• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 103: Sweet Apple Acres

The sun was rising as Celestia used her magic to bring about the morning light for all the ponies to begin their day. And on this day, two ponies were currently making their way to their destination.

"So, ever worked on an apple farm?" asked Isaac.

"Can't say." replied Sunset.

The pair was currently walking to Sweet Apple Acres as Applejack had requested some help in getting her harvest done in time for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration that was to be held all throughout the land of Equestria. Applejack had asked her friends prior if they could lend a hand, but it seems like everybody was busy getting ready for the upcoming event. Even more so, Twilight who received an invitation from Princess Celestia to attend the Summer Sun Celebration party that was to be held in Canterlot. She even asked her to bring Isaac and Sunset along, so that she could also talk to them about their current progress in eliminating the threats. Overall, it meant that the entire group was scheduled to attend a fancy party.

Regardless, that was but a ways off. Right now Isaac and Sunset were needed elsewhere. After saying goodbye to Twilight and Spike, both ponies made their way to Sweet Apple Acres as they looked to get in a good day's work. Along the way, Isaac had some questions about the Summer Sun Celebration.

"Well, ideally, it's suppose to be a reminder of when Princess Celestia restored the sun to Equestria by defeating an evil force."

"Which was?" asked Isaac.

"She defeated a being called Nightmare Moon." informed Sunset.

"I think I've heard of that name. From what Twilight told me when I asked her, she said that it was an evil pony who wanted to shroud all of Equestria into internal darkness."

"Well, she only told you part of it. See Nightmare Moon was actually Princess Celestia's sister, Princess Luna. She was jealous of all the attention that her sister got and how nobody appreciated the nighttime. So eventually she refused to lower the sun and all that jealousy started to grow in her as darkness was born from her heart. Then that darkness took over and it consumed until it eventually changed her. And soon Celestia had to confront her sister; then they engaged in a battle." said Sunset in a serious tone.

"So... what happened in the end?" asked Isaac as he was afraid of the answer.

"Celestia banished her sister to the moon."

"What?" Isaac had to take a second to consume all that.

"She had to, or else all of Equestria would forever be in darkness. It wasn't easy, but she had to what was necessary to protect the ponies of Equestria. In the end she used the Elements of Harmony to send her sister away for a thousand years. It broke her, deep down she deeply regretted not helping her sister when she needed her the most. And so she had to make the ultimate choice, either exile her, or face the possibility of death for either one of them." stated Sunset as she finished her tale.

"Damn. That's some dark shit." said Isaac as he took all this in. "To think you fight someone who's jealous of you, and to make matters worst, it's your own flesh and blood. I can't imagine what Princess Celestia must have went through knowing that she had to banish her own little sister to keep her from hurting others. All that trauma must have really affected her."

"It did. When I was her student, I noticed that she kept to herself for a bit. She was always pushing me to learn about friendship and see that not everything revolved around magic. In the end, I didn't see what she was trying to do and so I abandoned her. I could only assume that it added more fuel to the fire of her being alone." Sunset stopped as he put her head down and started to shed a few tears.

Isaac noticed this as he approached her and brought her in for a hug. "Hey, it's okay. Things happen that aren't in our control. What's important is that we face our issues head on instead of trying to run away. And you did just that, you were able to reconnect with the princess and repair your relationship with her. That takes a lot of guts to do."

"Thanks for saying that." Sunset brought her head into Isaac as she just snuggled into his fur. Isaac just sat there as he stroked her mane till she felt better. Soon she smiled at Isaac as they began to continue walking.

"So, anything else you can tell me about this Summer Sun Celebration?" asked Isaac.

"Well, it's a rather special day for Twilight and the gang cause it symbolizes when they all became friends. When Twilight first came to Ponyville she was very much against the idea of making friends, so when Nightmare Moon escaped, she and the other girls all journeyed to find the Elements of Harmony to defeat her. Eventually, they were found out that they themselves were the elements as they used their bonds and defeated Nightmare Moon and purge the darkness in Luna's heart." said Sunset.

"And these Elements of Harmony is what keeps the balance of Equestria, correct?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah. The Elements of Harmony are: Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty, and Magic. Together those six work in unison and helped to keep the order in this world. Without them, Equestria would fall into chaos and disorder. And so Twilight and her friends have used the elements to protect Equestria from all sorts of evil beings."

