• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 154: Star Making Moment

Now that Lucky Star had been declared the winner of the tournament, it meant that she was now the one who would be facing Isaac at the Fall Formal for the opportunity to be called champion. And given that it was nearly upon then, safe to say that both individuals were looking to not only putting on a show for everybody but also give each other a fight. Isaac was in his room as he sat up on his bed as he had his cards spread out in front of him. He had his head down in a thinking position as his hands were cusped together as they pressed against his forehead. Ever since Lucky Star had been named the winner, he had been meaning to look at his cards.

"My time is running out." said Isaac as he lifted his head. He then looked at his watch as it was slowly counting down the minutes and seconds of Isaac's life. He could feel each tick it was producing as it reminded him of his life and was ultimately symbolizing that he was starting to wind down. "The question is: do I still have enough to finish what I need to do?"

Soon the door to his room slightly opened as in came something. It let out a sound as Isaac peaked his head over to the side of his bed as he saw it was none other than Tigre. She let out a meow as she soon jumped up on Isaac's bed; she then made her way to her owner's lap making sure not to mess/step on his cards as she snuggled and laid down on his lap.

"Worried about me, girl?" asked Isaac as he began to give her a petting.

"Something like that." said another voice. This time it belonged to Spike who had accompanied his animal pal as he too slowly nudged Isaac's door and entered the room. "Never been in here before." said the tiny mutt as he soon jumped onto Isaac's bed as he now sat across the boy and his cat as he looked at the cards in front of him.

"Welcome." joked Isaac for a second. "Are you two checking up on me for the girls?"

"Nah, we just wanted to see what you were doing." stated Spike as he looked over at Isaac's cards. He then started to reach over to look at them.

"Meow!" said Tigre as she let out a hiss to warn Spike about touching Isaac's cards.

"I won't mess them up." said Spike as he put his paws out. He then looked over at Isaac's two star magicians as they were just there. "So, got your game plan all set?"

"Not really sure yet." responded Isaac as he petted Tigre with his left hand while reached over and grabbed his two star monsters with his right hand as he looked at them. "All I know is that I need to win."

"You've been saying that since the end of the tournament." stated Spike. "Besides, is it really necessary for you to be named the winner of this duel."

"Oh, then I should just lie down and let Lucky Star win, huh?!" said Isaac with a bit of volume in his voice.

"Meow." snickered Tigre as she chuckled.

"Okay, I get your point." stated Spike. "But look, I'm not saying that you should just roll over. I'm just saying that you could you know, make Lucky Star..."

"If she wants to be champion, then she needs to earn it!" shouted Isaac. "Listen Spike, I made an oath to myself when I became champion. I understand that I could lose this title as champ; championships come and go. I've been through a lot since coming to this place and if there comes a time where I am to lose my rank as champion then so be it. But they are going to have to earn it. I've been the workhorse for this school since I first arrived here, long before Principal Celestia and Vice-principal Luna put all their investments in me. But I will not lose this title because someone doesn't like me!" said Isaac as he looked at the fourth wall to address the audience. "And if you don't got it, get it! And if you don't get it, figure it out!!!" yelled Isaac.

"Woah." said Spike as he was taken aback by the fury in Isaac's voice and the passion.

Tigre heard the intensity in her owner as she could feel his presence and the demon that lurked in Isaac. She then began to work her magic as she purred and rubbed herself against Isaac as it was starting to work. Isaac felt the soft fur and the calm purr as it provided a soothing sound. It was enough to get Isaac to relive all the stress that he was building up as he gave his cat a scratch behind her ears. She then stood up from Isaac's lap as she gave him a lick on the nose as he smiled.

"Thanks, girl." said Isaac. He then reached over and petted Isaac on the head. "You too, Spike."

"No problem, bud. Well, we'll leave you be." said the dog as he jumped off of his bed with Tigre soon joining her animal pal as the two left Isaac to himself and his cards.

"Well, better start prepping." said Isaac as he looked at his cards and gathered them together.

It was the end of the school day, as Lucky Star was in a classroom sitting down at a desk. She too had her deck out and had a few cards laid out. Ever since winning the tournament, she was now really focused on getting the opportunity to challenge Isaac. She finally had a chance to compete against Isaac and on the biggest stage for CHS, but more importantly, it served as a way for her to not only see how far she had come but to get her revenge. The sting of defeat by Isaac was still on her mind as she thought back to that moment and how Isaac had beat her with ease. With ease.

(Quick Memory)

"You know what they do to make me feel special, they say 'Let the freaking duel begin'!!" stated Isaac.

"I put this red X on my chest because I know I am the target. So a little piece of advice to whoever wants to come at me next and to everybody reading this right now, remember one thing. They stop manufacturing the cloth that I'm cut from!!" shouted Isaac as he displayed his dominance.

"You need to worry about yourself! See I'm out here playing High-Stakes Poker, you're playing Old Maid!!!" fired Isaac with a response that got everybody to murmur. "There are fundamental differences with the way we think! I think at a different level than you! You're content with being awesome, I'm not!! You want to talk about being champion, well I need to see this story through!!! I need to remain champion!!! Notice the damn difference!!!" shouted Isaac. "Think about it."

(End of Memory)

"Isaac." said Lucky Star as she looked at her cards and then at her hand. "You're special alright, a special pain in the ass. And it's time someone finally had the balls to shut you up."

"Is that right?" said a voice.

Lucky Star turned her attention to the door and saw it was her mentor, Applejack standing there leaning against the frame with her arms crossed.


"Howdy, Lucky." said the farm girl as she made her way towards her student. "Still rarin' to give Isaac a good old fashion smackdown."

"More than you know." responded Lucky Star as she clenched her fist. "It's time someone beat him and I'm finally going to make him pay for what happened in our last duel. Time to collect."

"Then what?" asked Applejack. "Say you win, then what do you do after that?"

"Easy, I... I... I..." Lucky Star's voice was now trailing off as she had to think about the question given to her by her teacher. "I... don't know. All I'm thinking about is taking down Isaac and getting back at him. Sure I win and become champion, but what does that mean?"

