• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 49: Back to Basics

The next morning following the Friendship Games was a calm one. Despite such an event spanning across a period of days, Celestia still expected the students to attend classes. The good thing is that it was Thursday, so it was more towards the later of the week which gave everybody some relief. Isaac was just finishing getting ready for school as he packed his things and put on his hoodie. The weather had gotten warmer as soon it would be the start of spring. Isaac made sure to grab his duel disk and deck.

"Alright, I've got everything. Time to head out." Isaac then put on his shoes and then opened the door as he left out of his house. Isaac took a deep breath as he inhaled the fresh air. "Ahh, what a beautiful day."

"So when do we start?" shouted a voice that scared Isaac.

"Ahh, oh it's just you Twilight." Isaac quickly established himself as he looked at Twilight.

Compared to how she looked during the Friendship Games, her appearance had changed a bit. Instead of putting her hair in a bun, she now had a sort of ponytail and wore a polo sky blue striped purple with white-collar, a pink bow, and a purple pocket shirt with pink six sided sparkle surrounded by five smaller white sparkles. She also wore white sparkle short socks and purple dress leather heeled shoes with pink laces. However, she still wore those thick black glasses which still caught Isaac's attention.

"Sorry about scaring you, Isaac." smiled Twilight sheepishly. "I just wanted to know when we would start the lessons?"

What Twilight was referring to is, after the party yesterday; she approached Isaac a bit awkwardly. Ultimately, she wanted to ask Isaac for his assistance in teaching her about the ways of his dueling and possibly to help her answer some questions about his special connection with his deck. At first, Isaac didn't know what she was talking about as he knew Twilight was one hell of a duelist. So he thought that she must be joking, but the way she looked at him said she was being serious. So Isaac decided to agree to her proposal to teach her his ways of Duel Monsters. However, he wasn't expecting her to show up immediately.

"Right, look Twilight. I know I said that I would teach you, but I didn't expect you to actually show up in front of my house and be already to go. Plus, how did you find out where I lived?"

"That's easy, I just hacked into the school's website and found your profile. It listed the general information about you and after a bit more digging, I was able to find out where you lived."

Isaac quickly blinked. "I don't whether to find that impressive or creepy. I mean that's the type of things that serial killers are known for."

"I'm not crazy; look I'm just really excited for us to begin our lessons. I even brought my own pen and paper to take down notes." Twilight quickly pulled out her supplies as she smiled at Isaac.

Isaac just rolled his eyes at Twilight's display. He found her obsession with learning to be rather cute in his mind. Soon they both looked at their phones and found that they needed to get on a move if they wanted to avoid being late. So both Isaac and Twilight then began on their journey to school. Twilight was welcomed with open arms really fast as the students of CHS took a liking to her. She had gotten her schedule from Celestia the day before and surprise to say that she had all of her classes with Isaac. So that meant more time for her to ask Isaac about his dueling style. Isaac told her that they could start their first lesson after school ended. Twilight agreed to that, but that didn't stop her from asking Isaac at every possible opportunity on his deck. Isaac answered the first few ones, but as the day went on he started to regret it. Every where Isaac looked, Twilight was there as she had a huge smile on her face and had her notebook in her hand. Isaac was just trying to find a moment to himself without having Twilight constantly bombarded him with questions.

Isaac was currently sneaking in the hallways as he was getting ready for his next period. He kept ducking in and out of corners, scanning his surroundings looking for his target. Isaac then sneaked inside a broom closet as he let out a sigh.

"Finally, I should be safe in here."

"Safe from what?" said another voice as the light came up and there was Twilight.

Twilight had managed to find Isaac, but the broom closet was so small that both Isaac and Twilight were pressed up against each other as they stared at each other's eyes. There was barely enough room to stand that Twilight was currently holding onto Isaac's arms; Twilight felt a bit awkward as she was in a compromising situation with her and Isaac alone together in a room as she had a bit of red on her face.

"Ahhh!" Isaac was shocked by Twilight being literally in his arms that it caused him to stumble and fall through the doors and onto his back. Isaac then rubbed his back to ease the pain as he looked at Twilight who peaked her head out. "Jesus, Twilight! Can you give me at least some space?"

"Sorry." Twilight then stepped out and closed the door. "I just really want to learn from you; you're just so... amazing." That last comment caused Twilight to quickly turn her head.

