• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 127: End of an Era

The days rolled by as the town of Canterlot moved on. During that time, the girls all started to bring over some stuff from their parent's house to implement in their rooms. Even Twilight brought Spike to the new house as he seemed to take a liking towards it, especially cause Isaac had brought Tigre over to now explore her new playground; Isaac had to make the strict rule that he not mess up the furniture and that he take his business outside. They even told each of their parents about what Isaac did as they invited them over to view the house. Safe to say they were impressed with what they saw as they liked what he did. They all wanted to make plans, but the girls immediately told them no as it was their home and not their parents. As for Isaac, he was glad the girls enjoyed the present he got for them, though he still had yet to finish his room as it was still bare. Mostly, cause Isaac would always return to his parent's house as he was always tired from his shift at work.

Regardless, the girls all liked it as they made sure to take good care of Isaac's home that he paid for with his money. Soon Isaac got a text from someone as he noticed the date was fast approaching. He informed Mr. Johnson that he would be away for a few days as he would be taking a trip. The day came as Vice-Principal Luna appeared in front of his parent's house as Isaac grabbed his backpack and walked out of the door and got in the car as Luna drove off.

"So, are you excited?" asked Luna.

"A little, to be honest, I haven't been dueling as much since I've gained my new responsibilities at work and presenting the girls with the house. Not to mention that I'm still waiting on the other thing I asked from you and your sister. Speaking of which, how's it coming along since we last talked?" asked Isaac.

"We're nearly done. We should have the finals ones admitted by the end of the week, after that I'll send them to you for the final selection."

"Good, I can't thank you enough Luna. I promise that this idea I have is going to benefit Canterlot High." stated Isaac as he looked out of the car window and prepared for the long trip to Manehattan.

It had been about a year or so ago, since the pair was last in Manehattan as the last time they visited was due to the special trip Celestia had planned for the group. After driving for a couple of hours, they arrived in Manehattan as the city was still as busying as ever. They arrived at the hotel they were staying as they check into their rooms; once Isaac got unpacked, he then made his way to Luna's room as she wanted to go over some last minute details.

"So I just received word that a very special guest will be arriving tomorrow."

"What, who?" asked Isaac as he didn't expect this.

"That is something I can't tell you." smiled Luna smugly.

"Come on, I want to know." pleaded Isaac.

"My lips are sealed." stated Luna with a firm tone. "Besides, it's not like it matters, we need to focus on the event itself."

"I guess, I mean when you first mention that the dueling committee was promoting you to be in an exhibition duel, I was surprised. I know you still compete on the pro circuit even after Celestia retired all those months ago, but to find out that you personally wanted me to be your opponent, how can I not jump at that opportunity." said Isaac as he smiled with wonder in his eyes.

"Yes, well I thought it might be best to give you your first exposure at what a real duel in the competitive scene feels like. Which means they'll be tons more people coming to see our duel. Way more than when you competed in front of your hometown." stated Luna.

"Trust me that was a huge number, but this is going to be even bigger. Oh, I can't wait for us to battle." said Isaac.

"I'm excited too." smiled Luna I just hope that you can give me what I want.

The next day arrived as it was the day of the big duel. Tons of people were already lined up outside of the arena where the even would take place as they too were ecstatic. More so cause they were hardcore Luna fans as they loved everything about her, due to her popularity, Luna had earned the nickname the Phantom Princess, due to the deck she used as well as her love for the nighttime. Regardless, there were several little girls who had decided to dress up as Luna with their hair dye her color as they held signs and poster to show their love for their favorite duelist. But the crowd was also excited because of who Luna's opponent was. They didn't know much about Isaac, since he hadn't made any buzz when it came to the pro circuit. But there were rumblings that this boy was able to defeat the current world champion in Shining Armor when he was still a student at Crystal Prep, though they quickly dismissed them as false. So in theory, this would be the first time the pro scene of Duel Monsters would get a look at Isaac; which meant he was under some pressure to make a good first impression.

Isaac was in his waiting room as he was trying to psyche himself up. Safe to say he was anything but scared, in fact he was terrified. He knew the pressure he was under to not only give Luna a good duel, but to put on a good show for the many talents and agents that would be watching if they ever wanted hope in signing him when he would go pro. Isaac tried to take some deep breaths which worked for a bit, but he was still having some panic attacks.

"Focus, focus, focus!" shouted Isaac.

"There's need to worry, Isaac." said Luna as she entered the room. She was wearing a different outfit as she wanted to spruce up her appearance for the duel.. She had dawned a dull green formal shirt, as well as a black cape-like garment with ripped sleeves and edges plus dark blue pants and black boot-like shoes. Overall, Luna looked like a punk-style rebel which really caused Isaac to be surprised. She also had a choker and wristbands, black with silver studs.

"I'll admit that's some sick wardrobe." said Isaac as he couldn't believe his own vice-principal could look so badass.

"Thanks for the kind words, put it simply I wanted to look like my monsters. It makes them happy to see their beloved princess looking like one of them." smiled Luna. "And you shouldn't worry. You'll be fine."

"I guess, it's just this the first time that people from the actually dueling committee are going to be watching. I just hope they're impressed by what I can do." said Isaac.

"You'll be fine, to be honest, I was bit like you when I first saw my pro duel." said Luna.

"Really, tell me about it." asked Isaac.



Both Luna and Celestia were currently in the city of Las Pegasus as they had been invited to watch an exhibition duel that was scheduled to take place. By this point, they were well about 9 months into their careers as pro duelist and were still a ways off from ever meeting the Big 4. But during those early times of their careers, they had managed to make some friends and rivals in the dueling committee. And so here they were about to watch a duel of epic proportions.

"Hurry up, Lulu! They're about to start!" shouted Celestia as she raced towards their private sky box.

"I'm coming sister." said Luna as she rushed after her sister who was faster than her due to her having longer legs. Soon Luna stopped for a bit to catch her breath when she noticed a Duel Monsters card on the ground. She then picked it up as she flipped it over. "Curious."

"Come on, Joey. You're going to be late for your match." said a voice.

"Give me a sec, Tristan. I know I dropped that card around here, I just know it." said another male individual.

"Excuse me, young man. Is this what you're looking for?" asked Luna as she showed off the card.

"Let's see. Hey it is, thanks miss. You don't know how badly I needed this, to think I almost lost this."

"My pleasure." said Luna as she looked at the two individual in front of her.

One of them was a young man who had dark blond hair in a sporadic hairstyle and dark brown eyes. He had a blue denim jacket with a raised collar, a white t-shirt underneath and blue jeans. The person next to him had a long brown coat with a raised collar, a white buttoned shirt underneath and black jeans. His brown hair is arranged such that a large portion spikes out from the front of his head.

