• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 77: Back to Canterlot

"Once again everybody, give it up for the winners of the Duos Cup. Isaac and Twilight." The announcer then awarded the trophies to Isaac and Twilight as they stood on a podium and waved to the crowd as they took in the applause. The cameras panned to them and a few photographers started to snap some pictures to commemorate the occasion. After the celebration was over, Isaac and Twilight met up with their friends as they pulled them both into a giant group hug. Pinkie was happy for her big bro that she immediately brought them to the surprise party she had planned. So with that the group started to enjoy themselves; Isaac even let Dash and Aj hold his trophy seeing as how it was something that really caught their attention. While they were enjoying the party, both Twilight and Isaac just couldn't forget about Starlight's words. No matter what it still stuck on their mind.

"They paved the way, they carved a path. But when the hell do I walk on that path?"

The group was so busy celebrating that they didn't notice Celestia arriving as only Luna had seen her. Luna knew what Celestia's phone call was about based on her expression.

"So you did it, you finally got your dream." said Luna while staring at the group of kids.

"I did." said Celestia as she put a smile on her face.

"But you need to remember the agreement you made years ago."

"I know Lulu, and after all this time, I believe I'm ready." said Celestia as she looked at the group.

"Then shall I make the arrangements for when school immediately starts?" asked Luna to which her sister just nodded.

After a long night of partying, the gang all gathered their stuff as they hopped onto the jet for the final time as they were heading back home. During their flight home, Celestia and Luna thanked everybody for all their hard work not only dueling and performing, but for giving back to the community to people who didn't have the needs as they have. They even revealed the final results of the rankings which surprised everybody. The top three spots were awarded to Aj, Twilight, and Sunset in that order with Dash falling into fourth place. Safe to say that Dash was rather unhappy with that as she threw a tiny fit based on her ranking, regardless both Luna and Celestia said they would take this into consideration when deciding on Isaac's future opponents.

It was quite a ride but before long they landed on the airstrip as they had officially returned home. Everybody got out as they exited out the plane to grab their bags; with that they got into a van as Celestia and Luna then began to drop off each of their students back home. It was a Thursday when they landed and given that they had about a mouth or so left before school started, the group started to make plans for the remaining of the summer. The first person that said goodbye was Fluttershy as she simply waved goodbye to her friends and looked forward for the plans they made. The time the group returned was about 3 in the afternoon, and after they had just dropped off Sunset it was about to be 5 pm.

"So, excited to see your family?" asked Isaac as he and Twilight were sitting in the back. All of their friends had already been dropped off and they were currently heading in the direction of Twilight's house.

"I can't wait. Ever since we started this trip, I've been thinking about them. Not to mention that Spike is probably just waiting at the door for me to return. Hope he wasn't too lonely without me being there." said Twilight as she imagined how loyal of pet, Spike was.

"Well they say dogs are man's best friend." said Isaac as he and Twilight chuckled. "I'm glad to gone on this trip, especially because I got to make some memories not only with the girls, but with you." Isaac grabbed Twilight's hand, "I'm glad to have shared this experience with you and I don't need any trophy to symbolize just how much fun I have being with you."

Twilight just smiled at Isaac's response as she gave him a hug and leaned into him as she closed her eyes. Isaac just stroked Twilight's hair as he too closed his eyes as he held Twilight in his arm. Soon their destination was coming up as they pulled in front of Twilight's house. With that Twilight got out of the van and grabbed her belongings as well as her trophy. She thanked Celestia and Luna for an incredible trip as she gave them both a hug; Twilight then turned to face Isaac who gave her one final hug as she gave him a goodbye kiss as she waved and disappeared into her house.

"You're the last one, Isaac. Ready to see your family?" asked Luna as they got back into the vehicle.

Isaac nodded as they left to drop off their champion. Once Twilight entered her house, she was met to a warm reception from her family as they knew about her coming back and they wanted to surprise her. Even Spike was ecstatic to see Twilight come back safe and sound that he tackled her to the ground as he licked her face.

"Welcome home, sweetie." said Twilight Velvet.

"Did you have fun on your trip?" asked Night Light.

"Yeah, I definitely did." Twilight then stood up as she held Spike in her arms and nuzzled him against her face.

"So did Isaac do anything to break your heart?" said Shining Armor as he was still protective of his little sister.

"Of course not!" shouted Twilight as she felt like ever since she started to date Isaac, her big brother was becoming more annoying. "Besides, it's my life and I don't need you snooping out every little detail of me and Isaac's relationship."