"Heh." chuckled Aj lightly. "Sugar, you're focused on takin' down Isaac that you ain't seein' the bigger picture." Applejack then leaned against the teacher's desk as she looked at the girl. "See what Isaac said, wasn't to rile you up. But rather the opposite, he wanted to motivate you. He knows that you want to get revenge for how he beat you last time, but he also knows that you've grown since then. Throughout the whole tournament, the winner was not only goin' to give him a great duel, but it will allow the person who won to see the new kind of skills they've learned."

"How so?"

"Well, like that final duel. You managed to bring out a new monster. That alone is worthy an applause." praised Applejack. "Now Isaac sees what kind of competitor you are, and he knows to take you seriously, cause if he don't, then he'll kiss his title goodbye. Trust me, that city slicker is one tough hombre." said Applejack.

"I see where you're coming from, but I do admit. There's a part of me that's a bit nervous. I feel like once we get started on our duel, then the same thing might happen. Or worse." said Lucky Star.

"That ain't goin' happen. Know why, cause Isaac goin' to make sure that you shine." said Applejack as she bent down on one knee and was at eye level with her student as she placed her hand on Lucky Star's shoulder. "Isaac's job isn't to win, he's to make sure that the spotlight is goin' to be on you. This is yer moment, he's just wonderin' whether or not you're gonna step up. Show everybody why you deserve to share that duel field with him." stated Aj. "You understand what I'm sayin'?"

Lucky Star just nodded at Applejack.

"Good, then let's get to work on yer deck." Applejack then sat next to the girl as she looked at her cards.

"You're helping me? But isn't Isaac your friend." asked Lucky Star.

"Yeah, don't mean I don't wanna see his ass get kicked. Besides, me and the girls enjoy it from time to time, well apart from Twilight." snickered Applejack. With that the two of them then began to work on refining Lucky Star's deck for her upcoming battle against Isaac.

During the days leading up to the event, everybody was still hard at work at school. The girls and their students still carried out their lessons all the while everybody still attended their academics. Eventually, Pinkie and the rest of the party planning committee all had begun on working and decorating the auditorium and the field for the Fall Formal. And she wanted to make it extra special, especially since this would be the last one she would ever get to design before she graduated. So to her, she needed to put her best foot forward and make this a night to remember for all to enjoy. The same thing went for Rarity as she too was under a lot of work as she decided to not only create outfits for them, but for their students. Surprising not all of them were ecstatic for dressing up, but since they wanted to support their fellow student, they figured it couldn't hurt. Rarity had all of them meet afterschool at her boutique as she began to take their measurements and design some outfits that would fit their personality. Eventually she got want she needed as she informed the kids that they would get their outfits soon.

During that time, each of the girls had managed to meet with Lucky Star as they too offered their input about Isaac and how to take him down. They all had gathered in a room as Lucky Star was sitting in front of a paper pad as the rest of the girls were all instructing her.

"So let's go over the facts." said Twilight as she had a laser pointer in her hand as she pointed to the paper. "You have a Harpie's deck, and Isaac relies on his spellcasters, specifically his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl." She then gave a nod as Pinkie flipped over to the next page. "Isaac also has mastered all 4 summoning methods and has cards for each of them."

"Starting with Fusion." said Sunset as she took over the presentation. "He normally uses a spell card called The Eye of Timaeus which allows him to fuse, but it's only restricted to his Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl. But that doesn't stop him as he does have a Polymerization to summon out his other fusion monsters. Dark Paladin, The Dark Magicians, and Quintet Magician are just a few to name." Sunset then told Pinkie to flip over the next page.

"After that, he's has a Synchro monster in the form of Dark Sorcerer Magician. But that's not all." said Rainbow as she took over. "He's also does a bit of ritual summoning, he's got Magician of Black Chaos and Magician of Chaos."

"Next up is Xyz monsters." said Fluttershy as Pinkie flipped the next page over. "He has Ebon Illusion Magician, Ebon High Magician, and lastly, his newly acquired Chaos Mageía."

"Trust me, I felt the wrath of that monster and what it can do firsthand." said Lucky Star as she remembered her duel with Isaac and how he won using the female spellcaster.

"And lastly, is his Pendulum cards." said Rarity as she explained the last bit of info. "Though he's had them for a while, we still don't know what they can fully do. To start off he has his Rune-Eyes Illusionist, followed by his Sleight of Hand Magician, then Black Robe Mentalist, after that is his Sorcerer Swordsman, next is his Mirage Magician and lastly his Black Arts Trickster." Rarity pointed at Isaac's cards as half of them were male and the other half were female. "And by using these pendulum cards, Isaac can be able to set a pendulum scale which allows him to pendulum summon and bring out multiple monsters. And the key with these pendulum cards is if they're are destroyed, unless stated otherwise, they'll go back to Isaac's Extra Deck for him to use and keep recycling them as long as he has a scale to work with."

"That's a lot to take in." said Lucky Star.

"Well, that's Isaac in a nutshell. It's what his deck is made up of. Not to mention that he also has a few mix and matches of other monsters in his deck. But remember he always has..." stated Rarity.

"Kuriboh!!!" shouted all the girls.

"Let me guess, he serves as Isaac's one trump card to save himself." stated Lucky Star.

"Always!!" said the girls collectively.

"He always has the little guy on deck to save his ass." shouted Rainbow Dash. "It's annoying how something that weak manages to be Isaac's second best monster."

"How does he justify it?" asked Lucky Star.

"He calls it the 'Heart of the Cards'." mocked Sunset. "He believes that the deck has a degree of sentience. That the heart of the cards seems to help only righteous duelists fighting for the 'right' causes. They, however, don't need to be strictly 'good' or 'evil'." explained the bacon-haired girl.

"What does that mean?" asked Lucky Star.

"We don't know. That's just want Isaac says as the best way to describe it. And probably everybody else reading this story understands it better." said Sunset.

"Don't worry about it, sugarcube. As long as you get yer head in the game and don't get nervous. You'll be fine against Isaac." said Applejack.

"Besides, big bro has an objective that he needs to execute in the duel. And that's to make you look good." said Pinkie. "Isaac is one of the best duelist you could ever ask to share the field with. If I was given the choice of picking someone to duel against, I would pick him. He's an incredible worker and great story teller. He'll do all he can to make sure that you get to show off your moves and allow you to respond to what he's doing. He's going to take great care of you, you have nothing to worry about; he's going to be there for you every step of the way. Just know that when it really matters, you let go of his hand and you show everybody what you can do."