"Well got to run, thanks miss. Cheer for me will you Tristan." said the man as he rushed down the corridor.

"You got it Joey."

"Is your friend dueling?" asked Luna.

"Yeah, he's the one who taking part in the exhibition duel." said Tristan.

"I see, well would you like to join me and my sister?" offered Luna.

"Sure, why not." said Tristan as he began to follow Luna to her private box.

"Lulu, where were you?!" shouted Celestia.

"Well, you see sister..." before Luna could finish all the lights turned off.

Soon a spotlight was shined down as it displayed the dueling field as everybody got settled in. For Luna and Celestia they were seated above the duelist who would be competing. Soon a voice could be heard as the show was about to get underway.

"Now ladies and gentleman, it's time for our exhibition duel. Making his way towards the stage it's none other than Joey Wheeler." said announcer as Joey rose up from a platform as he was waving to the fans.

"Hello, everybody. Never fear, Joey is here." said Joey as he was soaking in all the attention he was being given. While he was distracted by the attention he failed to hear the announcement of who his opponent was as he soon heard an all too familiar voice. "Time for me to win and kick butt!"

"Well, well, well if it isn't Joey Wheeler and his friend Tristan Taylor."

"Seto Kaiba?!" said both boys as they were shocked to see who was standing on the dueling field.

"Out of everybody they could get me to duel, they had to get you." said Kaiba as he felt disgusted that he had to see Joey. "I'm surprised they even let you in the door."

"I'm going to make you eat those words, rich boy." responded Joey.

"Yeah, you tell him Joey." shouted Tristan as he backed up his friend.

"I did." responded Joey with a smile as he heard Tristan.

"Please, even the mighty King of Games himself can't beat me." said Kaiba with a smirk.

"How dare you diss my bud, Yug. I'm gonna beat you right here, right now." said Joey as he activated his duel disk as it combined together.

"Please, I'd have more of a chance playing Solitaire. But if you really want to embrass yourself in front of this many people, fine." said Kaiba as he activated his duel disk as it combined together. "Let's duel, I'll even let you go first since you need every advantage you can get." laughed Kaiba.

"Opponent detected. Duel mode set. Streaming data. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Joey Wheeler's Life Points: 4000-

Seto Kaiba's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Joey

"Okay Joey, remember what Yugi says. Believe in the heart of the card and it'll never steer you wrong." shouted Tristan from the private box directly above him.

"I'll start things off with Alligator's Sword in defense mode." Joey played his card as out came his monster as the fans started to applaud in seeing one of Joey's famous cards. "This mighty lizard swings his sword faster than the speed of sound. I think I'll set a card facedown before ending my turn. Now let's see what you got." taunted Joey as he looked at Kaiba.

Turn 2: Kaiba

"My turn, I activate Pot of Greed. This lets me draw 2 cards from my deck."

"Kaiba, greed? Big surprise." said Tristan.

"Well, how's this for a surprise, I summon Battle Ox!" Kaiba now played on his signature monsters as it let out a war cry upon being summoned. "Battle Ox attack his Alligator's Sword."

"Ah man, my gator's a goner." said Joey as he saw his monster get destroyed.

"That's all." said Kaiba.

Turn 3: Joey

"It's my turn to draw, first I'll activate my facedown, Graverobber." shouted Joey.

"Yeah, that card allows you to take a card from Kaiba's graveyard. So which one are you going to take?" asked Tristan.

"I think I'll take his Pot of Greed. Thanks for the 2 cards, Kaiba." smiled Joey as he picked up some more from his deck. "Next, I use Silent Doom to bring back Alligator's Sword back to the field. But it won't be along for long, I'm using Polymerization to fuse my Alligator's Sword with Baby Dragon." Joey's two monsters then appeared as they swirled around in the vortex behind him. "I summon Alligator's Sword Dragon!"

"Ah, how cute. But with only 1700 attack points, your two-bit baby is no stronger than my ox." said Kaiba as he mocked Joey.

"I already know a way around that Kaiba. Alligator's Sword Dragon has a special ability, since the only monster on your field is an earth monster, my dragon can attack you directly. Attack Alligator's Sword Dragon." said Joey as his monster flew over to Kaiba and actually managed to hit him.
Kaiba's Life Points: 2300-

"Oh, yeah. Joey takes the early lead and the crowd goes wild." said Tristan as the fans did just that.

"Next, I set one card and end my turn. You're going down, Kaiba."

Turn 4: Kaiba

"One lucky attack and you think you have me beat. You're delusional, I'm about to show you why an amateur like you can never beat a champion like me." said Kaiba with tons of confidence. "I activate Enemy Controller. Left, right, A, B. Now by giving up 1000 life points, I take control of your dragon."
Kaiba's Life Points: 1300-

"Uh, hey Joey, I'm no expert but that doesn't sound too good." said Tristan.

"It's time to show this crowd what they really came here to see. I tribute Battle Ox and Alligator's Sword Dragon, come forth, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Once Kaiba's monster came out, the fans really did cheer.

"Hey, hey, stop cheering." shouted Joey as he wanted the crowd on his side.

"Aw, did that hurt your feelings? It's probably because no one's ever cheered for you in your miserable life." mocked Kaiba.

"Oh yeah, I'll cheer for you Joey. Go Joey!" shouted Tristan as he backed up his bud. Luna and Celestia were surprised by this, but they too soon started to cheer for Joey.

"Thanks, Tristan. And you two girls." said Joey as he looked at them.

"Yeah, I take that back. No one important." said Kaiba as he looked at the three watching while saying that comment. "Blue-Eyes attack with White Lightning!"

"I activate my trap card, now instead of dropping to 1000 life points, I go up to 5000."

"How?" asked Kaiba.

"Nutrient Z, that's how." responded Joey as his life points got hit, but he still remained in the duel. "If I lose 2000 more life points in battle this card give me 4000 life points first."
Joey's Life Points: 5000-

"As if that's going to help you. I set one card and end my turn."

Turn 5: Joey

"It's my turn to draw, ah man. I got nothing stronger than your Blue-Eyes, I guess I'll just summon Little-Winguard(1400/1800) in defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 6: Kaiba

"I draw, Blue-Eyes attack his Little-Winguard!" said Kaiba as his dragon took it out with ease as he ended his turn.

Turn 7: Joey

"Come on, Lady Luck." said Joey as he drew his card. "I draw, alright this is just what I needed. I summon Copycat(0/0). Copycat takes one monster on your side of the field and copies its attack points. I choose your Blue-Eyes." stated Joey.

"Ha, ha, ha. Of course you would copy me." laughed Kaiba. "Just like you copied Tristan during your math test last week."

"And we both got a D+." said Tristan as he was somewhat proud of that accomplishment.

