• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,575 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

  • ...


It was now nighttime as the moon was high in the sky. Canterlot High had the lights on and music was blaring from the building as inside a wild party was going on. The graduates of CHS were now enjoying the party made by Pinkie Pie as it was her final gift to all to express how much she was going to miss her fellow classmates. Food being served, drinks being handed out, the music causing everybody to move to the rhythm of the beat. All around the students were enjoying themselves, the big duel they witnessed really gave them a good send off. Most of them came up to Twilight herself as they wished her good luck in her future and congratulations on what transpired between her and Isaac.

The girls also said congratulations to their friend as it seemed Pinkie would have another party to plan in the future. The girls all were making plans to spend the first month of summer together before they each had to go on their separate paths for a while. But they all made the decision to meet up before the fall season began to discuss how things were going.

"Twilight, darling. You should be happy, you admitted your feelings to Isaac and you're attending Everton University. You get to study and eventually become a card designer in no time. Your dream. Besides, those cards that you made for your duel, if anything that's a sign you're future is a bright one." said the fashionista.

"Thanks, Rarity."

"So, this is it for a while, huh?" said Applejack.

"Afraid so, I'm going overseas for a bit given my scholarship to study art." said Sunset. "Of course, that doesn't mean I'm gonna give my video games."

"As for me, I'm leaving to Whitetail Woods to study under Dr. Fauna. With her help, my animal sanctuary will come true and she'll teach me stuff that lead me to becoming a vet." said the shy girl.

"Me, Spitfire, Fleetfoot and a few other members of the sports team are going on a trip to another country for some tryouts to a professional team." said Rainbow.

"As for me, I'm heading to Manehattan to start one of my boutiques. I already have Sassy Saddles and Coco Pommel as my employees and we plan to help get the word out and hold some internships for any young aspiring fashion designers to come work at my place." said the marshmallow girl.

"And don't y'all worry, me and Pinkie will hold down the fort here and take care of the house while y'all are doing yer thing. Know if you ever need a place to stay, don't hesitate to give us a call." said the country gal.

"I appreciate that, Applejack. And thank you for letting Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to stay at the house, Pinkie. I didn't want to bring her with me, since I know how much she loves her friends."

"No problem, Rarity. I'll take good care of them." said the party girl.

"And I'll make sure she doesn't blow up the house. Besides, you know he doesn't want to see all the money he spent on it go to waste." said Aj.

"Speaking of... Isaac really did leave, huh?" said Fluttershy.

"Yeah." said Twilight as she grabbed a cup of punch and looked out of the window towards the back of the school. She saw the field that she and Isaac dueled as the memory of that duel came back to her mind and how she was able to tell the boy how she felt as the two shared the most heartwarming kiss of their lives.

"You know, Isaac was afraid he would never see us again? I don't blame him, since being a pro requires a ton of work." said Sunset as she and the others all stood next to their friend and looked out the same window.

"But look what he's done. He's given so much to Celestia and Luna, in fact the whole school is going to be remodeled with the amount of funds they got." said Fluttershy.

"Eventually, everyone changes. That's what it means to grow up." said Rarity.

"The geek really made an impact on all of us. Especially you, egghead." said Rainbow to Twilight as she just simply rolled her eyes at being called that by her athletic friend.

"I just wonder how things might have changed if Isaac enrolled during his freshman year? How would things play out?" wondered Pinkie Pie.

"But one thing is for certain, he'll see us again." said Twilight. "Because after I told him how I felt and that kiss, he whispered into my ear and said: 'I'll be back for you'. So, like always, I'll wait for him. And it won't be just me, it'll be all of us."

"To Friendship." said the girl.

"To Friendship." said the others as they all clinked their cups together as they continued to enjoy the party.

Meanwhile, a few feet away there was a person who saw the lights of the auditorium on as one could assume the party was happening. The person just took one long last look at the school as he wanted to say goodbye to the place where he had his many adventures.

"So long, Canterlot High." said Isaac as he tipped his cap and slung his backpack over his right shoulder as he turned around and began to walk.

Isaac was walking as he was preparing to head on with the new part of his life. His deck then began to glow as he noticed it from his deck box on his belt. He then looked at it as he pulled it out. Soon out came Kuriboh as the tiny furry thing appeared in front of the boy.

"What's up, Kuriboh?" asked Isaac.

"Kuri." said the thing as he began to float away.

"You want me to follow you?"

"Kuri." said the thing with a nod. He then began to float in a direction as Isaac began to chase after his monster.

Kuriboh now was moving towards the front of the school with Isaac right behind him. Soon the tiny thing came to the statue in front of the building as it stood in front of it. Isaac now caught up with the spirit of his monster as he saw the statue.

"Is this where you wanted to bring me? But why?" said Isaac in confusion. "Is Equestria in danger again?" asked the boy as he saw the mirror that connected the two worlds. Isaac didn't get an answer as his monster just hovered next to the thing, he was about to say something when he heard something.

"I've been waiting for you." spoke a voice.

"Huh? Who's there?" asked Isaac. Soon he saw a dark shadow appear. "Who are you?" stated the boy with conviction.

Eventually the shadow stepped into the light, but Isaac couldn't see the face of the person but merely their body and the clothes that they were wearing. The person wore a black linen shirt and several pieces of wrist-chains, along with a pair of leather pants.

"Well, shall we begin?" asked the person.

"What? Hey... wait a minute... you're..." Isaac now took a good look at the person despite not seeing their face as he let out a gasp.

"Our true graduation duel." spoke the person.

"Our true graduation duel?" said Isaac.

"Yes. I want to test whether or not you have what it takes to be a worthy duelist. Over these past three years, you've have grown very strong. And you have overcome many trials, to become a fine adult. But to attain that, you have also lost something."

"Lost something?" stated Isaac.

"Yes, you yourself do not realize the important thing you've lost. You must recover it." stated the voice. "Now, Isaac... hold your deck up to the statue. If you do, it will led you to the duelist who will help you regain what you have lost. The ultimate duelist."

"The ultimate duelist? Other than you?" said Isaac.

"If you go, you'll understand. Trust me."


Isaac as he approached the statue and put his hand out to where the mirror was as it rippled across. He then took a deep breath as Kuriboh appeared by Isaac's side as he returned back to the deck as Isaac held it up to the mirror. Soon a bright light began to shine as Isaac's eyes widen at what was happening. He turned to look at the person but found them to be gone, soon the light was shining much brighter as so did his deck as Isaac closed his eyes to avoid being blind as the light surrounded him.

Soon the light died down, as Isaac slowly opened his eyes. It was nighttime when he first began, but now it was daylight as the sun was in the sky. He then looked around and saw that he wasn't at Canterlot High anymore as all around him, his surroundings were much different. Upon first glance, it seemed that Isaac was in some sort of place that was unfamiliar to him.

"Where am I?" asked the boy taking in the scene around him.

He then turned around behind him as he noticed a small card shop that also was a home to the people that worked there. Just as he was about to go into the place, he noticed something stuck to his left as he grabbed the piece of paper. Isaac began to look at it and was shocked by what he read.

"Just how far back have I gone?!" shouted Isaac as he looked at the thing he was holding.

In Isaac's hand was a flyer that belonged to a newspaper as the headline read: Battle City Winner, Yugi Moto. But once again, Isaac's brain didn't register the name Yugi Moto, but the name, King of Games. And Isaac was seeing the picture of his idol as he was holding all 3 of the Egyptian God cards he had won in the tournament.

"I know about this event. But... how many years ago is this?" stated Isaac as he recalled hearing this event happen when he was growing up and reading about it in books. He then picked up his backpack as he looked back at the shop and then at the sky wondering what was going on.

"Grandpa, I'm heading out!" said a high-pitched and friendly voice that belonged to a person as they were coming out of the card shop. They didn't see where they were going as they collided into Isaac's back. "Sorry there."