"Remember the saying: 'It takes two to tango'." said Fluttershy. "Well, the same goes for dueling. You can't have a fantastic and exciting duel if you don't have someone who's got the same energy as you do. Not to mention they need to put in the work. Isaac can only carry you and the duel so far, the rest will be up to you. So all you need to do is show up and give the people a duel they won't forget." smiled the shy girl.

"Alright." nodded Lucky Star. "Thanks, all of you. I know you're his friends and the idea that you're helping me to possibly beat him feels kinda iffy. But I know that our duel will hopefully touch the hearts of everybody watching."

"You'll be fine, darling. Now come on, the Fall Formal is about to be here. Which means you need to rest up; you can't duel if you don't have energy." The girls all agreed as they dismissed Lucky Star as she left the classroom.

"Hope you don't feel too bad, Twi. I know it'll be hard to see your boyfriend be beaten." mocked Rainbow.

"Shut up." scowled Twilight.

The days rolled by as soon it was Friday. But more importantly, it was the weekend, But even more importantly, it was the day of the Fall Formal. Almost everybody was excited as they couldn't wait to see the duel that was scheduled to main event. Principal Celestia and Vice-principal Luna had given everybody the day off as a way to allow them to get ready for the momentous occasion that would take place later in the evening. With that, the girls had arrived at Rarity's boutique so that they could get ready. Rarity had managed to finish the outfits for the students as they all had picked up their outfits in the morning and left to get themselves ready. As for Isaac he was in the house as he was currently on the phone.

"So, nervous?" asked the voice through the phone as Isaac had them on speakerphone.

"A little." responded Isaac.

"Hey, remember to smile."

"I will." chuckled Isaac. "So how are things with you?"

"Oh, the usual. Still going to be busy. In fact, this will be the last time we speak for a while buddy. I'm going to have my hands full. But I will send the things you've requested."

"Thanks man, well take care. Until I hear from you again." said Isaac.

"Stay safe, bud. And be careful." said the voice as the call ended.

"Hope to speak with you soon." said Isaac to himself briefly. "Well, the girls are getting ready at Rarity's place. And I already got my suit from her. Not to mention that I still have sometime before I need to leave." Isaac then looked at a package that was next to him as it was on his doorstep when he entered the house. "Oh, right. The card company sent me my personal order of the new cards being released." Isaac then opened up the box and tore off the package paper as he was welcomed to the sit of multiple card packs.

"Let's see what's coming into the scene." Isaac then began to tear some packs open as he was amazed by some of the cards he had. "Woah, this will really help me with my royal knights. Arcana Triumph Joker, Joker's Knight, Imperial Bower, Joker's Straight, Face Card Fusion, Thunderspeed Summon, Joker's Wild, Court of Cards." said Isaac as he laid out some of the cards in front of him. "I could use these in my deck, thanks Konami. There's your free publicity." said Isaac as he looked at the fourth wall to do a bit of advertising. "Alright enough of that, time to get move on to the next scene." Isaac then snapped his fingers as the transition happened.

The sun was now starting to set as the stars and the moon were starting to slowly rise. Isaac had finally gotten dressed as he snapped on his duel disk and put on his fedora hat to complete his ensemble as he grabbed something and made it out of the house. He arrived at Rarity's boutique as he knocked on the door and was welcomed to Twilight who was already dress in her outfit.

"Hey." smiled Twilight.

"Hey." said Isaac. "You look beautiful. Here." Isaac then presented a flower to Twilight who took it and gave it a sniff.

"Did you bring what I asked?"

"Yup." said Isaac as he handed the object to Twilight. "Though I don't how you're gonna get this into the place?"

"Leave that to me. Come on in, the girls are just set." said Twilight as she opened the door a bit more and allowed her boyfriend to enter.

After a while, it was now time to head over to the school as the Fall Formal was about to get underway. The group had just entered the building all except for Fluttershy and Twilight who were still by the stairs.

"There that should do it." said Twilight.

"Twilight? Fluttershy?" spoke an authority voice. Both girls turned to look at the voice belonged to none other than Vice-principal Luna who had a stern expression on her face with her arms crossed. "What are you two doing? Shouldn't you be inside with the other students? And what's with the backpack you're carrying, Ms. Shy?"

"Uh, well... that is..." stuttered Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy just... forgot something in her locker. And she... needed something to carry it home after the dance. Yeah, that's it." said Twilight nervously as she put on the biggest fake smile possible.

"Is that true?" asked Luna who looked at the buttercup girl.

"Yup." said Fluttershy as she nodded her head silently while trying to avoid Luna's death glare.

"Well, alright. Go on, don't be caught in any trouble." responded Luna.

"We won't." responded Twilight immediately. "Come on, Fluttershy. Let's go to your 'locker'." gestured the nerdy girl with her head as the two of them entered the building with Luna keep an eye on them till they were out of sight.

"I think that worked." said Twilight as she peaked out of a corner of lockers seeing if Luna or anybody of the staff was around.

"You okay?" asked Fluttershy as she opened up her backpack.

"Never better." said Spike as he gave a tiny bark to which the girls had to shush him.

"Remember Spike, try not to cause any trouble. Also don't let anybody see you, especially hear you talk. Unless it one of us." stated Twilight. "Isaac hasn't told the students about our magically encounters as he doesn't think they'll believe us. Aslo because he doesn't want to burden them with it."

"Not to mention they'll be freaked to hear a talking dog." stated Fluttershy.

"You got nothing to worry about. I'll stay silent as mouse; it'll be like I never talked at all." said Spike as he gave Twilight a quick lick on her face as she giggled and the three of them left to find their friends.

Meanwhile, Isaac was with Rarity as the two of them were in the auditorium as he had gathered the students together as they were all dressed in their outfits made by the fashionista.

"The time has come for the annual ball. But first, an eve of merriment!" said Isaac in a noble voice. "I'm just joking." chuckled Isaac.

"Ooh, I adore such things!" said Rarity in an excited manner.

