• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,575 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 178: Chain of Memories

The weekend went by as everybody at school was going about their day. Well, the situation was a familiar feeling that everybody hadn’t felt in a long time. Sunset had arrived at school as almost everybody was fearful of her as they feared what she may do. While she did her best to try to get everybody to understand that she wasn’t a bully, they didn’t buy it or they just ran away from her. She did manage to bump into the others as they all looked at her, as soon as she saw Isaac, she was reminded of their duels on the beach as she clutched her arm and walked away. She also looked at her deck as she could feel her Red-Eyes calling out as her deck was incomplete without it.

Sunset was closing her locker as she was making her way to class as she passed by some other students in the hallways as they looked at the girl and gave her some looks as they mumbled about her in small talk. Some just ran for their lives to avoid getting in her way. She was too busy trying to avoid looking at anybody that she didn’t pay attention as she bumped into Micro Chips as the boy fell down. Sunset offered her hand to help the boy to which he reached into his back pocket and pulled out some cash as he placed it in her hand. Sunset was shocked by this as she looked at the money in her hand as it got her to be angry.

“I don't want your lunch money!” shouted Sunset as she picked Micro Chips up and gave it back to the boy as she let her temper out, “I'm not mean! Got it?! I'm not mean!” yelled the girl as the other students in the hallway all left to avoid pissing her off anymore.

Sunset then saw Trixie who was near her locker as she was reminded of what happened on Saturday. She then slammed the locker door shut as it got Trixie’s attention.

“So... here we are.”

“Here we do are.” said Trixie as she had to think about what she just said while trying to stand her ground against Sunset.

[intense showdown music]

“You really want to do this here in the hallway in front of everyone?” asked Trixie.

“Up to you,” said Sunset.

Everybody around them was watching as they felt like something was about to go down and get downright physical. Trixie then reached into her locker as she pulled out an object.

“Behold! Canterlot High School's Greatest and Powerfullest Student! If a seven-scale mockup doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.”

“Where's the Memory Stone? You turned my friends against me just because I wouldn't put you in the yearbook as the Greatest and Powerfullest?! ‘Powerfullest’ isn't even a word!” said Sunset as she got in the face of Trixie.

“What are you talking about?” asked Trixie as she was dumbfounded.

“It's not a word!”

“No. What Memory Stone?”

“The one you used to erase everyone's memory, you manipulative... bitch!” said Sunset.

“A stone that could make everyone forget all the bad tricks I've done...?” said Trixie as she was intrigued by that idea, “Which is no tricks. Your puny rock pales in comparison to the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“I don't believe it. You have no idea what I'm talking about.”

“I... don't. Sorry.” said Trixie as Sunset let out a groan. “Did somebody really erase everyone's memories of you?”

“Mm-hmm.” said Sunset as she slumped against the lockers.

“And even though we all know you're the Biggest Meanie, you're saying you're not mean anymore?” stated Trixie as she sat a few inches away from Sunset against the lockers.

“It's complicated.”

“So you have this idea of who you're supposed to be, but no one at school sees you that way. Is that it? Trust me. I get it.”

“Ha. I can't believe the only person who believes me is the one I called a manipulative bitch. Sorry.” apologized Sunset.

“I took it as a compliment.” smiled Trixie, “Let me help you find the Stone.”

“What's in it for you?” asked Sunset to which her answer was a smug smile, “No way. Absolutely not!”

“Well, if you'd rather go on being the Biggest Meanie, that's fine by me.” said Trixie as Sunset knew she had no other choice.

“I've looked everywhere! Why can't I find the missing pages? I've always been good to you, library!” shouted Princess Twilight as she let out her frustrations and planted her face on the desk as it knocked over something.

“This is it!” said Twilight with a gasp as Princess Celestia was also present, “The last piece was in a secret compartment! Clover the Clever buried the Stone! This rock formation must be somewhere in the other world. But it doesn't say how to get your memories back.” Twilight then zoomed over to the book as she began to read from it, "Perhaps if I had destroyed the Stone right away, some of my memories could have returned. But when the sun sets by the third day after a memory has been taken, it is erased forever."

“You must warn Sunset Shimmer at once,” said Princess Celestia.

“So, where should we start... partner?” asked Sunset with a sly smile.

“How about with what I call you? I'm thinking of the Great and Powerful Trixie's... Pretty Decent Assistant-Detective-Helper Person.” said the girl.

Both then began to walk from Sunset’s locker as she failed to realize it was glowing as Princess Twilight had sent her a message.

Isaac was currently walking through the halls as he waved to some of the other students as he opened his locker and out came a Duel Monsters card as it landed on the ground as it was Sunset’s Red-Eyes, correction, his Red-Eyes that somehow Sunset had gotten her hands on. Isaac just reached over to grab it when something came rushing to his head as he clutched it.

"When you remember one thing, that leads to remembering another- and then another and then another. Our memories are connected. Many pieces are linked together like they’re linked in a chain- that makes up each of us. And even if the chain of memories comes apart, the links will still be there, right? So the memory of our promises and time with each other, will always be inside of you somewhere. I’m sure of it. We might forget about where we’ve been or what things we’ve seen, but we won’t forget who our friends are. Forgotten- but not lost.”

“Memory?” said Isaac as his head was ringing when his eyes flashed something to him.


“This helps because next I'm going to summon out the card you gave me. Time to see how well I handle it, I tribute to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon." Sunset then played the card that Isaac had given her; out came a dragon that was black from head to toe. It's eyes had a shade of red and when it opened its mouth the scent of molten lava covered the entire field as it let out a growl and a roar.

"Hang on, Sunset? I..."

"Don't try to talk me out of it, Isaac. You know me well enough to know that I also care for our friends; and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. After all this whole thing started because of me, therefore it's my duty/responsibility to make things right.

“I'll tell you what, I really want to thank you guys for your help. I've got a bunch of great selections, but I've made my choice. This individual I feel deserves to have this opportunity to face me for this title. After what has been nearly a crazy school year, I feel like this person deserves the opportunity to showcase how far they've come since they began. Their journey is one that I feel should be recognized and well it showcases that a person can change if they are given the opportunity. Now if she should choose to select me and accept my challenge, well... I..." The crowd leaned in as Isaac was about to make his decision. "I select Sunset Shimmer."

Isaac took Sunset's gift and his eyes grew a bit. Sunset's gift was a poster, but not just any poster. It was a poster of Isaac's idol as it had his signature and everything. Isaac knew how rare this was, not to mention expensive. "How... How did you get this? This is a one of a kind, limited edition poster. These things are hard to find, let alone pretty pricey."

"Let's say that I did some digging on the internet and found a copy online. All I had to do to win it was beat the guy who owned it in a duel." smiled Sunset. "I know how much it means to you."

"I can't even describe how I'm feeling, thanks Sunset."

(End of Memories)

“Ahh!” said Isaac as he fell on his bottom as he still held the card. “What was that?” asked the boy as he put his hand to his head. “It felt like a hidden memory, but how can that be if I don’t remember them? And yet, they feel… real.” Isaac just shook it off as he looked at the card and then put it in his pocket as he closed his locker door.

The café was full of students as at a nearby table were the girls all chatting about as Sunset had to watch from afar at a different table as she wanted to avoid any more conflict.

“A cafeteria full of suspects, two detectives, and only one Memory Stone. Seems impossible, but so does pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and I do that all the time. Let's talk motive. Who here hates you enough to erase everyone's good memories of you?” asked Trixie as she sat down next to Sunset.

“If you go back far enough... everyone.” said the girl as she let out a sigh.

“Known enemies: all." wrote Trixie.

The pair then made a stop by the nurse’s office as Trixie opened the door with conviction that the thermometer dropped from Bulk Bicep’s mouth.

“G-G-Good afternoon, ladies. Y-You feeling okay?” asked Nurse Redheart.

“That depends on how well you answer my questions. Has anyone come in complaining of memory problems in the last few weeks?” asked the illusionist girl.

“Not that I can recall…” said the nurse.

“You can't recall?” said Trixie before addressing her partner, “We're too late!” spoke the girl as Sunset just rolled her eyes.

Micro Chips was in the school library when he saw the reflection of Trixie and Sunset on the screen of his computer as he got nervous and then pulled out something from his backpack.

“Aah! Will you accept a half-chewed carrot stick?”

