• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 72: Legends

After their stop in Fillydelphia, the group was nonstop as they continued traveling across the country seeing many new places and putting on duels for a mass body of students. Some of the places they went to consisted of Applewood, Salt Lick City, Baltimare, to even Vanhoover. While everybody enjoyed seeing many new places and taking lots of photos, it was starting to get a bit tiring as it started to take an effect on everybody. Thankfully, the next place they were heading served not only as a place for them to help, but as a pit stop. And that place was none other than Horsolulu.

"Now that is a place I'm looking forward to." said Sunset.

"Can't wait to ride the waves." said Applejack.

"Not more than chilling on the beach and hanging ten!" stated Rainbow as she agreed with Applejack.

"I just want to scuba dive and see what kind of sea life I'll meet." said Fluttershy.

"Aren't you excited, big bro?" asked Pinkie.

"Ehh." said Isaac as he shrugged. "Look I'm not the biggest fan of when it comes to the ocean or any large body of water for that. Mainly because I don't know how to swim."

"If that's the case, I don't mind giving you a lesson." suggested Twilight. "That way we both can have fun in the water."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'll just stay in the hotel room." Twilight was about to say something, but Isaac quickly cut her off. "And you're not going to try to convince me!" With that Isaac then pulled out his deck.

"Oh no you don't, Isaac. You're not pulling that with me!" shouted Twilight as she put her footdown and was trying to convince him. She knew that whenever Isaac didn't want to talk about something he would always starting working on his deck. Isaac held his ground and just toned out Twilight as she kept talking. Eventually, Twilight just gave up and left Isaac by himself.

It didn't take long as their plane was now over the sea and they could see the island coming into view. They were able to see the beach where they could explore. Soon they landed on the runway; once the entrance of the plan opened they all stepped out and immediately the sun was in their faces. Despite having a breeze, the weather proved to be rather humid as nearly everybody started to fan themselves. Thankfully, there were SUVs waiting for them as they stepped in and were met with the cool breeze of the air conditioner. They all made their way to the hotel where there was a line of people waiting for them; Celestia checked them in and gave them their rooms. This time they would need to share rooms, so she gave everybody their keys and they all departed to their places.

Twilight opened the door as she and Isaac stepped in to see their room. It consisted of a two bedroom with a TV. Not to mention that they had a little balcony that overlooked the sea and the beach. There was even their own private bathroom for each one of them. The one thing they noticed on their beds were some clothes; Isaac had a Hawaiian shirt along with some shorts, while Twilight had a floral dress. It proved to be much more comfortable for both of them as it allowed them to tolerate the heat even more. Twilight then stepped onto the balcony as she took in the view, she also was given a floral crown.

"What a view." said Twilight as she put her hands on the railing.

"Yes it is." Isaac came from behind her and wrapped his arms around Twilight as he put his head on her shoulder.

He too was taking in the sights with Twilight, then he started to kiss the back of Twilight's neck as it made her feel ticklish and she let out a moan. Twilight then put her hand up behind her as she grabbed Isaac's face. Isaac then turned Twilight around so that he could see her lovely face and gave her a meaningful kiss. They then broke away as they left their room to met up with their friends. The good thing about this was they actually had arrived a day early, meaning they had some extra time to explore Horsolulu. They saw the other girls as they wore similar outfits to Twilight with Rarity wearing a straw hat. With that they all got on a bus and took a tour of the island.

They got to see many mountain ridges and the many other beaches that the island had to offer. Soon they arrived back to their hotel as the girls had to get ready to perform tonight at a luau. Since they began on this trip, the girls were informed by Celestia of the certain places where they would perform and this happen to be one of those. Isaac had done some research on what a luau was and he found it to be quite fascinating. Some of the things he found interest was the feast which according to what the locals told him was massive as it was originally started for the rulers of the islands. Another thing that really caught his attention was one of the activities which consisted of spear throwing which intrigued him. There was also many storytelling that occurred at these things as they told the story/history of the people who explored Horsolulu when it was first discovered. Overall, it was a giant party that almost everybody would enjoy. The rest of the night was spent playing party games, singing, and dancing. Even Celestia and Luna partook in the activities as they themselves wanted to kick back and relax.

Two days later, the group was now at a large research facility. It served as the place where they would have their exhibitions duels the following day. But today, they were here for a different reason. It seemed that the owner of the school was working on a secret project. So Celestia and Luna led the group through the door and saw a person working with a group of assistants as they were at a computer going over somethings. Eventually the man lifted his face and saw Celestia and Luna approaching them.

"Ahh, Principal Celestia and Vice-principal Luna." said the man as he shook their hands.

"Pleasure to see you, Mr. Keoni." greeted Celestia. "Allow me to introduce you to the students that will be taking part in tomorrow's duels." Celestia then stepped to the side as she introduced Isaac and the girls. The group all bowed in respect as Mr. Keoni did the same and thanked them for agreeing to do this.

Isaac then spoke up, "Pardon me for asking, but what are you doing?"

"It's no trouble at all, Isaac. What you see here is something that I've been working on for quite some time now. See dueling is the way of life and it has evolved so much from when it first started. So I wanted to create something that everybody can appreciate. Everybody, I'd like you to meet the Combat Simulator." said Mr. Keoni as he pointed to a massive computer with so many buttons and there were giant pods in the center of the room. Everybody was in awe at what they saw.

"Combat Simulator?" said Applejack as she was scratching her head.

"Indeed, this baby here allows duelist to test their skills and knowledge against formidable foes and A.I. It's currently a work in progress as we hope to have it ready for the public in a few years. Our hope is to use this as a way for new duelists to be introduced to the game and give them a sense of training in a way." said Mr. Keoni. "Think of it as a video game, once you complete a level you move on to the next objective. The great thing about this is that it records every duel and implements it in the system so that we could look back on it for research purposes."

"I'm amazed." said Sunset as she had the biggest smile on her face. "What I wouldn't give to try my hand at?"

"Coincidentally, you all came at a perfect time. We were about to run some more simulations, but seeing we've done this so many times, we know all the ins and outs of the A.I. It could prove useful if we had different test subjects so that we could collect more data and see how the computer handles new opponents. So what do you say kids, care to test this thing out?" asked Mr. Keoni.

"Hell yeah!" shouted Isaac. The girls all nodded as they agreed with him.

