• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Cutie Pox

*Asuna's POV*

I was flying around town when I saw Rei doing something with a log with both its ends on top of blocks, holding it up. He was drawing quite a crowd too, so I decided to check it out when I saw the crusaders watching too.

Kazuto asks "Should we go have a look?"

"Might as well." I shrugged as we landed as we heard the crowd cheering "Test your might! Test your might! Test your might!"

Kazuto spoke "I'll take a crack at that!"

Rei raised his right arm up, before he swung it down, using brick break as he broke that log in two with one strike as the crowd cheered with Rei pumping his fist into the air.

After two logs were put into place, Kazuto broke them both in half with Karate Chop.

Kazuto spoke "Beat that foxboy."

Rei sighed at that before he placed out a stack of bricks on a plank that is now on the two blocks before he used brick break, obliterating them with one strike. "You turned this into a contest, not me."

Kazuto spoke "You started it foxboy!"

Rei spoke "It was only a showcase."

Crosswind spoke "Ah think the wolfish 'Two's just tryin' ta show off his strength ta his new girlfriend."

That caught Kazuto off guard.

I was giggling.

And that made Kazuto blush.

Orion was being held back by Jericho and Rainbowtwo.

Rei asks "What's going on?"

Crosswind chuckles "Orion's mad..."

Rei asks "Why?"

Rainbowtwo spoke "You don't want to know."

I spoke "Back off Orion, I'm not a baby anymore!"

Orion spoke "But-"

I snap "I'm a grown 'Two, I can make my own choices! Just because you're ten minutes older than I am back when we were normal Mews, doesn't mean you can boss me around."

Orion spoke "I'm... just trying to look out for you..."

I spoke "And I'm sorry for snapping at you."

Huey asks "Mom?"

"Yes?" I asked.

Huey spoke "Something's wrong with the apple filly."

"Huh?" I wondered as I saw Applebloom send a downward kick, snapping an iron plate in half.

The other 'Twos and I were shocked at Applebloom's strength.

Rei asks "*With an eyebrow raised* Where'd that strength come from?"

Lance asks "Bloomy, is that what I think it is?"

Apple Bloom smiled as there was a symbol on her flanks.

But suddenly, a second mark appeared on Applebloom's flanks.

Applebloom gasps "What the-Whoa!"

Applebloom suddenly dashed with her back right leg sticking out at Rei as he dodged the attack.

Danyelle spoke "Oh StarClan no..."

I ask "Oh what now?"

Danyelle yowls "CUTIE POX!!!!"

Various ponies scatter in fear.

The second cutie mark on Apple Bloom was a JC symbol.

Rainbowtwo teleports before reappearing with Zecora.

Rei spoke "*Dodging attacks* Smart thinking!"

Twilight and Danyelle encase Applebloom in a magic bubble, stopping the AWOL filly.

Applebloom kept attacking the bubble she was in, even though her body was acting against her will.

Danyelle spoke "Something is truly amiss if it has come to this."

"Heehee! You really sounded like Zecora." I giggled.

Pigment asks "Wada?"

Danyelle teases "So Asuna, when will YOU have another child?"

"Wait, have as in..." I was about to ask.

Danyelle giggles "Dimensional Scream remember? I can see past and future."

I blushed madly at that as Kazuto blushed madly too.

Twilight spoke "Focus Dany!"

Danyelle asks "Well, what about you and Flash Sentry, Twi?"

Twilight stammers "Sh-shut up!!! It's bad enough Dusk has a crush on Sweetie Bell!"

Twilight immediately covered her mouth at that as Rei transformed into a cat and said, "Oooh."

Danyelle spoke "Busted...."

Danyelle's wings shot up on end since she had a frightening vision.

Rei asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "*Shiver* I don't think I should say."

Twilight spoke "I bet it has something to do with Ein..."

Rei snickers "*Devilish smirk* How about we plan and pull the biggest and best prank ever made in history on Ein?"

A purple colored Mewtwo with bat wings spoke "Oh, count me in on this too!"