“What? Ew! I told you I don't want your lunch money, and I definitely don't want your lunch.” said Sunset.

“Speak for yourself. Mmm, thanks.” said Trixie as she grabbed the veggie and began to eat it, “Word around school is you know a lot about erasing memory.”

“I erased a ton of memory just this morning.” said Micro Chips.

“You did?!”

“Four terabytes of quantel-accelerflex memory to be precise.” said the boy as she showed the device to the girls as they just rolled their eyes and left. “How come no one's ever impressed by that?”

“Is there anything you can tell us about it? Anything at all?” asked Sunset as they had managed to track another person with whom they thought could help.

“I can't tell much from a drawing.” said Maud Pie in a deadpanned tone.

“Okay.” said Sunset as she took back the piece of paper.

“Only that it's felsic-intrusive igneous, granular in texture, most likely arranged in an equigranular matrix, with scattered biotite mica and amphibole, at least sixty-five percent alkali feldspar by volume, with a melting point of twelve-fifty centigrade, plus or minus ten degrees. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.” continued Maud as she went off rambling as Trixie and Sunset slowly walked away.

They were now in a classroom trying to figure out their next move.

“Sure, it seems like we've only come up with dead ends. But I mean, it could be worse?”

“It's worse.” said Sunset as she let out a sigh as she looked out of the window.

“Good as new! Best Friends yearbook group picture, take two, #36A, attempt eight!” said Twilight as she programmed her drone a bit better.

“Twilight, darling. Shouldn’t we wait for Isaac?” asked Rarity.

“He said he had to take care of some things, but he did say we could take the photo without him. Don’t worry, we’ll take a brand new one with all of us later.” assured the bookworm as she then looked up at the window and saw Sunset as it caused her to have a sad expression that matched Sunset’s.

“Best friends!” said the girls as their photo was taken as Sunset stormed off unhappy.

Sunset was looking at the photo the girls had uploaded into the computer as she was in the Yearbook room.

“Oh, stop looking at that. You're just going to wind yourself up. You can't think if you're wound up. Oh, think, Trixie!”

“I wanted to come in here and see who we're missing,” said Sunset as she let out a sigh, “But we've talked to everyone, A to Z.”

“Wait; Not pictured: Wallflower Blush’. Who's Wallflower?” asked Trixie.

“I'm right here, you know.” said the girl as she happened to be sitting literally on the farest seat to their right.

“Uh, who are you?” asked Trixie as she had no clue.

“Wallflower. I've known you since third grade.” stated the girl bluntly.

“Ahh! I remember third grade. Not you specifically, but what a grade it was. The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie debuted her disappearing frog trick. You know, a lot of people don't realize how much work goes into raising tadpoles. You really have to coddle them…” yammered Trixie as she went on as Sunset noticed her book shining from her saddle bag as she silently opened it.

Sunset, we think the Memory Stone was buried under this rock formation. And if you don't destroy the Memory Stone by the time the sun sets today, all those memories will be erased forever.” wrote Princess Twilight as she was communicating with the girl.

“How am I supposed to find a rock formation that looks... like... that rock formation?! That'll work.” said Sunset as she had an idea pop into her head.

Meanwhile, Isaac was once again walking in the hallways as he had to meet with the girls to take their “Best Friends” photo. However, the incident that occurred this morning still plagued his mind as he couldn’t get it out of his head. Soon he clutched his head as more of the same thing happened.


“Well, I have one person to thank and that's Isaac. He gave me a second chance when nobody else would; eventually I repented for all my troubles and mischief. Then Isaac gave me my Red-Eyes Black Dragon as he said it represented my untapped potential." Sunset then pulled out her deck and looked at it.

“Well, I gave my reason. You're a different person from when we met; you've undergone a lot of stuff that has morphed you into the young lady I see standing before me. There's nobody else who I want to share the dueling field than with you. I chose you Sunset because I want to face you. I want to see what you can do, no magic, no smoke and mirrors, just a straight up duel. I want to see if you've learned anything since turning over a new leaf."

"You're right, things are different this time. I'm no longer some girl who's lonely and just finding a way to take her anger out on everybody else. This time I fight with passion, I fight with a purpose in life. I can't thank you enough; Isaac, you're the reason why I'm standing here as who I am. If you didn't stop me, when you did. Who knows how different this place might have been? And I like to think that you beating was the best thing that could have happened; but you also know me as someone who doesn't like to lose. Even if that person is someone who I deeply care about and I would pour my heart and soul out cause everytime I step on the field with you, I feel alive. I feel free knowing that I can be myself and just go all out, and it's all thanks to one person: You. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you." stated Sunset.

"Listen, I'm sorry for how I acted. I... I... just couldn't help it. It was messing with my mind."

"I understand, but I never gave up on you. I knew the bond of our friendship was strong, whoever they were that thought they could control your mind, left out the biggest mistake. Your heart, as long as we remember the bonds we've forged with each other, that's where the real magic comes from. You were able to pull through and show just what kind of magic you have inside." said Isaac. "And I've told you before, that I never give up on my friends."

"And I'm grateful to have someone like you in my life. Thanks, Isaac." smiled Sunset as she brought the colt into a hug.

(End of Memory)

“Ahh.” said Isaac as he let out a sound as he put his hand on the wall as he clutched his head.

What is happening to me? It’s like these memories are trying to tell me something, but how can they if I don’t remember these moments. Isaac was wrestling with his thoughts, soon his deck glowed as out emerged his Black Robe Mentalist as she could sense her master struggling with his mind.

“Calm down, Isaac.” said Black Robe Mentalist. “I can feel your mind, it’s trying to tell you something.”

“But what?!” shouted Isaac as the headache was starting to get worse.

“Let me see.” said the goth magician as she floated in front of her master as she intertwined her left hand with Isaac’s and placed her right hand on his cheek as it glowed with magic. She then pressed her forehead to make contact with Isaac’s as she had her eye closed while Isaac’s eyes light up in white.

Isaac’s mind was normal as it could be whenever Black Robe Mentalist entered the mind of her master in the past. Yet for some strange reason she too could feel a disturbance of sorts, but she couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. She then concentrated even harder as she closed her eyes to mediate in the middle of her master’s brain. Soon she started to chant a spell of sorts as she made a copy of herself as it was made up of magical energies as she believed if she followed the trial then it would lead her to the source of the problem. Her copy then followed the trial as it seemed to be coming from outside of her master’s brain, so it exited Isaac’s mind as it followed the trail. Soon the trail came to a destination as it was coming from the Yearbook room. It phased through the door as it listened to the conversation that was happening.

“Can I ask a silly question, Wallflower? Where did you take that lovely photograph?” asked Sunset.

“Oh. That's my garden. Well, the school's garden, technically. I'm the president of the Gardening Club. I founded it, too. I'm also the only member. And the only one who's ever been to the garden. Or seen it. Or even asked about it.” explained the girl.

“You're not really into other people, huh?” stated Trixie bluntly.

“I was maybe going to add this picture somewhere in the yearbook. What do you think?”

“Sorry. Sunset doesn't let anyone put things in her yearbook. No matter how much they deserve them.”

“No! You should do that, Wallflower. Uh, so don't let us keep you from working on it.”

“What?! The Great and Powerful Trixie is... annoyed and insulted!”

“I sense the presence flowing from that girl. But I can’t physically probe her mind.” said Black Robe Mentalist. She then looked at Sunset as she got an idea. “Pardon, me Ms. Sunset. But I just need to use you for a few seconds.” Black Robe Mentalist then entered Sunset’s mind as Sunset didn’t notice except that her hand was moving on its own and then grabbed Wallflower’s arm.

“What are you...?” asked Wallflower

“I don’t know…” was all Sunset said too as soon her eyes widened and turned white.

“Success, now let’s see what’s in your mind.” said Black Robe Mentalist as she began to work her magic. Even though she was in control of Sunset’s mind temporarily, it seemed that Sunset herself was also receiving the same images that Isaac’s magician was seeing.

“Why should you notice me? After all, you're Sunset Shimmer. Everybody loves you now,” said Wallflower as she let out a sigh, “Why can't they see you haven't changed?” The girl then got an idea as she grabbed her bag and went to her garden. She then pulled out the stone and the scroll with it as she closed her eyes and concentrated as it began to respond to her as soon all the memories of the girls were taken away, even her masters.