"Laugh it up all you want, Kaiba. But my Copycat is as strong as your dragon. Copycat attack his Blue-Eyes."

"Not so fast, Wheeler! I activate Negate Attack! Now I know this may be hard for to understand, so let me explain it's effect very slowly for you. Your attack... is... negated." said Kaiba.

"Yeah, yeah, no kidding Einstein." said Tristan.

"I set a card facedown and end my turn. Your move."

Turn 8: Kaiba

"I bet that's a trap for my dragon, but I'm not concerned." said Kaiba. "First I'll use Graceful Charity. This card lets me draw 3 cards and discard two. Next, I activate a Wingbeat of Giant Dragon, no my Blue-Eyes safely returns to my hand and your trap card is destroyed."

"Hey, I was gonna us that!" shouted Joey as his facedown was gone.

"Yeah, he was gonna use that." said Tristan.

"'Yeah, I was gonna' well too bad!" shouted Kaiba. "I set a monster in defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 9: Joey

"It's my turn to draw, I summon Tiger Axe(1300/1100). Attack his facedown monster." Joey's new monster appeared as it rushed across the field with its axe in its hand as it brought it down on Kaiba's card.

"Ha ha ha. You did exactly what I wanted you to do! You've attacked my Cyber Jar!" shouted Kaiba. "Now all of our monsters are destroyed, next we look at the top 5 cards of our decks and special summon any Level 4 or below monsters among them." Both duelist then revealed their cards as one of the cards in Kaiba's hand was his second Blue-Eyes.

"Oh man, Kaiba just got his second Blue-Eyes." said Tristan.

"At least he can't summon it yet." said Joey. "I summon Rocket Warrior and Axe Raider(1700/1150) in attack mode."

"And I summon Vorse Raider." said Kaiba.

"Rocket Warrior, enter invincible mode! Now Rocket Warrior can chip off 500 attack points, plus Rocket Warrior can't be destroyed and I can't lose any life points, attack Vorse Raider!" Joey's monster then pointed it head at Vorse Raider as it flew towards it as it lost some strength. "Now that your Vorse Raider only has 1400 attack points, my Axe Raider is free to strike." Joey then had his other monster take out Vorse Raider. "I set two cards and end my turn."
Kaiba's Life Points: 1000-

Turn 10: Kaiba

"My move, first I'll summon Lord of Dragons. Then I'll activate the Flute of Summoning Dragon. When my Lord of Dragon plays its flute, I can special summon two dragons from my hand. I summon two Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" said Kaiba as his pair of dragons descend onto the field.

"Oh yeah, well your Lord of D. plays its flute, I can special summon a dragon from my hand to, I summon my Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" Now it was Joey's turn as he had his dragon descend onto the field. For the first time, Celestia and Luna were silent as they both two legendary dragons as they stared down at each other.

"That's you best monster." said Tristan.

"That's right." responded Joey.

"Next, I'll use Monster Reborn to bring back the Alexandrite Dragon that I discarded earlier. Blue-Eyes, attack his Axe Raider!"

"I activate my tap card, Kunai with Chain!" said Joey. "Now my Axe Raider gains 500 attack points and your Blue-Eyes White Dragon is all wrapped up and switched into defense mode."

"Do you even know how to play this game?" asked Kaiba.

"Sort of." said Tristan as Joey looked at his friend with a dirty look for making such a comment.

"While Lord of D. is on the field, my dragons are unaffected by your traps."

"Say what?!" shouted Joey.

"I said my, oh forget it. Your Axe Raider is destroyed and you lose 800 life points. Now it's my other Blue-Eyes turn to attack. Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack his Red-Eyes and Alexandrite Dragon attack his Rocket Warrior." Kaiba had managed to clear the field of Joey as he no longer had monsters.
Joey's Life Points: 3700-

"Well look at that, four monster to zero. Hmm. I like these odds." snickered Kaiba. "Now Lord of D. attack Wheeler directly."

"I say we even those odds with Scapegoat." Joey now had four lamb tokens appear on his field. "Now I summon four tokens tot he field or as I like to call them 'Joey' tokens. One of them will take the hit for me." Joey now had one of his tokens step in the line of fire.

"I set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 11: Joey

"I activate Pot of Greed. This lets me draw 2 cards from my deck. Next I summon Panther Warrior. Now, Kaiba. I sacrifice a 'Joey' token to attack your Lord of D." Soon one of Joey's lamb was gone as his Panther Warrior was able to take out Lord of D.
Kaiba's Life Points: 200-

"I'm setting two cards before ending my turn."

Turn 12: Kaiba

"I draw."

"Hold on, Kaiba. I activate Drop Off, now the card you drew is sent to the graveyard instead of your hand So show which card of yours is going bye-bye." said Joey.

Kaiba then looked at his card as it caused his eyes to widen. "It's my Blue-Eyes! Ah, whatever. I still have two on the field. I activate Gift of the Mystical Elf. This card gives me 300 life points for every monster on the field, including your 'Joey' tokens."
Kaiba's Life Points: 2000-

"What, but that's..." Joey then started to use his brain as to do the math in his head. "1800 life points!"

"Oh, I'm surprised you know how to multiply since you got that D on your math test."

"Hey, you mean D+." said Tristan.

"Blue-Eyes attack his 'Joey' token!"

"Go Magical Arm Shield! Now instead of attacking my 'Joey' token, your Blue-Eyes attacks any one of your monsters that I choose and I pick your other Blue-Eyes. Now both of your Blue-Eyes are destroyed. That puts all three of yours in your graveyard." said Joey as he was proud of what he did.

"You'll pay for that, Wheeler. Alexandrite dragon attack another 'Joey' token. I set one card and end my turn."

Turn 13: Joey

"I draw, Panther Warrior attack Kaiba's Alexandrite Dragon. Swift Panther Slash." With that both monsters were destroyed. "I set one card and end my turn."

Turn 14: Kaiba

"My turn, first I summon Ryu-Kishin(1000/500). Now that Ryu-Kishin is on the field, I can activate this Soul Demolition. By paying 500 life points, I can force each of us to banish a card from the other duelist's graveyard."

"Why would you want to do that" asked Tristan.

"Pay attention. Because I also have this Soul Absorption. Whenever a monster is banished, I gain 500 life points. I'll use my Soul Demolition's effect eight times. Your banishing all 8 monster in my graveyard, but I'll banish 8 monster from your graveyard too. Now thanks to Soul Absorption, I'm up to 6000 life points." said Kaiba as his points shot up.
Kaiba's Life Points: 6000-

"But you were just at 200 a couple of turns ago." said Joey.