"I'm more interested in the food that's being provided." said Jason. "Got keep my carbs up so that my parents don't think I'm slacking."

"Dancing, singing... I'm not either of those things. Nor are they my forte. Probably my big sisters." said Penny.

"So, darling? Dancing is fun! It's like a duel. Oh! And remember that you can't dance with the same partner multiple times. It's tradition!" stated Rarity. "That means you have to dance with all of the gentleman, swapping dance partners as you please..." Rarity let out a little giggle as she was acting like a little girl.

"No, it not!!" shouted Isaac as he knew for a fact there was no such rule as Rarity made that up. "And the fact that you say dancing is like dueling is absurd. Even after all these years, I still don't see the connection between dancing and dueling."

"How scandalous. I, for one, plan to simply behold the pure essence of dance." said Amber.

"You can ask... anyone? To dance?" said Bryant as he was a bit nervous about asking a girl. "Gah, whatever should I do?" Bryant was now looking at Amber and Penny and then looked around the entire room as he saw tons of girls as he was starting to feel nervous about talking with them.

"Lucky you, Bryant." said Jason as he pulled the boy's head in and gave him a quick noogie.

"As for me, I'm surely to be overwhelmed with tons of girls. A problem when you have rich parents." said Shadow. Especially since he still had his eyes set on a specific girl.

"Then perhaps you can hook us up." said Jack as he was hoping to have his companion let him meet some girls as he gave him a pat on the back.

"Hey, where's Lucky Star?" asked Isaac.

"I'm here." said the girl of the hour as she stepped forward and let the others see her. She was dressed in her outfit by Rarity as it helped to highlight her beauty.

"My, do you look stunning, darling. No doubt with my help, you'll be the belle of the ball. Especially since the spotlight is on you. Don't you agree, boys?" said Rarity with a sly smile as the rest of the male students were stunned by how Rarity's magic with makeup had made them infatuated with their female classmate. Isaac just rolled his eyes as how the boys responded.

"Well, seems my work had produced stellar results as always." said Rarity with pride in her voice.

"Now then, you all have fun. And I'll see you when it's time, Lucky Star." said Isaac as he tipped his fedora to the students. He then presented his arm for Rarity who wrapped her arm around Isaac's as they left the group.

The rest of the night went as planned as the entire building was in full swing. Twilight and Fluttershy had managed to meet up with the rest of their friends as Spike made his presence known. Spike made sure that he would stay out of sight from the staff who was overseeing the event for any trouble or students breaking the rules. So the entire gang all enjoyed their evening. Even the students were taking part in the activities as they too got into the mood; soon the hour was about to be upon them, however, Isaac had approached Twilight as he asked her for a dance. Twilight handed Spike over to Fluttershy as the two of them watched the young couple make their way to the dance floor with smiles on their faces.

Isaac was enjoying himself as he got to share a dance with his girlfriend and just let everything around them fade away. Both were happy as they couldn't help but smile as they enjoyed each other's presence. Twilight then put her head into Isaac's chest as she closed her eyes; Isaac then wrapped his arms around her as enjoyed being in the presence of his girlfriend. Eventually, both looked at each other and then connected their lips together as they shared a kiss.

With that it was time. Principal Celestia then informed everybody as everybody was now making their way to the field for the duel that was about to take place. Twilight wished Isaac the best of luck to which he kissed her hand as she joined their friends. Isaac then noticed that Lucky Star was now approaching him as she was waiting for their signal to enter the dueling field. Everybody else was now sitting in the stands; Twilight had Spike in her lap as they all looked to see the battle that was about to start.

"Hey, Isaac." asked Lucky Star.

"Yeah, Lucky Star."

"Promise me that you will not hold back." said the girl. "I want to face you with everything I've got and everything you've got. I'll never accept the fact that I beat you, if I didn't beat you at your very best. So promise me that you will bring everything you've got. Everything!" demanded Lucky Star as she was staring at her professor and friend.

"Alright. I'll bring everything." said Isaac with a nod. "Just promise me something."

"What?" asked Lucky Star.

"You said you met someone when you were younger who was a famous celebrity and duelist?" stated Isaac.

"Yeah, her name was Mai Valentine."

"Well, my idol is the King of Games." said Isaac. "So, what say we give a duel that they would be proud of?"

With that they were heard their cue as they began to head out side by side to the field.

"Ladies and gentleman, we thank you for a stellar evening. And of course, no evening would be complete without a championship duel. So without further ado, let's get started!!" shouted Celestia.

"Everybody please welcome the two individuals who will be granting us with the entertainment for this night. The stars are high in the sky and the moon serves as the perfect lightning." said Luna. "So give it up for the young girl who won the tournament and earned the right to compete for this opportunity, Lucky Star. And her opponent, is now other than the reigning, defending, undisputed CHS Duel Monster's Champion... Isaac!!!" Luna pointed at the door as both Isaac and Lucky Star made their way through it.

They then approached the dueling field as both Celestia and Luna applauded them. Both women wished the best of luck to both students as they nodded. Both sisters then made their way to the commentary table as both Isaac and Lucky Star took in the atmosphere.

"Let's have a great battle." said Isaac.

"Got it, teach." said Lucky Star as she shook Isaac's hand and the two took their positions.

They both slotted in their decks as the autoshuffler kicked in as their duel disks activated with Isaac's projecting a gold card tray while Lucky Star projected an emerald card tray. Both of them then waited for the signal to star.

"And now... let the duel... begin!!!" shouted Celestia.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

"Let's duel!" shouted both of them as they drew their starting hand.

Lucky Star's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

"You can have the first move." said Isaac.

Turn 1: Lucky Star

"Fine by me, cause after I win they'll be a new duel queen." said Lucky Star.

"Well see about that, it's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

"I draw!" stated Lucky Star as she drew her card. "I summon Harpie Channeler(1400/1300)." Out emerged a monster a female harpie as she wielded a staff and spread out her feathers for all to see. "While it's on my field, once per turn, I can discard a 'Harpie' card to special summon a 'Harpie' monster from my deck in defense mode. I'll discard my Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon so that I can special summon Harpie's Pet Dragon(2000/2500)!" Lucky Star then sent her card to the graveyard as her deck glowed and soon a light appeared as out came her dragon as it let out a roar.