“Impossible.” said Black Robe Mentalist as soon she felt the power of the stone through the memories as soon it came at her as it pushed her out of Sunset’s mind and all the way back to her real self in Isaac’s mind as she let out a scream.

“AHHH!” screamed Black Robe Mentalist as the hood of her cloak came off as Isaac saw his magician in pain.

“Are you okay? Talk to me.” asked Isaac as he was concerned for his friend.

“Master, Sunset...” said the goth magician as Isaac looked at her with a weird look.


You erased everyone's memories?” said Sunset as she could see the same images that Isaac’s magician saw but she didn’t know she had invaded her mind.

“Uh... Yes.” said Wallflower with conviction.

“Wait. Who are you again?” asked Trixie.

Wallflower Blush then turned her back to look at the computers as she looked at a picture of the gang as they were smiling.

You don't see me fitting in
I'm sitting here alone
Right beside my shadow
Always on my own

If I could share my wildest dreams
Maybe they would see
I'm more than just a wallflower
There's so much more to me

I'm invisible, invisible
A droplet in the mist
Invisible, invisible
It's like I don't exist

Right beneath my picture
This is what you'll read
A laundry list of nothings
Not likely to succeed

A yearbook with blank pages
That no one wants to sign
A memory forgotten
Until the end of time

While Wallflower was singing, Sunset noticed she had left her bag unprotected. And based on the visions she saw when Isaac’s magician was using her mind, she knew that it was inside. So while the girl was busying singing her heart out, she quietly grabbed her bag and hide behind the counter as Trixie saw this and covered the view of Sunset. However as soon as Sunset opened the zipper of the backpack, Wallflower saw what she was doing as she interrupted her own song.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” asked the girl as she tried to grab the bag from Sunset as they struggled in a tug of war.

“What did I do to you?! Honestly, I don't even know you!”

“Exactly! You had everyone fooled, but now they know you're still... the Biggest Meanie!” shouted Wallflower Blush.

“You're about to see how mean I can get!” said Sunset as she wasn’t playing around.

“Whoa! Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Let's not antagonize the person with the all-powerful mystery rock!” said Trixie as she
reminded Sunset who really had the upper hand.

“I don't like confrontation. Let's just... forget this ever happened!” said Wallflower as she pulled out the stone.

“Don't erase—!” shouted Sunset as a white light enveloped the room.

Soon the white light disappeared and Wallflower was long gone.

“Huh? What was I saying? I'm sure it was something brilliant. Also,” Trixie let out a gasp as she looked at the clock, “How is it already three o'clock? Why won't this door open? And what are we even doing here?”

“I... don't remember.” said Sunset.

“Is anybody out there? Somebody open the door!” shouted Sunset as she banged against the door. “If we don't get outta here and figure out who has the Stone, in a few hours, it'll be too late to restore everyone's memories. I'll lose my friends forever.”

“How are we supposed to catch someone who can erase our memory every time we get close to catching them?” asked Trixie.

“By being clever!” said Sunset as she pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

“Wha?” said Trixie.

“I wrote myself a note. ‘Check the video’." read Sunset as she then went to the table that had Twilight’s drone on it. “Yes! It's been recording this whole time!”

“Twilight's camera? What are you talking about?” asked Trixie.

“I don't remember doing it, but I must have realized our memories would get erased, so I pressed record!” said Sunset as she grabbed the video and pressed play.

“That's my garden.” said Wallflower Blush on the video.

“Who's that?”

“Wallflower Blush.” said Sunset as she answered Trixie’s question.

“Name's not ringing a bell,” said Trixie.

“You don't see me fitting in…” said Wallflower as it appeared the video also caught her singing. “Ugh.” said Trixie as she pushed the fast forward button on the video. “Long song, huh?”

“What did I do to you?! Honestly, I don't even know you!” said Sunset on the video.

“Exactly! You had everyone fooled, but now they know you're still the Biggest Meanie!” said Wallflower Blush on the video.

“You're about to see how mean I can get!” said Sunset on the video as it ended.

“She's kinda right about you.” stated Trixie.

“Yeah, thanks,” said Sunset sarcastically.

“Actually, the Wise and Moralizing Trixie was making a point. You said you didn't do anything.”

“I didn't! I wasn't mean to her at all!”

“But maybe it's not good enough to not be mean to someone. Maybe you have to be nice.” suggested Trixie.

“You're right. Not that it matters. I'm still trapped in here,” Sunset then let out a sigh, “Unless you can magic us out of here.”

“Ooh, what's the point in trying? You've seen enough of my tricks to know what'll happen.”

“At least when the sun goes down and everyone hates me forever, I'll still have one friend in the morning.” said the bacon haired girl as she let out a sigh.


“And I mean, she is the Greatest and Powerfullest Canterlot High School has to offer, so I guess I can't complain.” said Sunset with a sly smile.

“You poor fool! You actually believed me when I was pretending to give up? Mere stage banter! The Great and Powerful Trixie never gives up on herself or her friends. I mean, her Pretty Decent Assistant-Detective-Helper People. Behold! The Magician's Exit!” Trixie then threw a smoke bomb on the floor as she actually got it to work this time as she was out of the room.

“Yes! It worked! I finally did it!” said the girl as she was ecstatic.

“Still in here!” said Sunset as she was still trapped.

“Ummm…” Trixie let out a nervous laugh, “Um, all part of the trick! Have you out in a jiffy!”

Trixie then made several more smoke bombs as she kept on switching places with Sunset as one of them would always be on the opposite side of the door. Eventually, Sunset was on the outside as Trixie was back inside.

“You know what? Just leave me in here! Just go!”

“I owe you one, Trixie! I will never forget this!” said Sunset as she ran off in search of Wallflower.

“Never say never.” responded the girl.

Sunset was now running through the halls as she was looking everywhere to find Wallflower and get the stone from her to restore everyone’s memories. She then turned the corner as she stopped in her tracks as her path was being blocked by someone. And that someone brought Sunset to be scared.



Both teens just looked at each other waiting to see what the other would do.

“Look, you can chew me out later, right now I’m on a mission to save everybody. So just let me pass…”

“What do you want with my friends?” asked the boy. “I told you on the beach, to leave us alone.”

“I told you, we’re friends. Now move out of my way.” demanded Sunset.

“Then answer me this, why have I been remembering stuff about you?” asked Isaac.


“Ever since I touched a card, it suddenly triggered something in my head that resulted in me getting a headache. Showing me visions of stuff that I don’t remember. Like giving you that card.” stated Isaac.

“What? So… you remember?” asked Sunset as she had hopeful eyes.

“Tell me, what did you do to me?!” demanded the boy. “Is this another one of your tricks to make my life miserable by torturing me with false memories!”

“They’re not false! I’m your friend, that’s the truth! You said it yourself when we were on the roof, we might forget about where we’ve been or what things we’ve seen, but we won’t forget who our friends are. Forgotten- but not lost.” said Sunset as she repeated the words the boy said himself.

“Enough!!!” shouted Isaac. “If you want to get to the girls, you have to go through me!” Isaac then put on his duel disk as it activated and projected a gold card tray.

I don’t have time for this, but… it doesn’t seem like Isaac’s giving me a choice. Sunset then put on her duel disk as it projected a red card tray. I may not have my Red-Eyes, but I believe I can get through to him. He said he’s been suffering visions of our memories as friends, maybe this duel can help me to get him to see we are. Once I do that, then he can help me to convince the others should I fail to get the stone.

“Here!” shouted Isaac as tossed something to the girl.

Sunset lifted her head just in time to catch the object with her right hand as she looked at it. It was a card, but not just any card, it was Red-Eyes B. Dragon. She was stunned as she looked at Isaac.

“I don't know what you’re doing to my head or how you got this card from my possession in the first place. But I do know that your deck revolves around that card, besides, I want to make sure that when I beat you, it’s a fair duel.” stated Isaac.

“Isaac… thank you.” said Sunset as she placed the card on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in.

“Don’t thank me, not till I put you down for good.” growled the boy.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

"It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac as he and Sunset drew their opening hand.