"Well thanks for the choice of words." Isaac then stood up as he straighten his back. "But honestly, your obsession with wanting to learn is going to get me hurt. And if that happens, then I'm not going to be in a position to teach anyone. Especially you."

"I understand, I just really want to learn."

"I get it, I too love to learn everything I can about Duel Monsters and dueling. But even I have to show some restraint myself from time to time. Look I know I said that I would teach you after school, but maybe it would help you to do a bit of research on your part." Isaac's comment caused Twilight to raise an eyebrow. "What I mean is, why don't you look into the school's computer and see what you can dig up about each dueling in general."

"No offense, but what's the point of that? Duel Monsters is game of strategy that revolves around one winning. Dueling is a game of skill, capable of being distilled down to basic mathematical probability formulae. Once the contents of one’s deck are sufficiently analyzed and weighed against the opponent’s, it is easy to determine who the superior player is."

Isaac blinked as he heard Twilight's explanation. "Ok, look I'm not one for a long winded explanation. But is it weird that I understood every single word you just said."

"I'm being serious." shouted Twilight.

"So am I." Isaac replied back. "Look just do a bit of background information and then meet me after school." The school bell rang as it served as the warning for both Isaac and Twilight to get to their next class.

School had finally let out as the students were begin to head home for the day. Before they left their last class, Isaac had told Twilight that he needed to take care of somethings but assured her that they would still meet. So with that Isaac left to take care of his business, which left Twilight to do her own things as she head to conduct some research. It didn't take long as Twilight made it to the one place she was most comfortably with as: the school library. The moment Twilight stepped foot in the room, her eyes grew the biggest they had ever been and she popped the cutest smile she could muster up. Soon she began to explore the place as she was in her own personal little heaven. Eventually she made her way to a computer as she began to access the school's website. She was just browsing when she stopped on Isaac's profile and brought it up. Twilight just stared at it as she was trying to understand what Isaac wanted her to do.

"Do research? What does Isaac mean by that? Doesn't he know he that he'll be teaching me, so why ask me to do this? Seems kind of pointless."

"Hey Twilight." said a soft voice.

"Oh, hey.... Fluttershy, correct? Sorry it's still taking me a while to remember your names."

Fluttershy then made her way to Twilight. "None taken, so what are you doing?"

"Well, I'm suppose to be doing some 'research'. Isaac said that it was important for me to find some before our lesson." said Twilight as she was displeased with what Isaac was asking her to do.

Fluttershy just let out a small giggle at how Twilight was acting. "Yeah, Isaac can be like that sometimes. In fact, it's part of his charm. I'll never forget the first time I met him." Fluttershy then thought back on the time she first met Isaac and how far they've come since then.

"Hey Fluttershy, mind telling how you met Isaac?" Twilight was suddenly interested in how Isaac became friends with each of the girls. "I mean, I understand how he's well liked around here. But I imagine it didn't start out that way?"

"Well, where do I begin." Fluttershy then took a seat as she regaled Twilight with her tale. "The first time I met Isaac was all because of a card." Fluttershy then flashed back to the exact moment the two of them met.


"Well this is great, I spent all day trying to return this card and no progress" Isaac let out a sigh after saying that. Due to him being conflicted with his thoughts, he failed to notice someone bumping into as him turned the corner. "Maybe I'll have better luck tom... Ohf".

"Ow... I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" said the person who had landed on her bottom after crashing into him.

"No it's my fault I shouldn't have been so caught with my thoughts." Isaac collected himself as he went to help the girl up. "Here let me help you... "

"Oh... my name is Fluttershy" the girl said in a soft, low voice that Isaac could barely hear her.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said, could you say it again" asked Isaac.

"It's Fluttershy" she said with a bit more volume in her voice that he registered what she said.

"Wait, maybe you can help" Isaac called out. "I'm looking for the owner of this card they seem to have dropped it the other day, know anybody who might have recently lost a card?" he asked hoping for an answer.

"What does the card look like exactly?"

"It looks like this" Isaac pulled the card out of his pocket and showed it to her. What happened next was something he didn't expect. The look on this girl's face changed in a heartbeat. What once was a shy, timid girl morphed into her yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it. Where did you find this? I thought I lost this forever. Thank you!" she then lunged at him with open arms and embraced the boy.

