• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,575 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 75: Duos Cup

It was now the morning following the fatal four way duel; seeing as how it was their last stop, Celestia allowed the group an extra day or so to explore more of Isaac's hometown. However, that wasn't important because all the girls were in Isaac's hotel room as they glared at him. Isaac was on his bed with Twilight sitting next to him; he knew what they were going to ask him.

"So... where did you get that card?" asked Dash.

Isaac let out a sigh as Twilight put her hand on her boyfriend's shoulder. Isaac then took a deep breath as he began to tell the girls everything. "Alright... You girls remember Francis, right?"

"Yeah, the guy who stole the Egyptian God card and then went on a rampage. But that was months ago." stated Sunset.

"Yeah, and then you defeated him. The card was safety returned to Mr. William." added Pinkie.

"That's all true, until recently. Remember when you girls all planned a surprise party for my birthday. Well, that morning I received a package from Mr. William. In it was some of the new cards that I showed you at that party. However, what I didn't tell you was that in that same package, Mr. William actually sent me Slifer." The girls all had their eyes widen at the thought that their friend was now in possession of such a powerful card. "Attached to Slifer there was a note from Mr. William. He said that he wanted to avoid another situation with the card that he felt it would be most safe if it was under my care. So for the time being, Slifer is under my watchful eye. That being said I made a personal vow, that while Slifer is in my deck, I'm not going to abuse it."

"What do you mean, darling?"

"What I mean is that I'm only going to use Slifer if the situation calls for it. Slifer the Sky Dragon is a powerful card and it should only be used in emergencies. Besides, if I made a Slifer a permeant part of my deck then I would have significantly less competitors."

"I guess." said Fluttershy softly. "I mean even if you're in control of it, it's still a bit scary to look at."

"Please, a chance to take on a God card. I welcome the challenge." said Dash as she was boosting her own ego.

"Really now, cause last I checked, didn't you lose to Slifer?" said Isaac with a smug tone.

"Shut up!" shouted Dash. "That was different. Now that I know you're in possession of Slifer, I know what to expect. So Isaac, I'd expect you to use Slifer in our next duel so that way when I beat you for your title you'll no excuses as to why you lost."

"This is why I didn't want to play Slifer. Look Dash, I'm not going to use Slifer for own personal reasons." Isaac was trying his best to relay the message he was trying to say. "Besides, now that I have Slifer, beating you will only take 5 turns."

"Say that to my face!" shouted Dash. She didn't take kindly to that as she tried to strangle Isaac, but thankfully Applejack and Sunset were able to hold her back. Isaac just laughed at he managed to get Rainbow angry it was one of the things he thought that made her look cute. Isaac knew Rainbow wouldn't kill him due to the fact that Twilight was next to him and she would definitely make sure Dash didn't harm her man.

Soon everybody all laughed at how Dash was acting as they all returned to being friends. Isaac then pulled out his Slifer card as he gave it to the girls so they could see it. The reaction was expected as the girls now got a good look at the card and were able to see just how powerful this card was. Even Fluttershy was comfortable holding the card as it wasn't the scary beast she saw appear. With that the group then began to enjoy some more of Chicoltgo as their duel had attracted some attention. Apparently, the whole city found out where they were staying and everyday there was a massive crowd that wanted to see them, mostly Isaac. So thankfully, Celestia and Luna were able to set up a discussion panel so that everybody including the news/TV stations could ask all the questions they wanted. So the group did the discussion panel as it allowed the city of Chicoltgo to get to know them a bit better. Soon it was time to leave as they had to return back to Canterlot, but before that they had one last event to take care of.

They arrived at the airport as they were boarding their private jet. There was a huge crowd there to send them off as they cheered and chanted each member of the group. Isaac was currently saying goodbye to his fans as they all shook his hand and took a couple of pictures with them. Soon he walking up the flight of stairs as he gave one last wave to his city and entered into the plane. Within a few minutes, the plane had taken off and they were now airborne as the time they left was close to 7pm.

While Isaac was with Celestia and Luna discussing the Duos Cup, the girls were having their own little pow-pow. They all wanted to discuss who was going to be Isaac's partner.

"Alright, now that we've reached the end of the trip. The question is who's going to be Isaac's partner for the Duos Cup?" asked Sunset.

"I've been able to look at the past Duos Cups and found tons of things." Twilight then pulled out her laptop and showed it to the girls. "According to this, the winners of the Duos Cup usually have people who use a similar deck. Overall partners that have decks that can work off of each other have a 92% win rate. However, there have been winners who had complete polar opposite decks and still won the whole event."

"Cloudian and Burning Abyss?" read Dash.

"Trickstar and Zombie?" asked Fluttershy.