"Just making sure that he knows not to hurt my little sis."

"Yeah, cause then we're gonna have a good old fashion street fight on our hands." said Spike making a snarky comment.

Twilight just rolled her eyes at her big brother and Spike. "So what's happened since I left?" Twilight's family shared with her what they did while she was gone.

The biggest thing she found, apart from her big bro already being ranked high in the pro league, that Cadance was actually going to be having a baby. Apparently, during her routine check up for the doctor, they found out that she was now going to be a mother. That brought a smile to Twilight as she couldn't stop thinking that she was going to be an aunt. Soon they asked her about her trip and she began to tell them about her adventures. Apart from the many places they visited, they got to perform for both dueling and playing with the girls in the bands. Twilight then showed them the trophy she won at the Duos Cup as she explained how she teamed up with Isaac to win. Her parents were happy that their daughter got to not only win, but do so with the person that she deeply cared about.

Twilight even told them in particular about the date she had with Isaac in his hometown of Chicoltgo as she absolutely loved the place. Both Velvet and Night Light were proud that their daughter enjoyed the home of her boyfriend that they felt like they should make some future plans to visit the city as a family trip. Twilight even told them of Isaac's duel that took place in his hometown and how it was one of the best action packed battles she got to witness. Thankfully, Celestia had managed to get a couple of the broadcast as she gave a copy for each of the group to have for them to look back on the memories. So Twilight then popped in the video as they all began to watch the spectacle.

Isaac was currently looking out the window as Celestia and Luna were on their way to drop him off. Soon his house came into view as they pulled up to the street.

"Well this is the final stop." said Luna.

Isaac then got out of the vehicle as he put on his backpack and grabbed his bag. Celestia had stepped out of the driver's seat and was standing by Isaac's front gate. Soon Isaac joined her as he was standing across from her as they said some parting words.

"Well, thanks again. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this trip, Celestia."

"I'm glad you had a good time, Isaac. I knew that you of all people would definitely get a kick out of it."

"You're telling me, not did I get to perform in front of my hometown. But I got to win something with none other than the person who I deeply love. This trip really was a great experience." Isaac then turned to Celestia as he gave her a smile, "Well, time to see my family."

"Wait, Isaac." said Celestia with a stern tone as it caused Isaac to stop in his tracks and look back at his principal who had grabbed his arm with a strong vice-like grip. "There's something you need to know." Celestia's eyes were now fixed as it caused Isaac to do the same. "Know that this will the last time we'll see each other until school starts. With that said, know that you'll have something very important waiting for you the moment the school year starts. Last year, you restored honor and everything it means when it comes to the game of Duel monsters. But this time around, you'll be faced with some new challenges, and one that will test to see if you have what it takes."

Isaac didn't say anything as he was focused on what his principal was saying.

"There comes a time where you're thrown into an uncomfortable situation and it's these kinds of test that determine what a person is truly capable of. Isaac, we have invested everything in the future. We've invested everything in you and sometimes in life you just have to take a step back and look at your investment and decide, is this investment truly going to pay off? Or is this investment just some cost? If you want to know what you have with a lump of coal, you stick it under immense pressure. That pressure does one of two things: the pressure either causes it to crumble and turn to dust and render it useless, or that pressure turns it into the diamond that you always hoped it could be. Isaac, the question now is: do you crumble or you do become the diamond that me and Luna have invested in? Because Isaac, the pressure is on!! So with that enjoy the rest of your summer." With that Celestia let go of Isaac's arm.

Isaac simply just stared at Celestia as he let her words flood his mind. He then slowly started to walk to his front door as he gave one last look at Celestia who still held the same expression on her face. With that Isaac then opened the door to his house and disappeared inside. Celestia still held her stare as if she could still see Isaac from behind the walls.

Luna then got out of the van as she looked at her sister. She knew that Celestia had this expression when they were younger, and given what she recently told her, she couldn't blame her. "So, do you think he's now ready?"

"Isaac's been ready since he enrolled into Canterlot High last year. However, given what was to come he had so much on his plate as champion that it only felt right to wait a little bit longer. Now the time has come and my time is nearly up." said Celestia as she remembered the phone call she received.

"Indeed, then we best prepare. For soon it will be upon us." stated Luna. With that both sisters got back into the van as they drove down the street and out of sight.