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start off, I draw!" said Isaac as he drew his card, "I'll start by placing my Black Arts Trickster in the pendulum zone. Then I'll activate her pendulum ability, which means I can add a pendulum monster from my deck and then place it in the other Pendulum Zone. So I'll set the pendulum scale with the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and the Scale 3 Black Arts Trickster. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them. "Now I activate the other effect of my Black Arts Trickster, if there's a 'magician' in my other Pendulum Zone, then I raise the scale of her up to 10." Soon the number in front of Black Arts Trickster then went up.

"With that scale set, Isaac can now summon any monsters that fall in between 2 and 9." said Sunset as she examined the scene in front of her.

"Next up, I'm summoning my Beta the Magnet Warrior(1700/1600). Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Sunset

"My turn, I draw." said Sunset as she looked at her card and then added it to her hand. Isaac, I know you think that I'm still the same evil bitch, but I have changed. Thanks to you, you gave me the second chance. I never said this to anybody, but that day I made a vow to myself. Someway, somehow, no matter how long it took, I would pay you back to thank you for freeing me. I told myself that even after we graduate, even if we're on our separate paths, I would pay you back for all you've done. Well, time I keep that promise. You're my friend, and this time I'm going to be the one to help you.

"Stand back, here goes!" shouted Sunset. "First thing I'm going to do is play my Black Stone of Legend(0/0). Then I activate its ability so by tributing it, I can special summon from my deck one Level 7 or below 'Red-Eyes' monster. And I think you know which one I choose, rise up Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Sunset now had her dragon appear as it let out a roar. "Next I'll play Polymerization so now I'll fuse together my Red-Eyes with my Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact!" Sunset then had both of her monsters appear beside her as a vortex opened up behind her as both of her dragons were sucked in with orange and purple colors swirling. "I Fusion Summon, Meteor Black Comet Dragon(3500/2000)!" Sunset's new monster emerged as it had flames on its horns and claws as it let out a roar and spreaded its wings.

"Now my monster's effect activates, since it was fusion summoned, I can send one 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck to my graveyard and then you take damage equal to half of its attack points. So I'll send my Red-Eyes Toon Dragon to the graveyard." said Sunset as she selected the card she wanted as it ejected for her to grab as she slide it into the graveyard slot as her monster then fired off a fireball as it made contact with Isaac who put his arm up to cover himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 6800-

"And now time to attack, Meteor Comet Dragon attack his Beta the Magnet Warrior!" shouted Sunset as her monster opened its mouth and took out its target as Isaac lost more points.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"Not bad." said Isaac as he dusted his shoulder of some embers.

"I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Isaac

"Now it's my turn, and time to pendulum summon, here we go. I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 2 through 9 all at the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next you'll soon know. So swing far pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory. My monsters are ready, to swing into action!" shouted Isaac as he thrusted his hand into air as a portal opened up and two lights came out. "Meet both of Magician of Dark Illusions(2100/2500)."

"Two level 7 monsters? Which can only mean one thing." said Sunset.

"I now overlay both of my monsters in order to build the Overlay Network!" stated Isaac as both of his monsters transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air as a portal opened in front of the boy. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Ebon Illusion Magician(2500/2100, OLU: 2)!" Isaac's monster appeared as it was a spellcaster as he twirled his staff and then took his battle position as he pointed his wand at Sunset and her dragon.

"I now activate my Ebon Illusion Magician's special ability, by using one overlay unit, I can special summon one Normal-type spellcaster from my hand or deck. So now I summon my Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as his ultimate wizard appeared on his field from his deck. "Now time to attack, Dark Magician attack her monster."

"Huh?" said Sunset.

"Let me explain, see my Ebon Illusion Magician also has another effect, whenever a normal-type spellcaster declares an attack, I can banish one card you control. So your only monster is now gone!" stated Isaac as Sunset's creature vanished.


"And with your monster gone, that means my Dark Magician now attacks you directly!" commanded the boy.

"I activate my facedown, Red-Eyes Spirit! So rise up, Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" said Sunset as her monster rose up in defense mode. Soon her monster was taken out by Isaac's magician.

"I still have my Ebon Illusion Magician, and this time it's a clear target." said Isaac as his other wizard raised his staff and pointed it at Sunset as she covered up when the attack made contact.
Sunset's Life Points: 5500-

"Now I'll end my turn."

Turn 4: Sunset

"My turn, I'll now activate the effect of my Black Stone of Legend in my graveyard, so now I can add it back to my hand while also taking my Red-Eyes and shuffling it back into my deck." Sunset's duel disk then ejected her two cards as she grabbed one and added it to her hand while placing the other on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. "Then I'll play this, the spell card Red-Eyes Fusion. So now I can conduct a fusion summon again by using materials from my deck. So now I'll combine my Red-Eyes B. Dragon with my Summoned Skull!" Once more Sunset's monster appeared behind their mistress as a vortex opened up in a swirl of orange and purple as both were sucked in. "I Fusion Summon, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon(3200/2500)!" Sunset's monster appeared in all black as it let out a growl with flames coming from its mouth as it stood on its hind legs.

"Now to attack, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon attack his Ebon Illusion Magician. Now my monster's effect makes it so that when it attacks, you can't activate any cards or effects till the end of the Damage step!" informed Sunset as her monster brought its claw down on Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 4300-

"Now my monster's other effect kicks in, in that at the end of the battle phase, I can shuffle my 'Red-Eyes B. Dragon' back to my deck and then you take damage equal to its attack points." said Sunset as once more her duel disk ejected her card as she placed it on her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. Her monster then opened its mouth as another fireball shot towards Isaac as he covered his face with his arm as the flames surround the boy for a bit.
Isaac's Life Points: 1900-

"I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My draw, don't think just because you have more life points than me that you've won. This duel isn't over till the last card is played." stated Isaac.

"It feels good to hear you say that Isaac, even if you don't remember me." said Sunset to herself as she smiled a bit.

"Now, I'll summon my Magician's Rod(1600/100) in defense mode. And by summoning my Magician's Rod, I can add a 'Dark Magician' related spell/trap card to my hand." Isaac's duel disk screen then showed his options as the boy cycled through all of them with his finger as he was deciding which one he wanted. He then made his choice as he pressed confirm and it ejected for him to grab.

"With that I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 6: Sunset

"My turn, and now I'll summon my Black Stone of Legend and then trigger its effect so that I can summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon once more. Now Red-Eyes attack his Magician's Rod. Inferno Fire Blast!" stated Sunset as her dragon opened its mouth and shot its attack as Isaac's monster was gone. "Now Archfiend attack his Dark Magician."

"I reveal my facedown, Magical Hats. Materialize!" shouted Isaac as four hats appeared as they covered the boy's wizard as they began to shuffle and then stopped in a straight line. "Take your best shot, Sunset."

"Still doing the same tricks, boy toy." smiled Sunset. "Still, that's what I like about you. Attack the second hat from the left." instructed Sunset as her monster locked on its target and took out the hat as it exploded into smoke. Once it died down, there were 3 other hats remaining.

"Looks like he wasn't hiding there." smiled Isaac.

"Say, boy toy. When are you gonna show me a good time on our date?" taunted Sunset smugly. "Right now it's just the same old thing you've been doing since you first got here, show a girl something new."

"Well, now. I usually save the best for the girls that are special." replied Isaac with his own sly smile.

Good to see you still have that sense of humor, Isaac. That means I'm getting closer to reaching you.

"So you finally believe me?" asked the bacon-haired girl. "Don't you remember our playful and flirty jabs we take at each other?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Isaac.

"Come on, Isaac. Remember, all the fun times we had dueling. Remember." Sunset was pleading with the boy to try to remember his memories.

"Look are you done with your turn or not?"

"Fine, I'll end my turn."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My draw, and now I'll play Graceful Charity so that I can draw three cards and then discard two." said the boy as she picked up his cards and then selected the ones he wanted to get rid of. "Now I'll summon my Berry Magician Girl(400/400)." Isaac now had a baby magician appear on his field as she used her tiny wings to hover in the air as she sucked on her pacifier while holding a tiny wand in her hand.

"You ready, Berry?" asked Isaac to his tiny spellcaster.

"Yes, Isaac." replied the girl as she gave a sucking sound with her pacifier.