(End of Flashback)

"And that's how it all started. Since then I've been close to Isaac." Fluttershy then pulled out her Albert the Flying Squirrel card and looked at it. "Safe to say, I can't imagine what my life would have been if I didn't meet Isaac. He helped me to boost my confidence not just in Duel Monsters but also in life. It's one of the reason why I made it to the final 8 of the Fall Formal."

"Speaking of that, how did Isaac do in the Fall Formal? I mean I know he won it, but how did he feel going into the event?" asked Twilight.

"Are you gals talkin' about Isaac?" said another voice.

"Applejack, darling. It's rude to interrupt a conversation between two people."

"Lighten up, Rarity. So Twilight, you're askin' about Isaac and the Fall Formal?"

"Well, Isaac was suppose to teach me some things regarding dueling but he's got somethings to take care of right now. So he asked me to do some 'research'. In the midst of that, I had gotten interested in how Isaac came to be well known at CHS."

"Well if it's a tale you want, I got plenty." Applejack then grabbed a seat as she sat to Twilight's right. "Well to start, we actually met Isaac after Rainbow had witnessed one of his duels. It had only been his third duel at CHS, but he was already gainin' some traction as a duelist. Soon thereafter, Rainbow had managed to get Isaac to meet the rest of us and from there we got to know each other as we discussed our plan to enter the Fall Formal."

"However, our initial intentions at first were rather... malicious, darling." Rarity then stood next to Applejack. "At first, we were using Isaac to take down Sunset who was the school's enemy at the time. So when Isaac found out, he was less than pleased. But eventually we regained his trust and from there he agreed to help us in taking down Sunset."

"Wow, I never expected Isaac to be angry with his friends, seeing as how he's the type of person who is willing to do anything for them." Twilight remembered how Isaac was always supportive of his friends.

"Ah' say. He's one crafty city slicker; Ah' never forget the time I faced him in one of mah most fun duels in mah life."

"Mind if I hear about it?" asked Twilight.

"It's quite a tale..."


"... I'll play the spell Polymerization and fuse mah two creatures. I Fusion Summon mah Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon(3300/2500)!" When Applejack played her card, a mirror popped out. The mirror pulsed and glowed purple, its surface cloudy. The mirror cracked down the center, the image of glowing purple eyes appearing in either half. The mirror shattered and a massive dragon flew out of the frame. Its serpentine body was glowing blue, purple, and yellow, streaks of light along its limbs. Wings like the growths of a plant spread behind it, crackling with energy.

"Now I activate mah Dragon's ability now once per turn, I can target 1 face up monster you control and change its attack points to 0 and all of its abilities are negated. Ah choose you Palladium Oracle Mahad, now mah Dragon take out his monster."

"... Next I'll do a fusion summoning of my own, I play the spell Eye of Timaeus and fuse it with my magician. Now I Fusion Summon Dark Magician the Dragon Knight(3000/2500)." Isaac played his own dragon and when it appeared on the field, it looked at Applejack's dragon and began to give an intimidating roar.

"... Get ready! I tune my level 3 Junk Synchron with my Tuningware and by the way, when I'm synchro summoning, Tuningware's effect lets me treat it as a level 2 monster. From two come one, and from one will come great power! Watch as they merge their might! Combine their courage to Synchro Summon, Junk Warrior(2300/1300)!" Out came a monster that was made of metal parts as it made an intimidating pose before landing on Isaac's field.

"... I tune mah Twilight Rose Knight with Lord Poison. A cold flame envelopes the world, within its blinding light, a black flower blooms! Appear Black Rose Dragon(2400/1700)."

"I summon my level 4 tuner Bri Synchron(1500/1100) and tune it with my level 4 Junk Warrior. Behold as the cosmos creates a monster of galactic might, behold as I Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon(2500/2100)!" Isaac play the card on his duel disk and out came a dragon that was white and blue as its entire body was covered in stardust particles that shinned very brightly under the spotlight.

"Now Applejack it ends here, I tune my level 2 Formula Synchron with my level 9 Stardust Dragon and level 1 Junk Destroyer! I Synchro Summon Shooting Quasar Dragon(4000/4000)!... Shooting Quasar Dragon doesn't leave the field without leaving something special behind, when my monster is destroyed I get to special summon Shooting Star Dragon! And it looks like your field is wide open. Shooting Star Dragon attack Applejack directly and finish this duel with Stardust Barrage!"
(End of Flashback)

"And that's mah story, sugarcube. Ah reckon ah still get chills just thinkin' about it. Isaac really showed me just how tough he is."