A couple of days had pasted since the entire group had returned from their trip, but despite them going on an adventure, things still remained the same. Isaac went back to work for Mr. Johnson as he was glad that he had his employee back. Mr. Johnson even told Isaac about how he watched his duel in Chicoltgo as he had paid a bit extra to have the duel broadcasted live to his TV. He said it was well worth spent as he got to see him in action, not to mention that he had managed to attract some extra business. Isaac was pleased he could help drum up business while he was gone; he then began to tell Mr. Johnson about his many adventures and even showed him the trophy that he had won with Twilight in the Duos Cup. Mr. Johnson wasn't the only one who was happy that Isaac was back.

Once the shop opened up, immediately all the kids rushed into the store as they started to swarm Isaac. It got to the point where Isaac had to grab a plastic sword to fend off the kids as he got on top of a table. After the kids somewhat calmed down, Isaac then carefully got down as the kids started to bombard him with questions. Isaac did his best to answer them all as the kids all sat down with their hands on their chins as they were sucked into Isaac's story. Other than that, things seem to be the same as there was just about one month left of summer before school would start up. Twilight even told the group about the news of being an aunt. The girls all congratulated on her brother and Cadance on becoming parents. Twilight said that she was excited on becoming an aunt and couldn't wait on when the baby would be born.

Isaac was currently in the park as he was lying down on the grass looking up at the sky with his arms behind his head. Thankfully his cap was able to cut the sun's glare so that he didn't have to worry about the sun getting in his eyes. Isaac was just enjoying the silence as well as the gentle breeze that he felt against his face.

"Seems like forever since I left Canterlot, still, nice to see things haven't changed. Man who would thought that ever since I became champion, it would open the doors to many other adventures." Isaac then begun to think back on all the things that have happened since he enrolled at CHS. "I'm coming up on one full year of being in this place since we moved. Granted at first, it was difficult being in a different place, but even then I had my deck to guide me. To think from being crowned champion at the Fall Formal to the Friendship Games and everything in between. Not to mention the duel that I had with Shining Armor at his graduation at Crystal Prep. Can't forget about Camp Everfree; and then everything leading up to the trip and the trip itself." Isaac let out a chuckle as he thought back on all of that.

Isaac then sat up, "And to think there was stuff that happened in my personal life, like getting with Twilight. I never thought in a million years I would ever get a girlfriend let alone a relationship. At first I didn't know what love was, but now with Twilight it feels like I know what to do to make her happy. Granted I had help help along the way, the girls may not see it, but each date that I with them well kinda of prepared me for when Twilight and I became a item. So really I should grateful of them for helping to make my life a bit more stable by having someone I can lean on. Someone who I can tell my problems to, someone who will always stand by side." Isaac just had a smile on his face as he thought about Twilight and how everytime she would brighten up his day as he did hers.

"But I also can't forget about what happened recently," Isaac's mind then began to remember back to the Duos Cup and his encounter with Starlight. "To think that she would have the audacity to badmouth the legends of the past, if it wasn't for them none of us would be here. They say to honor those that came before you cause if don't have respect you create enemies." Isaac his whole life had paid his respects to the great duelists that changed the way this game was played; he felt it was an honor to even grace the game that they made famous. "Still... I can't deny that what she said is true."

"They carved a path, they paved the way. But when the hell do I walk on that path?"

"I can only imagine what she must have went through, always being compared to others and not being praised for her own efforts. I'm not gonna lie, in my early days there were at times when I too suffered similar things. I always had mine own style of dueling, sure there were people who said that I was copying a certain person(s)' style. But I never once let that get to me, I just used that as motivation to become better and now everybody is praising me for being such master technician when it comes to playing Duel Monsters." Isaac then took out his deck from his belt clip as he looked at it. "All my life, I've trusted my deck to get me through some tough times." At that moment, Isaac remembered something from his childhood as he closed his eyes.


A younger Isaac was currently sitting on the floor of his living room as he watched the TV. On the screen was a replay of duel from Isaac's idol as he had seen it multiple times. Soon the scene changed at it was live and Isaac's idol sat down in chair for an interview.

"So, tell me Mr. King of Games, what led you to be the success that you are today? What did it take for you to seize your moment?" asked the interviewer.

"I had to have faith in my dreams. No one was going to hand it to me, it was up to me reach for that dream. Grab it tight and make it come true." he said in a deep voice. He then looked at the camera as he said one of his famous lines, "Believe in yourself..."

"... and you will always prevail." said a younger Isaac as he knew the line by heart. He then put his hand on the screen as he looked at the person with a smile on my face. "Maybe someday, that'll be me."