"Already starting off strong, huh." said Isaac as he lowered his fedora a bit to keep it from flying off his head.

"My Harpie's Pet Dragon starts out with 2000 attack points and 2500 defense points, but as you know for every 'Harpie Lady' monster I have on the field it gains an extra 300 attack/defense points. So like most of my other cards, my Harpie Channeler counts as a 'Harpie Lady' when its on the field or in my graveyard. That means my Harpie's Pet Dragon has 2300 attack points and 2800 defense points." stated Lucky Star.

"I set two cards facedown before ending my turn."

Turn 2: Isaac

"That was an impressive first turn, Lucky Star. But it's nothing my deck can't handle. I draw." said Isaac. "First I activate this spell card, Dark Magic Curtain. By giving up half of my life points, I can summon special summon, Dark Magician Girl from my deck." A giant curtain then appeared on Isaac's field as it had a fiend at the top of it. It then pulled back its curtains as out came Isaac's top female magician as she did a twirl and gave a quick kiss to Isaac as she took her position. Like always Mana's presence caught the attention of all the boys, even the male students.
Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

"Okay, why is Isaac the lucky one to have Dark Magician Girl and Twilight?" asked Shadow.

"But she won't be by herself for long because I activate Sage's Stone! While I have Dark Magician Girl on the field, Sage's Stone lets me summon Dark Magician from my deck." A white stone then appeared on Isaac's field as Mana then casted a spell on it as it started to crack and white lights emerged from the stone as it soon opened and out came Isaac's monster. Now within the first turn, Isaac had both of his star monsters out on the field.

"Just like last time, Isaac has his top monsters on the field." said Lucky Star to herself as this was starting to look very familiar.

"Now I have two powerful magicians to make your monsters vanish."

"But neither of them are strong enough to destroy my Pet Dragon." snickered Lucky Star in a laugh that Mai once used.

"Don't be so sure about that, Lucky Star. I equip Dark Magician with Magic Formula raising his attack points to 3200 and that's not all. I also equip my Dark Magician Girl with Mage Power, increasing her attack and defense points by 500 for each spell and trap card on my field. Next I'll set a card to my spell and trap card zone. Now that I have three spell or trap cards on my field, my Mage Power raises my Dark Magician Girl's attack points to 3500!" stated Isaac as both of his monsters were powered up.

"Well, guys. Seems this match is about to be over." said Penny as she felt like Isaac was about to win.

"So much for your student, Aj." mocked Rainbow.

"It ain't over partner. Just watch." smiled Applejack as both her and everybody else were going to be for a rude awakening, especially Isaac.

"Now Dark Magician attack Lucky Star's Harpie Channeler with Dark Magic Attack!"

"You put so much work into increasing your monster's attack points that I almost feel bad about doing this to you. Almost." said Lucky Star with a sly smile on her face. "I activate my trap card, Mirror Wall! Now the attack points of each of your monsters that attacks me are cut in half. Dark Magician drops down to 1600 attack points." A wall of prims then appeared as Isaac's magician struck it with his staff as he attacked his reflection and soon he had cracks along his body.

"Good move. But not good enough." smiled back Isaac with his own sly expression. "Your Harpie Channeler only has 1400 attack points that means its still destroyed by my magician and with your Harpie Channeler off the field, your Harpie's Pet Dragon drops down to its original stats." Dark Magician then pushed forward as it shattered the prism wall as it raised its staff as Harpie Channeler as it took it out with a spell.
Lucky Star's Life Points: 7800-

"It's no big deal. I only lose 200 life points and don't forget my Mirror Wall is a continuous trap card. So with your Mage Power, your Dark Magician Girl still won't take down my dragon."

"True, but I have one card that may help. I activate Thousand Knives!" shouted Isaac. "Behold one of my magician's greatest tricks as it sends a thousand knives hurling at your Harpie's Pet Dragon." A thousand little daggers then appeared next to Isaac's magicians as they soon were sent flying towards its target.

"Well, I have a trick of my own, Isaac. I activate Fairy's Hand Mirror." Lucky Star then touched her screen as her card flipped up. "This card diverts the path of your knives, looks like they're being reflected right back at your Dark Magician Girl instead."

"Oh, no! Dark Magician Girl!" said Isaac as his own monster was now gone.

"Talk about a move by Lucky Star. Not bad." said Sunset.

"Now you're back down to just one wimpy magician." stated Lucky Star.

"I have no choice but to end my turn." said Isaac.

Turn 3: Lucky Star

"It's my turn!" said Lucky Star as she drew her card. "First, I summon Cyber Harpie Lady(1800/1300)." Out emerged another female harpie as this one wore a metal bodysuit as she let out a screech. "With this monster on the field, it means my Harpie's Pet Dragon is back up to 2500 attack points and 2800 defense points. Next. I activate Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hand." Both duelists then refilled their hands as they had new cards to work with. "Next, I upgrade my Cyber Harpie Lady with Cyber Shield raising its attack points to 2300. Finally, I switch my Harpie's Pet Dragon into attack mode. It looks like this duel is going to be over much quicker than expected Isaac. Here you were talking about how I needed to step up my game, but you should have taken your own advice. Honestly, I'm disappointed in you, Teach." said Lucky Star.

"Harpie's Pet Dragon attack Isaac's Dark Magician with Fearsome Fire Blast!"

"You better watch what you say, Lucky Star." said Isaac as he had a smile on his face as it caused the young girl to be scared for a second. "If you want to destroy my Dark Magician, you'll have to find him first!"

"Oh no!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she and the rest of the girls and Spike knew what Isaac was going to do.

"Magical Hats materialize and conceal Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as he touched his screen and out came four hats as they covered Isaac's monster and then shuffled as they all lined up in a row.

"What is this?" asked Lucky Star as the girls forgot to mention this move to the girl.

"I just realized, we never told her about this move with Isaac." said Twilight as all the girls facepalmed themselves.

"My Dark Magician is now hidden within one of these four hats. Good luck finding him." said Isaac with a calm tone in his voice.

"You only have four hats on the field and I have two monsters on the field that I can attack with. That means I have a 50/50 chance of finding your magician."