"Even Wind-up and Lightsworn?" Applejack had a raised eyebrow as some of the pairings that won the event in the past. "Ah say, these are some weird collaborations. And yet they won in the past."

"Granted it's only ever once in a while. Most of the winners usually have decks that work well with each other." stated Twilight.

"Well then we if want Isaac to win then we should pick someone who knows his deck just as well as him." said Pinkie with a smile on her face.

"Indeed, darlings. Well let's think, we know Isaac relies on his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. Not to mention that he has a fond fascination for spellcasters, seeing as how he has a bunch of them in his deck." Rarity put her hand on her chin as she began to think. "Therefore it stands to reason that we should select someone who's deck can work in sync with Isaac's."

"Someone who can mesh with his style of dueling and can offer him support when he needs it." said Pinkie.

"Basically, someone who uses a similar deck and is really close to him." Sunset had a raised eyebrow as she gave Twilight a sly smile. Soon the girls caught this and all looked at her.

Twilight looked at them as all eyes were on her. "Me?"

"Duh, it's pretty obvious." exclaimed Dash. "You use a spellcaster deck as well, so it makes sense that you should team up with Isaac since your decks can work well off of each other. Plus, you're his girlfriend; so it kinda makes sense that he'll choose you to be his partner."

"That's not a valid justification!" said Twilight as she waved her arms about. "Just because I'm his girlfriend doesn't mean that Isaac is gonna play favorites. Plus he probably want someone who he can trust to put in their own effort and not just rely on him to carry the team to victory."

"Yeah, but you know him. He loves Duel Monsters and you." said Dash. "As much as I hate all the kissing you guys do, I'll admit that you and him are our best bet if we want to win the Duos Cup. Plus, it'll give you guys some alone time." That last part, Dash had a smug look on her face.

"That's not what this is about!" Twilight was now starting to turn red from how Rainbow chose to word her reason. "It just feels wrong that I should be Isaac's partner when I think that one of you girls whose know him longer would make a better choice."

"Twilight, darling. We're fine with you teaming up with Isaac. You two are inseparable and let's face it, you're both madly in love with one another." giggled Rarity as all the other girls did the same. "We all comfortable in choosing you; we know the two of you can go all the way to the top and win."

Twilight still feel like she didn't deserved this opportunity given that she was Isaac's girlfriend. She wanted to be given an opportunity based on her merits, not just because she was dating the champion. It made it seem like she was using her relationship with Isaac just so that she can further her own career. Twilight looked at her friends and they all just had smiles on their faces, she knew that they weren't going to change their minds. She then let out a deep breath as she accepted the decision. "Alright, I'll be Isaac's partner."

Soon the door that separated them opened up as Celestia, Luna, and Isaac all came through as they had finished their meeting. The girls saw this as they all turned their attention to see what they had to say.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, girls." said Celestia. "We were just going over some last minute things. Now it took a while, but Isaac has finally decided on his partner."

Isaac then stepped forward, "It took some time and thinking, but I choose..."

"Don't bother!" stated Rainbow. "We all decided on our own."

The girls all nodded as they all looked at Twilight to show that she was who they chose to be Isaac's partner. Twilight just tried her best to look happy about it as she just had a small smile and did a little wave.

"We'd figured you two might want some more time together so we decided to let her be the representative." Sunset gave Isaac a raised eyebrow while having a smug smile.

"I still feel like it should be someone else, but the girls think I'm the best bet we have to winning." Twilight then stood up as she made her way to Isaac. "I hope I don't let you down."

Isaac just put his hand on Twilight's shoulder. "You could never do that. Besides, I would love to have you as my partner." Isaac's smile caused Twilight to feel better about herself.

"Then it's official, Twilight and Isaac will be our two entrees for this year's Duo Cup." stated Luna. Everybody all nodded as they were okay with the selections.

"By the way, who were you going to choose? Before we decided on our own." asked Twilight.

Isaac immediately gulped. "Oh... uhm... well... it doesn't matter now."

"Isaac!?!" Twilight was now wanting to hear who her boyfriend was going to choose.

"Oh, look I just remembered that I need to sign some autographs so that I can send to some fans." Isaac then started to walk away as quickly as he could.

"Oh no you don't! Get back here, mister!" shouted Twilight.

Twilight then started to chase after her boyfriend as she was looking for her answer. Which resulted in Isaac having to lock himself in the bathroom as Twilight pounded the door trying to get him to come out. Everybody just looked on and let out a collective laugh at seeing the two of them act.

Soon the plane was arriving to its final destination as it touchdown on a landing strip. They had official arrived at the place where the Duos Cup. There was a huge tent that was in the middle of the place as well as a couple of buildings that were on the outer rim. Celestia and Luna told the gang to grab their bags as they took them all to the place to register. They went to another tent that was set up as it had two people behind a desk.