"Now since I summoned my monster, she allows me to add a 'Magician Girl' of my choosing to my hand. Hmm, which cute girl do I want?" said Isaac as he was deciding which of his 'Magician Girls' he wanted to add as he knew that whichever one he selected the others would get a bit jealous they weren't selected by the boy. "Alright, I'll take my Chocolate Magician Girl. Sorry girls, but I still love all of you." said Isaac as the spirits of his magician girls all appeared as Chocolate Magician Girl gave a sly smile to her sisters as she nuzzled next to her master as she planted a kiss on his cheek. The others all had jealous looks as Kiwi Magician Girl did her job as the older sibling in getting the others to respect their master's decision as they all disappeared.

"Now then, I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Sunset

"My draw, and now I'll play a second Black Stone of Legend and then activate it's effect so that I can special summon my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning(2500/1200)." Sunset now had another fiend monster on her field as it clamped its claws together as lightning came from them. "Now I'll activate my monster's special ability, so now I can destroy all of your monsters that have less defense points than my monster's attack points." informed Sunset, "I may not be able to tell which hat your monster is hiding under, but this will for sure get him."

"Not quite, I discard Effect Veiler(0/0) from my hand! So now I can negate the effect of your Archfiend until the end of the turn." shouted Isaac as his monster appeared and shot feathers from its wings as they rendered Sunset's monster powerless.

"Fine, I like to have a hands on experience when it comes to dealing with you, boy toy. Red-Eyes, attack his Berry Magician Girl!" shouted Sunset.

"My monster's second effect activates, so now I can switch her into defense mode and then I can summon a 'Magician Girl' from my deck, so now I choose my Dark Magician Girl!" In a flash of light, Isaac's female spellcaster appeared as she gave a hug to her master while giving him a kiss.

"Either way, your Berry Magician Girl is destroyed." said Sunset as the tiny baby was gone. "Now Red-Eyes Archfiend, attack his Dark Magician Girl!"

"I reveal Magical Pigeon! This card only works for my Dark Magician Girl, so now I can return her to my hand and then I can summon 2 'Pigeon' tokens(0/0) to take her place in defense mode!" said Isaac as his monster transformed into a white light as she was soon replaced by white birds as Sunset's monster took one out in flames as only feathers remained.

"Fine, now Archfiend Black Skull Dragon attack the middle hat!" shouted Sunset as her monster locked on to the hat and fired a fireball as it collided with the hat and smoke appeared. Soon something happened as a shining light came from one of the hats; it then flung at high speeds as it attached to Sunset's monster.

"You trigged my Spellbinding Circle that was hiding under that hat. So now your monster can't change modes or attack and it loses 700 attack points." informed Isaac.

"Clever. I end my turn."

"And now the effect of my Magical Pigeon wears off so now all my 'Pigeon' tokens are destroyed and I can then summon back my Dark Magician Girl from my hand." said Isaac as his monster was back on the field.

Turn 9: Isaac

"It's my turn, I draw." said Isaac as he looked at the card he picked up. "I'll now dispel my Magical Hats and reveal my Dark Magician. Now I sacrifice both magicians to summon the Sorcerer of Dark Magic(3200/2800)." Isaac's two spellcasters were surrounded in two pillars of light as they combined their powers and energies as a new magician appeared on Isaac's field as it had a dark cape and had a wand that had electricity flowing through it. "And with his rise to power comes your Archfiend's fall from grace. Because for every one of my Sorcerer's fallen comrades in the graveyard, your monster loses 500 points. And right now, there have been eight magicians laid to rest." said Isaac as all of his spellcaster monsters appeared in spirit form behind their master.

"So your precious fiend's power decreases by 4000 points but since it only has 2500 attack points, that means it now has no points."

"But that means my monster is vulnerable to attack!" said Sunset with a bead of sweat rolling down her face.

"That's exactly what it means. Attack with Celestial Blast!" shouted Isaac as his magician raised its wand and shot a spell card that took out Sunset's monster and dealt her some massive damage.

"Ugh." said Sunset as she felt the attack as she hit the lockers a bit.
Sunset's Life Points: 4800-

"Now I reveal my facedown, Time Machine. Now I can bring back my Archfiend Black Skull Dragon." said Sunset. Soon Isaac's magician began to spin his wand really fast as it produced a gold circle that effected Sunset's trap and destroyed it. "What gives?!"

"Sorry, Sunset. But my Sorcerer of Dark Magic's mystic powers are so mighty, he can stop the activation of trap cards like your Time Machine and destroy them." informed Isaac.

"With that, I've hit another roadblock. If I don't find a way to beat Isaac, then all is lost. The girls, him, and our memories will all disappear." said Sunset.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 10: Sunset

"My turn," said Sunset as she drew her card. With Isaac's new monster, it doesn't matter what monster I summon, his magician will just use the power of all his spellcasters in his graveyard to reduce my monster's attack. And right now, it can lower them up 4000 points, if I destroy any more monsters, then I'm in serious trouble.

"Hope this works, I now play Advanced Ritual Art. So now I can conduct a ritual summon by using monsters in my deck, so now I'll send my Spear Dragon and Red-Eyes Retro Dragon so that I can ritual summon, my Lord of the Red(2400/1200)!" exclaimed Sunset as her monster appeared as it had flames in his hand.

"Now I'll activate the effect of my Black Stone of Legend so that I can add it back to my hand and then shuffle back a Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster to my deck." said Sunset as two card ejected with her grabbing one and placing the other on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in.

"I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 11: Isaac

"My draw and now I'll have my Sorcerer of Dark Magic reduce your Lord of the Red of all of its attack points." said Isaac as his magician was zapping away her monster's strength.

"Now my Lord of the Red's special ability activates, so now since a card or effect was activated, I can now destroy one monster on the field, so your magician is destroyed." said Sunset.

"Not bad, but not good enough. Cause now since you target my Sorcerer of Dark Magic, I can special summon Palladium Oracle Mana(2000/1700) from my hand. And with Mana on the field, all my Level 7 or higher spellcasters can't be destroyed by card effects." Isaac's spellcaster then descend from his hand as she appeared in her Egyptian garments with her wand in her hand. "So my Sorcerer of Dark Magic isn't going anywhere."

"Maybe, but my monster's other effect allows me to take out a spell/trap card, so I choose to get rid of your Sorcerer Swordsman." stated the girl as Isaac lost one of his pendulum monsters in his scale.

"My Sorcerer Swordsman now goes to my Extra Deck and without another magician in my Pendulum Zone, my Black Arts Tricksters' scale drops back to 3. But your monster is still destroyed!" shouted Isaac as his magician took out Sunset's monster.
Sunset's Life Points: 1600-

"With that, I'll end my turn."

We're just about equal in terms of life points. One more big attack from either of us and it's over. Sunset looked at the field as she was trying to figure out how she was going to win. She looked at her cards and then at her field as she had one thing in mind she could do, but it was a long shot.

Turn 12: Sunset

"My turn," said the girl. And if I don't draw the card I need, then it's over. Come on, trust in my cards and it will trust me. Sunset placed her hand on her deck as she closed her eyes and concentrated as she was trying to tap into her magic. She then drew her card as it was trailed with a red light.

"I now activate the spell card, Forbidden Chalice! So now I'll increase your Sorcerer of Dark Magic's attack by 400 and in exchange, I can negate his effect." informed Sunset as she pumped up Isaac's monster.

"What are you planning?" asked Isaac.

"Just wait and see, now Red-Eyes Archfiend activate your ability so I can destroy all of your monsters that have defense points less than my monster's attack points." stated Sunset as her monster then struck the ground as it made pillars of fire appear as they took out Palladium Oracle Mana.

"When Mana is destroyed, her effect allows me to special summon Dark Magician Girl from my hand, deck, or graveyard." said Isaac as his magician rose up in defense mode.

"Now I summon, my Black Stone of Legend and then activate its effect so that I can summon Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon(2400/2000) from my deck. And with that I'll now sacrifice my Red-Eyes B. Dragon so that I can special summon my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon(2400/2000)." Sunset's new dragon emerged as it let out a roar. "Now my dragon's effect allows it to gain 300 extra attack points for every dragon in my graveyard. And there are 7 currently so right now my dragon gains 2100 more attack points for a total of 4500 attack points. Now to finish this duel, Red-Eyes Archfiend attack his Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Sunset as her monster took out Isaac's monster.