"Good, however, there's only four pods. Meaning only four of you will be able to do this; so decide who it will be?" said Mr. Keoni.

"I can't believe this is happening!!" shouted Dash as she was sitting down at the terminal with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Celestia and Luna, along with Mr. Keoni were at the computer as they were preparing the simulation. "Why did I have to pick paper that last round?"

"Quite your whinnying, Dash." shouted Isaac. "It's not my fault you're so predictable. Besides, I was willing to go all out to test this thing. No way was I going to lose." Isaac then joined Sunset, Twilight, and Rarity as they were the ones who would partake in this little science experiment. "You girls ready?" asked Isaac to which they all nodded.

"Okay, we're just about set. Now all of you put your duel disks on." Mr. Keoni told them and they did so. "Now each of you sit down in the pod." The group all did as they were told as they sat in the pods and a helmet was put over them. Mr. Keoni was now pushing some more buttons as he did the final preparations. "Now the helmet that you're all wearing is transmitting info from your brain into the system and vice versa. It's also taking in your deck and duel disks as its transferring all the past duels you've had into the system so that it can pick an evenly matched opponent for each of you to face. Another thing you'll need to know is that this system also has some data from some of the best duelists not just in the world, but throughout all the history of Duel Monsters. So you may end up facing some popular individuals, but that's not big concern."

"So say we get into a battle with whoever the computer gives us, is there any consequences for us winning or losing?" asked Sunset as the helmet was transmitting the last bit of data into her head.

"None of that sorts, the simulation will end once the duel reaches its final result. So don't worry about wins or loses, just have fun." The computer finally finished download as it project an x-ray of their body and their brains so that Mr. Keoni and the others could monitor their life force. It also gave the opponent that Isaac and the girls would face. "We have our matchups, Rarity you'll be facing test subject #18AH3. Sunset will be taking on #56SB9, Twilight you'll be dueling #88ZX1, and Isaac will face #00KC1."

"What!?" they all said as they didn't understand what any of that meant.

"It's just the name that the computer calls them, once you're inside the simulation you're opponent will have an actually name." assured Mr. Keoni. "Now then once I push this button you'll be put into the system and you'll be there until you've finished your duel. Once the battle concludes, the system will shut off and you'll awake. Now then, I wish you all the best of luck and have fun. See you all when you wake up." Mr. Keoni pressed a big red button and with it the battle simulation turned on as it caused Isaac and the girls to close their eyes as their minds were being transported into the system. On the giant screen came the images of their friends as it had their heart rate as well as digital avatars. "Let's see how they handle this." said Mr. Keoni

"Battle Simulation online. Scanning. Scan complete, subject stable. Welcome Miss Rarity Belle." said the A.I.

Rarity opened her eyes and was now looking up at the sky as she saw the clouds and the sun shining bright in her face. "Uhh, where am I?" she said as she stood up. She was on some grass and surrounded by trees; she put her hand next to her and sure enough it felt real. "Seems this battle simulation really does make things so life like, why I can feel the breeze on my face as it were real." Rarity then stood up as she dusted her skirt, seems the battle simulator had managed to put Rarity in her regular attire instead of what she was wearing when she entered the pod. She then walked a few feet in front of her and saw that she was now overlooking the ocean which meant that she was on an island of sorts. "Well it's a pleasant view, but I don't see any thing that can help me to figure out where I am." Suddenly, Rarity's duel disk gave her a message as it told her of her location. Rarity began reading the name of the place, "Duel... Academy."

"Battle Simulation online. Scanning. Scan complete, subject stable. Welcome Miss Sunset Shimmer." said the A.I.

Sunset now opened her eyes and she immediately saw people walking around her. Compared to Rarity, Sunset was actually found herself waking up in a city. It took her a moment to register what was happening, but eventually some people started to bump into her as they were busy. Sunset had manage to get out of the way as she was now standing in front of a giant clock lamp post that was next to a giant water fountain. "Okay, it seems to be working." said Sunset as she touched the water fountain and to her surprise she could actually feel the touch of the water. "This is a bit trippy, but where am I?" At that moment, her duel disk gave her a message and it told her location. "Someplace called Domino City? Weird name." Sunset knew that her objective was to battle the A.I. opponent, but she didn't even know who she was suppose to duel. So she did the next best thing and started to walk around the place hoping to find some answer. Safe to say that she was amazed with how realistic the computer had made the setting that it almost felt like this was a real place. As she was walking, she heard someone talking out loud.

"Anybody else want to take me on!" shouted a person that sounded like he had a Brooklyn accent.

Sunset followed the source of the voice and saw that it belonged to a boy that looked to be slightly older than her. His appearance consisted of dark blond hair in a sporadic hairstyle and dark brown eyes. He had a blue denim jacket with a raised collar, a white t-shirt underneath and blue jeans. The most striking thing was that this individual was wearing a duel disk, but it looked to be an old school one.

"Man, I was really looking forward to kicking some butt today." said the boy as he sat down on a bench. "If only there was someone who would duel me."

"Excuse me?" said Sunset as she was now standing in front of the boy as he lifted his head up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, miss." said the boy as he gave her a thumbs up. "Hey come to think of it, I don't believe I've seen you before. You new in town?"

"Yeah, my name is Sunset Shimmer." Sunset stuck her hand out for the boy to shake. "What's your name?"

"Name's... Joey Wheeler. Only the best duelist around these parts." said Joey as he put his game face on. "So what's a little girl like you doing round here? It can be dangerous, if you're not from here."

"I can take care of myself," said Sunset as she flipped her hair, "When it comes to wielding a duel disk, I know how to throw down."

Joey then looked at her arm and indeed saw that Sunset was a duelist. "You're a duelist, this just happens to be my lucky day. So you ready?" said Joey as he took a position.

"What do you mean?" asked Sunset.

"Isn't it obvious? You're a duelist and so am I, so it's only natural that we both face each other. Besides I want to see what you can do, I can tell you're a formidable opponent. So let's throwdown." Joey then activated his duel disk as it combined together.

Sunset didn't answer right away as she didn't know what to say; she needed to find the person she was suppose to battle. Still she didn't have any idea where to start, so she figured this may be a way for her to draw the attention of her A.I opponent. "Alright, your on!" said Sunset as she activated her duel disk and projected a red card tray.

"Fancy duel disk, now I know you really are the real deal." said Joey.