"Then go ahead and test your luck." said Isaac not once losing his sly smile.

"Harpie's Pet Dragon attack the leftmost hat!" commanded Lucky Star as her dragon shot a fire ball that exploded the hat in smoke.

"It looks like he wasn't hiding there." said Isaac still holding his sly smile.

"Well, I still have one more attack. Cyber Harpie Lady attack the middle hat!" ordered Lucky Star.

"Missed again."

"That's not good." said Fluttershy.

"You got lucky this time, Isaac. I'll set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Isaac

"First I dispel my Magical Hats and return my Dark Magician back to attack mode." Isaac's two remaining hats then vanished as his magician was now seen once again by everybody else.

"Why would you risk your magician's safety by having it leave your Magical Hats? Your Dark Magician only has 1600 attack points even with its Magic Formula still equipped to it. Your magician is still no match for either of my monsters."

"You'll see soon enough." said Isaac as he drew his card. "I activate Pot of Greed to draw two cards from my deck. It looks like I've drawn Watapon(200/300). When I draw this monster outside of my Draw Phase, I can special summon it to the field." Out emerged Isaac's tiny monster as it let out a cute squeak.

"Am I suppose to be afraid of a little cotton ball? Who I'll admit is adorable." said Lucky Star as she couldn't help but love how cute Isaac's monster was.

"You can insult my monsters all you want, but the strength of my deck is about to be revealed. I activate Black Magic Ritual! Watch as I tribute my Dark Magician and Watapon. Come forth, Magician of Black Chaos(2800/2600)!" Isaac's two monster then disappeared as out came an even more powerful magician as it was covered in head to toe in black.

"How the hell did you turn your two pathetic monsters into that thing?" asked Lucky Star.

"Even my smallest monsters are key components of my deck. My greatness lies with each one of them. You would be wise to never underestimate their strength." said Isaac as he said that in a stern teacher-like voice. "Since my Magic Formula was sent to the graveyard when my Dark Magician was tributed in the ritual summon, I gain 1000 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"That's a lot of work for a little payoff. I still have my Mirror Wall protecting me."

"But you won't for long!" stated Isaac. "I activate my spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon. So now I'll shatter your Mirror Wall leaving my Magician of Black Chaos' attack unimpeded. Magician of Black Chaos, attack and destroy Lucky Star's dragon. Chaos Scepter Blast!!" shouted Isaac.
Lucky Star's Life Points: 7300-

"You'll pay for that!"

"We'll see. I set a card and then end my turn."

Turn 5: Lucky Star

"It's my turn to draw. First, I activate this card, Harpie's Hunting Call! With this spell card, I can summon two more 'Harpie Lady' monsters to the field from my hand or deck, however, they can't attack and lose all their special abilities. So from my deck, I summon two more Cyber Harpie Lady." Lucky Star now had a trio of monsters on her field as she looked to evolve them. "Now that I have three monsters, I overlay them all to build the Overlay Network!" Lucky Star's three monsters then changed into dark orbs as they levitated in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon all three orbs disappeared inside of the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon(2000/2500, OLU: 3)." Her new dragon had arrived as it let out a roar as it Xyz materials circled around it.

"My Phantasmal Dragon may not have as many attack points as your Magician of Black Chaos, but that doesn't matter cause it can attack you directly. Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon, tear Isaac to shreds!" shouted Lucky Star.

"Your monster may be powerful, but it's not invincible. I activate my trap card, Mirror Force!" stated Isaac. "Now your monster's attack is reflected right back at your dragon. Since my Mirror Force trap card doesn't target the monster whose attack it repels, your Phantasmal Dragon is powerless to stop it."

"But I'm not! I'll activate a trap card of my own, Isaac. Trap Jammer!" stated the girl.

"No!" said Isaac.

"Booyah! This card negates any trap card activated in the Battle Phase including your Mirror Force. Looks like my attack isn't reflected after all." said Lucky Star as her dragon made contact with Isaac who put his arms up as he was pushed back a bit by the attack.
Isaac's Life Points: 3000-

"I'll end my turn. But before I do, I need to detach an Xyz material from my dragon during each of the end phase." responded the girl. "You're up, Isaac."

Turn 6: Isaac

"It's my move." said Isaac as he drew his card. "Since your Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon prevents me from attacking, I think I'll give you a taste of your own medicine. I activate my spell card, Swords of Revealing Light!" Soon out from the sky shot down a trio of light swords as they imbedded themselves on Lucky Star's field. "This card prevents your monsters from attack me for 3 turns. And since your Phantasmal Dragon detaches one of its Xyz materials each turn and needs those materials to use its effect, by the time my swords expire, your Phantasmal Dragon will be vulnerable to my magician." informed Isaac.

"Finally, I set two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Lucky Star

"It's my turn!" said the girl. "I activate Pot of Greed so that I can draw two cards from my deck. Perfect, I summon Harpie Queen(1900/1200)." Out emerged a female harpie as she was wearing very minimal clothing as she spread her wings. She looked over at Isaac as she gave the boy a wink, to which let out a gulp.

"I then activate this card, Harpie's Feather Duster!" shouted Lucky Star as she held her card up high. "This card destroys all your spell and trap cards. So much for your Swords of Revealing Light, Isaac." Soon a tornado of feathers was now starting to blow over as Isaac had to raise his dueling arm to keep it from getting in his eyes.

"I activate my spell card, Emergency Provisions!" said Isaac as his facedown flipped up. "Now I can send any of my spell or trap cards to the graveyard and gain 1000 life points for each one of them."

"Looks like someone's desperate." commented Lucky Star.

"Desperate, but smart. I'll send my Swords of Revealing Light and Spellbinding Circle to the graveyard to gain 2000 life points." Isaac then had his other two facedowns destroyed as he gained some health but now his backrow was empty.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"Even so, now you're defenseless."

"Far from it, I may not have any spells or traps but I still have my Magician of Black Chaos protecting me."

"You won't for long. I equip my Harpie Queen with another copy of my Cyber Shield to raise her attack points by 500." stated Lucky Star.

"You should have paid more attention in math class and to Applejack." snickered Isaac as he shot his tongue out at the cowgirl who responded with the same gesture. "That only raises your Harpie Queen's to 2400 attack points, it's still no match for my Magician of Black Chaos."