"Excuse me, we're here for the Duos Cup." stated Celestia.

"Certainly, are you competing or will you be registering?" asked the man.

"Just doing some last minute registration. It should be under the name Celestia."

"Let me see." Soon the man began to type something into the computer, eventually he came upon Celestia's form. "Here it is, it says that you've requested your champion, but you've yet to have a second teammate."

"That's why we're here. We've got our second teammate and we just need to register her." stated Luna. With that Luna gave the man the information about Isaac and Twilight as he put them into the system and created their profile cards that they would use for the duration of the event.

"All set, just need to have their decks scanned so that we can keep track of it during the event. My assistant will help you out with that." The man pointed to the other person that was sitting next to him who was a women.

"So you two are going to be a team?" asked the lady to which Isaac and Twilight nodded. "Got to say, you two look like a lovely couple. Now then, place your decks on this scanner. It help us to keep track of your decks in case of emergencies."

Isaac and Twilight did what the lady asked of them as on the monitor next to her came up their profiles. It showed their basic info as well as their deck archetype. It even showed the signature monster of each duelist. With that the scanner was done as their profile cards were updated and they grabbed their decks.

"All set!" giddy the women. "You two now fully registered for the Duos Cup. Now put your profile cards into your duel disks. That will help you to figure out who your opponents will be and keep track of your duels. Lastly, have fun."

"Thanks for everything, ma'am." said Luna as she led the group to their accommodations for the night.

"I can't wait to see the many duels that'll take place." said Isaac.

"I guess." Twilight was a bit worry about how they were going to do. "I just hope we can..." Twilight didn't finish her statement as she bumped into someone. "Sorry."

The women let out a gasp as she spilled her drink all over her dress. "The nerve! Do you know how expense this dress is!?!" The women then looked at Twilight as she was angry. "Why I have half the nerve to report you for vandalism?"

"Sorry." Twilight was now starting to cower in fear.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?" said Isaac as he stepped forward as was now staring at the women.

"Problem, is this girl here just ruined my expensive dress?" screamed the women.

"Well, I'm sure it was an accident. Twilight didn't mean any harm." Isaac had put his arm out to protect his girlfriend as he was now getting in the face of the women.

"You expect me to believe that!? Please, this girl needs to pay for ruining my appearance." The women was now staring at Twilight while standing her ground against Isaac.

"Azure, is everything okay?" said a voice. Soon a man appeared as he wrapped his arm around his fiancé and looked at Isaac and Twilight. "Who are these, ruffians?"

"Just some trash that was left out by the garbage team, Moonshadow." Azure then gave her fiancé a kiss as she gave them a disgusting look. "Look what that girl did to my dress."

Moonshadow then looked and had a gasp. "The nerve, why they've disgraced my beautiful fiancé." Moonshadow then looked at Isaac. "I'd expect you to teach your girlfriend some proper manners; she needs to respect those who are far superior than her."

"Maybe it's why she'll never get married. And I wouldn't blame her, look at who she's with. Some criminal based on his attire, talk about no class." stated Azure Moon.

"You can talk about me all you want, but you don't get to badmouth Twilight." Isaac was getting angry with how this couple was acting.

"You're not worth our time, come along Azure. Let's not waste time with these lowlifes, we've got a tournament to win." With that Moonshadow grabbed his fiancé's hand and they went on their way.

Once they were out of sight, Twilight put her head down and started to cry a bit. Isaac then turned to face her and put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I..." Twilight soon felt something pressed against her lips as Isaac captured her mouth with his as they shared a tender kiss.

Isaac then broke away as he had his hand resting on Twilight's cheek. "That better." Isaac was hoping to take away some of Twilight's sadness with a kiss.

"Yeah." Twilight nodded as she leaned into Isaac's hand.

"Forget about them, they're just some stuck-up bitches. Let's focus on making sure that we work as a team and win the Duos Cup. Sound good?" Twilight nodded at Isaac's suggestion as they went to find their friends.

They found their group as they were exploring the places. Isaac told them about their encounter with Moonshadow and Azure Moon; he told them about how Twilight had bumped into her and see didn't accept her apology. They even had the nerve to criticize Twilight and say that she unmarriageable and wouldn't find anybody in her life. The girls were all disgusted with how Moonshadow and Azure were harassing their friend, thankfully, Isaac was able to defuse the situation by saying that they just ignored their snarky comments. With that they all went to their rooms as they needed to get up bright and early as tomorrow was the start of the Duos Cup.

Everybody was in the main tent as they were getting ready for the event to start. Isaac and Twilight were on the ground floor as they stood side-by-side as they awaited for the host of the event to kick things off. Their friends, along with Celestia and Luna, were in the stands as they watched on. Soon the announcer came up to the podium as he started to give his speech.