Just as Sunset was about to say something, the computer popped a message. "Subject identified. #56SB9 ready to battle."

"What, he's the opponent I'm suppose to battle?" said Sunset.

Outside the entire group saw Sunset's profile pop up as it signaled that she had made contact. Mr. Keoni had a smile on his face as he checked the systems and everything was running smoothly, "Seems Sunset is about to start her duel." Mr. Keoni as he pressed a button and on another screen came her avatar as it displayed a computerized dueling field as it showed her duel, however the image of her opponent just remained blank as it only displayed its numbers.

Meanwhile, Rarity was currently walking around the island in hopes of finding someone to help her. If she wanted to leave then she needed to battle the person she was assigned to face. Eventually she became tired as her feet were starting to hurt from walking so much. "Darling, this is dreadful. My feet are killing me, I'll never find the person I'm suppose to duel." Rarity then sat on a rock as she began to rest, it wasn't long till she heard a voice.

"Well, howdy little miss." said a voice with a Southern American accent.

"My word, that sounds familiar." said Rarity as she turned around to see who was addressing her. "Is that you Apple..." Rarity didn't finish her sentence as the person who addressed her wasn't her friend.

In fact, he seemed to be around her age. The thing that really got her attention was the outfit the young boy was wearing. His outfit consisted of a blue above-waist-length jacket with dark blue outlines, a lavender shirt filled cuffs at the wrists of his sleeves, and black pants which are held up with a white belt. His teal hair jutted in backward and down directions.

"Reckon you lost, little lady?" said the boy.

"Oh, pardon me, darling. But I do seem to be a tad bit lost. I woke up and I don't even know where I am." said Rarity.

"Well why didn't you say so, you're at Duel Academy. By the way, my name's... Jesse Anderson. What's your name, miss?"

"My name is Rarity." Rarity gave a bow. "And currently, I'm looking for someone."

"Really, who?" asked Jesse.

"I'm not quite sure, all I know is that I'm suppose to duel them." Said Rarity as she looked out to the sea.

"So you're a duelist, well so am I. Say what do you say we battle each other?" suggested Jesse.

"What?" said Rarity.

"I can tell you're special and I want to see what you can do. In case you haven't noticed, I'm always up for a duel. Kind like a friend of mine." said Jesse. "Besides, I'll take it easy on you." Soon a monster spirit appeared on Jesse's shoulder as it talked to him. "It's alright, Ruby. Everything will be fine." Jesse then activated his duel disk.

Rarity saw this and she was surprised. Seems this boy can also see monster spirits, just like Isaac. This should be interesting. "Very well then, I accept." Rarity turned her duel disk on as it projected an indigo card tray.

"Never seen a duel disk like that. Must be a fancy one." said Jesse.

"Subject identified. #18AH3 ready to battle." said the computer.

"I guess I found my opponent after all." said Rarity as she was preparing herself.

Outside the group now saw Rarity's profile come up as it projected on another screen for all to see. It was just like Sunset as it showed her avatar and showed as it displayed a computerized dueling field as it showed her duel, however the image of her opponent just remained blank as it only displayed its numbers just like Sunset. "Seems Ms. Rarity has also made contact with her opponent. This should be exciting seeing as both duels will be happening at the same time." said Mr. Keoni. Everybody now were getting ready as they were hyped to see what was about to go down.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the computer.

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Joey Wheeler's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Joey

"Guess I'm going first," Joey drew his card and began to make his move. "To start, I'll summon my Gearfried the Iron Knight in attack mode. Then I'll place one card facedown." Joey now had a monster on his field as it looked a lot like a monster that Sunset was used to facing. "I'll just end my turn. Figure I start out easy."

Turn 2: Sunset

"I'd advise you not to take me lightly." Sunset drew her card and looked through her hand. "Guess, I'll start out with a similar move. I play my Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight also in attack mode." Sunset now played a similar monster that matched her opponent's creature. "Then I'll also play one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Joey

"Got to say, really admire your move so far," Joey then drew his card, "Now then, let me show you how a real duelist does it. I play Rocket Warrior in attack mode. Now Rocket Warrior, enter invincible mode!" Rocket Warrior then transformed as it closed in its arms and legs until it became the shape of a rocket and then fired at Sunset's monster. "Now only does my monster not get destroyed and I take no battle damage with him, but I just got rid of 500 points from your monster's attack. Now Gearfried attack Sunset's Gearfried!" With that Sunset was now down a monster and was left defenseless.
Sunset's Life Points: 7500-

"Damn, this guy is good." said Sunset.

"I'll end my turn with a facedown. So what you think? Impressed?" said Joey.

Turn 4: Sunset

"In fact, I am." said Sunset as she drew her card. "Time to show you what I got, I play the ritual spell card Dark Dragon Ritual. So now I'll discard my Battle Ox, to Ritual Summon my Paladin of Dark Dragon!" Out on Sunset's field came a dragon and a rider that was covered in dark armor as it wielded a lance.

"That card seems familiar. But where have I seen it before?" said Joey as he thought long and hard about Sunset's card.

"Maybe this will jog your memory, Paladin of Dark Dragon attack Gearfried the Iron Knight!" Sunset gave her monster its command and it took flight as it was getting ready to destroy Gearfried.

"I don't think so, reveal trap card. Kunai with Chain. Now your monster is switched into defense mode and my Gearfried is now gains 500 more attack points which makes it now stronger than your paladin." stated Joey.

"No way!" shouted Sunset as she was stunned by what just happened. She thought she was safe, but in the end her opponent just turned things around on her. "I'll just end my turn." said Sunset as she was now worried. She had a bead of sweat rolling down her side as she was having trouble facing this guy.

Turn 5: Joey

"Back to me, draw." Joey had a smile on his face as he looked at his card, "Alright, now I'll have Gearfried attack your monster and then Rocket Warrior will attack your life points." Gearfried then rushed forward as he used his metal arm to take out Sunset's monster and then Rocket Warrior brought its sword down on Sunset who managed to cover up.
Sunset's Life Points: 6000-

"Now I'll sacrifice my two monsters to summon out this bad boy. Make way for Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" shouted Joey. Soon out came his favorite dragon as it let our a powerful roar as it looked at Sunset and gave an intimating growl.

"What did he say? Red-Eyes B. Dragon?" Sunset was now stunned that her opponent was using the same card as she was. The same card that her deck revolved around; it legit brought a state of shock and awe to her.