"Now I'm impressed. The closest thing that we've done is compete in a Shadow Game. But they've done so much more, no wonder so many ponies look to them as heroes." stated Isaac.

"Right, well we'll worry about what the princess wants to talk about us when we attend the party." said Sunset as they had just arrived on the road overlooking Sweet Apple Acres. "Well we're here. Sweet Apple Acres home to Ponyville's endless supple of apples and apple-related products."

"Well, better give Applejack a hoof." stated Isaac. They both then made their way towards the entrance.

They both made it pass the gate, as they saw a couple of chickens clucking about their home. They saw a couple of other veggies other than apples. They saw the pigs in their pin rolling around in the mud and eating from their trough; they passed by the barn as they saw Big Macintosh putting some barrels of apple inside. Soon they knocked on the door as it was answered by Applejack herself.

"Well, howdy Sunset, Isaac."

"Hey, Applejack. We're here to help you." stated Isaac.

"Of course, but first y'all arrived in time for breakfast. Come on in." invited Applejack.

So both Sunset and Isaac had breakfast with the rest of the Apple family. During their meal, Applejack had asked Sunset and Isaac some questions about their home world and about her human counterpart. They didn't say much other than they were similar for the most part, Isaac even told her about how in their world she had a Predaplant deck. Applejack found it weird that her human self had a deck full of plant and weeds, but seeing as how they were tough like her, she started to find them fascinating.

Once they finished with the dishes, all three of them then headed out as they started to get to work. Applejack had decided to have Sunset help Applebloom with sorting the apples, and being able to package certain products into crates and labeling them. That left Isaac to wonder what his task was going to be, which Applejack just had a smile on her face as she led Isaac into the orchard.

"So, what am I gonna do, Aj?"

"This right here, sugarcube." said Applejack as they arrived at a tree.

"Uhm, a tree?" said Isaac with a confused look on her face.

"Yup, and you're gonna pick all these apples." stated Applejack.

"All those, okay. Just give me a few minutes to concentrate and use..."

"Nope! No magic."

"No magic? Then how in Celestia do you expect me to pick all those apples, what you want me to climb a ladder and hoof pick them." exclaimed Isaac. "What's the point of magic, if I can't use it?"

"Calm down, sugar. Ah'll show you." Applejack then took a few steps in front of the tree as she turned her back to it. Isaac was confused on Applejack's actions till he saw what she did. Applejack then lifted her back legs and with so much precision and force, she hit the trunk of the tree as the apples that were once up high felt the force of the impact as it cause them to fall onto the ground with a most of them falling into the basket.

Isaac was impressed by what he saw. Based on his experience with his version of Applejack, he knew she was strong. But the fact that her pony counterpart was able to use her legs to get apples down from the tree, almost made him nervous as he didn't want to be on the receiving end of one of those. Heck even just being behind Applejack made him scared that she would accidently buck him.

"Now then, think you can handle that?"

Isaac looked at Applejack as he approached the tree and stared up at it. "Seems simple enough." Isaac took a deep breath and tried to get in the same stance that Applejack did. While he was trying to get his position, Applejack was watching the colt and she couldn't help but laugh at he trying to do his best. Once he was ready, Isaac then lifted his hind legs and took a deep breath as he hit the trunk of the tree with his back legs as it shook.

The force wasn't as strong as Applejack's as the tree just barely moved as only a few apples fell down. Soon the after effect started to kick in as Isaac felt slight pain in his back legs. "Ow, okay that hurt a little." said Isaac as he sat on his bottom and started to rub his hoofs.

Applejack just couldn't help but laugh at Isaac's reaction. She then approached Isaac as he helped him up. "It's not as easy as it looks. Still for yer first try, not bad. Let me show where to hit the tree so you don't hurt yerself as much." Applejack then showed Isaac the sweet spot to aim for to reduce the strain on his body. Soon Isaac tried for a second attempt as he hit the spot where Aj told him and to his surprise he didn't feel as much pain as he did the first round. Not to mention that he actually managed to get a couple more apples down. So with that they both got to work on bucking apples.