"And now I'm up to 6000. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Now Ryu-Kishin attack Wheeler directly!" shouted Kaiba as his monster made contact. "I set a card and end my turn."
Joey's Life Points: 2700-

Turn 15: Joey

"Now I summon Gearfried the Iron Knight. Gearfried attack his Ryu-Kishin! Metal Forearm Thrust." shouted Joey as his monster took out Kaiba's but he was smiling.
Kaiba's Life Points: 5200-

"Perfect! I activate my trap card."

"Trap card?!" said Joey and Tristan.

"Yes, Crush Card Virus! When you destroyed my Ryu-Kishin you unleashed a virus, all monsters with 1500 attack points or more on the field and in your deck are now destroyed." Soon the effects of Kaiba's card started to head towards Joey as they look to infect his deck.

"Ah, you think a little virus is going to stop me. Well I got the cure and it's called Psychic Shockwave!"

"Where'd you get that!?!" shouted Kaiba as he wasn't expecting Joey to have such a power and rare card. He really was caught offguard by his move.

"One of my adoring fans gave it to me before our duel, just for being Joey Wheeler." Joey then looked up as he looked at Luna to which he gave her a smile and a wink. Luna saw this and could help to smile back and give the boy a wink. "I was the runner-up at the Duelist Kingdom, you know." said Joey as he turned his attention back to Kaiba. "This card lets me discard a trap card to special summon Jinzo from my deck. Jinzo, negate Kaiba's crush card." said Joey as his monster appeared and took out the virus.

"Oh no!" said Kaiba.

"And that's not all, I'm still in my battle phase, I can still attack. Jinzo attack Kaiba directly!" said Joey as his monster delivered a powerful blast that caused Kaiba to put his arms up to cover himself. Joey then ended his turn.
Kaiba's Life Points: 2800-

Turn 16: Kaiba

"I hate it when luck beats skill. But now I'm going to put you back in your place, I activate Dimension Fusion. First, I pay 2000 life points then we each special summon our banished monsters that means I return all 3 of my Blue-Eyes White Dragons to the field." said Kaiba.
Kaiba's Life Points: 800-

"All three?" said Tristan.

"Don't forget Kaiba, when you use Dimension Fusion, I get to special summon my banished monsters too. I special summon Red-Eyes, Alligator's Sword and Panther Warrior in defense mode. And if I get a Time Wizard next turn, I'll be the champ, chump."

"Oh that's clever. There won't be a next turn, Wheeler. I activate Polymerization! To fuse together my 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons together to create a monster without fear, a monster so powerful that no monster can stand against it, I summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" shouted Kaiba as he had his most powerful monster appeared as Joey was now scared as he fell on his bottom while looking at the beast.

"This is bad!" said Tristan.

"Really bad." said Joey.

"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack Wheeler's Gearfried! Wipe the rest of his life points! Neutron Blast Attack!" shouted Kaiba as he put his arm out which took out Joey and ended the duel.
Joey's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Kaiba

"I told you I would win." said Kaiba as he left.

"Aw man, I lost." While Joey was upset that he lost, the audience and the fans showed their appreciation for him as they gave him a standing ovation for doing his best.

After the match, Luna and Celestia met with Joey as they began to talk. Joey even helped Celestia and Luna by offering the girls some advice on their decks and even took part in some duels against the young man. Soon after that, they got a group picture as it was something Luna and Celestia would look back on.

(End of Memory)

"Wow." said Isaac as Luna finished telling his tale to the him.

"Indeed." She then looked at her duel disk as she got the message that it was time. "Well, we better get going."

"Right." Isaac then stood up with Luna as they started to make their way to the stage.

"Ladies and gentleman, we hope you're all comfortable. For we have an action packed duel for you today, so please give a warm welcome to our competitors." said the announcer. "So on the right, please welcome a duelist who is competing in his first duel to be seen on a big platform, it's Isaac."

Isaac was seen rising up as the crowd saw the kid and had initial thoughts. Isaac could hear a few mumbling as he gave a quick wave; he then turned towards where all the dueling agencies and sponsors were as they too had small mumbles about the young teen.

"And his opponent is none other than the Phantom Princess herself, give it up for Luna!"

Luna rose up as she was given a warm reception as her fans went crazy. The fans loved the outfit that she was wearing as it highlighted her natural beauty while also keeping her sense of mysterious intact. Luna then looked at Isaac as they both stepped forward and took their position across from each other.

"Ready?" asked Luna.

"Ready." nodded Isaac.

"Good now then." said Luna as she activated her duel disk to project a moderate sapphire blue card tray.

"It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac as he activated his duel disk to project a gold card tray. Once the agencies heard what Isaac said, they immediately took interest as that line belonged used to be said by someone else.

Meanwhile, the special guest that Luna mentioned had arrived as he took a seat and watched from his sky box as he wanted to observe this duel.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Luna's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Luna

"I'll start things off, I draw." Luna then looked at her hand as she had a smile on her face. "Now I'll set 3 cards facedown and end my turn." Three cards then materialized in front of Luna as Isaac had to do a double take as what he saw.

"What?" was all Isaac could say.

"What's the matter, Isaac? I didn't play a single monster, which means you're free to attack my life points." said Luna as she was smiling.

Turn 2: Isaac

She didn't play anything but 3 facedowns. Is Luna trying to intimidate me? No, gotta focus. "My turn, so here goes. I'll summon Breaker the Magical Warrior and I'll boost his power with Bound Wand." said Isaac as he summoned his monster as it appeared for all to see as it powered up to 2300.

"Impressive, so... are you going to attack or not?" said Luna as she was still smiling. Even the agents were looking on to see what Isaac was going to do.

"I... I... very well, Breaker attack Luna directly." shouted Isaac. Breaker then charged forward as it looked to bring down its sword on Luna.

"I activate my trap card, but why stop at one when I can activate two. I activate The Phantom Knights of Vambrace, thanks to these your monster loses 600 attack points and my 'Phantom Knights' can't be destroyed in battle. Then both of these traps transform into Level 2 monsters on the field with 600 attack points." Luna's facedowns then started to glow as her traps cards changed into monsters as they lowered Breaker's attack by 1200.

"You may have lowered my monster's strength, but it still has enough to deal damage." said Isaac as Breaker still connected with one of Luna's monster as she took some damage.
Luna's Life Points: 7500-

"Thanks, cause now that I took damage I can activate this, The Phantom Knights' Twin Medals." said Luna as her last facedown flipped over. "Now I can use my two 'Phantom Knights' for an Xyz Summon."

"What? You're Xyz Summoning during my turn?!" said Isaac as he surprised by what Luna just did.

"I'm not a pro for nothing. Your attack helped more than it hurt. Here we go, I use both of my Phantom Knights to build the Overlay Network." Luna's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs as a portal opened up in the ground as they entered and a pillar of light appeared as her monster was being summoned. "Presenting a warrior who's bad to the bone, I Xyz Summon, The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin(1600/0, OLU: 2)!" Out came a warrior that was all skeleton as it had flames coming out of its shoulders and had a shield in one hand with a javelin in the other.