"I agree, darling. After that, it was only a matter of time before everything was in place as the finals of the Fall Formal were fast approaching. Soon the whole school had all their eyes as Isaac was going up against his toughest opponent to date." stated Rarity.

"Let me guess, that opponent was none other than Sunset Shimmer." replied Twilight.

"You girls talking about me." Sunset made her presence know as she now stood over Fluttershy.

"Howdy, Sunset. We're just telling Twilight here about Isaac and his presence he at Canterlot High."

"So you faced Isaac in the finals of the Fall Formal?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah, at the time I was the biggest bully in school. Everybody hated my guts as they just jeered me to go away."

"Harsh, hard to believe that based on how well received everybody finds you."

"Well, I have one person to thank and that's Isaac. He gave me a second chance when nobody else would; eventually I repented for all my troubles and mischief. Then Isaac gave me my Red-Eyes Black Dragon as he said it represented my untapped potential." Sunset then pulled out her deck and looked at it. "If Isaac didn't stop me when he did, then who knows how different this place might have been."

"Care to share?" asked Twilight.

"I'll do you one better." Sunset then clicked on the mouse and typed in the search bar as she brought up a video of the Fall Formal. She then clicked play as everybody began to watch the video play in front of them.


"I activate my facedown, Dark Horizon! Now I can summon a spellcaster who's attack points are equal to or less than to the amount of life points that I just lost. I may have taken damage, but that has allowed me to summon my dear friend, Dark Magician!" Isaac then called on his star monster as it appeared on his field and starred at Sunset.

Sunset drew her card and looked at her hand. "Heh. You think you've taken things to the next level. Very well. You've given me no choice but to ritual summon and take things to the maximum level! I play the spell card Blood of the Fiend." Sunset then discard the card she wanted in order to summon the monster she was dying to play. "You said I couldn't get to you with my Emperor. Well, I can with this! Chaotic Devil Archfiend(4000/0)!"

"First I'll have to give you a card. So here take this one!" Isaac then threw his card at Sunset who caught it with one hand and looked at it. For a second, her eyes grew big at the card Isaac decided to hand her. "By doing so, I can activate the spell Magical Contract Door. It lets me draw a new monster and I'll summon it right now! So my magicians lend me your strength and pave the way for a new monster to take center stage. Break free from your iron prison! Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition(0/0)!"

"Stay down!! Just stay down!!! Everytime I've beaten you to a pulp, you still find some way to get back up! I kick your ass and you get back up. I kick your ass again and you still try to get back up!! Maybe your parents told you that if you face a bully and he's beating you down then you should just get back up. Well let me tell you, the next time that bully is not going to let you get up. They're going to keep beating you till they make sure that your don't get up! I said that you were going to be in for the beating of a lifetime but you still are trying to fight. So tell me!! What do I have to do!? What do I have to do to get you out of my life!? Tell me!!! Sunset now had the evil look in her eyes as the evil magic surrounding her was starting to take control as her hair was now floating.

"Now you know, Sunset. You said it yourself, that I'm going to be in the beating of a lifetime. Well that's like saying that the sun will come up tomorrow. Of course I know that, I know that. But I also know what it takes to beat you! You see that's the difference between us. You have no passion for anyone but yourself! You're tough, you're powerful, and you're damn good. But what separates me from you Sunset is heart. And when the chips are down, you may beat the hell out of me but you're going to have beat every last breath out of this body!!" The magic that had entered Isaac's deck was started to surround Isaac, but only Sunset noticed this.

"That's why I dislike you!!! You come out here and do your little song and dance and people actually think that you're some kind of noble hero! It sickens me to my stomach that you actually believe what these sheep think is true about you! You don't belong here with me and you're no more than a fraud! I! HATE! YOU!!!!" Sunset screamed that her voice echoed around the room that everybody in the room and at home watching on their TV heard her.

"Why am I still here? Well right now, I here to shut your mouth! Why am I still here, that's an easy answer because I've finally found the answer to a question I've been asking my whole life!" Isaac looked at Celestia for a second to which she knew what he was talking about. "They keep telling me, what do I duel for? Well, I duel out of love!"