"Welcome everybody to this year's Duos Cup. This year hopes to a an extraordinary one, due to us having a returning team from last year's Duos Cup. But regardless, we're here to see some amazing duels that are sure to wow the crowd. Now then, let the Duos Cup... begin!!!" Once he ended his speech, the crowd then cheered as confetti and streamers went off. "Now we begin the matchups, there are currently 8 teams competing and only one of them will be declared the winners. So today, we'll have the matchups till there is only two teams left standing. The final two teams will then face off tomorrow night as we look to crown these lovely trophies to the winners." The man then showed off some shiny trophies that were sculptured. It consisted of two duelists with their duel disks standing back to back as they stood upon a pedestal striking a dominant pose as they drew their cards.

"Now teams, you've all gained a profile card upon registration. These will help us to keep track of the duels as well as these will be used to select who your opponents will be." With that all 8 teams then slotted their profile cards into their duel disks as it brought up their profile and then a second later it showed who they were facing.

Both Isaac and Twilight had gasps on their faces as their opponents were none other than the two people who they met the previous day. Moonshadow and Azure were disgusted that they had to battle against the two people who disrespected them that they gave a disgusting look, but they figured that if they wanted to dispose of trash properly then they needed to do it themselves. The ceremony ended as the teams that were scheduled to compete were getting ready; as for the others they had an interview/talk show of sorts set up in another tent as they wanted the other teams to meet who they were facing and exchange a couple of words.

"The good thing is that we finally get to put those stuckups in their places." stated Isaac.

"Except that our opponents are the winners of last year's Duos Cup." exclaimed Twilight as she was now sweating. "This doesn't seem good."

"Twilight, calm down. We've got this, because unlike those two, we trust each other and understand one another." Isaac did his best to get his girlfriend to feel confident. "Besides, the good thing about us, is that we can actually watch all of their duels from last year's Duos Cup. We've got a bit of time before our appointment." With that Isaac and Twilight began to watch Moonshadow and Azure's duels from last year's Duos Cup which Isaac noticed something that was important. While Twilight was so busy worrying about who their opponents were, Isaac just had a smile on his face as he knew the true image of the two of them.

Soon it was time for Isaac and Twilight's appointment as they entered the tent and saw a couple of chairs set up with two of them being occupied by their opponents who just gave the both of them a glare. Soon the person who was hosting the segment came in as he told the cameras that they were about to start as it would be projected for the people in the main tent to watch. Isaac and Twilight took their seats and the host began to signal as the cameras rolled and they were live.

"Welcome everybody to the Dirt Sheet, I'm currently here with the two teams who'll be facing each other this afternoon. And we're hoping to get some final words between them before they get on the dueling field. On my left is the winners of last year's Duos Cups, Moonshadow and his lovely fiancé Azure Moon. On my right, it's a newcomer team, please welcome Isaac and Twilight." said the host as he finished his introductions. "Now then let me ask, Moonshadow and Azure, what do you think about your opponents?"

"Please, those two over there aren't worthy of being in the same room as us." stated Moonshadow with a disgusted look on his face. "Last year, me and my fiancé were victorious in winning the Duos Cup. Not to mention we're the 'it' couple of this event and plan to have a grand big wedding once we secure those trophies for a second time."

"My fiancé is correct." said Azure Moon. "You see unlike those two over there, they don't know the first thing about love. They're just kids who are blinded by the idea of what they think love is. Sweetie let tell you something," Azure was now addressing Twilight as she and Moonshadow stood up. "You may think that you know what true love is, but until you have this, you will never be important." Azure showed Twilight her diamond ring. "And if you think that this boy is the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with. Then I pray you have some backup plan, cause let me tell you something honey, you ain't going have a happy life if he can't give you marriage. Maybe the best thing he can do is use you to further his own success." Both Moonshadow and Azure laughed snootily at how funny it was.

Twilight then started to have a couple of tears form in her eyes, as Azure's words cut deep into her. She really started to think about her future and remember when she was young about how she wanted to have a happy life. She did think that she wanted to be married and have kids, with who, that remained to be seen. Isaac then put his hand on her shoulder as he wiped the tears away from Twilight's eyes. He told her everything was going to be alright.

"And one more thing, boy. You think that you've got everybody fooled here. Thinking that you two are the underdogs in this story and that by some miracle, you're going to pull through and come out on top." chuckled Moonshadow. "You don't know what you're in for, me and my fiancé will no problem advancing to the next round and get one step closer to winning those trophies."

It was finally time for Isaac to speak as he didn't wait for the host to signal him. "I think I got pretty good idea, what we're in for." Isaac then stood up as Twilight looked on; he told her to follow his lead as she just simply stood up next to him as he began to do what he does best.