They went at it for a while as they moved from tree to tree as they cleared sections of the orchard. During that time, Isaac had gotten the hang of bucking apples as he started to get better with each tree. Soon the sun was high up in the sky, not to mention that his jacket was causing Isaac to fell even hotter with all the exercising he did. So he took off his clothes as it helped to cool him off. Applejack would sometimes glance over at Isaac to see how he was doing; she had managed to see Isaac take off his jacket as he took off his cap to wipe his forehead. Even though not wearing clothes was normal, Applejack couldn't help but to stare at Isaac. Granted he wasn't the strongest, nor did he have the biggest muscles. But he had enough to give him plenty of strength and stamina, how else would he still be going. Still it caught Applejack's attention as he found herself staring longer than she thought as her cheeks turned red. She quickly got rid of that thought as she went back to work.

"Whew, I think... I need... to take a quick break." said Isaac as he sat back against the tree he just finished bucking.

"Takin' it easy, sugarcube." asked Applejack as she stood over Isaac.

"I may have more energy than most ponies, but even I need time to catch my breath." stated Isaac.

"Ah guess we can take five." said Applejack as she grabbed the saddle bags she brought with her and sat next to Isaac against the tree. "Care for some?" asked Applejack as she pulled out a bottle of apple cider.

"Yeah." said Isaac as he grabbed the drink with his magic and began to drink the cool, refreshing beverage. "Ahh, that hit the spot." said Isaac as he took off his cap and fanned himself.

"So, Isaac, tell me? How are things goin' with these 'monster spirits', y'all been tasked with?" asked Applejack as she took a sip of her own drink.

"Well, not much. Other than the major encounter that happened in Ponyville a little while back. Everything has been rather chill, I mean there's been a small incident here or there, but for the most part me or Sunset have taken care of it."

"Nice to know that we ain't got nothin' to worry 'bout." chuckled Applejack. "So you said that in yer world, there's human versions of me and girls. Any chance that well, ah took you on in duel?"

"Are you kidding?" laughed Isaac. "Heck you are one of my favorite individuals to duel."

"You're just sayin' that to be sweet, sugar." said Applejack.

"I mean it. Heck on my way to becoming champion, you were one of the duelists I had to beat. And I had blast." said Isaac. "You're a tough individual, not to mention very honest and caring for your family." While Isaac was saying all these things about Applejack, she tried to hide the blush on her cheeks as she lowered her hat to hide her face.

"Mind tellin' me a tale?" asked Applejack as she wanted to hear about a duel between her and Isaac.

"Sure." said Isaac as he began to tell Applejack about the first time he faced her in a duel.


Isaac was the first to break concentration. "Well Aj, here's to a hard fought battle. May the best duelist, win."

"Same to you, sugarcube." With that they both shook each other's hands and took their respective positions.

"Let's duel!" they both shouted.

"I'll play the spell Polymerization and fuse my two creatures. I Fusion Summon my Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon(3300/2500)!" When Applejack played her card, a mirror popped out. The mirror pulsed and glowed purple, its surface cloudy. The mirror cracked down the center, the image of glowing purple eyes appearing in either half. The mirror shattered and a massive dragon flew out of the frame. Its serpentine body was glowing blue, purple, and yellow, streaks of light along its limbs. Wings like the growths of a plant spread behind it, crackling with energy.

"Next I'll do a fusion summoning of my own, I play the spell Eye of Timaeus and fuse it with my magician. Now I Fusion Summon Dark Magician the Dragon Knight(3000/2500)." Isaac played his own dragon and when it appeared on the field, it looked at Applejack's dragon and began to give an intimidating roar. Both beasts were looking each other in the eye as they prepared themselves for battle.

"Get ready! I tune my level 3 Junk Synchron with my Tuningware and by the way, when I'm synchro summoning, Tuningware's effect lets me treat it as a level 2 monster. From two come one, and from one will come great power! Watch as they merge their might! Combine their courage to Synchro Summon, Junk Warrior(2300/1300)!" Out came a monster that was made of metal parts as it made an intimidating pose before landing on Isaac's field.