"Well, you feeling the heat yet. HA. Now then, I'll just set one more card facedown and end my turn." said Joey.

Turn 6: Sunset

Sunset was now breathing hard as she wasn't expecting this. She'd been in duels before, but this was a whole another experience. Everytime she thought she had an opening, this guy found a way to shut her down. Not to mention that he had insanely good luck when it came to getting the right cards to play. Sunset took a moment to catch her breath as she put her hand on her deck. She knew that in a duel when it mattered the most, it comes down to skill and Sunset had plenty of that to mount a comeback. "Time for me to turn things around, draw. Now I'll play the Black Stone of Legend from my hand." Out came a small egg as it was red and embedded in black stone.

"Now I'll activate my Black Stone of Legend's effect and with it, I'll can tribute it to summon out mydragon. Appear, Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" Sunset held her card up high as it flashed in blinding light and then a creature appeared from the heavens as it descended on the field and let out a roar. Both dragons looked at each other and gave death glares.

The one person who was surprised was Sunset's opponent. "Red-Eyes? So... you got one too, huh?" asked Joey. Sunset didn't say much other than a simple nod. "Hey it's cool meeting a fellow Red-Eyes user, it just means I was right about you. You're someone special, so show me."

"Alright then, from my hand I'll play spell Cards of the Red Stone. So I'll send a level 7 'Red-Eye' monster from my hand and one from my deck to the graveyard. In exchange, I get to draw two cards." Sunset then selected the cards she wanted to get rid of and drew her cards. "Now then I'll place one card facedown. Now Red-Eyes attack his dragon!" Sunset's Red-Eyes took flight as it launched a fireball at Joey's dragon.

"Why do that? Both our monsters are the same, so they'll both be gone." said Joey as his dragon fired back with its own fireball as both dragons took each other out.

"Then it's a good thing, I have this. I'll reveal my Red-Eyes Spirit and with I can bring back my Red-Eyes B. Dragon from the grave." Sunset now had her dragon back as it let out a powerful roar. "Now since I special summoned my Red-Eyes during the middle of the battle, he can still attack even though he just did. So now Red-Eyes attack one more, Inferno Fire Blast!!" shouted Sunset as Red-Eyes opened its mouth and it actually managed to land a hit on Joey who put his arms up.
Joey's Life Points: 5600-

"But I'm not done, next I'll reveal my Dragon's Curse trap card. So now, since you took damage this card allows makes you lose life points equal to a dragon on my field like my Red-Eyes." said Sunset. Another massive amount of damage was sent Joey's way as it dropped him to a knee; Sunset was now sweating hard as she let out a sigh of relief. For a second she was proud of herself as she had actually managed to do some significant damage and was close to winning. "I'll then set a card and end my turn."
Joey's Life Points: 3200-

Turn 7: Joey

After Sunset had declared her turn was over, Joey then rose to his feet as he had a smile on his face. "That's what I'm talking about; you were able to think of a creative way and now you're in the lead. Be proud of yourself." said Joey as he gave Sunset a thumbs up.

"You know, for some strange reason, hearing that come from you actually has meaning behind it. Almost like an acknowledgement of sorts." said Sunset as she now had a smile forming on her face.

"But don't get too happy. I plan to win this duel and it starts with this." Joey drew his card and put his plan into motion. "First I'll activate my facedown card, Question. Now you gotta guess which monster card is at the bottom of my graveyard, guess right and it's removed from play. Guess wrong, and I get to special summon it. So what's your answer, Sunset?" asked Joey.

"It's... it's..." For a second, Sunset didn't know. She'd been so busy with just trying to figure out a to deal damage to Joey and surviving his attacks that she didn't focus much on his monsters. So she didn't have a right answer.

"Time's up. Ahh, sorry. Silence isn't the answer. The correct guess was my Rocket Warrior." Joey now had one of his trusted monsters as it appeared on the field. "Next I'll play Pot of Greed and now I draw two more cards. Alright, just what I needed. Now I'll reveal my facedown, Graverobber. Now, I can take one card from your grave and I choose your Red-Eyes Spirit. So now my Red-Eyes B. Dragon is back."

"What are you planning?" said Sunset.

"I'll show you, now I'll play the spell Monster Reborn and bring back my Gearfried. I'll then sacrifice my Gearfried to summon Jinzo(2400/1500)!" Out came a cyborg looking monster as it had a brain showing itself. "Now that Jinzo is here, he can nullify your trap cards, so say bye-bye to your facedowns." Jinzo then shot a powerful beam from its eyes at it got rid of Sunset's entire backrow, now she had no facedowns. "Then I'll have my Rocket Warrior enter invincible mode and lower your monster's attack by 500. Next I'll play this little card, The Claw of Hermos! Now I'll combine it my Rocket Warrior to form Rocket Hermos Cannon(1500/1300)! Then I'll equip it onto my Red-Eyes so that it can attack a second time." stated Joey.

"It's not over yet, even after your dragon attacks, as well as your Jinzo; I'll still have some life points left." exclaimed Sunset.

"I admire your spirit, Sunset. You really are an incredible duelist; I had a lot of fun today. But this duel is over, I'll play the spell Dragon's Gunfire. So now I deal you 800 points of damage."
Sunset's Life Points: 5200-

"Now Jinzo attack her Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Jinzo then fired a powerful attack as Sunset's monster was gone and she now had nothing to defend herself.
Sunset's Life Points: 4700-

Now Joey had a his ace creature ready to strike down Sunset. "Now Red-Eyes attack Sunset directly! End this duel!" Red-Eyes then powered up as it fired off a powerful fireball as it headed toward Sunset's direction and it took her out as she was flung back.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Joey

"System offline. Shutting down." said the computer.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the computer.

Jesse's Life Points: 8000-

Rarity's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Rarity

"Go ahead and take the first turn, miss." said Jesse.

"What a gentleman." said Rarity as she drew her card. "To start I'll play my Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise in defense mode. Next I'll play the spell card, Crystal Bond. So I'll add my Amber Mammoth to my hand and then I'll place Cobalt Eagle in spell/trap zone." Rarity now had her tortoise out as she added a card to her hand and placed a crystal beast in her backrow. "That's all this turn. Your move, darling."