"Then Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon attack his Sorcerer of Dark Magic!" shouted Sunset as her dragon took out Isaac's last monster as he was defenseless against Sunset's remaining dragon.
Isaac's Life Points: 1000-

"Time to help you, Isaac. Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon attack Isaac directly and finish this duel!!!" shouted Sunset as she looked at her friend as the boy saw her and the rush of memories came at him as he put his hand to his head as he clutched it.

"Isaac!!!" shouted Sunset.

"Get out... of... my... head!!!" shouted Isaac as he let out a scream as his body now flowed with his magic as he shined with a rainbow coloring as he got his attention back to the duel for a second as he grabbed a card from his hand. "I discard Kuriboh from my hand to take no battle damage from your attack!" said Isaac as his tiny monster appeared and blocked the attack meant for his master.

"NOOOO!!" shouted Sunset. It's over.

Turn 13: Isaac

"Time to put you to rest!" growled Isaac as he drew his card. "I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Sorcerer of Dark Magic. And as you know when it battles a monster, it can lower that monster by 500 attack points for every spellcaster sleeping in my graveyard, I now have 9 which means I can drop all the attack points of your Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon."

"Isaac." said Sunset as she looked at the boy who just needed to call his attack and win.

"I told you, I have no memory of you!" said Isaac. "Sorcerer, attack with Celestial Blast!!!"

Isaac had his magician leap high into the air as he pointed its wand at Sunset's dragon as fired a shot of magic towards the dragon as it let out a cry as the attack created a huge explosion on the field as it produced a white light as Isaac lifted his arm a bit up to cover his eyes. He then noticed something as it was something coming his way as the object was a shadow and then it became more clear as it was Sunset's outline running at him. Sunset then leaped at Isaac as it got him to be taken by surprise as the girl wrapped her arms around the boy's neck as it caused him to start falling on his back.

"What are you doing?!" shouted the boy as he was falling.

"Remember, Isaac. Remember." said Sunset. "I reveal my facedown, Cross Damage! So now any damage I take from an attack, you also take as well."

"But then..." Isaac didn't finish his sentence as Sunset pressed her lips to his as the attack ended as the entire filed was covered in white.
Sunset's Life Point: 0-

Isaac's Life Points: 0-


The whole duel ended as the result was declared. For the two teens, Sunset still had her mouth pressed to Isaac's as the magic inside of her was now flowing through Isaac as his mind was now having his lost memories return to him as his eyes widen as the boy was now starting to remember. Sunset then broke apart as she looked at the boy under her.

"Sunset?" said Isaac.

"Isaac. You're back." smiled the girl as she had a few tears in her eyes.

"What happen..." Isaac was cut off once again as Sunset connected her lips again with the boy as both teens closed their eyes and enjoyed the moment as it was a feeling that Sunset had been missing. Soon they broke apart as she allowed Isaac to sit up as he rubbed his head.

"You okay?" asked Sunset as she sat next to her friend.

"Yeah. I remember everything. Everything that happened, with you..." said Isaac as he looked at his friend, "Sorry. I'm sorry that I treated you..."

"Hey, I get it." said the girl.

"Still, I should have been there for my friend. I said it myself, we might forget about where we’ve been or what things we’ve seen, but we won’t forget who our friends are. Forgotten- but not lost.” stated Isaac. "Guess I should've taken my own advice."

"But can you blame yourself when there was strong magic affecting your memories? I don't, cause I never forgot about you. And all you've done for me." smiled Sunset as she planted a peck to the boy's cheek.

"Thanks." smiled Isaac. "Besides, don't we still have something to do?"

"Oh, right." stated the girl with a straight tone.

Both teens were now running through the halls as the sun was now starting to get closer to setting.

"So, you sure that if we get our hands on the Memory Stone, everything will be back to normal?" asked Isaac as he was running.

"That what Twilight says." replied Sunset as she ran next to her friend.

"Then we better pick up the pace, and hey, even if we don't succeed. Then maybe we can convince everybody else the same way you did with me." suggested Isaac.

"We'll see, boy toy." chuckled the bacon-haired girl. "There's the exit!"

Both teens then burst through the door as they were now in the parking lot of the school building as they looked around and saw Wallflower walking as she was heading towards her garden. The girls were also nearby as they were next to Applejack's family truck. Sunset then began to chase after the girl when she noticed her friends watching her as they still had scowls on their face as she just slowly looked at them as she continued to walk past. Soon they noticed Isaac approach them.

"Where were you?" asked Twilight. "We've been waiting for you."

"Sorry, Twi." said Isaac as he moved past the girls as they were shocked to see their male friend make his way to Sunset after all he the things he said to the girl.

"Wallflower, stop!" shouted Sunset.

"You remember my name?" said the girl.

"I remember everything! The Memory Stone, how I acted, all of it!" said the orange girl.

"What?! How?! I erased the whole afternoon!" yelled out Wallflower as the girls heard this and looked at her to which Wallflower was now regretting on saying that.

"Listen. I used to be just like you. Sure, I was popular, but I was lonely." said Sunset. "But I had someone who was willing to give me a chance." Sunset looked at Isaac standing next to her as he smiled, "And I want to do the same too."

"You're nothing like me, and I'm not lonely, because I have... plants!"

"What?" said Isaac as he raised an eyebrow at that response.

"That sounded less lonely in my head." said Wallflower.

"I'm sorry, Wallflower." said Sunset.

"No, you're not. You're just trying to look good in front of your friends!" exclaimed Wallflower as the girls were watching this with expressions on their faces, "And it's working! Gah! How am I supposed to get back at you if nothing I do matters?! I hate you!" shouted the girl as the words resonated with Sunset as she said those exact words to Isaac in their battle at the Fall Formal.

"Please, just give us the stone." suggested Isaac.

"Never, I tried to do this to get back at Sunset. But it seems that I need to take even more drastic measures." Wallflower then pulled out the stone from her backpack while also bringing out a duel disk. She then strapped on the duel disk as it produced am aquamarine card tray as the stone began to shine.

"Don't do something you'll regret." said Sunset.

"It's too late for that!" said the girl. Soon the stone began to shine even more as it produced a shadowy veil around the girl as it also captured Isaac and Sunset inside of it as all three of them were in a dome covered in shadows as the girls saw the pair trapped inside.

"A Shadow game." said Sunset.

"You know what that means." said Isaac as he looked at his friend. Sunset nodded at Isaac as both put on their duel disks as they each produced their own card trays.

"Time to make you disappear from everybody's minds, forever!" said Wallflower Blush.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Wallflower Blush's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start things off," said Isaac as he drew his card, "I'll start by summoning my Berry Magician Girl. Then since I control a Level 4 or below monster, I can special summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700)." Isaac now had two small magicians on his field as one of them was a bit younger than the other. "Now a couple of things happen, since I summon my Mage Annette, I can draw an extra card. Then by me summoning my Berry Magician Girl, I can add a 'Magician Girl' from my deck to my hand. And this time, I'll take my Lemon Magician Girl." said Isaac as his teen magician was happy that it was her turn to spend time with her cute master as she nuzzled against his arm while giving him a set of cute eyes.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 2: Sunset

"My turn and I'll start by summoning my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon(1200/700) in attack mode." said Sunset as a small dragon emerged and then let out a roar as a tiny fireball came from its mouth. "Then I'll play Cards of the Red Stone so now by sending one Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my hand, and one from my deck, I can draw two cards." Sunset then selected a pair of Red-Eyes Toon Dragons to the graveyard as she picked up some more cards.

"I'll then throw a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Wallflower

"Time to see what she's got." said Isaac as he and Sunset went on the defensive to see what Wallflower would do.

"My turn, and I think... hmm... I summon Lonefire Blossom(500/1400) in defense mode." said Wallflower as a tiny lonely plant appeared. "Now I'll activate its effect so that I can tribute one faceup plant on my field to special summon one plant-type monster from my deck. So I'll get rid of my Lonefire Blossom so that I can summon my, Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers(2800/2600)." Out emerged a sunflower as soon the petals started to open up as soon the monster inside of it came out.

"Now I'll have her attack your Red-Eyes Baby Dragon!" said Wallflower as her monster unleashed its attack and took out Sunset's monster.
Sunset's Life Points: 6400-

"When my baby dragon is destroyed, I can special summon one Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my graveyard, so I choose my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning. Then I can attach my baby dragon to my new monster to give it 300 extra attack points." said Sunset.