"No, it's my fault." said Isaac as he turned around to address the person for being in their way.

The moment, Isaac turned around he was shocked by what was standing in front of him. Standing in front of him was a small boy that had a male high school uniform as it read "Domino High" on it along with a closed buckled collar. However, the most visually appeal about the person was their hair. His extremely extravagant hair featured multiple layers including long blond crooked, pointy locks for his fringe; the rest featured a set of five large spikes and two smaller spikes colored black with a magenta sheen along the edges. In addition, was the Millennium Puzzle that was laced around his neck in a silver chain.

"You're... the King of Games!" said Isaac in awe.

"Uh, yeah. That's me." said Yugi.

"The ultimate duelist, waiting for me..."

"Huh?" said Yugi as he titled his head to side as he didn't understand what Isaac said.

"Can it be?" said Isaac as he pulled out his deck as he could feel the spirits of them telling him something. "My deck lead me to you."

"Hmm. I don't think I quite follow." said Yugi. "Hold on a sec, have you come here to duel me?"

"What?" said Isaac as it was his turn to be confused.

"See last night, I had a dream. In my dream, Kuriboh spoke to me. He said a powerful duelist would come to me, and that I would have to fight that duelist." said Yugi as he finished telling his tale. "Are you that duelist?"

"I guess so." smiled Isaac as he realized what was about to happen. "So, Mr. King of Games, will you please battle me?"

"Sure." smiled Yugi.

Soon both boys entered the Domino City Plaza as there was a water fountain and a huge clock in the center as both duelists were on opposite sides of the field. They each began to walk towards the center to meet the other.

"Where is everybody?" asked Yugi as he noticed that usually the town square was filled with lots of people. But today, not a single person in sight.

It's just as I figured. Isaac was looking up at the clock in the middle as it wasn't moving. He noticed the same thing with his watch on his left wrist as upon arriving, it didn't seem to move. I get it! This is a special place created for the two of us. To have our duel.

Yugi now approached Isaac as he pulled out his deck from his deck box on his belt. Compared to Yugi's duel disk which was old school, Isaac's came in with a built-in autoshuffler, but seeing as how he was going up against the King of Games himself, he figured he'd do things his way and let Yugi shuffled his deck. So Isaac turned off the autoshuffler as he pulled out his deck from his place holder on his belt and swapped it with Yugi.

Upon holding Yugi's deck, Isaac's eyes immediately widen as he let out a gasp as he could see the aura and power that was resonating off of the King of Games' deck. All of it shook Isaac a bit as he had never seen anything quite like it. All of it caused some fear to appear in Isaac as he held the thing.

"There's something special about you." said Yugi.

That response got Isaac to snap out of the trance he was in. He then directed his attention to Yugi who was shuffling Isaac's deck while discussing with the boy.

"I don't what it is, but you have a strange aura that surrounds you. You kind of remind me of myself." said Yugi as he finished shuffling Isaac's deck. "As duelists, we have the same 'scent', so to speak."

"I see." said Isaac as he finally got to shuffling his idol's deck.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Yugi. "What do you duel for?"

"That's easy, I duel... out of love." responded Isaac as Yugi smiled.

After some quick shuffles, the two exchanged back their decks and slotted them in as they walked back to opposite sides of the field.

Just as I would've expected from the King of Games. He seems to be aware of my power. But the problem is that deck. There's an incredible energy coming from that deck. The 3 Egyptian Gods dwell in that deck. Isaac now got back to his side of the field as he turned to look at Yugi who also made it to his side and looked back at Isaac. There's no question... the one standing before me is the King of Games. Who possesses the greatest deck in history!

Yugi then raised his arm as his duel disk activated as it combined together. Soon that aura was now going off as Isaac hesitated a bit as he looked at Yugi.

I may be scared, but I'm not afraid. Isaac put on his confident smile as his duel disk activated as it projected a gold color card tray. Now it was his aura that was being shown off as the two were clashing in the middle as both teens prepared to do battle. The ultimate deck... the ultimate duelist! If this doesn't excite me, I'd be no duelist at all. This is my true graduation duel!

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

"It's time... Oh, wait." Isaac stopped himself as he knew he couldn't say that line.

"It's alright, we don't we say it together." suggested Yugi.

"Really? Thanks." smiled Isaac.

"It's time to duel!!!" shouted both boys as they drew their cards.

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Yugi's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I draw," said Isaac as he drew his card, "I'll start by summoning my Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800). Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Yugi

"My turn!" shouted Yugi as he drew his card. "I summon Mystical Elf(800/2000) in defense mode. And then play Magical Dimension! When I have a spellcaster-type monster on the field, I can sacrifice that monster in order to summon a new spellcaster from my hand! I sacrifice my Mystical Elf! Show yourself, Dark Magician!" shouted Yugi as his monster disappeared and in its place rose up his signature magician of his deck.

"No way?!" said Isaac with a fanboy look on his face as he saw his idol and his signature creature with his own eyes. "Is this really happening?! I'm totally pumped!"

"I activate the effect of Magical Dimension! I can destroy one monster on the field!" said Yugi as he pointed at Isaac's side as his Magician's Valkyria was gone and left the boy defenseless.

"Magician's Valkyria!" said Isaac as he was wide open.

"I still have my attack! Dark Magician! Direct Attack! Dark Magic Attack!" shouted Yugi as his monster raised his staff and prepared to deal some massive damage to Isaac.

"I reveal my trap, Negate Attack!" shouted Isaac as he managed to avoid being hit. "That was close."

"I place 2 cards facedown and end my turn." said Yugi. You're pretty good, Isaac. Being able to dodge my attack like that.

Amazing... It's just the second turn, yet he's already ruthlessly assaulting. If if hadn't been for my Negate Attack, I'd taken a lot of damage. Self-confidence that doesn't shake... huge fighting spirit... just like I thought, he's not just half strong, but truly strong!

Turn 3: Isaac

"My turn! I draw! To start, I'll summon my Magician Boy(1500/1200). Then since I control a Level 4 or below monster, I can special summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700) to join her best friend!" Isaac now played his two kid magicians as they appeared on the field.

"Magician Boy? Mage Annette? I've never seen those cards before." said Yugi as he was intrigued by what cards Isaac was playing.

"This is my Magician deck. You're one of my reasons for dueling." said Isaac with a smile.

"Magician deck, huh? To face a duelist playing such a deck... I look forward to seeing what you can do." smiled Yugi.

"Right then, first off since I summoned my Mage Annette, I'm allowed to draw one card from my deck." said Isaac as his female monster made one appear in front of her as she hovered it over to her master. "Thanks, Annette. Now time for my Magician Boy to get in on the action. Attack Dark Magician!"

"But why?" asked Yugi.

"Cause you see my little buddy may not have enough attack points to take your monster out, but he makes up for it with his special ability, so any damage that he engages with, you take instead of me. And then if my Magician Boy fails to destroy a monster, then I can destroy one monster on your side of the field and you get dealt damage equal to its attack points. So if you add all that up, you're getting hit with 3500 points of damage and you lose your best monster." said Isaac as he was showing off his skills for his idol to judge.

"Impressive, normally a move like that would be sure fire win. But... I activate Magical Hats to conceal my Dark Magician!" shouted Yugi as one of his facedowns flipped up as four hats covered his monster and then shuffled as they stood in a row.

"Normally, I'm the one who does this. Now I'm on the other side of this and against my idol no less." said Isaac to himself.

"Well, then. Choose which hat my Magician is hiding under." stated Yugi.

"Magician Boy, attack the hat second from the left!" shouted Isaac as he had his boy magician take aim at the target as the attack caused some smoke to appear as the hat popped upon impact. Soon the smoke cleared as there were three hats standing.

"You were very close." said Yugi.