Turn 2: Jesse

"Well, looking here. A fellow Crystal Beast duelist. Real honor to met ya." Jesse then drew his card. "Now then, I'll play my Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger in attack mode." Out came a white tiger as it had stripes and it had a horn on top of its head.

Once Rarity saw what her opponent played, she immediately did a double take and looked at Jesse's monster. She then looked at her hand and sure enough, it was the same one as her. "How can this be? I thought I was the only one who had a Crystal Beast deck." said Rarity.

"Don't know what y'all talking about miss? But I'm far from done with my move, watch. I play my spell card, Golden Rule. So now I'll attach it to my Topaz Tiger, in addition, I can place 2 level 3 or lower 'Crystal Beast' from deck into my spell and trap zone. Then I can also special summon another 'Crystal Beast' from my hand. So I'll place Amethyst Cat and my Emerald Tortoise in my spell/trap zone. And from my hand, I think I'll summon my Ruby Carbuncle." Ruby then appeared next to Topaz Tiger as more gems were placed in Jesse's backrow. "Now Ruby's effect activates, so now I release my other Crystal Beast. So come on, pals." Just like that Ruby was able to set free both Emerald and Amethyst appeared.

"Now then time for my monster to pounce, Topaz Tiger you're up buddy. By the way, Topaz gains 400 attack during battle." stated Jesse.

"A lot good that will do, my Emerald Tortoise has 2000 defense points, so it'll end in a draw." said Rarity as she had her hand on her hip.

"That's why I got this nifty baby, it's my M Force spell card. And with I'll give my Topaz Tiger 500 more extra attack points and it gives the ability to deal piercing damage until the end of the turn." said Jesse.

"Oh no!" said Rarity as she went big-eyed.

"Now Topaz take out her monster." Topaz Tiger then jumped up high as it shattered Rarity's Emerald Tortoise into a million pieces as it appeared in her backrow. "Now my other monsters can attack you directly, sorry miss." With that the rest of Jesse's monsters all attack Rarity directly as she put her arms up and it dropped her to her knees.
Rarity's Life Points: 5200-

"Now my Emerald Tortoise's effect activates, so I'll switch him into defense mode. I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Rarity

Rarity was now breathing hard after that last attack. My word, this boy is really good. It seems he's a master at his deck/cards. In all my time playing my Crystal Beasts, I've never once done a move as dominant as that. Not to mention he's got some cards that I don't have in my deck; seems this is going to be harder than I thought. "My turn, draw. I play my Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus in attack mode. Now my Pegasus' ability allows me to place another 'Crystal Beast' in my spell/trap zone. So I choose my Ruby Carbuncle." Rarity then placed her cards in her backrow.

"Now time to let my friends out, so I play my Crystal Promise and with it I'll release my Ruby Carbuncle. Now that my Ruby was special summoned, I can release all my other monsters." Just like that all the gems in Rarity's backrow cracked open and out came her Cobalt Eagle and Emerald Tortoise. "Time for me to take strike back, so I'll equip my Sapphire Pegasus with Crystal Release to give him 800 more attack points. Now my creatures take out his monsters!' commanded Rarity. Rarity's monsters then charged forward as Jesse's Topaz Tiger was taken out by Rarity's Pegasus, as well as his Ruby was taken out by Rarity's tortoise and his Amethyst Cat by her eagle. "Now due to my tortoise's effect, I'll switch him to defense mode."
Jesse's Life Points: 6300-

"As you know, when my Crystal Beasts are destroyed. I can put them in my spell and trap zone." said Jesse as his creatures turned into jewels. "Got to say miss, not bad with how you handle your Crystal Beasts. I mighty impressed comin' from a fellow duelist."

For some reason, Rarity had a smile on her face. It seemed that compliment from her opponent actually had so much more meaning behind it, almost like she was receiving some praise. It sounded like she was gaining Jesse's personal respect for choosing to play a deck that he also had. "You know, that actually means a lot hearing that from you. For some weird reason, almost like it's a seal of approval." said Rarity. "Now that my field is full, I'll end my turn."

Turn 4: Jesse

"Time for me to step up, so here goes." Jesse drew his card and started to put his plan into motion. "To start, I'll activate my facedown. It's my Rare Value card and let's say that it gives me more bling for my buck. Now little miss, you choose which one of my beast you want to get rid of and I draw two cards." stated Jesse.

"Very well, I'll get rid of that Ruby Carbuncle. I know how powerful it can be." stated Rarity as she was showing off her knowledge of her deck.

"Smart move, miss." said Jesse as he drew his cards. "But I got ways of playing my Crystal Beasts without using Ruby. I'll now play my E Force spell card, so now I'll release my Topaz Tiger from my spell/trap zone and summon it back to the field." The yellow gem cracked open as Jesse's tiger was back into play. "It don't stop there, I now play my Sapphire Pegasus. Now I'll place another one of my pals in my spell and trap zone. I choose my Cobalt Eagle." Now there was another gem that manifested next to his first one in his backrow. "So now I'll have my Topaz Tiger take out your Ruby Carbuncle. And my Sapphire Pegasus will take your Emerald Tortoise."
Rarity's Life Points: 3500-

"Now both of my monsters are placed in my spell/trap zone." said Rarity. She then grabbed her monster cards and placed them in her backrow

"With that, I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Rarity

"I may be down life points, but I'm not out of this duel just yet." Rarity put her hand over her deck and drew her card. "Now then, I too will play my Rare Value card. So now you choose which one of my Crystal Beasts to send to the grave and I draw two cards."

"Guess, I'll pick same thing. I choose to send your Ruby to the grave." stated Jesse.

Rarity then picked up her Ruby Carbuncle card and sent it to the grave as she picked up two more cards. "Now then, I'll play my Amber Mammoth to the field. Now time to take your downs, my Mammoth will take out your Tiger and my Pegasus will clash with yours." With that Rarity's beast then charged forward as had their sights set on their target.

"I activate my facedown card, my G Force trap card. So now I'm giving your Amber Mammoth a new target to strike, so now it'll clash with my Amber Mammoth in my hand." With that both monsters clashed with each other as they both exploded into bits of gem dust as they both appeared in their respective backrow.

"That may be, but my Sapphire Pegasus will take out your Topaz Tiger!" shouted Rarity.