"Where are your manners? Don't you know that's it rude to speak unless spoken to!" commanded Shadowmoon.

"Don't you know that I don't give a damn what you assholes have to say!" returned Isaac with some fury. The cameras were now focused on Isaac as everybody watching from the main tent was now interested in what was going down. "See you stand here and you're trying to blame us, please this is the portion of the program where I turn their theory into crap. You'll ready?" said Isaac as he looked at the camera and the fourth wall. "Okay. Brace yourselves, here we go." Isaac then cleared his throat as he was beginning to talk, Twilight saw what Isaac was about to do and it gave her some confidence.

"See it's easy for people like you cause you have this perception against people like me because it's easy for y'all to blame me. See I never for one second ask anybody to buy in to what I say and what I stand for. Those who run with me, they just believe dude, because you cannot fake heart." said Isaac as he was staring at Moonshadow while saying this to both of them. "See we can take a joke, we got no problem with you two mocking us." said Isaac as he pointed to him and Twilight. "But we definitely got a problem with you two; because with you two, it's not just a joke. You actually believe what you're saying is true and it couldn't be further from the truth." Isaac then turned towards Azure as he pointed at her, "Like you, you actually believe that all this was made possible for you, but couldn't be any more false. Don't you realize how asinine that is?" Azure just simply rolled her eyes at Isaac's statement.

"Here's the truth and it's gonna sting a little bit. You didn't win the Duos Cup because your of skills, cause when it really mattered you just sat back and let your man do the work while you got all the credit. The way I seen it, you didn't do jack!" shouted Isaac. He then turned to the cameras as he was addressing the audience. "You don't believe me, look it up yourself and you'll see what I'm talking about." True to Isaac's words, his friends and some of the audience did just that as they saw what he was talking about. "And you think that I'm using Twilight to further my own career and use this as a launching pad to get into the pro leagues or that she's using our relationship so that she can get whatever she wants cause she's dating the champion. Man, are you both high?" Isaac's response was met with some reactions as the crowd was now getting into this little segment that Isaac was cutting on Moonshadow and Azure.

"Nah, nah, nah, it's cool. At least, I know Moonshadow has some skills when it comes to Duel Monsters. I'm still trying to figure out what you're doing here." said Isaac as he pointed to Azure. "Everytime you guys show up, run your mouth, and you are a waste of space. Oh, oh, oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. And you want to knock Twilight around for not having kids, how long have y'all be married? How many kids you got?" Isaac now was serious as the crowd and Twilight could tell by the tone of his voice. "Let me just crunch the numbers really quick, none. What you firing blanks there, sport?" said Isaac as he gave a light punch to Moonshadow as he hit him above his groin. That comment alone cause Azure to gasp while the crowd was just 'oohing' while Moonshadow was trying to ease the pain from the punch Isaac did to him. Even Twilight had her hand over her mouth as she couldn't believe Isaac did and said that as she had a smile on her face.

Shadowmoon was now angry at how Isaac was humiliating him and his fiancé that he looked ready to throwdown. Isaac saw this and he too was prepared to throw some fists as he had a couple of last minute things to say. "You know, I've been told to never bring a knife to a gun fight. Seems y'all didn't listen cause you talk and talk and talk and talk." Isaac was now using his hand to show his point. "And you don't even listen to yourselves cause if you did, you'd realize just how ridiculous you sound! Where we come from, if you fail, if you get knocked down, you just get back up and move on! If you guys so much stumble, you blame everybody else it's never your fault and there's always an excuse." said Isaac as he pointed at them. "And that type of attitude you create this ego where you're unbeatable, unstoppable, untouchable, but Moonshadow that's not real, dude. And real gonna punch you straight in the mouth this afternoon." Isaac now was up close as he looked Moonshadow with Twilight doing the same as she stared down Azure.

"I stand in front of you a man; the man that you're looking in the eyes right now and you know is going to crush you in our duel later!" Isaac then broke contact as he looked to address the camera/audience watching their segment. "Normally, right about now, I'm telling everybody who will listen that we're going to be in the fight of our lives. We are not! We are going to destroy you this afternoon!" exclaimed Isaac as he looked dead set at Moonshadow. "You know why, cause you waste your time memorizing my house rules, that you forgot the one rule we all live by. You want to talk tough, you better be tough cause you a pussy!!!" The camera and crewmen tried to censor that last word by Isaac, but everybody heard what he said as they had the biggest gasp and 'oohs' on their faces. Even their friends were shocked by what Isaac said, Celestia and Luna were not pleased by Isaac's choice of words but given the situation they let it slide.