"Maybe not yet, but now I activate Spell Reproduction. This lets me discard two spell cards, to return a spell card from my graveyard to my hand. I'll discard two spells to bring back another Cyber Shield to my hand. I'll then equip it to my Harpie Queen to raise her attack points to 2900."

"2900? That's stronger than my magician." said Isaac.

"Heh, I guess I was paying attention in math class and to Applejack's lessons than you, poindexter." mocked Lucky Star. She then looked to the stands and her saw her tutor smiling as she returned the same expression. "Harpie Queen attack and destroy Isaac's Magician of Black Chaos." shouted the girl as her monster flew over to his side of the field and did a slash that took out his monster.

"Oh no!" said Isaac as he protected his face with his arm.
Isaac's Life Points: 4900-

"Now it's my Phantasmal Dragon's turn to attack. Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon attack Isaac directly!" shouted Lucky Star as her dragon shot another fireball that collided with Isaac as he skidded along the grass as the attack pushed him back. Isaac then put his arms down as he dusted his suit of the wrinkles and straighten his fedora.
Isaac's Life Points: 2900-

"I can't take too much more of that." said Isaac to himself.

"You're down to your last 2900 life points. I'll detach an Xyz material from my Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon and then end my turn."

Turn 8: Isaac

"It's my move." said the boy as he drew. "First, I set a card in my spell and trap card zone. Next, I activate Card of Sanctity; now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hand." Once more both duelist then began to draw until they had a brand new hand to work with. "Then I'll activate Graceful Charity, so now I draw 3 more cards as long as I discard two. Next, I activate Monster Reborn to special summon the Queen's Knight(1500/1600) I just discarded. Now I summon King's Knight(1600/1400). When King's Knight is summoned to the field while Queen's Knight is also present, I can special summon Jack's Knight(1900/1000) from my deck." Just like that, Isaac had his three royal knights on the field as they all raised their swords up high in the air as they clinked together. To Isaac he saw his loyal knights as they all bowed before their master and he just lifted his hand up to signal them to stand up and prepare to battle.

"You know I usually like flash and pizzazz, but this time I'm not impressed. Your royal runts are no match for my high-flying Harpies. You may have summoned three monsters to the field, but they're all useless." informed Lucky Star.

"I've told you before, Lucky Star. Nothing is useless. My turn may be over, but this duel is far from it."

Turn 9: Lucky Star

"I draw. I activate Harpie's Hunting Ground. As long as this card is faceup on my field, all of my Winged Beast monsters gain 200 attack and defense points. Plus whenever I summon a 'Harpie Lady' to the field, I get to destroy a spell or trap card. Therefore I summon a second Harpie Channeler." Lucky Star now had another monster join her field as she carried her staff and a chain in her other claw. "Next I activate Monster Reborn to special summon Cyber Harpie Lady in attack mode. Now I'll use the effect of my Harpie's Hunting Ground to destroy your facedown card. There goes your last line of defense." stated Lucky Star.

"I chain my trap card, Zero Gravity!" shouted Isaac. "Now all monsters on the field change their battle positions. That means all of our monsters switch into defense mode."

"Cool trick, but it won't help you. Since my Harpie Queen and Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon have been on the field since last turn, I can just switch them back into attack mode." Lucky Star then did that as both of her monsters were now ready to strike. "And since there are no more spell or trap cards left on your field, there's nothing you can do to stop my Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon direct attack. Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon, annihilate Isaac!" shouted Lucky Star.

"I don't think so." said Isaac with a smile on his face. "I discard Kuriboh from my hand to prevent all battle damage done from your attack!"

"Oh, come on!!!" shouted the girls. They couldn't believe that once again Isaac had managed to escape from defeat by using his furry little pal.

Kuriboh then appeared in front of Isaac as he saw the attack coming and he knew what to do. He then hovered in front of Isaac as he put his tiny arms out to protect his friend. Soon the fireball hit as Kuriboh put up a barrier using his energy as it covered both him and Isaac as he was repelling the attack. Eventually it died down as the attack faded and Kuriboh let out a bead of sweat as he was exhausted. Isaac then petted the little thing on his head as Kuriboh put on a happy set of eyes.

"Thank you, Kuriboh." smiled Isaac.

"Kuri." said the tiny monster as he disappeared.

"I can't believe my attack was stopped by that oversized hairball!" shouted Lucky Star as she was angry.

"Damn, who knew that little thing actually did something." said Jason.

"I'll admit that little monster does pack a punch." said Bryant.

"It's cute." said Penny and Amber when they saw Kuriboh appear.

"Girls." said Shadow as he just rolled his eyes as how they behaved.

"My turn isn't over yet, Isaac. I'll use my Harpie Queen to attack and destroy your Jack's Knight." said Lucky Star as her other monster took out his knight. "Now I set one card facedown. I'm about to win, Isaac. I have a whole crew of Harpies ready to wipe you out on my next turn while you just have a couple of knights on your field. There's no coming back from this, Isaac! It looks the 'King of Games' is going to pass his crown to me." stated Lucky Star as she was fired up. "Now I'll detach my last Xyz material from my dragon."

Turn 10: Isaac

"I appreciate you calling me the 'King of Games', but I'm not worthy of that title nor does it belong to me. That name alone has too much honor to be bestowed upon someone like me" said Isaac. "As long as I have a single life point, I will never give up." Isaac now looked at his hand and saw that he didn't have anything to help him at the moment, so he looked at his deck and placed his hand on it. "Heart of the cards, guide me. I draw!" stated Isaac as he drew his card, he then looked at it for a second as his eyes widen. Well, Lucky Star wanted me to hit her with everything, then I'll do just that.

"First, I activate The Shallow Grave. This card lets each of us special summon a monster from out graveyards. I'll special summon Jack's Knight back to my field." said Isaac as his duel disk slotted out the card for him to grab as he placed it sideways on his card tray.

"I'll special summon Harpie's Pet Dragon." said Lucky Star as her duel disk then slotted out her card to grab as she placed it sideways on her card tray. "Thanks for the free monster, Isaac."