Sunset had a disgusted look on her face like that was most stupidest answer she ever heard from someone.

"Oh no, don't get me wrong I see you, I see the look on your face. Because we don't use/say the word love around here, especially if your a guy because when we say that we don't look tough. Please I'm a grown ass man, I could do/say what the hell I want and I don't give a damn on what anybody else thinks! I love this game, I love the fact that I can make people happy, I love every little aspect that Duel Monsters brings to me and my life! I love the look on these people's faces; I love the smiles that I put on for the people not just in here but also for the fine folks at home watching and to the readers who're reading this story. It warms my heart when I'm pulled to the side and people say 'thank you'. I am here out of love, what the hell are you doing here!! Cause I'm not just fighting for me, Sunset. I'm fighting for everybody whose dream was to be here, whose dream was to stand here on the grandest stage of them and say they've made it. Know that because this is my life! This is my passion! This is all that I got!!!"

"This is ends now! Because I'm about to play a creature that is like no other, watch I can summon it by banishing every monster that's currently in my deck. I play a manifestation of myself, appear a creature that embodies my spirit. Appear, Demon Inferno(3000/3000)!"

"Now Sunset, time to show you a power that you don't comprehend, a power that unites us all. Watch as I play Harmonious Friendship!" Isaac held his card high up which was giving off radiation of rainbows that covered the entire field... "Say hello to my Chromatic Paladin(3000/3000). My paladin has a unique ability because when he's summoned he gains the attack points of your monster, so now my Paladin's attack points rise up to 10,000!"

"10,000 attack points! That's impossible!!"

"Nothing is impossible, Sunset! Now Chromatic Paladin, attack Sunset's Demon Inferno. Rainbow Slash!!"
(End of video)

"Wow, talk about intense." Twilight was just in awe after watching the video Sunset showed her. "And not just the dueling, the atmosphere, the talking, even the crowd. It felt like I was experiencing it for the first time; even though it was just a video."

Sunset let out a laugh. "Yeah, Isaac's duels tend to have that effect on people. Doesn't matter if you seen once or if you've seen it multiple times; Isaac's duels make you feel like you're seeing in real time. That's one of the reasons why I love to duel him."

"Yeah, no one does it like my big bro!" Pinkie then just randomly appeared as she gave everybody a scare.

"Pinkie, darling. Give us a warning next time; you nearly gave me a heart attack." complained Rarity.

Pinkie just laughed at her friend's expression. "Sorry, but the moment I heard you girls talking about my big bro, I had to tell a story."

Pinkie, why do you refer Isaac as your big bro? He's not related to you." asked Twilight.

"Pinkie just likes how helpful Isaac is and how he's always looking out for us that she started calling Isaac her big brother; though I think she actually believes that which explains why Isaac is always trying to tell her that they're not actually related." stated Fluttershy.

"Interesting, so what about the rest of you? What's your relationship with Isaac?" As soon as Twilight made that comment all the other girls started to blush as they started to think about Isaac. Before either person could speak they we interrupted.

"Well, you see darling, we..."

"Ohh, my turn to tell a story." Pinkie then pulled something out of her hair and began to read it. "Lets see according to the script, Applejack said this, Rarity talked, Twilight making the girls blush from her comment even though everybody else reading this story knows why." Pinkie kept rambling on as she went further down the script until she got to her part. The girls were just confused at what the hell Pinkie was doing.

"Here we are..... what!?" Pinkie then turned to face the author. "Hey man, what's the big idea? We do you mean you have nothing for me to share! Isaac's my big bro; I deserve to have something to tell the girls about him."

"Look I'm on a tight schedule, plus the other thing is for Rainbow Dash when she shows up. I was saving that for her, since it was her duel. I just ran out of content for you to say when writing this chapter. Note to self: make sure that I write a chapter that involves Isaac and Pinkie." I quickly looked through my notes to find something that Pinkie will like. "Alright, how about you tell Twilight about the time you guys visited Everton High?"

Pinkie then smiled, "Oh that's a great idea. No wonder you're the author of this story."

"Good now that we've got that sorted out, get the hell off my screen." With that Pinkie disappeared back into the story. "I need to install some security measures. Alright where were we... transition now!"