"These two are nothing but gutless, spineless, loudmouth cowards! I say it before and I'll say it again. You're not the 'it' couple, you're the 'shh it' couple!" Now both teams looked ready to fight as both were in position waiting to see who would start the brawl. "Prove me wrong! We are sold out here for the Duos Cup, and everybody's got that vibe, everybody can feel we are close to our battle and they want to see something happen! So make it happen, holmes. Ball up that fist and take a shot; just remember if you swing, I'm gonna swing back! Oh, oh, and as much as you probably want to come over here and slap the taste out of my mouth. You're frozen in your tracks cause if you so much as step in my direction, she'll knock the botox out of your cheeks!" said Isaac as he looked at Twilight. Twilight was now fully backing up Isaac cause the moment Azure took a step forward, Twilight also took a step forward and stopped her in her path as she had a determined look.

"We right here, man. Feeling froggy, jump. You'll want to see this?" said Isaac as he turned to the cameras before getting in a ready stance as he and Twilight were ready to throw some punches. The host was even scared that he hide behind his chair as he didn't want to get involved with this; Moonshadow and Azure looked to get ready and hit their opponents. Isaac and Twilight already had their fists balled up as they were ready. Soon Moonshadow backed down as he pulled Azure aside as they figured they had enough and were leaving the tent with one camera tracking them.

"Talk about firing blanks, looks like there's nothing to fire with!" stated Isaac as he gave them one final comment.

Soon Twilight stepped forward from behind Isaac as she had something to say. "Yo, Moonshadow and Azure." Twilight speaking caused both of them to turn towards her as the camera was still on them. "You know you two are nothing but some fakeass, see through jealous haters. And come our duel this afternoon, there's no more running." She then pointed to her and Isaac, "Because my man and I, we're coming to kick your ass!!" shouted Twilight.

With that Moonshadow and Azure left before they were embarrassed even more. Isaac was proud of Twilight being able to stand up to them that he grabbed her and spun her really quick which caught her offguard. Isaac then put his hands to Twilight's face as he just gave her a deep kiss as he poured everything into it as Twilight returned the same effort. It went on for about a good solid minute as a camera was filming the two of them as they soon broke apart for some air as they just looked at each other with their foreheads pressed together. Soon they entered another kiss as the crewman told them to shut the camera off; both Isaac and Twilight were ready to show just how phony Moonshadow and Azure. But first they had to stop kissing which to be honest was something that neither wanted to end anytime soon.

"And with that we now have our third team who will be advancing to the semi-final rounds. Now everybody, we still have our last two teams who will battle it out to see who gets the last spot. So let's bring them out." said the announcer. "Entering first is last year's Duos Cup winners, it's Moonshadow and his fiancé Azure Moon." Both individuals then entered the main tent as they were responded with less than a warm reception.

"And they'll be facing a new team, please welcome Isaac and Twilight Sparkle." They both entered as the crowd gave them a hearty reception. Both waved to their friends as they took position across from their opponents and just gave them a glare.

"Now then, let explain a couple of things. This will be the final round to see which team will advance to the next round; in addition, each person will take one turn and once they have, they will then be freed to attack as they please. In addition, if your partner doesn't have any monsters then you may be able to use your own creatures to protect them. The winners will be determined when both individuals of the team are defeated." said the announcer. "Now then both teams prepare your duel disks."

Both teams then activated their duel disks, Twilight was currently taking a deep breath as Isaac put his hand on her shoulder. He then gave her a quick kiss as he wanted to give Twilight a bit of confidence. It worked as she was no longer shaking her hand and then put on her game face.

"If both teams are ready... let the duel... begin!!" shouted the announcer.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Moonshadow's Life Points: 8000-

Azure Moon's Life Points: 8000-

Twilight Sparkle's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Moonshadow

"Let me start things off," Moonshadow drew his card. "I'll start by playing my Armed Dragon LV 3(1200/900). Next I'll place a card facedown and end my turn. Let's see what you've got, boy."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Stand back," Isaac then drew his card. "I'll play Graceful Charity, so now I'll draw three cards and discard two. Next I'll play my Queen's Knight in attack mode. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Azure

"Seems it's my turn," she then picked up her card and shot a glare at Isaac and Twilight. "Time to make you pay for insulting me and fiancé! I'll play this monster facedown and then place another card facedown." Azure then laid her facedown as she ended her turn.

Turn 4: Twilight

"That's strange, she didn't do anything." said Twilight. "Moonshadow has at least a monster that has a unique ability, but she just placed a monster in defense mode."

"Don't worry about it too much, Twilight." Isaac had a smile on his face. "Just play as you normally would; I told you, we're going to destroy them."