"Well, then I'll play this spell, Mark of the Rose. And so now I can attach it to your Red-Eyes Archfiend and now I can take control of it." said Wallflower as Sunset's own monster now switched over to her side. "Now time to activate your own monster's ability, so now it can clear Isaac's field of his monsters." Red-Eyes Archfiend obeyed Wallflower's command as he struck the ground and a pillar of fire erupted as it took out Isaac's two magicians.

"With that I'll end my turn with a facedown." Red-Eyes Archfiend then switched over to Sunset's field.

Turn 4: Isaac

"This isn't good Sunset, as long as Wallflower's Mark of the Rose is equipped to your monster, she can use it to help clear our field."

"So what do we do?" asked the girl to her friend.

"For now, we survive and think of a plan." said Isaac as he drew his card. "I'll summon Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800) in defense mode. Then I'll end my turn with one facedown."

Turn 5: Sunset

"My turn." said Sunset as she drew her card. I have to think of something quick to avoid having Wallflower use my monster to help her win. Let's see, right now my monster has 2800 attack points which is the same as Wallflower's monster so if they clash they'll both be destroyed, but then she would be wide open to another direct attack from one of my other monsters. I don't like having to sacrifice my own monster just to get rid of a certain card that causes trouble, but I might have no choice.

"Now, I'll play my Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight(1800/1600)." Sunset now had her warrior on the field as she looked to execute her plan. "Now Red-Eyes Archfiend, attack her Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers!" ordered the girl as her monster then looked to take out its target.

"I activate my facedown, Wall of Thorns! Now when a Plant-type monster is target for an attack, I can destroy all attack position monsters that you control. So that means your Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning and Gearfried are now... destroyed." said Wallflower as she managed to take out all the monsters on Sunset's field.

"I may have no monsters, but my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon has another effect, since it was attached to the monster when it was destroyed, I can add a Level 1 dragon from my deck or graveyard to my hand. So I'll add my Black Stone of Legend." said the girl as her duel disk ejected her card.

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 6: Wallflower

"My turn, and now I'll play the continuous spell card, The World Tree. Next, I'll play another Lonefire Blossom and activate its effect so that I can destroy it to summon one plant type monster from my deck, so now I choose Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves(1800/2800) in defense mode." Wallflower now had another plant princess as she arrived with leaves falling down.

"Then the effect of my continuous spell activates, since a plant-type monster was destroyed, I can place a counter on it. Now time to attack, Mariña attack Sunset directly!" shouted Wallflower as her monster fired another attack on Sunset as she was focused on taking out her and making her feel pain.
Sunset's Life Points: 3600-

"Sunset, you okay?" asked Isaac.

"I'm... fine, Isaac." said Sunset as she fell to a knee from that attack.

"Now I'll end my turn with two facedowns."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My turn, and time I start making a move. I'll now sacrifice my Magician's Valkyria so that I can summon my Dark Magician Girl." Isaac's previous monster now disappeared as it was soon replaced his favorite female spellcaster. "Then I'll reveal my facedown, Sage's Stone so now that Dark Magician Girl is on my field, I can summon her teacher, so make way for Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as now he had his two loyal companions on his field. "Now I'll play Magic Formula to give my Dark Magician an extra 700 attack points."

"Now time to attack, Dark Magician attack her Mariña!" commanded Isaac.

"Sorry, but my Chirubimé's special ability makes it so that any attacks are redirected towards her." said Wallflower as her other monster stepped in and took the brute of the attack as it was destroyed. "And since a plant-type monster was destroyed, I can place a counter on my spell. And then Chirubimé's other effect activates, so since it was destroyed, I can special summon one plant-type monster from my deck, so I choose Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms(2800/1200). And with Talaya she gains an extra 100 attack points for all other plant-type monsters other than her."

"Not good," muttered Isaac, "I'll throw a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Sunset

"My turn, and now I'll summon my Black Stone of Legend then tribute is so that I can summon my Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" shouted Sunset as her dragon appeared and let out a roar. "Next, I'll play Polymerization so that I can fuse together my Red-Eyes with my Dark Blade." Sunset's two monsters then appeared beside their mistress as a vortex appeared and then sucked both in a swirl of orange and purple colors. "I Fusion Summon, Red-Eyes Slash Dragon(2800/2400)! Then I'll have it attack your Talaya, then Red-Eyes Slash Dragon's effect activates. Which means I can equip the Dark Blade in my graveyard to it and my dragon gains 200 more points so now it has 3000 points which makes it stronger than your monster.

"I reveal my facedown, Plant Food Chain so now I can target one plant type monster that I control and it gains 500 attack points. So I choose my Talaya." said Wallflower.

"Oh no!" stated Sunset as her monster then collided with Wallflower's as soon it was repelled back and took out the dragon with ease.
Sunset's Life Points: 3200-

"Now I'll reveal my second facedown, Blossom Bombardment. So since a plant-type monster of mine destroyed your monster, you then take damage equal to that monster's attack points. So since your Red-Eyes Slash Dragon had 3000 attack points, you lose 3000 life points!" shouted Wallflower as Sunset was hit hard with blossom petals.

"AHH!!!" yelled out Sunset as she felt pain.
Sunset's Life Points: 200-

"Sunset!" shouted the Isaac.

"No!" shouted the girls watching as they too were concerned for the girl despite them not being friends.

"My monster has one last ability, since it was destroyed, it can bring back the monster that was attach to it." said Sunset as her Dark Blade rose up in defense mode as she had nothing else to do.

Turn 9: Wallflower

"This is it, the moment I've been waiting for. The moment, Sunset Shimmer is forever labeled as a 'villain'." said Wallflower. "Now Mariña take out her monster." Mariña then obeyed the command of her master as she shot her petals as they took out Sunset's last line of defense as she now had nothing to save her.

"Say goodbye, Talaya attack Sunset and end her!" shouted Wallflower as her other monster then shot her own set of petal as they came towards the girl.

"Sunset, look out!" shouted the girls.

"I reveal my facedown, Magic Cylinder!" said Isaac as his facedown flipped up and out came two cylinders as one of them absorbed the attack. "Now your attack is directed right back at you!" The other cylinder then shot out the attack as it headed to Wallflower as she took a big hit to her life points.
Wallflower's Life Points: 5100-

"Isaac, you saved me." said Sunset.

"Don't I always." smiled the boy as he gave a thumbs up to his friend.

"AHH!!" screamed Wallflower Blush as she looked at Sunset and then at Isaac as she couldn't believe that he saved her from being defeated. "I wanted to teach you a lesson by erasing your friends' good memories of you. But obviously that didn't work. Even then, you still find a way to foil it. But what if I erased all their memories of high school?" said the girl as she pulled out the stone from her pocket and held it in her hand.

"No, don't do it!" shouted Isaac.

"You can't! You'd be stealing their memories of each other!" said Sunset as she too tried to plead with Wallflower.

"They'll think of each other the way you think of me! Which is not at all!" said Wallflower as the Memory Stone heard her command and disbursed the shadow dome that surrounded them as it fired a beam of magic as it was heading straight for the girls. Isaac saw this and was about to act when somebody else did.

"Nooo!" shouted Sunset as she stepped in the line of the magic shot as took the hit instead of the gang.

"Sunset!" stated Isaac.

"I've ruined their friendship once before. I'd rather give up my own memories than let it happen again!" said Sunset as soon the stone was extracting her memories one by one. "Fluttershy! No! Applejack! Rarity! Aah! Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Twilight!" In her last seconds, Sunset looked at Isaac as she extended a hand to the boy. "Don't forget me!" Soon the stone had completed its job as Sunset was now striped of her memories.

"This isn't Canterlot. Where am I? Princess Celestia? What's happened to me? Somepony, help me! Who are you?" asked the forgotten girl as she was soon joined by the others.

"We're your friends." said Twilight as she bent down and placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder.

"We may not remember you..." said Applejack.

"But after seeing what you did..." stated Pinkie.

"...the sacrifice you made for us..." responded Rarity.

"...we'd be proud to call you..." answered Fluttershy.

"...our friend!" exclaimed all of them. They all placed their hands on Sunset's shoulder and gave her a smile as soon the magic that flowed through all of them began to awake as they all glowed.

"Time to wrap this up." said Isaac.

Turn 10: Isaac

Soon the girls' aura started to glow even more as soon a rainbow appeared around them as it swirled and then shot towards Isaac's deck as it shined with bright colors as the girls still had their colorful aura.