"Incredible." said Isaac as he was amazed by how Luna was able to be one step ahead of him.

"If you think that's impressive, then watch this. I activate my Cursed Javelin's effect, by using one Overlay Unit, his javelin not only blasts away your Breaker's special ability but also all of his attack points." Cursed Javelin then absorbed one of its materials with its weapon as it pointed at Breaker and reduced it of all of its strength.

"On no!" said Isaac as he saw his monster was a sitting duck. The agents saw Isaac's play and so far based on how he played, they weren't that interested if he was caught off guard by Luna's move. "I end my turn."

Turn 3: Luna

"My turn then." said Luna as she drew her card. "To think, I was expecting more Isaac; I had hoped you would give me what I wanted. Seems I was wrong, now Cursed Javelin take out his Breaker!" stated Luna as she gave her monster its command. Her knight obeyed the ordered given to him by his princess as he pointed his javelin at Breaker and threw it with so much force and power that it destroyed it.
Isaac's Life Points: 6400-

"Ugh." said Isaac as he covered up from the attack. "Since Breaker was equipped with Bound Wand, he gets to come back." Isaac's monster then rose up in attack mode.

"I'll end my turn. Your move, let's see if you can even make a decent move." insulted Luna as she addressed Isaac.

Turn 4: Isaac

"What you say?! Be careful what you wish for!" shouted Isaac as he drew his card. "Now, since there's a Level 4 or below monster on my field, I can special summon my Mage Annette. And when she's summoned, I get to draw an extra card." Out came Isaac's kid girl magician as she opened up her textbox and a card was inside as it floated over for Isaac to grab.

"In that case, I'll use Cursed Javelin's effect once more and strip Breaker of all of its attack and special abilities." said Luna as she stopped Isaac from thinking about launching an attack. "Now your only monster that was in attack mode can't even do that."

"Who said I was done with my move, watch this. I now sacrifice my Breaker the Magical Warrior so that I can summon my Apprentice Illusion Magician. And when she's summoned, I get to add 'Dark Magician' to my hand." said Isaac as his duel disk slotted out his card.

So Isaac now had his ace monster. This should be interesting.

"And now that your monster used up all of its overlay units, Apprentice Illusion Magician take out Cursed Javelin!" stated Isaac. His female spellcaster then pointed her wand at the undead warrior and blasted it off the field.
Luna's Life Points: 7100-

"With that I'll lay a facedown and pass it over to you."

Turn 5: Luna

"My turn, and I'll kick this off by activating The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic-Burial." said Luna. "This spell allows me to summon a 'Phantom Knight' Xyz monster from my graveyard. Rise from the ashes, The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin." Once more Luna had her monster back as it had terror in its eyes. "Then Rank-Up-Magic-Burial lets me to tribute The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin to summon a monster that's two ranks higher from my Extra Deck and it also attaches to that new monster as an Xyz material."

"This is bad." said Isaac as he had a feeling he knew what was coming.

The special guest from up above who was watching had a smile on his face as he too knew what Luna was about to do.

"I Xyz Summon!" shouted Luna as both her spell and monster were turned into dark orbs as a portal opened up in the ground as her new beast was arriving. "Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I call upon the most dangerous of dragons. Rank-Up, Xyz Evolution! Show yourself my pet, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" shouted Luna as she now had her most powerful creature on the field.

"And there it is, Luna's star monster of her deck. Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, well folks it looks this duel won't last much longer. Pity to think that Luna's opponent wasn't able to put up much of a fight." said the announcer. Seems almost everybody agreed with him as they too were disappointed that the duel was going to end as they wanted excitement.

"I'm disappointed, to think I asked you to give me what I want and you failed. Now Dark Rebellion, attack his Apprentice Illusion Magician. Mauling Mandible Charge!!!" shouted Luna as she thrusted her hand out.

"I reveal my facedown, Magical Dimension." said Isaac. "Now, Mage Annette lend me your power so that I can call upon an even greater monster. I summon the Dark Magician!" Isaac's spell the absorbed Mage Annette's strength as it was used to bring out his ultimate magician as he descended onto the field.

"Did he... just say Dark Magician?" said the announcer as he spoke those words accidentally into the microphone as everyone in the audience heard that comment.

Seems that really got the fans talking as they murmured to themselves and to each other about how someone like Isaac had such a legendary card. The dueling agents were really now starting to buzz as they too couldn't believe their eyes, like the fans in attendance, they certainly had heard about the Dark Magician existing. But given that there was only one person to have ever held that card in all of Duel Monsters history, it came quite a shock to see someone of Isaac's age have that card. Isaac noticed this as he looked off to the side and the agents talking about his magician, he looked back at Luna as he continued on with the duel.

"Now the other effect of my Magical Dimension activates and with I can destroy a monster on your side of the field, so say good-bye to your Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon." said Isaac.

"Not gonna happen, cause from I play Card Guard. So I discard a card and as a result, for this turn, my monsters can't be destroyed by battle or card effects. So now your spell is useless and my attack continues." stated Luna. Soon her dragon made contact with Isaac's magician as it took her out.
Isaac's Life Points: 5900-

"I'll lay a facedown and end my turn." said Luna.

Turn 6: Isaac

"Then it's my move, so here goes. To start, I'll place Sorcerer Swordsman in my Pendulum Zone." said Isaac as he placed one of his pendulum cards on the far left side of his tray. His monster then appeared in a column as he ascended and had a number appear in front of him.

"Pendulum Zone? Did Isaac just say that?" spoke the announcer as once again he managed to surprise everybody in attendance by doing such a play. "Just who is this kid and what else does he have in store for us, ladies and gents."

"Next, I'll reveal my facedown, Magic Formula. So now my Dark Magician gains 700 attack points which raises his strength to 3200. Now he's stronger than your dragon. So Dark Magician, take out Luna's monster, Dark Magic Attack!" shouted Isaac.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to do better than that, cause I activate my facedown. Half Unbreak, now not only is my dragon protected from destruction, but the damage I take is cut in half." Soon a bubble barrier formed around Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon as it was able to keep it safe from Isaac's attack.
Luna's Life Points: 6750-

"In that case, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Luna

"My turn then, to start I'll play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw 2 more cards. Now, I use Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's special ability, by using one Overlay Unit your monster loses half of its attack points and then Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon gains those attack points." Dark Rebellion then absorbed an Xyz material as it unfurled its wings as it was sucking out Dark Magician's strength as it boosted it's own. "Now my dragon attack his Dark Magician. Mauling Mandible Charge!!!"