"I tune my Twilight Rose Knight with Lord Poison. A cold flame envelopes the world, within its blinding light, a black flower blooms! Appear Black Rose Dragon(2400/1700)... Prepare for destruction! My Black Rose Dragon destroys all cards on the field when it's synchro summoned." Black Rose Dragon then whipped out its thorns as it destroyed everything in its sight.

"I summon my level 4 tuner Bri Synchron(1500/1100) and tune it with my level 4 Junk Warrior. Behold as the cosmos creates a monster of galactic might, behold as I Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon(2500/2100)!" Isaac play the card on his duel disk and out came a dragon that was white and blue as its entire body was covered in stardust particles that shinned very brightly under the spotlight...Now Applejack it ends here, I tune my level 2 Formula Synchron with my level 9 Stardust Dragon and level 1 Junk Destroyer! I Synchro Summon Shooting Quasar Dragon(4000/4000)... Shooting Quasar Dragon doesn't leave the field without leaving something special behind, when my monster is destroyed I get to special summon Shooting Star Dragon! And it looks like your field is wide open. Shooting Star Dragon attack Applejack directly and finish this duel with Stardust Barrage!" Isaac's dragon took flight and it soared high up in the sky then it came descending down on Applejack who was completely helpless against it as it reduced her last remaining points to zero.

(End of Flashback)

"Wow." said Applejack in awe as Isaac finish telling his tale. "Ah can't believe ah did all that."

"I told you, you're one of my favorite individuals to duel against." stated Isaac. "Not to mention, I love it when you and Dash go at each other."

"Seems even in yer world, me and Rainbow are still tryin' to compete." chuckled Applejack. "Say Isaac, ah know yer just here to take care of these monster sightin'. But ah just wonder if y'all remember me. Not just me though, also the others."

"How can I not forget this? This has honestly been one of my favorite adventures to go on. Of course, I'll remember all of you." smiled Isaac.

"That's good." said Applejack as she returned the smile.

Aj then leaned in closer to Isaac as she rested her head on Isaac's side as she closed her eyes. She was enjoying this moment of being with her friend; Isaac took off her hat and put his hoof around her as he held her and stroked her blond hair. Eventually they both caught a quick nap as they just enjoyed being in the presence of one another. About half an hour passed as the sun was now starting to head down; they both awoke from their quick slumber They both looked at each with a smile and a bit of red on their faces as they stood up. They decided to call if for a day as they had bucked enough trees. With that Isaac used his magic to carry the baskets as the two of them began to walk back. The journey through the orchard was a pleasant one until they arrived back at the farm and were welcomed to a sight that caught their eyes.

"Get that varmint!" shouted Applebloom as she was chasing after some rabbits.

They weren't just any rabbit as it was the Duel Monster Blade Rabbit. And it seemed several of them had invaded the farm. However, they weren't the only ones causing trouble. There was also a couple of Queen Birds circling about as they started to swoop in and steal some more crops.

"I got it!" shouted Sunset as she tried to catch the bird in a net. It worked as she trapped one, only for her to drag her along the dirt cartoonish style as she collided into Big Mac who also was doing the same.

Even Granny Smith was getting in on the action. "Go on, shoo!" shouted the old mare. "I'll teach you not to mess with my farm." stated Granny Smith as she grabbed one of the birds and started to wail on it with an old branch.

Applejack and Isaac were seeing the scene play out in front of them as he put the basket on the floor and they both rushed to help out their friends. There were a couple of other monsters that started to munch on the crops, in fact they were none other than the monster card, Giant Rat. Applejack didn't take to kindly to seeing her hard work get eaten by thieves that she rushed over to the creatures and started to dodge and kick the creatures. Safe to say that Isaac was impressed with how Aj was handling herself; soon he started to use his magic and blasted a few of the creatures.

"Sunset, what the hell happened?" asked Isaac as he dodged a claw swipe aimed for him.

"Well, while you and Applejack were busy in the orchard. We were minding our own business putting the stuff into storage and for delivery. When out of nowhere, these tons of little animals started to show up and cause havoc." said Sunset as she clocked one of the birds with a piece of wood as it started to have cuckoo clocks swirling on top of its head. "Anyways, we've been dealing with these things while also trying to get back the food."