"Not good, I'll just lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Yugi

"Here I go! My turn!" stated Yugi as he drew his card. "I now dispel my Magical Hats and then I'll play Obnoxious Celtic Guardian(1400/1200)! And then play Thousand Knives! When I have Dark Magician on the field, it can destroy one monster on my opponent's side!"

"Uh-oh!" said Isaac as a bead of sweat rolled down his face.

Soon small magical daggers then appeared beside Yugi's Dark Magician as then all then were sent sailing towards Isaac's Magician Boy as he was gone.

"Now, Dark Magician take out his Mage Annette!" commanded Yugi as his monster took out another one of Isaac's as he was now defenseless.

"And now you're wide open, Celtic Guardian attack!" directed the boy.

"I activate my facedown, Spellbinding Circle!" shouted Isaac. "Now your monster can't attack and it loses 700 attack points." said Isaac as he put a stop to the move. "But that's not all, since I activate a trap card during your turn, I can special summon my Magician of Dark Illusion(2100/2500) from my hand in defense mode!" Isaac now had a monster on his field as he managed to avoid taking damage and set himself up for his next turn.

Once again, he impresses. Not only did he stop my attack with one of the cards in my deck, but he managed to summon a monster despite it not being his turn. His deck is strong, and I want to see what other magicians he's got.

"I end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

Well, seems Luna was wrong. She thought that I wouldn't last two turns against him, but I'm holding my own. And now I need to fight back.

"I draw!" shouted Isaac. "To start, I'll summon my Berry Magician Girl(400/400). And when I summon my Berry Magician Girl, I can add a different 'Magician Girl' from my deck to my hand." said Isaac as his tiny baby magician then sat on his shoulder as she sucked on her pacifier. Meanwhile, Isaac was using his duel disk screen to look at his options as the spirits of his Magician Girls all appeared before Isaac.

"It's always tough choosing which cute girl I want to spend my time with." said Isaac as he wink to all of his girls in front of him. "Berry, any suggestions on which of your sisters should be the lucky one to be with me?"

"Mmm... Apple." said the tiny baby as she pointed.

"Yes!" said Apple Magician Girl as she blew a raspberry at her sisters as she then hugged her tiny baby sister. She then appeared next to Isaac as she hugged the boy for picking her as Isaac just stroked her hair which got the teen girl to blush as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Settle down, Apple." said Isaac.

Yugi was just looking at Isaac as it appeared he was talking to himself. He then closed his eyes as he saw in his mind what Isaac was doing as he could see the spirits of Isaac's deck as they were alive and moving. He then opened his eyes as he smiled.

Seems I was right about Isaac, he possess a great power.

"I choose my Apple Magician Girl." said Isaac as his duel disk ejected his card for him to grab as he added it to his hand. "I'll then place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Yugi

"My turn," said Yugi as he drew his card. "I'll now have my Dark Magician attack your Berry Magician Girl!"

"I activate Berry Magician Girl's special ability, now I can switch her into defense mode! And then I can summon a different 'Magician Girl' from my deck, so I'll summon my Lemon Magician Girl(800/600)!" said Isaac as he had another one of his magician girls appear. She saw Isaac as she nuzzled against the boy as it got Apple to be furious.


"All fair's in love and war, sis." snickered the girl with her tongue sticking out as she continued to snuggle against Isaac's upper body.

"Girls, remember. Sharing." said Isaac.

"Yes, Master." said the two girls as they got back to the duel and obeyed Isaac's wishes.

"My attack still takes out your Berry Magician Girl." said Yugi as his monster took out Isaac's baby monster.

"I end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My draw! And to start, I'll activate the effect of my Lemon Magician Girl, so I tribute my Magician of Dark Illusion so that I can draw an extra card." said Isaac as his monster disappeared as Isaac drew his card. "Now, I'll play Graceful Charity so that I can draw 3 cards as long as I get rid of two." Isaac now made his selection as he sent his cards away. "Now, I'll reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul! So now I can activate it to summon Dark Magician from my hand!" Isaac now played his ultimate monster as it appeared on the field.

Yugi did let out a gasp as he saw the monster that Isaac had. Soon he looked closely at the monster as it caused both monster and duelist to speak.

My King.

Mahad... so, this is one who is your new master. You made a good decision.

"As you can see, my Dark Magician is the symbol of my deck, just like yours." said Isaac to Yugi. "The real fights starts now!

"So it is, now what can you do with it." stated Yugi. "Both of our magicians have the same attack points."

"I'll show you, first I'll play Magic Formula so that I can give my Dark Magician an extra 700 attack points making it stronger than yours." said Isaac. His monster then leaped into the air as he lifted his staff and prepared to take out Yugi's magician.

"You were too careless, Isaac! I activate my trap, Mirror Force!"


"Now your attack is reflected right back at your monsters!" stated Yugi as a giant reflection surface appeared over his magician as Isaac's made contact with the surface as soon it pushed back the blast as it took out him and Isaac's Lemon Magician Girl as Isaac now had no monsters on his field. Just like that, Yugi countered Isaac's move perfectly and with ease.

"Now the effect of my Magic Formula activates, since it was sent from the field, I gain 1000 life points." said Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"Then I'll reveal my last facedown, Death and Rebirth! The moment a monster is destroyed in battle, one monster on my opponent's side of the field is destroyed, and I can bring back the monster that was destroyed. The one I choose to destroy is your Dark Magician!" pointed Isaac. His trap then shot a beam towards Yugi's monster.

"In that case, I too activate a trap! Shift!" stated Yugi. "Due to this card's effect, I can change the target of your trap to my Obnoxious Celtic Guardian." The beam now was sent in the direction of Yugi's warrior as it was taken out instead of his powerful magician.

"Revive!" stated Isaac as he now had his Dark Magician back on his field. "The monster revived by the effect of Death and Rebirth must engage in battle! Go, Mahad!"

"Go, Dark Magician!" shouted Yugi.

Both Dark Magicians raised their staffs as they clashed with each other and fired a powerful spell that took the other out as it left both teens without a single monster on their field. A small explosion went off in the air as it caused both Isaac and Yugi to cover up as it slowly died down around them.

The way he evaded that attack just now is just like the King of Games!

To be able to read my Mirror Force trap counter like that... Yugi was getting more impressed by how Isaac was able to take out his strongest monster while clearing his field.

Turn 8: Yugi

"My turn, I draw! I summon Alpha the Magnet Warrior(1400/1700)! Now, Alpha attack Isaac directly!" commanded Yugi.

"I activate the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle from my graveyard, by banishing it, I can end the battle phase!" said Isaac as his small turtle came out and unleashed all of the electricity it stored up as it caused Alpha to be paralyzed as it halted its attack.

I see... Graceful Charity's effect earlier...

(Quick Flashback)

"Now, I'll play Graceful Charity so that I can draw 3 cards as long as I get rid of two." Isaac now made his selection as he sent his cards away.

(End of Flashback)

Amazing. It's as if Isaac was manipulating the deck to his advantage.

Turn 9: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll summon my Breaker the Magical Warrior(1600/1000). And when Breaker is summoned, he gains a spell counter which raises his attack by 300." said Isaac as his monster powered up from his own effect. "Now Breaker attack his monster!" commanded the boy as his warrior brought its sword down on Alpha as Yugi covered up as he lost some points.
Yugi's Life Points: 3500-

"I... can't... believe it..." Isaac then dropped to both of his knees as the realization of what transpired just occurred. "I... actually... dealt damage... to the King of Games... I actually did it." Isaac could feel some tears forming in his eyes but he held them back as this moment right now was now engraved in his memories.

"You did a good job." said Yugi as he saw what Isaac was doing and smiled at the boy for being one of the very, very few people who managed to deal damage to him in his career as a duelist. "Now, shall we continue?"

"Right." said Isaac as he got back up to his knees.