Rei asks "...And what are you?"

Danyelle spoke "Maybe Bruno would know. Hey Bruno! Get your feathery butt over here!"

A zipper appeared on the ground before it unzipped as Bruno came out of it.

Narancia spoke "Wait-Bruno? *Gasp!* Bucciarati!"

Bruno spoke "Hey, it's good to see again as well, Narancia."

Danyelle whistles loud, getting Rouge's attention.

Rouge flies out of a warp ring.

Rouge asks "You called?"

But when Rouge noticed Narancia, she fainted.

Danyelle laughs "Holy StarClan, she zinged right off the bat!"

Narancia spoke "Hey."

Danyelle sweated a bit nervously at that.

Danyelle spoke "Anyways, the lot of us are planning to prank the dumbass hyena soon."

Narancia chuckles "Heh, and maybe Lil' Bomber can have some fun too."

Twilight spoke "We can't let Ein know though."

Rei spoke "Ein knows nothing of this."

Danyelle spoke "Might as well leave Pierce in the dark too since those two always hang out together."

Twilight spoke "Yeah. Hmm... I wonder if Zane or Kim have anything that could help with this prank."

Danyelle giggles "I got a good one in mind."

"What is it?" Rei, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Raptor and I asked.

Danyelle spoke "It stems from a song I know."

Fluttershy was carrying an angelic babytwo on her back.

Fluttershy spoke "Hi everyone."

That left us surprised.

Coal asks "New friend?"

Twilight spoke "I guess so."

Danyelle asks "Have you thought of a name for her yet Flutters?"

Flutter spoke "Hmm... I think so."

Danyelle spoke "She looks like a little angel."

Fluttershy spoke "Exactly, and her name is Angel."

The angelic babytwo giggles.

"Aww! That's a cute name!" I gushed.

Despite the coal black fur, Coal was blushing a bit.

Twilight giggles "Seems Coal's flustered."

Coal spoke "Mom~!"

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Rani pokes her head out of Danyelle's backpack.

Rani mewls.

Rei asks "Hold on, what about AB?"

I spoke "It's gotten worse..."

Twilight asks "You got anything, Zecora?"

Zecora spoke "A cure I have forsooth can only be found in the seeds of truth."

Danyelle spoke "Basically, somepony or someone has to tell the honest truth."

Rei spoke "And I think I know who."

Lance pounces on Applebloom before tickling her relentlessly.

Applebloom started laughing.

Lance spoke "It's so obvious those marks are all fake."

The intensifying tickle-torture made Applebloom laugh harder.

Jazz asks "Ya gonna spill AB?"

Lance spoke "This is only gonna get harder if you don’t."

Applebloom spoke "All right! Ah admit it! They're all fake!"

Lance lightened up a bit.

All of the fake marks vanish off Applebloom's body.

Applebloom spoke "Phew!"

Lance spoke "That was a close one."

Applebloom spoke "Still, kicking that iron plate felt real good."

Lance was wide eyed.

Lance asks "Jazz, can you bring a mirror over here?"

Jazz spoke "Sure bro."

To Applebloom's shock, a pair of wings the same color as her body were seen.

Applebloom gasps "What in the...?"

Scootaloo spoke "Aw man...!"

Rusty spoke "Hey Scoots, there's s-something I want to ask you about..."

Scootaloo asks "Huh? What?"

Rusty spoke "I uh..."

Lance spoke "For the love of..."

Lance grabs Rusty and throws the 8 year old fox at Scootaloo, causing the two to kiss.

Applebloom spoke "Ah didn't see that one comin'."

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped in surprise at that.

Danyelle spoke "Holy StarClan...."

Rei spoke "Huh, that's new."

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that Scootaloo's parents are going to spit their bridles once they find out."

Rei spoke "Especially when you find them."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but I've flown all over Equestria and beyond, no sign of them."

Rei spoke "I know they're still alive, and so do you."

Danyelle flinched at that, knowing Rei was right.


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