"Safe to say, we didn't expect this much." stated Applebloom as she caught another one of the Blade Rabbits only for it to bite her as it caused her to let it go. Soon holes started to appear as the monster Prevent Rat came out as they started to nibble on some crops.

"Yup." said Big Mac as he chased after some birds.

"Want a granny whoppin'? Here, take this." said Granny Smith as she was still beating up the one Queen Bird she had gotten her hoofs on earlier. Isaac was impressed with how well the old prune was handling herself, though he started to feel bad for the bird as it was now covered in bandages as Granny just kept wailing on it. Granny Smith started to take it up a notch as she started to deliver some elbow drops on the poor thing.

Meanwhile, Isaac and Applejack were dealing with the Giant Rats who were slightly a bit bigger than the two. Both kept dodging out of the way of their attacks and when they found an opening, they counterattacked. Applejack was having fun as she got to punch something that wasn't a tree, while she was avoiding the attacks she didn't notice a Giant Rat had snuck up from behind her. It was about to bring its claw on her as she looked up at the last second. Thankfully, Isaac noticed this and was able to push the mare out of the way as he tackled her and they tumbled onto the ground out of danger. They stopped rolling as Applejack found herself on top of Isaac as they stared at each other. Seems Isaac didn't count on the country mare to be on top of him, but he didn't mind, especially since their muzzles were touching each other.

"Woah there, lover boy. Ain't this kind of movin' fast?" said Applejack with a sly smile as she looked at Isaac.

Before Isaac could respond with a witty remark, they moved out of the way as they avoided another claw swipe from the Giant Rats. They got back to their feet as they were side by side ready for action. Soon they started to work together on taking down the huge foes in front of them; but as fast as they took one done, another one was back up and ready to fight.

"They just keep comin'!" shouted Applejack as she bucked one of them into a pile of scrap metal.

"Then let's even the odds." said Isaac as he pulled out his duel disk and called on some allies. "Come on out, Queen, King, and Jack's Knight." said Isaac as he held his cards out and his three monster all appeared. "Counterattack." shouted Isaac as his knights got to work on fighting off the Giant Rats.

"That's some mighty fine thinkin', city slicker." stated Applejack as she was fighting another monster.

"Sunset!" shouted Isaac.

"On it!" she responded as she pulled out her duel disk and slotted in her cards. "Give us hands, guys." Sunset had managed to play her Red-Eyes Baby Dragon and Black Metal Dragon as they got to work on helping Applebloom and Big Mac in dealing with the other creatures.

"We can't keep this up, we need to take out whoever's in charge." stated Isaac as he fired off some magic.

"I didn't see anything when they got here." said Sunset as she fired off some magic of her own.

"Isaac, I see something. Over by the barn." stated Applebloom as she worked with Sunset's baby dragon to nab the little rabbits and destroy them.

"Got it, Applejack. Think you'll be fine on your own."

"Ah'll be fine, Isaac."

"Okay." Isaac then looked at his knights. "You guys make sure that Applejack and the others are safe." Isaac's knight all nodded as they heard their master's orders. "Hang tight, Aj. I'll put a stop to this." said Isaac as he raced off into the direction that Applebloom said. He raced towards the barn and saw the monster in charge of this invasion as they were sitting on a hay bale and drinking some cider from a crate they stole. "So you're the monster in command."

"Indeed." said the monster which turned out to be Sky Scout. "Figured I cause some mayhem, but seeing as I came across this place. I'd figured why not get a snack while I'm trying to cause some mischief. And it would be a lot easier if you ponies just simply stopped resisting."

"Yeah, well we're stubborn little creatures. Especially me." said Isaac as he turned on his duel disk and a gold card tray projected. "So get ready to throw down, birdbrain."

"You challenge me? Now who's the real birdbrain. So be it." said Sky Scout as he showed a duel disk on his arm.

"Prepared to get swopped off your feet, pal! It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Sky Scout's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Sky Scout

"I'll take the honors, caw!" said Sky Scout as he drew his card. "I play the spell Summon Storm! Now thanks to this card, by paying 800 life points I can instantly summon a Wind Attribute monster. Like my Whirlwind Prodigy(1500/1600) in attack mode!" Out came a boy as high winds started to blow across the field as Isaac tried to hold his ground due to the monster's power.
Sky Scout's Life Points: 7200-

"Get ready to be blown away! Because by sacrificing my Whirlwind Prodigy, I'm allowed to summon another wind monster! So say goodbye to my prodigy and hello to my Simorgh, Bird of Divinity(2700/1000)!"