Turn 10: Yugi

"My turn, I draw! I summon Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight(2300/2100)! When Gaia is the only card in my hand, I can summon it without making any sacrifices!" informed Yugi as he had his monster appeared as he rode in on his horse. "Go, Gaia!" shouted the boy as his monster took out Isaac's Breaker as Isaac covered up.
Isaac's Life Points: 4600-

He's strong...! He reduced my life points... I thought I read his entire strategy, but I didn't read it well enough!

Turn 11: Isaac

"My turn! I draw!" said Isaac as he looked at the card he drew. "I activate the effect of my Eternal Soul, so now I can special summon my Dark Magician from my graveyard. Show yourself, my magician!" stated Isaac as he had his trusty partner back in play. "Next, I'll play the equip spell card, Impact Flip! Now when the monster that this card is equipped with destroys an opponent's monster in battle, the opponent must send the top card of their deck to the graveyard! So go, Dark Magician take out his Gaia!" Mahad then pointed his staff as it was aimed at Gaia as it took the horsemen out.
Yugi's Life Points: 3300-

Upon being destroyed, Yugi then sent the top card of his deck to the graveyard.

Turn 12: Yugi

"My turn, I draw! I play Card of Sanctity. So now we both draw till we're holding six cards in our hands." Both Isaac and Yugi then drew their cards as they refilled their hands. "Now, I summon Watapon(200/300) since I drew him by card effect. Then I sacrifice my Watapon, so that I can play my Dark Magician Girl!" Yugi now has his female magician as it appeared in front of Isaac.

"So this is his Dark Magician Girl...!" said Isaac to himself with a smile.

"Dark Magician Girl receives 300 extra attack points for each 'Dark Magician' in the graveyard." stated Yugi as his female monster powered up. "Go, Dark Magician Girl!"

"Impossible! My Dark Magician beats her by 200 points."

"That's not the case." smiled Yugi.

Soon out on Isaac's field was another monster that was zapping away the strength of his magician.


"Earlier, the card I sent to the graveyard because of Impact Flip was my Beast of Gilfer. When this monster is in the graveyard, it becomes a equip card on my opponent's monster and decreases its attack by 500 points."

"No way?!" said Isaac as Yugi showed off his ability to turn the duel back into his favor. Soon the attack made contact as Yugi's magician took out Isaac's monster as the boy covered up. And with his magician being in the graveyard, Dark Magician Girl now rose up to 2600 attack points.
Isaac's Life Points: 4300-

"I activate Impact Flip's effect! When this card is sent to the graveyard, we both can draw a card from our deck!" stated Isaac as he and Yugi drew another card.

"I set 3 cards facedown and end my turn!"

Turn 13: Isaac

As expected, this guy is an unpredictable Duelist. Every single attack I launched was stopped completely! Just as Isaac was about to draw his card, he noticed his hand was shaking a bit. I'm... frightened... Isaac then thought back to what was said to him.

(Quick Flashback)

"Over these past three years, you've have grown very strong. And you have overcome many trials, to become a fine adult. However, you've lost something in the process."

"Lost something...?" said Isaac.

"Right. Something every important that you haven't noticed yourself. You must go and retrieve it."

(End of Flashback)

Something I've lost... I get it... What it is.

Both teens looked at each other with an intense stare. They had the look in their eyes as they were determined to be the winner of this duel. Soon both laughed at the same time as they realized what was occurring.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what's come over me." smiled Yugi.

"No, I was just thinking the same thing." replied Isaac. "You're strong! Seriously strong! I've never met someone as strong as this!"

"Same to you! I don't know any duelist who holds a bond with his deck the way you do." said Yugi to Isaac.

Isaac looked at his deck as he prepared to draw his card. I know that a duel isn't fun for everyone. I even know that there is a serious responsibility in a Duel. To prepare for that, I have to become an adult... But... There is something that must not be forgotten... And that's... If it's through this person... If it's through this person's strength... I may be able to get it back.

"My turn! I'm gonna give it my all!" stated Isaac as he drew his card.

"Come at me, Isaac!"

"I activate the continuous spell card, Magician's Guild! Now both players look at the top card of their decks, and if that card is a Spellcaster, they can add that card to their hand. If not, they are sent to the graveyard. My card is..." Isaac drew his card but was shocked to find that it wasn't a spellcaster but rather his Queen's Knight. This won't work, but... there's a way! Isaac then looked at another card in his hand.

"I activate the quickplay spell, Code Change! I can change the type text written on a card to any type I choose! I change the type text in Magician's Guild to that of Warrior-type!"

"I won't let you!" shouted Yugi. "I reveal my trap, Mystical Refpanel! Your effect is sealed within this mirror!" said Yugi as he absorbed Isaac's Code Change spell effect as Isaac was displeased as he got rid of the spell and his Queen's Knight. Yugi then drew his card due to the effect of Isaac's Magician Guild. "It's a shame that my monster is not a Spellcaster-type." stated the boy as he sent the card to his graveyard.

"But my strategy is far from finished! Time to show you the power I possess." stated Isaac. "First, I'll activate Eternal Soul to bring back my Dark Magician. Now, I'll set my Black Arts Trickster in the pendulum zone. And then activate her pendulum ability, which allows me to add another Pendulum card from my deck in the other pendulum zone. So I choose my Sleight of Hand Magician." Isaac's duel disk then ejected his card as he placed them on the far ends of his duel disk as the words pendulum in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked as his monsters rose up in columns of light.

"Pendulum zone? What's that?" asked Yugi as he never heard of such a thing.

"Let me show you. Now the other pendulum effect of my Black Arts Trickster allows her to raise her scale from Level 3 to 10." said Isaac.

"Pendulum effect?" Once again Yugi was confused.

"With the scale set, I can now Pendulum summon any monsters from Levels 3 through 9 all at the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory. My monsters are ready to swing into action!" shouted Isaac as he had several lights come out.

"Sing us a melodious song, Enchantress of Melody(900/1800). Get ready to have your fortune told, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Scale 7, Level 4). Batten down the hatches and drop anchor, it's my Sorcerer Swordsman(1500/1500, Scale 1, Level 4). Her inner beauty comes from within, meet my Mirage Magician(1600/1700, Scale 8, Level 6)." Isaac now had a field full of monsters.

"Incredible." said Yugi as he was stunned by what Isaac did as he managed to summon multiple monsters all at once.

"Now I activate the effect of my Black Robe Mentalist, since I control five monsters I can look at the top 5 cards of my deck and add one to my hand. Then since I pendulum summoned my Sorcerer Swordsman, he can strip your Dark Magician Girl of all of her attack points." said Isaac as his pirate magician plunged his silver sword into the ground as he weakened Yugi's monster.

"Next, I'll play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. Now I'll activate my Enchantress of Melody's effect which allows me to roll a die and then I can either increase or decrease a monster's level by what number it lands on from 1-3." said Isaac as die appeared in his hand as he grabbed. Soon his Enchantress of Melody put her hand over her master's as she looked at him with a smile.

"Dice Roll!!" shouted Isaac and his monster as both of them tossed the die in the air. The die then rolled as it bounced a bit before it landed on a side. "With that number 1, I'll decrease my Enchantress' level so now she's Level 2." said Isaac as his monster used her musical instrument as she changed her own level. "Now time to activate my Sleight of Hand Magician's pendulum ability, twice per turn he can change the level of a monster on my field to match that of another. So Sleight of Hand, use your cards tricks and change my Sorcerer Swordsman and Black Robe Mentalist so that they match my Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac.

"Level manipulation, very interesting." said Yugi.

"Now I'll overlay my now Level 7 Sorcerer Swordsman and Level 7 Black Robe Mentalist to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Isaac as both of his monsters then changed into dark orbs as they hovered in the air. Soon a portal opened up in front of him as the orbs disappeared inside as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Ebon Illusion Magician(2500/2100, OLU: 2)!" Isaac's new monster appeared as he opened his eyes as he had his staff in his hand.