"I reveal my facedown, Mirror Mail. Now my Dark Magician attack rises up to match that of your Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon."

"What?!" Luna was shocked at how Isaac was able to turn his situation around. It seemed that he had planned for Luna to use her dragon's effect and was prepared for it. But not only that, he thought one step ahead and was able to make sure that he could take out her own monster.

"In that case, I'll activate the spell card The Phantom Knights' Round Blaze. By banishing 2 'Phantom Knights' from my graveyard, it triggers total destruction by ending the battle phase and burning up both of our monsters." said Luna. "But my dragon will be safe thanks to this other card in my hand, Cascade Barrier. Now by dropping all of my monster's attack points to zero. I can protect it from being destroyed." stated Luna.

Despite Luna managing to protect her dragon, she had to use up alot of her own resources just to counter Isaac's one move. That alone showed signs of what she knew, and she hoped that she could be able to last long enough to see the final result of this duel. Soon the entire field was nuked as Dark Rebellion was safe while Dark Magician was gone. However, the story was on the faces of the duelists as Isaac had a smile while Luna had a disgruntled look not to mention that she was breathing heavily like she was starting to slow down.

"Hope it was worth it." smiled Isaac with a smug expression.

"Shut up! Cause my spell The Phantom Knights' Round Blaze has another effect, I can hit you with 800 points of damage for every monster that was just destroyed. I end my turn and so my Dark Rebellion dragon gains all of its attack points."
Isaac's Life Points: 5100-

"Not so fast, before you end your turn, I'm activating an effect. Since I played a spell/trap card during your turn, I special summon my Magician of Dark Illusion from my hand." Isaac then played the last card in his hand as he had a monster appear." Once again Luna was stunned with how far ahead Isaac was able to think, he managed to dwindle her hand significantly and get a monster on his field all at once. "And since my Magic Formula was sent to the graveyard, I gained 1000 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 6100-

Turn 8: Isaac

"Well, now time to see what I got, here goes. I'll now play Card of Sanctity, so now we each draw till we're holding 6 cards in our hands." Both players then replenished their hands. "Now, since I activated a spell/trap while my Magician of Dark Illusion was on the field, I can activate it's other effect which allows me to revive my Dark Magician." said Isaac as he now had his ace monster back on the field.

Now everybody was amazed at the skills that Isaac was showing as he managed to replenish his hand and bring back his star monster. The agents were now starting to get heavily invested in Isaac as he was showing off his skills and safe to say they were impressed by what they saw from someone so young.

"Now I lay play my Guiding Wisdom spell card and with it I can summon a spellcaster that has 3000 or less attack points from my deck. So I choose to play another Magician of Dark Illusion." Isaac now had three monsters on his field as they were all the same level. "Now time for me to take things to the next level, I overlay my 2 Magician of Dark Illusions to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Isaac as both of his monsters transformed into dark orbs as they entered a portal that opened in the ground as Isaac was calling on a new monster. "I Xyz Summon, Ebon High Magician!"

The agents and the fans were amazed by what Isaac did as he managed to pull off the trickiest summoning method with ease. The guest above was watching the duel as he had a smile on his face.

"Next up, I'll place my Black Arts Trickster in my other Pendulum Zone." Isaac then placed his female magician on the far right side of his card tray as the word 'pendulum' spelled out in rainbow coloring to signaled that it was complete. Isaac's magician then appeared in another column of light as it had a number in front of her. "Normally, I can only pendulum summon monsters that fall in between the scale I've set, so as of right now I can only summon Level 2 monsters. But she's not called a trickster for nothing, cause now since there's a 'magician' in my other Pendulum Zone, I can raise the scale of her up to 10." Soon the number in front of Black Arts Trickster started to go up as she looked at Isaac and gave her master a flirty wink.

"With that, I'll end my turn with a facedown." smiled Isaac.

Turn 9: Luna

"My turn." said Luna as she drew her card. Isaac really is taking this seriously, I thought he wasn't at first, but it was all a ruse. In fact, he was the moment this duel started, he really is destined to be on this platform. And for my future, well... Luna looked at her hand as she could see it was shaking a bit. Best to go all out. "I assume that the card you placed down is something to destroy my dragon. Seeing as how you brought out your Ebon High Magician, you'll use its affect to protect either of your magicians from my dragon's attack. So I'll eliminate that option with my Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy your facedown." said Luna as a storm started to blow over to Isaac who stood his ground to keep from flying off as his card was destroyed.

"Thanks for that Luna."


"I knew you would think that way, which is why I baited you. I played the defense so that you would go on the offense. Cause the card you just destroyed was my Chaos Spector Blast, since it was destroyed while it was in my spell/trap card zone, I can now special summon my Dark Magician of Chaos from my deck. And when he's summoned, I can add a spell card from my graveyard back to my hand." Isaac now had a third magician on his field as he touched his duel screen to select the card he wanted as it slotted out for him to grab.

Marvelous, he's outsmarted me again. I thought I knew his plan, but he fooled me completely. "Very good, but now I'll set one card facedown. Then summon my Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves to the field and I think a pair of boots will go lovely with my gloves. I summon the Phantom Knights of Silent Boots!" Luna now had two more monsters join her Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon as they were both the same level. "Now you know what comes next, I use both of my Phantom Knights to construct the Overlay Network." Luna's monsters then transformed into purple orbs of light as they entered a vortex as out came a brand new monster. "I Xyz Summon, The Phantom Knights of Break Sword! Rise my mighty beast!" Out came what looked to be a headless horse man as it had flames on where its head and upper parts of its body were suppose to be. "And since I used my Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves to summon my Break Sword it gains 1000 attack points. Making it have a total of 3000." said Luna.

"Just great." said Isaac as he didn't like what was in front of him.

"Now I'll activate my Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's special ability, using the last Overlay unit, I'll the cut the attack points of your Dark Magician of Chaos in half and gain those attack points." Dark Rebellion then zapped away the power of Isaac's magician. "Now time to strike, take flight my pet and attack."

"I'll activate the effect of Ebon High Magician, so by using one Overlay unit, I can play a trap or quick-play spell card from my hand during your turn. So I play my Prevent Reborn. With this I can reduce the battle damage I take by 1000." Soon Luna's dragon made contact as it took out Isaac's monster as he was thrown onto his back as he was able to successful roll through as he was on one knee.
Isaac's Life Points: 4600-

"Now the other effect of my trap allows me to bring back my Dark Magician of Chaos. And since he was brought back, I can add a spell card from my graveyard to my hand." said Isaac as he grabbed another card from his duel disk.

"Maybe, but I still deal damage, go Break Sword. Take out his Dark Magician!" shouted Luna.