"It's a good thing you can't attack this turn." said Isaac as he was bit cautious about the monster his opponent summoned.

"I wouldn't exactly count on that! I play a facedown and play the spell Level Tax!"

"Not that card!" said Isaac.

"Ha, ha, ha-- but before I finish, I activate my Simorgh's special ability. Now we each take a thousand points of damage during every end phase!"

"A thousand points!"

"Go Divine Wind!" shouted Sky Scout. Soon his monster blew a power wind as it nearly took Isaac off his feet, his cap almost went flying as he was able to catch it with his magic and tightly secure it on his head as he felt the power of the attack.
Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

"In case you're wondering on why I didn't suffer any damage it's because I've got a spell/trap card on my field. And each one I have allows me to reduce the damage by 500 for each card. So since I had two cards, I nullified all the damage." stated Sky Scout as he ended his turn.

Turn 2: Isaac

"Alright, pal, it's my move!" said Isaac as he drew his card. Time to think, as long as Simorgh stays on the field, I'll run the risk of losing 1000 life points each turn. And if that happens, then I'm not gonna last long in this duel. And then there's his other card, if I summon a Level 5 monster or above, that Level Tax Spell card of his will wipe out the same number of life points as my monster's attack points. First things first, I gotta stop Simorgh's special ability!

"Don't worry I know just what you're thinking. I've seen it before." said Sky Scout as he looked at Isaac. "How will I ever win, if I can't summon out a high-level monster?" said Sky Scout in a mocking tone as he let out a laugh.

"Guess again!" responded Isaac. "Now I'll play Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts in defense mode. Then I'll play Pot of Greed, so now I pick up two." stated Isaac as he looked at the cards he drew. "Now I'll lay two cards facedown and end my turn. It's your move!"

"Go Divine Wind!" shouted Sky Scout as his monster activated its effect. Soon both cards of Isaac's flipped up as they provided him with a barrier that nullified all of the damage.

I was able to survive for now, but something in the air is telling me that this isn't gonna be a breeze. Better figure out a strategy or I'm gonna be blown away!

Turn 3: Sky Scout

"Caw!" screeched Sky Scout. "I play Tornado Bird(1100/1100)! Now by paying 600 life points, I can activate the spell Wing Requital! And for every Winged-Beast monster on the field, I get to draw another card! And since I have two, I'll do just that." He then picked up his cards.
Sky Scout's Life Points: 6600-

"Caw! Of course, to use them, I have to wait until my next turn! But in the meantime... Simorgh will take out your Gazelle while Tornado Bird blows away some of your life points!" Soon Isaac's monster was destroyed as he felt the attack of Tornado Bird as it spun really fast as he tried to keep from getting lifted off the ground.
Isaac's Life Points: 5900-

"Before I end my turn, I lay down two facedowns. And now my Divine Wind takes affect!" With that both player's had their cards flipped up as it protected them from the effect.

"Ohh! Phew." said Isaac as he wiped his forehead.

"Pathetic! You have no offense, and your defense won't protect you from me forever! I'm undefeatable! It's the oldest law of nature-- only the strong survive! And the weak perish! Ha, ha, ha!" chuckled Sky Scout.

Turn 4: Isaac

"All right, time to show you some offense!" said Isaac as he took his turn. "I play the spell Graceful Charity, and draw three cards!" Isaac took a look at what he pulled and he started to feel a bit better. "Now I'll send these two cards to my grave and then summon my Fairy Tail - Luna(1850/1000)!" Out came a foxlike creature as she appeared on Isaac's field as she gave her master a wink and hid herself behind a small mini fan.

"All that for a Level four?" snickered Sky Scout.

"There's more to her than meets the eye! But you'll find out soon enough! First effect activates, so now I can add a spellcaster from my deck with 1850 attack points from my deck to my hand. Now Fairy Tale - Luna, it's time ruffle some feathers! Target his Simorgh, Bird of Divinity!" commanded Isaac. Fairy Tale - Luna then used her fan as she shot a beam towards Simorgh. "And due to her special ability, both monsters return to our hands!"