"That's why I had this ready, reveal my last facedown card, Rainbow Gravity!" Soon all 7 Crystal Beasts of Jesse's appeared as their images appeared before they turned into pillars of light as they created a rainbow. "Now since I have 7 Crystal Beasts with different names on my field, I can special summon my Rainbow Dragon!'" Out came Jesse's ultimate monster as it shined the brightest, even Rarity took in the beauty of the creature. Just something about seeing it next to Jesse and all of his monsters, it all just felt right for some reason. "Now the other effect of my Rainbow Gravity activates which means all your other monsters are now forced to attack my Rainbow Dragon. "

"Oh no!" shouted Rarity as she just realized what was happening. All of her monsters then glared at the mighty beast and then launched themselves at it; there was nothing she could do she didn't have any facedowns so there was no way she could stop the attack. There was nothing to stop her from losing this duel.

"You know, you're alright in my book miss. I'm glad to know that someone else is using a Crystal Beast deck. Kind of makes me proud to see that, like passing a torch on in a way. Now Rainbow Dragon, finish this duel off and wipe out her remaining life points! Rainbow Refraction!" shouted Jesse. Rainbow Dragon then opened its mouth as it felt the power of its comrades and then it unleashed a powerful beam of energy as it took out Rarity's entire field and she was flung onto her back as her life points dropped to zero.
Rarity's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Jesse

"System offline. Shutting down." said the computer.

Both Rarity and Sunset both awoke as their duel simulation ended as their helmet popped off. Soon they both got up from their pods as they stumbled a bit upon exiting. The rest of their friends rushed to their side to see if they were okay.

"How you feeling y'all?" said Applejack.

"Okay, I guess." said Sunset as she had her hand on her forehead.

"My word, darling. That was wild trip." said Rarity as she was getting her mind back into focus. "But I'll say that simulation actually was kind of fun. I had a pretty good time with my duel."

"Same here, it was just felt so... meaningful in a way." said Sunset as she got back to her feet.

"Seems like the simulations were a success." said Mr. Keoni from the computer terminal as she was next to Celestia and Luna. "The system recorded each of your duels and is using it for future references; I'll admit that was miles better than what we ran during testing."

"But what about Twilight and Isaac?" said Fluttershy.

"They're fine, they still asleep as they're minds are now getting implemented into the system." True to Mr. Keoni's words, at that very moment, Twilight's picture came up as her mini avatar came into focus as it projected her duel for everybody to see. "You girls might want to get back in your seats, your friend Twilight is about to start her duel." With that all the girls then got back to their seats as they watch the computerized duel field appeared as Twilight was taking on her opponent.

After a while, the duel ended as Twilight was defeated against her opponent. Soon her pod started to shut down as she started to awake and her helmet lifted up as she stood up before stumbling for a few seconds. The girls called out to her to see if she was right to which she nodded her head. She then looked back at the last pod and saw that Isaac was still in his.

"Isaac, still hasn't returned?" asked Twilight.

"Afraid not, but don't worry. Once his duel ends, he'll be immediately transferred back here." said Mr. Keoni as he pushed a couple more buttons to save the data from Twilight's duel into the system. "Now come on and join us Twilight, I promise your boyfriend will be alright." Twilight was hesitant but she knew that Isaac could handle himself, so she then joined up with the rest of her friends as they just watched Isaac's mini avatar just walking across the screen.

"Battle Simulation online. Scanning. Scan complete, subject stable. Welcome Isaac." said the A.I.

Isaac opened his eyes and he was currently walking through a dark corridor as she came to then end of it as it there was a bright white light. Soon it died down as Isaac could make out where he was. He was now back into his signature attire as he was wearing his cap, necklace, and his watch that he got from his friends. "Seems I'm in some sort of cathedral." said Isaac. He then looked around to see if anybody else was around and to his knowledge there was nobody. "Guess I better start looking for my challenger." With that Isaac began making his way around the place searching for where his opponent might be. He searched every part of the cathedral, from the bell tower to the different rooms to even the front and back entrance of the building. It was getting tedious as well as exhausting, due to the many flights of stairs Isaac had to climb up and down. Soon he was now getting on the main floor as he was leaning against a pillar.

"This is a bust, if I can't find who I'm suppose to face then I can't get out of this simulation." said Isaac as he leaned against the pillar. He then noticed something out of the corner of his eye; there standing in the middle of the room facing the windows of the cathedral was a tall man.

The man was wearing a long white sleeveless designed coat featuring shoulder pads and a raised studded collar, with black sleeves from his shirt coming out from under. He has extra belts in pairs strapped around his upper arms and shins. The man also had a duel disk on his arm, but the thing that really caught Isaac's attention was the letters, "K.C", that were imbedded on his coat.

"Where is he? I've been waiting for him." said the man as he had his arms folded across his chest. "Nothing will stop me from claiming my title as the number 1 duelist in the world. No one!" stated the man.

"Pardon me." said Isaac.

The man then turned around and saw Isaac was now standing there facing him. "What does a kid like you want? Can't you see I'm busy; I'm currently waiting for someone. So get out of my sight! I have no time to waste with little kids." shouted the man.

"Gees, all I wanted to do was just talk. Look I'm looking for someone and it seems you are too, so maybe we can help each other. I'm Isaac." suggested Isaac.

"Didn't you hear me, get out of my sight! I don't have time to spend with a nobody like you. I'm waiting for someone! Why don't you go find another third-rate duelist who can you can actually beat." shouted the man with a grin on his face.

"A third-rate duelist? I'll have you know that I'm anything but that, and I'll prove it to you." Isaac then showed his duel disk and activated as it projected a gold card tray. "If you think I'm a pushover, then you should have no problem defeating me in a duel."

The man just had a smug smile on his face. "A duel, with you? Don't make me laugh." chuckled the man. "I don't have time to play with rookies, but if you're insist then I'm willing to make an exception. This shouldn't take long and once I'm done with you, I'll then take down who I'm really waiting for." stated the man as he activated his duel disk. "Time to teach you a lesson in respect, kid. You made a grave mistake challenging me!"

Outside Isaac's screen now popped up as his avatar was now engaged in a duel and up popped a computerized duel field and his avatar. Like the others, his opponent only displayed the numbers. "Well now, looks like Isaac has finally made contact with his opponent. This should be interesting." said Mr. Keoni.

"Why's that?" asked Pinkie.

"Cause, Isaac is taking on one of our strongest CPUs." stated Mr. Keoni.