"Once more, I'll use the effect of Ebon High Magician. So now I'll play Dark Magic Inheritance, by banishing 2 spell cards, I can add a spell/trap from my deck to my hand that list 'Dark Magician' or 'Dark Magician Girl' in its name." Isaac then used his screen as he saw his options and selected the one he wanted as he pressed confirm and slotted out for him to grab as his monster was destroyed.
Isaac's Life Points: 4100-

"You survived well, not bad. I'll now end my turn."

Turn 10: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll play the card I got back when I summoned my Dark Magician of Chaos, Card of Sanctity. So now we each draw till we're holding 6 cards. And then, I'll activate my Sorcerer Swordsman Pendulum ability so now I can add monsters from my graveyard to my hand so long as they fall in the scale I've set." Isaac's duel disk then slotted out 2 cards for him to grab. "Now the moment has arrived." said Isaac as a spotlight shined down on him. Luna just smiled at how much of an entertainer Isaac was becoming.

"Ladies and gentleman, hope you're all enjoying the show so for cause I'm about to take things to the next level. Now using the scale I've set, I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 2 through 9, all at the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" shouted Isaac as he thrusted his hand into the air as two lights came out of the giant portal above him. "Coming back for an encore is my Magician of Dark Illusion and lastly give a warm welcome to the star attraction of our show, Dark Magician!" Isaac was able to wow the crowd even more by utilizing his pendulum summoning, especially one person watching.

"What a match!!" expressed the announcer. "In just the last few turns, Isaac had been outthinking Luna of all people in every move she's made. And not only that he's managed to perform the legendary summoning method from our comrades across the sea. Is there anything else he's got in store for us?"

Seems the fans were now fully behind Isaac as they started to chant his name more so than they did for Luna. Even the little girls were amazed by the many lights and magic that flowed around Isaac as to them, he was like a real-life superhero. The agents were now foaming at the mouth as they had the power that Isaac possessed and started to argue over who should be the one to sign him to their agency after the duel.

The time is nearing. Soon everything will be decided. Luna was now looking at Isaac as she could sense what she wanted; her heart started to beat a bit louder as she took some major deep breaths.

"Now I'll play Bond Between Teacher and Student, so now that my Dark Magician is on the field, I can now call upon my Dark Magician Girl!" said Isaac as once again he blew people's mind by having another legendary card. Once Dark Magician Girl appeared, the hard cam cut to Isaac as they got a fantastic shot of Isaac standing next to his two magicians as they had such a dominate presence that it reminded everybody of another great duelist. "Now thanks to my spell I can activate my Dark Magic Twin Burst from my deck and with I can raise the attack points of my Dark Magician by the attack points of my Dark Magician Girl." Dark Magician then felt the power up from his student.

"Now time to strike, Dark Magician of Chaos take out Luna's Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon." said Isaac.

"I reveal my facedown, Dimensional Prison. And so I can banish your Dark Magician of Chaos." Luna's trap then opened a portal as it sent removed Isaac's magician from the game.

"In that case, I'll have my Dark Magician attack your Break Sword!" shouted Isaac as his magician took out Luna's monster with a powerful spell as it caused her to buckle her legs and drop to a knee.
Luna's Life Points: 5250-

"Thanks for that cause now the monsters I used to summon it come back, but this time their level increases by one." said Luna as both her Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and Silent Boots rose up in defense mode.

"Then I'll have Dark Magician Girl attack your Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves." said Isaac as his magician girl took out another one of Luna's monsters.

"Well played. I'll just place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 11: Luna

"My turn." said Luna as she drew her card. "Time to finish this, I activate Thunder Short to deal you 400 points of damage for each monster you control. So get ready to take 1600 points of direct damage!" shouted Luna as a thunderbolt came down and struck Isaac as he did his best to take it.
Isaac's Life Points: 2500-

"Next, I'll play another spell, Lightning Vortex. So I discard a card and that allows me to wipe out your entire field and soon the rest of your life points."

"Oh no!" said Isaac as he saw all of his magicians be destroyed as he was now wide open to Luna's dragon.

"Now time to finish this. I play my Graceful Charity which allows me to draw 3 cards and discard two." Luna then picked up her cards as she selected the ones she wanted to get rid of as she looked to execute her plan. "Now I'll activate the effect of my Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves, by banishing it I can special summon my Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor but its level increases by 1." Luna now had a monster that wore torn up pieces of clothing appear as it had flames where its limbs were suppose to be as it was now Level 5.

"Time to end this, I now play the spell card, The Phantom Knights' Possession. Thanks to this I can target 1 Xyz Monster on my field and treat it as having the same Level as another monster on my field. So now my Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon is now a Level 5 monster." Luna's dragon then had its stats change from rank to level.

"You can do that?" said Isaac as he was amazed by what Luna did.

"Now I overlay my Level 5 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with my Level 5 Phantom Knight of Fragile Armor to build the Overlay Network!!" shouted Luna as both of her monsters were turned into orbs as they were sucked into a portal into the ground as her most powerful and devasting monster was being summoned. "Dragon from the bleak, black pit! Fierce, fearless, ferocious fighter! Rise and master the skies! I Xyz Summon! Arise, Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon(3000/2500, OLU: 2)!" Out came Luna's new more powerful monster as it let out a cry that shook the very arena.

"Woah!!" shouted Isaac as he saw the new dragon standing next to Luna as they looked powerful.

"Finish him!!! Dark Destruction!!!" shouted Luna.

"I activate my facedown, Flute of Summoning Kuriboh. Now I can add Kuriboh to my hand." Isaac's duel disk then slotted out his card. "Then I'll activate Kuriboh's effect so by sending him to the graveyard, I take no battle damage!" Kuriboh then appeared as it stood before Isaac as he put his tiny arms up to protect its master as it took the attack from Luna's monster head on.

Luna was breathing heavily as the attack she yelled out to her dragon took a lot out of her as she felt her strength slowly fading as she dropped to a knee. Isaac noticed this as he made a mental note in his head. Soon Luna stood up as she clutched her arm as she continued with her move.

"I play one card facedown... your... turn." said Luna as Isaac could hear the tiredness in her voice.

Turn 12: Isaac

"My draw!" said Isaac as he drew his card. "To start, I play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. My turn I now activate my Sorcerer Swordsman Pendulum ability so I return 3 monster from my graveyard to my hand. And then it's time to Pendulum Summon. So come out, Dark Magician and my 2 Magician of Dark Illusion." Isaac now had 3 monsters on his field as he prepared to summon his own powerful monster. "Now it's my turn, I overlay all 3 of my magicians to construct the Overlay Network!"

"What are you summoning?" asked Luna as she never saw Isaac do this.