"Alright, Isaac. Now then let's see what I got," Twilight was now looking at her options. "I'll play the spell card Spellbook of Secrets, so now I'll add 1 'Spellbook' to my hand. Next, I'll play my Magician's Valkyria in attack mode. Then I'll play Spellbook of Knowledge, so I'll send another 'Spellbook' to the grave and draw two cards." Twilight then selected the card she wanted to get rid of as she picked up some more cards. "I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Moonshadow

"Now that we've all took a turn, time for us to put you delinquents in your place!" Moonshadow looked at Isaac, "Time to make you pay for insulting me and fiancé. I'll then activate the effect of my Armed Dragon LV 3, so I tribute it to summon my Armed Dragon LV 5(2400/1700)!" Out came an even slightly bigger dragon on Moonshadow's field. "Then I'll activate the effect of my dragon, so I'll send my Axe Raider to the grave in order to destroy your Queen's Knight! Then I'll reveal my facedown, Ojamatch. So by discarding an 'Ojama' card to the grave, I add 1 'Ojama' and 1 'Armed Dragon' from my deck to my hand." Moonshadow then got rid of his Ojama Yellow as he took two cards from his deck. "Now the other effect of my spell card activates, which allows me to normal summon one of the cards I added to my hand. Then Ill play Cost Down, so I'll discard card to reduced the levels of all my monsters in my hand by 2. So I'll play Ojama Black and sacrifice it for Metaphys Armed Dragon(2800/1000)!" Moonshadow now had two dragons on his field as he looked to get payback at Isaac.

"You're gonna regret ever asking about my manhood, kid! Now my Armed Dragon LV 5 take out Magician's Valkyria and then Metaphys Armed Dragon will attack you directly!" With that both dragons took flight as they took out Twilight's monster and took a bite out of Isaac's life points.
Isaac's Life Points: 5800-

Twilight's Life Points: 7200-

"I'll then end my turn, during the end phase, since my Armed Dragon LV 5 destroyed a monster in battle. I can send it to the graveyard and special summon my Armed Dragon LV 7(2800/1000)!" Moonshadow's monster then disappeared as it was replaced with an even bigger, badder version.

Turn 6: Isaac

"Not bad," Isaac then drew his card as he began to formulate his plan. "Now I'll activate my facedown, Magician Navigation. So now I'll special summon my Dark Magician from my hand and my Magician of Dark Illusion from my deck." Isaac now had two monsters with one of them being his trusted companion. "Now I'll play the spell card, Dedication through Light and Darkness. So now I'll tribute my Magician of Dark Illusion to special summon my Dark Magician of Chaos! Now that my Dark Magician of Chaos was summoned, I'll add a spell card from my graveyard to my hand. Now I'll play the spell Bond Between Teacher and Student, so now I can summon the last of my trio of magicians. Appear Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac now had three powerful magicians as they all took their position next to their master.

Twilight was amazed to see Isaac have that many monsters on his field. She thought her boyfriend looked fierce by having so many of his loyal magicians at his beck and call that she had a slight blush on her face. Even their friends who were watching from the stands were surprised to see Isaac surrounded by some powerful monsters.

"I said we were going to destroy you two and that's exactly what we're going to do. Now due to my spell, I'll set my Dark Magic Twin. But before I activate it, I'll play the spell card that I got back from the grave." Isaac then showed his card, "I play Graceful Charity, so I'll draw three cards and discard two. I then play the spell Dark Burning Attack, so now my Dark Magician Girl gains the power to destroy all the monsters on both of your fields! Do it Mana!" shouted Isaac.

Dark Magician Girl then gave a wink as she raised her wand into the sky and shot off a powerful spell that decimated the entire field. Moonshadow and Azure were left dumbfounded as they didn't expect that kind of move from Isaac. Isaac and his other magicians all smiled and nodded their head in approval. Mana was glad she could do her part that she floated next to Isaac was about to give him a kiss.

"Ahh, Mana." said Isaac as he put his hand up. "Remember, Twilight is my girlfriend. Which means you can't just kiss me like you normally do, wouldn't want me to get hurt would you?"

"She knows that this is my way of showing you that I care, plus she knows that you were mine long before she came into your life." Mana then gave Isaac a kiss on his cheek as she giggled and returned back to her spot as Mahad just shook his head in disdain at her doing her normal antics at making trouble for their master.

"Isaac? Did your Dark Magician Girl just kiss you!?!" shouted Twilight as she noticed that he had a smile on his face.

"Of course not! She knows that I'm in relationship." Isaac quickly tried to get rid of his smile to avoid Twilight doing something that may result in him having something broken. "Now that my Dark Magician Girl has wiped out your field, time to end this. So now I'll activate my Dark Magic Twin Burst and give my Dark Magician a boost in his attack by the stats of my Dark Magician Girl. Now my magicians attack Moonshadow directly!! Ultimate Dark Magic Attack!!" shouted Isaac as he thrusted his arm out. All three of them leapt into the air as they combined their magic together as they each fired off a power shot that soon conversed into one as it hit Moonshadow square in the chest as he was sent flying.
Moonshadow's Life Points: 0-

"Moonshadow!?" screamed Azure as she was concerned about her fiancé.