(End of Flashback)

Isaac then opened his eyes as he looked back at his deck that he was holding. "I lived by that ideal everyday and eventually I adopted my own motto: Trust in your deck and it will trust in you." Isaac then had a smile on his face as he looked back up at the sky. Soon some time had passed as Isaac looked at his watch and decided to head out. As he was walking along the path, he heard a couple of voices.

"I told you, Zephyr. That I'm not interested!" said Rainbow as she was trying to get away from him.

"Come on, Rainbow. Just accept your feelings for me, why you gotta play hard to get?" said Zephyr with a sly smile.

"More like never gonna get." said Dash softly. Rainbow then saw Isaac passing by as she found her way out. "Oh, Isaac! There you are, I was wondering where you were." said Dash as she waved at him.

"Huh?" Isaac was confused by what Rainbow was saying, even more so when she suddenly rushed by his side and grabbed his hand as she leaned on his arm.

"Uh, Rainbow? Just who is this person?" asked Zephyr as he wanted to know why he was grabbing Rainbow's hand.

"Oh, didn't I tell you that Isaac here is my date?" Rainbow tried to put on the biggest fake smile she could muster.

"Hold on! Your date? You know that Twilight and I..."

Rainbow had put her hand over Isaac's mouth to stop what he was saying. "Just play along will you." said Dash in a soft voice that Zephyr couldn't here. Isaac just used his eyes to express what he was thinking as Rainbow was starting to sweat. "Please, just do this for me." Isaac's then rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I totally remember that I asked Isaac here on a date." Rainbow was really hoping this idea would get Zephyr off her back.

"Yeah, right. Like I'm suppose to believe that you're on date with this guy. I mean he's clearly not as handsome as moi." Zephyr then flashed a smile at Rainbow as she wanted to throw up.

"Of course, he's my date. Why else would I do this?" Rainbow then let go of Isaac's arm as turned to face him.

"What are you..." Isaac didn't get to finish his sentence as his mouth was cut off by something.

Rainbow had grabbed Isaac's face with her hands and pulled him into a kiss as she put everything she had into the liplock. Isaac didn't know what to do as what Rainbow was doing was breaking the rules that Twilight had laid down for the rest of the girls in terms of kissing him. Soon there was nothing he could do as Isaac returned the effort and leaned into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Dash as he closed his eyes. The real story was on Zephyr who was unhappy with what he saw, especially seeing another guy kiss Rainbow. He then stormed off enraged, once he was fully gone, Rainbow then let go of the kiss as she pulled away. She made sure to see if Zephyr was around before speaking.

"Sorry about that, it's just I really wanted to get him off my back."

"I get it, but you didn't have to do that?" said Isaac. "Don't forget that..."

"That you're in relationship with Twilight and that I broke her scared rule. I know. But I had to think of something to get Zephyr to leave me alone. God he can so annoying, can't he see that I'm not interested in him. I don't know how Fluttershy puts up with him."

"Wait, that is guy is Fluttershy's brother?" asked Isaac.

"Little brother, to be precise. He can be a handful at times, especially since he's so full of himself. Not to mention that he's doing everything he can to try to get my attention; he thinks that I'm playing hard to get but in reality, I'm just trying to get away from him. Of course, Fluttershy knows how to keep him in check, she's very assertive when it comes to her brother." mentioned Dash.

"Well at least she's not that shy anymore from when I first met her. Still that doesn't excuse you from what you did." Isaac was giving her a look that spoke volumes.

"I said I was sorry, what do you want me to do?" asked Dash.

"Maybe ask me if I wanted to be kissed on the lips? Allow me to possibly talk to him? Or even better let me do something other than kiss to show that I'm your 'date'." Isaac was trying to offer some more reasonable things Rainbow could have done that wouldn't have involved "liplocking".

"Sorry, next time I'll ask you before I do something like that." said Dash as she put her head down.

Isaac just let out a sigh, "It's fine, it wasn't anything harmful. Just... next time ask me, before trying to take control of the situation yourself. Part of the idea of being someone's date is that you both offer insight on something before you do it."

"Alright and don't worry about keeping this from Twilight. I'll tell her it was me who did it."

"Good, though just between the two of us, it was kind of nice. Been a while since I felt your lips on mine." chuckled Isaac.