"What!?!" shouted Twilight. "You mean to tell me that you put my boyfriend against the toughest CPU. What were you thinking, Isaac's good but I doubt he could handle that kind of challenge." said Twilight as she was now having a freak-out about Isaac's safety.

"Calm down, Ms. Sparkle. I didn't select the challenger for him, the computer did. See while you were scanning, the computer was actually determining your opponents based on your skill sets and what deck you used. It just took your info and matched it with someone of a similar skill cap, the fact that Isaac is paired up against this opponent shows that his skills are on par. Besides, he's only facing the second strongest CPU; there's one other opponent that we've implemented in the system. He'll be fine, Miss Sparkle. Isaac is a tough individual and you'll see him soon enough." assured Mr. Keoni.

"I sure hope your right." said Twilight. Just be careful, Isaac.

Back in the battle simulation, Isaac and the mysterious man were just about to get it on as they both waited for each other to get ready. Isaac was not backing down as he was staring down the man who had a grin on his face.

"Before we begin, mind telling me who you are, stranger?" asked Isaac.

"If you must known, I'm known as the world's greatest duelist. I'm the owner of KaibaCorp, none other than Seto Kaiba!" exclaimed the man.

"Very well then, Kaiba. Prepare yourself because it's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the computer.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Kaiba's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Kaiba

"I'll go first, I draw!" said Kaiba as he drew his card. "I warned you to prepare for battle kid, but there's no preparing for this! I play Polymerization! I Fusion Summon, behold Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon(4500/3800)!" Out came a monster that had three head as a huge dragon came out and let out an intimidating glare at Isaac. "Your turn, kid. Not that you'll survive that long, this duel will be over faster than I expected." said Kaiba as he placed a single card facedown.

Turn 2: Isaac

"Fine then, Kaiba. I draw!" said Isaac as he drew his card and looked at his options. "Time to show you that I'm no third-rate duelist, first I activate the spell card Dark Magic Veil then by using my life points I can summon my most ardent ally, Dark Magician!" Just like that Isaac was able to call forth his most powerful companion as he took his position in front of its master.
Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

The moment Isaac summoned his Dark Magician. Kaiba had eyes widen for just a minute, there was only one other person he was knew that possessed that same card and it was the person he was waiting for. Still he quickly put that out of his mind, "Nice trick, kid. But know that you're just a phony for copying someone else's monsters. Why I bet you don't even know how to use it? Like I told you, you're nothing but a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck!!!" said Kaiba with a smug smile on his face.

"Then maybe this will change your mind." said Isaac. "Next, I'll play a Thousand Knives and give your Ultimate Dragon an ultimate shredding! How's this for a nobody!?" shouted Isaac as tiny little daggers appeared next to his Dark Magician. Then they all had their target in sights as they launched at Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

"I don't think so, I play my trap, Dark Sacrifice! This gives your knives a new monster to mince." said Kaiba as he sent the Saggi the Dark Clown from his deck to the graveyard to negate the effect of Isaac's spell card.

"Huh, not bad, Kaiba. I'll just end my turn with two facedowns."

Turn 3: Kaiba

"Got that right, kid." said Kaiba as he drew his card. "Since you failed to destroy Neo Blue-Eyes it can attack and Dark Magician will be its first victim!" Neo Blue-Eyes then had its middle head opened its mouth and shot a powerful beam towards Isaac's field as it made contact with him and his Dark Magician as it resulted in smoke to appeared. "You have no monsters to protect you kid, you're through. I told you weren't good enough to defeat me!" said Kaiba with a smug smile on his face while the other two heads of his dragon looked to end Isaac.

"Wrong!" shouted Isaac.

"Huh?" expressed Kaiba.

Soon from Isaac's field came chains that started to wrap tightly around Neo Blue-Eyes as it binded him together. Soon the smoke cleared and standing there was Isaac as well as his Dark Magician who was perfectly fine. But like Neo-Blue Eyes, he too was wrapped in chains as it restricted him from moving.

"I activated my trap, Time Chain! Not only does my Dark Magician survive your attack, but both he and your dragon are locked out of this duel for 2 turns. However, I still take the damage from the difference in their attack points." Isaac then let out a breath as he managed to hang on against a very tough and powerful opponent. "Expecting me to still be a third-rate duelist?" said Isaac with a smug look on his face.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

Kaiba was a bit ticked off that Isaac had managed to survive. "Ugh, you're just prolonging the inevitable, I will beat you!" With that he placed a single card facedown and ended his turn.

Turn 4: Isaac

Isaac just chuckled at how he had managed to get under Kaiba's skin. "My turn, I draw. From my hand, I summon Celtic Guard of Noble Arms(2100/700) and Celtic Guardian(1400/1200)." Isaac now had two mighty swordsman that were ready to strike. "Since your dragon is still out of play, that means you have no monsters to defend yourself from a direct attack from my two monsters. Now my monsters to battle!" shouted Isaac. "Normally, my Celtic Guard of Noble Arms can't attack unless I'm not holding any cards in my hand. And it just so happens I do, now my monsters, attack Kaiba directly!!" Isaac's two monsters then joined forces as they manage to land a hit on Kaiba as it actually caused him to be pushed back as he dug in his heels to keep him from being flung on his back. He was now on one knee as he looked back at Isaac. "Now the addition effect of my Celtic Guard of Noble Arms activates, which allows me to draw two more cards since I dealt you damage." Isaac then picked up his two cards and ended his turn.
Kaiba's Life Points: 4500-

Turn 5: Kaiba

Kaiba was now getting up as he was now angry. It was rather insulting that the person who he called third-rate had actually manage to land a hit on him and even more importantly bring him down to nearly half of his original total. It sickened him to his stomach that he would allow such a thing to happen and he was going to make sure that it didn't occur ever again.

"Just because you got lucky shot in kid, doesn't change anything. I meant what I said, you're nothing but a third-rate duelist. And I'm going to end you." said Kaiba as he drew his card. "Since I control no monsters, I can special summon this card from my hand. Appear Kaiser Vorse Raider(1900/1200). Now attack his Celtic Guardian!" Kaiser Vorse Raider then rushed over to Isaac's field where it clashed with his Celtic Guardian and took it down with a downward slash as it broke his sword.
Isaac's Life Points: 4500-

"Now that Kaiser Vorse Raider destroyed a monster in battle, it gains 500 more attack points." With that Kaiba then placed one card facedown as he ended his turn. You may think you're a worthy adversary kid, but you're not. And I'm going to prove it.