"HA! I don't think so!" shouted Sky Scout. "I play a trap! Glory Level Talisman and when I equip it to Simorgh, then your Luna's effect can't target it. Looks like your little fox didn't serve much purpose." Simorgh then blew a powerful wind at Fairy Tale - Luna as she was blown off the field.

"Ugh! Not my monster!"

"Looks like your weak monsters are as ineffective as your strong ones! It's time to feel even more pain with my Icarus Attack! Now by sacrificing my Tornado Bird, the two protection cards you have on your field are automatically destroyed!" With that Tornado Bird then disappeared in a gust of wind as it blew away Isaac's facedowns. "And to keep things exciting, I reveal Explosion Wing! Now with this in play, for every card that was destroyed this last turn, you take 500 points of damage!" With that tons of bombs started to rain down on Isaac's field.

"AAH!!!" shouted Isaac as he felt the attack from the card. The force of the attack caused him to be flung back as his cap was sent flying and carried off by the after wind.
Isaac's Life Points: 4900-

"I play two facedowns and end my turn."

"Looks like someone gets to duel another round!" said Sky Scout as his Simorgh's effect took place and a powerful wind kicked up.

Turn 5: Sky Scout

"It been quite entertaining watching you squirm throughout this duel. You've put up quite the fight. But now I intend to blast you away once and for all!"

There's gotta be something in my deck that can clip this guy's wings.

"Now Simorgh attack his life points directly!"

"I play my trap! A Hero Emerges!"

"You sure about that? Cause my Level Tax spell card is still in play! So, as soon as your hero emerges, your life points will take a major hit!"

"Is that a fact? Okay, then go right ahead and pick the hero I get." said Isaac as he showed his cards.

"Ha, ha, ha! It doesn't matter! But... I'll choose the middle." said Sky Scout as he pointed at Isaac's hand.

"Well looks like you picked my Magician Boy(1500/1200). And you know what that means." Out came a tiny boy wizard who was wearing clothes that were too big for him as he tried to wield a staff that was slightly bigger than him.

"That little guy? Ha ha! It means your deck's weaker than I believed!" snickered Sky Scout.

"It means that you're in a heap of trouble! With Magician Boy, your level tax is 'bout to get refunded! 'Cause big surprises are often found in small packages! Remember! Level Tax doesn't affect Level 3 monsters."

"Maybe so, but he's about to be destroyed."

"Don't think so, my Magician Boy isn't going anywhere thanks to his special ability. Not only is he not destroyed, but any damage involving him I can then send to your life points." Soon Magician Boy used all of his little strength he could muster as he lifted his staff high enough to shoot off a spell before being pushed back and fell over. The spell made contact with Simorgh as it caused the wind to change direction to target Sky Scout.
Sky Scout's Life Points: 5400-

"You may have survived, but my Divine Wind is still in effect. And since you lost a facedown. it means you'll lose 500 more life points." said Sky Scout as his Simorgh caused a giant wind to blow away.

"Ahh!!!" shouted Isaac as he felt some more pain.
Isaac's Life Points: 4400-

Turn 6: Isaac

"Well, I'm about to end this duel!" said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now I'll reveal my other facedown, Idol Worship." Soon some magic particles started to form around Magician Boy as the image of Dark Magician appeared in front of the kid monster as he gave a smile. "Now that Magician Boy is on the field he gains the attack points of a monster in my hand and his level bumps up by that as well. So now he's level 10 and has a total of 4000 attack points. And it bypasses the effect of your Level Tax cause my monster was already on the field to begin with." Magician Boy then felt the power flowing through him as he did a few poses and could suddenly lift his staff with ease.

"But what's my Magician Boy without his best friend, meet Mage Annette(1300/1700)." Isaac now had a female spellcaster as it was the same height as his Magician Boy. She had brunettes hair as she had a book in her left hand and a wand in her right. She wore glasses and wore a white shoulderless dress as she twirled around with bits of particles appearing as she spun in a circle.

"So what, those puny little monsters don't mean a thing."