"Looks like you're on your own." said Twilight as she had a smug smile.

"I'll just end my turn."

Turn 7: Azure

Azure was still looking at her fiancé as she was scared on being by herself. She normally let Moonshadow do all the work, now she had to defeat both Isaac and Twilight if she wanted to win. Which she immediately started to cower in fear. "I... draw." Azure couldn't think straight as she didn't know what to do. "I... just place another monster facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Twilight

"Just like I said, you ain't got any skills. Nothing more than leech just clinging onto your fiancé and thinking that you should be the center of attention due to your marriage." said Isaac as had a sly smile on his face. "Twilight finish this and feel free to use my cards."

"You've got it." Twilight then drew her card and looked at Azure. "You know you told me that I was unmarriageable and that nobody who ever want to be with me. Well thanks to my boyfriend, he's shown that you're nothing but a low-esteem, no-good lying bitch!!" sounded Twilight with fury. Isaac had a smile on his face as he liked it when Twilight called Azure that. "Now time to show you the power of our love, I summon my Amores of Prophecy in defense mode Then I'll activate its effect, so now I'll reveal my Spellbook of Power to special summon my Strength of Prophecy from my hand." Twilight now had two monsters on her field.

"Now I'll activate the effect of my Strength of Prophecy to shuffled back a 'Spellbook' from my graveyard to my deck. Then I select a spellcaster on the field and give it 300 extra attack points and increase its level by 1. And I choose Dark Magician Girl." Twilight then looked at Isaac as he nodded to give her his permission. "Now I'll overlay Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl to perform an Xyz summon." Soon both of Isaac's monsters then transformed into orbs as they entered a vortex with a new monster coming out. "With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network and Xyz summon Hierophant of Prophecy! Next I'll reveal 3 'Spellbook' cards in my hand and special summon my High Priestess of Prophecy!" Twilight was now smiling as she looked to take out Azure.

"Now I'll reveal my facedown, Hidden Spellbook. So now I'll shuffle back 2 spell cards in my graveyard back into my deck. But my turn is far from over, I play the spell Pot of Greed; so now I draw two more cards." Twilight then looked at her hand and took a deep breath. "I activate my Priestess' ability, so I'll banish a 'Spellbook' from my hand to destroy one of your facedown monsters. Next I'll play the Spellbook of Destruction, so I'll send a card to the grave to destroy your last monster. Then I'll play my final card, Monster Reborn. I choose to revive Dark Magician Girl!" Twilight now had a field full of monsters as she looked to take out Azure who was now on her hands and knees as if begging Twilight to show some mercy. Twilight just gave her a thumbs up with a smile as she then changed it into the thumbs down while changing her expression to a ruthless one. "Now my monsters attack Azure directly! End this duel!!!" Twilight then held her hand out as her monsters heard their command and took out Azure.
Azure's Life Points: 0-

Winners: Isaac and Twilight

The duel ended as Azure was flung on her back as she was now in Moonshadow's arms as he had finally got up and caught his fiancé in his arms only for him to be thrown back once again. Isaac and Twilight stood there with smiles on their faces as they shared a high five and a hug. Everybody applauded them for taking out the imposters.

"Well in such a convincing fashion, it seems the team of Isaac and Twilight will be advancing to the next round of the Duos Cup." said the announcer.

After that the rest of the Duos Cup matches were entertaining to say the least as the remaining teams were doing everything they can to make sure they were the ones to be in the finals of the event. Right now Isaac and Twilight were currently trying to earn their spot in the finals.

"This duel is over, ready Twilight?"

"I'm with you, Isaac."

"Now Double Dark Magic Attack!!!" shouted both of them as they each had their respective Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl work together to deliver the final blow and took out the remaining life points of their opponents. With that they had secured their spot in the finals as Isaac spun Twilight around and then brought her in for a quick kiss.

"And with that we now have our final two teams. Isaac and Twilight have certainly shown they're the clear favorites to win it all and they could very well do that. But will it happen? Find out tomorrow night as the final two teams will take each other on in what is sure to be a hard hitting affair." said the announcer as the audience started to leave.

Up above there was two people who were watching on as they were out of sight from everybody. These were the people who made up the team that Isaac and Twilight would be facing tomorrow night in the finals of the Duos Cup. Safe to say they were really looking forward to seeing what the two of them could do.

"So... those two are who we're facing in the finals?" said the girl with a sinister voice.

"Yup... s-so what do you think?" stuttered her partner who was a boy who was around her age as he fixed his glasses.

"I think I'll forward to seeing what they can do. Not to mention that this will be fun." crackled the girl as she and her friend left disappearing into the shadows.

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