"Wallflower! You have magic you do not understand! But it is nothing compared to the Magic of—!"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it." said Pinkie as she interpreted Twilight's speech. "Big bro, kick her ass! shouted the party girl to Isaac.

"With pleasure, little sis. I draw!!" shouted Isaac as he drew his card with a white light as it trailed behind with a rainbow color and sparkles. "Haven't done this in a while, so girls help me out. I play the spell Harmonious Friendship!" Isaac held his card up and it began to shine very bright; the girls each felt some of their aura leave their body as they watched it traveled toward Isaac. "Now with this card, I'll combine using monsters in my deck and with it, I'll call upon my Chromatic Paladin(3000/3000)!" Out from the clouds came a paladin warrior who had a shield with 7 studded geodes that were each a different color of the rainbow; it wielded a sword that shined brightly as it had one side full of light and the other side full of darkness.

"My paladin has a unique ability because when he's summoned he gains the attack points of all your monster, so now my Paladin's attack points rise up to 8700!" said Isaac as his monster raised its sword and soon it absorbed the power of Wallflower's monsters as its shield lit up with even more color. "Now Chromatic Paladin, end this with Rainbow Slash!" shouted the boy. Isaac and the girls then fused their spirits with his monster as it lifted its weapon and then jumped into the air and with a mighty swing of its sword brought it down on Wallflower's monsters and struck the final blow to the girl as it brought her to her knees. The attack kept going on as it made contact with the Memory Stone as it soon cracked and then shattered as it was destroyed.
Wallflower's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac and Sunset

A white light was produced as it soon died down and the memories came back to Sunset and the girls as they were fully restored.

"Twilight... Sparkle?"

"Sunset Shimmer!" called out the girl as she gave her friend a hug for everything being back to normal. Soon the others did the same as they were glad to have their friend back. "We're so sorry."

"I'm just glad to have you all back." said Sunset as she looked at Isaac who watched the interaction from afar as they both turned their attention back to Wallflower as she was sitting on the concrete.

"I'm so ashamed. When I first found the Memory Stone, I only erased little things – awkward hellos, saying the wrong thing, literally any public speaking..." said Wallflower as Sunset approached her as she picked up a piece of the stone.

"I've had plenty of awkward moments I wish I could erase, too." said Twilight as she too approached the girl.

"Hey, I ain't perfect either." said Isaac.

"But it's no excuse. I was so used to erasing memories that I got completely carried away. I'm sorry for everything." apologized Wallflower.

"It's okay. I'm sorry, too. I may have stopped being mean, but a Great and Powerful friend helped me realize I still wasn't very nice to you. Everyone matters, Wallflower. No matter how insignificant or invisible they feel." said Sunset as she offered her hand to Wallflower who accepted it and then was pulled to her feet as they shared a hug.

"Again, remind me why I'm doing this?" asked Isaac.

"It's not easy on my part!" shouted Twilight from upstairs in her room as Sunset and Isaac could hear her from the living room.

"Calm down, boy toy. Can you blame Wallflower for wanting to use the Memory Stone so that she could rewrite your memories so that you would think that she was your girlfriend?" smiled Sunset smugly.

"Well, it nearly cost us something important!" exclaimed Isaac.

"And I'm not happy about it, she's lucky that I'm allowing her to go on a date with Isaac just this once!!!" shouted Twilight with disdain in her voice.

The bell then rang as Isaac opened the door and there was Wallflower Blush as she was a bit nervous as she saw Isaac.

"Hey." said the girl.

"Hey." greeted Isaac.

"Go on, you two. Have fun." said Sunset as she shoved her friend out the door. "I'll try to make sure that Twilight doesn't destroy anything valuable or the house." Sunset then closed the door as it left the two teens standing there with a blank look on their face.

"Uhm, is everything okay with Twilight?" asked Wallflower.

"Trust me, the less you know the better." answered Isaac as he pulled out his cap and put it on his head as he straighten it and his signature hoodie. "Alright, so any idea where you wanna go?"

"Well..." blushed Wallflower as she played with her hair while glancing away to avoid directly looking at the boy. "I was thinking maybe a movie and pizza."

"Sure." replied Isaac as he offered his arm for the girl as Wallflower accepted it as she clutched to the boy with the biggest shade of red as the two were off.

"I'm watching you!!!" shouted Twilight as she spied on the couple with her telescope.

Sometime later...

Sunset was in her room as she was writing in the book.

Dear Princess Twilight, you can add a new ending to the archives. The Memory Stone is no more. Thank you for your help. Give my best to Princess Luna and, of course, Princess Celestia. I'm happy to say everything is back to how it used to be. And... I can't wait to graduate, and move on to the next phase of my life.

The next day at school was when the yearbooks had arrived as the truck pulled into the parking lot.

"No student parking in the faculty lot." said Vice-Principal Luna as Sunset couldn't help but snicker.

She opened the back of the truck as it was filled with tons of boxes. Sunset then opened one as inside were the yearbooks. Soon everybody now had a copy of the yearbook as all the students were all looking back at some memories of these past years. Sunset watched all this from the front of the building as she smiled and entered the school as she was stopped by someone.

"I demand to speak to the yearbook president!" said Trixie as she called out Sunset. "How did this get in here?" Trixie then showed her the picture as it was her poster that she showed her as she had a smile on her face.

"A yearbook president never reveals her secrets!" said Sunset as she and Trixie let out a giggled as they continued on walking.

In the garden, Wallflower had received some new members as they joined her garden club as they were helping her to take care of plants.

"I've got a yearbook delivery for Best Gardener!" said Sunset as she handed Wallflower her yearbook as she opened it and inside was filled with tons of signatures.

Soon all of the girls were on the front lawn as they were having fun and laughing as Sunset leaned against the portal as she opened up her yearbook and flipped to the page that had the picture of them at the beach as they all took their group photo for "Best Friends".

"Oh, come on! Seriously?!" groaned Rainbow as she showed off the issue that she was afraid of.

Isaac was sitting on the rooftop of the school as he was watching the sun set. He had his own yearbook in hand as he flipped through the pages as he was looking back at all the adventures he had since enrolling in the school and all the duels he had taken part in. He then stopped on a certain page as it had his portrait as it was under the Superlative that the whole school decided to give him.

"Best Duelists in CHS." read Isaac. "Well, I may think that's a bit of a stretch, but everybody seems to have a different idea." Isaac then closed the book as he looked at the view as his magicians appeared next to him. Soon they were interrupted by the sound of a door opening.

"You up here?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah." said Isaac.

"So, did you get a lot of signatures for your yearbook?"

"You tell me." said the boy as he got the two of them to chuckle.

"Hey, thanks for saving me way back when. I might not be here as the girl that I am if you didn't stop giving up on me." said Sunset as she sat down next to her friend as she placed her hand on his leg.

"Of course, that's what friends do. No matter what, you help them." smiled Isaac to which Sunset returned the gesture. He then leaned in as he put his hand on Sunset's cheek and captured her lips with his as the two teens enjoyed the kiss for a few moments. They then pulled apart as Sunset smiled at Isaac before looking back at the view as she closed her eyes as some music began to play.

The music slowly died down as Sunset finished singing as Isaac was sitting next to her as he smiled at his friend. Sunset did the same and returned the gesture when they looked behind them as the others were arriving and soon joined the two. Twilight then took a seat on Isaac's right as the boy placed his arm around his girlfriend as the others all sat on the edge as Pinkie pulled out some ice cream bars. Apparently they were a special flavor she had been experimenting with, safe to say it tasted both salty and sweet. So all of the friends sat on the rooftop edge overlooking the town as they all enjoyed the sweet treat while smiling as they knew that they were almost ready to officially graduate.

In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find.

To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose.

Follow your memories. Trust what you remember and seek what you forget. Then you will find what you are looking for.

Our most precious memories lie so deep within our hearts that they’re out of reach.

When you remember one thing, that leads to remembering another- and then another and then another. Our memories are connected. Many pieces are linked together like they’re linked in a chain- that makes up each of us. And even if the chain of memories comes apart, the links will still be there. So the memory of our promises and time with each other, will always be inside of you somewhere. We might forget about where we’ve been or what things we’ve seen, but we won’t forget who our friends are. Forgotten- but not lost.

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