"Xyz Summon?" asked Yugi with a raised eyebrow.

"Now I'll tune my Level 2 Enchantress of Melody with my Dark Magician. And since I'm using Dark Magician as synchro material, he counts as Level 6 instead of 7." Isaac's enchantress then played her harp once more as she turned into two giant green rings as they circled around his ace monster. "I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!" stated the boy as his monster that he was summoning wore a white magician's robes as he had a staff with bits of stardust floating around it. "And when my Dark Sorcerer Magician is summoned, he can take out a spell or trap card on the field. So say goodbye to one of your facedowns." stated Isaac as he got rid of one of Yugi's set cards.

"Synchro Summon, what's that?" asked the King of Games.

"Then I'll play Monster Reborn so that I can bring back my Dark Magician and then play Bond Between Teacher and Student so that I can also summon my Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Isaac as he now had his duo of magicians on the field. "Lastly, I'll activate my Mirage Magician's special ability, so now I conduct a fusion summoning without the need of Polymerization and I can use any monsters on my field and/or in the pendulum zone and she can replace a fusion material. So I'll combine my Mirage Magician with my Dark Magician!" Mirage Magician threw her masquerade mask off her eyes as her inner persona starting to take over as she too entered the portal with the aura surrounding her. "I Fusion Summon, Dark Magician the Dragon Knight(3000/2500)!" Out came Isaac's monster as it let out a roar as Isaac set a card from his deck due to his Bond Between Teacher and Student.

All of Isaac's monsters along with his two pendulum cards in their zones, was now being observed by the King of Games himself.

"All these different monsters, from different summoning methods that I've never heard of. And yet... it feels familiar." smiled Yugi. He then looked at Isaac as he saw the boy's aura shining off of him as he looked at the person who consider himself a role model for the teen.

"This is the possibility of my deck!" said Isaac as he looked at all of his monsters.

"Amazing... That's amazing!" stated Yugi with excitement.

"It's over! Dark Magician the Dragon Knight attack!" shouted Isaac.

"I activate my trap card, Magic Cylinder!"

"What?!" said Isaac.

"Magic Cylinder absorbs your attack and sends it right back at your life points!"

"In that case, I'll play the spell card, De-Fusion! So now my Dark Magician the Dragon Knight splits back into its separate components! Meaning your Magic Cylinder is rendered null and void!" stated Isaac as he avoided the damage.

"You dodged Magic Cylinder...!" said Yugi in amazement at Isaac's quick thinking.

"I still have plenty of attacks left! This duel is mine!" said Isaac as he was about to win.

"Is that so?" said a voice.

"Huh?" spoke Isaac. He then looked at Yugi as he was shining. The puzzle he was wearing now began to glow as a bright light as it surrounded Yugi's body. "What's going on?"

Yugi had his eyes closed as the transformation was taking place. Once it was done, he then opened them as Isaac noticed a sudden difference in Yugi's body language. He had gotten a bit taller and judging by his stance, he seemed more confident and serious. Soon Isaac's eyes changed as he was now seeing the difference as the person standing in front of him was Yugi's alter ego.

"Is that... the ancient soul of the Pharaoh?" asked Isaac.

"Yugi, why don't you leave the rest to me?" stated Yami to his other self.

"Pharaoh!" Even Yugi was shocked by what his other self was saying.

"His strength is appealing to my duelist's soul, so I want to test it out." said Yami.

"Okay. I'll leave it to you." smiled Yugi.

"Here I go, Isaac!" spoke Yami in a deep voice. "I reveal my trap, Dark Renewal! The moment you summon a monster, I sacrifice that monster along with my own, to revive a Spellcaster-type monster from my graveyard! I sacrifice your Mirage Magician, and my Dark Magician Girl! To revive a monster in my graveyard!" said Yami as two lights entered the coffin as it prepared to bring back the Pharaoh's monster.

"It can't be...! Your Dark Magician...?! But it's still weak against my monsters." said Isaac.

"No! I will now take this moment to activate the effect of Code Change within my Mystical Refpanel! This card allows me to change the card text on a card... to any type I wish!" said Yami.

"It can't be...!" said Isaac as he thought back to a point in time of the duel from earlier.

(Quick Flashback)

"It's a shame that my monster is not a Spellcaster-type." stated the boy as he sent the card to his graveyard. However, it paused for just a sec, as the color of the monster was shown as it was red.

(End of Flashback)

"The card you sent...!" Isaac was now preparing himself for what was about to come.

"Right! The one I'm reviving is not a Spellcaster! It's a God! Show yourself! Slifer the Sky Dragon(X000/X000)!" shouted Yami as he had his Egyptian God appear on the field as its shadow emerged from the sky above as it let out a roar with its body going on for miles.

"This... is an Egyptian God... I may have faced Slifer in the past, but this time, it's the King of Games whose controlling him!"

"Isaac... you are a duelist who is worthy of having a God as your opponent! And... I deem you worthy of passing the torch." smiled Yami.

At that moment, everything stopped for Isaac as his eyes widen and let out a small gasp. He was processing what was just said by his idol as this time the there was no holding back the tears for Isaac had gotten the one moment he'd been wanting for his entire life.

"Thank you... Yugi." said Isaac as for the first time ever in his life, he didn't call his idol by his title. But by his true name. This truly was a moment for the boy as the tears bawled down his face full of happiness. "I promise. I promise to get stronger."

"I know you will." smiled Yami. "I look forward to seeing you again one day." stated the teen as he knew that he and Isaac would definitely cross paths and this time it would be with the other members of the Big 5.

Yugi. I'll never forget... the greatest feeling you've given me... and the greatest moment!

"Right!" said Isaac as he wiped the tears away as it was still his turn. "It's just as I wanted! To be able to fight such a strong opponent is making me super excited!"

"That's the spirit!" shouted Yami. "The true battle starts here!"

"Yeah!" replied Isaac. Thanks to you, I've gotten it back... the thing I've lost and was not aware of this whole time... it's something I mustn't forget, even after becoming an adult.

"Here I come!! Dark Magician!!!" shouted Isaac as his monster went into battle to clash with Yami's Slifer.

At that moment, everything was now moving in slow motion as both Yami and Yugi looked on to see both monsters about to clash as Isaac too did the same. All of them having a smile on their faces as this was a special moment for all of them to remember and share.

I mustn't forget, no matter what! No matter what happens, I'll always have this feeling of enjoying duels! Thank you, Yugi. For giving me the best present ever! Soon a bright white light covered the entire scene.

The scene now transitioned as it was inside of an airport as people were either getting off of their planes or getting ready to board. One person was standing there with his backpack over his right shoulder and his luggage on the floor as he was looking out of the windows. He saw the clouds rolling in the clear blue sky as the sun was shining down as he wore his cap to avoid being blinded by its rays.

"Yugi... I'll become much stronger. And when that time comes... Thank you, Yugi! That was a fun duel. I'll see you soon!" stated the teen boy now a young adult as he looked at the sky.

"Last call to board flight #45." said the flight attendant.

Isaac then grabbed his luggage as he made his way to the gate where he boarded the flight as he saw Juniper Montage waiting for him. Soon the plane was ready to take off as it soared high into the sky and into the clouds.

(Three years later)

"Ladies and gentleman, we welcome you all to tonight's event!" shouted the M.C. as the crowd responded to him. "All around the world is watching to see the championship match that will take place in just a few moments, between the two duelists who will look to cement their name in history!"