"The magic that flows from the universe is now harnessed. Show the world your wizardry and wonder, I Xyz Summon Chaos Mageía(3000/2500, OLU:3)!!" shouted Isaac as he was summoning his brand new card. Out emerged from the portal a brand new monster. It was a sorceress who had long flowing red hair with vanilla skin tone. She wore an emerald necklace and had white gloves that covered her smooth hands. Her outfit consisted of light blue dress that stopped at her knees; she wore black heels that weren't too high, as well as earrings that matched her necklace. She did a quick twirl for all to see as bits of magical particles surrounded her as it made her look even more beauty.

"Where did you get that card?" asked Luna as she heard had heard of it.

"Let's say that someone special gave me this card." smiled Isaac as he thought back to his duel with Yuma. "And now to show off it's power, since I used 'Dark Magician' to summoned this monster, I can negate the effects of all other monsters currently on the field."

"You can negate them?" said Luna in disbelief as her dragon was stripped away of its special powers.

"And then I'll activate her special ability, by using one Overlay unit, I can send all other Xyz materials from all other monsters on the field to the graveyard and then she gains 500 extra attack points for each of those materials and it gains an extra attack." said Isaac.

"But... then..." Luna didn't need to finish her statement as she saw her dragon be confined by Isaac's magicians as she casted her magic over the dragon as it lose all of its power and overlay units as they empowered her instead.

"Now my Chaos Mageía has 4000 attack points." stated Isaac. "Now Chaos Mageía take out Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon, Divinity Arrow!" shouted Isaac. Chaos Mageía then had an arrow appear in front of her as her wand transformed into a bow. She then pulled back on the string as she had her target in her sights, she gave a quick wink as she let the arrow fly. It started to travel at fast speeds as it was soon surrounded in a golden light as it raced across the air.

Luna noticed the attack coming at her as she prepared herself for what was about to happen. "I reveal my final facedown, Floral Shield. Now your attack is negated."

"I'll see your trap and then raise you with one of my own, I reveal my facedown, Dark Illusion. Now I can negate and destroy your Floral Shield. Which means my attack presses on! Do it!!" shouted Isaac as his attack from his magician pierced through the heart of Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon as it let out a cry which Luna heard and felt as the attack caused her to be flown back.
Luna's Life Points: 4250-

The attack was met with so much force that it generated a wind effect that caused everybody to hold onto to their seats as they didn't want to go flying. Isaac just stood their as she shifted his weight and put his arm out to protect his eyes. Soon the attack wore off as there was Luna lying on her back, all Isaac had to do was call his final attack and he would be declared the winner. Just as he was about to do that, Luna started to stir as she got to her knees as she was breathing heavily as she tried to stand up but it seems her body didn't allow her too. Luna then looked at Isaac as she began to crawl towards him. Everybody was surprised by what they saw as Isaac just stood there.

"Stay down, Luna! Just let it go, if I wanted to I would have ended this duel already. I've outsmarted, outplayed, and straight up outdueled you since the opening play. Just give in." said Isaac. "Stay down!!!!"

Luna heard Isaac, but she didn't seem to listen. Soon she had crawled all the way over to Isaac as she grabbed his feet with her hand and inch by inch, slowly, she tried to stand up as her body was in pain, not physically but mental pain. Luna could barely stand as she had her body leaning against Isaac as Isaac looked down at his Vice-Principal who was on her knees.

"You... can kiss... my ass!!!!" yelled out Luna to Isaac's face. She then propped herself up as Isaac looked at her in disarray. Then with the last bit of strength she could muster, Luna gave her final act of defiant as she brought her hand and as hard as she could, she slapped Isaac in the face as it caused his head to turn as she fell to her knees.

Isaac saw this and he turned back to look at her with fury and anger in his eyes. "Chaos Mageía, put her down! Finish Luna off!!!" shouted Isaac as he brought his thumb and slid it over his throat as he gave his monster the signal to put Luna out of her misery. Chaos Mageía heard Isaac's command as she shot her attack and it made contact with Luna who fell forward and would have hit the ground if Isaac didn't catch her in his arms. A giant explosion went off as the field was covering in a blinding white light as it caused the everybody around to temporarily look away.

Inside that attack, Isaac still had Luna in his arms as he had his eyes closed. As the attack was dying down, he simply bent down with Luna in his arms as he laid her on her back. He then grabbed both of Luna's hands as he placed them together on top of her chest as he said the final words to her. "Rest in peace, Luna."
Luna's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

After the duel, Isaac was now in him and Luna's locker room as he had finished rehydrating himself from the duel. He then saw the door open as in walked Luna but was surrounded by reporters as they tried to get a word from her.

"Luna? Luna? Luna?" shouted out several reporters trying to get her attention.

"Luna? Tell me, how did you perform in that duel?" asked a reporter.

"That duel is something that I will be forever engraved in my memory." answered Luna.

"Question? What's next for you? When will your next duel be?" asked another reporter.

"As exciting as that is, I'm afraid there won't be a next time. This duel took alot out of me, my body was starting to hurt from pain, not physical but mental. I was afraid that I didn't have it in me anymore and I'm safe to say that's not the case. However, while my mind is saying that I've got plenty in my, my body and health are telling a different store. And so as of right now, this duel was my very last one."

"WHAT?" shouted the reporters as Luna started to walk away. "LUNA? LUNA? LUNA? LUNA?" shouted the many reporters and photographers as they wanted to get some more words from Luna but the security guards did their job as they shooed away the mass of people out of the room.

Luna then made her way to Isaac was was sitting on the bench as she stood in front of the boy.

"You're retiring?" said Isaac as he was in disbelief at what he heard.

"Come with me, I what to show you something." Luna then lead Isaac out of the room as they traveled down the hallway.

They then approached the upper levels of the arena as they found themselves in the VIP section that was reserved for celebrities and top notch duelists. They arrived at their destination as they came to a door, Luna then knocked on it as a guard came out and saw Luna. She spoke a could of words before he let her in as Luna gestured Isaac to follow her. Isaac followed his Vice-Principal as he saw her walking forward to a chair that was facing away from them as she talked with the that was sitting. Soon the chair turned as the person was revealed and Isaac was stunned.

"Great duel, kid." said the person.

Compared to when Luna first met the individual, he had now grown a bit older as he was about Isaac's age. The boy had crimson eyes, and dual-colored green and crimson hair of average length sticking out in downwards pointing spikes all around his head. He wore a pendant on a simple string around his neck, and a buckled choker, and a pair of golden goggles with orange lenses on his forehead, with a blue star obscuring the right lens. He had on a simple orange t-shirt with a thick, silver-buckled brown belt over it, green pants with what appear to be "Deck pockets" on each leg, and magenta shoes, as well as crimson wristbands. He also wore a gold and red lined white school jacket over his shoulders like a cape.

"Isaac, meet Yuya Sakaki." said Luna.

"Sup." responded Yuya.

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