Turn 6: Isaac

"My turn," said Isaac as he drew his card. "Two turns have passed Kaiba that means Dark Magician is released from the ties that bind him, but there's more I play Magical Dimension. Celtic Guard of Noble Arms lend me your strength and let me use that strength for Dark Magician Girl, and with her arrival comes with your monster's departure." Magical Dimension then fired a powerful beam as it took out Kaiser Vorse Raider and left Kaiba completely defenseless. This is it, he's got no monsters left to protect. One attack from my magicians and it's over. "Now go my magicians, Double Dark Magic Attack!" Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl then lifted and powered up their wands as they prepared to deliver the final blow to Kaiba's remaining life points.

"Don't you dare! Unless you want to fall prey to my Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" said Kaiba. "I activate my facedown Induced Explosion, since a card of mine was destroyed by a spell effect, I can target one card on the field and destroy it. I chose your Time Chain, so now my dragon is free!" True to his word, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon broke free from the chains as it now stood in the way of Isaac's magicians. "That's right call off your attack!"

"Very well then, I'll call off my assault." said Isaac as he had his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl lower their wands and then returned to his side of the field as Isaac just ended his turn.

Turn 7: Kaiba

"Huh, I told you could never stand up to my power. And with this power, I will crush you!" said Kaiba as he drew his card. "Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, prepare to end this duel!" Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon then had all three of its heads open their jaws and were beginning to launch their attack at Isaac.

Isaac just had a smile on his face, "I beg to differ." Isaac's response now had Kaiba shocked at how defiant the kid was still being. "Let me show you, go Dimension Reflector. By banishing my two magicians this trap transforms into a mirror monster with the same attack points as your Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, but here's the best part you then take damage equal to those same attack points!" said Isaac as his two monsters joined their wands and were now inside of a giant mirror as it absorbed the stats of Kaiba's dragon and then prepared to hit him for some serious damage and declare Isaac the winner.

"You set me up?" said Kaiba in disbelief. In all his years, he had not once seen someone like Isaac pull such complex and surprising moves. In fact, there was only one person who could do what Isaac was doing and that person happened to be none other than his rival. For the first time in his life, Kaiba was generally caught offguard as it appeared a 'third-rate' duelist was about to beat him.

"It's over, Kaiba." said Isaac as his mirror fired a powerful attack as it was heading straight for his life points. Upon contact the ground broke into a million little pieces as smoke appeared. Isaac had a smile on his face as he managed to actually beat a tough opponent. Or so he thought, "Huh?" said Isaac. Once the smoke cleared, there was Kaiba perfectly fine and more importantly, he still had the same amount of life points which meant the duel still continued.

"I had a feeling you set me up so I had this ready, the trap Enhanced Counter. Too bad kid, the damage you sent my way increases my monsters attack points instead!" said Kaiba with a calm demeanor. Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon felt the powerup as its stats rose to 9000 attack points.

"That means..." said Isaac as he realized what was about to happen.

"Yes that means after all this time I was right in being the named the winner." said Kaiba as he pointed at Isaac. "But I'll give you this kid, you're a good duelist. You're definitely not like everybody else; you know what you're doing and you've proven to be a somewhat of a worthy adversary. So I'll give you a bit of my respect, you're no third-rate duelist. At least not like that Wheeler kid."

Despite what was about to occur, Isaac could help but let a smile show on his face. "You know, hearing you say that means a lot, especially from someone of your caliber. I'm kind of glad that I got to face someone like you, it gives me a sense of comfort on what I need to do to take my game to the next level." And possibly see if I can go the same distance as my idol.

For a split second Kaiba had a smile on his face as he finished paying Isaac a small piece of his respect/praises. "But in the end, I've proven to be the superior duelist! Now, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Attack! Hyper Neutron Blast!!!" With that Kaiba's monster then fired off the final attack as it took out Isaac's monster and the remaining of his life points; Isaac just stood there as he took the attack head on with his eyes closed and a smile on his face.
Isaac's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Kaiba

"System offline. Shutting down." said the computer.

Isaac's pod now opened up as his helmet came off. Isaac then stood up as he stretched. He felt his knees buckle a bit but he quickly straighten himself. "Well that sure was a..." Isaac didn't get to finish his statement as he was suddenly tackled to the floor. He was able to make sure that he didn't hit his head as he looked to what caused him to fall.

"You're back!" shouted Twilight as she had tackled Isaac to the floor and was currently on top of him as she hugged him.

"Yeah, I'm back, why wou..."

Twilight then gave Isaac a deep kiss as she put everything she had into it. Isaac then wrapped his arms around Twilight as they both gave a little moan. She then broke away as she looked at Isaac with tearfully eyes while stroking Isaac's face.
"Don't you ever leave me again like that, Isaac."

Isaac just stroked Twilight's hair. "Don't you worry, Twilight. I never will." Twilight just gave Isaac another kiss as they wrapped their arms around each other as it lasted for a few seconds.

"Are you guys gonna put on a show?" asked Rainbow. "Cause if that happens, I'm leaving!"

Isaac and Twilight both got up from the floor as they dusted themselves off. "So how did it go for you girls?" asked Isaac.

"It's was... eventful." said Sunset.

"I agree, darling." chimed in Rarity.

"What's the final verdict, Mr. Keoni?" said Isaac.

"I say the test simulations were a success. All of you did exceptionally well, despite you all losing. But I dare say Isaac, given that you faced the second hardest CPU in our system. It was a very close match, even we saw the moves you both were making and it had us on the edge of our seats." Mr. Keoni was given Isaac a compliment for doing so well against a tough opponent.

"Thanks, but wait. You said I faced the second hardest A.I; who's the first?" Isaac was really interested in knowing who the computer might have pitted him against.

"Don't worry about it." said Mr. Keoni as he just waved it off. "I want to thank you all for the many new data we got; these results will prove significant when we continue to make improvements."

With that Isaac then began to ask the girls about their experience and they were satisficed with how it turned out. They got to face someone who used a similar card/deck and they learned a couple of new things. Overall, this little activity allowed them to have a great time. Especially for Isaac, as he saw this was a great way for him to see just how much more he needed to learn if he wanted to become a great duelist just like the person he idolized.

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