"Yeah, same here." Dash chuckled a bit as well while having some slight red on her face. "Guess, I just wanted a reminder of how good it felt, you know before you and Twilight were in a relationship." With that the situation between Isaac and Rainbow was gone as they went back to being friends. Soon Rainbow began to walk with Isaac as he they began to leave the park.

Once they exited the park, they noticed a hot dog vendor selling some food. Isaac then made a purchase as he bought one for him and Dash to enjoy. They happened to stop by a bench as they began to chow away on their meal. After they finished, Dash then asked Isaac something.

"So once school starts, it'll be officially one year since you came to Canterlot High. And basically since you became the top duelist at CHS. Must be a pretty good accomplishment." complimented Dash.

"Well, keep in mind, that I didn't officially become champion until the Fall Formal. So technically, I haven't reached a full year yet."

"Yeah, whatever. You were still a strong duelist even before that. We've should have just basically given you the title of champion." said Rainbow as she playfully punched Isaac in the arm. "But then again, if we had, then you would have definitely lost against me."

"Really, then how come Sunset beat you in the semi-finals of the Fall Formal? And with ease, I might add?" asked Isaac with a smug smile.

"You know that was bullshit. She had magic and there wasn't anything I could do." exclaimed Dash.

"Oh, so you admit that you're not as good as you say you are."

"Shut up, geek! I can still hurt you, you know."

"Yeah, and Twilight would pissed if she found out."

"Please, as if she could get into a fight."

"Seems you don't know just how tough Twilight is." said Isaac to himself as he thought back to how Twilight had engaged Starlight in a fight and she wasn't afraid to throw a punch. He almost wanted to see what Rainbow would think if he told her that Twilight was no pushover and wasn't just all about books.

"Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that this past year has really changed my life. You showed me that Duel Monsters has more to offer than just trying to show everybody you're the best. It's all about having respect and trusting your deck." Rainbow gave Isaac a pat on the back to show Isaac her affection. "But don't think that this means I'm not done chasing my dream. I have plans to become a pro not just in sports but also in Duel Monsters. So believe me that in order for me to get to the top, then I'll need to challenge the best. And that includes you!" said Dash as she pointed to Isaac. "So believe me when I say this, Isaac. That I won't stop till I defeat, so keep your guard up cause I plan to beat you!"

Isaac just merely smiled at Dash's commitment. "Then I look forward to it, besides I always enjoy kicking your ass. It's kind of rewarding when I see you get knocked off your pedestal from time to time." said Isaac with a sly smile.

With that both gave each other a fist bump as a sign to show that they wouldn't stop pushing each other to the limit. After that both parted ways as Dash gave Isaac one last hug, she even gave him one final kiss but this time she remembered to plant it on his cheek. The days then rolled by as the last bit of summer was coming to a close, during that time, Isaac and the girls had managed to make some time and hang out from their busy work schedules to have some fun. Each one of the girls all talked about how it would be nearly one year since Isaac came to Canterlot and he helped to changed the school so much. They all shared some meaningful memories with him on how their perspective on the game and in life had changed. Overall, Isaac was gratefully that he could make a difference for these girl's lives. As the school year was fast approaching, Isaac had to talk with Mr. Johnson about his work schedule. Mr. Johnson knew about the dilemma and told Isaac that once he had his schedule all figured out, he would talk with him and figured out what days he could work during the school week.

Isaac had also told his parents about the small fortune he made while he was in Las Pegasus. His mother was less than pleased that her own son would be involved with something illegal, though they were still proud about the money he made. So for security purposes, they put it in the bank for safe keeping and hoped that they could use it incase of emergencies. Other than that, the summer was coming to a close and soon it would be the start of a brand new school term. Isaac was in his bedroom going over the last minute checklist making sure that he had all the necessary materials he had for his classes. He even looked over his deck, he looked at the Slifer card and began to think about it. He knew having such a powerful card would create a huge buzz at school, not to mention that Celestia had his duel in Chicoltgo broadcasted live so it was clear that almost all of his fellow peers would know he was in possession of an Egyptian God card.

Nevertheless, he still made a vow to not always rely on it. Soon Isaac began to think on what Celestia had mentioned to him almost a month ago. That once school started, he would be faced with a tough task. Whatever it was sounded very serious compared to how she had sounded; whatever it may be, Isaac was ready for any challenge that was going to be thrown his way. Nighttime had fallen and it signaled that Isaac should get ready for bed; tomorrow was a brand new day as it was the start of a brand new school year and the start of some new challenges not just for him but for all of the group. Yes sir, it was officially the start of a brand new year.

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