"Well, let introduce you to Mage Annette's special ability. When she's summoned, I draw a card. Then play Dark Magic Veil so that I pay 1000 life points to summon a Dark spellcaster from my hand or graveyard. And I choose Dark Magician!" Mage Annette then opened up her book as she looked for the proper spell, once she found it, she closed her eyes and began to chant and soon Isaac's ace magician joined them on the field.
Isaac's Life Points: 3400-

"My Level Tax still is in effect and since you summoned a level 7 monster, you take damage equal to his attack points." Soon a powerful beam shot out as it hit Isaac square in the chest as he felt the pain.
Isaac's Life Points: 900-

"Don't worry, that card is about to leave. Especially when I play Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hands and with that done, I'll then play this, Dark Magic Attack. Now Mahad, blow away all his spells and traps." shouted Isaac as Mahad raised his staff and eliminated Sky Scout's entire backrow. Both Magician Boy and Mage Annette were in awe as seeing their mentor take care of the threat with ease.

"No way!"

"Oh you better believe it, now I'll play Bond Between Teacher and Student. Now time to turn this tremendous trio into a fantastic four! Come on out, Dark Magician Girl!" Soon Isaac had four magicians on his field as they all were ready to do battle. "You guys ready to end this."

"Of course, master."

"Right behind you, Isaac." stated Mahad.

"What about you two?" asked Isaac as he spoke to his two mini magicians for the first time.

"I'm ready. Let me take him on." shouted Magician Boy in an excited tone.

"Just try to be careful, I don't need you to hurt your self again." stated Mage Annette as she often had to clean up after her best friend's antics.

"All right then. Time for an out attack!" shouted Isaac. Both Mahad and Mana then picked up Isaac's other two tiny magicians as they put them on their shoulders and gave them a smile. Both tiny monsters were overjoyed as they all combined their power and started to create a power as they all casted a big spell. "Fire!!!" shouted Isaac as all of his magicians used their magic to blast away Sky Scout's monster the rest of his life points.

"CAW!!!!!" screeched Sky Scout as he was defeated and was gone.
Sky Scout's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Isaac looked at his magicians as they all had a smile on their faces for a job well done. "Good work everybody." said Isaac. both Mahad and Mana set down the two tiny magicians as Isaac looked at them. "Even you two."

"You're welcome, Isaac." shouted both children.

They then gave their master a hug as Isaac used his own magic and put them both on his back as he began to play with them for a bit as they were laughing and having fun. Eventually, they all disappeared as Isaac bid farewell to his magicians, both Magician Boy and Mage Annette were sad as they wanted to spend some more time with their master, but they knew he had given his orders. So they got off his back and hugged his legs as they waved goodbye; Mana gave her master a quick snuggle as well as a goodbye kiss as all three of them joined with Mahad as they all disappeared back into Isaac's deck.

Isaac made his way back to the others as he saw Sunset cleaning up the last bit of monsters. Applejack and her family had finally rounded up all of the pests and they either ran away or Sunset had taken card of them. Overall, the farm was secure as there was several bits of crops spread out.

"Finally!" stated Sunset as she collapsed onto her back as she was exhausted.

"Take that sonny." said Granny Smith as she was stilling beating up the bird she had from earlier. Soon he had X's for his eyes as he disappeared. "Can't handle this old mare, huh?" stated Granny as she went back to her rocking chair.

"Thanks for keeping them safe, guys." said Isaac to his knights as they all bowed before their master before disappearing into his deck. "So need some more help." asked Isaac.

"Ah think we'll be fine. As long as we stopped them varmints from tearin' up mah crops, then the rest is easy." stated Applejack. "Thanks for the help, partner."

"My pleasure." said Isaac as he gave Aj a smile and a wink.

"Oh, ah almost forgot." Applejack then pulled out Isaac's cap. "Ah noticed this blowin' in the wind. Ah figured it was yer, so ah kept it safe." Applejack then put Isaac's cap back on his head as she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks, Aj."

"Don't mention it, sugar."

With that everybody got to work on cleaning up the mess left behind from those monsters. Soon the sun was setting behind the horizon as the moon was also rising up at the same time. Sunset and Isaac then said goodbye to Applejack and her family as they wished them a safe journey back to home. Both ponies said goodbye as they began to walk back to the castle and rest after a hard day's work.

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