"Hope you guys didn't miss me."

"Pinkie, you haven't gone anywhere." said Sunset.

"Of course I did silly. I was just confirming with someone about my story to tell. So Twilight, every hear about Everton High?"

"I have; they're like Crystal Prep in that they have dueling as part of their school curriculum. Plus we've faced them on a number of occasions."

"Well then you know about Dimension Summoning, right?"

"Dimension Summoning?" Twilight was confused by Pinkie's question.

"Oh you don't know, well strap in because I got something to say. Author roll the flashback!" shouted Pinkie.

"Excuse me!? Do you know who the hell you're talking to!?"

"Please?" Pinkie was putting on her puppy eyes.

"Next time I might not be so generous. And scene."


"What's this? I can summon my high level monsters without sacrificing?" said Isaac.

"That's correct, see we're not dueling normally in here we'll be Dimension Summoning."

"Dimension Summoning?"

"That's right, in this duel you can summon your high level monsters without tributing. All you have to do is select the card you want and summon it. However there's somethings you need to know like you won't be taking damage like normal; in fact how much damage you take is completely up to you and how powerful you make your monsters. You'll still be able to attack your opponent's life points if they have no monsters to defend themselves."

I now tune my level 3 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight with my level 4 Boggart Knight! I Synchro Summon my X-Saber Souza(2500/1600)! But that's not all Faultroll's ability allows me to revive a level 4 or below monster from my grave, so I choose to bring back my Fulhelmknight. But she won't be sticking around as I perform a second synchro summon! I tune my Fulhelmknight with my level 6 Faultroll. I Synchro Summon my XX-Saber Gottoms(3100/2600)!" Just like that Mr. Turner now had 2 powerful monsters ready to strike.

"Now Dark Magician attack with Dark Magic Attack!"
(End of Flashback)

"So what did you think?" smiled Pinkie.

"Gees, Pinkie that was something." Twilight did her best to comprehend Pinkie Pie's randomness. "Well I will say that Isaac really has been a trailblazer for dueling here at Canterlot High. To think that he's also been making waves at other places too; I can tell based on his performance in the Friendship Games that Crystal Prep certainly took notice of his efforts and are trying to incorrupt his ways."

"Isaac really is something; everytime he gets on the dueling field, you have to watch. He's like a technician when it comes to dueling; everytime you think you've got him figured out, Isaac finds a way to turn it around on you. You think you have a counter for his strategy, he'll find some way to use his own counter shield to swing the momentum back into his favor." said Sunset. "He lives by the motto:..."

"Put your trust in your deck and it will trust you!" said all the girls around Twilight in unison.

Twilight smiled at the girls reciting Isaac's catchphrase. "He really does live and die by that motto."

"I'll say!" shouted Rainbow as she looked down from the second floor. "If there's anybody who as cool as me, it's Isaac." Rainbow then made her way down as she joined her friends. "So you guys talking about Isaac?"

Twilight just nodded her head.

"Well obviously you need a story that not highlights his coolness but also his drive to be the best. And that happens to be with me and the duel we had at the Winter Ball." exclaimed Dash as she boosted herself and her ego full of confidence.

"Here we go again." Applejack just rolled her eyes at how Rainbow liked to brag about her battle with Isaac constantly.

"Save the best for last, as you should. Now then..."


"Next I'll play Magician's Copy. Now I select 1 monster on my side and I can bring out up to 2 magicians that are the same level but their effects are negated. So I'll play a pair of Magician of Dark Illusion from my deck." Now Isaac had 3 magicians staring Dash in the face. "Lastly, I'll overlay my two Magician of Dark Illusion. With these two monster, I construct the Overlay Network and Xyz summon Ebon High Magician(2300/2800) in defense mode."

"I'll summon out my U.A. Midfielder and then switch out to play U.A. Playmaker to the field. So now a couple of things happen, my field spell allows me to add another 'U.A.' monster from my deck to my hand. Then all my monsters gain 500 points; so my Dreadnought Dunker now has 4000 attack points and my Playmaker has 3100 attack. Now they've got enough points to take out most of your field, especially when I activate my facedown, U.A. Penalty Box. Now when a 'U.A.' monster battles an opponent's monster, I can banish it till your second end phase. So time to say goodbye to your Dark Magician and Ebon High Magician, attack my athletes!"