The crowd was red hot as the people in the stands were cheering at the top of their lungs. There were kids in the stands as they too cheered and held up some homemade signs on the person they were hoping who win. Every second the noise was getting louder and louder as the whole stadium was being rocked to its foundation. The roar of the crowd was so loud as it could be heard from the locker room of the duelist. For one person he was sitting in his locker room in the dark. His eyes were closed as the person was sitting with his hands folded together as he looked forward. For the person was a young man, he was trying to get his mind and head in the right space.

He then brought his right hand to his left shoulder as he tried to release some of tense he had as it seemed to produce a bit of pain to his body. In his left hand, he was holding his deck as he looked at it as he staring at it with an intense look. To think that he would ever find himself here, sitting alone, looking at his cards as he was but moments away from the duel about to start. His stare was then interrupted.

"Are you thinking in the dark again?" said a voice as soon the lights came on that lit up the room.

The person then stepped into the room as the man blinked his eyes for a bit as they adjusted to the sudden entrant of light as his vision was blurry for a bit. Soon he blinked a few times as he then saw who the voice belonged to. It came from a young women who was younger than him. Normally, she would be wearing a fancy lavender suit and miniskirt given her line of work, but today was her day off. Instead she was wearing her casual attire; the girl had moderate purple eyes, dark sapphire blue hair with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry streaks and wore a pale, light grayish mulberry t-shirt and matching shorts with a belt that matched her hair and purple boots that reach up halfway to her knees.

"You got nothing to worry about. You're going to do fine." said the woman.

"Nice to know I have someone who supports me. Thanks, Twilight." said the man. He then looked at his deck one more.

"Any word from the others?"

"They said next week works fine." said Twilight as she stood in front of the person.

Both smile as soon the door opened again as in came another woman.

"Everything is set. Hi, Twilight."

"Hi, Juniper."

"Isaac, you ready?" asked the girl to her client.

"Yes." replied Isaac to his agent.

He then grabbed his hoodie as he put it on, but wore it like a cape. He grabbed his cap and place it on his head as his necklace hung from his neck. He then nodded at Juniper as the girl began to walk out of the door as Isaac began to follow her when he was stopped by Twilight as she grabbed the sleeve of his shirt.

"Isaac, I have something to tell you." said Twilight as she got the boy to look at her. "So, I went to my monthly check-up. And well... in 8 months... you're gonna be a father." Twilight's response got the boy to let out a gasp as he looked at the girl.

"You're kidding..."

"I'm not." smiled Twilight as she wrapped her arms around the boy she was married to as it got Isaac to return the embrace as he was grinning at the news of being a dad. "But that means, you need to inform the dueling committee that you'll be taking some time off. And don't give me that excuse! I'm sure the dueling world can survive without their world champion being around for a bit."

"Like I would miss the chance." smiled Isaac as he brought his lips to Twilight's as the two shared a kiss that lasted for a few moments.


"Already making plans, Twilight. Congrats." said the woman as she did her job of attending to her client's needs and his wife.

"Good, now... go show them what I already know." smiled Twilight giving one last kiss to her husband.

Isaac nodded as he began to exit the room with Juniper behind him as she had her clipboard in hand. The two were now in the hallway as every step that Isaac was taking forward he could hear the crowd. He heard them chanting his name as it got louder and louder as they were rooting for their world champion to retain his rank as champion.

Meanwhile on a farm, there was a couple of people all gathering around the living room in front of the TV as they were preparing themselves to watch the duel.

"It's about to start!" shouted a much older Applebloom as she had grown a bit over the three years as she was sitting next to her boyfriend in Tender Taps. On the other couch was her big brother Big Mac and his wife Sugar Belle as they too were looking forward to watching the duel. And in her rocking chair was Granny Smith. However, there was one person missing.

"Applejack! You're gonna miss the duel!" shouted the younger apple family member.

Out in the yard, was a older girl as she was busy doing some chores. She was working up a sweat as the sun was beating down as her blond hair was a bit soaked. She had moderate sap green and hair that was pale, light grayish olive. She wore a brilliant gamboge shorts and vest with a white short shirt underneath, brown cowboy boots and a stetson hat on top of her head. The farm had undergone some renovations due to the amount of money that was given to her by her friend. With all the cash, they were able to expand and their business boomed. She had swiped her forehead as she looked up at the sky as she could hear the TV.

"And here comes the World Champion himself, ladies and gentleman. To think he's held his rank as champion for well over a year at this point." said the MC.

"You got this, city slicker." said Aj as she looked up at the sky as she could feel her friend's spirit as she smiled.

"We almost missed it!" said a older Sweetie Belle as she was currently in Manehattan due to her sister wanting to take her there for the weekend while also visiting her boutique she had. "Hurry up, Rarity!"

"Sweetie Belle, darling. There's no need to worry." said the older sister. The girl now revealed herself as her appearance was on display with her curved, moderate indigo hair a gradient of dark mulberry to moderate mulberry and moderate azure on the shadowed side. She wore a light gray long sleeve shirt with a black mini-skirt and a sash that matched her hair color.

"I do say, as Isaac is making his presence. His appearance and outfit is absolutely stylish and... FABLOUS!" said the female MC as she was swayed by Isaac attire.

For Isaac, he had now dawned a new signature look as he wore a black V-neck t-shirt with white hemming, black shorts with gray pockets held on by red straps. His shorts were tight around his calves. He wore a longer black hooded jacket with red hemming, gray pockets with white hemming, and red flannel flaps that are held down by a series of yellow buttons which Isaac sometimes wore like a cape as he was doing now. On his belt was his deck box and of course the necklace given to him by the fashionista as he wore it to this day.

"God, Isaac always had the best outfits to wear. I do wonder who his stylist and costume designer is." said the male MC.

"Oh, no doubt. His outfits are always off the charts, why I dare say whoever he has making his outfits would give the famous fashionista designer Ms. Rarity Belle a run for her money. I mean look at that, it seems like something she would make. Oh, she would be jealous to see this piece of work." said the female MC still enthralled by Isaac's clothes.

"If they only knew." snickered Rarity with a sly smile as she sat down in one of the chairs.

She looked at Isaac on screen as she was glad to see her friend wearing the outfit she made for him about a year into his run as a pro. To think that after all these years, and the amount of business she was having, she still found time to make some outfits for her friend as it allowed her a chance to just forget about her busy life.

"Show them just how stylish you can be, Isaac."

"To think that Isaac's rise to the top would have happened in such a short amount of time. And not only is he a duelist, but he's also active outside of the field. I mean talk about a busy schedule, making TV appearances, radios talk shows, podcasts, signing autographs, the guy does it all. Even being involved directly with the community and organizations." said the male MC.

In Whitetail Woods, there was tons of animals all gathered in one place as they were frolicking around. And in this animal sanctuary they all followed a rule that both predator and prey worked in harmony to help each other to survive and be happy. And the one responsible for all this was but a girl. She had moderate cyan eyes, pale and light grayish rose hair. She wore a pale, light grayish gold scarf and pants along with a white shirt as all around her the animals gathered. The girl then got up as she went to fetch her vet coat as she entered the main building as the TV was on as she saw Isaac on screen as he was making his way and heard the announcers talk about all of his efforts in helping others.

"I can't wait to see him soon." said Fluttershy.

"Let's run down some of Isaac's achievements that's he done since entering the pro circuit." said the male MC.

"Hey, Crash! Champ's on!" shouted Spitfire to one of her teammates as they were all in the locker room as they had just finished practice and took some showers.

"Crash! You're gonna miss this!" shouted Fleetfoot.

For the girl they were calling had moderate cerise eyes and rainbow hair dressed in a pale, light grayish cerulean pants and a black t-shirt. While her teammates were inside, she was out on the field doing some extra training drills. Still while she was doing this, Rainbow could still hear the TV.

"You better not lose, geek." smiled the chromatic girl.

