spoke "I do, and you are an idiot. You can’t handle the Bow and Arrow."

A voice spoke "Keicho Nijimura, Stands are a manifestation of the soul. I’ve matured since you told me that. Well let me guess, you weren’t expecting my Stand, Chili Pepper, to evolve to this degree."

Keicho spoke "Worse Company, atta-"

Chili Pepper spoke "*Surges electricity* No more words."

Josuke asks "*As Keicho screamed in pain* Hey, is that…?"

Koichi spoke "Electricty! Okuyasu’s brother is turning into it, and so is the Bow and Arrow!"

Okuyasu spoke "*As Chili Pepper pulled in Keicho, and the Bow and Arrow* Big bro!"

Keicho spoke "No! Get back! Don’t touch me, you’ll get sucked in too."

Okuyasu spoke "Big bro…"

Keicho spoke "This isn’t good. All that work, and he’s stealing the Bow and Arrow! Okuyasu, I knew you’d find a way to screw me over ever since we were kids. You’ve always held me back."

Okuyasu spoke "Big bro!"

Keicho was sucked into the outlet as Josuke started jumping.

Koichi spoke "Josuke!"

Josuke jumped high enough that he broke through the rooftop window and got up top as we followed him up there while Mr. Nijimura was still down there. But we didn’t see anyone else but us.

Josuke asks "Did you recognize that Stand back there, Okuyasu?"

Okuyasu spoke "I didn’t, bro was the one who found the Stand-Users, and when he did, he didn’t tell me a lot about them. *Sees something that makes him freeze* G-Guys. Look. It’s…

We turned around, only to see a horrifying sight. It was Keicho atop electrical wires and burnt severally, electrocuted to death.

Josuke spoke "Okuyasu…"

Okuyasu asks "Bro, I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened. I knew all the bad things he did in this life would catch up to him one day. But still… in the end, my brother… My brother used his dying moments to save my life, didn’t he? Everyone, you saw it, right?"

Josuke spoke "Yeah, I couldn’t have said it better. Whatever his faults, your brother saved your life."

Zoey spoke "Hold on, he can be brought back! I still have plenty of blue aqua on hand!"

After pulling the charred body over to her, Zoey pushes one of the blue aqua orbs into Keicho's body thus revive him.

But then Keicho closed his eyes, falling unconscious.

Zoey spoke "*Bead of sweat* Oh, should've considered this may happen. Given all that happened to him, he'll need to rest for a bit."

I chase after Chili Pepper, shooting fire at the stand.

But the Stand was fully gone, having escaped completely. I hiss in anger.

I growl "That peckerface got away with the bow and arrow."

Josuke spoke "Danyelle, calm down. At least no one died today, so at least be happy about that."

Using the breathing exercises Cadence taught me, I calmed down, admitting that Josuke was right about that. But then Corina whacked that back of my head.

Corina spoke "Don't say that, got it, Danyelle? It's an insult to birds everywhere."

Zoey spoke "Not just birds though, gryphons and hippogriffs too."

I bashfully rubbed the back of my head at that. "Ehehe... Sorry about that."

Zoey giggles "Plus you insulted yourself too Dany since you're half gryphon."

Twilight spoke "That Stand is going to be trouble but it has a weakness. It can't stand large amounts of water."

"Hmm... We'll keep that in mind if we run into that Stand again." I noted.


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