"Next, I activate Premature Burial. I pay 800 life points to special summon Kuriboh from my graveyard." said Isaac as his tiny monster was back and floated next to his shoulder.
Isaac's Life Points: 2100-

"What?!" shouted the everybody as they didn't know why out of all the monsters in Isaac's grave, he chose to bring that one back.

"Are you the 'King of Games' or the 'King of Lames'?!" insulted Lucky Star. "You brought yourself to a measly 2100 life points to summon something that your cat coughed up."

"Kuri!" cried Kuriboh as he was a bit offended by Lucky Star's comment that tried to psyche himself up and prepare to fight.

"Look, it's totally ferocious, Isaac. I think it wants to attack Harpie's Pet Dragon single-handed." laughed Lucky Star as she found it amusing, while Isaac just had a straight look on his face. "Hmm. What, you don't think that's funny, Teach?"

"It's not, Lucky Star. Laugh all you want, but don't mistake Kuriboh for a joke when it's an important step on my way to victory in this duel."

"That hairball couldn't be an important step on the way to anything, except maybe chocking your cat." stated Lucky Star.

"What have I told you about underestimating the strength of my monsters, Lucky Star? With this spell card, I will show you what my Kuriboh can do. I activate Multiply!!" shouted Isaac. Soon his Kuriboh was now begin to multiply as they soon covered his entire field and were mass producing by the minute.

"So many Kuribohs!" said the students and the girls as they saw the seer number of the little guys as they swarmed Isaac's entire field.

"Now my field is flooded with Kuribohs."

"So what? My monsters are still the strongest." stated Lucky Star.

"That's about to change, Lucky Star. I tribute Jack's Knight, Queen's Knight and King's Knight!" Isaac's knights then transformed into white lights as they were sucked into the card that Isaac was holding high in the sky as he was looking to call upon its power. You wanted everything, Lucky Star. Then prepare yourself. "Legendary gods of Egypt, please hear my call. In the name of every pharaoh that came before, I now beseech thee. I summon... Obelisk the Tormentor(4000/4000)!!!" Isaac then placed his card on his card tray as it shot a blue light into the sky as it served as the beacon for his monster. Soon the heavens opened up and a blue light hit the ground as descending down from the sky was none other than Obelisk as it landed behind Isaac as he towered over the young boy and let out a cry as it echoed for everyone to hear.

"No way!!" shouted the girls and the students.

"Impossible, you've drawn an Egyptian God card?!" said Lucky Star as she was now staring in the face of one of the fiercest monsters that ever lived.

"You said to bring everything that I've got. Well, here it is!!!" said Isaac.

"I'm now regretting ever saying that." stated Lucky Star as she was now sweating.

"My Obelisk the Tormentor has 4000 attack and defense points, making it the strongest monster on the field."

"This can't be happening!" exclaimed Lucky Star.

"And my Obelisk's power doesn't stop there, by tributing two monsters, Obelisk the Tormentor not only destroys all of your monsters, but its power also becomes infinite! I tribute two Kuribohs to activate Obelisk the Tormentor's effect, now watch everybody as the strongest monster in my deck joins forces with the weakest to create an unstoppable power!" Obelisk then grabbed two Kuribohs in his hand as he absorbed their power through his eyes as he felt his strength rise to infinity. "Now Obelisk the Tormentor, end this duel with your Fists of Fury!!!" shouted Isaac as he thrusted his arm out. Kuriboh then hopped on top of Obelisk's fist as the giant creature reeled his fist up high and then brought it down as Kuriboh was riding his fist as the two of them managed to deliver enough damage to decimated Lucky Star's entire field as she put her arms up to cover herself as she was flung onto her back.
Lucky Star's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"And the winner and still Canterlot High's duel champion, Isaac!!" said Celestia as both she and Luna stood up and applauded him on his victory. Soon everybody else joined in as they all stood up and gave an applause.

Isaac then straightened out his outfit as he made his way to Lucky Star. She was just coming to when she sat up as she looked at her professor. He then offered his hand as she accepted it and pulled her to her feet as she stood in front of the boy.

"I can't believe I lost, but at the same time the only way you could have beaten me just then was to summon an Egyptian God card. Good duel, Isaac."

"No, no. You mean, great duel. That was a duel that I believe our idols would be proud of." said Isaac. "Your cards are powerful and you displayed exceptional skill while using them, you still have a lot to learn, but you're on the right track. Not to mention, you had certain people cheering you on." Isaac then projected a small image as it showed that Lucky Star's parents were watching their daughter's duel and even cheering for her to have won. All of that was enough to make the young girl have tears. Soon Isaac noticed the crowd cheering for them as he knew what to do.

"Go on."

"What? They're cheering for both of us." said Lucky Star.

"Maybe, but they're cheering for you more clearly." said Isaac. "This is your moment, the spotlight was on you the whole time. I told you, I was gonna polish you up to make sure you were ready for the big stage. All you had to do was bring your A-game, and you did just that. Now go relish in it, take it all in." Isaac then left the dueling field as he allowed the girl to enjoy the attention as the crowd was cheering her.

Isaac watched from the side as soon he felt someone tap his shoulder as it was none other than Twilight who excused herself from the others.

"You did good." said Twilight.

"You mean, she did good." said Isaac as he looked at Lucky Star.

"That was nice thing you did, letting someone else have the spotlight." Twilight then wrapped her arm around Isaac's as she grabbed his hand.

"She earned it, plus I've had my moments already. Time to give somebody else the attention."

"Well, I think you did a good job making her shine." Twilight then captured Isaac's lips as she gave him a quick kiss to which he undid her hair to let it flow down and booped her nose as he let out a smile. Twilight giggled as the two just watched on.

"You know, it was nice to actually duel again." said Isaac.

"What are you talking about? It's only been 2 weeks since you defeated my brother." said Twilight.

"Funny, it feels longer." said Isaac as he looked at the fourth wall.

Author's Note:

And so we've reached the end of a long story arc. What a ride. The main focus of this arc was on the students and the girls as tutors as I wanted it to be about them, which is why everything else came second, hence why Isaac only dueled like two other times throughout the whole 24 chapters of story. Nevertheless, we've reached the end of this arc, but we still have more content to come. So hope the duel got you out of your seat and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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