"In just the three short years that Isaac has been in the pro scene, he's done some incredible things. First off, he won the Duos Cup with his lovely wife when they were still in high school. Not to mention that during that same time, he went on to give the legendary Celestia and Luna their farewell match. And that has definitely translated to success here in the pro circuit. He was awarded the Yugioh World Class trophy, a trophy only held by certain duelists based on character and merit and all at the age of 22 making him the youngest individual to receive that accolade." said the male MC.

"We made it!" said an older Scootaloo and another girl as the pair went out to buy some snacks.

The girl had light cerulean eyes and brilliant raspberry hair that could almost pass for cotton candy. She wore a sequent grayish pink shirt and pale, light grayish raspberry shorts, white stockings and light blue sneakers. However, they lost track of time due to Pinkie as she couldn't make up her mind as they just grabbed what they could carry and hauled ass back to the house that Pinkie took care of for the rest of her group as it was always open for any of them should they visit.

"I knew you get your dream big bro." smiled Pinkie as she sat on the couch with Scootaloo. "This place will always be here for when you come back."

"And that's not all that Isaac has done in his short time, he's also been in the same talk of the other legendary duelists based on his skills. But can you blame him, he knows all the summoning methods possible and his deck along with his monsters are the toughest around. The kid is barely in his prime and look at how much he's accomplished." said the female MC.

"Well, boy toy. Let's see what you can do." said a girl who had moderate cyan eyes and vivid crimson hair with brilliant yellow stripes. She wore a dark magenta dress with a black leather jacket and black boots.

Sunset looked up to see a giant screen being shown for the town square as she smiled and began to walk. She then made her way to a mirror as she passed through it and was now a pony. She was then greeted by none other than the ruler of Equestria Princess Twilight as she had only been in charge for a few years as she was still the same size as Sunset. The two hugged as Sunset prepared to watch the duel with the princess along with her coltfriend who was Isaac's Equestria counterpart as even with Twilight ascending to the throne and becoming ruler, she still chose to remain with the colt as it was the one thing she couldn't part without having in her daily life. So the three prepared to watch the duel before they would enjoy Sunset's visit before she headed back home.

"Isaac's gained so much support from his fans. One thing with Isaac is whether you like or you don't like him, you damn sure respect all that he's done and is doing with his life." said the MC. "People are starting to say that Isaac is the new King of Games seeing as how we haven't see anybody dominate the dueling field since the man himself and the other members of the Big 5!"

"Some people may call Isaac the next king, but they also refer to him as the Prince. You know what they say: the difference between a king and a prince. The king was good, but the prince knows there's a bigger crown. Not whether Isaac likes being called that or not, all I can say is: You come for the Prince, you best not miss." said the female MC.

"Mommy, Uncle Isaac is about to be on!" said a older, but still very young Flurry Heart as she had Spike in her arms as she petted the mutt who let out a bark.

"What would your father think if he saw you wanting to see his rival?" asked Cadance with a smirk as she sat down next to her daughter as she was petting Tigre who laid in Cadance's lap as she let out a soothing purr. She then looked at the screen as she saw her beloved owner as she let out a happy meow.

"Win, Isaac. So that way, I can beat you to be champion again." said Shining Armor as he was with his agent team and Roland. He may have failed to hold onto his rank as champion before Isaac got a chance to challenge him for that title. But now he and his crew were rooting for the young boy so that they could have the match they were looking forward to the most.

And it wasn't just them, at the new and improved CHS. Two ladies were listening in on the screen as they could hear the broadcast of the dueling about to start as Luna and Celestia smiled to know their student was living his dream and was happy. In the huge dueling arena room, there were several students. There were two who were engaged in a practice duel, while another two were leaning against the wall next to each other.

"Guys, guys! Professor Isaac is on!" shouted Amber as she came racing through the doors to tell her fellow seniors.

"Right on!" said Penny as she and Shadow got up from leaning and went to their friend.

"Amber, why do you still call Isaac that? He's not our professor anymore." stated Shadow.

"You have your way of addressing Isaac and I have mine." said the young girl giving a glare to her friend.

Jason and Jack both stopped their duel as they wanted to see this match. They soon gather around Amber as she had a giant tablet in her hands as she got a live feed of the broadcast.

"Wait, where are Lucky Star and Bryant?" asked Jack.

"Sorry, we're late. Lucky Star had another mishap in home economics." said Bryant as he was caring some food they made in class.

"But thankfully, I have Bryant here who is not only a wonderful cooking partner and friend, but an amazing boyfriend as well." said Lucky Star as it was the boy and his cooking skills that got her to fall for him as she gave Bryant a kiss on his cheek. Bryant just blushed lightly as the affection being shown by the girl that was his girlfriend as it was her baking skills that led him to falling in love with Lucky Star.

"Okay, can you two do that later? I wanna see Isaac's duel." said Shadow.

"Funny, weren't you like that when we went out last night to the arcade, Shadow?" mocked Penny as she gave her fellow "bird friend" a look.

"That was one time, Penny!" said the boy. "Besides you got lucky in that shooter game. I still stand by my word, my Raidraptors are way better than your Blackwings. Just as boys are better than girls."

"Keep telling yourself that." mocked the cool girl with a devious smile.

"Aren't you forgetting all the times she whupped your ass in a duel with those same Blackwings? In fact, she eliminated you during our freshman year in the Fall Formal tournament. And how about the other times she kicked your ass in video games." said Jason as he punched his friend in the arm as it got Shadow to be angry while Penny just laugh smugly while giving a small peck to the boy's cheek.

"If you guys are done, the duel is about to begin." said Amber as all seven students looked back at the screen.

Twilight was in her private box with Juniper as the two girls were looking out to the field and the screen on the wall. For Twilight she was living the happiest life she could possibly dream of. Not only was she doing her dream of being a successful card designer, but she got married and was spending the rest of her life with the person she loved the most. Isaac was true to his word as he did promise to come back for the girl as it was one of the happiest moments of her life. And now to think that in 8 months, she was going to start the next phase of her life with the boy she loved as the two were about to start their own family and grant her wish of being a mother.

"I love you, Isaac." said Twilight.

"I love you too, Twilight." said the boy as he looked up to where Twilight's private sky box was and said the words back despite not hearing her.

Isaac then got up on the dueling stage as he stepped onto a platform as he took out his deck from his belt and looked at it. Soon he closed his eyes and concentrated as the spirits of his deck now appeared before boy. All around Isaac saw his Magnet Warriors with his Electromagnetic Turtle, his Royal Knights, his kid magician duo, Mage Annette and Magician Boy. His Magician Girls, Apprentice Illusion Magician, Magician's Valkyria, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Dark Magician of Chaos, Dark Magic Sorcerer, his ritual monster Dark Magician of Chaos, Magician of Dark Illusion, and his Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning.

He then looked at his Xyz monsters as there was his Ebon High Magician, Ebon Illusion Magician, and Chaos Mageía as the trio all smiled at their young master. Isaac looked at his synchro monsters as there stood his two tuner monsters, Enchantress of Melody and Paladin Fortis. Then the synchros themselves, Dark Sorcerer Magician, Dark Flyer Lysithea, and Valor Valkyrie. Next, he looked at his pendulum crew as the six of them; Rune-Eyes Illusionist, Black Robe Mentalist, Sleight of Hand Magician, Sorcerer Swordsman, Mirage Magician, and Black Arts Trickster all looked at their young master. Isaac then saw his Timaeus as the dragon let out a roar. The next trio was Isaac's Pendulum hybrids as his Lychinus Enchanter, Solis Witch, and Ventus Oraculum all wanted to help their master win. Isaac then directed his gaze to the last of his monsters as standing before him were his Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, and Kuriboh.

"Ready?" asked Isaac.

"Ready, master." said Mahad with a bow.

"I'm always by your side, Isaac." said Mana as she kissed his cheek as she was still the same as ever.

"Kuri!" said Kuriboh with a set of happy eyes.