"Now I'll play the tuner monster Nitro Synchron, then get ready Dash because I'm about to do a little tune up. I tune my level 2 Nitro Synchron with my Dark Magician; when I use Dark Magician as a synchro material he counts as a level 6 instead of 7. So now I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!"

"Now it's my turn, I turn my level 6 Speedroid Horse Stilts with my Speedroid Red-Eyed dice. I Synchro Summon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" Now it was Dash's turn to have a powerful monster out on her field as her dragon let out a mighty roar as it looked at Isaac.

"I'll set a card facedown; then I'll play this spell Dedication through Light and Darkness. Now I can tribute my Dark Magician and special summon a different monster. Behold as I summon my Dark Magician of Chaos(2800/2500)!"

"Now time to end this, go my monsters attack Isaac. My U.A. Player Manager still has Powered Jersey which means he can attack twice which is more than enough to wipe your field and your monsters."

"Now I'll send Kuriboh from my hand to the grave, so that I take no battle damage this turn! Give me a hand, little buddy!" Isaac slotted Kuriboh in his graveyard and his tiny little monster jumped in front of him as it did its best to keep Isaac safe.

"Thanks for a great duel, Dash. I wouldn't want to end this semester without a bang; so now my magicians attack Rainbow's monster and bring this duel to an end! Here we go!...Triple Dark Magic Attack!"
(End of Flashback)

"That really was an awesome duel. I'm glad Isaac won." stated Rainbow.

"Really now? Cause you're always complainin' bout how you should have won the match?" Applejack had a sly smile on her face.

"Shut up Applejack! I'm just giving Isaac his dues, but yeah, I should have been the victor." gritted Rainbow through her teeth.

"The point is that since coming here, Isaac has all impacted our lives in some shape or form. Fluttershy said it best earlier, if none of us met Isaac then I don't think our lives might have ever been the same." The girls all agreed with Sunset as they all nodded their heads.

"You know, I think I finally understand what Isaac was trying to do. Thanks girls, I really appreciate you'll sharing your stories with me." Twilight then looked outside and saw the sun was about 3/4 in the sky as soon it would set. "I almost lost track of time; sorry girls, but I have to meet Isaac for our lesson." With that Twilight gathered her stuff and waved goodbye to the girls.

"I think she'll like this place." said Sunset.

"No doubt, and as long as Isaac is here, I dare say that she'll have a wonderful time." stated Rainbow.

Isaac was currently standing outside on the soccer field as he waited for Twilight. It didn't take long as Twilight then signaled Isaac to let him know she was here.

"So you made it? Did you do the 'research', I asked you?" Isaac had a sly smile.

"You know me, I love to do research. And yes, I did what you asked." Twilight then gave a smile to Isaac to which he understood what she meant.

"Excellent, now then, ready to begin." Twilight nodded her head and Isaac began their lesson. "I'm not going to beat around the bush, you know a lot more than the people I've tutored in the past. That being said, there's a lot of things you can improve on. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's get back to basics."

"I'm all yours, teacher." said Twilight.

"I'm not one for being called teacher. You just call me by name, but if your so insistent on being formal, then just address me by Teach. Now then the first thing we'll be covering is Fusion Summoning, you know about it right?"

"Of course, but mind explaining it to me?" smiled Twilight.

"Alright, Twi." Isaac then pulled out a couple of cards and showed one to her. "Okay, here. This is Polymerization. This card is the end-all, be-all of Fusion. It's pretty much the foundation. It's what you use to combine monsters together. Got it?"

"I'm with you. And so the required monsters can either be on the field or in my hand, right?"

"Hand or field. That's right. The important thing is that they're all in one or the other. There are exceptions, of course. But you know that." Isaac then showed some more of his cards. "For example, I have this card called Eye of Timaeus, with this it acts as a substitute for Polymerization. However, this card only lets me fusion using either Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl. It's nice to have, but nothing beats the original." From there Isaac spent his time with teaching Twilight all that he knew while she took down notes. Safe to say that Twilight's journey at Canterlot High was off to a great start as not only did she have friends, but she found someone who can help her to understand the true meaning of Duel Monsters. For the rest of the evening till the sun went down, both Isaac and Twilight discussed every single detail about dueling. They even explained their different point of views all while giving each other a smile.

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