"Thank you." said Isaac. He then saw his two kid magicians. "You guys sure want to fight?"

"Totally." said the boy magician. "Right, Annette?"

"I always have to be the one to take care of you, so really I have no say." said the small girl with unhappy grin.

"Don't say that Annette. You're my best friend." said the small boy as he approached his friend. He then leaned in and kissed the girl on her cheek as it got Annette to let out a gasp and touch her cheek. "I'll protect you." said the boy pounding his chest.

"I know." smiled Annette as she hugged her crush and this time pressed her lips to his for a few seconds as they pulled apart and smile. All the others just smiled at seeing the two kids being cute.

Isaac too smiled at his kid magicians. He then got their attention as he lifted his deck up high as all of his monsters return ready to due battle.

Isaac looked ahead while still holding his deck as he saw the spirits of Yuya, Yuma, Yusei, Jaden, and Yugi as they couldn't be in attendance to see their friend in action, since they had their own duels going on elsewhere. But they were here in spirit to root on their fellow duelist member of their club. Isaac smiled as he was living his dream and that he was looking forward to seeing the girls for their meet up in the coming days as he was glad he got to see them and they all didn't forget one another. He then took his stance as he slotted in his deck into his duel disk as it activated and projected a gold card tray as the duel was about to start. Soon the signal was given as Isaac smiled and simply said:

"It's time to duel!!!!"

The End.

Author's Note:

Well... here we are. Of course, the final thing for Isaac to do is to duel against his idol and he finally said Yugi's name. What a moment.

To think that this story has been going on for about over a year, 13 months this story has been going on. And over those 13 months, I've had a blast writing this. I certainly thought about this story coming to an end, but I didn't realize it until I was actually there. And now that it's arrived, all I can say is... Thank You! Thank you to everybody who took the time to give this story a try, who loved what I had to offer with my writing skills and storytelling. Thank you for always taking time out of your busy day to sit down and read this, even it was just a paragraph, I'm glad it was able to hook you in.

Now, some info, I finished this story on October 23 that included the epilogue and the previous chapter. And since then have been editing the other chapters before they got posted. You'd think that I would've taken a rest, but seems I still had some work even after finish this story. Speaking if finishing this story, it brings up the question many people might ask: Do I plan to do a sequel?

Well, that I... can't fully say. I mean at the moment, there are no plans. But given how the story ends, there's plenty of things for me to do if I were to do a sequel. Like the time frame in between the time skip, seeing how the group is during that time. Possibly talking about Isaac's career, or maybe writing about Isaac and Twilight's wedding as they got together during that time jump. So as you can see the ending does allow me some leeway as to where I could go.

Another thing could be writing about Isaac and Twilight starting their lives as parents. Or even going as far as seeing a new set of characters in the future. Maybe their children. Again, like I said. There's a lot of things that I could do, but as of right now, nothing is planned or confirm. But you never know, sometimes the end of one adventure is the start of another. And the big fear that I have if I were to do a true sequel to this story and do it in the same style as this one, is I fear it won't be as good as this one and that I might not have any ideas that aren't copy and paste. But again, I haven't decided on anything yet when it comes to a sequel or not. So all I can say is wait. And now I think I've earned a much needed rest for completing this story. Anyways, thank you all for this wonderful journey and I'll see you all soon. Hopefully with another story. Take care everybody.


I'll also be editing the early chapters of this story since at the time I posted them, I was still finding my groove with how I wanted to handle this story. So just a heads up if they either are bit different or if I add some extra content to help make them flow a bit better. And also fixing any errors in duels.


I'll have the link to a blog that I'll being doing where I answer some questions about this story and other things that went into it like a behind the scenes thing and have a sit-down interview where I answer some of the questions. Author's Notes: click Here.

Comments ( 22 )

A very nice way to end the story. Love the duel between Isaac and Yugi/Yami. Seeing Isaac getting to be a daddy is the best. Happy to see the Student 7 again and the surprise couple amongst them (Lonely Jack :raritycry: . Lol kidding) Read the blog and the end of the authors notes and I can wait for what you do next pal. Thanks and I will watch to see what you do in the future.

A great story, very good and what surprised me the most, was the fact that you upload chapters every 2 days, I wish I had that will power for my story, my favorite arc, was that of the virtual world, since Spike transforms in human and can have duels, I would have liked his transformation to be permanent since he is my favorite character, I also liked that the final duel is a reference to the end of GX, I hope you have luck in the future.

PS: If you do another YuGiOh story I would like a greater participation of Spike a human Spike not a dog this time.

I enjoyed the story

Comment posted by Shooter5000 deleted Dec 15th, 2021
Comment posted by Shooter5000 deleted Dec 17th, 2021
Comment posted by Shooter5000 deleted Dec 25th, 2021

It was still pretty fun to see anyway.
And it still gave off Jaden VS Zane vibes there.

What do you mean?
Some duels were based off of some certain ones(and while they needed little tweaks), they seem fun to see anyway.
(Haven't seen the Final Duel chapter though, but still)

Ksm #8 · Dec 18th, 2021 · · 2 ·


Fuck off, bud. So what if they're are duels based on others, who cares? It's still fun to read. Stop running the fun for others and just enjoy it. The author put a lot of time and work into this story. This is a nice piece of work that's enjoyable to read, which is a lot more than you ever did. We're all here to have a good time and read something we like, but it's also people like you who have to point out the obvious instead of just enjoying the moment. If you don't got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Or take about a line from a story directed towards you.

It's better to keep your mouth shut, then have people think you're stupid and open it and prove them right.

So kindly get off the author's ass.

P.S. To the author, whoever you are, I enjoyed your story and hope there's some sort of sequel.

was half expecting Sunset to syncro summon Red Demon's Dragon for a second lol

Puzzle Duels is what they're called i think, only show up twice or so.. few times. I know some board games like Chess or Go can have 'puzzle' problems.

Speaking of Duel Monsters; I play Legacy of the Duelist on Steam, just started so my Deck is still weak and no theme, its just a mixed deck that 80% Yami Yugi's with other cards mixed in and 5 fusion potentials. My Ace monster is Slifer the Sky Dragon

I didn't know that they had an actual name. Thanks for that. I have that game on my Switch.

https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Duel_Puzzle according to spoilers, these 'puzzles' only show up 4 times , 2 times in 5Ds, once during Zexal and once in VRAINs

There is a chapter where Isaac's Dark Magician girl does become somewhat real.
The duel disk is sort of based on the designs used in Arc V with some added features. I wanted to make it easy to carry around compared to the older and more larger duel disks.
This is a AU where all the events of series have happened from the original to Arc V.

Don't say unlikely. Keep reading buddy

Yeah, but, it's Flurry Heart. Besides, how can you say no to something that's pretty cute?

I finally, FINALLY managed to read the last two chapters of this story.

Its going to take me a while to post what I think.
Especially since I don't know where to start.
Like on the big stuff that has happened and emotional stuff.
A.. couple of things really bothered me..
Really going to take me awhile to gather up what I can to say on here due to irl stuff.
Like the other stuff you wanted me to look at too in these last 2 chapters.

I agree on everything big time.

Why is the duel in chapter 56 like... almost the exact same as this one? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XnF_xXT-VKE

Amezing story though

What was this about?

Cause it's reference to that duel. A little Easter Egg for fans who know about these kinds of duels that happen between the VA's. Also thanks.

I guess? Not really a reference if you just copied the entire duel... look sorry don't get me wrong here I do really love this fiction, but there are just some things wrong with it... I get it's a reference but Isaac never used exodia before so why would he he 'once again I have exodia' ? Also... it just bored me, I skipped this entire duel cauce I already knew it...

Still really comes off as them complaining to readers though

(I know its awkward I am replying to a old comment but I need to reply anyway)

(Again, I know its weird I am replying many months later, but still)

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